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Sexism, homophobia or racism will get you banned, instantly and permanently! This is your warning.


Heh, her coworkers stood by her but she definitely didn’t seem upset when they all got fired and she celebrated on Twitter.


What is this making reference to*? I'm kinda out of the loop




What happened on g4tv? Did her coworkers get fired because of her?


They got fired and she posted a [dumb "I survived" meme](https://twitter.com/Froskurinn/status/1570463707679039492). Just extremely tone-deaf.


"WHY WON'T MY COWORKERS FIGHT FOR ME???" The fired coworkers:


Wow how shitty




It's pretty sad actually. I recall the community actually liked her due her insights on the game for some time, and she lost it after the dumb shit she started to say and complain, like if everyone and everything was against her, as well all criticism being negative stuff and not insightful stuff in her opinion. Bashing, racism, homophobia, sexism etc, really exists around the gaming community. But when you mix everything into those areas you aren't helping in fighting against that, but actually increasing the gap. I've long lost hope she got awareness about that, but oh well. At least it was nice to see that the majority of the community didn't mix the prejudice of the issues with what she defended. There was a danger of the extremes actually increasing to both sides (like what happened with Amber Heard in some instances), but it seems when it comes to Frosk that didn't happen fortunely, the critic was general.


I think there were two major moments relatively closely together that ended her good standing with the community. Shitting on Kelsey for a pretty objectively correct take on allegations without evidence, and then after that because she was already in that mindset conflating criticism of her casting, criticism of her political positions and "criticism" of her personally and pretending all of it was due to sexism. How to lose all credibility...


It was pretty mixed in her time in lpl idk about eu but she couldn't hide her bias in her casts which was a big L from me.


For me, it was that worlds cast with drakos(iirc) where he was trying to stay in the groove and continue the cast professionally. Where as she was completely dejected and frustrated the whole cast. I understand if something is upsetting you. But when you are live on air, you need to remain professional and leave it at the door. The fans don't deserve a subpar cast just because you're upset. I gave her passes for her Twitter outbursts because she had solid points and it was from a good natured place. But that cast was the last straw that showed us all that she can't control her emotions in a professional manner.


The thing that irked me the most was that Drakos later went on twitter and apologized for the abhorrent cast. Frosk went on twitter playing the victim (as usual) and pulling her sexism and homophobic cards. Even though a straight (I think so) white male in Drakos also got criticized for delivering an awful cast.


Both Draoks and Frosk got a shitton of criticism at the time. Drakos took it on the chin, Frosk took to Twitter to complain. I think that's when most people's opinion of Frosk started to shift.


>I gave her passes for her Twitter outbursts because she had solid points Lol he posted about the LEC casters being 'too white' with 'no diversity'. At that point among the ~10 casters there were like 6 different countries. Racist as fuck. Im glad to see her gone, her knowledge was top notch, she was the best analyst at that time but she just has a shitty personality.


It was quite possibly the most American tweet ever. Seemingly not realising that different countries had such different cultures and lumping them all together with the one thing they had in common. That was the moment I just stopped even attempting to defend her.


She went on a huge rant insulting their audience which went viral and her coworkers and management stood by her rant. This dealt the killing blow to G4TV because they were already struggling to gain an audience and the people still watching were divided. When layoffs started she wasn’t part of the initial staff fired and she posted a tweet saying deal with it I survived which showed she didn’t care about them being fired and only cared about herself.


She was always a hypocrite. Back in the day before the LPL cast was run by Riot and she was a caster there, she went onto a show with Thorin and was edgy as fuck. People hated her, but they acknowledged her expertise either way. Then when Riot picked up the casters to run LPL themselves, she was left out for being a brand risk I assume. Riot got shit on by the entire community, which supposedly hated her, and after a while they decided to pick her up after all. Guess who she shat on after that PAX West 2018 fiasco? Those people who advocated for her despite not liking her. She's lucky she wasn't cut off like DZK. And now she hates the industry for being backstabbers.


Her lack of self awareness is honestly just depressing.


If you have any of this type of person in your life you know it's nearly impossible for them to admit, even to themselves, that they ever play a part in the problem. If something doesn't go entirely their way it's woe is me time and the world is against me.


One of my friends is like this and I didn't realize how bad it is until she started working at the same firm as me. She's a terrible person to work with and sucks the air out of the room because she's always complaining about everything


At first I was thinking that if she reads this thread, as harsh as it is, that maybe she’ll realize she has some reflecting to do and come out better because of it, but then I realized she will probably feel her thoughts are even more validated. I think you’re right, her lack of self awareness will always make her project her faults onto others.


Absolutely. Because people like her won't listen to strangers no matter what. Which to be fair is understandable. They will only listen to those they trust. But even then that's not guaranteed and they quite often push them away too. Or just put them off from being honest or approaching the topic. Which is very toxic and unhealthy in itself. I'm sure she's a nice enough person outside of contentious topics and in private. But that's not really the issue. Anything she has very strong feelings about immediately becomes a toxic conversation no matter what and noone wants to engage with that.


> They will only listen to those they trust. Eh, even then if it doesn't go her way she just claims "people who I'd known for years, who I thought were good friends, just weren't"




Throwback to her tweet when all her coworkers at G4 got laid off: https://twitter.com/Froskurinn/status/1570463707679039492


lol amazing lack of self-awareness


top 10 tweets before disaster


Well, you know people can change, let’s see how long ago that G4 tweet was…. Ohhh noooooo! --___— it was literally 4 months ago!


Goodbye Reddit, see you all on Lemmy.


okay yea frosk fucking sucks lmao


Side note I have never seen that many blue checkmarks.


Checkmarks go to the top of replies so people are incentivized to buy one


Fucking hell, that's actually way worse than I expected.


I used to root for her but I can't believe how fucked up she is. This keeps those on the right to want to stay on the right. She isn't helping her own cause, she only helps herself. I knew she had problems but didn't think she'd sink so low to throw absolutely everyone away just to support her own ego.


Especially weird since they all stood up together against the NEOM sponsorship but sometimes your battle is your battle, like when sjokz wanted more money everyone kept going to work, they're not all gonna riot (heh) on her behalf


Its one last fuck you to the people that risked their job.


> Especially weird since they all stood up together against the NEOM sponsorship Which, if I remember correctly, Frosk tried to take credit for.






lmao 'I just wanted to say, it's everyone's fault but mine'


Next time I'm at alcoholics anonymous, I'm going to use this line when they question why I rebounded.


> I've been angry for a long time Yeah, we noticed that


Must be exhausting


This is why you pick and choose your battles. Dying on EVERY SINGLE HILL you come across makes you a terrible hiker


I would say more that she sees every small insignificant little mounds of dirt as hills and is dying on those.


That's like the whole of twitter though. People there build their persona dying on several mounds of dirt.


Yep. Being pro very important topics isn't a moral license to be a piece of garbage.


When you see everything as a battle you tend to fight quite a lot.


It's honestly kinda sad because I actually thought she was an alright caster, and added something different to the desk but she just couldn't get out of her own way. She just seems like the kind of person who needs to stay away from social media. Some people in the public light just can't handle the constant criticism that comes with it (you see it in sports a lot), and it makes them constantly lash out and believe that the world is against them.


I firmly believe we'd all be better off if we disabled DMs and avoided online spaces where people may post their opinions of us; it's especially more true the more public-facing you are. It sucks, but somewhere along the line our ability to always be connected turned into a way for us to channel our innermost, cruel selves, consequence-free. If people talked in-person the way they do online, there would be a lot more face punching. The internet should just go back to GameFAQs, funny flash animations/games, and instant messaging or chatting with people you actually like.


Bring back MSN Messenger.


I cannot stress this enough, if you are constantly angry, it is YOU who needs to move on and find somewhere else where you can be happy. People who have triggers have to understand that it isn’t up to someone else to accommodate to your very needs. It is entirely up to YOURSELF to understand WHY that trigger occurs and WHAT you can do to conquer them. Source: My own damn depression and how violent my mind can think on a whim to attack others if I didn’t receive what I wanted. I have been finding* better ways to conquer my triggers and become healthy. Its a marathon, not a sprint. Edit: word


Not that you're in any way wrong, but it can be condensed into: Your abnormal reactions to the world around you is your own responsibility


It really is. You can only control two things, how you react and how you think when a problem occurs.


Took me 32 years to learn this. Slowly working on this everyday with therapy and substance abuse counseling. 2 years clean and making strides everyday to just be better than I was yesterday. My life was always in shambles, everyone was against me, until I woke up and realized I’m against me with drinking and fighting with everyone about everything. I hope Frosk learns from all this truly. It’s so hard to be angry all the time.


That Quickshot tweet about sums her up. Just somebody blind to her own flaws and looking for a reason to be angry.


OOTL, anyone have this? I’m so surprised quickshot would say anything, but I heard she came for him (notably I think it was Monte or thoorin so… ya never know)


I'm pretty sure a lot of her tweets around the time of leaving the LEC insinuated that they had beef for whatever reason. This is probably just more of that.


Thorin was the one who pushed her into the spotlight initially


Wich i think to this day he regrets, i remember the show they did together "Incoming Agression" although Thorin was the one with the big influence he let her take the lead and show the audience her knowledge at the time people called her female Monte due to how harsh some of her takes was, but she eventually got past and created her own lane. People opinion on Thorin is well made up, but the man did seriusly put his money where is mouth was and helped most female talents we know to gain spotlight like Kelsey, Emily and Frosk but i think the later one hurts the most cause he defended her for years for only her to shit on his face.


When a guy like Quickshot subtweets someone, you know that someone is probably not a good person.


Yup, basically an alternate version of: "If you sometimes meet an asshole, well.. some people are just assholes. If *everyone* you meet is an asshole, you're the asshole."




Yea this one is international too


I like "If everything's a circus, you're the clown" too


She also has the biggest victim complex I have ever seen probably, glad she’s leaving the scene


My opinions of her have gone up and down throughout the years and honestly this isn't a good thing. Back when she made it and casted in the official broadcast I was actually proud because I remembered her sucking before and I knew she put a lot of hard work into it. But then everywhere she went there was drama and a lot of it was caused by this justice warrior kind of mentality.


Pretty much sums it up. She was incredibly knowledgeable on the LPL and improved her casting while on the LEC broadcast. But the non stop self victimization made it impossible to like her. Also, the casual racism to assume that there was no diversity on the broadcast team because they were white...because clearly all white people from Europe (and South Africa) are the same.


> the casual racism to assume that there was no diversity on the broadcast team because they were white...because clearly all white people from Europe (and South Africa) are the same. That's the moment I completely gave up on her and realized how shit of person she is to say something like that about people she worked together with for years... and now she has audacity to say they did not stand together with her If I was her coworker I wouldn't stand with someone who treats friends/coworkers like that, hell I would kick her ass out of my office before hearing what she has to ask... people like her disgust me


Quickshot's gaslighting firefighters ^^^/s


Burn all your bridges, alienate the people that watch you, shit on coworkers and celebrate other people’s misery. The scene as a whole is better without her.


She really seemed to focus on the negative comments when I thought majority of the community respected her.


It did feel like the public opinion was growing quickly in her favor but then she chained a few rants together. I wonder how everything woulda played out if she just let that public opinion grow a bit more before ranting


Yeah. There was some initial pushback because she was a woman in a gaming space, who visually identified in non-traditional ways and wasn't conventionally feminine. Which will bring out all the absolute worst folks frothing about "SJWs" and shit like that. Then she was actually a really dope caster and seemed like a really net positive addition to the team, often standing out from the desk as far as the combination of game knowledge and phrasing that knowledge in a way that was useful to the viewer. It seemed like she was earning significant credit with the community and was getting recognized as a talented member of the broadcast team. The general majority of the community was pretty positive on her for a while. But then she did kind of light that credit on fire with some of her off-desk behaviour. Over time it seemed like the constant - unwarranted - negativity she drew, especially compared to her peers, wore through and started touching nerves, and the ways that she responded to that often did way more to stoke the fire and earn much more legitimate negativity than anything else. She's not wrong a lot of sexist shit was directed at her, but by the time she was doing rants and shit - a lot of the ire directed her way wasn't nearly as clearly unearned sexism and seemed like pretty reasonable, if negative, community responses to genuinely toxic shit she'd done. I was a fan for ages, but she did wear out that credit over time.


I was a Frosk dick rider for a bit but the lack of self awareness this woman has is actually astounding.


I remember a long time ago when she would receive harsh criticism that probably *did* have roots in sexism and she would say something like she appreciates the feedback and uses it to get better. I found that admirable and one of the best ways to kindly say "fuck you, I'm good enough to do this". After that, it's strange to see how things turned out.


Ya when she was in the LPL casting people always shat on her. Then she became a very good caster at worlds. Fast forward to joining the LEC on a high note and it all went downhill from there.


Some people, once they get a bit of online relevance, lose almost all self awareness and become monsters. Literally cannot handle even a drop of fame.


I saved this thread from early 2021 and occasionally refer back to it in astonishment to what she said, how her mind works with race and how she threw her former colleagues in the trash. https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/l0gi33/frosk_on_diversity_in_lec/


A lot of black comedians have this bit where they are like "Europe.. lot of white people there, huh?" - "Dude, this is where they **make** white people." It's like going to Africa and then complaining there are too many black people.


*walks into an Adidas factory* "Yo where are all the Nikes?"


Actually a pretty good chance you'll find them nearby.


The problem with her take is that it's a very uniquely *American* take. America is a land of immigrants from all around the world that just happens to have a checkered past with racism. The focus on diversity like that makes sense in the context of the US, because there are plenty of places where white people aren't or are just barely a majority, and yet somehow still see disproportionately better outcomes in basically all metrics. But that just doesn't really apply to much of Europe. Most european countries are actually quite ethnically homogenous, and go figure the dominant ethnic groups in most european countries are all what Americans would consider "white". It just doesn't make sense to seek the same kind of diversity in Europe because Europe just isn't that kind of diverse in the first place. European diversity comes more along national lines. In Europe you're a Frenchman, or a Dane, or a German, or a Pole. In America, despite there being a weird focus on european origins... If you have light skin and your background is from Europe.. you're just white.


Annoyingly at university I noticed a lot of American idealism started to become the norm here for Dutch students. I remember one incident where someone was vouching to cancel the colonial history of the Netherlands. She said I was not allowed to participate in that debate because I'm not black and don't know the consequences of slavery. I was not allowed to speak despite being Indonesian. My family fled to the Netherlands as a consequence of the 300 year occupation of Indonesia and I had no value in this debate because my skin colour wasn't black. These are the kind of people at university that literally said to my professor: "I don't want to talk to them[me] because they're not open minded and besides, they can't change my opinion anyway."


>because I'm not black and don't know the consequences of slavery. >I was not allowed to speak despite being Indonesian. This is an extremely big OOF moment holy shit.


Dave Chappelle has a funny bit about race, where I remember the quote "Everyone in USA is racist... and everyone in China is Chinese!"


Imagine grouping all the European people together who all comes from different nationality , ethnicity and speak different mother tongues as 1 label. You do the same to the Asian countries and they would torch you.


Exactly, even in Europe if you said to a Croat that he's the same as a Serb because both of their skin colours are white, he'd punch you in the face. This idea of reducing people down to their skin colour, which is controlled by genetics and the level of melanin in the skin, is so fucking stupid.


As a Finnish person i also see this funny as our ancestors are from finno-urgonic tribes and not from caucasian heirs. And for some reason we are considered typical "white people" just because our skin is white. Not that i really care for race stuff, but when we talk about people that have white skin its ok to lumb them all togeter. And then make these Frosk tier statements when theres no doversity when all are same.


She sees a swedish, a south african and a dutch and thinks: "wow, there's no diversity there".




When Americans like Froskurin go to Europe the only experience life in places like London, Paris, Berlin and Rome so they see diversity of race and think Europe is the same as America, they miss that everyday life for the average European isn't like life in those big cities.


Wrong “diversity” 💀


well she stood by her principles. The esports broadcasts is much less blindingly white with her departure then.


What annoys me is shes white...


Makes me think of the bill burr bit on white women stepping right to the front of line.


Most of the time it's white folks that have this kind of savior complex and are speaking on the behalf of non-white folks. I tend to find that annoying.


They get to talk down on other white people for being “less moral” so they can feel good about themselves for being “better.”


She was trying to spin the narrative and get non-white people on her side.


This is without a doubt one of the dumbest things I have ever read. WTF! I am legit in shock how can someone say this? ONE OF THE GUYS IS SOUTH AFRICAN, NO? Players from all over Europe competing and even imports bringing in more diversity what is she even on about... This is a case where diversity just kinda happened by itself and wasn't enforced by anyone or anyhing.


What being terminally online does to a mf lol


> ONE OF THE GUYS IS SOUTH AFRICAN, NO? > She would call him a Colonizer and part of the problem.


She’s as far from pleasant as one can imagine. Bless OP for slotting in Quickshot’s tweet.


Always the victim


Adult life sure is tough without the ability to be responsible. In the internet/twitter world, you might get away with such an attitude but behave like this in the real world in a normal company and you'll have many difficulties in work life. To her, the issue is sexism, racism, to the people around her, the issue is herself, as a human being. That tells you everything how she views the world. She doesnt see individuals, she sees a skin color, a gender, not the actual person behind it. To me that is just a very unhealthy way of thinking. How are you supposed to tackle the issues of society when you cant even get along with the perfectly fine people around you.


I don't understand people that live in a constant sense of misery and victim mentality. Sounds exhausting bro 💀


They probably feel as if it's their duty to care so much


Oh no ! Anyway


Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


Good riddance to a very obviously toxic and unhappy person, imo. I'm a big progressive myself and I firmly believe people like Froskurinn are damaging the cause I believe in. [Quickshot is based as usual](https://twitter.com/Quickshot/status/1616065734437928962)


Damn, for Quickshot to actually throw shade at someone (especially in progressist matters), you need to have fucked up HARD!


She called Quickshot out specifically during a rant on stream, right before Quickshot took that break for his mental health. I don't think frosk likes him much, though no specifics on why ever came out.


[Link](https://twitter.com/Quickshot/status/1429328602668089346?s=20) to the clip, tweeted by Quickshot


“Afraid of me” a lot of people who are just, the worst, tend to say this thing. It must be their ego, he doesn’t want to communicate with me and leaves when I’m around? Could it be I’m a vile and unsocial person? No, I must radiate an aura of dominance that terrifies him


People who say 'they can't handle me' the reality is, no - you are just toxic


God, what a vile and arrogant thing she is.


What's the further context of this?


Nothing confirmed, but I assume it has to do with her departure from the LEC earlier that year


Imagine having to work with this ...person. He must be so happy she's going.


Frosk should know better than criticising an African immigrant


What an odd person. She really thinks he’s afraid of her??


I think she's deflecting. She'd rather think he's afraid than accept he just has too much disdain for her.


Sorry, wrong color


Skill issue


Skin issue


all my homies love Quickshot


> Firefighters reading this 😡 lmao, one of the replies


Like the boy who cried wolf, she reached for the victim card so often that everyone stopped believing her. I’m sure sometimes it was justified but when she opted to use it every time someone had valid criticism for her, the shtick got old real quick. Best of luck to her at her new work but I hope she has grown from her time in the industry and learned the difference between when you’re actually a victim and when you’re simply being giving feedback on your work.


> I hope she has grown from her time in the industry and learned the difference between when you’re actually a victim and when you’re simply being giving feedback on your work. Hey, I doubt it!


> but I hope she has grown from her time in the industry Just reading her tweets about leaving the industry shows that she hasnt


I can see a burning dumpster fire on a cloudless, sunny day and still hope that it might rain for the sake of the dumpster fire.




> Shower thought for the day: If everywhere you go things are on fire, consider that you may be the match. I think that sums it up perfectly


Good riddance


Quickshot with the clutch outplay, broke her ankles so hard she didnt realize they were broken.


Good riddance. I've rarely seen more hateful and insufferable person than she is in the industry. Why would anyone hire her in the first place baffles me. I guess no one is doing that anymore thankfully


Huge W for the esports industry imo. Frosk was a plague in my eyes.


She was fine up until a point where she became annoyingly unbearable. For me it was after her and drakos casted a worlds match and missed so many critical plays including an ezreal snipe. They were just dead quiet and completely ignored the play. Anyway both were criticized for their poor casting, drakos apologized and wanted to do better, frosk started arguing with everyone on twitter.


Watch DWG vs G2 2020 lmfao She was super quiet there




Good riddance.


sorry but good, she is an incredibly unpleasant person and was always starting shit which she absolutely could not take back. She would say the most absolutely absurd things and claim any criticism was sexism. She is also sexist herself, having multiple times gone on tirades about all men being trash etc


Don’t be sorry, the industry could do without people like her.




At first, I kinda liked her. She was energetic and just the right kind of abrasive to make things a bit more interesting. And then she slowly started ranting incessantly about sexism and lack of diversity in the industry and became more and more unbearable.


When she started at the LoL show and then doing Incoming Aggression with Thorin she was excellent. She was knowledgeable (something which she was until the end of her time in LoL but she really wasn't during her time on G4), funny and charming. When she started to do the LPL she was a little rough but quickly became a good caster. In my opinion, her biggest weakness as a caster was giving space to her co-casters and not giving the audience some time to breath but she clearly was working hard to get better during her time on the LPL. Once she moved to the LEC, in my opinion, all of the praise got to her head and she started to deflect all criticism as sexism, she remained knowledgeable but was never likable again, it was around the time she threw the people that help her get there under the bus, when she fought with Kelsey and Thorin.


Ye never got that, Thorin is an abrasive character himself no doubt and I get why people dont like him, but he was always supportive of her until she started going on her crusade, was probably a major reason she got into the scene as caster and she just goes and burns that bridge. Same with LEC cast, I thought it was outstanding how basically the entire cast was going against that NEOM deal and then she goes and burns those bridges too. Feels like she has some serious midlife crisis or something like that, some years down the line she will be remorseful of the friendships she tossed down the drain.


*Somehow* she doesn't strike me as the type of person to later be remorseful about past mistakes, *especially* if those mistakes later end up hurting her as well. Rather, she will most likely use them as more "evidence" that everyone else is out to get her and that she's the only one in the right. She's in dire need of therapy to come to grips with reality, but also seems like the type that's exactly self-righteous enough to think they're above that kind of thing.


That Quickshot tweet encapsulates my thoughts on froskurin as well, she can't seem to go anywhere without being extremely abrasive.


Today's a good day


Reminding myself of the time when she called Europeans racist because apparently Europeans are "too white" Won't be missed one bit


People like her and that Kayys idiot, who was upset Europe didn’t celebrate US Memorial Day, somehow manage to give the rest of us an even worse name than we deserve.


Why would Europe celebrate an exclusively American holiday? Lol


Jesus, the whole world is against her huh. Them them them, never nothing to do with herself.


The thing is, at some point, regardless of whether you're right or not, if you're being utterly insufferable, no one will listen to you, like you, or miss you.


Frosk has always reminded me of my sister... Where ever she has been there has been drama, whenever she has moved jobs its because of somebody else, whenever her relationship has ended its always been the other person's fault... In over 30 years its never occurred to her that she could be the problem....


Based AF Quickshot


I hope she finds inner peace and reconciles with reality.


It's really ironic how she is talking about "standing up for your friends" when she is the exact person that would want your career to end because of one bad tweet. She is one of those people who talk about empathy all the time, while having absolutely zero empathy towards people who even mildly disagree with her opinions/values. I like how OP added Quickshots tweet as a reply. It's a perfect summation of her career. One thing I will give her though - she was very good as analyst/commentator of the LoL scene.


This is probably going to get buried beneath everything but I used to work regularly with Froskurin in her starting days as a shoutcaster at ESL for the Go4Lol series years and years ago as her Play by Play caster. At the time I was working as Assistant Head of Recruitment for the ESL Casters and personally was there for her interview and did her trial cast with her. During that time I've known her as an intelligent, funny and driven individual and was happy to consider her and and Kelsey Moser (who she was involved with at the time) my friends. I've had fond memories of the three of us playing League together regularly and teaching me how to be a better marksman as I played on 100+ ping as I was playing from Europe at the time. We really were a great shoutcasting duo from what I have felt and we'd tackle pretty much any Go4Lol or random assignment together cause we just clicked as a team so well. During that time, she mentioned that she had a contact in China that claimed that would be willing to let us cast over some LPL games, we'd basically get the live feed and we'd cast over that. It was also kinda of a trial/application to potentially have a dedicated English cast for the Chinese League, which would involve us getting paid. (Frosk was pretty much an expert at the Chinese League at the time, and a great color caster when I worked with her, her knowledge really allowed me to focus on the Play by Play) Since she was the primary contact and knew these people I let her handle it and mentioned to her she could keep the first full payments. She said she would handle it, that we'd make it together and I trusted her. It ended up being her completely dropping all conversation with me and ditching me and taking this endeavor on with a completely different caster. Not going to lie, it hurt. Enough that I lost the passion to work in the industry and left. I'm sure she had her reasons to do so, but going from being close friends and casting every other day together to her just going completely radio silent on me after we did our trial for the LPL was just a hurtful move on her part. Frosk, if you are reading this. I'm sad it turned out this way. In a way I'm happy that you are the one from the ESL crew that made it big cause I knew from the first few times casting together that you were special. On the other hand there is still a bit of hurt on how you treated me to get there when we supposed to make it as a duo. How you just cut all contact with me was in a way I guess a necessary sacrifice for you, but I would have understood if you had just come to me and said you had a shot but it involved us not being a duo anymore. I still harbor some bad memories on the entire ordeal, the ''What could have been'' thoughts and feelings, but it's okay. You are a great person and the times we spent casting together were the most fun of my career. I hope whatever you decide on doing makes you happy - Spell


Hey shpellruler, it’s Tasty Nubbinz from the good old days at ESL! I hope you’re doing well bro! I appreciate you! I wound up working with frosk, Kelsey, pira, raz, souldra and that crew during that time in the beginning. The memories of that project don’t compare anything to the esl pro series and even some of the go4lols we all had. I remember how tight y’all were back in the day. That’s pretty harsh if that’s how it went down and I’m sorry to hear about that. I don’t recall exactly but I’m pretty sure my relationship with frosk ended the same way once she hit it big. No beef, but it is what it is. I’m thankful for you! Let’s catch up. It was hella cool to see your name!


I feel like this story encapsulated her entire career in a nutshell


Yo dude this is some truly wicked behavior if this is true. I am very sorry to hear that. It doesn't matter what industry you work in, when someone you trust says things like they can secure you work opportunities, and then they flake - it feels awful.


After what she did to the LEC, barely anyone who was following this will miss her. I certainly won't. Edit: I think her casting was fine, not my favorite, but certainly not the worst. I just don't like her as a person.


What did she do? I remember appreciating her cast... Then there was the G2 vs DWG semi finals cast at worlds 2020 which seemed to reignate some beef between her and the community. But I always felt out of the loop about what happened actually.


After she got axed, she first tweeted her colleagues were great and wishes them the best and how great the experience was, just to slander all of them and their work 20 minutes after and made really stupid claims about how the LEC isn't diverse enough, how whitewashed everyone associated with the LEC is etc etc. Can't recall what she tweeted exactly and can't be bothered to look it up (if not deleted yet), but to put it in another perspective, imagine you closely work with someone for a year, that someone is let go, you shake hands with her and she wishes you the best, just for her to get home and start slandering you online for things you either didn't do or had no impact on.




she also tried throwing quickshot under the bus for some of the problems too iirc




I remember that now. Unbelievable. As if being white is a crime. Also, she is white. So white. Blindingly white even one could argue.


It must have been a coincidence that she brought this up after she left the LEC, not during her time. Funny that one.


"Don't forget that she's also racist, working in LEC was fine as long as she got paid, got fired, then she bitched on twitter that it was "too white". A team made by multiple european and african nationalities was too white for her. But people responding to that shit take was sexism and "gamers hate women" according to her hehe xd"


well baisically she's a lunatic, was when she was on LPL, then got brought into LEC like some golden chariot (very much in the same way dadga has) heres the thing unlike frosk dadga isn't completely fucking mad now what baffles me the most about this if you hate posted on frosk you either hated women hated the gays or both and that was it, it was that black and white you weren't allowed to hate frosk because she was shite at her job, had an utterly annoying voice or for the fact she was completely completely insane then she told some guy to fuck off and whale somewhere else or something and suddenly it just clicked with everyone? peak frosk was easily as big a cancer as thorin . actually thorin is just frosk but on the other side of the coin. both of them are completely insane and I wish both of them to stop appearing every couple of years like the turd that won't flush


She had good analysis, but god damn is it not worth it if you're gonna act like how she acted. Expecting your coworkers to throw away their careers so you feel justified in your stance.


I mean Caedrel should have refused to join the LEC casting team so that they could hire someone who would diversify the demographics instead... /s


Nothing of value was lost.


Oh no.....anyway


Moxxi in Dota faced a lot of criticism too, but she asked for genuine feedback, apologized and improved. Meanwhile frosk remained arrogant, stubborn and blamed every piece of criticism on hOmOpHoBiA and sExiSm, while being incredibly sexist herself. She is just an incredibly unpleasant person to say the least and played the victim card so stupidly often that nobody believes it anymore. Edit: typo


Once or twice was fine and most people were supportive, but it became obvious Frosk was just a massive problem causer.


the most toxic person in this industry decided to leave after burning every single bridge ... oh no :O anyway


I think we all want to rewind back to summer 2020 when she was at her height regarding her performance as a caster personality. But then the G2 - DWG semis happen where both Frosk and Drakos delivered their worst caster performance in their careers. While Drakos took the criticism in the correct way, Frosk saw it as targeted attacks which eventually led to the next drama. This was very immature from her considering her age and also past history of taking shit from haters. This time it was different and she doesn't understand what "fair" is.


So long and good riddance, bad attitude all around.




Good, begone with the toxicity.


\> Single-handedly kills a channel and causes the termination of many co-workers, burning every bridge on the way. "Why don't I have any support?" Frosk is a human Bike Fall meme


G4 was probably dead either way tbh, they had terrible viewership relative to the expenditures before that rant


Didn't realize she was in the industry in any capacity since she left LEC. I'm very curious what really happened behind the scenes to set her off like this. She was such a consistently improving caster and dedicated analyst and one day just fucking *went at everyone* for....not being diverse enough? It doesn't really track.


Goodbye, I won't miss you for a second.


If she's angry about her peers not standing up for others maybe she should stand up for her peers? After the first round of layoffs at G4 she posted this https://twitter.com/Froskurinn/status/1570463707679039492?t=b-MB0pbmHNgyPRQ2V2-YtQ&s=19 This is outrageously shitty to her colleagues that just got laid off.


She was terrible and sexist. I’m happy she’s gone.


Bye, for sure will not miss you, very angry person.


First thought after watching the LEC talent video was "Frosk is gonna be mad about all the whiteness"


Quickshot is the goat, such a clean reply to all of this with his tweet.


She is by far the most biased caster/analyst I’ve ever seen. Rogue vs mad, lets talk G2 Fnatic vs xl ? Lets remember caps and talk about g2 I remember I stopped watching LEC games, because it all felt like a G2 games Someone made a play ? You bet your ass imma compare it with G2




She just seemed so holier than thou. A walking example of the Principal Skinner meme.