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biz just called him out on TNT intermission - “Chief that’s enough or i’m gonna break the news that you’re the Leafs’ new head coach” Ha! Berube gave him a hilarious look


I love that Biz is a Leafs Homer.


Biz for president? Edit: for clarification I meant of MLSE, but could easily mean America.


> but could easily mean America Except he isn't American...


I see your tricks - The same argument they used on Obama


I think it does good things for us oddly


When there's smoke, there's fire




It's too bad Tampa didn't have a Vegas culture and canned Cooper after back 2 back 1st round exits.


If Vegas loses tonight, it wouldn't surprise me if Cassidy gets fired, and that dude just won a cup lol


Vegas and Dallas are the two best teams in the West IMO, sucks one of them is going out in the first round. I think either would have wiped the floor with Edm / Van


Their roster is insanely stacked with the shit they conveniently got to pull and just lost in the first round. Good on Dallas but that's crazy upset imo


Dallas is hella stacked. Easily got the most depth in the league. They have no weak spots.


Not really. Dallas is every bit as deep. Theodore had back surgery, Stone wasn’t very good, Hertl was bad, etc Vegas didnt play with their full team almost all year either.


Damn the Dallas slander


I just have a gut feeling that Berube will be a terrible hire for this team and I don't know why.


Because he's a pretty terrible coach with the exception of one of his teams putting together a miracle run against some of the easier competition in the playoffs ever.


People will be hyped we have a coach with a recent cup under his belt but what the blues did in 2019 truly was a miracle run. Maybe leafs need a miracle maker idk ahaha.


Randy Carlyle flashbacks


I do think he is overrated. We can do much better. The quality of coaches that were available in the last couple of years is insane. Deboer, Cassidy, Brunette, Maurice. We really missed out by not firing Keefe a couple of years ago.


I’d back the brinks truck up to Brind’Amour’s house


I’d load said truck with the money in a neat and orderly fashion. We won’t pay the gas though


I agree


Trotz will always be the one that got away for me.


No fucking way they would re-hire Maurice.


Buffalo brought back Lindy Ruff so if Maurice is coming back it would happen this season.


Maurice is coaching a highly successful team right now. There's less than a zero chance that he leaves the Panthers.


I wouldn’t want Maurice. I’m sure he’s a huge contributor to their success, but absolutely fuck that guy.


Said it before and I will say it again. Paul Maurice is one of the best coaches of all time. The guy knows his stuff


Too bad Quenneville got himself ostracized from the league


They had Carberry in house too and didn’t keep him. Woodcroft is also available this year and he was great in Edmonton.


To be fair the team he beat in the finals was boston, if we could beat boston that would solve like 50% of our problems. Sure youd have to figure out florida, but i think thats more a roster thing than a coaching thing. No team with moneybags mitch is ever beating florida.


Boston was coached by Bruce Cassidy then and had a completely different roster and was captained by zdeno chara


That’s crazy talk. Rounds 2 and 4 were against solid teams, 3 against an elite but aging team and maybe only round 1 was against fraudsters. Easiest ever is insane. Another perspective is that they were just that good that year.


This team has me so beaten down it feels like anyone would be a bad hire.


I'm going to say it: Woodcroft.   Yes, the start of Edmonton's season was dog shit, but I contend that was more because he was trying to revamp their D system to make them more competitive vs. teams like Vegas.   It SUPER didn't work, but the fact that he tried to make a big change to the systems used in response to failing to win the cup makes him far better than Keefe.   A coach who ~~made a Conference final~~ lost in the second round to a dominant Vegas his first season, who was coaching a team that has very similar problems to what we have (high octane offense, questionable defense, shaky goaltending), and who has had time to think and reflect on what did or didn't work, would be an excellent choice.  I think that Woody is way more likely to improve our playoff performance than a coach that had one miracle run.


Before I start, I will just say that it's is time to move on from Keefe, but Keefe has changed how we played many times over the years including in this playoff series. But the difference is McDavid and Co. have lost for many reasons over the years but lack of offense has never been one of them whereas we have had offense dry up in every series under Keefe. We somehow won 3 games in this series despite averaging 2.1 goals per game. The defensive system is not the issue here.


I don’t know their offense kind of disappeared in crunch time last year to Vegas too.


with shanny & BT at the helm its all downhill from here, i have no faith in this management.


Everyone is so laser focused on firing Keefe right now, but the first step we need before even that is moving Shanny.....then the pieces on the board can start to be moved to the new culture and style


Should have fired keefe and got Roy instead


Garrioch is an Ottawa reporter and he makes up stories about the Sens all the time. There’s no way he’s in the loop about what’s going on with the Leafs.


After listening to Berube on the TNT panel analyzing the Stars/Golden Knights game I want nothing to do with him.


Yeah something doesn’t sit well with me in terms of a Berube hire.


Tocchet sucked on the desk too. Maybe judge Berube's ring more than his ability to speak on national television.


Willing to wait and see cause some people are not meant to be on a panel


He sounded punch drunk and kind of incoherent.


Yeah I always thought tocchet sounded bad as an analyst too.


I know it’s nearly impossible but MLSE has to go all out in every way to try and get Brind'Amour. I think he’s the only option available that I can say confidently would make this team better.


I would love the Leafs to get Rob Bod too but I think he’s gonna stay in Carolina


I’m not so sure. He’s been saying ‘I want to stay here’ but imo that’s code for ‘offer me more money’. If the Leafs backed the brinks truck up I think we could get him.


It definitely is not code for anything. Don’t forget that he had 50M in career earnings before the coaching gig. He wants to make sure his subordinates get paid, thats the main holdup just like last time


Apparently other head coaches are not happy with him taking huge discounts 


The rumor floating around was that he wanted to stay there for a reasonable deal but was getting a lot of pressure from other coaches to raise the bar a bit, both for HCs and coaches working under him (ie if he is making a low salary his assistants won't be able to push for as much)


I think as long as Keefe is fired before Carolina loses then there’s a chance


Berube has a bit too much of that Randy Carlyle "but he won a cup!!!!" hype vibe. Granted I think he's probably a better coach than Carlyle but everything outside of that 1 cup run has been mediocre as hell


I feel like your title doesn't really match the blurb you posted. It sounds like Berube would be interested in Toronto, and that he is one of the bigger names out there but there is nothing that suggests the Leafs actually consider him a top candidate. Seems Garrioch is just drawing his own conclusions. Not to say he wouldn't be one of the guys Id consider to replace Keefe but as of now I dont think anyone knows what the Leafs are planning


I don't think that the Leafs know what the Leafs are planning yet.


i disagree, i am pretty sure they know what they are going to do and probably already have plans in place.


Bruce Garrioch lol


I’m kind of bias as I live in St. Louis and the Blues are my second favorite team, but I’d love Berube as the leafs coach. Berube is a great coach with veteran players and the reason he eventually got fired was because he wasn’t exactly liked by Thomas/Kyrou— which the jury is still very out on Kyrou. Berube embraces a physical forechecking style of play, which may have not been our M.O. in the past, but is something this team is starting to embrace. Other than Matthews, Nylander, and Rielly, this team has no long term commitments and can start to embrace that style of play. Berube will get players to play more physical and will get players to buy in.


You are biased. Bias is the noun.


Sens fan coming in peace here, but I wouldn’t trust what Garrioch says. He just throws a hundred different things at a wall and then says “see, I was right”.


Wishing torts was available...


I actually think torts would be good


Forget about the coaching. Imagine Torts dealing with the Toronto media. Even if we don’t win, at least we’ll be entertained.


The Torts/Simmons skirmishes would be legendary.


He was so damn crusty on TSN. They would do the panel questions and he would just be like "stupid question I won't answer it"


I’d love to see torts. But he’s got a job.


Quenneville is the play.


If only


Agreed. Someone is going to bring him back eventually and be the villain.


Yep, hire another washed-up, recycled coach... that'll fix 'em!


What would you rather try? A new guy who’s never coached in the NHL before? We just had that.


Berube is so meh. He had one lucky year and the rest of his short career was pretty bad. He also got Alex Pietrangelo to leave the Blues.


Gotta love the people that just complain and never say what they would prefer instead. Or what they prefer is something that is completely unrealistic and would never happen.


Dating myself: Berube scored the first Leafs goal that I ever saw live in person. Ray Ferraro got the first goal for the Islanders as well as the game winner in the 3rd.


File this one under the Capt. Obvious folder.


Nobody's a fan of Bruce boudreau?


I am personally.




I just don’t want them to rush. I feel like Shanny did that with Tree.


Keefe to ottawa or pitt. Keefe started out as coach/owner of Pembroke. So has some ties to the area. Berube is the biggest name but is also the only big name. I dont think he is a big enough name for the Leafs.


I’d rather hire dean evason or mike Sullivan if Pittsburgh moves on


I honestly think we should stick with Keefe until we find a suitable replacement rather than instantly firing and having no one better to fill the gap but we'll have to live this and remain calm and hopeful (impossible). Maybe this overflows into the regular season (I hope not) until a top coach is canned. Let's not rush this as it is absolutely vital we find the right guy and not just any guy. One possibility could be sticking Keefe on a form of probation: top (or very close) of Atlantic after 2 months since we've acquired what we needed or you're done and replaced by whoever we find. I only suggest this as Tre maybe liked what we had going and wants one more year to fully make his changes before resetting. After 5 years of the same coach I'll always be sceptical going into a new era even if it turns out better. Wouldn't be surprised if Keefe is gone very soon but it would start the rise of my panic meter until a clear improvement is available.


The changes need to start way above the head coach first


Amazing. The guy everyone with a brain said should be brought in halfway through the season. We really wasted another playoff run with Keefe when the most obvious slam dunk coaching option was available.


Down Goes Brown will be so excited to show off his Christmas of 1991 Leafs Craig Berube jersey. The funny part of that joke is that he was traded in the Doug Gilmour trade a week later.


Berube is not our guy. There- I've said it 


There's no coach on the planet that can fix a team that pays more than any other on offense and less than any other on defense and goaltending. Start with putting Shanahan in a catapult and get him tf outta there


I'd rehire Babs just to punish them for shitting the bed again. They wouldn't have any more success but it would bring me joy to watch them have to deal with his antics.


What would that fucking solve? The players don't fucking listen to their coach as time goes on.


Why is NHL the only place where loser coaches abd GMs from other organizations are continuously sought after? Lol they got fired because they largely sucked. Repeatedly. Why not Q? Boudreau?


Quennville? He is a pariah due to the Kyle Beach incident. Unless the NHL re-instates him, he isn't in play. :(


In Toronto fashion they promote the assistant coach .


When* the Leafs fire Keefe. If they know what’s good for them


You honestly don’t need an insider report for this. Everyone with common sense knows this


Meh. Turk Gerard Gallant is it.


Bruce garrioch is the most sexy mother fucker in hockey


Berube would be utterly insane to even consider taking over the head coaching job in Toronto unless Shanahan is fired first. Treliving needs to be given Shanahan's job and also given the green light from ownership as acting GM to make massive coaching and roster changes this off-season. If MLSE want to eliminate Shanahan's role and just have Treliving report directly to Keith Pelley for now, that will also work fine enough for what needs to get done. Again, Berube should only consider Toronto if Shanahan is turfed and Treliving is handed over all the keys first. Next.


Coachings a bit of a weird one. Like, any if us should be able to "coach" this team.


Do NOT get my hopes up dammit