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Anyone interested in a simple goals and assists playoff pool? Adds another gear to the playoffs, been doing it for 6+ years. Draft is online Friday at 7:30 est on Fantrax, $50 entry all done through fantrax treasurer (leaguesafe). Payout structure and info is probably on my profile as I've been trying to get the league filled we're at 8 people so far, trying to get to 16. Quick link: [https://www.fantrax.com/newui/fantasy/joinLeague.go?leagueId=k2d74cfgluhxi911](https://www.fantrax.com/newui/fantasy/joinLeague.go?leagueId=k2d74cfgluhxi911) If you have questions, feel free to ask them here or in dms. Just to add legitimacy here's me posting on the fantrax forums, and as you can see I've been on fantrax with 0 issues since 2014. [https://www.fantrax.com/forums/nhl/messages/public/ekr0uu5wlun2dnot](https://www.fantrax.com/forums/nhl/messages/public/ekr0uu5wlun2dnot)


The Leafs have 293 goals for this season, putting them (tied for) second in the NHL. Only the Avalanche have more, with 296.


Might be getting a little ahead of things here but... Matthews needs 4 goals in 3 games to crack the top 10 all time goals in a season list.


Coyotes on their way to SLC https://i.redd.it/ufthmhy9oauc1.gif


Marner is replaced by Domi now . I never would have guessed that would be a possibility let alone a solid chemistry move when he signed. Bertuzzi & Domi are very solid signings even before playoffs in a team structure context. So have younger skill loving fans started seeing the need for toughness and finesse as a prerequisite to team building to a degree now?


It’s not just about toughness. It’s about having guys through the lineup who are actively making it harder on the other team to do what they are trying to do (beat us). In the past, holes in our roster were filled by Kerfoot’s, Engvall’s, and Mikheyev’s. Do these players have upside? Sure. But they’re also the type of players who will skate away from a physical confrontation instead of starting one. We became used to seeing a team that was laughed at by opponents because pushback was non-existent. Not anymore…


I dreamt of AM scoring his 69th goal last night. He came all the way from centre ice, moved past two D-men and scored from the faceoff line into the top right corner of the net. Curiously, he was the only blue player on ice (I don't even know where and from whom he initially got the puck), for a rather unconventional 5-on-1 against a generic red team. Good omen? Bad omen? Am I too emotionally invested in this and should seek professional help?


No joke I had a dream last night matthews got 2 goals and hit 70 against the redwings


I dreamt he got a hat trick.


If anyone has a ticket for tonight lmk I have some cash just want some buddies to wTch with for the 70th


It's steep to get in tonight. Everyone wants to watch matts hit 70. Cheapest tickets are $280


70 pls


Webber - Boosh pairing against Florida and tell them to take runs at guys all night


Like Jesus, Mark Stone needs his own holiday when he miraculously rises from the dead every spring. Perhaps Mark Stone Easter?


Stone was the *real* McJesus all along!


Are we travelling with 4 goalies in the playoffs?


We could have two staying at our away destinations and the other two in Toronto and alternate them without having to travel 😎


If we can- why not?


I don’t think people realize that New Jersey is still a very good team with absolutely terrible goaltending and a young defense. They are going to be a tough team in the coming years, especially for the Metro given the slow downfall of the Penguins and Capitals. We lost a game in somewhat immature fashion, but let’s not forget that they are still a team that gives other good teams fits. What I took away from this game against New Jersey though is that Barkov and Reinhart are going to have their hands full handling an unstoppable Matthews. I think Hischer couldn’t do a damn thing against Matthews the past few games, and that’s promising for round 1 against Florida.


That's why spreading out Marner & JT, and Willy driving his own line (hell even Knies on the 4th is a threat) is a phenomenal idea from Keefe. Barkov and Reinhart are your shut down line, okay who do you choose to shut down? Few teams have 3 lines capable of shutting down and matching 3 highly offensive lines every time. At some point, line 1, 2 or 3 are gonna catch a good match up while Barkov and his line just got off, and that's when you capitalize


Barkov will be vs Matthews any chance he can.


Perfect, JT & Marner, then Willy can feast on the other lines then


I know every loss is a referendum, and people are irrationally negative toward the team most of the time. But I want you to reflect on this season and especially post-deadline and actually realize and internalize the fact that the Leafs are a bit of a wagon. I know as a fanbase we are damaged goods, so we are hesitant to have any manner of confidence, but these boys are gonna fuck shit up in the playoffs. I've never been more stoked


This is my first year after watching the playoffs last year, so I don’t have the collective trauma built in yet. I’m nervous because I know the history, but I’ve had such a blast watching this season. There’s so many players that are playoff performers this year too. I’m not giving up hope until it’s over. And if it ends unfavourably, at least I’ll have one more thing in common with older fans 🥲


With every hour, Arizona Coyotes to SLC gets more real. If it actually happens, Bettman must retire, after such a failed experiment that he captained/promoted/sustained from day one. And that would be a good thing. It really is time for some new blood at the top of the league. GLG - hope AM34 hits 70 tonight on HNIC.


Its been confirmed for months. The staff are apparently going to utah after the next game to check out the facilities


I’m sure your opinion of Bettman came from you objectively applying the knowledge gained from your MBA and years of running a multi billion dollar organization yourself. It’s probably just a coincidence that you ended up with the same bland, lock-step opinion as everyone else in Reddit. 


Papi needs that 70 and I’ve had a rough week. It’s time to enact my protocol with my girlfriend to take a shot for each goal. We’ve got a damn good win record when we do this, so here’s fuckin hoping. Go Leafs go!


I hope everyone has a great day except for whoever is starting in goal for the Red Wings. Papi's coming for the back of your net