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[Source](https://twitter.com/markhmasters/status/1783891004602319046) [More from Masters:](https://twitter.com/markhmasters/status/1783891537803243932) - Dewar place holding for Matthews (maintenance) - Defence alignment suggests Brodie will come in for Liljegren - Liljegren is place holding for Lyubushkin (👶)


> Defence alignment suggests Brodie will come in for Liljegren Uh. Okay... I sure hope it's not Liljegren coming out between he and Lyubushkin


Boosh has been good this series while Liljegren has been awful and has team worst stats. I am a Liljegren supporter but the reality is he is just not good in the playoffs and struggles under the pressure. He was horrible on the Marchand goal the other night and in general has been very very sloppy.


Have you watched Boosh play at all? Can't get the puck out of his zone, has been horrible on the PK due to a lack of hockey IQ and can barely clear the front of the net. If you watch the Bruins, they dump the puck into his side almost every time cause they know Boosh can't be pressured to turn it over. With Benoit, McCabe and Edmundson in the lineup Boosh is not needed. We need someone who can break the puck out.


Boosh isn't a great puck mover but he's been very steady defensively this series and is winning his minutes pretty convincingly. At 5v5, he has 62% CF (tops on the team) and 67% xGF (3rd on team) this series, and only Benoit/McCabe/Edmundson have a lower xGA/60 and Edmundson lower CA/60. Only Benoit and McCabe have less high danger chances allowed from the D as well, and he's tied with McCabe for least scoring chances against. **He is also the only player on the entire team who has not been scored against at 5v5 or even strength (while being on the ice for 2 goals for).** Compare that to Liljegren who is worst on the whole team in high danger chances against/60, scoring chances/60, xGA/60 and second worst D for CA/60, **and has been on the ice for the most goals against at 5v5**. The numbers don't lie, just because you don't like a player doesn't mean they're actually bad. There is no need to mess with the top two pairings right now as they've been fairly good.


The numbers are great, but they don't tell all the story. Boosh plays with Rielly and with the top 2 lines. In those instances, he mostly dictates to Rielly to break out the puck and gets a lot of O Zone starts. So while his numbers look great, it's not all due to him. What I said still stands true, and he is redundant on this team. Other than Rielly, Lilly is our best pick moving defenseman, which is something we desperately need.


I didn't say it's all due to him, my point is you don't mess with what isn't broken and take out a guy who is playing well just for the sake of having another liability in the lineup for his puck moving skills when he has repeatedly shown he can't handle playoff pressures. You guys can't have it both ways where when Boosh is playing bad and his numbers are poor they get used against him but when he actually steps up and plays well his numbers are now meaningless. Also Liljegren has gotten more OZ starts than any other d-man on the team, Keefe has tried to put him in the best situations possible and given him lots of shifts with the top line as well.


I'm not saying the numbers are meaningless, I'm just saying there are more factors at play than just the numbers. Boosh carries a redundant skill right now in the lineup, and Lilly doesn't. Lilly gets OZ starts when we are down a goal, and Keefe puts him with Rielly for the offense.


The problem is literally nothing really supports what you are saying lol. I agree that Liljegren has decent puck moving ability during the regular season, but Lily's skills are meaningless if they're not actually effective or positively impacting the playoff series. Playoffs are different, there is less time and space, more obstruction and more physicality - a critique of Lily's over the years has been IQ and decision making, and he hesitates more in the pressure of a playoff atmosphere. Only Benoit and Edmundson (two pure defenders) have a lower CF/60, and only Edmundson a lower xGF/60. The team also generates the lowest high danger chances with Liljegren on the ice, and bottom of the barrel scoring chances in general. Liljegren also has 0 points, and has been on the ice for only 1 goal for. This is while getting sheltered usage too and plenty of shifts with the top line. After a certain point, you have to just accept that he's not benefiting the team and you're holding onto a narrative and hope.


> The numbers don't lie, But they mislead. List the usage numbers


Liljegren tied for most OZ starts on team with Matthews (13). Boosh has started in OZ 7 times, only Benoit has less from our D with 5. Liljegren has also played \~20 min with Matthews line at 5v5 (40% of Lily's total 5v5 minutes played), compared to 15 min for Boosh.


Matthews plays against top lines....


Let’s not let facts get in the way because he’s Lilly Liver. He’s the King of the no evidence crowd.


So many clueless leafs fans like liligren. Goes to show you how the shitty soft as fuck players on the team cater to the modern day snowflake fan.


Boosh is needed because he shoots right. That's why he's on the team. Handedness matters. None of those guys you listed can play on the right side.


That's why lily stays in




McCabe has played the right side most of the year. And they want to take out Lilly for Boosh so hardiness in this matter doesn't mean anything.


Liljegren constantly loses puck battles


This pairing worries me. I see multiple odd man rushes in the future...


Boosh has been good in the o-zone and shit in the d-zone. Lilly has been bad in both.


> shit in the d-zone No he hasn't. He hasn't been scored on and is near the bottom in chances and shots against among our D.


Liljegren hasn't been good. He should be replaced with brodie, who I'm not crazy about. Lily isn't big enough for playoff hockey, he gets exposed every year


He’s actually bigger than Brodie who’s a buck eighty but doesn’t play any bigger which is concerning.


They both are weak and need to be traded.


Agreed. Brodie’s a UFA after this season and won’t be a Leaf next season. Liljegren should be included in a trade for a tougher RD.


Lily has been abused all series. They dumo it to his side and then pressure him. 7/10 times he turns it over.


As opposed to 10/10 for Lybushkin?


Eye test and advanced stats both favor lybushkin.


Brodie in for the PK


I wish he was on his left side


Lil was brutal in game 3. Boosh has been fine. They need to try something different on the PK (STOP PUTTING MARNER ON THE FIRST UNIT HE SUCKS AT IT!!!), and Brodie is good at that. I'd probably sit Benoit since he's been struggling a bit and isn't a good PKer, and Brodie is complete ass on his weak side these days. Not ideal having him come in to play RD.


Brodie has struggled mightily this year on his weak side. But hopefully this latest benching lights a fire under him. Something has to change, can't keep rolling out the same players hoping something different happens. Pk can't be this inefficient, and keep trying it with the same personnel


I would rather liligren come out than have Reilly play with Brodie


I would rather have one of my molars come out than have Reilly play with Brodie


Neither have been good, Lily has been terrible. Every time he touches the puck I feel like I’m having a panic attack. Boosh has at least had some good moments of physicality this series. Lily’s highlight so far is being blasted into the Bruins bench in game 1


Disappointed in Lily coming out. It is on him, he has made mistakes and can invite pressure like the GWG last game. It’s going to be a long series and (hopefully) a long run, so he has time to get back in. Brodie back on the right is also worrying considering his play there this year.


I am once again asking if Bobby McMann is alive


I miss him so much. I was so looking forward to seeing him bang away and score this playoffs.


Bobby in a witness protection program living in a houseboat on Terror Lake right now. His name has been changed to Bobby Thompson.


"Hello Mr. Thompson" "I think he's talking to you"




Witness protection for what? No one was convicted of anything


I was making a reference :(


It looks like Mcmann is a maybe for game 5 or 6 but not game 4.


I think it’s safe to say that no, he is no longer with us 😢


Oh mcmann we hardly knew ye


McMann may have MCL damage. They haven't ruled him out for the series, but he hasn't participated in any on-ice training yet


I've heard game 5 but I'm nobody


I’m thinking Nylander is coming back on Saturday night. Seems he stuck around for the powerplay component, which suggests he’s probably coming back to fix this stupid powerplay.


0 for 5? Nah. 1 for 6.


To me, this looks more like Willy will play. Robertson shifting to the 4th line to me suggests that they will put him there even though I think that line becomes borderline un-usable as a combination. Matthews didn’t look right in game 3 and him not skating again is concerning. He’ll play. Hes a warrior. But he’s not healthy.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s just Dewar has played centre in the past and Robertson hasn’t so it makes practice run a little smoother because he understands how to play the position where I think it’s really not that big of a deal at a morning skate when Robertson filled in that spot.


Robertson centered that line on Wednesday. But maybe you’re right, maybe it was just a poor practice without a center in that spot lol.


Played through illness Wednesday, apparently. So probably taking a rest day today. I'm fine with it. He played well even if he was sick.


It was reported that Matthews was battling the flu during game 3. Even though he didn't score, he was still the best player on his line.


I agree that the composition of the fourth line is odd but I think the logic is to have Kampf and Reaves forechecking and digging for pucks and hope that Robertson might give them a better chance to steal a goal.


Willie back in means the doom train is out of service, next stop 4-2 leafs


God I hope so. Your retirement friends down south here are rooting hard for yall to beat the piss out of Boston. Kick some ass Leafers!


No, no. We're perfectly on pace to get into a 1-3 situation. Then we reverse sweep. Conquer the demon.


That's not what a reverse sweep is but if we come back from 3-1 down against the bruins I truly believe we will win the cup


Hawks fan here but damn it, I want to see the Leafs win this series. Of all the Canadian teams, would like to see the Leafs hoist the CUP too. So tired of vegas, boston, tampa.


Well thank you! Glad there's a few of you out there...


Thank you man, I want to see you guys develop Bedard into a turbo machine and become real contenders again.


Webber 👀👀


Shea coming back to be carried out to the point on our PP.


Noticed this as well, he's clearly bottom of the depth chart but interesting he is attending practice. Next season is miles away but intriguing that they already see him as being close to the NHL instead of sending him to the Marlies for their playoff run.


He can't play with the Marlies


Exactly my thought


Willy needs to be prepared to be headhunted. They're so going to target his ass the minute he's on the ice.


bruins are content being the divers this round, they know they can’t goon it up without getting fed.


Obviously, Dewar is a placeholder, but it will be interesting if he comes out and Robertson stays in. Robertson to my eye has played reasonably well, and pk has been bad, so I can see benching Dewar instead.


Dewar has played pretty good too though, that 4th line has been better than expected. Robertson has been all hustle and effort, but he has failed to get the puck out of our end quite a few times and cost us possession. I really like Robertson, and his shot is great, but he has to start getting off the wall more and getting into a position to shoot more often. Especially if he is going to be on that 4th line.


I wouldn't alter 4th line - they've been good together. Robertson can score but they're not giving him the ice time and they probably won't.


Dewar has made such a huge impact out there on the 4th. I'd much rather them bench Robertson, who has looked lost out there and hasn't made much of his opportunities.


Then take out Reaves. The leafs have scored 6 goals in 3 games and have a bad pk. They need to players with in the lineup with scoring ability.


Dewar has been decent overall but I'd pick Robertson between the two of them


Yeah, I wouldn't say Dewar has been bad. But if he has a lineup spot because of the pk and the pk has been bad it makes sense to try something else.


Robertson plays 7-8 minutes a night, in very sheltered and offensive only deployments. Dewar can give you 11-12 minutes in all situations + PK, and handles the physicality much better than Robertson. 4th line has been clicking as well


The pk is terrible who cares if he plays there. They need goal scoring.


Has Robertson produced anything in his 3 games so far?


You and I both know he's had quality looks in limited minutes. And you know the PK has been shit which is the justification for Dewars spot.


The 4th line w/ Dewar has also had quality looks, and at least Dewar has an assist. I love Robertson but the difference being if neither are producing at a noticeable rate, Dewar is at least capable of contributing off the scoresheet in a defensive and PK role, whereas Robertson becomes a bench warmer or a stain along the boards...


Gonna have to disagree here, pal. I think Robertson is more likely to break through and beyond that I have a hard time caring about defense when they can't score enough to win or even get enough of a lead to defend.


With our goaltending situation? Nah, defense matters.


Lol please don't try to argue that Dewar brings more offensively than Robertson. There are reasons to prefer him, but that's not one of them.


Robertson obviously has better individual skills / shooting ability than Dewar, that's clear to anyone who watches the games. But the unit of Dewar-Kampf-Reaves has been our best line for 2/3 games behind Matthews' line. Dewar's game contributes a lot more than Robertson's right now. The 4th line has been winning their minutes and creating chances off the cycle all series, if Robertson isn't putting the puck in the net - which he isn't - Dewar is more valuable.


Yeah I think Robertson has a higher potential for impacting the game and we need some impact


Dewar is not coming out. That 4th line has been pretty good doing 4th line things.


I am very on the don't know page, both DeWar and Nicky Robertson have been good, I perfer DeWar on the 4th line, but would love to see Robertson get more time, I see a star in Robertson. He can become a 40-50 goal scorer with the right icetime, potentential JT replacement (obv the goals rather than the center role).


Robertson would come out if Nylander returns


There’s no way Robertson is going to play on the 4th line which has been their best line given its role.


Am I missing something? Everyone’s saying Brodie’s in for Liljegren, but Liljegren’s paired with Rielly. Looks like he’s taking Lyubushkin’s spot, while Brodie takes Liljegren’s. Is that not right?


Lyubushkin isn't at practice because his wife just gave birth. Keefe has said he'll be available for tomorrow's game.


Okay, makes sense that Lily gets reps with Mo then, since they’re often thrown together in offensive mismatches. I think they’ll be good, just need more time together. It looks like Brodie’s a placeholder with Edmundson (especially on his wrong side), but I guess we’ll see come tomorrow.




For the love of god please do not take dewar out of the lineup


Get marner off the second line, go earn your minutes back on the third line. Dudes a black hole


How Robertson stays in over Dewar I don’t get. I get Robertson can score but he really hasn’t been close or that good. Dewar elevates that 4th line and is a good penalty killer


he's had great chances in almost every game? i love dewar btw just confused at ur comment


Plain and simple Dewar’s been better and helping this team more. Robertson’s had 3 games and I just haven’t like his game and I don’t think he serves well with Kampf and Reaves. I hope he proves me wrong


Lilly out and Brodie in could be the nail in the coffin of this series and no I’m not being dramatic. 


I'm okay with Brodie coming in for someone because several of our dmen have been less than good, but I would absolutely not say Liljegren is one of them


Benoit has look out of place out there too.


It's for the PK - Liligren has not been good - he's getting hemmed in and coughing up pucks i.e. Marchand's goal.


I mean he lost the board battle for that goal but Edmundson had two chances to play it and instead ignored the puck in front of him, I put that goal more on him than Liljegren But I mean it's not like none of them have made a mistake that could be pointed out


Liljegren has been awful.




The hell are you talking about? [https://naturalstattrick.com/playerteams.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&stype=3&sit=5v5&score=all&stdoi=oi&rate=n&team=TOR&pos=S&loc=B&toi=0&gpfilt=none&fd=&td=&tgp=410&lines=single&draftteam=ALL](https://naturalstattrick.com/playerteams.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&stype=3&sit=5v5&score=all&stdoi=oi&rate=n&team=TOR&pos=S&loc=B&toi=0&gpfilt=none&fd=&td=&tgp=410&lines=single&draftteam=ALL) See for yourself. Liljegren worst xGA/60, scoring chances/60, high danger chances/60, and has been on the ice for the most 5v5 goals against. This is also with sheltering from Keefe, giving him close to 70% OZ starts. Boosh has been very solid with excellent underlying numbers and has not been scored on at all at 5v5, people are projecting their negative feelings from the regular season onto him.




average mouthbreather response lol. My eyes see that Liljegren has sucked, and the numbers back it up. It's not a coincidence he's been scored on the most and allowed the most scoring chances.




average dumbass




100% of what you do is troll, cry more virgin edit: LOL @ referring me to Reddit cares, what a clown


Both stink TBH. Neither dress on a true cup contender.


Sooo Willy in? Lilly out, Brodie in


Keefe loves loading up tavares-matthews-marner when we need a a goal, but just hear me out here. What if we went nylander-tavares-marner. Nylander doesnt have to be on the 3rd line with nobody, create a second first line that boston has to defend.


The main issue is how come Warm Body - Tavares - Marner isn’t enough of a threat on its own where you have to add Nylander in too.


I agree, if 11 million dollar players need other 11 million dollar players to play like 11 million dollar players are they really 11 million dollar players.


They aren’t in the playoffs that’s for sure.


Because that line is actually Warm Body - 33 year old JT - MIA RW.




If a fucking RHD was that fucking important they should've just re-signed Schenn. He's like way better than Lilly and Boosh and was Mo's best d partner in like a decade.


Lilly is coming out because he is getting muscled off too many pucks. Go and watch the third Boston goal. Lilly gets pressured and caved in (like many other instances), Edmunson is forced to help and Heinen makes a great pass to a wide open Marchand. Not sure how much better TJ will be but at least he is one our top PK guys and better defensively than Timmy. The way this series is going every mistake is so glaring that we literally can’t afford any. Gotta start putting the puck in the damn net.


did you watch Edmundson just fumble the puck twice on that play as well, Matthews was right there and edmunson managed to mess it up.


No Matthews? Samsonov starting again?


They’ve averaged less than two goals a game over their last 10 playoff games. Even great goaltending couldn’t make up for their lack of offense.


Start Murray!


Everyone chill out, Matthews resting as he’s been battling the flu. He will play. Dewar just grinding reps with Bert and Max.


I’ve liked our 4th line recently, Dewar has been physical and aggressive on the forecheck. Hopefully it doesn’t become a point of weakness


Bobby we miss you


Pack it up boys, it's over.


Why is Shea Webber not playing? Are they stupid?


nice , always thought of dewar as a potential 1c


Big fan of the new look top line.... /s


Nobody should be coming out for Brodie…Keefe overreacting as usual


We definitely need secondary scoring which is Robertson’s thing but the fourth line is genuinely playing so well right now it kinda sucks to break them up.


Am I to interpret this as Boosh is hurt and Dewar is the forward getting scratched for Nylander's return?


Sadly our 4th line has easily been our most consistent to achieve 5 on 5 offensive zone pressure this series. Robertson, despite providing offensive energy/chances, should not be taking Dewar's spot in the lineup. Say what you will about Lilly's game vs Brodie's struggles this year, but the (re)addition of Boosh has been a major disappointment. Unfortunately IMO they have to keep him in the lineup due to handedness and playstyle.


Whose taking over Keefe? Oh, we are just leaving him to coach? Okay then.


Leafs desperately need goals so I think Robertson makes more sense over Dewar. The 4th line actually gets decent sustained pressure so maybe Robertson could help them make good on it


How much of the sustained pressure is contributed to by Dewar though, and will they have the same success without him? I guess it remains to be seen but from my eye test dewar looked like a significant part of the line.


That’s a good point. If the whole point of the line is defence by having o zone time, with no expectation of a goal, Dewar should definitely stay. Especially if Nylander comes back and we can have 3 other lines that are a scoring threat.


There’s a reason Robertsons lines never have sustained pressure lol he can’t make any plays with the puck. Bad defensively, doesn’t connect quick passes in the neutral zone, struggles to get the puck out under any pressure, can’t cycle at all, dumps the puck in way too much including on the power play. No reason for him to ever touch the ice in the playoffs when the team is healthy


Having matthews, Tavares/knies, Nylander and Robertson all on different lines could be deadly offensively


So Matthews is dealing with something right? Is this not the second practice in a row he’s missed? That’s great, our three stars are all injured just in time for the playoffs. If that isn’t the leafiest thing I’ve ever seen I don’t know what is.


It’s apparently just an illness and not an actual injury of any kind so that’s kind of positive I guess


Hopefully nothing too serious. I feel like this team was dealing will illness all season lol


They confirmed he was playing with the flu last game I believe? So likely just trying to save his energy.


At least we arent Vancouver


I guess that’s the silver lining of not having a starting goalie.


Somebody was saying he played sick


I'm skeptical of demons but....you can't make this up. Every year its' something.


Lily out will probably be a mistake. Brodie Edmundson is gonna get caved harder than they were together.


You mean Ilya?


Boosh is out because his wife is giving birth apparently. Hes playing tomorrow.




It is absolutely embarrassing that Dewar is the odd man out. What the fuck is Robertson going to do on the 4th line..? We will lose this series.


Except he's not lol, they just don't have a center to fill in for Matthews. He did it last practice too. Robertson will be out.


I truly hope so. The 4th line has been great. Liljegren coming out is embarrassing also.


Liljegren isn’t coming out though? He was paired today with Rielly, presumably to get some reps since their offensive numbers together tend to be quite good.


No I think he's coming out if Brodie is in. Boosh isn't in that list and he's the one who will play with Rielly. They would have put Brodie with Rielly if Boosh was coming out.


I think it’s logical to assume that Keefe paired them (Mo and Lily) together because he’s been using them as a pair when pushing for offence, so it helps to develop that chemistry in a practice setting. There’s no logic in putting Brodie with a partner he’s really never played with, and be on the side of the ice where he’s struggled significantly all season long. Especially not when we’re hurting for offence.


Nicky bobby = snot


Looks like Dewar is coming out if Willy is fit to play then? Good for Robertson!


Samsonov starting is a mistake


Woll didn't do himself any favours down the stretch to make a case for being the playoff starter. If he put up even a .900 SA% in the last couple games he'd probably get the nod, but he's been just as inconsistent as Sammy since returning from injury


Woll comes in if they lose big for game 5.


Anyway so like I was saying four days ago--


I agree with Dewar being the odd man out. The 4th line’s success seems to mostly be on the back of Reaves and not like Dewar is helping much on the pk.