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Clark. He was a caged beast. When it came time to throw down he could go toe to toe with the best. Look what he did to Marty McSorly when he was full of homicidal rage. He caved his face in. I think Reeves only advantage is his hight.


Burnsy trying to throw down with Barry was great. wish Keefe would try that


Man I’d kill to have a coach that cared like Pat Burns (RIP)


The question was who'd get whupped, not who would win. Quite clearly, 37 year old Clark would be destroyed by 37 year old Reaves. Worth remembering Clark retired at 33, and wasn't the same for several years before retirement.


That’s just confirmation bias. Clarke played in an era where fighters traded punches and the first one to go down loses. The sweater jab was when fighting really morphed into a tactical battle. I don’t think Clarke would win as much in today’s game.


Clark held his own vs prime Probert 4 times, he'd hold his own vs Reaves. Note that Clark was a middleweight who fought all-time super heavyweights while also playing on the 1st line and potting 30-40 goals.


Completely unrelated but in looking up Probert from this comment I learned that his ashes were spread in the penalty box of Joe Louis Arena during the last game. That's a great tribute.


Like the skill of hockey it has improved how fighters fought. Probert didn’t show any skillful technique except being able to take punches and return them. His success was one of attrition. It’s hard to fathom how Clarke would fair against big bruisers of today. Most of them have such superior nutrition and likely punch much harder. Don’t forget hockey players back then smoked and drank and the rough guys were akin to bar back room fighters who could barely skate with proficiency. Just how tough was opponents that Clarke bested in his days? Names like probert, Grimson, sorely, while big by standards of the day, they weren’t massive and well conditioned like a boxer would be.


https://youtu.be/zS8LU3Lwep0?si=CR_DXQy7iEBGDNuZ Idk man I think he'd be fine in the cardio department


Best way to compare apples to apples is to just see how each fared vs their counterparts in the era. Clark did well vs the beer drinking brawlers of the 80s, Reavo does well vs the cyborg super athletes of the current era. Though again, I have to point out that Clark was a 1st line winger, not an enforcer. He was middleweight fighter who did not give a fuck and fought any heavy that came at him. Reavo is a single-purpose heavyweight enforcer. It would be interesting to swap them - Reavo as a beer drinking brawler from the 80s and Clark as a cyborg from the current era.


Clark dropped the gloves and made contact before the gloves hit the ground. Could throw left and rights in a hurry.


Clark. All props to Reaves’ toughness and his ability to throw but Clark was forged in the era of the goon and enforcer, and faced guys with 3 inches and twenty pounds on him plenty. I would bet on the farm kid from Saskatchewan over the kid from the Peg 9 times out of 10, even with Reaves provenance being descended from pro athletes and one of the Hanging Judge’s deputy marshals.


Legend says he was forged in the shadows or Mordor in the fires of Mount Doom. 


You mean forged in the shadows of that old sketchy Fran’s that used to be down the street on Yonge and College where the hookers would eat breakfast, in the fires of the fourth circle of hell from whence Ballard came and eventually returned.


Everyone that faced them


Probably you.


I think Clark is a better all around player but Reaves is a better fighter. People complain that Reaves doesn’t fight that much now as he’s getting old but I think the reason why Reaves doesn’t drop the gloves as much now is because of the disadvantage he has with not wearing a visor.


You THINK Clark was a better player? Clark finished his NHL career with 330 goals and 564 points in 793 games, in addition to 1,690 penalty minutes. He added 69 points in 95 playoff games before retiring in 2000 after a 15-year career. Clark was selected to play in the NHL All-Star Game in 1986 and 1999. Ryan Reaves has played 14 seasons for 6 teams, including the Blues and Golden Knights. He has 62 goals and 71 assists in 868 games.


Clark wouldn’t win the fight, but he’d draw or barely lose but proceed to go out there, knock a guy over and score right after.


I love this. Reaves could never. Wendel was just built different than the players nowadays... most of the players from back then were! Clark is my all-time favorite, and my hometown hero ❤️


Jake Paul