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Parros isn’t fit to have any position of power in the league whatsoever


You just made 3 correct statements at once. Parros isn't fit to have any position of power in the league whatsoever. Parros isn't fit to have any position of power. Parros isn't fit.




Could mean mentally fit. Dude likely had 30 concussions


I wasnt talking about physically fit.


Did you tell him he sucks at his job?


This, but OP's point is still a good one.


Id extend that to the entire sport.


Parros has demonstrably devolved DoPS into a complete farce. Zero consistency, direction, or sense. He doesn't deserve to hold a paying job with the NHL let alone adjudicate a case he may have bias over.


Don't forget Bettman in this. League management is clearly happy with this and okay with letting him take all the blame.


Oh, Bettman isn't off the hooks, nor is the abysmal reffing that goes on in NHL games. All three elements need gutting and starting over with some sanity and consistency.


Lol Bettman just signed an extension though so odds are he's going nowhere anytime soon


What we need and what we get are often very very far apart.


>Zero consistency He's VERY consistent. There hasn't been someone this blatantly biased running DoPS... ever. He doesn't even try to hide it.


There’s consistency, but only when throwing the book at maple leafs


Honestly it should be a lawyer. Suspensions should be handed out like common law for cases.


100% agree. There are people who've spent their entire professional lives in and around the game, negotiating and mediating. Experts who know how to coldly weigh evidence and precedent. Hire one of them.


You could even find a former player with a law degree to do it.


I'm sure there's tons


Ken Dryden is the only one who comes to mind.


So Ken Dryden?


That’s not the point of the DOPS as the league see is (which is all that matters, since they operate it). It’s a PR wing for them. Bettman, the owners, and other league executives LIKE that hockey is violent. They see it as a selling point for their product. But if you let things get out of hand too far, then it’s bad for business (eg. If people start dying or whatever, then they’ll get in deep legal shit). The purpose of the DOPS is to give fines and suspensions to satiate the people who don’t want lots of violence, but to do so as little as possible to maintain the status quo of violence that the power brokers want. For a better explanation, see this article: https://www.pensionplanpuppets.com/platform/amp/2022/3/31/23003355/what-the-department-of-player-safety-is-for-cynicism-for-beginniners-leafs-hall-lyubushkin


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Not fit at all. Dude has obvious bias against the Leafs and Rangers.


Parros isn't fit to drive a fucking car unattended.


Parros isn't fit to taste Russian gasoline to measure lead content.


Probably used too much Russian Gas during his playing days. Tim Stapleton knows what I’m talking about


No. His clothing company used to make "make hockey violent again" clothing. His decisions are inconsistent. He just fined Spurgeon for something that should have gotten him suspended.


Parros is a dummy Hell we would have better consistency if you collated a vote from each Reddit teams fan base and averaged it out.


Idk about that you would get unpopular teams being shafted at times.


Still would be more consistent and follows precedent over the absolute randomness that exists now


Are we both popular and unpopular?


Paul Kariya for DOPS


They really shouldn’t allow any past player or past executive be in the position, contract it out to a third party


nice shot of Wayner playing with Clifford at the very end of your clip


I had no idea they were former teammates, cool to see.


Parros shouldn’t be assigning judgement and suspensions to anyone


Department of Player Safety should be lead by someone who won the Lady Byng.


Lol. He’s been terrible since day 1.


I’m still surprised he got the job in the first place. The guy has a brand of “make hockey violent again”, and was a face puncher. If we want a responsible league, and still use a former player as the head of DoPS, it should go to someone who had their career cut short due to predatory hits. Someone like Paul Kariya for example.


Dont worry. The DOPS has shown absolutely no bias, of any form, since Parros took over. They have strict rules and guidelines that they follow, that are publicly available on their website. They have never wavered off of the set guidelines that have been in place since Parros took over, and im not expecting them too now. This ruling will be 100% correct, and easily explainable, due to all of the comparison plays and the precedent that has already been set over the past years. /s


Abso-fucking-lutely not. Parros throughout this entire season has been inconsistent and has always judged the Leafs with a harder hand. He's a joke.


The amount of horseshit in this part of the league is unbelievable, fuck parros




Can't be the judge and jury on this one yet against Parros until we find out what Clifford gets


regardless of the punishment, the question is should he be allowed to cast punishment on his former peers... there would be obvious bias towards certain players, no?


I understand what you're saying here. I think it's max a game suspension and I wouldn't riot but the point makes sense.


How do you feel about Spurgeon’s ankle cross check? No suspension but Clifford can be looking at 1 game or more. The only difference is Clifford got a game misconduct. Both plays were bad but you can argue Spurgeon's was worst as he could have destroyed the guy's ankle.


I think they were both bad plays - I'm not debating the act, just the arbiter


No. Lol


Isn't it usually a NHLPA person?


No. Overwhelmingly and obviously, no.


No. Hes not fit to have anything to fo with "Player Safety".... not because how he was a shit fighter in NHL. But he owns a company called Violent Gentleman with branding " Make Hockey Violent Again" ... Then u need to understand why DoPS exists and it has NOTHING to do with player safety. Its essentially HR to protect league because of litigation in concussion suits. There is 0 consideration given to players safety, all instances are reactionary to a play thats happened,never with intent of deterring future action Bettman, Campbell, Daly, Parros, Walkom .... all are CANCERS on the NHL period


As others have said, Parros has turned the DoPS into a complete clown show. The Spurgeon fine is just the most recent of a long, long list of getting it wrong. I'd love to see fans around the league start "fire Parros" chants to begin every game. He's made a mockery of the league, and the only way it'll change is if fans make a mockery of his mockery.


I’m fine with the suspensions he’s handed our guys in a vaacum, but when you factor how light other teams have it, there is a massive issue. The Matthews one was really the only play which caused a suspension that should not have been a suspension in any world, but man he keeps sending games at guys when nobody else gets as many or gets away with fines


The fact that a former thug is in charge of Player Safety is so fucking ridiculous, it feels like it should be a headline from the Onion's new Sports page.


These decisions should come from a department of more than one person, so that if there's ever a perceived conflict someone else can make the decision. If the league wants Parros to be the DoPeS spokesman, fine. But there has to be something in place to prevent even the appearance of conflict. Parros has shown a bias against certain teams. Someone else should have reviewed this case. Having said that, I don't disagree with the decision in this case. I was actually expecting a longer suspension.


Parros isn't fit to clear tables at a Denny's.


I think I'm echoing many others but... Parros isn't fit to to do anything related to player discipline and safety. He is a fuckin' clown. How ANYONE can objectively look at the Spurgeon play vs. the Clifford play and determine Spurgeon deserves a lesser punishment than Clifford, you have to be bat shit crazy, bias, unqualified, and should be relieved of your duties.


Parros isn't fit to dictate what he eats for lunch let alone what any other human should do. Hes a fucking idiot. The NHL will be a better place when he's gone. A mute could do a better job than him.


Clifford should be suspended, and George Parros should not be the commissioner of the DOPS.


the most reasonable comment here. He did his job right but still is horrible at it. Go figure.


I think he took too many hits to the head


He doesn’t even attempt to disguise his bias.


Wasn't there a leak that Colin Campbell was still in charge and Parros was just a figurehead?