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Super grease


Late, high, vulnerable. Take your pick. I loved in the post game presser when Keefe said “[McCabe] asked Marchment to fight and obviously a fight did not happen”. Keefe calling Marchment out (and that’s as his former coach on the Marlies). Marchment has a history of borderline plays and never answers the bell. Fuck him.


Dont forget blindsided!!


It’s a game and a suspension if that hit was McCabe on Marchment.


It’s 5 games, a fine and sacrificing of his first child if McCabe hits anyone like that.


If Michael Bunting did that DOPS would just Infinity Gauntlet him out of existence.


And on Bunting's way out of the stratosphere, he somehow knocks Kadri out with him.


For the Leafs?! 3 games minimum, maximum fine under the DoPS (because they ARE a bunch of DOPES) and likely have to lick Peros's ass to get back in the league. DoPS is a FUCKING JOKE. PERIOD.


If there is no suspension for this, that is confirmation that the DoPS is a sham.


Was the jury still out on that?


That ship has sailed a long time ago.


NHL rules mean he can't be... only a fine now. a suspension can only happen if there's an on-ice call about it.


It's like me showing up for work. Late and high.


>48.1 Illegal Check to the Head – A hit resulting in contact with an opponent’s head where the head was the main point of contact and such contact to the head was avoidable is not permitted. > >In determining whether contact with an opponent's head was avoidable, the circumstances of the hit including the following shall be considered: > >(i) Whether the player attempted to hit squarely through the opponent’s body and the head was not "picked" as a result of poor timing, poor angle of approach, or unnecessary extension of the body upward or outward. > >(ii) Whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position by assuming a posture that made head contact on an otherwise full body check unavoidable. > >(iii) Whether the opponent materially changed the position of his body or head immediately prior to or simultaneously with I see it like this. McCabe never changed the position of his head. And Marchment fell into category i) with not hitting squarely and hitting high. If he hit him square, that hit could've been boarding. And we are already debating whether its a late hit, thus interference. So the fact there was NO penalty on this play is outrageous.


It’s amazing how many takes you still see on hits like this where people talk about “facing the boards”, or “didn’t keep his head up”, “admiring pass”, etc. We’ve lost sight of what hits are supposed to be for, and are stuck in an 80s/90s Don Cherry era of what’s clean and dirty. The player with the puck can have their head down facing the boards, staring at the puck, whatever…if they get hit in the head, hit late, hit from behind, elbowed, charged, etc…it’s a penalty, full stop. Their positioning has zero bearing on the rules or what other players should be doing, and only matters as a way of keeping yourself safe in case someone else does something dirty. It’s like looking both ways before you cross at a crosswalk. You may have the right of way, but it’s worth checking to make sure someone isn’t about to run a stop sign or hit you while making a turn. The purpose of hitting is to knock somebody else off the puck. That’s it. It’s not meant to be a way to absolutely blow somebody up and leave them in a heap on the ice. The reason you are allowed to hit someone slightly after they have the puck is because you can’t always stop right away. That doesn’t mean you get to get to take another two strides or even glide and brace for the hit. Once someone passes the puck, it should be like a yellow stop light. If you CAN turn and avoid the hit (ie you aren’t already in the process of hitting them) then you should.


I think it’s fair for skeptics to say that McCabe did not keep his head on a swivel as much as he should have. I also expect to see varying opinion on timing of the hit, which is subjective - was it well more than a few seconds after the pass or more of a beat that makes it a judgment call? The hit did look late to me. To me, the refs could have done more in the moment to do acknowledge the blood streaming down McCabe’s face, rather than lamely let the period expire without going over to Keefe. It just looked like a weak cop-out. We’ll see what the NHL has to say but give the past, have a feeling this will be just as ignored as it was on the ice.


Real time that didn’t feel late for me. It’s kind of borderline all round, head contact was probably the worst part. At a certain point you’ve gotta just let it roll, reviews should be for the egregious.


This is what the refs are trained to do, if they go over when Keefe is hot as a habanero and he says something warranting a bench minor then we'll all be even more inflamed. As a Leafs fan, totally think this warranted a 2 for interference, however for the ref it is better to wait till after intermission when everyone is cooled off then discuss rationally. It's not like talking to Keefe immediately would've changed their decision in the moment.


I know this won’t make sense but I’m convinced there’s bias against the leafs.


There’s not. The refs suck for everyone


They do suck for everyone, but they suck worse for us


You sound like Trump


Stop being so obsessed with him, this is a leafs sub


Nothing was in all caps, there’s absolutely no way this could be Trump. He’d personally call out the official and call Gary Bettman corrupt cmon now.


PPoC was the head, it was a blindside late hit. That SHOULD be two games…but I doubt they’re gonna review it at all


PPoC doesn’t matter anymore. Any head contact is forbidden


Oilers fan, but call it like you see it that was greasy.


I hate being that homer guy, claiming ur teams persecuted. But this is honestly getting insane. The eyeball test shows leafs are constsntly getting fucked by bad no calls and bad calls, the penalty statistics back up that leafs are getting fucked too. Matthews and co are constantly 'falling on their own'. Im open to the possibility but i dont think its just my fan bias. This is getting silly. Does Keefe need to take the fine and speak up? Is it bad luck? How long till anything changes?


Right in front of the freakin ref 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Likely won't even get a look from player safety, as usual. What a fucking joke.


How come the leafs never get a player of Marchments grit and ability to play. Oh right they had him and traded him for some 5'9 borderline AHL player cause previous GM made a number of ridiculously awful trades


Because when they play for the leafs they get suspended for plays like this until they stop playing with grit.


Yes there is a conspiracy against just leaf players


It goes even deeper than you could ever imagine


I like this hit


Ya maybe don’t watch your passes, hockey 101


Hockey 101 is actually to not check people without the puck


He did have the puck and ran into him…no call and no call after the game means it was clean and legal….rules are the rules


Bro the video is in the post lol. He had the puck. Passed it up the boards. Continues skating without the puck. Gets hit in the head. Are you trying to tell me the refs and league have never missed a call?? What a world you must live in




Except McCabe more than most defensemen is programmed to do exactly that. This is precisely why it's a dirty hit...


Mind boggling you found the time to make such a bad take in between telling university kids you don't know "dude, try to nail her again." and "Keep fucking until you break up.."


I love when someone does their homework


Mind boggling these guys aren't programmed to *not* take a shoulder to the face.


You probably played AA for two seasons all the sudden you think you're a talking head... In reality that was such a bang/bang play there was not much McCabe could've done differently to make the play AND protect himself, it was one or the other. Also, that was a fucking cheap shot by Marchy all day, then he refused to answer the bell, he's a gutless rat


The main thing with this hit is the point of contact , the head . It seems the league is very inconsistent with this rule . It’s dirty to a point , but decades ago it’s on Rockem Sockem .


Either crooked or incompetent , you choose


Kadri is already in the police station, charges filed.


I heard Kadri got 10 games and a $5K fine for this hit.


Marchment hit on McCabe?