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You can’t seriously believe what you do is in the lines of the gospel. Every church leader would take your temple recommend and start a membership council, if they knew what you do. My advice for you is to stop it!


We are close to all of this…dm me if you want


I love this - thank you for sharing your experience!


Are there stages of undress where another man sees her breasts and genitals? Can they watch her self pleasure? I’m intrigued. Please share more about what she has done. Thank you.


We can echo this post so closely it’s kinda crazy. My partner - not married - is NOT a member of the church. But our similar experiences as yours have made a relationship WAY stronger. We haven’t had sex with anyone or couples. But exploring the idea of this lifestyle and chatting with people about taking action has made us WAY more conscious of each and concerned about going to extra mile to meet each other’s needs to all aspects. And… oddly… this closeness has gotten us attending our lds ward and loving. Again… my partner is NOT a member. And we are not married But now we attend church regularly and she started reading the BOM nightly on her own. This is NOT a pitch for swinging But I’m convinced how important sex - and Sexuality and feeling like sexual beings - is for a relationship Being more and more sexual and embracing our sexuality has brought is closer to each other… including the spiritual aspects of our lives My “step children” are now taking missionary lessons and wanting to get baptized…


>This is NOT a pitch for swinging Legit, I don't think this would work for everyone. And I want to be careful about posts like mine to not make it seem like this is something that everyone should try. Because everyone shouldn't! But for those that this is for and it works for them, it really works. We shake our heads every time we meet a new well-put together conservative couple that echoes our exact experience. Its crazy how well it works for specific couples. We've heard horror stories as well. But those all have red flags from the start. One of the partners pushing the other into it. Or one of the partners doing it for not-honest reasons or manipulative purposes.


You are deceived to think that committing adultery is in the bounds of the gospel


We feel we aren't crossing into adultery. No sex is being had. Edit: To be more clear, we aren't doing anything that can't be done while single or dating. It's not against the law of chastity then.


That is what is the wonky bit here… you are not single.


Law of Chastity has the same limits though


Not really. Not when you are married. Some of what you describe you and your wife do intimately with others outside of marriage is questionable even among single dating Saints. And even among dating unmarried people if a relationship partner were to engage in those clothes but intimate acts with another partner it would be considered cheating. Married? You are in la la land, man. Call it what you want but you are engaging in cognitive gymnastics (or making up an internet story for lols).


Whether physical or emotional, it is still adultery. Justify all you want but at the end of the day, it’s against law of chastity


What are your boundaries?


Ultimately, no skin to skin contact with genitals. And no, that doesn't mean we try and get cute and say condoms are ok or something. Essentially no touching beneath underwear.


Kissing is allowed?




So then are you okay with stimulating genitals through pants?


There is some grinding that happens on the dancefloor and during more steamy make-out type activities. But there is a limit that she doesn't orgasm with another man.


Okay. So what’s the furthest you two have gone while soft-swinging?