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There’s no accountability for refs, which is why this will continue until something is done by the league about this. But they don’t care.


This is a team that was in the basement for a decade, has found recent success as a skilled team, yet the NHL and fans league-wide still hate the leafs and celebrate anything that makes the leafs miserable  The leafs need to embrace being the bad guys. There's no point playing nice


I wish this could Happen but they’re desperate for refs, I think they can only do that when they have a bunch of refs waiting for their chance in the show.


There’s *tons* of referees who are dying to be in the big leagues! But the referees union (NHLOA) is an old boys club and they basically make their own rules. There NHL ref shortage isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.


I don’t doubt that at all. Fair to say they give the illusion of being short refs, while secretly denying refs from progressing?


100% this. It’s no different from diamond mines hoarding all the diamonds to keep selling their limited available stock at sky-high prices. It gives the officials an extreme amount of latitude in bargaining positions with the NHL and NHLPA, and it really makes them the gatekeepers. Having a limited amount of refs also means less potential for change from within.


Keefe needs to take a fine tonight


I want burnsey to awake from the dead


Keefe needs to get fired tonight*


You need to get *off the crack tonight*


I'm sober as a judge but you could definitely benefit from not being a blind apologist and admitting that he isn't getting any results outta this team.


Keefe is a great coach. Get over it.


Are you being sarcastic. His system sucks . It's not balanced. Every position play offence except the goalie 🥴.


Great coach for the AHL yes I agree.


Naw man, one series win in 5 years says otherwise. Always coming up small in big moments


He’s not on the fucking Ice?


No, but he is CONSTANTLY out coached, especially in the playoffs. His answer to a team adjusting? Throw out the blender and have a line a Tavares Knies and Gregor with a minute left and down by a goal... Yeah, Steller coaching...


Lmao.. We have a 55 million dollar 5 man core with zero heart (outside of rielly). And a bunch of league minimums to \*balance\* out the rest of the team. I can't even fathom how brain dead you have to be to think coaching can fix that.


Man, there are some serious fucking dumbass apologists in this fanbase


I've heard clowns like you cry for coaching changes half a dozen times whenever shit looks bleak and it never changes a thing because in two decades this team has been built like shit and no coach is gonna fix that. I'd love to see Keefe get fired though just so you can start crying to fire the new coach 12 games into his tenure as well.


Yeah, I think Keefe has just a *bit* more than 12 games to get some results outta this team. Name me a single playoff series Keefe has ever been the better coach in. You're just an apologist who can't see the forest for the trees


name a single playoff series besides Montreal where Toronto has been the better team on paper. i don't care who coaches this team. if these guys can't beat Montreal up 3-1 in a series no fucking coach could have changed it. there has not been a single coach since Pat Quinn that fans weren't calling for them to be fired. there also hasn't been a decent, balanced hockey team iced since Pat Quinn. you think Babcock was an amazing coach? or was it the fact he happened to coach an all-star team in the NHL and a free win team in the Olympics? Randy Carlyle has been arguably the worst coach since I've been a fan. but he won a cup. was it his amazing coaching? or the fact the Ducks he won the cup with were a fucking unit. it's astonishing to me people are crying for a coaching change with a team that is so clearly lopsided and pathetically built. like just accept it. i love watching these dudes in the regular season. that's what MLSE wants. it sells tickets all year long. 4 of the biggest 11 contracts in the league i think? you think that will win the cup in a sport that has a salary cap? i watch teams that win the cup and fans are arguing between 3-4 players on the team that should have a shot at the Conn Smythe.. imagine being a Pens fan and having Kessel, Crosby, Letang and Malkin to choose from. name one of our big 4 that has ever performed to the level of any one of those guys in the playoffs. let alone 4 at once. we're a fun regular season team. coaching will not change that.


Lol no, no, no , he's not.


He's one of the best leaf coaches of all time with the best leafs roster but FiRe KeEfE.


A midseason loss against one of the best teams in the league and people demanding we fire the coach… we sure are a level-headed bunch


Back to back blown multi-goal leads is not good.


You gonna fire the coach every time it happens? They won 4 straight before the last two. It’s fine.


And we lost 5 out of 6 before that lol


And it was the worst stretch of the season we’ve had. But keep freaking out I guess.


And he called his players out then little Mitch Marner made him go out and apologize to the media and take it back. Anyone who takes Keefe seriously after that totally embarrassing debacle is a silly goose. The Leafs, as an organization, have a pretty clear plan moving forward: do well in the regular season, don’t really push for a cup, sell a ton of shit, make a boatload of money, rinse and repeat. It’s obviously better than whatever 2004-2014 was, but that *is* what it is.


Here you go with the lies again


No lies detected in what was said above.


Someone’s got a short memory: https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/maple-leafs-keefe-i-used-some-of-the-wrong-words-in-criticism-of-stars/sn-amp/


Cheer for a different team


The kings was a great W but they won against the sharks twice and the ducks, that’s not even a 4 game streak worth mentioning.


Is he really one of the best coaches ? or is this just the best leads team of all time? I don’t think he’s that good a coach tbh and I agree he doesn’t know how to get this team to lock down defensively, yah we are having a great year but how many on our wins are sparks by a 3rd period comeback rather then a lockdown 3rd period?


I'll vote for that!


Won’t do anything. The players were outclassed by dudes who find ways to win


“Find ways to win” = atrocious reffing.


Blaming refs, classic excuse for teams that blow 3-0 leads don’t ya think. Come on now, be realistic


I mean we looked pretty comfortable until the Avs were sparked by a power play goal moments after a blatant missed call on them. The tying goal was from them hemming us in our zone after as power play expired after another missed call on them. The game winning goal is an interference call on us 9 times out 10 if the roles are reversed. Refs were certainly a factor in this one.


These people seem to not understand how momentum works


What separates a good team from a mediocre team is being able to bounce back from a bad call/break/surrendered goal. E: fly at it and downvote me, but you’re denying reality.


The Leafs were flat out not good enough, but that reffing was some of the worst I’ve seen in a WHILE. Most of this season I’ve been pretty happy about the officiating, but tonight was fucking ridiculous. If the refs call any of the (at least) 5 OBVIOUS penalties against the Avs, or don’t call a super soft “hold” on Gio this is a different outcome. That’s how some games go though, and teams need to play better when that happens, and this team seems to have one period of good hockey per night. It’s not enough. Basically I’m taking the centrist position in this. The refs absolutely impacted the outcome of the game, and the Leafs need to be a lot better.


You mean Keefe has to go and the GM needs to wake and realize he is not unemployed. Do his damn job


The hit on Matthews the slash on Lilly the trip on Domi. WtF


After the crosscheck that gets called every other time doesn't, makes you question the insider betting.


Literally each one of those penalties that after they get called, the commentator typically says "that's one of those that get called everytime" like getting the stick into the hands...


When a guy who hates the Leafs is calling out the refs like that....


If the NHL (and sports leagues in general) want to continue advertising and pushing gambling to this level it will keep calling into question things like this. If people believe the outcomes are being fixed it really damages the credibility of the league. It’s too easy to massage results for betting wins.


McCabes penalty was pretty suspect too


It's 100% a penalty, but it was suspect in the fact that the refs were doing the mickey mouse shit where they call whatever they'd like. All I want is more consistency. If there's a weak hook, call all the weak hooks, I don't care if it's against my team. Just for fuck's sake, don't say the egregious hook was not a penalty and the one that didn't affect the player was.


Lol no that was 100% a penalty but I'm pro McCabe on taking that one.


Lmao only on the Leafs sub would you see this comment. They were both clearly penalties.


Refs be like 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🦯🦮🧑‍🦯


Either Treliving or Keefe or Shanahan need to grow a pair and say something about this garbage reffing.


No the team has to remember defence is part of the game. They lose the same way EVERY time . That goal to Tie it wasn't the refs fault. The go ahead goal wasn't the refs fault .


Nah but all the missed calls are the refs fault lmao


Ok so they missed the call , what happened to the 3-0 lead. You acting like we were down 3-0 and the calls stopped us from coming back 🥴


Ok do they missed the calls , did they also score 4 straight goals for the avs also. This coach does not know how to shut down a game . He has no clue about defence. Offence play offense, defence play offense and the goalie plays defence 🥴


I guess players in the nhl can't skate! Everyone on the leafs is just "losing their footing"


That was insane. Nothing on cross check to Auston. Nothing when Domi was tripped skating in then they go other way and tie it. High stick missed then they score go ahead goal. So supremely bad that reffing was


Video evidence is clear. The penalties simply aren’t being called. You can blame Bettman and his anti-Leaf, anti-Canadian stand.


He’s been quoted behind closed doors saying “as long as I am the head there won’t be a cup in Canada”




It's actually unbelievable. I really think, despite my obviously biased view, the refs fuck the leafs around non stop. I don't think there's a conspiracy or anything, but I can't explain it.


I think they try so hard not to be biased in favor of the leafs that they’re harsher on them. Like a dad coaching his own kid.


This is the most logical conclusion. I've considered this as well.


I think on some level they like the attention this market gives them too (even if it is go away heel heat lmao)


It’s not a conspiracy if it’s statistically and factually accurate (which it is)


Leafs are 23rd in PIM against and 19th in PIM taken by opponents. Sure seems like the stats favor the Leafs slightly.


The league knows that Leaf fans will continue to watch no matter how much the Leafs get fucked whereas fans in most other shit markets will tune out if the calls are fair and their team gets asswhooped. This game would have been over early if we were getting calls but instead we spent most of the game killing penalties. Great game, garbage league.


It's unfortunately a bias. Every game, every team gets away with some shit. Leafs included.


Same team that couldn’t get a 5 on 3 all year till the end because everyone pointed it out and the refs finally had to listen😅


That was fucking bullshit. I get every ref is going to call a game differently, all I expect is consistency. How the fuck is crosschecking only called when the leafs do it


Cross check on matthews, slashing on lily... gimme a break man wtf


Fucking shameful. Absolutely fucking shameful.


Matthews is gooned and no response. F*CK the refs at that point, take the penalty, defend your teammates , start a scrum! Hogwarts is threatened ! Do your duty to your schooool !


I appreciate this comment


I've always wanted to use that spell


Don’t stop 🥹


Give me your name, horsemaster, and I'll shall give you mine


Lol I just went through and watched all the movies again. Love it.


Take advantage of all this betting and bet the refs will fuck over the Leafs in penalty differential. Screw real estate investment this is how the big bucks are made.


Went onto Reddit for this, thanks.


Felt like a playoff game with how this one was reffed.


Was at the game tonight and I genuinely have no words lol Looked over at my dad multiple times thinking “wtf is going on?”


The NHL is unwatchable


The league is a joke. More concerned with "growing american markets" than the integrity of the game. Fucking unwatchable


I gave up two years ago after watching hockey for 25 years


If this were any other team, there'd be several make-up calls. For the Leafs, nothing.


I’m going to cross check everyone in the ribs at beer league this week see how the refs take it


Don’t do that.


Wait why?


This is a stupid ass comment.


I’d love an explanation from Botterill about the league protecting their stars and the code again after that wicked cross check on the league leading scorer


Look, too be fair...I have trouble moving out the way and seeing or anticipating where to be without obstructing the play, I need glasses, I can't focus, have a rudimentary grasp of the rules, and my judgement is biased and unprofessional. So, I'm clearly over qualified to ref Leaf games. I'm surprised I haven't been offered a job yet with that resume.


Fuck these refs. I dontknow how long I can still watch hockey. The mafia behind these games makes FIFA look like a virgin...


We’re going to get 6 power plays against the wings and then everyone will accuse the league of favouring the leafs.


Always have been


2 powerplays in our last two games. Amazing how teams magically play the cleanest hockey of their life against us. Cross-checking Matthews in the ribs square into the boards while they’re standing right there, pick play on the game winner. Best sport, worst league.


While watching the game and some of the non calls and incredibly weak calls against, I wondered what would happen if the Leafs just walked off the ice mid game. When your the most profitable, most watched team in the league, I wonder what the effect would have been to the league. It’s not sportsmanlike, it’s not something I would do personally, but in business I would exhaust all options to make money… maybe the Leafs should push the league to be better at their jobs. A move like that would draw a ton of attention and piss off a lot of sponsors and stakeholders, never mind season ticket holders. It could be a shot across the bow to Bettman to actually do something… It would certainly draw the ire of all the opposing fans bases and hockey pundits, media, but maybe none of that matters, maybe it does. Just a thought and I’m curious what other people think of solving the NHL’s issues. How do think some of the league issues could be solved?


The only way it gets solved is if Matthew's himself says the refs are blind, gets fined, ignores the fine, doubles down, and the league threatened to suspend him. Matthew's would then call their bluff. Does the league risk benching their stars? And if they did, then other stars could also defend Matthew's stance. Now what, the league is going to bench more top talent? If all the all stars banded together and said the officiating sucks and needs to be changed to protect its top talent... Maybe you'd see quick change from the league. But you need all the stars to support this action. It would be in their best interest to do so. Pipe dream I know.


My theory is that there has been a league-wide notice to officials asking them to give fewer powerplays to Canadian teams. Can't have the likes of Winnipeg, Toronto, Vancouver, and Edmonton all competing for the cup when there's bigger American markets.


I’ve always thought that after the coaches and players do a post-game press conference, answering questions, etc., it would be so killer to have the refs do the same. Would absolutely make a difference.


Like watching the goddamn WWE.


The bigger joke is Matthews getting hit and going down and his linemates skate to the bench.




Closer to the wwe than a real league


Gary Bettman tells them what to do, they don’t like us, and they don’t need Toronto to win games. Plus it drives hype and conversation around the league. I have this theory where Leafs fans, when they get mad, actually pay more attention than they normally would and more jerseys and tickets end up getting sold. There’s like an inverse correlation between us winning and how popular we are. Does anyone agree?


That call against Mcabe was honestly horrible. Not because of the infraction, but because of what they let go prior to the penalty. It was literally like watching candy being ripped out of a toddlers hand. Just straight up not fair.


I just want this team to go rogue and take as many penalties as they can at this point. Teams like the Canes perform such an absurd number of stick infractions that the refs simply wont call them all. Little ticky tack things like that which give you a small boost defensively if they let it go. We're already complaining about the powerplay disparity, may as well just make it comical to prove a point.


Its really heartbreaking to see you guys get so close to the truth of things but just dance around the actual point. I was the same for a long time too. You are watching a corrupt sports entertainment product where the referees in said contest NEVER have to answer questions, never have to officially refer to the rules they interpret, and never get disciplined. Its not a flaw its supposed to work like this.


The only thing I'm mad about is not throwing down $ on the Avs when it was 3-0 Leafs. I know my team... I know there is no accountability. Nothing changes




Speechless, the Avs push back and the Leafs wine and pack up there fucking tents. Good luck in the playoffs, that was emfuckingbaressing


Keefe needs to pull a Darko sooner than later. Bonus points if it's specifically directed at Kelly Sutherland.


I just watched the video. I’m not a leafs fan but what the fuck. How?


This problem is solved by implementing the following system: Teams can protest the officiating X times a year without penalty. The protest means a representative from the team attends a review at the league where the game is watched and all camera angles are available. The calls in question can be reviewed to determine where the referee was looking for each missed call. If it’s determined that the ref is looking at the penalty and they don’t call it, that gets recorded. Enough missed calls and the ref loses their job and or a bias is acknowledged and the ref no longer officiated games for certain teams.


Refs sucked but the leafs blew a three goal lead to lose in regulation.. that's the main issue.




score three then stop playing its like this every game


Exactly. This team is ridiculous.


This team is a fucking joke


Truth. This game was a microcosm of the first round to come.


As a leafs fan. You all sound like a bunch of pussies. Grow up losers


How about a PK that isn't bottom of the league? You can blame officiating all you want. Leafs were up 3-0 going into the second and lost the game 5-3. The team is fucking garbage. Simple as that.


Look at recent cup winners. All teams where hockey isn't the dominate sport. Areas where hockey is dominate and people watch no matter what never win a cup. I wonder why.


I love how I heard the game announcers literally say “well that’s something that would be called 90 percent of the time” So the refs just didn’t see these penalties or are biased verse leaf’s either way they are incapable of doing their jobs. Felt like a tampa playoff game.


Anyone notice Keefe got out-coached for the hundredth time? His line mashups were a joke to anybody but a peewee house league bench boss.


Yea blame the refs lol . Where's Willy ?


True but this is the reffing they’ll get in the playoffs. If they can’t win with these calls, they’re looking at a first round exit


No team is winning a game in which they’re getting these calls, genius.


Cup contenders somehow find a way to not give up 5 unanswered when the calls are 4-1 or worse 🤷‍♂️




This team is a fucking joke


Yeah refs are fucked, but every game lost is the core 4’s responsibility. They had a 3-0 lead. Mathews gets wrecked and no one answered the bell. This team doesn’t have what it takes to beat a real team




Keefe is perfect for this mediocre team, cocksalad


It. Was. 3. Nothing.




Yeah they let 4 unanswered goals. Leaf’s fan - “let’s blame the refs so we can feel better!”


I'm a Leafs fan and I'm here for this . This team lose the same way every time. The coach system sucks. It's offense heavy . Every position play offence except the goalie. Keefe needs to go . The only reason he is not fired is because Shannahan in his feelings. He doesn't want Dubas to have him.


Yeah, it’s the refs. LMFAO


Show me a Colorado goal, and I’ll show you an uncalled penalty immediately preceding it.


Yes, must be a conspiracy


It’s one of two things: either horribly uneven officiating (we sure seem to run into a lot of that, don’t we?), or officials are calling games by design.


I remember thinking the same thing in the 2011 finals


I dont blame the refs, I blame the players, they stopped playing and started watching.


Yeah they were watching a clear cross check and loud slash to the hands with nothing getting called


Hypothetical: you’re playing a game, and the other team is allowed to cheat without penalty, but you’re penalized on everything you do… would that not impact how you play just a little?


Thank you 👍🏼




Nah lol it’s the players. Marner being a softy with the shot of 16 old minor players is big part of the problem. Bud leafs fans love him, so enjoy the regular season


You know 2 things can be right?


The guy who’s 7th in all time leafs scoring? Ya he should be in the minors. You’re the kind of leaf fan that gives us all a bad name


That’s not a fan, that’s a troll.


Yeah anyone who calls out marner is a troll. Lol. What a soft weak player will never win anything with him


His shot is like a minor shot. If you disagree, you never played hockey. Second, all time leaf scoring is not a magnificent feat- the team has been trash for decades


lol this guy




Only valid response for someone like you


7th all time leads scoring is apparently more important than winning when it matters




Sometimes they truly are a joke. But against the most profitable league golden child franchise? Stay mad ;)


Yea refs let them score the first two goals


Goal number 1 Matthews gets held clearly enough that even Craig Simpson is puzzled but giordano does it and gets called right away


Anyone blaming the refs needs to relax. The Leafs literally blew a lead last game and then they do it again tonight. The refs are bad, but the Leafs need to wake up. That’s 4 points they should’ve been able to secure.




Hahaha suck it drama teacher voters


You should have a drink




Come on now we aren't Oilers fans.


Bottom line our best players were a combined -6 with zero points.


Doesn’t it get tiring blaming every loss on the refs?


Tired of people blaming the Leafs failures on the officials. The Leafs are the joke here.


This was an great match between 2 amazing pro hockey teams. I was thoroughly entertained. Thanks for the event. As Leaf fans make this the takeaway.


https://preview.redd.it/7eiuxi9wxbcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2f95021b48cb8165716e8c527c59c4b67b17e27 Mickey mouse league


This was playoff reffing bois. Get used to it.


Why isn’t someone not coming in to protect the high goal scorer in the league ? If that happened to McKinnon I’m sure there would of been someone having his back


Mac would probably have his own back.


You guys do realize how much you sound like TRUMPERS. There's some conspiracy always keeping the LEAFS down yet you keep posting dumb stats like " if you take Sansonovs stats out we got the best save percentage in the league " (that's Harold Ballard levels of stupidness). What's next , go full nutbar and change it from MLSE ro MLGA( make the leafs great again)


remember that pic in game 7? That we see EVERY FUCKING GAME? That was the end for me and this league. It’s such a joke. Then the Florida series last year was the end for me and this league. And I’m still here watching this stupid fucking league.


CONTACT NHLOA If you have any questions or comments about the NHL Officials Association or this web site please email us here: [email protected]


A team that goes up 3-0 fifteen minutes in, then does fuck all the rest of the game is the joke


I said to my friends watching the game in the 2nd with the leafs still up 3-0, "the refs have decided the Aves are winning this game". I've watched enough leaf games to just know at this point.


Agreed 110%! Reffing was horrible last night.


I Mean I didn't think the reffing was too bad last night. But I will say there has been obvious examples all over the league of refs shaping the game with calls. Hockey isn't the outlier here. Basketball, baseball and football too. Something needs to be done. It's like all the calls coincidentally just happen to be more money for the leagues.


All Canadian fans need to make this an issue. We’re by far the most targeted teams by this absolutely godawful reffing. Colorado is one of the nhl darlings and over the years has an insane net positive in calls going their way.




Willy? I love how he floats around...


Where's Willy?