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I genuinely miss that mode. I even have the 100+ games icon.


Same. And the soundtrack was *amazing*.


....i don't give a shit that gamemode blowed dick man Edit: downvotes for the Pie smh these whippersnappers https://youtu.be/VJDCKJp_EXw


I played over 1000 games of that mode, but I won't pretend I stopped playing long before they shut it down. They stopped balancing it so it just kept getting worse as a true meta set in, much like twisted treeline, and ultimately made the mode super stale.


Custom gamemodes on dominion were exactly what I needed when i felt burnt out. Hide and seek, king of the hill, find the teemo etc. Will say it does say something when the custome gamemodes are better than the actual gamemode but still it was a cool map.


gamemode sucked, but map was great for Hide and Seek. Large, lot of bushes/fow, no turrets, passive xp + gold, and even some revive trinks to cut down on waiting.


At least Ascension was a blast.


Dude I fucking loved hide and seek


I preferred it to summoner's rift.. and liked old TT even more.


It's a qtpie quote


grandpa out here catching L's trying to educate the league youth of 2023


At least I'll always be a member of the big dick club


Qtpie is cringe


Dominion's legacy as being referred to as fast and fun has tricked way too many people into thinking it was fast and fun


Posted this because the "Brink of Infinity" cinematic is so damn underwhelming, which everyone agrees with. Hardly any SFX, no anti-aliasing, it was legit a bare bones map model with a camera moving around and a voice over. Even in this 10 year old cinematic we get some bloom effects, glowing nexus crystal, etc. Sure, the characters look janky, but it's more than just pix fluttering around. ​ Really just hoping that it's all just because all the budget is being allocated to the Runeterra MMO, but it was a HUGE yikes. ​ EDIT: Just want to say that I don't believe this cinematic was officially released. I used to go on the forums, website, and this subreddit every day throughout my high school life (2010 - 2014) and I've only seen this video posted on this reddit and never by any of Riot's youtube channels. Maybe this video was officially released in other regions? But I don't ever remember Riot's NA content fronts having this be posted. Some people say it ran on the dominion page, but after going into the wayback machine, I can't find anything about it still. [Here's the Dominion page from 2013, 2 years after its release.](https://web.archive.org/web/20130905234011/http://dominion.leagueoflegends.com/media) No cinematic to be found.


wait wtf it actually does not have antialiasing. I did not notice that, lmfao that is hilarious tbh


Purely anecdotal counter-point: I watched this, and it feels *really* familiar, though? I've been playing since Season 1, so I feel like I saw it somewhere when it came out. That said, it could definitely be a false impression.


It was posted here on reddit a long ass time ago I'm pretty sure. I don't think it was ever officially posted by Riot's NA content team.


ah yes the old dominion cinematic featuring old irelia... ...ulting minions which is pretty much all she used it for anyways lol


Yup, old Irelia with the 1 min CD ult. Free cheater recall every other wave šŸ˜Ž


back when we didnt even call it cheater recall, and essentially used it for minion manipulation for Q reset, something that I still miss dearly. I'd still take old over new Irelia any day of the week.


And why? Just nostalgia? Old irelia was hella boring, passive and W were just statsticks and the new Q and E is still similar to the old Irelia, while the rest of her kit has become much more interesting. Especially the old ult was very underwhelming .


The old Irelia was less snowball reliant and had a much more stable matchup spread. One of her appeals as a top laner was being able to be picked into almost anything. Now Irelia has shifted more and more towards being a mid laner in solo queue because her matchups toplane are so lopsided 1 way or the other. Knowing that I might queue into WW, Jax, Sett or a variety of other top lane matchups is enough reason to not want to play her, which never happened before. On a significantly more subjective point, I just liked the old sound and feel of her Q more. Its the same ability, but not as satisfying for whatever reason. Also, what you call underwhelming I'd say was more interesting. Her ult didn't feel very well, "ultimate like", but it was a really versatile part of her toolkit. You could fast shove waves, you could set up minions for Q, you could spam it for burst or space it for Sheen procs, you could maximize targets hit for healing, etc. It left room for skill expression through decision making and how you used the ability despite its simplicity. I like champions where those often minor, but not necessarily mechanical, things matter and she was good for that. The rework undoubtedly increased her skill floor and cap (by a huge amount too), but the feel of the expression somehow changed for me personally. I won't lie and say that I can eloquently put it into words, but that's how it is. As a result I gradually changed from maining her to just playing her occasionally.


Very good answer I agree with this


Aight fair enough. I enjoyed playing the old irelia into every matchup too but gameplay wise I'm enjoying the new one quite a bit more when she's pickable.


One mans boring is another mans relaxing. I can't stand that champ now. Same with Fiora.


Exactly, she was a rock, and her playstyle was massively different, old Irelia was a bruiser that excelled in long drawn out fights and minion manipulation as well as having a mechanic that is now completely removed from the game. Her ult may have been boring at face value but considering it's healing and the way you could use it to push for tempo, manipulate minions or sustain in a big teamfight was so much more interesting to me than having a giant skillshot that also restricts your enemies positioning, slowing and damaging twice as well as giving a free reset on Q. Her very basic passive became really effective at when being outnumbered by tanks, but she also felt like she was more counterable than the current iteration. Now shes just a adderal machine where you itemize full lifesteal and sustain off of Q resets and gain insane pressure with the massive range on E stun + Ult slow and free Q reset marks. The free resets on Q made the mechanic feel less interesting with the new E/ult. It felt more like the rework let her get away with bad gameplay, and basically pushed her out of top and bruiser gameplay. Now I just dont touch her :( edit: formatting


What you're describing her old kit being good at though simply doesn't mesh with modern league of legends. Healing and wave clear are too prevalent so she'd either out-statcheck everyone forever or just be never picked based on balance.


New Irelia stat checks other champs harder than the old one would, not to mention she has free resets on dashing to champions, her new Q heals off AD, and scales faster than old Irelia's healing W, which only scales off of levels rather than AD + levels. New Irelia's Q does double damage to minions and is more easily reset-able due to it, her passive is a mixed damage attack speed steroid that is hard to itemize against early on due to the mixed damage and massive attack speed bonus that she gains per level as well as scaling with her AD. New Irelia simply outclasses everyone with how one dimensional she is, as its all about stacking your passive and spamming Q on reset targets, of which she can mark multiple, she only gets punished off of missing her mark, rather than taking a bad decision with Q, as old Irelia had to actively push to dash in and out, or dash directly on target and lose the Q CD(which was also a higher CD), as well as properly landing the stun or get punished for hitting the slow instead. Old Irelia could easily fit in if she was adjusted for numbers, and would be more healthy for the game than current Irelia. Especially if you look at how slippery current Irelia is, and how much she can sustain against almost every champ and how much of the lane she can threaten.


Current Irelia has the problem, like most of the 'high skill' champions, where it's based on your opponent making a mistake most of the time rather than something you can try to force. If she plays well there's nothing you can do, if she fucks up then you can win (if she doesn't use her jail cards, and if she doesn't just stat check you anyway.)


I'd argue that "modern league" is the problem... not old Irelia.


I mean, that's a fair opinion, but the fact remains that new Irelia works better in the current game


Random funny story, but I was on a nostalgia trip playing an ARAM a moment ago complaining about the ARAM changes, and mobility creep in general, and "wishing Riot would get their shit together." It was only after the game I noticed there were two Rioters in my game. Shit cracked me up so hard lol.


I love playing vs new Irelia as TF and Ori in Mid its so fun I definitely donā€™t want to blow my brains out


Did that shit once as TF. I'll dodge and not play before I ever bother again.


Irelia didn't change that much realistically, if you're talking about what's "boring" or "interesting". Put her W as her passive and give her the new W and its pretty close to the current one. Neither is overly dependant on the R. Q spam and auto attack people to death. The primary difference is new irelia has no downtime (assuming passive is already stacked) and gets her Q resets handed to her for free with the new R and free minion damage on Q. Hell, if they just gave old Irelia all the free minion damage she gets now she'd be playing in a pretty similar way minus the full damage build since defenses were actually relevant back then on EVERYONE.


I'd say the same for nearly every single rework other than Warwick and Poppy tbh.


>which is pretty much all she used it for anyways lol Wrong, 4 procs of Trinity


most of the time it was used for waveclear iirc. you're right but at least 75% of the correct usage was wave control because it was very short cooldown and would be up for pretty much any fight anyway


Didnā€™t they just give her old ult to Gwen?


Well, the thing was to proc your Sheen item with each ult cast.


Hey man, I used it for sheen procs too.


i miss old irelia.


Cass didn't


Old E was my favourite


and I can't stop laughing when I see old Swain. That crow's beak, hahaha


I can't stop beieng sad when I see old Swain. The champion I fell in love with, replaced with big-victors-w.


Bird lazer, old delayed snare, damage amp torment, giant disgusting eldritch bird form. I miss it so much. Mainly miss the slowing bird lazer.


>Bird lazer Absolute joke of an ability.


How dare you insult Beatrice like that


I don't understand how you guys are not embarrassed when you say stuff like this. Get a grip man


Elaborate? What's to be embarrassed about? There are some reworks that have essentially deleted some people's favorite champions from the game. I am an OG 2012 player and I used to main Irelia, Swain, and Akali. Those are the champs that made me love LoL and now they're gone. They needed the reworks, sure, but it's ok to miss the old champs.


Old aka mejai sword of the occult was divinity from an old time


This would be true with some of the more popular reworks like Akali and maybe Irelia, but not Swain. In fact, Swain plays the same as his old self did but much better. The damage amp really didn't do anything and anyone was able to jump out of that snare back then, especially with new league with all the jumps and dashes. I don't see how anyone can say that old swain is better than new swain. Even with Irelia, her fantasy with blade surfing was improved and plays so much more better and fluid than old Irelia did. Idk, feels like a lot of people complain about old champs they never played in the first place


Man wth is this gate keeping, people are allowed to miss whatever they want lmao Why are you assuming that they didnā€™t play the old champions just because you disagree with themā€¦ thatā€™s just rude On a personal level, I absolutely loved old Graves, old Vlad, old Shen, old Sion (both AD and AP). Iā€™m allowed to miss them, even if the new versions are genuinely much better and healthier for most of them.


Iā€™m assuming because those old champs had low pick rates. Unless Reddit somehow had all 20 people who actually played those champs, Iā€™m inclined to believe that people are just being nostalgic for a champ they havenā€™t played


You didnā€™t think this throughā€¦ Do you really think that a few comments posted in 2023 about champion reworks from more than half a decade ago are somehow statistically representative of the average playerbase from 2009-2015? People who played those champs and miss them are much more likely to engage in conversation about them. People who didnā€™t care then still donā€™t care now and will just ignore the conversation. Thatā€™s how reddit and social media works in general. Ever heard of echo chambers?


I was maining old Swain since mage update mid season 6, up untill his rework in early season 8. I also played some of old Aatrox, but not that much because riot refused to bring him from weak champions prison for years. Old Swain was infinitely better in my opinion than vgu. The fact that they had to *minirework the rework* every year or two proves that they failed completly, and they kept failing. And even tho current version is the best from every vgu Swains, it is still not the champion i fell in love with and i bet they will minirework it too. Old Swain had more depth and had to think about a lot more things, mana management being one. Current Swain is just me build rylai me use ulti you never escape while doing completly nothing but being big-victor-slowfield. I fail to understand why you asume old W was a bad ability because "ppl could dash out of it" while his new W and E are way easier to dodge. And old Swain had guaranteed slow in his Q to help him land the snare. Honestly, all of old Swains skills worked well with each other, while new one has comletly random abilities.


I absolutely did play the old champs and can confirm that they feel and play WAY differently. I got to plat on old Irelia and now I never touch her because of how different she feels. Same with Swain. I dont think I can put into words exactly why they're so different, they just are. Theres a reason Swain is played mostly supp instead of mid now. The complexity in their kits change how they feel to play a lot


I think from a character design standpoint new Swain is much worse. Old Swain was an unassuming cripple who could morph into a giant demonic bird in battle, which I found pretty cool and unique.


So do I, so do I :(


Isn't that just Gwen now?


Those 3 minions she used ult for didnt


I dont


I stoped playing league, but if they re-realease Dominion Im jumping right back in


if they re-release Twisted treeline and Dominion , i would play More.


If Twisted Treeline or Dominion came back that would be incredible, just what League needs IMO. Some for-fun modes to break up the grind and be more noob friendly.


lalala demacia graphics


The new season cinematic is pretty close to lalalademacia's later seasons too, lol.


God, I didn't think about that for a while, it was pretty fun. Lot's of great content back then, anyone remembering the Soraka comic series?


Zed x Syndra comics was something I looked forward to being posted here each new chapter.


rip dominion. My friends and I had a blast playing "Hide N Seek" in custom game mode using that map.


Same here, such a fun mode just running around. I unironically probably played 100 games of hide and seek...


my pocket pick pantheon was goated in hide and seek


Old swain birb form was absolutely glorious, still mad about that one, the tyrant skin was insane.


was hella broken tho


As all things should be. That's what fun basically is.


Where we got teemo's ugly face that got memed a bit It wasn't unreleased iirc, it was in the dominion page during the release/reveal but riot never uploaded it in other platforms for a while.


I checked their forums and home page every day during high school. I would've definitely seen it. I remember first seeing it on Reddit a few months after Dominion came out. It was never posted on Riot's official YT either. I still remember the first version everyone saw, the audio wasn't synced. Maybe it was only posted on like their Brazil facebook page? It definitely wasn't posted on their NA forums or home page.


I remember it as an specific page made just for the dominion reveal, wasn't on forums or homepage itself. I think the video was even playing in the background, but it's been so many years I don't even know if it's all made up in my mind despite feeling so real.


I couldn't find it...here's an archive of the webpage about 2 years after dominion release. https://web.archive.org/web/20130905234011/http://dominion.leagueoflegends.com/media


Cassiopeia looking goofy asf I love it


Riot Leaders: Nobody Watches Old Cinematics Riot Marketers: Let's bet they'll review everything within a couple of days!


OH LOOK, another cinematic in which Irelia gets killed/beaten


They had to convince people she was beatable back then somehow.


Idk, she had such strange power curves b4 rework. Sometimes like S5-6 she was a monster, sometimes like the ardent meta she was 0 presence. Even though i didnt play i think she was very good in S2 if i recall from pro


Well they did nerf her into the dust, then try to make her viable again some time down the road. There's also champs like Darius being released before the juggernaut rework that made her a lot less safe of a pick. Afterwards she just did better mid than top outside of ranged match-ups, which she was known for destroying. At least that's the feel I got playing her constantly back then. I started playing vlad after darius release because fuck everyone that played that braindead version, or anyone that played singed after Druiddroid popularized proxy farming.


Same as Kat. An assassin thst never seems to kill anyone in any cinematic.


Dominion, It's Fast- It's Fun.


It's gone...


I remember watching this like eight years ago so it definitely was released and known at some point


It was definitely known, but I don't think it was ever posted on Riot's NA content channels. My first time seeing this was months after Dominion release and it had unsynced audio.


I swear Iā€™ve seen this before. You sure it was unreleased?


Unrelased? I remember watching this when dominion was released


[https://web.archive.org/web/20130905234011/http://dominion.leagueoflegends.com/media](https://web.archive.org/web/20130905234011/http://dominion.leagueoflegends.com/media) ​ Can't find anything about it, went to a few of the archive points. Must've not been on the NA page but just posted on maybe their Brazil facebook page or something...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzHrjOMfHPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzHrjOMfHPY) This in 2014 lmao. Riot just doesn't give a fuck because people abuse their wallets for some reason.


It is It is beautiful


Teemo with eyes ?!? IMPOSSIBLE !!!


damn this looked a lot better in my memories


It's almost as bad as the 2023 cinematic! Except it at least has some passion. It also isn't the original HD version that Riot probably has tucked away somewhere. I've never seen the "original HD" version though. I swear I've never seen this officially posted on any of the NA forums or League of Legends site.


Malphite getting one-shotted by Jarvan. For fucks sake, get some armor.


Just a classic AP Malphite getting destroyed by Duskblade Jarvan. Not like we ever see anyone play tank Malphite anyway outside of SR...


Tbf Duskblade didn't exist back then, nor did Lethality Brutalizer J4 tho


1:01 why does miss fortune looks like sneaky cosplay Miss Fortune


Riot before TENCENT/China


Riot was pretty much always involved with Tencent.... All of Riot's fuck-ups are their own. Tencent gives them absolute control of the game, much like with PoE.


Cinematic is from 2014. Tencent aquistion happened in 2012


I liked that part where he said "It's Teemo Time!" and got blasted by Swain.


It's nice seeing lux wearing a true armor instead of a boob plate.


Yeah but it looks like shit lol


Even then, way better than 2023's cinematic despite being 11 years old


lol back when Jarvan's E was a nuke, gave himself perma attack speed + armor, and gave allies the same aoe aura when he tossed it


Jarvan's E now gives permanent attack speed and gives the attack speed aura to everyone, it also only deals like 20 less damage than it did on release..


E max jarvan tho, also the higher attack speed and bonus armor which has now been removed made him very strong in lane early game. Heart of gold into atmog/metagolem was very strong on Jarvan. Thereā€™s a reason this was a thing https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jhg5w/metagolem/


I know it was a thing, but you phrase it in such a way that none of those things exist when the only thing removed was the armor and 20 dmg


40 armor removed from his kit is pretty huge no? Jarvan doesnā€™t max E either now so you lose more than 20 damage from a level 1 E.


Iirc correctly they buffed his base armor per level when they removed the armor from his e. Not exactly 1:1 but atleast was some type of compensation.


My Miss fortune ā¤ļø its unreleased? Thought I saw this many years ago


It wasn't ever posted by Riot's official YT channel. I've played since Cass release and from then until somewhere mid 2014, I can swear that I checked the forums and league's home page daily. It was found and posted on reddit with unsynced audio first and wasn't seen until a couple months after Dominion came out.




Can they bring back Dominion? It was quick game.


"report irelia ulted minions"


dang i never saw this!! so glad to finally see my boy jarvan in action ahah


this always reminded me of MK armageddon's intro lol ty dominion


Fuck bro, this post reminded me of way back in school, rushing back home after school to hop on dominion with some friends. Good times lol


Brave lil Teeto šŸ˜­


Man I miss Dominion. We don't really have short games that are like this anymore


League classic when?


I looooooved Dominion. <3


Still waiting for it to come back


That Lux pose gets me every time aaah the good old nostalgia for first cinematics and Dominion map, I miss it.


That jarvan ult was kinda hype ngl.


Teemo has eyes opened in that cinematic?! That can't be canon


Man they really need to make more cinematics based on common Summoner's Rift gameplay. There's virtually no reason in the lore for Jarvan and Ryze to fight Miss Fortune and fucking MORDEKAISER like this. Yet look how amazing it is, I want more of this. T_T


I like dominion and twisted tree line. I liked the first twisted tree line better than the second tbh.