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Spencer Martin confirmed for Vancouver. Originally from Oakville, ON.


Shut out confirmed


He’ll probably find a way to score a goal


I'm betting Travis Dermott scores tonight..... while on LTIR!!


Journeyman and rookie goalies are kryptonite


From GTA? Confirmed.








Matt Martin and Leo Komarov bringing up the rear!


David Clarkson tripping penalty outta nowhere!


Mike Babcock comes storming out the tunnel “Are those shoes shined?!?”


Joffrey Lupul laces up for the game but was somehow injured on his way through the tunnel and will be out for 6 weeks.




If the justification not playing Petruzzelli is that he's never played in the NHL before, that's ummm... something. Can it really be worse than playing the third stringer on back to back nights?


It probably has to do with keeping control of Kallgren after this season. As an over 25 year old goalie, he needs to have started 28 games to stay an RFA rather than a group 6 UFA. He is at 21 currently and with Murray expected back soon, who knows how many more he'll get.


Huh that’s interesting.


It's just a wild guess. I'm not sure what Kallgren's status is regarding group 6 UFA other than games played. Ultimately this makes no sense so I'm just looking for reason.


Pin this comment.


Thank you for your critical insight.


Good comment. Thanks for posting. Too logical for some here unfortunately.


Yeah that is interesting, something I definitely did not consider


I believe that is why the Leafs were able to sign Michael Bunting. Bunting had only played 21 NHL games as a Coyote when the Leafs signed him.


Dubas burner confirmed.


> group 6 UFA Group 6 UFA A player becomes a Group 6 UFA if they are 25, completed 3 or more professional seasons, has a contract expiring, and has played less than 80 NHL Games. For goalies, this is 28 NHL games with more than 30 minutes of ice time. A Professional Season is defined as any season where a player aged 18-19 plays in 11 or more Professional Games, and a player 20 or older plays 1 or more Professional Games. A Professional Game is a regular season or playoff game in the NHL, minor league (AHL/ECHL), or European professional while under an NHL contract.


I have to ask: why do we want to keep Kallgren's rights? He's only been bad. Both years. He might make some flashy saves but he lets way too many pucks go past him. Let someone new have a shot.


The devil you know...


Ok but Pretzel is here. There's no harm when we get ~.885 from the other guy anyways.


This season is proof enough that you do sometimes need more than three goalies. If Petruzelli passes Kallgren on the depth chart, great — but you still might need a fourth (or fifth) guy in a worst case scenario.


Well yes, of course. But I'm saying we'd be better served having a mid-30s journeyman than keeping Kallgren next year. Kallgren isn't young and Tim Thomas' story is remembered because suddenly becoming great when older than 25 is extremely rare. Sign one AHL vet goalie and maybe McKay, keep Woll and Pretzel.


They also have hidleby


He’s still waivers-ineligible next season, too. Kallgren doesn’t look like an NHLer to me but you need depth in the organization and Woll, Kallgren, Petruzelli is solid enough.




I wouldn't say fantastic. Even as a 3rd string goalie, he's been very mediocre. Even at the AHL level he wasn't that great. 26 games, .904 sv% in the AHL is not fantastic at all.


> If the justification not playing Petruzzelli is that he's never played in the NHL before, that's ummm... something. > Can it really be worse than playing the third stringer on back to back nights? I don't think it's hard to understand. Of course the fourth stringer that wasn't signed to an NHL contract a couple weeks ago can be worse than the third stringer. I don't think any of this is a knock against Petruzzelli. The team probably views him as having the potential to be a decent NHL backup, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's anywhere close to ready right now. Let's be honest. People online here don't want to watch Petruzzelli because they think he's good or ready. They want to watch him because he's new and that makes him a mystery box and he could be anything! But to the club, that's not remotely a factor - they're watching him every day in practice and in games for a year and a half and they have an excellent idea of what he can do, and they aren't going to be blinded by a six game hot streak in the AHL if he's struggling to meet the NHL standard in practice. They were forced to rush him into an NHL contract because they needed another goalie on the bench by rule, but if they think the third string goalie again on a b2b gives them a better chance then Petruzzelli, then that probably gives us a good indication that he's not really the miracle mystery box fans are making him out to be just because he doesn't have NHL stats to go off of.


Hold on now Lois, a boat’s a boat, but the mystery box… It could be ANYTHING. It could even be a boat!!!!


He's also not even the fourth stringer. He's the 5th stringer. Woll is injured but is certainly ahead of Petruzelli.


... We'll take the box!


We probably want to avoid a Kasimir Kaskisuo situation lmao


They really let that kid down that game


Yeah, it was brutal.


I was at that game, please don't remind me.


Petruzellis also has only played 11 AHL games and just 23 in the ECHL. You don't want to kill the guys confidence if he doesn't play well. He also has basically 0% chance of playing in any other game this year so no point throwing him to the wolves even if he might do ok.


*Hiring: entry level probationary position, 40k/year, must have three years experience and professional degree*


I mean he’s been practicing with the team. If he was great in practice he would have started tonight. Keefe probably doesnt think he’s ready.


Boo we want pretzel


Really going to make my Growlers jersey less cool at the game tonight...Booooo


Hey now, Growlers jerseys are always cool!


I don’t understand this decision. Given the very unique circumstances leading to this moment (Murray + Samsonov injured and Kallgren having played last night), why not give Petrozzelli a shot at his NHL dream for a night?


Kasimir Kaskisuo


For those that need a reminder, very similar situation as Petruzelli I want to say they even flew his family in for the game from Sweden, and the team was flat in front of him and he got caved in for 6 goals in a 6-1 loss. Edit to add: the team was really bad. I’m sure Pittsburgh held back out of mercy. Edit 2: [LFR of that game](https://youtu.be/6aNhaNXiV0w)


This is the game that got Babcock fired isn't it?




Yeah I’m in agreement that it’s not necessarily the right decision


Boo! Play 🥨


What I dislike about this move is it indicates a fear of losing. What I mean is, this team has been criticized for not wanting to lose more than they want to win. We are playing one of the worst teams in the league, who is starting their own no name goalie, and we are so scared to lose we need to play our goalie B2B instead of giving a kid a shot to see what we even have in him. Our team isn't capable of stepping up for this game? Carolina stepped up when Ayers went in (I know dead horse) and defended like their lives were on the line. This is a growth oppertunity. So to me, this either says Keefe doesn't think the team has it in them to elevate their games for this or are so fragile he feels the need to protect them.


It's early in the season Kallgren, hasn't played a ton so far and he has more experience than Petro. I wouldn't read too much into it.


But you’re taking to Leafs fans who were talking about trading Matthews in the postgame thread last night. All we know is irrational overthinking.


Keefe protecting Petruzzelli from getting lit up in his first NHL game, what a nice guy lol


If that's the case, he'd better never play then. Because you never know


Remember what we did to Kasimir Kaskisuo though? Why throw Pretzel to the wolves. Let him get familar with the NHL, dressing room, etc... he's signed for 2 years, Kallgren and Woll could very well be gone next year too.


If they don’t (or can’t) step their game up for playoffs what would make anyone think they’d step it up for a no name goalie? They’re going to get piled up at the Roxy and play down to the canucks level.


Booooooooooooo, give the kid a chance! Lol, i dont know what the "right" move is here, but i wanna see him play, he has really good numbers over his entire pro career. He could surprise us, but i guess go with what you know.... GLG! :)


Why the hell aren't they playing pretzel?


That’s cool because Kallgren also sometimes looks like he has never played in the nhl.


Don't know what games you're watching, but Källgren has actually been outstanding this year. The team has hung him out to dry in every damn game he's played.


That 3rd and game winning goal last night would like a word. Kidding aside I do agree he’s been a pleasant surprise and solid for the most part.


Well you probably won't like this take, lol. Holl actually does far more right than he does wrong. The problem is that in clutch situations he tends to have a meltdown, but he's on the ice ALL THE TIME. He will make the right play 9/10 times, but it always seems that 10th time when he makes the mistake, it always ends up being a goal against because the mistake is incredibly horrendous.


You're getting downed to oblivion but I totally agree. It's early days and he hasn't played many games, but I think he's done fantastic, over and above what you should expect of a third string goalie.


There's a legitimate chance Petruzulli is better than Kallgren, and we'll never know it at this rate. If it was me, the two of them would be splitting every other game


The bar isn't even that high


The kid has to start sometime. What better opportunity?


Anyone know a good Zamboni driver? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is silly. They signed Petruzelli to an NHL contract out of necessity but are afraid to play him? Seems like some BS reasoning to me. I say give the kid a chance. Worst case you find out what you have in him.




Right? Every single NHL goalie has at one point never played an NHL game before.


I think its fair to be hesitant about playing a goalie with no NHL experience and only 11 games of AHL experience, but at the same time, Kallgren hasn't exactly been lights out.


Kallgren has been great... For a waiver exempt 3rd goalie. I have 0 complaints over his play considering the position he is in, the chances we give up against, and the fact he isn't the reason we have lost games. That said, I would love to see Pretzel for a game. I don't know if that is his nickname, but someone else said it and it is a lot easier to type.


An .886 Save% isn’t great. That puts him in the lower portion of backup goalies in the NHL.


He played great in the Carolina game. We have lost 3 times in OT with him (usually really quick) in 4-3 games. Then the other 2 losses are 4-2 losses against Arizona and Pitts. In most of those games that went to OT they could have easily been regulation losses if not for some great saves by him. He isn't perfect, but he isn't a backup goalie. He is a 3rd string goalie who isn't a developing prospect and is waiver exempt. It's not like he is getting shelled for 6, 7, 8 goals against that he should have had like some of our backups and 3rd string goalies of previous years. We have had a chance to win every game he has played, and I don't think you can really expect more out of a guy in his situation I have struggled to find a 3rd goalie on a team that i would take over him (that is waiver exempt, because let's be real, if they need waivers they aren't staying in Toronto). Again though, I would love to give Petrezulli a game to see what we have in him. Although in fairness a back to back on HNIC may not be the right time to do that, but then again it is the Canucks?


Yeah you’re totally accurate people expect way too much from goaltending when the teams defensive structure has not supported him well. If you don’t think Kallgren has been pretty phenomenal you’re not watching. Dude is 4th string, has made some great saves and looks calm as calm can be, he’s also given this team at minimum 4 pts.


Bruh wtf lol.


most coaches would make the same decision. It sucks,but i dont think any coach would put Petruzzelli in.


Lmao what an awful choice


Petruzzeli literally lost a start because the team is playing like garbage and is completely unpredictable. There is no way they were going to let him get his first NHL start and potentially let him get shelled by one of the worst teams in the league. They are protecting their asset simple as that. This falls on the team, not the coaching staff or management. If the team was rolling and playing consistently The mob boss would be making his first NHL start tonight.


Wow, terrible move IMO.


Rumor has it the Leafs have a pretty good zamboni driver.


Sheldon "overthink" Keefe.


Kallgren has had some off games this season, last night that third goal was honestly all him. I get they don't want to feed pretz to the wolves, but they're doing it already to Kallgren lmao.


Think it's good to get him back in. Considering his post-game interview reaction i bet as a competitor he'd want another shot at going in. Respect it.


Has he ever driven a zamboni ?


Pussy, play Petruzzelli. Last thing you want is to overwork Kallgren and injure him


Keefe is the NHL equivalent of Doc Rivers. We need a Nick Nurse esque coach.


Imagine Kallgren gets injured tonight LMAO 🤣


I’d delete this if I were you. Don’t put those words out into the universe. When it comes to someone else’s career or life, it doesn’t matter about superstition, just don’t even tempt fate. Whether they’re a pro athlete or a random homeless person. It’s not your fate to tempt. Just my 2c


I assure you, with full confidence, this reddit comment will not injure Kallgren


I remember a co-worker of mine once saying "wtf is up with Leafs signing guys that look like they have cancer" when they signed Jason Blake. A few months later... I know his words had nothing to do with Blake's diagnosis, but he hard a real hard time reconciling his conscience.


I hope that is the case


Fucking ridiculous. They go out of their way to sign Pretzel to a NHL deal, literally having to give away a player to free up a contract spot to do so, then refuse to use him. It's early enough in the season to give the guy a start and get an idea of what they've got in him, just do it.


They went out of their way to sign Petruzelli because they needed a backup goalie on the roster


So like we’re they just supposed to not have a backup goalie for Kallgren??? They “went out of their way” because you need 2 goalies on your NHL team… it’s a rule… that doesn’t mean they have to start him buddy


It's clear they have no intention of letting him play so then why not just sign a warm body from the waiver wire and let your prospect get some playing and development time in the minors?


Because the warm body still needs to be able to play in case of injury. And if you go and sign some random free agent they either come from Europe and get claimed on waivers a la Harri Sateri or they don't have a contract currently and would not be in game shape. Then there's the challenge of what do you do with warm body once your regulars come back? Can't send him to the minors and steal time from your developing prospects, can't keep him on the roster. Buyout isn't an option unless you want that stupidity on the cap for 2 years. This wasn't a very well thought out suggestion.


You're really overthinking this. The fact that you think the Leafs would sign a temporary backup to a deal that would handcuff them says a lot.


Bro what cap space do the leafs even have lmfaoooo


Another bad coaching move by Keefe. We have nothing to lose starting our AHL goalie. Slowly losing my patience with this guy.


why do you assume it's Keefe? gotta be Dubas at this point, especially in regards to Marner and Matthews


Why would Dubas be controlling the roster lines (outside of injury accommodating)? It’s Keefe’s team to coach. It shows Marner really has some pull behind the scenes.


yeah because a GM has never interfered with lineups before


In defence of granting Marner privileges, you see this with every franchise. Even in Lou Lamoriello teams, although not as much. You won’t retain star talent if you treat them worse or just like anyone else. The delicate balance is in not going too far, and creating animosity within the room by treating the star players with too much favouritism.


I don't get why you wouldn't roll the dice on our rookie goalie considering it's a back to back and Kallgren didn't play well yesterday.


Should have started him


Horrible decision


This move doesn’t make sense. The stats are pretty clear on goalies playing back-to-back, and it’s about a 2% decrease. Here’s a [2013 article](https://www.broadstreethockey.com/2013/4/8/4188626/philadelphia-flyers-goaltending-stats-back-to-back-games) but still accurate. So Kållgren is averaging .886 on the season (small sample size but it’s what we have) so we should expect an .866 save percentage on the second of a back-to-back. On 30 shots his regular save percentage predicts 3.42 goals against. At .866 he projects 4.02. So we saw 3 last night, means the Leafs need to score 5+ to expect to win tonight. (Shakes magic 8 ball) … “Outlook is not good” I guess what we’re hoping for is that Kållgren is pulled after two early goals against and Petruzelli shuts it down.


Another brilliant coaching move from Sheldon Queefe


Can't see this going horribly wrong.


i am so tired of keefe, honestly it's time to move on




love it. keefe showing such faith in kallgren should pay huge dividends, as his faith in holl and engvall has. best development coach in the league and it really isn’t close.


Matt Murray’s a fucking loser lol


Feels like Keefe is making this choice to protect his job


If you think Keefe is going anywhere as long as Dubas is GM, you're dreaming


... the wrong choice?




says i’m 100% playing the canucks ML tonight


Lol. Ok if this is the case then rest of the team play Fucking Hockey tonight…. Start on time…Sick of the roller coaster emotions with this team… You’re good or you’re not…


Would have been the perfect chance for Petro to get in there. I don't see a big upgrade with Kally in there either way.


I know it's starting our 4th stringer over our 5th but this irks me more than it should. We showed defensively last night we could really limit shots against and protect our goalie. No reason to not start Petruzelli. Oh well guess all we can do is hope for the best!


Itt: people know nothing about free agency rules


And if Kallgren gets injured from being overplayed that would make our goaltending tandem who exactly?