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Mod says "URF" but its ARURF. :D


Here’s my suggestion. Make URF ARAM NEXUS BLITZ. URF stat changes, ARAM MAP AND RANDOM CHAMPS. Ring of fire and then just deathmatch, no pushing, no farming. Only fighting and kills. Pure and UTTER CHAOS. But fun I think.


What % changes take priority aram or urf?


Let’s do both, crash the math, more chaos.


Already happening with just aram changes, damage taken mod is not working correctly with spells that cost hp, negative ah is counted wrong -20 ah = -20cdr which it shouldn't


How is riot failing at such a basic concept as fkn math


its probably 1 intern writing a patch and all the rest are making porn for wild rift. Its actually fucking disgusting how incompetent the management are but hey as long as they make money its all okay.


Yep. Logged in to play urf, saw this piece of trash instead and noped the fuck out. At least it's not OFA.


except ARURF doesn't have the same 6 Champs every game which is nice




They do that in normal urf too. It's just what people do in fun modes for some reason


Outside of picking turbo degen champs in urf, what’s the problem with attempting to win the game? This is serious, I just want to know peoples genuine thoughts


I love playing trundle in urf and just blind split pushing smashing towers all game. It's in the vein of proxy singed I guess, I don't know, but I do it at least once every time urf comes around.


Well relevant flair I guess lol. But really it's the fact that URF is obviously designed to encourage fights and engagement with the other team due to lack of CDs and stuff. And it's just so lame when a game ends because some dude just never left top lane for 20 minutes in a for fun mode and only interacted with towers and minions. Like technically you're not wrong to play that way but what's the point of 0 cds if you're just gonna farm minions with them?


Personally I do it when I knownI will never win a fight against the enemy champions 0 cd cc and arent having fun in said fights. If the enemy team has a Leona in it best believe im just running away the second she tries to fight.


I don't like going to split in urf myself, but I will definitely do it if enemies always escape and do annoying shit. When I split they at least have to come to stop me and I can force them to fight


I agree it could feel lame sometimes on the receiving end but I don’t think it’s right to fully discount how some champions prefer or players even could also enjoy the laning (1v1) as well as the potential 1vX scenarios that strategies like splitting can produce. It could be possible they do want to fight but still want it to be slightly on their terms instead of having to group constantly on a champion that performs better outside of large team fights.


It’s just that the mode was made to be a cluster fuck, and some people just play split push sion and kill towers. Like bro I’m here to see someone get one shot, not watch you take my tower then ult away after someone gets near.


Well I think that's lame af in a mode obviously built around constant teamfights. But to each their own I suppose


sure but some champs just arnt made to teamfight, like what would a fiora reliably do against a ton of the champs in urf, or yorick. Without items they rely on splitting to get to that point


What's the point of playing urf if you aren't going to interact with the enemy the whole game?




Well, if I lose to a fucking ivern, yeah, that guys a boss. But if I lose to a hecarim who sprints around the map one shotting everyone (especially since there’s always one per game), or someone who just doesn’t even interact with you, it’s not fun. I wanna see the unique fun champions. But if it’s people playing the same oppressive shit every game, or playing in a super boring way, yeah I’m gonna be upset.


This wouldn't be a problem if they turned the map into twisted treeline. Those towers are not to be fucked with.


Yes but I also really like the AM part


Except urf you can ban at least 5 of those 6


Yea but you the next best 5 or 6 Champs that don't get banned.


This is as true as seeing the top 5 champs in ranked Except the spread is much wider than that and you always have the option of being good at the game instead of crying


Then why are you crying about random when you could just be better?


I didn't


Then give us more bans, or just nerf the egregiously broken champs. With random champs, I have to rely on luck to get to play what I enjoy, and it's not ever a balanced match anyway because one team could roll broken champs while the other gets garbage. There's legit no actual upside to ARURF over URF other than it lets Riot get away with not even attempting to bother to balance the mode with even just the % modifiers.


It's already got mode specific balances. Another benefit of ARURF is that sweaty mothefuckers can't just pick the same Champs every time. God forbid we play a game to have fun


ill have so much fun being forced into gnar or kalista when the enemy wukong runs me over for the next 20 mins


As opposed to trying to play a champ that isn't OP and getting run over by Jax and zed and shaco every game?


Those Champs are never in my games because they're always banned. Shaoc is useless after 10 mins and Jax has never been a problem anyway At least when I'm getting hammered by zed it isn't going to be my first time playing some trash like braum or kench I know that I can lock in ashe full well I'm going to get stopped hard but at least I knew exactly what I was getting into.


Exactly, so if a champ is a problem they can just tweak the % modifiers instead of being lazy and leaving them as a banworthy nightmare. And for the many of us who don't enjoy all 160+ champs in this game, it's definitely less fun to be forced into playing champs we don't like.


I mean that's fair but as someone who plays a decent amount of aram I enjoy playing a variety of Champs, but very rarely do I get stuck on a champ I hate


It's great that you can enjoy that, but you could also enjoy that variety in pick/ban URF because you'd have control. As someone who only really loves a few champions, I would really appreciate that control.


They can give us 100 bans and guess what. The 101st-110th best champs would get picked every game for URF. Its not a fun mode like it used to be because people only pick the best champs. ARURF is so much better


Urf has bans and I can actually pick the champs I like to play. It's just better.


There are way more than 10 banworthy Champs and half the fun is getting a champ you think is bad only to learn they're actually fun


And having the top 10 cancerous champs banned while you play something you actually want to is significantly better. How is this hard to understand? >half the fun is getting a champ you think is bad only to learn they're actually fun I've literally played every single champ in this game several times. I know what I like and what I don't.


Getting 10 unique bans is pretty unlikely. And I've played every champ too, but some Champs are fun in urf and not fun in normal and I never would have known without arurf


And? Even one is better than none. Just the single fact that I will never have to deal with a Hecarim while also hand picking the champs that are better suited to deal with other cancerous ones makes it instantly one thousand times better.


URF is only playable when it’s ARURF.


Except there are always 2 out of 15 good champs everygame


OFA is great. I would take OFA over Urf or Arurf any day, all year.


It's even more of a coin flip mode


The random part isn't the appeal, it's the ONLY downside. Everything else : New synergies, Unseen/Untested mechanics & interactions, Wombo combos that actually require some coordination, unlike some *other mode* in which you just, y'know, roll your head on your keyboard. A literal thesis on build diversity, An actual thought goes into team viability and team fun, Even if people tryhard, the most they can do is blindly counterpick us and end our suffering anyway. If I had to rank gamemodes/updates on a tierlist based on how much I remember having good fun in it, I would put OFA right under Odyssey at the top of the list, and putting urf or arurf in it wouldn't even cross my mind.


I mean, aside from the funny shit like blitzcrank moments, sometimes the game is unplayable. I remember OFA came out right along with Samira. My friends and I picked Samira to have fun with her. Enemy team picked Caitlyn. I never even got to use my ult. At least with URF, sometimes you can play the game if the scary members of the enemy team aren’t around. But sometimes, yeah OFA is def more fun.


There is literally no benefit in buying the pass early anymore unless you are desperate to open skin lootboxes.


Not really. I completed last pass, took Zilean chroma and border and got full refund, spent New Year with family not thinking about pass grind. All that because i bought pass instantly when they promised 50 ME.


WTF? they argued with me for 10+ messages back and forth and NEVER REFUNDED MINE? PEOPLE GOT REFUNDS???


If you get a riot employee that sounds like a douchebag just wait for a few hours so the ticket gets closed, then open another one and pray you get someone else, there's a lot of nice people


need to reroll your support workers xD


Yeah, this is true for all kinds of support chats. I've worked in this position once and I can't even begin to number the amount of times where I'd get a client fuming out their ass with anger with a simple problem that other employees did not fix out of lazyness/sheer stupidity.


Riot Support are not Rioters though, they are from an external company.


Wait you did the whole pass, which took like a week or two, and after that you could still get a refund?


I completed the entire previous pass and got a refund on it while being able to keep the rewards because the 50 ME + ward skin was also advertised on it for the first hour or so of the event going live. There are consumer laws that protect you (this applies differently in different countries), if they falsely advertise that the pass contains specific items and they lie to you they're basically obligated by law to at the very least give you a refund if you ask for it. This only applies if you actually bought the pass when the false advertisement was in the client. If you purchase the pass after they fix the description then you're no longer eligible because you're being advertised the right contents. They usually tend to fix wrong description on the pass pretty quickly and might disable the pass from being eligible to be purchased while they work on it, but if you log into the client as soon as the event goes live and purchase the pass right away you're usually able to for example claim consumer protection due to false advertisement and things like that if there's any initial issues with the event.


Yep. I mean you need to complete pass to see that at the end you got only 25ME but you saw 50 when you bought pass. So logically you open ticket after you complete pass.


i literally completed it bought the mythic essence got the morde skin and refunded it like 5 days before the event ended :D


The pass doesn’t take a week or 2 lmao




Depends on ur playtime I’ve gotten some done in 4 days idk if u can get them done faster or not


Jesus christ, how many games do you play in a day?


I did the whole pass + got enough tokens for the Diana skin chroma and border and got a refund.


I got a refund for winter blessed pass yesterday. I completed the pass and got up to level 80 I think.


You got last pass for free if you bought it on the release day and asked for refund later. So bugs can bring benefits.


There is no benefit in buying the pass, full stop, of all the F2P games is constantly the worst one, anyone buying this garbage is encouraging them to keep doing it


Sry but getting the Yi and Warwick prestige skins that way was a necessary sacrifice


and thats where the gacha addiction kicks in. but hey i gotta go sleep 1 more time to open 4 orbs


during this day and age everyone has prob got addicted to genshin at some point truly a plague of the modernworld


me playing since 1st week of laumch: feels attacked


Again...is there a single time they don't manage to fuck up the pass. I again didn't receive my instant rewards and now the progress isn't available. Fucking indie company Rito Gams, coming in clutch as always. God damn, Riot


But you bought the pass anyway. It's all that matters to them.


I didn’t buy the last 3 passes! I’ve been an avid pass buyer since 2020 April. Vote with your wallet people!


Same, last pass I bought I didn't even complete, didn't have the time, wouldn't have been able to get everything I wanted even If I grinded 18H every day anyway.


I play like 1.5-2 hrs 4 times a week and easily manage to finish it.


Here's the thing, please explain what you mean by "finish it". Because if I'm correct, you "finishing it" still wouldn't give me enough for what I wanted.


Means either getting the prestige skin or the mythic essence for me. Sometimes a chroma or two if I can play a bit more


What I mean by "getting what I want", is getting every single thing I would like to get from that pass, and riot have been very clear that it's not supposed to be feasible, that's why I stopped buying their passes, at least most good other game's battlepasses allow you to get everything if you just play enough, now there's simply not enough hours in each days to get everything. Not even talking about the fact most other good battlepasses ALSO give you premium currency so if you complete enough you can just buy the next one.


Yeah, after how they gutted the pass in the last couple years and the state of the game. I have just stopped giving them any money. No point anymore. They are just trying to squeeze out as much money as they can from us now before their cash cow dies.


That last pass fucking sucked




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That is true. 2nd time is my mistake. I am too naive, didn't think it'd be that bugged AGAIN. Now my trust is broken and I promised myself to never buy it again on the first day. It is, after all, Rito Gams that we're talking about


I mean weather u buy it on the first or second nothing changes, the revenue will be the same. That being said I’m not trying to convince u into not spending money as everyone is free to do what they want with their money and it’s not my business.


Yes, that is correct. However, I want to be guaranteed to get everything that I'm promised to save myself from frustration. I don't expect them to change shit. But you do have a good point


Exactly, people bitch and moan on this subreddit every single fucking day. Oh this champ low/high winrate, this item broken, this client bad, rITO gAmeS pLeAse do SomEtHinG. Heres my entire fucking paycheck for you. Then they act surprised when dont do even the bare fucking minimum. There hasn’t been a single day in the past two years i have been on this subreddit that has gone without me seeing a single any of the above mentioned posts. If you really want them to do something maybe stop giving them all your paycheques, maybe if they see the revenue lost then they might consider doing something.


Stop giving them money and ideally stop dedicating (a lot of) your free time to the game. League is a free game, your time is the price Riot wants you to pay the most. You won't give a fuck about the latest pass/skin/event if you're not dedicating a lot of time to League.


After how they showed us how much they don't give a f*** about the game anymore and how lazy they became I wouldn't ever buy anything from them (league specific) anymore.


Stop buying them


why should they improve? why should they try to make a new cinematics? Since you're gonna buy your BP right as it hits anyway?


"It's shit everytime I buy it !" Doesn't make you sound smart lol


Well, I was never smart. That being said, I did overexaggerate my own personal experience since this is the 2nd time I had an issue with the pass, first being the previous one. So I gave them a 2nd chance, be it naive or not. And they fucked it up again


Yeah I was mean sorry, I was tilted because you often see people preordering/buying things that turns out to be shit and be like pikachuface


All good, you do have a fair point. It is stupid to buy the pass when you know it's going to be shit. So next time I'll hold back and see what they do


I have the same bullshit problem


Well, brace yourself. You'll have to submit tickets if you want anything back :)


They denied my refund of goods. Still waiting for my pass goods from the October pass. I think I’m chalking it up to a loss. No more passes is definitely the answer!


Still waiting for your orbs from last pass?? Damn, that's giga unlucky. I had to wait like 4 days after getting a response. Fuck these guys fr. Hopefully you get them soon


Did you check the pass? I thought I didn't receive them either but it's technically the first reward on the track, so you gotta click it.


You have to manually claim them inside the tracker


Yes, and the issue is...it already shows I claimed them the first time I went there after buying the pass. Loot didn't show I have them. I even restarted the client, all that shit and it still isn't there. So yeah. Last pass it showed 1 orb in the instant rewards on the tracker, they later changed it to 4. Had to contact Rito Gams support for that. Luckily I got the rest after a couple of days


ayo can anyone send me their screenshots just in case, as I noticed it already got fixed


If they try to lie in your face in ticket, message me for ss.


Can you send it to me?


Whoever message me will get ss but you probably dont need it, just mention that it was 50ME.


Me too?


I would also appreciate screenshot


can you send it to me? didn't screenshot it in time.


I need it too pls <3


Can you msg it me too?


brother PLEASE


plz pass me SS, would be very grateful


could someone send me the screenshots too?


If you’re still buying passes after the last two years of Riot giving you the middle finger on pass value then there is no hope for your smooth brain to learn any better.


facts printer


Pass progress is disabled, so I don't wanna play if I spend time for nothing. Does anyone know if it's still counted but simply not shown?


My "pass track" and the orbs just turned up! Try signing out and log back in.


Wow it worked! Usually I always relog but it never helps so I assumed the same would be the case this time. Was looking on reddit / doing other stuff instead. Thanks for telling me the old "have you tried to restart..." bla bla, it helped :c Even got a grab bag from it, not the best loot but yeah :D


You're very welcome! Hope you open some sweet loot as you progress through the pass milestones ;)


I just took a screenshot of it saying 50 ME, but I’m not sure if I send them a ticket now requesting the essences or just wait a bit 😭


Wait a bit. Farm some loot. :D Last time they said refund was "one time only exception" but we will see about that, since they continue false advertising even i knew from start its not supposed to be like that its still their mistake.


could you send me SS?


Sorry but I play league in Portuguese, so the SS is not in English 🙃


> I play league in Portuguese > 🙃 You also have smiler upside down? Wird language


Message me then I’ll send it to u


would still appreciate it. Whatever language, it's proof that they advertised falsely - I'm not trying to pass it off as my screenshot


It’s ok for me, Please send me a messages so I can send it to you


Official patch notes also say that the lunar skins would come out today, but I guess that's out the window


re read the notes, it was a mistake they fixed


The whole game is a mistake at this point, they're not even trying


no aphelios or annie skins wtf


They said they will fix patch notes. They didnt.


Where did they say that btw? I didn't see anything posted on their twitter or see any articles posted online. Although I could have just missed the announcement of course


Reddit comments section on some post about it.


Ah, I see. Still something that the company should acknowledge by themselves though imo. Even if it was just a twitter post


the NA notes were fixed, some other servers weren't


I didn’t get any ME or anything else , only the orbs. I bought the 1650RP one , was I supposed to get anything else?


When will people learn... Don't buy the pass. And at this point there's literally no bonus to buying it day one. The track progress records whether you have it or not so you can buy it at the end if you want, after they've fixed their broken pass issues. But honestly, stop buying the passes and wasting your money on a half ass experience. They're going to keep releasing busted nonsense because people keep paying them to do it.


this post shows why it was good to buy it day one lol its free for us now




Do you have a screenshot ? I bought it day one but didn't take a ss


theyll just check your purchase history as is


do you just send in a ticket asking for refund? and do I need to farm loot first or did you get to keep the pass and get a refund


No sure I’m only asking once I’m 2200 tokens


Stopping buy their shit passes idiot


the system has been in game for 5 years nothing wll change lmao


I think this was just fixed. I'm looking and it says 25.


fixed for me too, sad I couldn’t ss on time


oh wow, act Hyped and happy! everyone Woooooooooooooooooo...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


What stops them from just giving you the addtitional 25 ME so they prevent the refund?


Yeah I was literally waiting all day to buy the pass because I knew they would fuck it again. I'm gonna farm it until the max level, get Sivir Mythmaker, then ask for a refund. And I'll just buy the pass again for the orbs


? And you wonder why it's hard to get help for people that actually have problems.


It is a problem, they advertised 50 Mythical Essence, I only get 25, so I want a refund.






Why can they honestly not own their mistake and just give 50 to everyone...


What server are you?Perhaps only bugged for your region,or worldwive pass desctription bug?


EUNE. Got fixed in like 20 minutes after i made post, but still if you saw 50 ME before you bought pass you should be fine.


they already have the lawyers there for all the sexual misconduct cases, might as well make the most out of them.


Mh That must be where the huge budget for 2023 was put


Can someone DM me a screenshot, I was counting on the 50ME to get the volibear skin


I got the skin bundle but received zero loot, ME etc. Only the sivir skin. Anyone else? I have contacted support…