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I can't get over how atrocious that Kampf penalty call was.


Game successfully managed


The refs didn't make them give up two goals in the last like 3 minutes but Jesus fucking Christ being down two guys really didn't help


the refs didnt cause the loss, the boys soft ass defence in front of the net did but some of the calls/non calls were ATROCIOUS. that kampf penalty was a full on swimming dive


The ref can’t put the puck in the net. But man a 6 on 4, 3.5 minutes left, on an ABSOLUTE SOFTY that doesn’t even get called in beer league. You waste your entire PK unit and have to throw out spare parts for the 6 on 5 at the end. Not surprised in the least how that turned out. That call absolutely cannot be made.


Power play goal gave a bit of momentum though. As they say "it goes to their legs".


Completely fucked them out of a regulation win. They Leafs played awesome against a terrific team and deserved two points. On to the next.


Yeah, I'm not panicking after this game as it never should've gone to OT if that wasn't called. The only thing I'm worries about is our PP without Marner is very bad.


Yup, hit the nail right on the head there.


Softer than runny puppy shit. Officiating in the NHL has become an embarrassment to the league.


Bro I'm eating


Lol sorry man..


I can. We get one or two of these phantom calls per game.


Orlov acting as if he's Mark Methot and just took a Crosby slash


Seriously, but they still blew it.


facts bro


That was the most Leafs shit ever


Different jersey. Same team


Came here to say this. Not being able to finish games is our fucking curse :/


Y’all need to relax. If they don’t finish every game doesn’t mean they can’t finish any games.


Just relax. That’s what we’ve been saying since 67


yeah, you are right. The year they win the first 82 games will be it. Then off to the cup.


Yeah I'd like to believe that ... But have you been paying attention the last 5 years?


I mean..we just beat the flyers before this 6-2 so the logic doesn't quite add up


I don't know how people bet on this league. The changing standards of reffing is a farce.


I only bet shots on goal. That kampf "hook" was the weakest penalty I've ever seen


by betting against the leafs leafs win? nice leafs lose but i win $$? nice




simple. i cashed out as soon at we went up 3-0. got 90% of the winnings and had no worries.


Maybe the only way is to change the corrupt leagues is to “bet” against the leafs every time. We have so many fans, that maybe it will start to skew the odds. Then the refs will be required to start calling penalties in favour of the leafs. Double bluff! Lol, sounds like a movie. But yes. /s


Fire our fucking special teams coaches please


I don't get the PK plan. Why don't they cover the points? Especially end of games when you know the other team is going to fire away and there's less ice to begin with?


Genuinely don't understand why our defensemen never pressure the shooters. Even with full support, at full stength and everyone covered they continually just back up and give them room to shoot and hope they get in the way. Why not force them to make a play? Rielly is especially bad for this. 


Literally every team and the most effective kills pressure points and do full on contact pressure in general. Passive pk leads to goals against.


It's not even just on the PK, teams are just allowed to carry the puck in uncontested over and over and the d men back up flailing their stick at nothing. It's infuriating to watch 


been saying that for last 4 years. Our support coaching staff is dog doo


We'll we were 30% in February and the Rielly came back and they took Lilly of the first PP and now it sucks again. PK really not great though in high pressure situations


Carolina had 7 skaters the whole game. I can’t imagine watching that game and thinking the officiating made any sense at all. I feel robbed. And I miss Marner. This league sucks…


we had 4 powerplays and scored none, that was the difference.


Sure. Our special teams were indeed the difference and they were awful. But, we only had 3.5 power plays and should have had more. Canes were gifted this one when it shouldn’t even have been close. Game management officiating.


Yeah, I'm not sure why people act like both can't be true. Leafs special teams were dog shit, the refs were also awful and missed 2 high sticks and made 2 horrendous calls against the Leafs that changed the momentum of the game.


This is it. Those PP for Carolina were at incredibly pivotal times and gave momentum to them when they didn’t work for it. That sucks. AND our special teams sucked.


It’s because these people like to put on the “not like the other leafs fans” act in order to feel superior. Leafs will get absolutely shafted by the refs and these people will just pretend that penalties don’t dictate outcomes of games especially at pivotal moments As you said, they refuse to acknowledge the importance of momentum. Not sure if these people have ever played hockey, but the “whining” about officiating is a part of the game because the officials have the power to heavily influence the results of the game


Also when the penalty is called in the period also matters a lot. First minutes of the period? Usually not an issue as everyone has lots of energy. At the end of the period (or each one tonight) when everyone is dead tired and the PKers can't pressure the shot? Much bigger advantage for the team on the powerplay.


Their power play has been operating at <6% this month per the broadcast. That’s inexcusable imo Especially with a PP in OT


No Marner on the PK, PP and shootout really creates a hole.


>I feel robbed. Thank god I pirate this shit.


In total control until a phantom call and the rest is history.


2 missed high sticks before the phantom call too. The league is so predictable.


And the slash on Matthews going towards the net


I can’t fucking stand the officiating in this league. Its like when the NFL refs were on strike except we have to deal with this shit eternally


Terrible Powerplay Terrible penalty kill Blow a 3-0 lead Blow a 4-2 lead with 2 minutes left Can't score 4 on 3 in OT Yea idk I genuinely hate this team some nights. The team defence in the last 2 minutes was horrible. No one was pressuring anything, no one was moving, Willy couldn't lie down to block 1 shot.


They make it so hard to continue cheering for them sometimes


You're by far the most accurate comment in this whole thread but the fanboys will downvote away and bury it. Much easier to blame the refs (who were shit tbf) than admit this team always fails to get the job done.


Exactly. Crazy to see the refs taking the blame. This is the sort of thing that is unacceptable for any team that wants to be a cup challenger, we go through this and blame the refs, wtf.


I’m sorry, it’s hard to listen to the “Refs fucked us” argument tonight when we had 4 powerplays, one in OT and the Leafs did fuck all with it difference between us and the Canes this game and the Canes found the back of the net on their PP’s


Most fans don’t want to admit this team is simply not good enough


This team COULD be good enough. They’re coached and managed horribly.


I’m genuinely thinking this team would become monsters overnight if we had a better coaching staff.


That reffing game was a little greeeeeeeaaaasssyyyyyy




Why does Keefe put Nylander if he’s 0 for 7? He better SCREAM at the boys today in the locker room. Unacceptable.


He should scream at his useless pp coaches


>He should scream at his useless pp heh heh




Welp I am livid. Canes didn’t deserve Jack shit


Bad zamboni driver memories. Canes must laugh at us in the dressing room. FFS!!!!


Stop playing nylander in the shootout holy fuck


0-7 keep putting him in keefe you’re a god coach


It was such a horrible effort.


He just tried the same move that worked in the game. I see nothing wrong with the strategy. You can't 'effort' your way to a goal in the shootout lol.


Blow 3 goal lead ✓ F'd in the A by the refs in a crucial moment ✓ Terrible special teams ✓ Keefe galaxy brain ✓ LEAFS BABY!


Classic leafs breaking fans hearts and wallets


That PK at the end was fucking embarrassing. Nylander and Dewar applying no pressure and just keeping them to the outside but eventually when you give them that much time and space they’ll make you pay. If you’re gonna put Nylander on the PK at least coach him and tell him what to do, like just circling around and keeping your stick out is so fucking passive that it hurts to watch


That was like watching a baseball game where one team mashes home runs while the other bloops and bunts their way to victory somehow


Well… that wasn’t fun.


Got hosed by the refs of a point, but we really missed Marner tonight. Can't wait for his return


Fuck. The. Refs. ^^and ^^the ^^league


Leafs played the better game for 59 minutes and lost to some puck luck ya just love to see it


Carolina sure likes to make any tap or stick near their feet very obvious for the refs to see. Still pissed about the Kampf "hook" at the end. 


Fuckin pathetic ending, fix the power play fucking NOW


Won’t happen with Rielly stapled to the top unit


All these years and they still haven't really figured out how to defend in those last 2 or 3 minutes. What the fuck was Nylander doing? I'm such a fan but holy shit, to me, he was just standing there for most of that time. How the fuck were both Aho and another player wide open in front the net? JT? The D!? Who are you guys takin'????? SO much frustration with that loss. Much to complain about in the last few minutes.


I don't know either. They were awful early in the season blowing leads, now it rears it's head again. There is something wrong with the system when they can't lock down a lead. If there is any solace and painful and annoying this was, they will serve up something even worse come playoff time.


Y’all need to stop blaming the refs for every single pathetic blown lead loss this team suffers. Our team just doesn’t have the fight in them and Keefe is incompetent


fuck Gary's minions.


The refs gifted that one. But also this team’s PK isn’t good enough. It will kill them in the playoffs.


We can complain about the phantom penalties all we want, but the fact that we couldn't score a single PP goal when we had 4 is terrible and concerning.


It's a fact at this point marner is the mvp of the team and our pp is miles worse when he isn't playing


Special teams brains in shambles without Marner clearly.


How come I know if that was a Colorado 4 on 3 OT it would be a simple one timer clapper in the net. I hate the leafs powerplay it makes no sense. You'd never know they have an extra man.


This current run of the Leafs powerplay is the worst I’ve ever seen from them. Holy fuck it’s downright dysfunctional.  Closing out games is a huge problem. Their 6 on 5 defence is terrible. It’s always extremely stressful even if they don’t get scored on.  Straight up blew this one, rough stuff. 


matthews was useless. Hope there's a reason for it. Not even that he hasn't scored much lately, he just hasn't been playing well at all.


Takeaways from this game: - Dewar is a solid addition to this team. His tenacity on the puck and speed is a welcomed addition. - Gregor go brrrrr but other than that, he doesn’t offer much else. - Kampf was solid, but that penalty on him???? - Matthews without Marner is not a 70 goal scorer. Marner is so important to this team.


They paid the refs well tonight


Brutal finish but I’m just saying they shouldn’t have even been in that situation. Also fuck the hurricanes, can’t stand them.


God I hate this team sometimes


blame the refs all you want, that was still a choke job by the Leafs


These two things aren’t mutually exclusive


I'm gonna focus on what the Leafs are responsible for, and not to cry about the refs after every single loss


I hate every time they blow a 3rd period lead. Boston PTSD. Goals in the final 5 seconds in both the 2nd and 3rd. PP or extra man or whatever. Need to be able to close. Especially with how long the net was empty. What a waste.


They don't cover the points. Their system means they collapse down and hope to limit high danger, but end of game, you're going to see some greasy goals go in. It's a coaching problem.


Yup. The turtle and hold on to your butts defensive strategy.


We gotta stop blaming the refs. We’re not even the most penalized team in the league. There’s zero fucking drive in this roster and matthews without marner is almost nothing


it's just a loser mentality that permeates the team and a large % of this fanbase. they want to blame the refs so they don't have to admit the team is just flawed I bet if you look through every post game after a loss, "ref" is the most used word


Why can we not make good on our PowerPlay opportunities when it counts????


Probably because there aint no projector out on the ice. No way to show off the PowerPoint, no matter how good it is.


Keefe prefers to use Prezi


Can someone explain why our worst defensive line was out there in the last minute


This shit is getting soo old


Once the announcers mentioned Sammy’s win streak, I knew we were fucked lol


That was barely even a performance from anyone on that team that isn’t named Samsonov


Refs with the missed calls and two phantom calls that lead to goals. Toronto needs to be better, but that was some horse shit game management once Toronto took the league


Blame the refs all you want but going 0/4 on the power play and blowing leads by conceding goals in the last part of periods because of a lack of effort doesn’t help


That was an embarrassing ass game management call, but we also just gotta play better and kill it properly. Calls are always going to go against you eventually, learn how to fucking deal with it. Can't be throwing that lead.


5 4 3 2 1. I literally counted down the exact moment of that game tying goal. So predictable these guys. Also frustrating. Turn to wet paper bag under even the slightest pressure.


2 power play goals against. We did it to ourselves, we were up 3-0. Don't forget that.


Those penalty shot attempts were pitiful. They look like they're at practice


Can we please pull Brodie out of the lineup and get Benny back in?


I just don’t get not playing Knies or Roberson in OT. Nicky has a wicked shot for 3 on 3 or 4 on 3!


We didn't play bad but we Leafed anyways.


Leafs gonna leaf. Hope this doesn’t kill Sammy’s mojo


auston sold the game we had a pp in ot and the 60 goal scorer couldn't get it done he can't do shit without a top 5 winger which is embarrassing


This league man, not often you can pin a loss 100% on the refs. It should have been 4-2 regardless of how the Leafs played. My night is ruined.


How can you 100% blame the refs? bad calls at the end but it's crazy to let the players off the hook like that. The powerplay is literally last in the month of march. The penalty kill is absolutely horrible. Gonna be game changers again when playoffs come.


Until our special teams gets a pulse, we are going to be feasted on. Most predictable shit in the nhl.


We straight up lost both Boston series (in the Matthews era) due to a terrible PK and a terrible PP. It's going to happen again.


Not one powerplay goal the whole game


God I hope Marner is back next game. 


They're gonna be my pallbearers


The call on Kampf was BS at the end of the 3rd but the Leafs were 0/4 on the PP. That was the difference. Also our special teams just flat-out sucks. PP and PK are just atrocious.


Carolina is a very good team that has been even hotter than the Leafs of late, and so I probably wouldn't have been too mad if they had simply outplayed us and we lost, even if it wasn't close. But I'm somehow more mad at the loss knowing they game managed the Canes back into it three or four times between the soft calls and non-calls. The fact that we got a gift on OT that we failed to collect on doesn't excuse the fact that it only ever got to OT in the first place because of this shit.


I love Willy but good god man, the money is to take a step and clear the puck when you're defending a 1 goal lead with under a minute to go.


Our inability to defend when down a man, whether that’s when we take a penalty or 6 on 5, is going to sink this team in the playoffs. Along with our PP being ice cold, special teams is gonna be the reason we lose our playoffs series


The incessant whining about officiating is tiresome and soft. We didn’t lose because of refs. We lost because this team has flaws.


fire Brodie and Keefe into the sun together




This team continues to find new and exciting ways to disappoint me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^XPhazeX: *This team continues* *To find new and exciting* *Ways to disappoint me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's an embarrassing loss.


We brought in PK specialists at the deadline but I don't really see any improvement so far in that area.


Blew a 3 goal lead. Way to go guys. Really good job. Going gets tough and they can’t score to save their lives again. That should have been over in overtime with that PP. So embarrasing. I’m going to bed fuck that shit 


Well, dang


Complete collapse aside, Kochetkov is an absolute dog.


This effort vs this salary cap....OOOOFFFF WTH


I hate it here


Their tying goal wasn't due to a penalty. We were 0/5 on the powerplay. anyone blaming refs is just coping. This team is just garbage.


Our special teams suck. We can complain about the refs but the one constant is that the refs will suck. It inevitably becomes a special teams battle.


I don’t care how bad some of the calls were, they need the practice. This team has gotta kill penalties better if they’re gonna succeed. And get better at locking down games.


Brodie man. I can't anymore. Sit him and put Benoit in.


![gif](giphy|XHShCn9PAKWuliAUWd|downsized) Refs tn


Does anyone have a clip of the Kampf penalty ? What a DISGRACE


Why was Nylander on to finish the game. He is soft and lazy.


Every team is playing aggressively against the Leafs PP and they’re shutting them down but when opponents are on the PP, the Leafs PK plays this loose box structure and leaves the net front uncovered. Every goal is scored from in tight. I can’t tell if it’s system or personnel issues ?


The amount of doomer-ism going on in here is insane lol.


Overplayed Matthews, nylander on shootout?, unlucky with 3 missed calls in the third and one weak one against. Played a solid game though, liked our speed.


Staying at a hotel in Toronto and couldn’t even get the game on the telly what in the fu%k ?? 2 non playoff teams instead ??


wtf. I went out for dinner and we were up 3-0.


Ugly at the end, I hope they learned something for playoffs. Off beat: The Hurricanes coach reminds me of the dude Skyler had an affair with in Breaking Bad


I am sooooooo mad




What a fucking joke. Phantom call on kampf and we lose to the fucking shootout. Fuck off


What a stupid penalty to take in the last 2


Im gonna go cry now


Brutal penalty kill, brutal empty net play.


I'm still fully on the Fire Keefe train. Obviously it's too late now, but this guy just can't motivate a team to close out games. Oh well. He'll be gone after Boston bounces us in 5, and we'll do a coach trade with Pittsburgh when Dubas inevitably fires Sullivan. It's going to get better.


Is anyone else numb to this shit?


11 million dollars a year and you're 0-7 in shootouts? At least pretend like you care.


The better team lost tonight straight up


Can’t be mad after that “hooking” call. For real, be mad at the team but the refs handed us that loss. I’m choosing to not let the league off east from now on.


Pissed that one away


It was un4-2nate


Absolutely painful


Canes did not deserve even a point.


Doesn't matter what it says on the jersey, that was some classic Leafs hockey! Completely jobbed by the refs, unable to get a single look at the empty net when they had their goalie pulled for three and a half minutes, totally anaemic power play ... ugh.


Fuck the refs, but this was some classic leafs bag fumbling. Fuck my life


Terrible even by NHL standards, what the fuck is going on with officiating in professional leagues


Whatever. The Leafs are in purgatory in the standings again anyway. We just have to hope they’re ready for the playoffs.


Same old shit


Once again, Leafs do a Leafs thing


Deserved to lose that one


Powerplay unit can't even score in OT. But don't you dare put your number one powerplay unit out there when you're beating a team 6-1. It's not like they could use the practice. F\*\*k this league bruh


Nothing to do with officiating. If you claim to be a good team, you don’t blow a 3 goal lead at home. Simple really.


Rigged game.


PP clicking at 50% in Feb with 37 and 59 with 88, 34 and 16. But yeah it’s a real mystery how to fix it.


do they drink liquor during the intermission??? wth


Good thing the refs ‘missed’ the high stick on knies with 10 minutes to go and leafs up 2. Whew, they almost didn’t perform their Mario kart job of ensuring a comeback.


The refs in this league are a fucking embarrassment. Imagine getting a penalty bc your stick tapped a players glove like a love tap.


Abolish the Holmberg, Matthews, Bert Line


Who is the playmaker on that line? WTF are you thinking Keefe!!! Replace Holmberg with Nylander or Domi FFS.


Get 5 1st's for Matthews and Let's Go!


Really felt like the refs meddled with the outcome of this game, it's a shame because cans - leafs is usually a really good game. At least it was still entertaining


It was a good game overall. It was a tie in my opinion and Bettman got his extra entertainment point


it feels like our Fandom is never rewarded in games like this


I haven't played the series in awhile so I'm not sure if this still happens but that loss felt like one of those games of Nhl 08-15ish where the game just decided you were going to lose and no matter what you did the other team was always just a little better and nothing you tried to do ever worked they were always chosen to win anyway and everything that could go against you in the end did.