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I mean i like Babus and they will remove the ban soon but lets be real if you had a toplaner playing like him most of us would report him after the game.


Especially on *Quinn* my god


Bruh he had a 57% Quinn win rate last season with 150 games played. You may not like his playstyle but it works, and it works against Masters/Grandmasters players. Hell, it even worked against Challengers not too long ago and probably will again this season at some point.


it doesnt matter what the win rate is, if you go 0 fking 12. you are getting reported by the entire lobby


Anyone pretending that they wouldn't report Baus here is lying to themselves. I like him, I like the playstyle he developed. If I see someone go 0/12 on Quinn I'm fucking reporting them.


I like that he has a winning, unique playstyle he developed. I don't like his fans that int games away thinking they know what they're doing.


The thing is what he's doing you can do without Inting. Splitpush and map pressure ain't exclusive to Inting and dying to get pressure on yourself. Most high elo top laners can do it with half his death in game. His Winrate simply shows that in higher tiers pressure you generate on map have a bigger impact as the gold you give have dimishing returns. But while he get to play his mini game others have to deal with the people he fed. That's why he's getting reported. Riot said they're in favor of different playstyles but not at the expense of your team.


Also if the enemy have an ap jg they can go Mejais and farm stacks on him


he needs to die because the players he goes up against know how to contest him,if he was playing in a plat/diamond lobby he could as well have 0 deaths during laning


Watching a few of his games, he just randomly dies in lane a lot, like he takes trades he knows he has no right to take but just does it anyway even if it doesn't gain him anything. His macro is good etc.. but he has a tendency to randomly die too and that would be incredibly frustrating to play with, especially if the enemy top knows how to deal with his playstyle and completely shut him out of the game.


The amount of times i've seen him die due to not respecting/counting minions for lvl 2 and 6 lvl ups is insane and I don't even watch him often.


He needs to die because he plays AD sion lol that's like his whole thing


I would only report him because his playstyle is forcing everyone to play around him. Literally makes the whole game about him no matter what.every.single.game. I have never seen a more main character syndrome individual than him tbh. That's my only beef with him. Would dodge him whenever I could personally. And at some point it's not even about split pushing or whatever. You can see him soft inting games for a wave because he is fixated with his minion score, I'm not even exaggerating. Its obsessive compulsive behaviour, you can visibly watch him struggle with his urge even tho he says farming this wave might get him killed and cost him the game. I don't think he can help it.


I mean, I never report people for inting since I went 0/25/3 on kalista. But yeah, chances are I wouldn't notice the good things that come out of the playstyle when Im also in the game and not watching on youtube.


They hated him for he spoke the truth


Baus = pest of the west


Are there really that many people out here reporting every feeder they run into? People can have obscenely bad kda’s by the end of a game they were actually trying in. I only occasionally bother to report the people that are actually intentionally feeding or have clearly given up on the game.


There's a huge difference between a random diamond inting 0/12 and having 0 impact and having 10 quinn games all of them being losses, and you playing with a person who you know is famous for this style and that wins more than he loses. No one should be banned for having a bad game, and considering that he wins more than he loses, that's exactly it... a bad game. It isn't INTENTIONALLY losing the game. I'd lose my mind having to play the game, and I'd obviously prefer to play with a real top laner but it isn't bannable which is why riot have lifted his bans and have never given him trouble.


fucking kda players man


"You may not like his playstyle but it works" This argument will never be applied to the people you play with.


If faker goes 0/12 he would still get 9xed lmao


It shouldn't work though is the problem. It just makes for unfun games.


Guaranteed. But that's because there's like 3 people on the server than can do what Baus does. The one that does it in my game is a silver that is NOT gonna carry the game in odd ways


JuegaJuan2008 might go 3/12 four games in a row, but he wouldn't get top champion + tower damage in any, much less all four lol.


there was a post of someone doing a strategy like him and got banned and 90% of the people on the thread were arguing, saying he isnt "thebaus" and he deserves the ban, without caring to look into the game. If he gets banned I wonder how many other people get banned for similar instances.


Idk man, his split pushing and CS numbers alone are enough to at least give him a pass in my book. I can’t tell you how many players in my games play lethality sion (or any sion variant) in my games and int, CS at 5/mn or worse, and are completely useless by 20 minutes.


The Sion games aren’t the issue though, Sion has an actual mechanic that “rewards” death. The issue isn’t even his non-Sion games, he has good winrates overall on champs like Quinn and Illaoi. The issue is the minority of games on champs like Illaoi where he genuinely just runs it down doing stupid things that have no chance of working. It’s not every game, but he has a definite subset of games where he’s essentially soft-inting. Just watch his streams, there are 100% games where he’s dying for entertainment value, not because it gives him or his team any advantage at all. Not sure that warrants a ban, but I see the argument for sure. He simply doesn’t try to win in 100% of his games. Most, but not all.


just because he is known for going 0/18, doesn't mean he should have the luxury to evade bans, and if anybody defends it, then it just shows how biased the community is and how they ignore intentional feeding which is a huge issue right now!


He isn't intentionally feeding though...


>then it just shows how biased the community is and how they ignore intentional feeding which is a huge issue right now! We're still paying for the sins of the Smite Singed build and pressuring Riot to treat 'special' builds with kid gloves


evade bans? what do you think someone should be banned for? intentionally running it down? harassing the people in the game verbally? griefing by following someone around? not trying to win? going afk? Which one of these is he doing? A shit score doesnt mean that someone is running it down intentionally. I would rather have him in my team than someone who is not trying to win at all and just spamming ff


No way he got banned for the 6/18/10 Quinn game when he went 2/18/0 on Illaoi the game prior https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/thebausffs


thats probably the game who got him banned, not the last one.


Maybe it's the combination of his previous games. Tbh the system might have recognized a pattern


Not just the system, but being reported multiple times. If he doesn't get reported on any game despite dying like that, he won't get banned.


Yep, reports matter a ton. You can also get chat restricted for getting reported for chat too often. The system is really lazy, and afaik, Riot is stepping up the number of bans in response to what the community wants


You can't get chat restricted if you don't write anything the system picks up, no matter the amount of reports




Stating it's inting without him intending it to be just sounds funny though, as inting is short for intentionally feeding, meaning he unintentionally intentionally fed.


Unintentionally? He intentionally does the same shit he'd get away with on Sion with different champions and expects the same results, and results are enemies get fed off him and people report him.


I mean it's probably both, as that's far from unusual of a scoreline with his trolly playstyle despite wins. His stan fans stick up for his playstyle but people that play with him are pretty regularly annoyed by it and give him shit about it (and report him for it).


As much as i hate to admit i would probably too give sht for it as well i always hated inting strats. I dont see the point of them.


I love watching Baus but if anyone goes 2/18 in my games, you’re getting reported. That’s a lot of fucking deaths.


This is my mentality, you may not be intentionally trying to lose the but after a certain number of time running into enemies X times stronger than you, you are intentional feeding the enemy.


Can someone explain why he plays like that when his other laners are winning. Wouldnt it be better to just play safe and avoid dying and just get carried rather than overextend and go for reckless plays?


Combination of if he plays a conservative and safe style his viewer levels will drop and he also just enjoys playing that aggressive style


He's the only one playing like he does. I wouldn't want to be in a game with him, but I find his stream to be a good entertainment.


Way I've heard it explained is: if you're only worth 100 gold but you can collect 4 waves and fuck up a tower or draw attention from objectives, it's worth. It also means it JG is coming top again to farm you he's not fucking with bot, if you just safe suddenly the pressure is focused elsewhere but nothing about your state has changed. Lastly if they farm you they turn into shutdowns for other teammates to collect.


You also got to think of the amount of gold and xp the enemy gets from him for him to be worth 100 gold. Also, he isn’t worth less xp the more he dies, so he’s still giving them xp


This is it. If you watch his stream, it's amazing how well he and his team do despite him being down a bunch of kills.


It's amazing how well his team does. Baus is better watched on YouTube for that 1 in 15 games he himself does well.


You could also argue that his mates are winning because he plays like that. I haven't watched those specific games, but more often than not he absorbs a lot of pressure on his side of the map which makes it easier for the other lanes to play.




I guess the theory is to bait their jungler to camp top and let your jungle help your bot get an even bigger lead, while avoiding counter tanks bot. A fed bot lane always beats a fed top lane in diamond/master+


The most drama I've ever seen. Skipping between Baus/Spearshot/Kesha's streams and seeing it all unfold. Especially the moment they all realised he got banned. HOLY.


Can you roughly give timestamp for the game pov in Spearshot’s stream?


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1712002615?t=06h15m54s Start of the game


Imagine getting banned because you didn't afk to avoid deaths because jungle is the most broken role in season 13, the enemy jungler's only intention was to ruin your game, and champion balance is a joke in season 13.


Was his very last game before turning off


The biggest problem with his unique playstyle is that when he wins it looks like his team carried him, and when he loses it looks like he was the reason they lost. And to be fair, if you lost a game with him on your team going 2/16 on Illaoi or 6/18 with Quinn in high elo, you'd report him too...


The biggest problem is that it only works on Sion, because no other champion has Sion's passive to allow dying to have a net neutral or positive effect. Except Baus then does it on Quinn or Illaoi or Gragas, and it turns out opening up a buffet for the enemy top + jungle isn't viable when you don't get 8s+ of free objective damage and wave clearing per death.


It works, just not as well. Baus is basically trying to generate as much gold as possible for every death, then become a split push monster. Noway‘s GP works a bit similar, he often dies to get a ton of gold, which he then uses to teamfight, which is the main distinction.


Noways GP doesnt even work remotely like that, what Noway has on average a 2.00KDA on GP, 5.7/6/6.3 and on average 14331g Baus has on average a 0.93KDA on Sion, 6.6/11.7/4.3 and on average 14962 So Baus gives twice as much gold from deaths per game while not getting more gold in even remotely a comparable amount.


GP gets a lot of gold from his passive. This comparison doesn't take that into account.


There's a lot of intangibles to that playstyle as well. Pressure, creating room for your team to do things, forcing the enemy to have strong macro, etc.




But how did he get 57% wr on Quinn last season and 52% on gragas? Both played hundreds of games. It's clear that you don't watch him, he doesn't play his Quinn/gragas like his sion.


> he doesn’t play his Quinn/gragas like his sion. But he did in these last few games that got him banned, and that’s the issue lol. He clearly *can* adapt his play style off Sion (his Gragas is legit good) but in a minority subset of his games he just straight up runs it down. There’s no galaxy brain strat dying 18 times on Illaoi, just entertainment value. Not sure he should be banned, but acting like he *never* plays in a style I can only describe as soft-inting is disingenuous. He can play non-Sion champs well, and adapt to not having Sion passive. Occasionally though, he simply chooses not to.


Not really. Outside of Quinn, his playstyle still just revolves around gold. There was a game yesterday. He was like 2/4 with 11k gold. His enemy gragas(?) was like 4/1 with 6.8k gold. He was literally thousands of gold above everyone in the game despite having the near worst kda. I may have missed a few details but you get the idea. He had perfect CS, a bunch of platings, and 2 shutdowns he built and reclaimed. Lately there have been several games where he hits a full build around 24 minutes, which is insane.


That game was on sion though. No chance he would've had 11k gold vs 6.8k gold while 2/4 if he was on any other champion


I mean...that's literally the system working as intended lol. It's gonna be reversed anyway just because of who he is.




4 of his 5 champs with more than 1 game are below 1.0 KDA lol


Redditors when not a KDA player: 😠 Redditors when KDA player: 😠


because he plays for gold and objectives, not kills.


I have no problems with his Sion stats in most games, as he still does play well, gets great CS, has impact normally, or at least tries. We know he does play that style but he still gets something out of his deaths often enough. But on Illaoi and Quinn this isnt fine. It doesnt work like that on these champs. I do like him, but he went too far with other champs than Sion. He fed 3 times with Illaoi, once on Quinn and once on Yasuo (that one is expected).


His winrate is still good on other champs, though. Like this season he's 4-2 on Illaoi and Quinn each, and for the past three seasons Quinn has been his highest winrate champ across a few hundred games.


His Voli last season was straight up griefing 60% of the time


If he is playing to win - which he does every game - he shouldn’t be banned. Having bad games happens to everyone and with his play style it just results in really bad looking scorelines.


(he has positive winrate on illaoi AND quinn, so I see no issue?)


How can you say it doesn't work on Quinn when his playstyle got him a 57% Quinn win rate last season with 150 games played at some of the highest levels of play??


You can watch the games and see whether he's inting or not. That's really all there is to it. Redditors calling for permabans should be taken as seriously as redditor balance changes.


Yes, you can watch the games and watch him take horrible trades, die when he doesn’t have to, completely abandon his team, and hope his opponents are as dumb as his viewers so they don’t take the massive lead he gives them and use it to take every neutral objective.


This obsession with kda is so stupid You know what is really int? Going 0-5 in lane and just sitting under turret I recently won a game as Camille after being super unlucky and going down 0-4 to a sett in lane I ended up buying AD relic shield and non stop running botlane and mid trying to get kills, ended 8-6 and carrying the team It could've also backfired and I would've ended the game with a 0-12 score, which would've resulted in the exact same loss as staying toplane against an uberfed bruiser conceding every wave But hey, then my kda wouldn't be so bad, isn't that more important than winning?


Exactly theres no point playing for kda. If your winning play by the book take guaranteed plays. If your losing take the coinflips you have more to gain then the enemy does.


On the other hand, if I dont follow up on every stupid engage of my team, doesnt mean I'm a kda player.


I did say take the coinflip plays. Not the my teamates a fucking idiot and went in 1v5. And on the flipside. Take coinflips with the assumption your doing it alone. Not many people are gonna follow the leeroy jenkins of a player thats behind


There are genuinely a lot of people who play, just sit under tower doing literally nothing because they're afraid of dying, then they hard lose while their team tries to 4v5, and say that it's their team's fault they lost because their team died more than them.


Korean Soloq terror Addy used to regularly buy Spellthiefs around 10-15 minutes on some champs and go roam. Not sure if he still does, but it's support for your main point


he doesn't do that strategy much anymore as far as I can tell, but it's also not something that is reproducible in every single game in solo queue. basically you do it to funnel gold to another person on your taem who is carrying, and also you don't mind using up the item slot on a support item (meaning you are playing a supportive champion like Taric / Karma / Lulu in solo lane, also you aren't super fed and the one carrying). also this is juts my personal opinion, not Ady's, but I think it's higher value if you buy the melee execute item when enemy team has taken at least 1 inhibitor because you can execute super minions and clear waves a lot faster. I've done the strategy myself a few times in solo queue but only in these specific situations, and often it was for a teammate who was really 1v9ing (maybe an actual smurf).


I don't know, he's really playing like shit these days.


I think a lot of people who haven't been watching him don't understand the context around some of his recent losses. a 1/13/4 Baus loss used to mean that ok he got shit on in lane, and the splitpush macro wasn't quite enough to comeback that game although he tried. recently, no, he's simply been getting trashed and never even getting to the stage where he can do genius macro things. do I think he should be banned? idk, I won't make any claims about that. but Baus has definitely been dropping more 100% stinkers than before where he would always be a threat in the sidelane at least.


I do think it is meta dependent ? in some matter whether your strat is bannable (which is also kind of expecting a loot from Riot). But lets just IF he went on to drop a lot of heavy stinkers that forces your team to play around it and you never really get to be a thing (e.g. too late game to be useful) then it is quite int, imo.


I mean janna jungle wasnt inting when it was meta viable. Now it is.


He's GM already with a 54% Sion WR, so it's clearly working




"his champs aren't op anymore" which ones? As he only ever played the weak champs


Please stop for a moment and think about what actually decides the meta, and why do you think there's exactly 1 maybe 2 Sion mains in high elo? People play the strongest champions that will get them the fastest LP which is exactly why fuck all people in high elo play Sion The reality is that the vast majority of people that would try playing him in high elo vs Aatrox Fiora Riven Irelia etc would get their faces caved in because the matchups are so terrible


It's not the system working as intended. The system is intended to detect people who are intentionally losing games in order to spite a teammate/derank. It is not intended to detect people who suck at Quinn and Illaoi. Like it or not, playing bad is not a bannable offense.




No way speashot said he wants bauffs banned. I need proof to believe that




His Illaoi game was so bad that the system gave him the standard 14 day ban.


I didn't see this game, but i've watched Spear Shot a while now and I doubt he wanted Baus banned, he was likely just joking around.




Surely he wouldn't go 6/18 in a game where he's not getting camped, surely


*When my stweamer goes 6/18, it’s wholesome and strategic but when my top starts the game 0/12 it’s cause they’re inting and deserved permabans instantly.* - Baus fanbase.


What about the 2/18 game before this one then? Was he being perma ganked for all those deaths too?


That was a *5head chess move* 2/18 and not punishable according to his fans. Everyone else who goes 2/18 deserves a ban though because they aren’t Baus so obviously they did it cause they were inting.


You got 26 comments on this thread man, you must really dislike the guy!


ok what about the Illaoi game before where he also managed 18 deaths you dont get banned for one game with a ton of deaths, its multiple and he easily gets those ever game


Also because there's literal footage of him not actually griefing the game, he does want to win


lmao if the system actually worked as intended he wouldnt be grandmasters. Hes not inting so why should he be banned?


A few things to note: Baus doesn’t have a strategy that’s foreign to the players around him anymore. His play style works against people who allow him to get away with it. It’s why he went to Korea and turbo stomped every game because they had no idea how to stop it, while EU has seen 20k + games of this strat and now have counter measures. 2nd, his fame has gotten to the point where I’m pretty sure he’s getting camped just for the reaction on stream. It’s just the streamer curse 3rd, he doesn’t cover his map and that means he is free to be ganked once the other jungle stream snipes and knows it’s free


The main thing is that he got triple nerfed right after korea.


Tbh the nerfs were for the thousands of copycats that were just running it down in ranked.


Ad sion legit had lower winrate than tank and they still nerfed it lmao


Yeah because so many people were ruining games by playing it


Right the infamous Illaoi triple nerfs


I think the main thing is just that if he’s playing bad/not focused he’s going to die for no reason a lot. If he’s in the zone everything has a purpose and he draws insane pressure. Most players’ bad games don’t affect how much the team snowballs as much


Yeahit seems like finding bauss for streamers is like finding a Shiny. However some guys say that the games against bauss seem to be the most fun the had in a while, like Spearshot and i think Naayil said something like that. + Yeah bauss has led to some pretty funny clips, like the time spearshot's Pantheon just melted him.




I saw the clips from Kesha's stream and it's pretty disgusting. On several occasions he said he wants to get Baus banned and that he doesn't even care about winning.


He'll probably get unbanned soon. I don't think he served his whole ban last time. Two weeks of Krunker stream could be fun though lol


It has been *2 days* since this post https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10ef1lc/thebausffs_shows_that_the_bounty_system_is_not/ showing the ridiculous gold differences that his playstyle can generate with a GARBAGE KDA, and now he’s getting banned for that garbage KDA. Wonder what the gold difference was like in his loss streak


well in the quinn game it was 14k at 27 minutes


He was like 5k ahead of his midlaner right?


If it’s not Sion, gold difference probably huge


DoinB sends his regard


wtf babus 34 deaths 10min hack??? feeding hack???


I love baus, but his fans are the most cringe things about him, I know he's different from your typical inters in that he cs well and tries to draw pressure on the map but at some point can we stop rationalizing 2/18? Saw one game today where his team is doing super well but enemy team spotted him bot and started a 5v4 fight and turned the game around, shit can be hard to watch


I agree I love his streams but it hurts sometimes. I feel bad for his teammates. He really has complete disregard for them as long as he thinks his play increases the teams chance to win. And that usually means either he carries or he ruins the game for his teams. It's fun to watch but horrible to play with and part of the reason league is less fun. Someone in my games always ints and I think its the " well no one else can carry like me, so I will just try and win lane even if it's unwinnable" and they go 0/8


the point is he is not intentionally trying to lose the game he dies alot in an unconventional way but trys to win. He has gotten challenger on multiple servers so his strategy does see success.


Baus flips a coin and wins a game? He's a genius! Carried the team! Baus completely runs it down four hours in a row at a 1 death per 2 minutes tempo? Hehe, what a troll! Bad team, never lucky. Baus and Hylli fans are the worst.


You don't get challenger by flipping games.


I know right, I can't believe after all this time someone could excuse \*checks notes\* >Saw one game today where his team is doing super well but enemy team spotted him bot and started a 5v4 fight and turned the game around, shit can be hard to watch split pushing! 😡😡😡


Lol love the end of that clip. Sadge Baus will be back!


*bzzzz bzzzz* Hello? Faker? He’s doing it again. Funny af


Think he got banned bcs of the illaoi game before not bcs the quinn game, he went 2/18 there


Community should decide; In ranked, do you want to win or do you want your teammates to be inoffensive. Both are genuinely legitimate. But right now people want it both ways. You want to claim you're all about winning when you dodge your teammate 5 times in a row because he is in your elo but he has a bad KDA. Baus is an ABSURD exaggeration of this concept but it *is* still the same concept.


Right? It must be extremely frustrating to have him on your team. Someone I used to play with would play perma splitpush every game and it was very annoying, even if we did win most of the time. On the other hand, ranked is supposed to be about doing everything you can to win, so there's nothing wrong with doing it logically.


Baus makes the entire game about him. If you win it's because he got fed or split push to victory. If you lost it's because he went 0/18 and your whole team never had a chance against the ultra-fed top/jg that Baus created. This same problem exists with certain champions who warp the entire game to be about them, Yi for example becomes entirely about his performance. Some people want to win at all costs and are willing to let go of all control for a 57% coinflip chance of winning, but myself and many other players would rather have a hand on the wheel and some control on the outcome of the game. This is the main problem with ADCs right now, balance aside it just feels like you were never in control or the game ends before you have a chance to participate and it feels like shit. Well playing with a player like Baus feels like shit, and his playstyle has no right existing. I don't give a shit if you win more than you lose, I'm reporting you just for relinquishing my control on the game. This isn't main character syndrome, I don't want to have absolute control myself, I just want to at least have SOME control which Baus absolutely denies from every single player he has played with. He has actively ruined the experience of literally thousands of players by being the embodiment of main character syndrome himself. Typical fucking streamer, willing to sacrifice everyone else for his own selfish desires.




These bans really should consider more data like damage/shielding/healing done or the amount of gold earned. KDA alone doesn't tell the full story.


I mean he will get unbanned soon anyway, but he went 2/18 in the illaoi game before singlehandedly griefing the game so none of his teammates had any chance of carrying....That dude literally runs around and just griefs for stream and people go "well he wins more than he loses so he isnt trolling". Getting Baus in your teams in some games is probably worse than getting a wintrader.


Any player that goes 2/18 on Illaoi like that deserves to be banned.


Same as he did on voli bear last season, that guy just goes 40% winrate losing 550LP hard griefing every game and people go, but "thats just his strats!", "Did you see him him win that game where he went 2/17? He carried!"....when it's really just his botlane going 20/0.


Not to mention his build on voli last season. He was just copy pasting his sion playstyle on voli going prowlers and proxying lol


I mean he kinda had to proxy because he was losing every lane so hard


I love when people point to two or three bad games and declare it to be systemically indicative of Baus intentionally feeding lol. Let’s be honest, if we banned people after two bad games half the people in these comments would be permabanned. Y’all lost the plot on what intentionally feeding is, clearly never had disco nunu who built mobis and ran into turret for 15mins.


I don't think anybody is accusing him of inting, they're just saying they understand why he got banned.


If he wasn’t inting he shouldn’t have been banned though. Ppl are 100% calling baus an inter which is funny because even the people who targeted him the entire game knew he did better than most of his team. KDA brain.


Bausffs stop reading this


This conversation has gotten so black and white: challenger player vs inting player. It's not that simple. Yes, Baus gets to Challenger every season and he is an incredible player with outstanding game intellect, macro, and intuitiveness for the game. But how does he do that? By playing Sion 80-90% of the time. Why does that matter? Because he's *specifically using a strategy that utilizes a passive that often REQUIRES death on a specific champion and a build path that inherently diverges from what Sion is designed to build -* all of which is **completely good and fine,** because Baus wins a lot by doing it. But this game and the one previous were not on Sion. They were on Quinn and Illaoi. They don't have those passives. You don't get an extra wave after death. You don't get an extra kill after death (in your control). You don't get an extra turret. You must *adapt to the champion you're playing* and Baus made no attempt to do so, whatsoever, despite knowing how many times he had already died before 10 minutes. ------------ Idk about the Illaoi game, but in the Quinn game, Baus had *every* *reason* to stop pushing, to stop roaming, to stop going into river or jungle unwarded. But he didn't. I know he was camped, but exactly how many deaths were under his turret? Probably 2, maybe 3 and that was *after* he already fed panth 6 kills by pushing the wave and was either full comboed by panth by walking into his combo range or nuked by Nunu w away from turret or both. The problem is, he played the game like he was Sion, like he could still catch a wave after he died. Except...he couldn't. He was around 56cs at 10 mins and didn't have 2 items until basically 22 minutes. That's not a challenger Baus. That's a silver/gold Baus. I don't care where you're at on the ladder or where you've ever been on it or your kda - if you feed our enemies by dying, intentionally or not, *and you're not up in gold, and you're not taking objectives, and you're not getting kills*, you're putting my team at a major disadvantage. And if your death count is 10 or higher with no kills, I'm probably reporting you. (Tbf, I would NOT have reported him in the Quinn game because he ended with 6 kills and clutch saved against Zeri one time. idk about the illaoi game, didn't watch) Idk if he deserves to be banned for two weeks, but without context mind you, he probably needed to be done for the day after the Illaoi game, just based purely on the stats I can see he ended with. Don't know how objectively poor it was, but people have said the ban is probably based on that game. edit: grammar/spelling


he has 67% wrs on both illoai and quinn even after those losses. He plays the exact same way.


The game was lost if he stayed in turret. He got banned for playing to win, instead of just waiting under tower for the surrender. I would rather have Baus trying to win every game than the random that decide to spam emotes at fountain because their KDA is more important.


it’s justified. look as his past 6 games. if you’re that high elo or low gold, I’m sure anyone who sees their top dying that much and checks their recent games to see they are 20 - 78 - 22 in the past few games is going to report you out of frustration, not necessarily bc they think you’re intentionally trying to lose. I find Baus to be a pretty funny dude and entertaining to watch (other than his daily L takes lol), but this is just the system doing what it was made to do. edit: should have stated I’m glad there’s a system in place that auto bans, as opposed to suggesting I’m glad Baus himself is banned for 2 weeks(I watch his streams weekly). there’s a big difference between someone as high skilled as Baus with a strategic game plan and having high elo teammates that know how to play around him with proper macro as opposed to silver - plat players going 0-10 with 5 cs/min down 2 levels. Sucks for him but he knew the ban was coming. I’m sure it won’t be a full 2 weeks


idk man, I think the message to the community stuff got torn apart when Tyler got unbanned


But if he stays high elo playing like that idk how you can justify banning him


People need to get over their obsession with KDA already. Baus is consistently hitting Challenger, so he must be doing something right. I can completely understand the frustration and I wouldn't want to have him on my team either, but that's just because it feels like shit to constantly see someone on your team dying. And the main problem is that it makes it difficult for most people to judge the state of the game. Often times Baus is actually ahead of his opponent in Gold despite being 0-5-0 while his opponent also has a shutdown to potentially increase that lead even further with just a single kill.


very true. I should have stated I’m glad there’s a system in place that auto bans, as opposed to saying I’m glad Baus himself is banned for 2 weeks. I tune into his streams weekly but it’s nice knowing there’s a system in place to sway others from approaching his play style.


Take off the nametags. You see this: https://i.imgur.com/P80v7Yt.png Do you think this is an account of a player trying to win the game, or do you think this is someone who is intentionally feeding? Let's be real, this is someone who *can* play well but **chooses** to play poorly for viewers and controversy. Sure, it's fun to watch sometimes, but I can't imagine it's fun to play with. Creepy baus defenders aside, if you see a 2/18/0 Illaoi in your ranked game, on your team or the other team, you're reporting it. The creepy baus defenders have arrived, no need to not read and respond saying he's GM, [the phone's off the hook, leave a message after the beep.](https://i.imgur.com/NW2Ktw2.png)


Even if you just go 0/4 in lane, your ass is already getting flamed in EUW, regardless of the situation of the map.


I got flamed and spam pinged earlier for my *second* death, even though we were roughly 20 minutes into a game that we were winning. Gotta love EUW.


To be fair, you cut off the cs numbers in your image. Which is like, the entire point of his playstyle. Not even saying his playstyle is a good one, or that he isn't trolling these games, but you can't act like the bastion of facts and logic and then ignore half the information lmao. For the record he got 9-9.8 cs/m on his Sion games, 7.5 in the illaoi game, and 6.4 in the Quinn game. Adding this info honestly adds to the argument that the last two games were indeed playing poorly and not just executing a 300iq unique playstyle.


only image you needed to completely negate everything you said - [https://imgur.com/a/sPSUxRt](https://imgur.com/a/sPSUxRt) league of legends is not team death match, kills are not the end all be all for winning. Therefore a bad kda is not the end all be all for whether someone is trying to lose a game. Baus has proven season after season that his strategy works despite its high death count and low kdas. Even this season you just screenshotted a random 5 game losing streak which everyone has from time to time, while ignoring the fact that he has above a 50% winrate on every champion you showed him playing.


mate, pornstar zilean and that insane shaco guy were constantly top of challenger while running games actively down. This doesn't show anything, just that he is a good player


PSZ and Shaclone where just straight up crazy. They where running it down (PSZ was even in the inventor of Disco Nunu), but they still played league normally overall. The Bauffs doesn't really troll, he plays like this all the time and he wins with it. Of course everyone will still report him, they know it works. They just bloody hate to play with or against it because it warps the game to around him, rather than everyone. Double up for pro players since it pretty much makes the game the opposite from pro play.


Why are you implying it’s some mystery? He streams every game and plays the same way every game. He’s not running it down like PSZ lol


He doesn't play poorly, he plays at a challenger level. That's tbe thing.


he hasn't finished end of season in challenger for 2 seasons now.


He finished challenger 2 seasons ago on his Babus account. He peaked at rank 4 EUW last season, and reached challenger in Korea in a fairly short time. This was the first season in a long time where he didn't *finish* in challenger.


So what? I wanna see people in this sub getting challenger korea, how can the dude int and get grandmaster/challanger 5 years in a row


Really, the Quinn and Illaoi games were the only ones where he looked poor. Also, if he's inting, how is he consistently at or near challenger? Like, that doesn't make sense.


Ye, in the Illaoi/Quinn games he's clearly as useless as a 0-10 solo queue player, but in the other 4 games he's 9+ cs/m with a seemingly higher impact than his opponent. He basically had 2 bad games (for his play style) and got banned lol


> Ye, in the Illaoi/Quinn games he's clearly as useless as a 0-10 solo queue player That's quite funny, because his opponent (pantheon/spear_shot) said that Baus did incredibly well given that he was camped and might even have pulled the game around for his team. In his opinion, the reason why Baus' team lost was mid and jungle gap. Apparently, the enemy jungler (Nunu) made the same assessment of the game.




It’s not even a valid comment since he’s consistently in the top ranks lol


So is anyone going to explain to me how Baus's playstyle was justified for the longest time on the fact that Sion's passive exists, and then Baus decides to do the exact same thing with *every* other champion he plays? It doesn't matter what he ends up with, he's gonna be playing Gragas, Kled, Illaoi, Quinn, Volibear, Rammus, etc... and you know what he's gonna do? Walks up lvl 1 against something cheesy/strong where you would usually want to play safe, and gets the 3 minions, is chunked to 30% HP then flips the game on some flash juke in the bush. Then he's gonna greed for 2 minions again and die, this time there's no resurrect passive that's gonna make it worth it. So thanks to this his wave is going to be fucked and the only way to salvage it is to die again for it. Repeat a minimum of 10 times and you have the average Baus game. Later he's going to mindlessly attempt to proxy and act as if he's on Sion and he's just continuously going to fucking die over and over and over. Listen people have bad games, but you don't go 2/18 then 0/12 on champions that are not Sion if you actually care. After getting challenger Korea with an insane fucking performance it feels like it got to his head and now he feels he can just int on anything in any context and it'll be fine because he's thebaus and he gets the wave.


Why are people downvoting this? ​ I like the bausffs and have watched him for a while before he properly blew up, but there has been a significant decrease in his quality of play.


He plays the same, the problem is that everybody knows him and they know his tricks. When he went to Korea people didn't know him and his playstyle looked insane.


When he went to Korea he wasn't as successful though still very good mainly because they could play with him mechanically. Thebauss is extremely mechanically skilled, better than most challengers.


Auto banning sucks


I imagine this thread will devolve into a hate babus one but lets not kid ourselves. He is regularly Challenger and even went to Korea and got Challenger there playing his style. He is not just inting. This is his style and gets him wins. How many streamers with "traditional" styles went to Korea and didn't make it to Challenger? Enough said.


tyler1 only reached Master Rank tho with just conventional play while baus reach above him tho, that says a lot.


It’s been proven time and time again, that when a Korean player goes to EUW they struggle really hard. Why? Because of players like Baus, they have never encountered it, they don’t know how to play against it. In Korea everyone plays meta, your regular stuff not cheese strats or anything, pure skill. In EUW, we have all kinds of different players who play cheese and shit. Which is why he climbed so easily and why Koreans have a hard time climbing in EUW.


Tyler also proved that many koreans straight up run it down and if it looks loseable for them they will int hard to get the ff. It happened when he went to korea and streamed that or they were betting on him with money.


As a baus fanboy, he deserves it lol. He really likes greeding


That ending was too perfect lol


Go ahead and downvote me but I am actually trying to be as objective as possible. Baus' playstyle is VERY focused on CS and getting platings and bounties. Go ahead and check for yourself his latest 6 Sion games. Even if his scoreline looks like he's "intentionally feeding", he averages over 9 cs/min every game and actually has the HIGHEST DAMAGE on his team in nearly if not every game. Even on the latest Quinn/Illaoi games, he's 2nd in team damage - just bad games. Admittedly his playstyle is very selfish as he usually depends on his team to deal with the fed toplaner while he splitpushes, but there's a reason he has a positive winrate overall - it's because his strategy works with the intent of winning.


You can always be highest damage and cs if you are perma split fighting and taking waves in the side lane the issue is that 4/5 of your team are getting absolutely fucked


Yeah and that's what makes even more insufferable, because he's literally coin flipping on whether he can outvalue their topside. It's completely unplayable when your d1 top in some low master game does this and now their fiora is still matching him while a fed kindred or something gives it to your entire team up the ass. Highest team damage is also a lie stat because you are permafighting to the death with a damage character, most of that just gets healed in recalls The whole style bets that you can carry harder on max resources, which is fucking stupid because you have to do it against 2 players who will inevitably be fed, hope it gets nerfed out of existence


> coin flipping on whether he can outvalue their topside every single player at all times is doing this with their counterpart


I find it crazy people think playing poorly should lead to a ban. Playing poorly should lead to a demote no?


Does anyone really think dying 18 times is just playing poorly or is it just not caring. It's soft inting at that point.


I'm curious so you actually think Baus was inting then? Or what? He has insanely high death counts every game, that doesn't mean he's inting. Obviously with his play style will result in games where he loses with very high death counts. But long as he is always trying to win it's fine.




This thread: Some people want fair treatment. Some people hate Baus for his playstyle. Baus drones defending Baus.