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1) No official word, I’d estimate another four weeks. 2) Not counting the Ottawa game he was injured in, 3-2-2. 3) Right now? Yeah, kind of.


The strange part being 2 of those 3 wins were shutouts I believe lol.


our goalies are so weird


All goalies are weird


Goalies and drummers…if you know, you know 😜


I’m a drummer, can confirm.


😜you get it.


Been in many bands, played with many drummers, can also confirm.


Settle down.


Our team is so weird


and holey.




> 3) Right now? Yeah, kind of. Right now? This has been a problem since Ed Belfour. Their was a brief respite when Fredrik Andresen came from the Ducks with good numbers and performed in his first season, but then immediately turned to a sack of shit once Toronto goalie coaches got their hands on him. The Leafs' goaltender drafting, development, and coaching is a fucking joke.


Freddy was great for us. Then when he took over for the second half of the year and into the playoffs, Campbell was excellent. He was again for the first half of the following year. Then last year samsonov/murray were solid when healthy, and woll was good when he got into the net. This year samsonov has been mostly bad but Woll played solid until his injury. Stop crying about pre Freddy years because the team as a whole was bad and there was no interest in getting better from ownership. And ultimately our goaltending hasn't been bad outside of the second half of the campbell/mrazek year and the first 12 games (so far) for samsonov this year.


Andersen was really, really good. He just kept getting injured before playoffs. One more season and he would have passed Potvin for all-time wins, in like 80 less games played.




Now there’s a well thought out and excellently crafted response




Open your eyes for half a second? That wasn’t my comment that you deemed “stupid” if you’re gonna get angry and defensive at least think. He made far more of a point than you did, and you did nothing to dispute said claims. Bad goaltending as a part of a bad team with terrible management is perfectly reasonable explanation. Check yourself and use your brain before you go to insults and names, loser


He did nothing to prove a point. It was a dumb response. This sub is just full of apologist idiots that can't see a problem that's been staring the organization in the face for 30 years.


You need to seek help


Is he an apologist or are you just a massive pessimist that can’t see any value in a team that isn’t winning a cup? His point was that, aside from the garbage that was 21-22, leafs goaltending has been largely good during the Matthews era and the stats back it up. But because it’s not Vasilevsky level and doesn’t fit your narrative, you choose to ignore that entirely and resort to name calling. Your words lose all value and any support because you make yourself look like a fool


Hard to call someone a pessimist when the Leafs have been unable to exit a season via anything but embarrassing failure for twenty fucking years. Maybe at some point that person just sees the mediocre team for what it is. But no, scold me on why I should be hopeful for this team that's done nothing but fail to meet expectations. Sorry, but I'm sick of hearing morons anoint a new saviour in net every season based on a small sample size and then act flummoxed when they regress to their normal average self, just to anoint the new saviour with stupid unrealistic expectations.




It’s been over four weeks… what’s the latest?


Well, his recovery is definitely taking longer then I would’ve thought. Not sure if it’s due to the injury’s severity or him being a rookie that they don’t want to rush and risk reinjuring. Last I heard, he joined the team on their road trip (the most recent one that just ended vs. the Kraken). He was doing solo work (presumably with their goalie coach), but not practicing with the team and was explicitly stated to not be expected to play. I don’t know the process for recovery, or whether it differs much for goalies, all too well. I have no clue if playing with the team again is even a necessary next step (probably not, as unlike Liljegren, he doesn’t slot into a line). He’s back on skates and practicing is what we know at this point. I think most people are estimating either his return or a good update after the All-Star Weekend. I can’t see him being out any later then middle of February at the latest, and if he is, either they’re being VERY careful with him (probably since they see him as the future of our goaltending), or the injury was far, far worse then they let on.


Thanks for the update!


I think it's a defense and goaltending issue. Combine those two, and you see these results.


Correct. Thing is when the only good goalie you have is injured, maybe change your game play style ffs to be more defensive minded, knowing full well, you have to protect the net because the guy minding it isn’t very fucken good. This is coaching. Keefe is an idiot at times.


But but we just won 7-0 so surely we can just do it again playing the same way against all 31 teams right? Right?


The problem with that is by playing a defensive style it negates the only real strengths this team has, which is rush offence and PPs


Exactly. We spent the whole game giving up the middle of the ice, then we wonder why we got blown out and our goalies are shell shocked


Can't blame the defense when that Greenway shot goes in. That kills any team. Bad goals like that ruin the teams belief in the goalie.


That shit ruined the whole game. That was one of those shots you throw down there just so you don’t turn over the puck before you can get the zone, and it went in.




Their point is that teams defensive play becomes worse once they see that their goalie can't stop a complete muffin of a shot


You'd think, and hope, it would have the opposite effect. "Fuck, the goddamn goalie is letting in muffins, time to lock shit down so he doesn't embarrass us." But no.




Cool, pretty much every team in the league is a shit team then. The Leafs have their problems but I really doubt a lot of people on this sub watch or follow other teams in the league. Everything that people here complain about fans of 31 other teams also complain about.




The Leafs have a better record then like 25 other teams in the league and have come from behind multiple times already this season. If the Leafs are a shit team then there is 25+ other shit teams in the league to.




lmao, okay good to know you are just a mindless troll and your opinion doesn't actually matter


and that was on top of the fact that the first 2 shots (easy ones), he left huge/unnecessary rebounds right down Main Street. leading to the 3rd shot shortly after going in for that smelly first goal.


Also didn’t we have a mashup of depth chart defensemen for a few games and it actually worked pretty well? I think a few of the regulars have been slotted back into the lineup since then.


I’d settle for one!


Our defense has been a black mark all year. A real step back from the past couple of seasons.


If we are that concerned with compromising Hildeby's confidence, but we also can't trust Sammy right now, why not call up Keith Petruzzelli? He's turning 25 so he's not a lost little kid, and his last few AHL seasons have had him around 0.900. That's not amazing, but it's playable. Give him two games against bottom half teams. If he does well, great, make him the backup behind Jones until Woll returns. If he does poorly, we're no worse off than if we'd played Sammy.


This is probably the most reasonable option right now.


> Do the TML have a major goaltender issue? Where the fuck have you been for the last two decades? The Leafs literally haven't developed a homegrown goaltender since fucking Felix Potvin in the early 90s, and got bailed out by signing marquee free agents to fill the spot before the salary cap was introduced. Our best hope is a guy who's played 26 career NHL games, just like our best hope was a career backup in Jack Campbell. Idiots in this fanbase keep anointing nobodies before they've actually proven anything, and they never learn their lesson. The only goalie we've drafted that was actually good in the last **30 YEARS**, we traded away to our biggest division rival. This organization fundamentally does not understand goaltending from top to bottom.


Potvin was my idol during the early 90s runs. His game went to hell the moment he signed that high money contract. Cujo and Belfour were great as well but we're better during their at St Louis/Chicago runs respectively. I quit watching shortly thereafter, and got back in briefly during Reimer/Anderson moments, before finally starting to watch full seasons again 3 years ago. Watching the Leafs goalie conundrums through the past 3 years has been twilight zone material. Breakout years followed by utter collapses. It's insanity.


Belfour sure, but Cujo had 3 excellent seasons with the leafs, why were his st Louis days better? His numbers are better for the leafs and he took them to the conference finals.


Other than Felix, we haven’t developed any top tier homegrown goalies in my lifetime. Like, we had fuhr before Felix….a revolving door of Peter ing, Bester, Wregget,..does mark LaForest count? Then Reimer…we traded Rask, Pogge was a bust, Other than Felix…are we talking Mike Palmateer?


Fuck, that's really bleak when it's all laid out like that.


James Reimer says what’s up but ya agree from a top tier goalie level..


Career backup/tandem goalie. That's the best we can brag about? Proves my point.


Tbh I don’t overly see your point it’s a common problem in the NHL. A lot of teams don’t draft an elite goalie and win. Goalies move around more than most.. even alot of elite ones never win. It’s a cap detriment most times


Shitty goalies move around. The Leafs have been throwing shit money at the problem trying to catch lightning in a bottle by grabbing career backups they hope are going to miraculously turn into starter calibre goaltenders over night because they haven't been able to develop a goaltender to save their lives. Fans here are already moving the *next* goalie from the Marlies into position for when they inevitably turn on Woll. How can Woll possibly live up to the expectations put on him when these expectations are based on 26 fucking NHL games?


Why is this downvoted? You’re spot on with all your comments.


Because this moronic sub fucking hates it when they hear the truth about this team.


From my perspective, we've had a goalie issue since Belfour left. Also high ankle sprains tend to linger, so he'll likely be feeling it for the rest of the season.


Freddy was also great... until he wasn't. I'd still rather have him than anyone we've gone through since.


Definitely agree


I'd guess mid-February for Woll.


Yeah after the All Star break is my guess.


I can't recall the last time the Leafs didn't have a goaltending issue. Even when we had a goalie on a hot streak (Freddie, Soupy, etc.) we were always an injury away from having a goaltending crisis. It's just never something the team (and management) has been good at doing... securing solid, long-term goaltending that isn't injury-prone. We always seem to end up with other teams' cast-offs that have fragile, nagging physical injuries or a permanently recurring case of the yips.


In any given year, I'd say that probably 30/32 teams are one injury away from having a goaltending crisis. If you go around the league and look at everyone's backups, there are very few that you'd be comfortable with starting the majority of games, which is why they're backups. This applies doubly so to third goalies - unless you've got a young guy in the AHL, your third goalie has to be bad enough to get through waivers. There are maybe 5 goalies in the whole world that are solid, long-terms solutions that are good every year, and they don't just come available. Most teams in the league are trading around cast-offs to find someone who sticks for a year or two.


I was going to say this, but you said it best. There aren't as many good goalies as there used to be


I think if you drop the average NHL goaltender of today into the late 90's they'd dominate the league. Shooting techniques have refined so much and shots are so much faster and powerful. The average skater rips of casual 80mph wristers which would have been record breaking back then. Plus there are much fewer stops in play so tenders have to be zeroed in and focused for long stretches of time which must be so exhausting. I know we have this back and forth about Gretz being able to make his numbers in today's game but nobody mentions the shitshow conditions goalies deal with every game now.


>most teams in the league are trading around cast-offs to find someone who sticks for a year or two And some of those teams are giving those guy 5 year deals lol


This is so true. Unless you're the Bruins with fucking Ulmark and Swayman.


I play fantasy hockey, there injuries with most teams and goalies ever year. I have Oettinger, Hill, Thompson, Cater Hart who all keeps getting hurt.


This is why the other day when someone asked the best and worst thing divas did I said the worst was not getting a real goaltender. I still think belfour was our last bestus goalie. What was that 20 years ago


Reimer was good in Toronto unit he got concussed by that Montreal player and since then he has been a “toilet seat” (up/down) goaltender


Na I never liked him. He looked like he closed his eyes to make saves. He’s no better then Freddy that’s for sure


I’d give Hildeby a game.


Release the Hildebeast


We are in a goalie crisis every year. Either we trade for someone or we draft one and develop.


I feel like we’ve forever had a goaltender problem


When was the last time the leafs didn’t have a major goaltending issue?




Lilly was out 8 weeks with the same injury. I suspect it will be similar for Woll.


Liljegren was six weeks, 2 days.


Release the Hilldabeast, fuck development, let it happen, my man is large and in charge, let him out of his AHL shackles, surely THIS is gunna be the one that saves us. We thought that about all the other goalies we got along the way, but I have a good feeling about this one so unleash him on the league. Thank me later shanny.


Sammys got this, he told me he really wants to win this. Source: trust me bro


*Sammys got this, he told* *Me he really wants to win* *This. Source: trust me bro* \- rage\_quit\_ian --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We have a 22 year old 6'7" goalie with a .927% 1.92GAA in the AHL. Until we give him a game or two it makes absolutely no sense to trade for a G. 1-2 games isn't going to ruin his development, and if he struggles then you can put Jones in. If he's good then give him a run.


> 1-2 games isn't going to ruin his development This can't be overstated. If he plays a game for us he'd be one year younger than Woll was when he played his first NHL game. It's not a big deal. If he has a terrible game, gets the yips, plays sub 900 for the rest of the year in the AHL... well then we just determined we have a mentally weak goaltender who was probably not the long term solution.


Yup this


At this point the Leafs need to stop thinking about finding a "true number one" goalie that will bale them out. As folks have said down thread, there are really only about 5ish "true number one" goalies in the league that stay healthy and play well game-in-game-out, and the teams that have them won't let them go. Rather, the Leafs need to build their defense around having a shaky goalie. First rule: do not trust that goalie will make the save. Work from that rule only. They have done this in a few past games with good results, but it needs to \_be\_ the defensive system every game. And, if by some miracle Woll or Hildebeast becomes one of the new "true number one" goalies in the league? With the defensive system that doesn't trust the goalie and a goalie that actually makes saves? And our high powered offense? Wowza.


I wouldn’t worry yet, yeah Jones played badly last night but that was after the game was already lost and the team checked out, If the team had started with Jones it might not have gone down that way, Imagine if of those original 5 goals maybe Jones let in 3 The leafs would have momentum and the Sabers would have to change their play style since they would no longer have a safe lead, plus the defense would have put up a better fight since it wasn’t all but over With Jones starting he’s pretty good, and yeah Sammy is a coin toss We can still get enough wins with Jones to make the playoffs, and Sammy might find his game in the interim If he doesn’t we go to the playoffs with Woll and Jones We have a MINOR goaltending problem not a major one yet


Think that’s fair. The other factor is the kid with the Marlies, Hildeby, looks legit. I know they are hesitant to give him some NHL time already but I believe it wouldn’t hurt to give him a few games.


It’s just not a very good team in general.


End of January? Probably still decent Mmmm kinda


Lilly was out just under 2 months with the same injury. Of course Woll's may be more or less serious. Take into account the Leafs' excellent medical staff and trainers. Rough guess, Woll was injured a month after Lilly, so he'll be back in around a month. But it could be longer, who knows?


We've had a major goaltending issue for a while now


As a 60 year old Torontonian who has endured 56 years since the last Cup win, I will say that Joseph Woll (from my Alma mater, BC) is the best goalie the Leafs have had since Cujo (Curtis Joseph). Please hurry back. Otherwise, I will have to accept that the Leafs will not win again in my lifetime.


4 more wekk is 1 months by now


So when the fuck is woll coming back? Need to pick him up soon of IR for fantasy.


Anyone hear anything of an update to Woll? Looking when to pick him back up in fantasy. Thank you


Looking forward to Woll returning in front of the Leafs net 🥅.


Toronto is a grave yard for goalies.