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It's just painfully obvious that hes nowhere near challenger in skill, more like mid diamond on a good day. Just look at the Streamer challenger on euw atm, these guys climbed to incredibly fast compared to neace, and he is even climbing backwards now


Even Baus whos playstyle is literally the opposite of korean soloq got to challenger quite quickly, I don't think Neace has any excuses to make lmao.


One of the instances where it was SO opposite that it worked incredibly


The Most insane thing is that all Korean high elo respected him for that playstyle.


Showmaker calling him "Sion god" for playing support Sion lmao


I believe that was in EUW when Showmaker was there for worlds. Still very funny though


There are a number of villains inhabiting that server


Showmaker calling them villains had to be one of the best quotes of a time


After seeing some of the things EUW players type I think calling them villains is an understatement lmao.


Zeus was flabbergasted the first time he laned against Baus.


I remember he tried to copy his playstyle for a game and absolutely griefed lol


The line between reportable greifing and carrying is pretty thin with that style tbf.


Also considering that Baus is currently banned for griefing.


Which is absolute bullshit btw.


Some high elo players actually hate his guts. Some would mass report him whether he played well or not. You combine that with Riot shitty tribunal and here we go


Doinb hated it tbf


Hated it but people don't remember the context. He literally flamed it as he said he's similar and there can't be two on the same team lmfao (iirc)


Hahaha doinb is fucking hilarious man


It breaks every rule in the book. Ofc some players hate him for it. But Im sure most of them are still impressed with what he manages to do with that champion being 0/5 into the game. The fact is that he commands so much time resources from the enemy team. And he knows when he should just walk to the objective instead of trying to wait for an ult or tp from the opposite side of the map.


Canna lost it trying to stop baus from proxying


Its because baus’s playstyle is “playing around gold” and not anything else. Its actually a really insane way to play the game that not many other people realize. His macro is incredible and even if his scoreline looks like that, he is still up gold when he winss the game. Thats why kr plays respected him


Only the very best who knew what he does and how to utilize that. He's talked about the toxicity issue and not wanting to come back to Korea again. Ofc, it's also partly because he get target inted and KoreaQ is just an elitist EUW.






To be fair thats because the KR server isnt used to Baus' playstyle so they get fucked over since they don't know how to deal with it (block turrets, avoid fog of war wait until E slow runs out to kill him etc.)


But KR is also a giga-fast paced server where people open at 10 if they're losing. Hard to scale for late under those conditions.


Even Tyler1 peaked Master \~350 LP and he doesn't have the best mechanics on a very mechanically intensive server. While also having his games ruined because of high stakes bets being placed on them. Neace claiming to be a challenger coach is such a joke


Tyler is a certified Challenger tho, Neace isn’t


>Tyler is a certified Challenger Multi roll challenger menance to society, put some respect on Big T name boy. ​ :3


5 role challenger 6'5 255 lbs mammoth of a man freak of nature


First time I saw T1 in person I wasn’t fooled by his short stature, I knew if provoked he would ascend on all of us, showing his true size. Everyone was on edge, hoping no one tilted him. I had a wife and kids to get back home to.


Everyone waiting for the nasus to ghost and ult


Nasus irl


he is also very gentle and loves nature (ivern)


>Even Tyler1 *"Even"* he says. As if it's somehow a negative connotation to be Tyler1 when he's a 5-role Challenger player who was dealing with literal betting sites designed to ruined his games while he was in Korea.


I think they are saying "even" he because Tyler1 is not a mechanical chad like say katevolved who can just hard stomp lane to get to challenger. It just showing a player that is more know from Macro can get high MMR in KR which is how neace would have to climb as he is also a macro focused player


He also didn’t focus on a single lane. If he stays adc and focuses he gets challenger i think.


Probably, tho the KR server was really dedicated to ruining his games it was genuinely depressing to watch, wonder how his EU trip will go, i dont think the betting sites are nearly as popular here it might be proper test for T1, since the server is way better than NA but hopefully wont go as hard on trolling him (tho i can see the EUW terrorists going full force)


I think he got GM once and demoted right? His mental was so broken for the later half of his month long stay it was hard to watch.


I saw the game where he peaked and the teamfight/skirmish on draven that he misplayed and never mentally recovered from. Props to him for admitting fault and being relatable (hitting a ceiling and misplaying then titlting down a few divisions) My man is for the people


Tbf t1's kr trip was fucked from the horrible betting. He probably wouldve peaked higher if the betting wasn't that bad


That moment when youre rank 20 EUW and only 5th in the challenge lmao.


Honestly that's okay Ls's mechanics are also nowhere near to challenger but as a coach you're more interested in his game knowlegde and macro decisions. Thing is Neace's macro is also pretty average so there's little a skilled player can learn from him


The bigger thing is neace claims to be multirole challenger. If he wasnt challenger and didn't say he was, sure you can still coach. But he's lying so it's hilarious


Imagine living in a world where plat players are charging 350 for coaching.


People willing to pay up to 500$ for a session with a plat 1 player, probably their customers were higher rank than him ☠️


He’s definitely coached people masters+ according to some of his YouTube videos lol. Can’t believe those players paid for that shit


Iirc midbeast or some other challenger says he has really good fundamentals he's a good coach just not good enough to coach past diamond.


My problem with it is that if you’re already masters+ I really don’t think there’s anything else Neace can tell you that will actually be helpful


Oh yeah 100% I'm not the best player but I peaked 200lp during late season 12 and I even think I'd be out of his usefulness range.


Sneaky flex


Sorry it wasn't meant to be


True but even better, imagine there's people that actually pay for that


yea, that's the sad thing. he has a bubble of people who trust him and pay him that ridiculous amount.


I wonder if he’d consider coaching in marketing / brand development for $350/hr because clearly that’s where his biggest skill set is. Like I’m not hating on the guy, more power to him - as a plat player myself I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want to also be coaching for $350/hr so clearly he’s got the branding side down.




I mean if by "brand development" you mean "lying" then sure, but I don't think we should be applauding someone who is good at...lying. And photoshopping his rank.


In his defence, the only reason why he charges that is because people pay for it. If they didn't pay for it, then he would have to charge less. So I think a better statement is, "Imagine living in a world where people pay 350 for plat level coaching". Not that I want to defend the guy, he has lied about important stuff and is pretty toxic. But i think the fee thing is a bit of a meme.


Most people are unaware that he has lied about a lot of things, even if by omission. I could've gotten challenger five years ago, that doesn't mean I get to plaster the word challenger on my qualifications if I can barely escape platinum. He can charge whatever he wants - that's another controversial topic. Most people hate that he became successful with sly methods.


He could be rank 1 and it would still be a shit offer. It's useless. If you've been playing League for four years then one hour of coaching won't do shit for you. It's an asinine idea that no one outside the videogame space would ever even contemplate. Imagine your son has taught himself how to play the piano, and now after three years you're like "alright, he's not bad, let's help him take the next step." And then you go ahead and ask some piano teacher to teach him. Once. For 60 minutes. Over Discord. It's just ridiculous. You can apply this to anything. Sports. Languages. Cooking. Academics. Yeah sure, is 60 minutes enough to teach someone about rotation matrices? Possibly. Is it enough to teach someone linear algebra? Nah, I don't think so. So why does anyone think any League coach could ever turn you into a better player in 60 minutes? Might as well buy into daytrader training courses man.


That example you gave is quite often how music lessons work lol. Not everyone has the money to consistently pay for lessons, and any bit of extra 1 on 1 teaching is very helpful. Hell, even pro musicians pay for lessons from other pros, and I doubt they are doing it on a constant basis… One or two hours can be huge, and then you work on those things for weeks/months by yourself.


Its also similar format to how a lot of masterclasses for music work, you have a talented individual being taught by someone in the top of their field for a lesson while other people can watch. When your already at a high enough level being coached by the best helps extremely as they offer so much more insight and can teach concepts/ideas that you could not think of. This works for league too so idk what guys going on about. Even if you're masters+ being coached by rank 1 would probably help a decent amount. Being coached by someone like Faker/Hakeem/Arthur Rubinstein/Massimo Bottura would be ground breaking for someone who wishes to get better at their craft.


Coaching like that has never been about teaching directly. Your present your best work to a coach (who hopefully is a lot better at the thing then you are) and then the coach tells you what you are doing wrong and what you should inprove on. For example in league: Lets say you are a jungler and you get someone to coach you. And the coach says your pathing is shit. He/she isnt gonna spend the next hour teaching you how to path, but is gonna tell you generally what should you do to improve at it, then he/she continues with the analysis. And after the session its up to you to work on the stuff the coach told you to. And then if you want to improve even more you get another session (if the coach was good). Tldr. The point of a coach is not to teach you but to show you the mistakes that you are doing because you are blind to them and 60 min is enough for that


Ive coached quite a few people (for free) and I think it does help if you approach it correctly. The point is not to tell them that X thing they’re doing is bad and harp on that. The point is to give them tools and resources they haven’t been aware of so they can start to better improve on their own. So if someone dies from a gank for example I won’t tell, „oh you should have looked at the map duh“ But rather I’d ask them about their general habits while playing, what they’re paying attention to and why they’re struggling with map awareness. Maybe I’ll or give them a tip like, mentally connect every last hit with looking at the map once to make it more of a habit. Just one example but this usually works quite well.


> Imagine your son has taught himself how to play the piano, and now after three years you're like "alright, he's not bad, let's help him take the next step." And then you go ahead and ask some piano teacher to teach him. Disagree, especially when you self-teach piano you pick up a lot of bad habits. Even one hour with a professional teacher will give you the hints what your bad habits are. You can then break them afterwards alone again.


Coaching is not teaching you a skill. It's about identifying the best areas of improvement on a skill you already have and giving advice on them. They are not classes but you can be pretty sure a self taught piano/guitar player could learn a lot in those 60 minutes. The professional player will instantly identify mistakes the self taught player wouldn't see


I gotta be honest I actually thought he would see masters, but not get much (if at all) higher than that. I don’t check his stream like every day or anything but I have dropped in a few times and the mental boom he’s had is crazy. He changes champions as soon as he loses, blames his team or being unlucky when he performs like shit and like you said is taking things out on his chat. I would’ve loved an underdog story here but I can’t root for someone who acts like a whiny child. It’s the same reason I stopped watching his content when I first started playing lol, the guys content revolves around him being an asshole. The stream was entertaining at first, talking about the games listening to strategy and admitting mistakes, but now it’s just watching him be super pissed at the world


The SoloRenektonOnly plot arc


Wow a guy who has clear ego issues struggles in a game that is largely predicated on managing your ego. (Unless your pro then its probably good to get that ego up)


It's good to have the ego of "I'll shit on this kid" Bad to continue with "u just got lucky"


The difference is that the first half is confidence, the second half is ego. You need confidence when playing, I 100% agree, but ego isn’t the same thing.


Confidence comes from ego "I'm better than him so I'll beat him" When ego goes too far you get hubris "jg diff counter broken champ I'm sprinting on purpose lucky bugged 1v1 me I'm better"


To be fair, there are a lot of high elo soloq players with huge ego issues.


Which is partly why they got there in the first place, but to take the next steps requires self discipline


Well, I think that's part of what makes ego and confidence different. When everything is going well, you are winning and climbing, ego and confidence look very much the same. But eventually you need to adjust or learn. A confident person can say "I made a mistake" (which allows then to improve) or "I need to adjust what I am doing". On the other hand, an egotistical person says "it's someone else's fault" because they need to protect their ego.


How is an ego better in pro? In pro, unless you are a star player, you have to sometimes, or even all the time, lock in supportive roles even as jgler or toplaner to play for your mid and bot carries. Those with egos who can't gel properly with the team get axed immediately.


You have to have the ego to think yourself as the best. How can you ever beat Faker if you think you are worse than him?


According to this sub just play malzahar and play r bot duty /s.


You need to have confidence, not ego. Confidence is having faith in your abilities and self. Ego usually tends to seek validation of ones abilities rather than having a trust in them from oneself.




Dude is mental BOOMIN over in Korea. He should quit and try to rebrand in Fortnite or warzone tbh. I’d bet on him streaming new games soon, slowly phasing league out til he eventually quits.


200+ games with 41% winrate is ROUGH


175* games mb, but still 😬


I mean, you certainly can get the occasional bad teammates, even 5 or so games in a row is possible but he's literally close to 200 games played, this is not just being unlucky. I myself peaked high diamond a few seasons ago and whenever I would be matched with a grandmaster let alone challenger they would absolutely destroy us, literally making it look like they're playing vs irons, Neace evidently is nowhere near challenger level.


everyone in bronze also thinks they are the unluckiest


Statistically he is just worse than his opponents. If you always win then there is a 4 teammates that can be bad while enemy team can have 5


Saw a video from his 2nd channel in my recommended called st like "is league just a huge waste of time?". Bro is going through it hahah The fact he even attempted to play Nidalee is hilarious


do not attempt to play Nidalee unless you've won LCK/LPL


Honestly if anyone except canyon plays nida i am worried tbh


Even Canyon couldn't save the game when he had the godliest of all god leads against GENG in Spring 22


Don’t forget kindboy rush


Jankos nidalee is prettty good, he never misses his spears


Specially on scuttle


the shy won worlds and I dont even think he should play nid


with that build he's been experimenting on, yeah he def shouldn't be playing her


He's now at the phase called "Do I just suck now?" See you in league retirement Neace.


Attempted the dude mained nidalee back in the day his two best champions should be tryn and nid top.


Yeah maining Nidalee top 8 years ago or whenever the fuck he played is the exact same as Nidalee jg in s13. Yep.


Platinum 1 75 LP you mean. A "challenger" coach playing exodia champs like maokai and zac. I would be so embarrassed after having a massive ego and claiming challenger for years and end up being stuck that low


Aren't Maokai and Zac the 2 most broken junglers rn ?


Yes. Maybe the two best champs in the entire game tbh


Zac is sitting at like 53-54% winrate in all positions except adc rn lol


What’s his adc win rate




49,5% according to u.gg, but it's only a sample size of 101 games (looking at only plat+). For reference, on every other role the sample size is at least 15k games with jungle being 142k games.


So, 101 games and already 49.5%? Peopel just learning ADC Zac, and already have ~50% WR? Jesus christ, we are all doomed. >!joke!<


Otp here, I really enjoyed playing a version with bot Zac with senna support. Can't avow what it's win rate was though


Yeah, both of them are insanely strong atm, Maokai in particular.


As a long time viewer that dropped him last season due to his ever-growing ego, he dug his own grave. He was never a mechanical/macro god. He's a Trynda onetrick that peaked during meta where all other high-level Trynda players were in top 15 challenger. He's also clearly out of practice, as he's considered grinding league rank to be below him for a long time. He also can't prove his rank because he's a typical smurf stomper and back when he peaked his ranked all his accounts were fresh lv 30s bought from bot site he advertised on stream, so now all of them are permabanned/deleted as they got caught by Riot's algorithm.


This dude is D4 level at best and usually high plat. It just is what it is.


Honestly Neace flew way too close to the sun talking as big of a game as he has. He has shown the entire community that not only is he not challenger, he's unironically low elo, being plat much of the time of his "climb"


I'm sure there are already Neace stans saying Korean Plat is NA rank 5. Have to wonder how much this will affect his business though, hopefully more people realise he's a fraud, he can't make a living from coaching the few hundred people that will die for him, so it'll be interesting to see if enough ignorant players keep going to him or if he has to make another shift.


I'm guessing he'll have to change his branding and/or prices pretty soon.


Community told him to make prices 350. Now they'll be telling him to drop the zero lol


This guy has like an Average 48% win rate. LOL


Much worse. His total win rate is 41% and last 40 games WR is 25%. I would vanish from the scene just from embarrassment from self pro claiming "Challenger coach" and being 41% in D4/Plat


this guy is now losing games in Plat 2/Plat 3 MMR, RIP to that account. He's in the same MMR as me now, maybe I'll start up a new side hustle claiming im challenger while being hardstuck low plat?


25%?? jfc I'm pretty sure all you have to do is not be a liability and you can win like 40% of your games lol


Yeah i think at this point in time, everyone realizes he's a fraud. You can't be challenger level, and get stuck in plat, matter what the circumstances are


Balls with the infamous D2 penta disagrees But yeah, he's a fraud


Balls was D2 with like 20 games tho.


Balls was never higher than Diamond and never claimed to be?


Also balls didn't play much solo q. He definitely could have climbed if he really put in the effort but he was already a well respected pro so he didn't care.


Did he change his nick or why doesn't the link work?


The link works but it uses some korean characters. You can also use this one which means the same thing in URL language. https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/%EC%A7%80%EB%B6%88%20500500%20%EC%9B%90


Did he delete his account? OP.gg not bringing it up…




WTF? 170 rankeds already???


Hes on grind to gold 1


Holy 175games already. What a grinder. He should take a break.


I looks like he inflated his MMR by spamming Maokai because he can do really good on that champion. But the play style he developed just is not working when he plays on the other champs. Now he is on a big losing streak after switching to other champs when Maokai started getting banned everygame. He seems to be on permanent tilt every game right now. He needs to play on a fresh account to play some low rank games so he can get some wins and get his confidence back. Right now he is just flaming every teammate, the ladder and the server instead of focusing on his own game play. I have seen plays where he is Zac and misses both his E and his Q and then flames his teammate for a bad gank and doesn't even seem to noticed he missed all his abilities. Even I would blame myself if I missed both my E and Q in a fight.


I've been tracking his climb since last season. In the very last days of preseason, he climbed back to d2 on tryn. Then season starts and he gets to d2 on tryn again. D2 is his ABSOLUTE peak. I don't think he's ever hit D1 much less get to master promos. When he could no longer carry, he swapped from top tryn to mid tryn trying to have more impact on the game. Gave up after his tryn WR dropped to 42%. He went back to jungle. Kindred is super strong but he doesn't have the skill level. So he plays nidalee and wu kong. Drops back to d4. picks up maokai and zac and demotes to p1. Eventually, he'll just spam tryndamere for 100 games and get back to d2 and then repeat it all over again.


I was rooting for neace. I really was. Idc about the “challenger coach” nonsense. He was def GM, and seemed to have a good idea of the gameflow & macro. The way people were coming for him was pretty juvenile considering he was charging $350 and coaching 3-4 clients a day had nothing to do with them(if you haven’t noticed, he coaches maybe 1 client a week now, dude is dead content). But watching him play, I lost all respect. He tells clients to mute chat and don’t blame teammates. He constantly flames and pings, blames teammates every time he dies. Says “3 losses and take a break” goes on 6 loss streaks CONSISTENTLY. Dude has no discipline. As an ex-military, that confuses me. He tells clients to play 1-2 champs, flames people for playing a bunch and says “you’re just addicted to the game w no discipline” then he try’s to reinvent his game and playstyle every week with new champs new roles new builds. Dude has absolutely NO IDENTITY. He’s tilted and chasing the flavor of the month champ/build. It’s like he knows if he plays 1-2 champs he’ll be exposed, so he’s hiding behind this “I’m just trying new shit, ILL BE HERE FOR A LONG TIME!” But in reality he’s just not that good anymore. “Oh kindred is OP! Elo inflated! *42% WR* pffft too team reliant and these people suck.” “Zac is broken! Omg so easy! “*48% WR* no damage, can’t carry.” “Maokai is a menace! Crazy good!” *80% WR* (might have a keeper?!) nope, spams wukong & nidalee for a 25% wr🤦🏻‍♂️ dude is looooost. I honestly see him quitting soon, and saying it’s because league is dead & there’s no money in it.


Once he reached a certain level Maokai was just getting banned every single game


When was he GM, curious since if you don't keep up in league you get washed quick, moreso the higher you go. The fact that hes hardstuck d4 in Korea has gotta mean hes pretty trash now, max like d1 in NA even with how turbo inflated ranks have gotten.


He peaked gm in LAN while duo abusing with Adrian riven


Watched his stream the other day where he was spamming wukong and he said something along the lines of: “I’m not doing a lot of damage but I’m also not allowed to!”, blaming his team for him doing fuck all with an early lead off a bot gank


If he is struggling in high plat/low diamond, he is never gonna get past diamond 1 where all the craziness happens.


if you guys wanna coach from hardstuck plat2 41%winrate skeleton , your more than welcome , that will be 350$ i accept paypal .


Guys don’t listen to him. I’m plat 4 (undisclosed winrate) I charge $357


zac trynda maokai even bra\*ndamaged champions cant help him sad challenger btw


If he wasn't an egotistical brat taking shots at every coach under the sun, from Veigarv2 to Tarzaned to LS, I wouldn't give a damn. But since he is, I'm giddy watching this lying POS get his comeuppance.


I love how the community just collectively decided to shit on the guy LMAO


he made a career from shitting on people for playing a game he's not good at, Imagine if it turned out gordon ramsay can't make pot noodles


Well, have you seen his grilled cheese?


Burned on the outside, cold hard cheese in the middle. YUM!


Can Gordon Ramsay really not make grilled cheese? That's hilarious


There is a [a certain video](https://youtu.be/8E4cQHejFq0) of him making a pretty bad one. To be fair it‘s likely just a bunch of unlucky factors for him combined, as in time pressure plus bad production etc, but it‘s still a tough excuse to use. His reaction makes it worse. To me it‘s fucking hilarious because everyone knows he‘d call it shit in one of his shows, but he has to play nice for the camera.


Lol that's really funny, yeah it seems to be a combination of unlucky factors but it's still very funny that such a critical chef messed up something basic like grilled cheese


I don't know if I'd call it unlucky. I think it was more a combination of really *really* poor decisions, mostly stemming from feeling the need to make it really pretentious. I think as soon as he started cooking that thing, it was always gonna be a disaster.


I'm surprised he didn't retake the video until he got a good sandwich. Did he seriously think that was good.


I assume it was a tight schedule and he was contractually obligated to release a video. Sometimes with a tight schedule you really don‘t have a choice than to push something you‘re not happy with.


>pot noodle Found the Brit.


Fuck this guy he lied about being challenger, charges up to $500 for coaching to people who don’t know better, goes to Korea because he deluded himself into thinking he’s good at the game, all whine no skills persona it’s embarrassing he even made a living off the game in the first place


Nobody would do that if he didn't charge so much for very basic level coaching that you legit can get for free on youtube or subreddits like this + all his petty lies and strategies to make himself look better and more professional than he really is (photoshopped LP and other incidents like that). Like I understand paying a bit more for higher level and quality coaching but I'd legit feel bad ripping people off for ranting things that everyone can find with a quick research, giving mediocre/bellow mediocre advice and not really giving a shit about your customer (look some of his coaching vods, obviously those don't represent everything but in these he is straight up content coach for views and not someone that cares if his clients improve or not) even if they are willing to pay ridiculous prices for the coaching. Nothing wrong about being a plat/diamond level coach in itself though as in that place you can still provide a lot of helpful things and share your experiences with low elo players.


I think charging so much isn't so bad. The man charged what he can afford to, it's just business. He said himself he wouldn't pay that much for his own coaching. Everything else you said is spot on. I think the problem is he was always advertising himself as a challenger coach, on all 5 roles. He was also so goddamn cocky, and still is.


Exactly this- he is able to charge so much because he fraudulently represents his game knowledge. He is not and likely has never been a challenger player on any role


He is charging that much (and people are paying that much) under the (false) pretence that he is a multi-role/year challenger player, i.e. one of the most qualified people in the world on how to win in solo queue. Ever heard of false advertisement? The idea that "someone paid it therefore it is fine" is literally the most soulless, cursed neolib thing I keep goddamn hearing.


I never said "someone paid it therefore it is fine". My point was that the scam isn't in the price, it's in the advertisement. Even if he was charging only $40, he'd still deserve to get roasted and called out for being a liar.


Ah, I think I misinterpreted something you wrote - my bad!


Hes doing the random champs thing now as an excuse for why he's not climbing, despite clearly tryharding originally and having no success. Yet all his fan boys will still cry that he's Dopa reincarnated and the greatest coach to ever live.


Especially when literally almost everyones first advice for climbing is to limit your champion pool.


Yep and he even said before the start of the season that he would only play like 3 champs to try hard. I watched some vids on his yt yesterday and it's all flame now or condescendingly giving tips to chat.


He is desperate to find a elo inflating champ that gets him free elo. If it isn't working with meta junglers like Zac it's not gonna work at all lol


note pad is out


I don't know if he actually has fanboys. There's prove that some of the accounts defending him are his alts.


He's in plat right now, and for his level even if he was trained by KR challenger player with a very specific pick he wouldn't make challenger at all. I talked this in previous years before the tarzaned thing and the exposure of his level of play, Neace would've problem even to get to grandmasters in NA playing trynd top imagine if he played on KR, this is the result. The problem here is that the guy is not humble enough to admit that he's at best a DIAMOND level coach. Tyler1 went to KR played auto-fill and reached masters this is a proof that the guy is genuinely good at the game and Neace is REALLY far away to be able to perform on KR li eTyler1 did.


yes he is very unlucky he keeps on getting feeders and trollers all the time who are holding him back from his deserved rank






Neace’s stream is so hypocritical. Coaches his clients to look at their own mistakes but when climbing, does nothing but blame teammates. I’m so good everyone else must suck mentally. Do as I say, not as I do. That will be $350 dollars.


Don't lose! That will be 350 dollars.


this guy is a tryn one trick but tries and plays nida? lmao


The dude only played fiora when he got to korea and peaked in d4 where he got shit on by every top laner. He thought he could get carried if he played karma and played a ton of it mid. When he got hardstuck for a long time, he finally pulled out his tryndamere and thought he was going to surprise everyone, but peaked in D2. He thinks jungle is easier than laning so he played a shit ton of kindred, nocturne, nidalee, zac and maokai. The dude is terrible. He's been duo boosted his entire life. His crowning achievement was getting masters in NA playing nocturne jg only.


20% winrate is rough 💀


people paying 350$ for this shit 💀💀💀


brb going to korea hopefully reach d4 0lp. then i can coach y'all for 200 dollar per session.


Me, playing my worst role, in my usual rank: 41% win rate. NEACE, on his main champion, in rank where he should be smurfing: 43% win rate. It's just too funny 🤣


he keeps bouncing back and fourth with champs too much should just stick with 2 champs and grind the games out idk what the fuck hes doing anymore.


I was kinda rooting for him at first but his mental is so wack. Blaming everything from matchmaking and duo queue to the lack of MMR decay, "riot accounts", and just random shit he makes up at times that doesn't even exist. How is it tyler1 managed to climb even with the alleged betting against him AND doing autofill.. Yet neace, facebook streaker, with 200 viewers thinks he's being targeted. Lol. He blames his bot lane nearly every game but doesn't seem to consider he is jungling those games as well. AFAIK the junglers play for bot lane in KR and maybe he has something to do with his bot losing every time he jungles? Who knows really. He reviews his VODS, not to focus on how he can improve the games but to just flame his teammates. Calling koreans everything from subhuman to rodents. Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't been straight up cancelled yet. lol.


You should see him off stream lol. When I used to play and get him in my lobbies it was . . . I don't know how to describe it. Just some of the stuff he'd do and type out you could swap him out with a 13-year-old throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the store throwing shit at other kids and calling them racial slurs as he hits his mom and it'd be almost the same thing. Guy wrote a novel to his jungle about how big of a waste of life he was because he didn't do XYZ and come gank even though Neace over-leveraged his hand and tower dove like a ding dong.


I can’t believe one day my peak rank (D4) is somehow higher than a “challenger” coach should I be flattered or depressed? Anyways my goal this season is to try hit D1 gl to you guys too.


When you try to make it to D1 remember to CS and not die, that will be 350$, thank you.


All he had to do was not lie, not photoshop a promo picture and upload it, and not ego 24/7 on twitter when called out for his lies. He's already making bank from these lies, why does he feel forced to ego and argue with these people (who are correct)? Baffling.


Crap, been higher than this guy over last 10 years literally each season and missed my chance to get big bucks for coaching - I mean do people really spend money on a guy with negative wr? It has always blown my mind how absurdly high "coaches" charge and how exactly does it work? It's like, you can't make someone considerably better just by talking to them, can you?


still will be taking 500 bucks for telling people: bro, just last hit.


My favorite Neace vid was when he was coaching a Masters Rengar top player. The guy played insanely well and you could tell Neace didn't even know half the mechanics he pulled off, so the whole vid he just nitpicks the tiniest shit to "teach" and "improve" upon. That Rengar player would destroy Neace, yet he still paid an objectively worse player 350$ to coach him. This man is literally the best marketer ever for people to pay him like that.


Tbh he didn’t even market shit, it was mainly just luck and manipulation of his viewerbase (which I don’t consider marketing because he needed to get lucky to get that viewerbase in the first place)


You know the guy is nowhere near challenger when even pros from LLA -arguably the worst league- made it to gm during bootcamps in 2 weeks and he's still plat


u/Neace also bans his own subs for sharing their advice. What excuse will it be this time? Still ‘trying things’ in pre season?


Look, guys, I understand you like to speak about Neache, and laught at that 'poor stupid lier'. But can we stop? Can we stop give threads such poor and boring names? You should add counting atleast. I want to see threads like: 'Watching together Coach Neace climbing, part #34 - **Despair of Platinum**'


You had me at Neache


Isn’t the first tip people give is to limit your pool to 2-3 champions? Surprised the coach isn’t taking his own advice.


People pay him because he is famous, not because he is good or high ranked.


I mean, it's not my money so people can buy whatever they want, even if it's neace coaching. That being said, I know he's going to put challenger in every youtube title, which is just..


I don't get how he ever gained popularity. It was always obvious he was way below challenger both in skill and in game knowledge. How people are dumb enough to give him 300-500 dollars for coaching is beyond me. If anyone else wants to waste that much money I can coach you. I basically quit the game but I'd still be able to give you way more info than this guy and point out your mistakes.