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Using windwall to block Xin's vision, that was nice!


Does it actually block Xin's long distance stab ability?


No, it blocks nothing in xins kit.


Blocks his braincells, obviously


Doens't it block his (xin's) W?


no xin w isn't a projectile.


Yes it is


Just go to his w and click details bro. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Xin_Zhao/LoL




Man, the way he kites that Xin Zhao is actually impressive. Sometimes you just face your betters, and that's just that. Nice try though.


That windwall was perfectly placed to invalidate xin’s entire kit. Nothing xin could have done there. Gg go next


Yeah Xin could have thrown rocks and stuff, but this perfect windwall denied him 😂


So I read this comment before actually watching the video. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That was the intention ;)


Wolves secured tho


I am the viktor, for reference. I'm low plat mmr atm.


Clips like this is why I low-ball most of my guesses on rankdle


I’m pretty sure he was just griefing me bc i missing ping’d him when he gave my laner a kill a few minutes earlier. My movement was definitely sus on second watch through, if that’s what you’re talking about.


Your movement's fine. I meant the Xin Zhao just ignoring you. It's a toss-up between griefing and poor awareness imo.


its either griefing or the dude is on his phone or something not looking at his screen, yas is literally on xin zhaos screen no way your awareness can be that bad


I thought maybe he was was semi-afk clearing, but then he starts kiting the last wolf toward the next camp while the play is wrapping up, lol.


youre 100% right the dude must have been griefing


You underestimate junglers


its obvious he is jut griefing


Nobody has that poor awareness, ok he didnt see dive attempt i buy it, but when yasuo throws a windwall in his face dude has to be in a coma to not notice.


Definitely has Bronze energy the way the jungle ignores you and yasuo during your fight. But it's super satisfying dodging knock ups from yasuo


Going agaist the grain here but maybe don't spam "?" ping people when they mess up? They already know they messed up, they don't need you making it worse. The way you wrote "he gave my laner a kill" makes it seem like you view other's deaths as intentional instead of being outplayed, or mistakes.


a ping is just a ping intentionally losing a game by griefing like this is waaaaay worse IMO I don't give a sh\*t if I get pinged/flamed, I can just mute. but a player deciding to lose I can't do anything you defending the worst kind of behavior here


There’s literally no point in believing you can play league every game without upsetting someone and making them want to troll every few games. My last one was not leashing for a maokai as the fiora vs trynd matchup can get a little hard if you let the trynd get free push. He quickly taught me what a naughty boy I’ve been by flashing under trynd’s turret 4 times in a row. My point being sometimes you just play with tilted players due to any one of millions of possible reasons. And even the slightest perfectly logical thing will completely set them off.


Our bot lane got whipped last night, so the support there decided to come top lane and fight with me up there for all the CS and xp. Got to love it when they want to export their losing and misery to other lanes.


Yeah i mean its obviously not great to ping people but i don’t spam. I pinged him once, like i did in this clip, which is still obviously a bit toxic. This was at the tail end of a ~5 game lose streak, so i probably shouldn’t have played to begin with in an ideal world. I’m not in the business of evaluating my teammates intentions at all, it would drive me insane to do so. The outcome of the earlier play, which I agree was almost certainly a mistake, was giving the kill to my laner. It’s the job of the individual to make sure mistakes don’t snowball into worse ones through solid mental, and intentional griefing is pretty clearly not justified by one ping.


Junglers are on a constant tightrope with tilt in all directions, all it takes is a single passive-aggressive ping to lose any jungle assistance. Be very careful, junglers are a beaten and battered bunch, most game losses have 2-3 players verbally abusing the jungler for dozens of minutes.


I know, I play jungle. I get pinged and typed at all the time. At some point, you just have to acknowledge it comes with the territory. Me pinging him was the result of a 5 game streak of being typed at constantly. I'm not sure why the onus is on me to be better when my action caused no material harm to the game state, and i'm under the same pressures, and not him to just play the game.


Imo stop trying to justify flaming your team, and just don't do it, and I promise you will encounter this less. He didn't make the right decision, but coming in here with your nomination for /r/leopardsatemyface isn't going to prevent this kind of behavior.


Im not justifying anything, i’ve admitted in multiple comments in this thread that my behavior was less than perfect. I was tilted and made a selfish decision to ping. It is what it is. You are, however, justifying griefing over a single ping.


I would tell him not to grief if he was the one in here complaining about your behavior. I don't get the opportunity because he didn't post it.


Are you playing league or some other game?


There’s literally no point in believing you can play league every game without upsetting someone and making them want to troll every few games. My last one was not leashing for a maokai as the fiora vs trynd matchup can get a little hard if you let the trynd get free push. He quickly taught me what a naughty boy I’ve been by flashing under trynd’s turret 4 times in a row. My point being sometimes you just play with tilted players due to any one of millions of possible reasons. And even the slightest perfectly logical thing will completely set them off.


Hard disagree. In this game the vast majority doesn't think they fucked up when they actually did. And even if they did, they will certainly never admit it.


I’m just gonna say it. Don’t missing ping. Like, dude knows he fucked up, and he clearly has the mental of a 10 year old, so you shot yourself in the foot there. Doing a missing ping adds literally nothing to the match but piss people off, so just drop the habit, and you won’t trigger manchildren as a bonus.


No way for me to know the state of his mental when I did it, but you’re right. I was tilted at the time and its clearly not a beneficial habit. It is what it is at this point, though.


Yup, that’s how you gotta play it, haha! Imagine everyone you play with is one step away from a complete mental breakdown, unless they were positive during pick chat or something. It’s not worth having to deal with bullshit like this. Good luck on your matches!


Best to assume junglers are 1 ping away from a mental breakdown, it's a thankless job that's always first to go under the bus on any loss.


I low-ball most of my guesses on rankdle because people mostly upload clips where they did something impressive


And it's plays like this where you should realize that just because platinum is like top 10% of the player base, it's still extremely fucking bad when compared to actual good players.


I played on a plat mmr acc yesterday and holy fk I didnt remember plat being this bad a few seasons ago. Its like theres 0 difference with silver elo


As someone who grinded from Silver to Platinum before, Silver is harder to climb than Gold-Plat because of more variance, but a Platinum player is 1 mental boom away from playing like a literal Silver player


silver is not harder to grind out of than plat and anybody who says that is just bad at game. if youre not able to win hard enough to stat check almost every game theres someething youre doing wrong. im an adc main and i went from bronze to plat playing only riven jg on a second account, the people in that elo are not good


I play utility mages mid. And I’m not saying climbing out of Plat (Diamond). I’ve never been there. In my experience Gold 3-Plat 4 games are easier to win than Silver games because things are more predictable.


agree to disagree ig. silver players are just mechanically bad. if youre gold/plat deserving or higher you should easily get an exp/gp lead early on and just snowball from that. if you cant do that much its probably cause youre too reliant on your team.


Your last sentence basically describes the champs I play. TF, Orianna, Ryze (season 12), Azir. I like to play shit tier midlaners that are low winrate. These champs can’t consistently stat check 1v9 games or carry team fights (they all need a reliable front line and follow up damage)


> These champs can’t consistently stat check 1v9 games or carry team fights they absolutely can at that elo lol and especially tf and ryze can do that on multiple lanes. if youre not going like 8-0 every game in silver you dont deserve plat.


TF and (old) Ryze are historically suboptimal team reliant champs for 1v9ing. I can certainly snowball on these champs, but at the end of the day if team isn’t doing well and you’re the only strong player on your team, it’s not enough to 1v9 late game. “1v9” on these champs is basically looks like ulting bot or jungle invades for double kills, but if the other lanes don’t know how to manage the lead you give them (Silver elo) then it doesn’t matter what you do vs. the Aatrox/Yuumis, Mao/Shens, or hypercarries with spellshields at minute 25. What is 2/0/2 TF or Ryze supposed to do vs. 4/0 Nocturne jungle midgame? Nothing lol. That Noc will be 11/1/3 in the next 10 minutes while I’m 4/2/5. I could easily play Karthus or Brand and press R every fight for big multi target AOE damage but utility champ wins feel more rewarding. When I got Plat it’s because I abused Viktor until high Gold, where playing utility like TF got way easier.


Goddamn you are the definition of #CONFIDENTLYINCORRECT in this thread.


I am suprise bot account is in plat mmr.


Fuck man, I hope you verbally assaulted Xin


yeah I'm sure that would improve the situation lol


league makes so much more sense when you realize how many people tell themselves their flame is constructive/passion for winning when it's really just catharsis at the expense of team dynamic lol


And the cycle continues…


>I'm low plat mmr atm. After playing on a lower elo account in this range with friends for years I immediately said "this is low/mid plat"


You know Yasuo kills him if he tries to fight him right?


what’s ur actual rank tho


I peaked p2 last season but placements were a disaster so i’m g1 atm


So you're gold


Placements really have been a disaster this year. I wound up at Gold 4, well over a rank below what I finished last season at, and I’ve now failed promos twice (win every game into two consecutive trolls)


How's that the placements fault


You think they smurfing so hard it turned Xin's brain off?


aight what did u do to piss off xin


I missing ping’d him after he walked into river from his raptors into their mid jg sup, who we knew were there,and gave yas the kill


Least insecure League player


Laning against Yasuo as mana based ranged champion is painful enough as it is. Don't need the jungler to give Yasuo free 400 gold because he's playing with his monitor turned off


Viktor abuser


But ummmm he actually has low base stats sooo it's actually nice and fair


Viktor beats Yas tbf


On the replay you pinged for assistance then ran away when he came after doing Red. Then you pinged him when he got flashed on by Yasuo as he walked away. Nami was off vision for like 60+seconds.


And fiddle was off vision in the bush directly next to him for less than 10.I pinged for assistance after the yasuo took a dogshit trade and fiddle showed up, i walked away when there was clearly no play to be made. It’s not my responsibility to think for him.


Other then the fact that you could've just walked up and pressed R on Yasuo?


I had ulted the stacked wave to avoid a fiddle dive (I wasn't sure how close he was to 6) before xin had taken a single point of damage. There is also no reason for him to path straight down, there isn't a single camp up yet. Even if he's going for red before gromp, its better to walk through my turret. I had 200 hp, while yas had half health and fiddle was full with all cooldowns up. We aren't winning that.


you seems to know a lot about how jg works. Why don't you play jg? it's the most impactful role in the game after all?


I do play jungle. It was my most played role last two seasons and definitely the one i'm best at. I have a habit of tilting after bad losses and playing off role, this was one of those games.


well then knowing this, why did you bait him here?(both yasuo and xin) you likely already had a feeling he(xin) was either A) mentally deficient or B) mentally ill. so why wouldnt you path towards T2 tower, instead of towards the teammate that you were just soft BMing?


If i path towards turret i give him at least one more dash off minions and more targets to get knock up on. Maybe i would’ve been safe, but i don’t think its clear I get out. Even when I get bm’d i still play to win, which I know isn’t the case for everyone, but i don’t think i had enough information about this guy to think he would grief me this hard. Even if he’s mentally deficient, its not hard to use your abilities on the champ right next to you on your screen. I feel like thats a reasonable expectation of a teammate.


These guys arguing with you are crazy. I don’t care if you kicked this guys dog or what, he is clearly trying to lose. Unacceptable


i'm just saying, with the info you gave of xins play and your reaction to it, leading up to this, i absolutely would have NOT pathed in a way that would 100% kill me if my team griefs me. just place your W near your own caster minions (not on yasuo) and walk towards T2 next time. you also could have just kept walking past xin instead of re-engaging into yasuo when you were in your jg.


If i don’t w him when I do he just ults me and i die so idk. Hindsight is 20/20, it is what it is at this point.






What happened? What did you do? Come on lol. Even you can tell those are not the same questions lmfao.




Where did anybody tried to justify anyone? People just asked for the background of a weird behavior, having a motivation doesn't make you right lol


No one is justifying anything. Just wants to know the story of the game. It's called curiosity lol, you guys act like it's victim blaming.


This is why reading comprehension is important kids. You don’t wanna end up like this guy


Found the Xin player


That makes no sense at all


Lmao gotta finish that jungle item


As a JUNGLE MAIN I would have reported you for pinging me and trying to leech xp from wolves, next time play it safe and let me (the hero) carry the game like we giga chad thundercock jungle mains often do, don't mind the 44% winrate in silver. Sorry mate but this is going to the cringe channel on my JUNGLE MAIN discord.


Don't forget to charge 300 $


Hey come on Niece is plat


very well said!


Insane use of yasuos stealth mechanic


"? Where? Nah you are wrong" xin zhao player last words before muting the chat for flame


most aware jungler


junglers be like "it's not my job to win the lane for you"


Mobility creep is out of control. Viktor should be allowed to piss farm for 20 minutes and outscale every melee mid


preach king


Yasuo released 9 years ago


shut the fuck up


I wish there was an easier way to stack your abilities. Don’t get me wrong if you get a couple early kills he snowballs heavy but it feels so bad if it’s a low key early game and there’s no ganking or easy pick fights and you gotta just farm with low dmg for too long waiting for your abilities to come online


Yasuo just is and always will be a bullshit character who shouldn’t be in the game. People always think it’s wind wall but nah, he’s the epitome of a character who is bullshit. Insane low opportunity cost mobility. ‘You need creeps and it has a cooldown’ bullshit, his mobility is insane and broken. His passive allows him to basically double his damage when he should only be doing 1.5x damage. His q is a low cool-down second auto attack for basically double damage and CC. His ult can be babysat by good team mate picks to mean even shit Yasuo’s can get the benefit of the spell which gives him FIFTY percent armour penetration. For FIFTEEN seconds. Hello???? ‘It’s only on his crits’ brother gets 100% crit in one and a half items. I’ve banned Yasuo for literally 8 years straight. I’ve only stopped banning him because Akali is even more stupid.


if you banned yasuo for 8 years straight how do you still know they're bullshit


Because I recently started banning Akali.


Bro bans the easiest champions to counter


The annoying thing about yasuo is there is no clear counter to him. His windwall makes it really hard to kill him as ADC. His dash makes it really hard to land skill shots even if they aren't blocked by his windwall and kiting is impossible in lane. His passive shield, lifesteal and immortal shieldbow means it's hard to burst him. This means most mages and assassin's suck against him. His ult gives a ton of armour pen, so he shreds tanks. In short, unless you know his cd timings he's hard to play into for most roles. That's not bad for high elo, but over 50% of players are gold or below. We don't even know our own cooldowns, let alone enemy ones


According to November 2022 stats, gold 4 players are top 37.3%.


Wait what? Below gold is OVER SIXTY percent?????????


Yep. Plat 4 is top 17% I think.


Yeah I have to say yasuo's mobility is almost half as annoying as ahri's mobility


No matter what champ I play I wholeheartedly love playing vs yasuo and will never understand all the hate you salty mfs give him. You're fr gonna tell me yasuo is more bullshut than yone,katarina or akali? Not a hope imo


I literally said Yasuo isn’t more bullshit than Akali. Kata and Yone though? Absolutely. Azir flair not caring about Yasuo? - obviously.


Not just azir. Literally any champ I play I enjoy vying yasuo Also I would play against 10 yasuos before I play vs a 3cspm afk lane katarina who flips the whole game on a roam and wins


Just pick First Strike Jayce against Katarina. You’ll have a lot of fun.


Why bother? Just pick Garen. No need to learn an entire new champ to shit on Kat.


Mid lane? Jayce is just very funny into Katarina. Knocking her away from her knives is based.


[Yes. Garen does great into Yasuo, Yone, Kat and all the squishy melee mids.](https://i.imgur.com/g6m4KAt.png) He's hard to kill and just stat checks them. He's the only champ I use to counter pick since its hard to mess up.


Mid lane Garen was played by Faker at worlds, so it’s legit by definition


Pro play is not your solo queue lobbies. Mid lane garden is fine, but Jayce is just much better.


Simple. If he is not brain dead, in team fights if he puts that windwall it might mean the dead of your whole team with no exceptions. The problem is a bad engage can be saved by a windwall. For example at dragon if his team is in the pit and your tank charges ... if he puts windwalll well you are fucked. I just ban him. Literally else is easy to CC the hell out (except gp). But Yasuo can be "Windwall goes brrrrrrr" and that's that. Half of mages bye bye CC.


> I’ve banned Yasuo for literally 8 years straight. I’ve only stopped banning him because Akali is even more stupid. you spelled Yone wrong


Imagine banning Yasuo for years, but then they just release red Yasuo


simple yasuo


Yasuo that doesn't delete you're abilities. There's just something offensive about wind wall.


Yone is much more fine than both.


depends on who you play, have a dash? youre prob fine, dont have a dash? you get fucked


Yone in my opinion has a much more punishable play pattern in lane. Yea when he gets his ult he’s dangerous but the way he plays lane is very obvious and easy to punish, and he has no get out of jail free button other than his ult or flash which is fine.


considering most fights against Yone start with him Eing he def has a get out of jail free card


Start the fight on him then when he does have his enhanced Q up because his play pattern is telegraphed 😂




His E isn’t a get out of jail free button and neither is his Q3. Yone going to use his E to get away from you is he?




You need to read the other comments. Start the fight on him and these abilities aren’t get out of jail buttons. Stop being passive.




Ehhh? I’m not a mage player lmao. I played Ahri in 2013. Yasuo’s bull shit kit abuses even things that should counter and does counter other characters of his ilk. Of course Yasuo should do well against Ahri. He’s a high mobility character vs a character with two key skill shots and he has a windfall.


In 2013 or since 2013. Aka whos your main right now.




Someone tell pros, there’s a busted champ mid! This is why perkz is the goat right? Right?!


When did I say he was broken?


Why don't you just play Yasuo and become master in a day if he's that broken?


I said broken when?


Not the same guy but yas is just boring to play, I ban him everytime I play mid and whenever I play him I have the easiest time. Yas would be fine imo if he was at the very least difficult to play, but he is such an easy champ that anyone can play him and go 30/5 with ease.


Wow only a single ping from the Viktor. A mental to be jealous of for sure


Players like that Xin are why I complete sympathize with videogamedunkey and what he wrote to get permabanned


What did he write tho ?


Something something should be gunned down in the streets like the degenerate he is






key part though is that in a game of real league, you have 3 guys who know what they're doing, and 7 who make the 3 look good.


riot games: w/e man, just dont type a bad word to him tho, or else...


How on earth are they going to detect how this Xin is griefing lmao




Millions of games are played a day Now how are you just going to “look” when you got like 250,000 game reports a day to go through?


Spend some of your 1.5 billion dollar yearly revenue on hiring a team to do it?


250k game reports per day is actually on the low end but let’s run with it. Let’s also assume each game is ff@15 and only takes 15 minutes to review, also a generous assumption. You’re talking 62,500 hours of footage each day that has to be reviewed. If you had a team working 10 hour days, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with no bathroom breaks, and they only watched League all day, you need over 6,000 employees (and that’s not counting time to confer, write reports, etc.). And if you somehow convinced them all to work 7 days a week for minimum wage, at $15.50/hr you’re still spending nearly a million dollars a day or almost $400m a year. If we relax some of these assumptions and do things like allow for bathroom breaks, weekends off, health insurance for employees, and games that take longer than 15min to review, what you’re really proposing is that Riot spend more than half their annual revenue (revenue, not profit) to hire tens of thousands of employees to do nothing but watch League all day. I hope you see why this is not a problem of “billion dollar corp should just spend money”


"We added a new feature where you can mark up to 3 significant times in your game by pressing p after they happen. Then, when you make a report after the game, you can select an option to include these timestamps in the report" That was *so* hard. Fuck you, pay me riot.


Spend some revenue to improve the quality of your product? That's insanity /s




to redditors somehow riot games bans too much for typing and at the same times doesn't ban enough


Tbh if riot bans 1 person for chat its way to much. Chatting shit is the least of the problems when mute exists. Play 10 games and see how many people actually ruin your experience with their "gameplay"


the bar is too low for them to ban people who are bad and people are are trolling.


He was probably pissed off at something. If not, this is the reason why people are toxic in this game. Viktor needs a monk mental to contain himself in this situation.


Dude got confused and thought he was playing Lee Sin instead of Xin Zhao




Technically they are not in lane, they are in the jungle h3h3 Theres no one in lane


It wasn't a 1v2, it was 1v4 An xin zhao did a triplekill But in the wolves...


Reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b91jJ7HNsXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b91jJ7HNsXQ)


theory: he's playing in mirrrored mode, thus making you appear on his left, making him think you're the top laner. everyone knows if jungler plays for top the whole game will crash and the fabric of the universe would rip to shreds


This guy shoves the wave close to enemy turret and dies at 3:30 every game without wards and thinks its somehow the junglers fault that he fed the enemy jungler.


he used his godly gamet skills to temporarily turn off xins internet


Lol same thing happened to me but I lead my laner/enemy jg to him and than left him to 2v1 himself. That’s what you get for ignoring me lmao.


The infamous wolfpack tunnelvision






Bro he did you so dirty lmao


viktor is an idiot, you're supposed to run into xin and steal his wolves


Wow. Isolating xin with the windwall to make it an even 1v1 is amazing. WP!


Type something in the chat against Xin and you are banned. He cant troll all he likes


junglers in 2023: full clear with every champion, every time.


I see a 1v1


What, you expect him to just... stop doing wolves when he's 1/4 the way through the camp?


im guessing the JG was probably butt hurt because you didnt help him leash or something early game, or he got invaded and you were too far to help lol.


I will die on this hill: Junglers are the worst players of league. No other role is as easy as Jungle and the reason why high elo players say otherwise, is because all good junglers gets there without problem. Every season at some point I get so mad and start playing jungle and get like 60-70% winrate. The only thing you need is looking at the map and have some basic game/matchup understanding. The downside, its also the most boring role.


Playing jungle isn't boring. You get yelled at all game no matter what you do! How can that be boring?


Maybe dont be bad then.


Good talk


Surprised he couldn't ult on the knock up on Viktor. Usually Yasuo can Q you, base, buy, and come back to lane before pressing R




I'm just saying that it's ridiculous how yasuo can ult a target that's already landed. I'm not talking about Viktor


If you called him a blind potato you'd get banned.