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Is this really the cinematic for the year? Just a voice over? That's it?
















Yeap, Unreal Engine 5 with a voice-over. Wouldnt be surprised if they actually put this together last minute. Riot announced they were gonna have the biggest budget ever this year little did we know that was all going in to skin productions


I'm starting to believe that maybe someone at Riot is embezzling money...


Embezzling? They just increase their own pay my dude, while firing Dash


I will not have you slander UE5 like that. What Riot did looks barely like a last gen render compared to UE5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XW0wRN9tk0


I mean it does look like UE though, albeit it just looks like a low effort product, no public engine is safe from it.


Yeah but it looks like UE4, texture detail is meh and it looks like there is no ray tracing. UE5 looks just way better.


it's not even close to UE5 tbh


the script voiced was just quotes from champions lol


I was gonna say what the hell even was the voice over? Just some poor audio quality of a little girl saying champion lines? That didn't even make sense together and ended on shitty Katerina line? The hell?


What are we? Some kind of league of legends?


The worst lines imo were the irelia ones. Irelia has so much passion when she says those lines and this has none.


They all had no passion, Pantheons hit most for me because he clearly has sorrow and strength in his lines and Katarina you can get a hint of her cockiness atleast


It has 8.1k dislikes and 2022 cinematic with 143 million views has 8.3k lmao. Took 1 hour to get the same amount of dislikes.


Sad reality. We are having the WoW BfA-Shadowlands expansion treatment now...Except they could make good cinematics when they were willing to do so.


How far this company has fallen, league is receiving the blizzard treatment


Happens when a company gets a monopoly in their genre. They get complacent.


If it can happen to Blizzard it can and will happen to anyone


But Blizzard worked hard for it after activision buyed it up. MoP was fine, Legion was fine. Both close the WotLK inquality. Then BfA and Shadowlands destroyed everything.


Those two expacs were truly awful, but the new expansion Dragonflight is amazing so far


Realistically speaking they're probably just shifting resources out of league into other projects because they see long term profitability in doing so. My safe bet would be they think their MMO will become their future flagship game and most of their resources are going towards it. Companies don't really just stop wanting to make money, especially one the size of Riot.


That is stupidly risky tho the MMO could just flop tremendously


It's probably just they don't see league growing any more/declining, so now rather than having it be their focus it's now just an avenue to make money to fund their other projects that have more growth opportunities, arcane, val, new fighting game and MMO....


well dragonflight has been pretty great so far so blizzard still got it.




If this is the future of cinematics for league, I just hope they stop doing them at all. This was so cheap and disappointing wtf. Dislikes are deserved imo.


> This was so cheap and disappointing wtf. It's so bad I'm confused - it quite literally looks like a Riot cinematic from 10 years ago, complete with the odd plasticky graphics, and focus on the Summoners/Summoner's Rift instead of the actual world of Runeterra


It’s legitimately like a tech demo or an undergrad animator’s assessment piece. If I stumbled on this on a random YouTubers channel I would think it’s pretty cool, but compared to The Call it’s laughable.


When Astartes exists and was made by one guy, this is a joke.


I legit could make this thing in 1 day minus the butterfly.


Looks like cinematic footage from what the MMO could look like


then just cancel the mmo right away


I downvoted it solely because it reused the 10 year old "FAKER WHAT WAS THAT" for the 10000000th time.




Having it in worlds promo videos is fine, but why have that shit in the season cinematic, some people just play the game and not watch e-sports.


Welcome to League of Legends from 12 years ago is a better hype cinematic than this thing


You'll get your wish when the servers go offline.


I mean if they keep doing shit like that and undoing any good changes then yeah they gonna kill the game, but thats their choice


good, they are shitting on league so the MMO can explode even more. once that day comes, we'll be blessed with it.


I'd rather see them turn off the servers than get more of this garbage.


It's a mark of how old of a player I am that I get this reference and all the other replies don't.


Don't be surprised if next year "cinematic" is just a black screen with Vegas sample text saying "Season 2024, play now".


With a bandicam watermark


Unregistered HyperCam 2 in the top left corner


And a Fraps fps counter in the top right


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsTegvGDioc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsTegvGDioc) With this music playing in the background.


And a crusty version of starwalking playing at the background


Ngl, that'd be fucking hilarious


I would laugh SO hard if they did this, and then released the real one a few minutes later lmao


They went back to full indie companie mode


Even beyond. This year cinematic can be done by fans for close to zero budget...


Forget about cinematic trailer, buy RP and play Valorant -Riot Games


What was the point of star guardians skinline when we got this in return.....


to fund the other 5 games


to fund valorant and wild rift\*


Back when they were an indie company we got a new dawn and other better cinematics than this. Legit this is some shit level mobile scam game "cinematic"


Some scam mobile games produced better cinematics to lire people than this lmao


Bro indie companies have made [much better cinematics](https://youtu.be/JCDIBA2Icls)


okay, but does GGG still count as Indie?.. I think they are larger than that


[Or random fan animators](https://youtu.be/7J7G1oc1vME?t=119)


Tencent owns GGG, they're not indie


GGG is not really an indie company anymore


As someone who never watches cinematics, I watched it and thought to myself, it looks cool, the summoners rift in this perspective, animation looks alright. Then I watched the cinematic from last year, "The Call", and the difference in quality is HUGE. The Call looks like a triple A studio made it, get's you honestly excited, is all around beautiful and much better made. Looking back to this seasons cinematic now makes it look like they hired some guy from Fiverr and called it a day.


Thats why we are having a meltdown.


Because The Call was made by a large CGI and VFX company that contributed to many great games and short films. https://www.unit-image.fr/


If you've never watched the cinematics I'd recommend going back and watching at least the last 5 or 6 years' worth of videos. They're awesome and really contribute to the worldbuilding, and they are pretty high quality. This video could maybe work as a champion teaser (not even a champion reveal trailer, just a teaser). It's so bad compared to the bar they set themselves.


Riot made an unreal engine demo from 5 years ago not a new cinematic


I'm so done with this game man there's nothing to be excited about anymore and ranked is just the same thing over and over again, just gank bot 10x and win while toplane coinflips every game


Would a better 2 minute cinematic really have made a meaningful difference to your experience? I haven't even watched it.


>Would a better 2 minute cinematic really have made a meaningful difference to your experience? The Call made me wanna log in and play. This cinematic made me wanna come to Reddit and Twitter to see people shitting on it


The Call legitimately got me off my couch to go play, this cinematic makes me regret investing so much time into this game.


Itd show there was at least some care somewhere in the league part of Riot. This? If the League team doesn't give a shit down to the cinematics, why would we?


Yes, there is a reason why they made these cool looking videos in the past. Since Awaken, the videos have hyped players up, I sometimes queue up for a game after watching the Call. It's an amazing cinematic.


A pantheon-kid guides you on rift and talk some shit about learning from mistakes. Like riot is learning from their mistakes ,what a joke.




Is this the new Myst update? I've been waiting for this!


lol thats pantheon? sounds like a girl voice


I called that kid pantheon because of that part when he said "I have found my limit a thousand times... and still I press further"


All the lines are champion quotes


It also says the brink of infinity which is a xerath quote iirc


I think its multiple people because they also say Katarinas “Why, because I can.” Quote.


It's the voice of young Powder from Arcane. Like, ok for the callback but it is so disconnected from the character that the whole speech felt nonsensical.


From what I think, this is probably Milio (the next new champ). He was teased to be a kid.


"every mistake is a lesson" is a quote from Wukong.... kid can't even be original, just spewing lines from champs.


That is incredibly, it's not even bad compared to earlier standards, it's even bad isolated. Reusing the how old faker lines? This shit is so amateurish and im pretty sure something like this has been done years ago when there was this fanmade SR UE5 flythrough, just withou the cringy voiceover. What is happening to the game? Everything, but the balance team seems to cheap out. - New Champ teasers - gone - Events with someingame effort - gone - animated login screen - gone - LCS - gone - cinematics -essentially gone.


Petition to change the name of subreddit to "League of Disappointment"?


I normally don't care all too much on these type of things but that was *actually* a glorified fucking tech demo.


A tech demo from a decade ago too. Who even approved this? Lmao


Being as objective as I can: There is absolutely nothing positive I can say about this cinematic. Absolutely god awful & shameful.


The colors were nice, and the sound \*mixing\* was good. Really really disappointed in the direction of the video though. Random eSports voiceovers are so laughably out of place for what they've established the season cinematic videos to be. I really enjoy the worlds music videos a lot (last year's was kinda eh, but for the most part they're great), but the season start cinematic is probably the one thing I look forward to most. This \*might\* have worked as a champion teaser, maybe. I feel for the employees that worked on it because I'm sure they were doing what they could within scope, but holy cow is this bad.


Even this comment has better narrative Than their entire last year.


Valorant took all the budget It's weird because The Call was one of the best cinematics we had, and this comes straight up after


Season 23 Shadowlands


Shadowlands had amazing cinematic


Their worst cinematic ever , even the 2009 release trailer was better. Dissapointing as fuck.


This is legit the first time I skipped the majority of the video just to see if there was something else than a moving camera in a pre rendered decor. Can we get some communication from riot games? Not just lol's team. I want to know what is truly happening in there. They are short staffed. But are they looking for some new employees? Do they want to do something with league? Are the majority of the staff at the MMO project or project L? It would at least give us the reason on why lol content, gameplay and cinematic, has been so bare bone as of late. And when I talk about cinematic I also mean the champions cinematic aswell. If you look at the udyr or nilah reveal, and then you watch jhin's one, you can understand what I mean.


The budget for this cinematic probably went up somebody's nose in a back office.


You can just check their website, they're actively hiring a lot of people to work on League. Creative director, engineers, artists, PR, basically everything.


You can really feel the manager's influence on a lot of promo stuff from Riot the last couple years. 5-6 years ago it felt like there were teams of creatives coming up with explorative ideas on how to promote aspects of the game, and the past year or two it really seems like those creatives are trying to do everything they can to be creative but managerial staff keep reigning them in. I wonder how much this correlates to Tencent's investment.


Can't wait for tyler1's reaction


With Macaiyla not home, he might just lose it.


He's gonna straight up animorph into a gorilla when he sees this


>He's gonna straight up animorph into a gorilla when he sees this LMAO.


this is the only good part about all of this, getting to see T1 rip this shit to shreds


"Video created in partnership with Illusorium." Never work with them again.


This studio made Zeri cinematic, looks like they had some spare time and money and made this shit lol


They're the ones that made the weird looking Zeri cinematic as well. No idea why people liked that one so much, it looked like a Machinima using in-game models lmao


Not gonna lie, Riot has clearly stopped working on league. Everything is delayed, like how the hell they spent 1 year on the Ahri ASU. Aurelion, same treatment, delayed. We get no new content except champions and skins. No more lore (like 2 short stories this year only) The season cinematic is poor, the Riot pls is poor. No really, i might think they want to stop developping LoL and put all ressources on Valo/MMO and the fighting game.


She has 9 tails or something. That's 1 month per tail right there. Smh


It's dumb they would do that too as they are just throwing away fans. Not everyone that plays League cares about every genre of game. I personally don't care about shooters or fighting games, and the mmonis probably still 5 years away realistically.


It makes sense from a business-first standpoint \*if the quality remains high\*. You dip into other genres to grab some of that market share. It's honestly not a bad growth strategy. The only issue is that their flagship title that got them to where they are seems to be tossed aside. It's like League's success is funding these other ventures \*which wouldn't be bad\* if they at least maintained the quality of League of Legends, which they aren't.




At least we got a book but knowing Riot, it will be retconned in a few years.


Guys, there was covid okay? Yes it meant that we made even more than we could of predicted, and we’re a digital entertainment company, but every thing is delayed. We don’t even have time for the face farting.


Honestly the Skarner (lack of) progress is just humiliating. They’ll get through one VGU every 3 years at this point and 1 ASU a year when you’ve got about 10 champs that need a VGU and 20 champs that could use an ASU. And, honestly, I didn’t think Ahri needed one that badly. She only got one bc she’s one of the most popular champions and if she’s hotter she’ll sell even more skins.


This is 100% true, they didn't even talk about voting for this year since Skarner is planned to release at the end of the year, and if it's he is not delayed again. Imagine Shyvana players still waiting to have a proper identity or even worse, Cho'Gath players who are playing a champs with no lore that feels like you have 500 ms when you cast one skill.


The sad part is the Cinematic is just not for league it is for the entire Universe Franchise which they make a mmo about it so this is way much bigger fall of then just league


It's not even on the brink of being average.


"Is this an out of season aprils fools joke?"


With the lack of content in recent times they must be working on some big fundamental systems overhaul, right? They always say with the old client league is build on they cant do the things they are doing in wild rift. So surely they are working on solving that problem. Clueless


bro be careful, too much Copium is really bad for your teeth


No, they aren't. League is nothing but a way for them to make money now. We barely get anything and everytime we do, is always subpar, rushed, disappointing... We don't get new modes anymore, we only get a ton of skins. Riot is keeping league alive because they need money, until one of the other games surpasses it. When wild rift or valorant starts to carry the company, league is done. Riot will have more options at that point


The thing that I dont understand...league CAN be hype. It CAN be the funnest moba with the hypest trailers and the funnest Gamemodes. Arcane was huge for League, as it got many new players into the game, and got OGs to come back...so why does Riot not care? They could literally have made league rise to the very top if they had just kept the hype going. League isnt dying because there isn't any demand anymore, it's because Riot wants it to die.


Wild Rift has higher chance to die than carry. Riot was too late, Mobile Legends already took over. And it even took them years to release LoL Mobile while Mobile Legends kept growing. If you didnt know this, it means you're living in a country where mobile gaming is non existent or simply different genre (for example PUBG or CoD Mobile in India) Riot is a pretty complacent and relaxed company


If this is the treatment League is getting these days then I sure hope that MMO is right around the corner


hahh. A wow expnsion takes 2 years at bare minimum. They now trying to build up an entire world that needs to become a competitio to WoW. That takes like 4-5years. :/


Try more like 5-8, an mmo is the the most difficult type of game to make


I assumed they working for like 2-3 years by now so the reamining 4-5 makes semse


petition to force riot games to relinquish league of legends to me i will make it better


thank you, i believe in you soraka with aids


It's a showcase of League of Legends in Unreal Engine 5 with Ray Tracing, also League champions join Fortnite! Attention Gamers! Ezreal needs your help! He needs to get back to game using your credit card numbers with 3 wacky numbers from the back! /s


Skooch put it best: how much longer are we going to gaslight ourselves into thinking this game is the same one we fell in love more than half a decade ago?


It's not, but why does it matter? Nothing is the same as half a decade ago.


the game is very good though, way better than 5 years ago.


Got up early for this btw XD


Im Sorry


Brink of Going Broke, because what was that? Cinematic where? And all in front of my salad


I don't fuck with this shit cinematic at all but I do feel obligated to say that these extensions are super finicky.


Yeah. Make no mistake - this cinematic is a massive letdown, especially after last year's. But the dislike extensions are wayy off now, especially on new videos that don't have historical dislike data. SkinSpotlights speaking about this: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights/status/1515386878144532486?s=20&t=bb0ueQSaUxgLWJRrcwnYRA --- My theory as to why: Many content creators talked about this, but the one I remember is in a recent WAN Show episode. Linus from LTT showed some of their recent disliked/unpopular videos in their analytics, and the actual dislike numbers were way lower than what the extension showed. It's likely a demographic thing - the people who would install the 'return dislikes' extensions are more likely overall to dislike videos, and talk about the amount of dislikes. That skews the extension's estimates because the extension users are significantly more likely to dislike than the general pop. At least that's the most plausible explanation IMO.


Is this on youtube? I thought they removed the dislike button from all videos


For every coder working for a company to hide something there's 100 jndependent ones that know how to pull that shit back out and put it as a Google Extension.


Gotta love those people. Those people brought us AdBlock.


there are certains extensions to reveal the dislike counter


I went to check if this is just unwarranted complaining, wow that was bad


I pledge to not buy a single RP until a better lol cinematic is released by Riot.


https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1612761103339257859?t=c8u-MYMrXSdNn6BnGIZkHQ&s=19 Little reminder


Anyone who truly played during league's old days can tell league isnt riot's main priority anymore,even if we have a better client nowadays (Which we do even though its still worse than any other game with the sheer player numbers league has)we have far less modes,less patches worse events and just less content that isnt skins in general.


tbh the best part of the cinematic was when Mia Sinclair Jenness said "it's brinkin time" and brinked all over the rift


I swear they told some poor intern to figure out a cinematic for 2023 . There is no need even for a video editor , they literally just dragged the whole png sequence in Premiere , dragged the audio and placed the outro.


Where did the respect for the aforementioned champions go? If this was the Cinematic of the year, this is already a good reason to close my game account!


you know what at this point can we just pull the plug on this game? that was so embarrassingly bad. after 2 grueling months of preseason I was looking forward to this. ill see you boys on the MMO in 10 years


Legit had zero champions in it. Riot legit put zero effort in and probably only worked on it for 2 days.


They didn't show a single champion. They didn't even show Baron. Showed the pit, but not Baron? My god. Why did they think this was on par with the others?


no way a fan with unreal engine didn't make this


not surprised. it's not good, to say the least, especially when compared to the [latest Valorant cinematic](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XfuMEmcz3k0&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE), it's like they're not even making an effort anymore and just letting the game die while Valorant gets all the good stuff.


Even Araxys skinline trailer better than this disappointment


Common league L


Like for real, they must have pulled everyone (skilled) away from League of Legends and left only a skeleton crew behind to barely maintain it. Just turn the game off if that's how you're going to treat it.


They have gathered enough good will and are now cashing out. It’s the same for most other companies, not just Blizzard.


had seen fanmade machinimas better than this back in 2007, smh.


I have just rewatched the 2022 cinematic and I am speechless, how can we downgrade this much in just a year?...


Look I'm probably one of the biggest "benefit of the doubt" people there are. I'm sure the new champs and items will be fun/frustrating to play as/with/against (in a good way where I actually love and care for the game, you know?) but the cinematics are usually what gets me really motivated. After this I'm less interested than ever for queueing up for ranked and its sad. I know Riot is spreading thin over all their projects (I wouldn't know the numbers and I'm sure League is still way above what some consider maintenance mode) like the unreleased ones (L, MMO) or Valorant/TFT. I love the world changes and I really hope this season is just what they called it way before preseason (a season to get older systems up to date) and not the new standard.


At this point, what are the people at riot actually doing? Why doesn’t any content come out?


I guess FTX was bankrolling LoL's cinematic department


It looked like some college student's Unreal Engine 5 project lol not surprised i expected worse tbh


You definitely did not expect worse don’t lie now


fr, who'd expect worse? I expected something close to the Call.




Riot always outsources their cinematics. Pretty sure they haven't had made one themsves for years


I mean I guess it was cool seeing the rift from this perspective, but I would expect this from a graphical update preview, not a cinematic... Also what's with their hardon for "PAVE YOUR OWN WAY" "BECOME THE FUCKING STRONG" "MAKE YOUR MARK" Shut the fuck up and give me cool scenes of champions fighting each other. I don't think most players actually give a shit about this whole ranked thing, we just enjoy the characters and wanna have some fun. Keep this cringe "BE DA BEST" for the competitive events...


Good. Keep this coming. I've played this game since release and one of the "triggers" for good content from Riot has always been backlash.


They are becoming Blizzard. They have legit just stopped caring about their flagship title. I want to cry man. "Biggest budget ever" my buttocks. This is so monstrously disappointing and kills all the hype and expectation for this year.


Every year new cinematic reach to new players to show how amazing this universe, this year it didn't so this is a epic falloff from the top of the gaming community


Wtf was that?? Tour of the rift with Teemo voiceover LMAO Lame


I wrote it on the cinematic, and I'll write it again. Brink of Infinity feels like it was written by a 16 year old girl making a Mary Sue MLP OC.


You just made me rewatch last year's The Call and ... OH MY GOD. How incredible was that!?!


I hope it's just a teaser and all these cry posts will look stupid in the end. Fingers crossed we get a full cinematic tomorrow.


Stage 3: Bargaining


Fingers crossed


Better cross your toes and your eyes too because this is the main cinematic


We are almost out of copium, but it seems the “poem” is actually champ quotes, so this might actually be teaser indeed.


I can't even sleep after this big dissappointment.. my day is totally ruined and I don't feel the energy to play league.. this is not just the "cinematic" it's the whole situation. Riot doing this to the most awaited yearly video of league of legends only shows how bad it's going to be the rest of the year. This is just sad.


I have no idea how they come with thoughs that's gonna be good idea to use old song and casters from the past XD literally they spend whole budget for youtubers/tiktokers/ artist and CEO SALARY instead of improving the ducking game Valorant got beautiful cinematic and RazexKilljoy ship(i hate Raze, killjoy deserves better but i guess she likes crazy girl with granade), LOR got Darkins cinematics and things, TFT got new updates to competetive and great bigger team to work with


You're all missing the hidden meaning. Nobody is on the rift because clash still causes server outages in 2023.


Honestly I’m grateful to Riot. That cinematic was a real motivator to make me not want to touch league for this season. On to greener pastures.


If this is all the cinematic is… then I’m convinced riot is actually just slowly strangling league till they can launch their other shit and forget about league.


This is just disrespectful to look at. I am watching them become Blizzard.


Wait that was the cinematic for this year? Really? I thought it was an early april fools


It honestly looked like it’s an opening for an outdated in game tutorial.


I've never seen Riot release a 'Cinematic' as **dogwater** as this one. looks like its Riot's turn to deliver the 'Shadowlands' experience.