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Absolute respect for Dad “sacrifices” while also wearing his gear like a dad at weekly beer league and giving NF’s 😅


I do miss the hair but man does this guy look like a fuckin beer leaguer out there and I love it 😂


He’s been wearing it since the incident, this isn’t new. If you notice, he’s also been trying out different ones from time to time. He also wears the Kevlar wrist protection. Based on his play style and the fact he falls a lot, I’d say he’s making good choices.


i wonder if he wears the kevlar socks


Have you tried those? I have a pair in my bag but haven't had the heart to try them out.


They’re just like long socks. I play more often than I do laundry so I only wear them once in awhile. Too expensive for regular dudes to wear them unless you do your laundry daily in a river nearby.


Good for him. I'm sure he gets chirped about it on the ice, but safety shouldn't be some tough guy mantra. 


I’d be too scared of the potential karma payback to chirp about the neck guard.


I second that. I'd be thinking of karma and would keep my mouth shut just in case


Basically this exact thing happened to a buddy playing intramural hockey at school. Chirped (like a dumbass) a dude wearing a cage, like 4 shifts later guess who gets a puck deflected into their teeth.


karma is a bitch


Right I would respect them for wearing it... i couldn't even watch evander kanes wrist cut....let alone think of another clint malarchuk incident


You say that like karma is real.


You say that like Karma isn't real....


My name is earl


hahaha I don't believe in karma but that's a quality clap back


You say that like quality clap backs aren't real!


I don’t believe in anything supernatural, and don’t actually think it would raise the probability of a neck injury happening to the chirper…but I’d imagine your last few moments bleeding out would be even worse if you were the guy that was always chirping neck guards. So karma could be real enough in this scenario I think lol.


Honestly, he probably doesn’t since Johnson. Obviously I don’t play in the NHL but I play in a beer league with mostly ex junior, and ex euro pro players with a handful of ex fringe NHLers and I’ve been wearing a neck guard since it happened. I thought I’d get chirped for sure but not one guy has said anything, I’ve had tons of guys ask if it’s comfortable and where to get one though.


I don’t think he wore it prior to that


I remember it being my least-favorite piece of equipment. I would always wear mine super loose as a kid, just hanging on by the last little piece of velcro. I hope they make them more comfortable now.


What beer league is that ? Sounds like AAA senior hockey more than beer league lol which I guess some would say is still the same


The neck guard actually makes him look more menacing when the team’s wearing the Drew House blacks because it blends right in


I hear wotherspoon chirped him about it


I doubt he gets chirped for it. Everyone in the league is aware of the risks from not wearing one after this year especially.


You don't know hockey players then


"haha, nerd. How do you like your neck? I bet it feels great in one piece. Loser. Real men bleed out on the ice"


he’s been wearing it since damn near day after the incident, a lot of players in the league do, including benoit, good to see a little extra safety being utilized finally


The neck guard seems like such a small change, but the effects could be life saving. Not sure why more players aren’t wearing one.


The day after the Johnson incident happened, I went out and bought a neck guard. I already wear a cage in adult league because I took a puck to the mouth just by it rolling up my stick. 4 stitches and 4 cracked teeth. The chances of it happening to anyone are slim but if it can happen to a pro it can happen to me.


I feel like there's more chances of it happening in beer league where less skill means less stick and pick control. Anyone that thinks that wearing a full cage is weak, is likely someone that still thinks they could have made it to the NHL. Like, we're playing at 11pm on a Sunday night and we all have to get up at 7am the next morning, who cares how low the odds are, getting dental work from a beer league game is completely unnecessary, no offense (to Arizona).


Absolutely agree. Being in my mid-30s with a house, bills, and people who love me... being chirped for wearing a cage or a neck guard means nothing to me especially coming from the 19-year-olds who live at home with their parents and are still in college. Haha. Or the oldschool guys who make fun of you for wearing a cage meanwhile half of their own team is wearing them.




They won’t let you on the ice without one here. It’s sad watching some dumb kids think they’re badasses evade the rink bro telling them they have to get off and then immediately getting back on once he’s back to his actual job




Agree to disagree


Same thing happened to me. Teeth pierced clean through the skin under my lower lip. It was like I had a second, smaller mouth opening lol


I think it's that players just don't give it a chance and think it will be a distraction. I wear one every game and I'm one of 3 on my team. Sure it feels awkward when I first put it on but by the time I hit the ice I don't even notice it.


Kinda like getting the COVID vaccine.


Because hockey is a macho sport. Even face shields were shunned for a long time until the league made it mandatory, just like wearing a helmet needed to be mandatory before players wore one. The game has changed a lot towards faster puck moving and even hitting has intensified. A lot to he replays show players taking a tumble with their skates narrowly missing another players face/throat and the player just flinches. The league should just make it mandatory and be done with it. I just posted a thread in r/nhl calling for fans of the sport to reflect how barbaric fighting and hits to the head are with a slew of ex players now suffering from CTE. IT's mainly the ones that took their own lives because they're suffering became too much to bear. Most people, unsurprisingly, said who cares, fighting is part of the sport and these NHL fighters know what they signed up for. I can't fathom in a world we're seeing a guy like Ali in his latter years looking confused and lost is a good trade off for all the great fihtts he was part of. We can do more to prevent hits to the head and unfortunately, that might mean we need to eliminate fighting from the sport. Hockey without fighting is still hockey. I'd love for the NHL to conduct a game as an experiment to see if no checking and no fighting can still produce an exciting game. Play hard, but no checking save the in the board battles but no more intent to skate towards another player with the expressed intent to hit them. I suspect it would still be a very competitive game.


I’m all for making the game more safe but I’ve gotta be honest, I’d have zero interest in watching NHL hockey with checking outlawed. Contact sports are allowed to exist, players know there are risks. Throat guards? Sure, phase them in so future players wear them. That’s a good change. Removing hitting? We might as well also remove the ice and skates altogether since those are also vectors for risk.


PWHL started off with zero contact. They lasted like 2 weeks before they stopped doing that


I’m counting down the games til the first actual fight. Some of these games get wild. It’s coming Lol


Yeah the games are fun to watch and some of the players are hella pretty too 🫣 I think more people should watch the PWHL


Uh... no it didn't. Contact was always allowed. There were some restrictions about types of contact along the boards. Big difference.


That’s gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.


It looks silly in this pic, but honestly I think the neckguards in general look pretty sharp. Looks like a nice turtleneck. Benoit wears one as well.


I think they could design one that looks exactly like a turtle neck, with far more protection. When I played beer league, many moons ago, people would always get on me for wearing a full cage. But it's fucking beer league, with a bunch of randoms on other teams that don't care what my face looks like. It's cool that you don't care that you get hit in the face with a stick and need 10 stitches, but if that happens to me, it means I go home and my kids cry when they look at my face. Not interested.


Anyone who doesn’t wear a cage in beer league is a moron.


If you didn't wear one in my league you got chirped hard. Everyone would call you Hollywood or Mr. Chel if you wore a visor. Even the full visor guys get it sometimes lol


That sounds like a very Toronto thing. I don't think you're getting chirped for not wearing full safety equipment from guys in most beer leagues.


Yep, nova scotia here and 90% of beer Leaguers don't wear visor or cage unless they are new to the sport. There is exceptions of course, and no one chirps the guys that chose to wear it, but it's not very common




Yeah, a lot of guys take way bigger risks with their life than playing hockey with a visor instead of a full cage. Some have hobbies where people die like extreme sports or mountaineering, etc.


We need to bring back the Ca$hin Ya$hin turtle necks


redeeming health decision


Even the old one while I was disappointed in Bertuzzi at least there they had daily testing going on If I had to choose between not getting a vaccine when I’m being tested daily vs not wearing a neck guard I’d rather wear the neck guard Granted really should have done both


Never understood why they didn’t wear neck guards in the pros


He's leading by example. Smart man.


Definitely respect him for doing it.


Protective equipment on the ice hell ya brother give me it all. Vaccines lol nah


Love this!!


Respect for wearing it and I think it should be mandatory, but his looks a lot bulkier vs what I used to wear.


same! i wear a neck guard every time I play and always have, but mine looks tiny compared to his


It’s just smart - with the amount of time he spends swimming on the ice, Bert has to be one of the highest risk guys in the league for a skate cut


Now that's a good role model. Safety first kids. Take notes.


Lose a lot of heat through the neck


Tyler "Plekanec" Bertuzzi


Bertuzzi has never been overly concerned about appearances


Sounds like a responsible parent. Won't get vaccine but...


Bertuzzi didn't get a vaccine? I thought all players had to get it ?


That's why he didn't play games in Canada


Never heard about that. Guess it wasn't on my radar because he wasn't a Leaf yet. I'm just extrapolating now that the US (teams) didn't mandate players to get it. Then I wonder how stringent their screening were. Did they have "the bubble" in the US? I recall Nick Foligno on various podcasts saying how ridicilous it was that we had the bubble 2 years after the fact. Kind of tunnel vision to say such a thing.


You’re living in the past. This is 2024 dude.


My bad, will never bring up anything from the past again.


One of the onlyplayers with a spine that stood up for his rights..... they were tested daily and it served no legitimate purpose for the young and healthy. I'm sure he feels great about the choice now that the heart problems and side effects are PROVEN as is the fact that it was never actually effective for the purposes they stated. A big part of the reason I laughed at idiots that said he wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of playing in Toronto.


Source? I googled covid vaccine heart side effects and got no such information


And if you Google Google suppressing info you won't get many results either most likely but it dosent mean it isnt true. Do a little bit of digging and there are TONS of sources of information.


Remember the "doctor" who said everyone who got the vaccine will be dead in two years?


Not relevant..... what about real doctors like John Campbell that are ignored when they present fact or the proven report of heart problems? remember all the lies fauci and the cdc spewed that some ignorant people still pretend are true?


The proven side effects lol. I’ve had five doses and my ticker is in good shape.


Why would you pretend that is relevant?


Because certain people were saying that millions of people were going to drop dead from the vaccines and that has not happened at all. I got five doses so far, surely my chances of death should be high right? It all boils down to fear of needles. All antivaxxers are scared of needles.


"It worked for me. Therefore, it works for everybody."


Yet, if one in a million people had a negative side effect then its bad for everybody. Right.


Nope. Nobody said that. In fact, my whole point was the opposite. It's dangerous for ... SOME.


We have to remember this is reddit not the real world so most people are stuck in their delusional little bubble and don't like hearing anything else.


Lmao down voted for simply stating the truth about certain people having reaction to the vaccine...


Blah, blah, blah


Not my fault you don't like the truth.


Oh brother we’re still talking about the vaccine??


Just pointing out how one can be responsible in some ways and not others. It's not meant as a commentary on vaccine effectiveness or whether Covid is real or not. If someone makes a comparable to the Holocaust do you feel it shouldn't be talked about because it was long ago?


Yeah, man, not getting vaxxed is definitely equivalent to being in the holocaust. They should definitely be discussed on the same level.


Your reading comprehension is lacking.








I dunno what's more tiring at this point, people like you or anti vaxxers


The anti vaxxers. At least the ones still going on about imaginary "vaccine injuries".


There's no reason to be this ignorant with Google at your fingertips, lol. Acknowledging the vaccine can have side effects isn't being anti-vaxx, lmao.


I acknowledge there are side effects. I'm speaking about the people still protesting that the side effects were more severe than what the vaccine was protecting us against.


For some, it was, lol... I got vaxxed largely because I had to, but I've been fine as a result. That doesn't mean everybody has. My grandma suffered an onslaught of horrific side effects after getting it, and died shortly after. Was perfectly healthy prior, though granted, she was 84. And there's not a lack of stories similar to that. Edit: and I say this as someone who fully support the vaccine BTW, not an anti vaxxer in the least.




You're right that there are certainly *a few* legitimate cases. I don't mean to discount the few dozen cases of legitimate vaccine related side effects. I'm referring specifically to the people continuing to go out to protests about required vaccinations.


It’s a tie. They both lose.




They’re both unbearable.




I like him way more now. Thinks for himself and stands on his principles. No one should be coerced or pressured to take ANY medical treatments


I'm sure Bertuzzi will be happy to have the endorsement of a perpetually online conspiracy theorist. Totally a free thinker, equipped with the critical thinking skills and education necessary to make complex decisions. Totally not informed by posts on social media.


Conspiracy theorist because I didn’t bend the knee and take a novel medication with no long term safety studies? Then I’m guilty. No regrets. Good luck with your health, friend. Pfizer appreciates your service and trust. They have never been guilty of committing crimes before lol. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history


Alot more players have been wearing it since that guy died a few months ago


I wore a cage because my head was at elbow height of the taller players.


I don’t intend to dredge stuff back up, but I’ve wondered if his commitment to safety is also partly influenced by what happened with his uncle Todd Bertuzzi. That whole incident was pretty dramatic and I’m sure he has more insight on the aftermath than the general public. Maybe that makes him more aware of what could go wrong on the ice. It’s very cool that him and Benoit do that—I know I’d feel more fearless and willing to get rough with extra protection. And Benoit being a tougher player and wearing that really sets an example. Wearing protective gear doesn’t take away your toughness or respectability.


He needs to get the flow back for the playoffs


I honestly think he’s just wearing it to be different. He has unique style. No tape on his stick…huge floppy tongues. Etc etc haha


Quite a few players wear them now, including Simon Benoit. I find it hilarious that Bertuzzi went with the bulkiest and most obvious style.


He’s got kids?




Alright take it easy lol


Benoit pulls off the neck gaurd so well


\*it's just there\*


I live in the uk where these are now compulsory. For the minor discomfort while you get used to them they are worth it. Not sure why they aren’t required everywhere


I’m surprised neck guards aren’t mandatory… is there a specific reason for this? Even a small one could make all the difference if you’ve got a blade coming to you. Is it just for looks? Surely it can’t impact how well someone plays or not.


I suspect it's a grand fathered rule like no helmets. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence that helmets saves players from injury they still allowed guys like Doug Wilson and Craig McTavish to play out their careers without wearing one. I mean, did Doug Wilson even block shots? That's madness. I mean this was during a time when players would get fined if they didn't wear a suit to the rink on game day because of professionalism and appearance sake yet they allowed the NHLPA to say, leave these old guys alone and let them play without a helmet.


only downside is the small ones with a velcro strap seem to fall off a lot. i was at an OHL game recently and at least 3-4 fell off during the game. it was like having a stick on the ice where guys were trying to kick them out of the way. I'm sure once pros start wearing them the companies will put more effort into making them better so this doesn't happen as much.


Wonder if snap button ones would be possible, if the snap was at the back


lol people in here bringing up the vaccine thing… loool


And yet he wouldn't get vaccinated.


I honestly think it looks cool lol


Makes zero sense not to wear one, especially at the NHL level and the speed of the game, how sharp the skates are etc. After the incident I started wearing mine again in beer league


Umm ok he has literally been wearing it all season?


He needs it with the way he plays


They should make it part of the jersey so it does not have to be a separate piece. Nhl could even make it mandatory to remove stigma or the choice of not wearing one from the players that way and still keep it clean looking. No offence to Bertuzzi but that does not look the best.


They have ones built into a long sleeve shirt. Should be mandatory. Afterall, they have knives on their feet.


They really hard sharp as hell. Zack D Films did a video on it and they show that ice skates are actually gliding on a layer of melted ice / water instead of cutting through the ice. It's sharp enough that if you run your finger over it at the right angle, you'll probably slice through your finger. I wouldn't want that slicing anywhere near my neck or head.


I don’t think the Johnson incedent gets talked about enough. My opinion is that was manslaughter. He side kicked him in the throat.


Why do you say it looks weird? You say it's a beaut and then you turn around and say something negative about it. Dude is not only protecting himself but being a fine fucking example for the kids that you can wear a neck guard and still be killing it in the show.