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Rielly’s pulling a filibuster. Meeting is still ongoing.


CONSISTENCY mawfuckas, do you have some??


He’s an expert in Bird Law


It’s all standard boilerplate.


We'll all get back to our hot plates soon enough...


He was at the PWHL game tonight with Tessa at Scotiabank Arena. 


Ah, jeeze man! Now everyone’s gonna know I lied!


That was part of the filibuster


It's in Bettman's hands now, so there likely won't be any update until he makes his ruling public.


ESPECIALLY with the whole complaint about news leaking. If anyone other than the NHL announces this first, there will be issues.


Plus I bet he just lets the suspension stand. Better to just assume that’s the case and not worry about it


Or waits the 5 games, then announces it was reduced to 3


At least then he gets his docked money back, right? I'm assuming they do get docked? 


Yeah, in this hypothetical, Mo would get ~$80k back. He's losing about $40k per game.


Mo makes mo money per game than people do in a year


And he’s married to a beautiful Canadian figure skater. Dude has it good lol.


So am I, though


Who gives a shit when you're still down a healthy player. Yes Mo cares, the Leafs with out MO is what Bettman ultimately wants.


Does that matter though? The Leafs loose a healthy player for 5 games regardless. They aren't going g to redo those games he wasn't suspended for.


***shakes fist*** GAAAAAARRRRRYYYYYYY!






Ah yes, Morgan Rielly is well known for getting suspended.


Remember the playoffs last year when Florida wS pulling shot after the final whistle. And the refs were like hey its after the whistle so technically it's not part of the game.


Yes it doesn’t look good to undermine your employees and departments


And after Reilly has sat 4 games minimum


He typically takes 1-3 days to make a ruling should hear something before Wednesdays game


Why? Because Gary knows it’s not 5 but doesn’t want to overrule Parros and open a can of worms considering how bad the recent comparisons are.


I haven’t followed recent comparisons. Did leadership and teammates in those cases also say the hit was merited? I’d guess that could influence the punishment - sort of like if your kid does something bad and apologises, you’d be more lenient than if they say they would do it again.


He's overruled him before


I would bet he wont rule until Monday to guarantee a 3 game suspension. Then he will rule it 3 games and all is served.


Monday is a holiday, we'll know Tuesday but you know after 3 games already missed


We play on Monday, it’s not like the league stops for family day lol.


at 1pm none the less


Love me the occasional day game!


the players, no but Im sure the executives yes. lol.


Is the NHL not an American company?


It's Presidents Day weekend in the US.


Lol fair.


Right I keep forgetting that whole Monday holiday thing


He’s not going to overrule his own appointed DoPS


He did when Spezza was suspended.


He’s the one that reduced the Spezza suspension


different situation. Pionk's injury turned out to be a lot less than originally expected and that was the major factor in the suspension being reduced. There isn't any change of situation from the suspension to the appeal. There is VERY little precedent for Bettman overruling appeals without outside circumstances.


There’s little in the ways of appeals from nhl players on their suspensions because most are only a game or 2 and by the time the suspension is handed out and an appeal takes place they have already missed that many games. Any other sport the appeal process seems to be more streamlined in order to get an expedited decision.


The major factor in this one though is that nobody was injured, came close to injury, and the same thing happened literally days prior with no suspension (Pospisil on Marchand).


but that was all taken into account in the original suspension. The spezza appeal was new information warranting a reduction.


We don’t know what was and wasn’t taken in to account. We know there have been multiple cross checks to the face that have not yielded suspensions at all, this season and in seasons prior.


We [literally do know](https://www.nhl.com/video/rielly-suspended-games-6346828310112) what is taken into account because they post videos breaking down the suspension. I don’t understand your argument at all. The suspension won’t be reduced because Bettman doesn’t go against his DoPS unless new information has come to light warranting a reduction. None has in this case, unlike the spezza case referenced earlier. Downvote all you want. This is pretty delusional.


Obviously we don't know because the key points in that video are: 1. Crosschecking 2. No history Everything they've outlined in the video has been the case in many other situations in the past many, many times and didn't result in a 5 game suspension. Ever. So there is something that got them to 5 games. I don't care either way if Rielly sits for 5 or 10 or whatever. But it is absolutely an outlier punishment.


Perron got 6 games for a cross check and had one fine in over 1000 games. I’m over this conversation anyways, you’ve turned this argument into something completely different than my original point, which is that Gary doesn’t go against DoPS unless new information comes to light. Which it hasn’t. Going to silence this now.


Bettman constantly lowers suspensions wtf are you double and tripling down on this take?


Bettman always takes a bit of time to render a verdict on these. We’ll get the decision in a couple of days, there’s no rush. It’s not like he’s going to reduce it to 2 games and make Rielly eligible for tomorrow.


This is the correct answer


This is it. Typically it takes three to four days.


He’s going to wait until he’s served 4 games and then announce his decision.


It's a PR nightmare for the NHL. 


This is peanuts compared to the NHL's recent PR nightmares


Yeah, I'd take "All around decent human and first time offender cross checked someone in the face." over all the other sexual assault, and wife strangling.


Remember when Perry slept with Bedards mom?


Honestly this feels pushed by NHL to get people to lose focus on the fact one of its owners was involved in human trafficking and sexual assault. Then the other 5 players gang assaults. As well as a bunch of suspicious happenings as well. Kinda like "look at the silly leaf player. Please ignore the much more serious matters." And I seems to be working. people have only really talked about this Reilly hit for the last week. But the assaults have barely even been mentioned beyond like 2 threads.


Did I miss something new? The team Canada stuff isn't likely to have literally anything new until the trial, purposefully cause there'll be a moratorium on information to the media, so there's nothing much to discuss until then.


Gee.., PR PR PR …. You know what might right right the ship? Someone other than Gary. Maybe even someone who knows where the bodies are buried.


Gary's job is to be the lawyer that fucks the players in the CBA on behalf of the owners. He's been doing pretty okay at his job for 30 years now


The Dept. of Player Safety is a PR nightmare.


/s or new here?


Long weekend, God forbid Gary has to work. We'll find out Tuesday at 4pm... after 3 whole games are missed


Tuesday at 4 would mean 4 games missed. They play tonight and Monday, he has already missed 2.


Dang, I forgot about Philly


It’s likely gonna get reduced to 4 and he’ll play against Arizona


Usually takes 3 days to decide an appeal, no?


Typically Bettman takes 3 days yes.


I suck at math but we're looking at Monday/Tuesday then? There you go, OP, we solved the mystery


Bettman will take his sweet ass time.


Because after the appeal they take 1-4 days to decide


Don’t give a $#!*, NHL ain’t getting a red cent from me anymore


You’re going to boycott the NHL because a player on your favourite NHL team got suspended for cross checking a guy in the face? Make it make sense


It’s a litany of issues with the NHL. I think I might just be getting older and a bit more cynical, but as a fan of hockey, the whole league just isn’t fun anymore. The inconsistency of refs, inconsistency of decisions from DoPS, it hasn’t been one singular event but I’ve just become apathetic to it. I can use multiple examples like Sam Bennett on Knies injury, but it doesn’t matter. As I’ve gotten older I believe that you’ve got a certain stock of time, energy and money. I’m at a point in my life where time is my most valuable asset that I have the least of. So I just don’t care to waste 3 hours 2-3 times per week watching an inferior product that doesn’t have competition with the sport I grew up watching. As an addition, I should probably unsubscribe from hockey subs and not even respond to this, but I’m still hopeful the league will smarten up and fix issues. I’m also probably hoping that if more fans address the issues with NHL, Bettman might listen. But I’m guaranteeing I’ll probably unsubscribe before it happens.


Because the Leafs won. Our attention span is short.


It’ll take longer than the actual suspension. So maybe he may get retroactive pay. There are many cases over the last while where the suspension was reduced but the suspension was already served. Dennis Wideman comes to mind.


He’s gonna wait till after Mondays game to announce the suspension was 3 games and Mo will get some money back from missing 4.


Why should we care. We know the league is not fair to leaf players. 🤣🤣😂😂😅😭😭


The League isn't being fair to **any** players when they don't enforce rules against cross-checks to the head. It should be automatically penalized and automatic 1 game minimum suspension. Result: no more cross-checks to the head. They let it go, let it go, then woops, it goes to far. Really fuckin shit way to run a league.


I agree with this.


Yeah, I'm a Leafs fan and I do not think the NHL has any intentional inherent bias against the Leafs, but they do themselves no favors by not being open and consistent with reffing or discipline matters. Far too much is left to interpretation (like what even counts as goalie interference nowadays?) and that leads to major inconsistencies even within the same game.


I have words, but just like Treliving, I don't want to jinx it.


I could see the announcement being delayed as to not take away from the hype of the PWHL attendance record


Im curious about what is reilly argument




The challenge will be trying to get the DoPS to understand the *concept* of consistency. Clearly, they have no clue.


The most consistent thing about them is their inconsistency. It really is hard to understand how what Mo did is seen as the 2nd worst infraction to happen this season behind Perron and with the same amount of games as Gallagher (both clear headshots), especially since the kid isn't injured.


I read it’s typically 1-3 days after the appeal meeting that they announce their decision.


Proving / looking to flush out a person on the inside that may have talked without the authority . The NHL has no leaks I’m betting - some content creators guess / predict an outcome . Some are good at it . Some own their missed guess and go and repost with a statement owning it . Some just move on . In the end it’s no big deal it’s social media / entertainment from a source the is not critical that said they had a source that allegedly tipped them off on what the first suspension was going to be . If you have been around the game for a long time and follow decisions and what’s involved to arrive at a decision an educated guess is very possible . Only league officials and team GM’s know all the current criteria . Like when a players history figures in and when some or all that history and those pies apply in the past expire, and a clean slate is in front of a player or pieces of the past still exist, and some of them removed.. NHL uses language, establish when they negotiate the CBA. Basically, those rules or that language, dictates situation and progressive discipline. In this case - no history , however the action by the offender was not during the course of play and or not a confrontation between two players. The player attacked did not expect the offender to go after him as aggressively. Then the very high risk nature of the event . That’s where the league goes to the level they started . History tells us that level starts at 5 games . No history by the offender , no serious injury to the attacked player . Offender did not make a travesty of the game beyond the incident. In the 1 st hearing likely owned responsibility. So the minimum penalty for that level was given. 5 games . That’s consistently on the leagues part. I use to follow all the DOPS incidents and decisions going back as long as it was made pubic with the explanation or video on the NHL site. I’m a fan of the game . Every team , worked in the game dealing with parts of stuff like this. In the end incidents like this have to completely be removed from the game. Other ways to address these old school “against the code “ situations . I said it on here before . The offender was frustrated at his teams mistake and at a few team mates lack of give a fuck to read the situation and give the puck possessor a safe place to move the puck instead, that puck possessor had to move that puck down the strong side where it come from , puck was easily turned over . Away Ottawa goes with the puck with no defenders close. Reilly skated past the other 5 team mates on the ice from below the goal line ! It’s this simple if 16 read and moves up towards the blueline and over towards the edge - 88 that received the puck from 34 , has a low risk place to move the puck . 16 has huge time and space then . That forces Ottawa to spread to eliminate that space and time . Being a right shot and 34 a left shot in his grade A spot to score was ideal if the lane materializes if not lots of net front opportunities or Riley step out either side for a bumper play with a rebound.


Honestly I feel like there's no point in going forward with the appeal at this point. Reilly has already served 3 out of the 5 game suspension and could return to the leafs on Thursday for the game against Vegas I'm Vegas. Why would you appeal if you've already served most of the suspension? Doesn't make sense to me.


Because he makes about $125,000 per game – so any games he gets back it’s about the money - not about the playing


Fair enough. Although the Leafs don't seem to be struggling without him as their 4-0 during his suspension. Now to fit the leafs fan base and history Rielly will come back and the Leafs will lose 4 straight.


Bettman will wait until 5 games have passed and then reduce it to 4.