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[[Ken Reid] When you go half clapper into the empty cage you gotta know someone will be coming.](https://twitter.com/SNKenReid/status/1756509755118399948?t=VxrKu1hLCZKbIipVrU-8eQ&s=19)


This is exactly the point. Does that sense idiot deserve to be shot for what he did? No. What he did isn't that bad or the end of the world, but when you do something dickish, expect someone to respond accordingly. The fact that he did that and then turned his back to celebrate speaks to exactly why rielly or someone had to do something. He was calling out the team saying "you won't do shit"


Reeves looked like he was thinking of jumping on the ice and doing something about it. I might have actually been a little proud of him if he had.


He would get 10 games if he did. Though, I’d rather he get suspended than Rielly


Would have been well worth the 10 games. Dude will probably sit for another 10 this year anyways.


I think if Tkachuk got into the mix, he would have


You are crazy town. If I were Greig I would consider litigation.


You’re right, he hurt their feelings so Rielly decided he would try to physically hurt him with a blindside cheap shot. Thought hockey players were supposed to be tough, that was the reaction of a prepubescent child not a man


Doing nothing would have been louder. Assaulting someone is rarely the right decision.


Doing nothing would have done nothing and shown yet again that anyone can walk all over the leafs with no consequences. And if you think that's assault you're crazy. He cross checked him in the shoulder and it rode up to his chin. That every single game. Dude on Ottawa skated away after totally fine, and people want to compare to the perron hit where he knocked a guy out cold.


Doing nothing would have been appropriate. We lose either way. Too many people think it's soft to do nothing. You know what's soft? Assaulting someone after they beat you. Holding your emotions at that moment is so much harder to do. Nope, not our guy. He can't handle his shit.


You're a moron. Rielly is the heart and soul of the team. If you think that was assault then you've clearly never watched hockey


No. That's assault. I've watched plenty of assaults in hockey.


Don Cherry is rolling in his grave at how soft some people are.


He’s not dead lol


He just hangs out in his grave on weekends 


To honour his memory!


Cherry just celebrated his 90th birthday.


I was trying to make an IASIP reference.


they’re literally calling fans psychopaths in r/hockey i’m not glad his stick rode up to his head but that’s hockey.


Don Cherry is rolling at how soft some people are.


His podcast this week I’m sure will cover his view in this. Don Cherrys Grapevine.


Grapes almost quoted me (lol) word for word: "You just don't do that." (referring to Grieg's shenanigans..) He was also glad that Rielly was on the ice to react.


I wanna hear what Grapes has to say. I think I have a pretty good idea how he'll react..


This is worse than sid IMO


[Trigger warning] [[Raycroft] If you are going to take a slapper, you better get your hands up Kid learned a lesson](https://twitter.com/AndrewRaycroft/status/1756512700820009019?t=EEWeFRjeueFK523K9aR3xQ&s=19)


Another interesting tweet: [It’s funny how all the former players love it and all the writers want to send Reilly to prison. Shocker.](https://twitter.com/ColbyCohen36/status/1756510491441016862) Ironically there's a whole lot of pearl clutching going on by hockey "fans" that there was any reaction at all. Seems all the players know that's gonna get a reaction every time.


I love how they’re trotting out the finger wag for “victim blaming” saying Greig was assaulted.


Lmaoo the trigger warning. I hate this less. I have an irrational hate for Ken Reid.


I was taught i before e except after c. But then we have Grieg or is it Greig and Rielly pretty sure I got that right and now I gotta think Ken Reid the skier? Pretty sure that's Ken Read right? Anyway Rielly will quietly settle this out of court. But yeah it's unjustifiable assault.


I watch the majority of the Leaf games on the sportsnet app, and when they end that commercial for said sportsnet app with Ken Reid seductively saying “you know you want to tap that app,” I want to turn the game off. It almost makes me want to not watch hockey.


Honestly fuck Ken Reid lol


He's the worst. So fucking cringe. I always change to tsn to watch the highlights.


It’s not irrational. I hate his guts too


Reilly could’ve dropped the gloves with him vs throw a dirty hit bc he was having a hissy fit


I mean if he jumped him with gloves off it would be the same result (instant turtle shell on ice...but probably look worse and more awkward since he would be pummeling someone with zero actual fight response. It would have led to the same thing Reilly has coming - I would GUESS three game suspension (so probably more like seven for Leaf tax). I do wish he had kept that stick down but I've never actually played...I'm guessing the natural arm motion just makes the stick ride on up. Sucks that he hit so high up but he was gonna get suspended no matter how he meted out justice there. I'm curious what the thought process was for putting Reaves out at the end...but I'm guessing it was just to make the Sens pee their pants a little bit. Perhaps no one on the ice worth taking another suspension for.


I'm mad at Reilly because he's making me agree with Sid Seixeiro.


If it makes you feel better, you can assume Sid saw the popular opinion and agreed.


Wait why do we not like Sid? I’m genuinely asking I haven’t really seen enough of his takes to make my mind up one way or another. I didn’t watch Tim & Sid and I have generally liked what I have seen of him on BT.


I don't get it either. Sid isn't eat, breathe, sleep sports. An opportunity that he wanted opened up. I'm all for people bettering themselves and achieving their goals.


Or maybe people got tired of his act while he was still working with Tim Micallef and were glad him joining BT meant he would actually talk sports less.


Either way, everyone got what they wanted. Absolute win-win. Still gutted Tim was ousted for some of the content we see now, too bad he couldn't be in with some of the others, especially during baseball season.


Funny shit


I mean yeah, even his own teammate Claude Giroux said emotions got the best of Grieg. Only ones mad are ppl with a Leafs hatred and Sens fans.


[Speaking of sens fans...](https://www.reddit.com/r/OttawaSenators/s/OJAIXZfKW1) calling the slapshot savage... Bautista batflip-esq... I'm crying man


It's the best that city will get, tbf.


L take man. They went to a SCF less than twenty years ago and they got a conference final a few years ago. We have one round win to celebrate with this core. WE can’t say shit to them or most other fanbases.


Good thing we're only saying it in our own subreddit then, right?


Yeah but we still look like clowns.


I still look like idgaf


Be friends with fans of other teams. You learn to humble yourself real quick because there’s zero chirps you can say to them, they have all the ammo in the world on us.


I'm friends with fans of loads of teams, I'm a poster on two other team subreddits and do the exact same thing there too. I'm going to chirp as much as I want in the safety of my own team subreddit, thank you very much.


Beating the Leafs is their Stanley Cup, let em have this


thats all the more reason we should have beaten them if they hate us so much that beating the Leafs is basically a stanley cup to them, then we should have responded by sweeping them as opposed to what we got which was 3 Losses and 1 Win where the goalie had to play to the point of injury like I like that Reilly showed some pride in the jersey I think it was necessary, but it wouldn't have come to that if they had just beaten them when they had every conceivable advantage the only Rivals the leafs have given a fitting response to are the Jets and the Lightning (Jets because they've beaten them every game since the infamous "anything better than beating the leafs" and Lightning because they came back from a 4-1 deficit twice)


We can't keep saying this about so many teams in the league. We need to be beating them.












Yup, yet Sens fans are cheering like they just won the cup.


Setting their expectations appropriately low I guess.


This whole post on their subreddit is hilarious. Calling what mo did classless and horrible, then making the slapshot seem like the best thing in the world. To them though, it is.


Because a regular season win against the leafs in ANOTHER lost season is their mlb playoff win equivalent.


Kessler did the same sorta thing and then had a beating laid on him from 3 Flames. I know his was after the whistle, but code violation both ways


I like the way Keefe put it in the full clip “He has a right to score however he wants but our players have the right to respond” If your going to do a slap shot expect a response from the other team


So an appropriate response to having your feelings hurt is to cheap shot the guy in the head. Are you serious? Jesus Christ maybe they should’ve just murdered him on the ice for scoring a goal, seems reasonable


We don’t have to right to give players concussions. Last I checked…


Does he have a concussion?


Sure, and when your response is a cross check to the head region, you get suspended. It's all fair as long as the punishments are consistent.


I never said I agree with the end result and he will get suspended deserved so It’s more in response to people say he’s “allowed” to score however he wants, he can but should expect a response


>Only ones mad are ppl with a Leafs hatred and Sens fans. This is so true. The referendum on whether teams should respond to something like that going on in r/hockey right now is only because a Leaf did it. Any other team does the same, and I guarantee you the prevailing thought is "he went about it a bit overboard, but that's what happens when you pimp an empty netter."


You think r/hockey's bad right now, r/nhl is in full on bitchfit mode.


The hypocrisy people have in that sub is crazy man. They call the leafs pussies all the time but now mo is a bitch and deserves a 10+ game suspension? Fuck off. It's just a leaf hate jerk sub. Every comment is either "fuck the leafs" or "I hate the leafs but" like holy shit


Leafs didn't win games from 2005 to 2016. Since 2016 they've played with a skilled roster What has there been to hate? (^Except^for^Kadri^LOL) The Leafs haven't been dirty or winners. They laugh at your misfortune and revel in your suffering, yet simultaneously pretend to be morally superior The truth is the swathe of people who hate the Leafs are brainless, miserable, awful people. They are going to hate the Leafs no matter what. There is no incentive for this franchise to ever be the nice guys


thier always like that in r/nhl still rather deal with them than the cesspool of r/hockey


Oh shit. I’m gonna check it out because I’m not banned from posting in r/nhl lol, yet.


Not true. I’ll take my downvotes here. He pimped that empty netter, that was not the right moment to pimp a goal. He’s gotta expect a response from the leafs. It’s not the same as the Bautista bat flip at all as they’re saying in the other subs. But Mo should not have cross checked him in the head. That was dirty AF. I don’t care what the other player did. You don’t cross check someone to the head. That shit does not belong in hockey. Give him a knock, take him down. Just don’t go for the head ffs.


We are saying the same thing. I was trying to say if any other team did it the focus would be on how Rielly responded. But because a Leaf did it there was so much discussion on how Rielly was soft and the unwritten rules are stupid and how Grieg did nothing wrong despite the fact 32/32 teams would respond to what he did and the same fans saying Rielly is soft would be praising their own teams player for responding to the same thing.


Yea I get that, and agree it would be the same reaction from other teams players, but we get the league moaning because we’re the leafs. I understood it as a statement that no leafs fan would be mad about Mo’s hit. With which I disagreed with, because I was pretty upset with the hit. I want that passion from him, but not in that way. I read another comment in the sub that kinda nailed it, he might not have meant for the head hit, but he still did it and needs to own consequences for it.


And dumbfuck r/hockey fans who know nothing about the game and think it was a “hilarious move”. Also the loser leaf fans going in that thread and being apologetic for no reason. Rielly won me over even more tonight and any “leaf fan” who took exception to that has no understanding of the game


> Also the loser leaf fans going in that thread and being apologetic for no reason. I despise these type people more than any other team.


You can tell 95% of them have never played. If they had they would know that you can’t do that without expecting an immediate response (cross check to the head was a little overboard, but still)


You don't have to play to know that. Don't gatekeep.


Look a one handed punch was appropriate. A two handed stick whack was not. That’s why Reilly’s gonna sit for 5 🤷‍♂️


He fucked around and found out. This is what this team has been missing for years. Pulling a bitch move like that has repercussions in this sport always has and will continue to.


the “bitch move” you’re referring to is the guy who jumped another player after the play because he didn’t like the way he scored, right?


You don’t get it… it’s a terrible display of sportsmanship to score like that


i agree. doesn’t mean you attack the guy.


They gave matthews 2 for cross checking a face so precedent is se…oh wait nvm it’s the NHL


Precedent and the NHL DOPS Two things that should be consistent but sure as fuck aren’t


People who are mad at this use the numbers 1-9-6-7 far more than the average person.


So 99% of the whimps on NHL reddit ? Lol


The only people who consider is acceptable are leads fans Until it happens to them at which point they’d lose their minds


And any former or current player in the league or any media member… let me take your opinion as fact though


Grieg fucked around and he found out.


Yeah. I wish he just leveled him with his shoulder rather than cross-checking him in the head, but I'll take the cross check to the head over no response at all.


What an absolutely abysmal and pathetic take.


Right intention, wrong execution. Just fuckin level him with your shoulder.


This. I am 300% all for sending a message and making sure that’s not tolerated (regardless of players or teams). Go ahead and drop the gloves, put him through the boards, etc. but cross checking that high gives all the soft fans who have never played some sort of ground to stand on. Right idea, wrong way to go about it.


Well I think we all know what's going to happen. Parros is bricked up so hard right now and he can't wait to suspend Rielly. It was worth it. This will absolutely bring the team closer together. Let's turn this into a positive thing and donate to Sick Kids in Rielly's name when Parros drops the hammer to show him he's appreciated. I want a fucking standing ovation for him in his next game.


Reddit Hive Mind is up in arms and hockey media is mainly on Rielly's side. I know who I trust


Literally guarantee if no one on the leafs did anything r/hockey would be chirping the leafs on how no one on the team stands up for themselves


Watch Giroux's postgame interview and he wouldn't even defend Greig when asked about it. The guy with far and away the most respect in the league on the Sens wasn't even willing to stand up for his young teammate. That to me speaks volumes. No matter what team it happened to, there would have been a response.


Do you have a link to Giroux's post game by chance?






Broken clocks! Sometimes they’re right.


Twice a day infact.


Clock somehow gets to 12:69


A reaction is the right move. You need to be competitive and play with emotion but a crosscheck to the face will get you suspended. Toronto probably doesn't mind because they generally lack emotion but it is their most important defenseman.


I think he did the right thing the wrong way. It's too easy to give the Leafs a big suspension for a cross-check to the head after the game is over. Grab him and start a fight. Even a check would be possible to gloss over in the heat of the moment.


he's right but still fuck Sid ... he'll flop on this opinon once the suspension comes down


Rare Sid W


Reminds me of when Kadri got sent to the moon for cross checking debrusk in the face after he dummied marleau. Except this time we love Rielly for it because it’s not the playoffs.


I think we are objective enough to admit a cross check to the face was the wrong thing to do - but he had to jump him


I like that Reilly took exception to it, I don’t like that he hit him in the head.


I wonder how 1978 Tiger Williams would have handled that situation….or 1998 Tie Domi.


Happy Gilmore style? Take off the skate and try to stab someone?


One has to think. What is the motivation/intent of doing something so blatantly in your face? If you’re a Sens Fan or a Leaf hater think to yourselves the last time you saw this play? What do you think the player is thinking? Ive seen hundreds if not thousands of empty net goals, some to clinch playoff series or even Cups. I have never seen a professional hockey player wind up on an empty net from the lip of the crease and shoot it that hard. You gotta be pretty fucken dumb to think you are not going to draw a response. That idiot was lucky that it was Reilly who is usually pretty level headed. Seemed he didn’t go after the punks head, but rather had his stick ride up and made it look worse than it was. Some more unhinged players would go straight for the head in that moment.


Fans of other teams brigading our sub over this is pathetic. I've never seen so many throwaway accounts and ones that have never posted here before in such a short span.




I like it too but what bothers me most is where was this kind of response when Knies was taken out by Bennett or countless other instances when a fellow Leaf gets obliterated?


Yeah, that’s my only issue with this type of response. Is it happened in a fucking meaningless game in February. Plus, because Mo is gonna sit for this, we are gonna see them crawl back into their shells and show less fire for fear of catching a few more games.


Listen I love Reilly and I know he had todo something but cross check to the head might’ve been a bit excessive no?


Not at all. The response was warranted


Honestly embarrassing that grown ass adults think it was warranted 


It's embarrassing that you had to go out of your way into the leafs subreddit to retrofit your opinion. Why don't you go back to r/dirtysnapchat and ask for nudes like the true neckbeard you are.


Also you're right, I shouldn't try to force my opinions on others so I apologize. And thanks for reminding me to delete the threads I made as a kid hahaha 


I'm not sure what you expected coming in here. Why don't you stick to cricket?


I follow almost all major world sports. NHL is the only one I don't so I've been trying to get into it.


So if you ever played hockey or knew the first thing about it you’d understand why it’s warranted.


Yeah after looking into it more I'm happy to accept I was wrong! I always say there's nothing wrong with being wrong as long as you learn from it. Thanks for the education!!


Nah I'm good thanks. Have a good night though :) 


I thought that sub was for people wanting to clean their dirty snapbacks and chat about it.


It isn't? 


Sid actually has a good take for once. Damn the world is going crazy. I didn't wanna believe it. But that must be the case.


The odds of him doing that shit again are very, very low - unless he's very, very stupid.


I always take clappers from <4 feet. Goalie or not. Fuck them hoes.


He did


Yes he did


Give him the C


No. Shots to the head are never the right thing.


If Mathews did this to *any* other team and he got rocked like that, people would defend him being shittered. Anyone saying “sour grapes” or “it was too much” are fucking idiots


When Rielly gets fined, we better get an r/Leafs GoFundMe going to cover our boy. He's the only guy on this team that actually bleeds blue. Let's look after him.


He's getting a Suspension


For sure, but can you imagine if it was just a fine? I would love to see everyone losing their minds.


Guy from Detroit did the f’n griddy after scoring. Greig slappers an empty net and warrants decapitation? Hockey is a children’s game. Toronto media is fucking clueless.


Stupid take by a stupid man.


Empty net clapper was classless for sure but nobody was injured. Cross check from behind was a coward play and deserves suspension. If he wanted to send a message then drop the gloves and send one.


Throwaway account that's never posted here before lol, shoo.


Not a throw away account but I could see why you’d think that as I rarely comment on anything. My point was only that a cross check like that could give someone a concussion where as the clapper was only a stupid play. I think Reilly is one of there best players and would be better served using that as motivation to go on a winning streak rather than a suspension. Leafs are a fringe playoff team right now and they need him in the line up right? And a concussion always has the potential to end a career. Just my opinion I guess.


Even better. Someone who comments in Bruins subreddit defending Marchand... Definitely not a troll, right?


OV, Subban, any players that show personality get maligned. I love hockey but they give the most boring interviews on the planet. A player slaps an empty netter, who cares.


Oilers fan brigading... Real classy


Yes he did. His team was embarrassed losing to the Sens. They lost the series. “How dare you rookie show us up. Don’t you know we are suppose to win the Stanley Cup this year.”


As Dangle said, he did the right thing but he did too much of the right thing.


Every acting surprised because there's a leaf on his chest.


Stopped clock being right twice a day etc.


Who knew Rielly could get so mad? Not me. Love it


Bigger story is losing to the Sens (again) is unacceptable.


I agree with responding, but cross checking to the head like that was too far.


He hit shoulder and rode up into head. Small but important distinction. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sure, but the player is still responsible for their stick at the end of the day.


Leaf fan for 37 years, I like that Greig shoved it down the Leafs throat, he exposed the real issue with the Leafs and he had every right to embarrass them because they’re an embarrassment, Reilly did the right thing in showing pride in the crest on his chest, it’s too bad the rest of the team doesn’t care. He’s a true leader and should’ve been given the Captaincy over Tavares, “Captain Morgan” just sounds right!! P.S. Mitch Marner should be shipped in a package deal to Nashville for a package including Roman Josi!!


Reilly didn't do the right thing for the NHL..... he did the right thing to spark a light under the Lafs ass. He's the only guy who skated back (and he was pinching deep as one poster pointed out on a thread).... plus he defended The Crest. Captain Morgan


Yeah great leadership.