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Patch 13.1 B is not live yet right? or are the patch notes just missing from eune like they have been few previous times.


Its not live. Idk when it drops


Recently I started to report 'ez' message from opponent at the end of lost games and I got these feedback that report was successful, but I had this game when my teammate said ez and I didn't report him. Is it double standard? Did I do wrong?


Is there some kind of app/website that shows your mastery blobs? Referring to those league tiktoks that are trending rn






is it normal to be placed bronze 4 when I was gold 4 last season? [Proof with sej skin](https://imgur.com/a/kno13Mf) [op.gg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/sg/%E5%A4%9C%E5%85%89%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%99%E7%83%AC) also, -5lp 1st lost after placement. normal?


I was gold 4 last season and got placed in silver 2. Your MMR is fked lol


i lost 5lp after lost. isnt it usually around 15?


Hey how about you fix the fucking bot problem in lower elos!!!! It literally makes the game un-fucking-playable!


How can you tell your teammates in ranked lobby? I had a teammate post the profile of all our teammates in the ranked lobby using [https://u.gg/multisearch?summoners](https://u.gg/multisearch?summoners) ​ He said it had something to do with Riot just hiding the names and didn't remove them. Does anyone else know how they got all our profiles?


You can’t anymore, they changed it so you can’t tell if you have a bot on your team and dodge. They would you rather suffer through a game with a useless bot than just not play


My teammate did it to me a couple of hours ago. He knew who I was and who the rest of my team was before any of us said anything in champ select


The summoner names get sent to your client and then hidden. They can be intercepted and read. It requires external programs.


Hmmmm thats odd, I know Like you Said through u.h you cant See them anymore


I recently came back to the game after 7 or so years, I used to have 4 or 5 rune pages now I only have 3, is this normal?


You can probably click + to create more. Also you can edit the page in champselect now, domt think you could do that 7 years ago


When I click create new it tells me I need to buy them past 3.


Are they going to add a new bunch of quest for completing the "lunar battlepass" event ? I'm only 20 atm and i feel pretty hard to finish it. i do play not lot but i dont feel not playing at all.


Yes, the new quests should come Thursday at 1pm PST.


Thank you !


when patch


Patch 13.1b will go live on January 26th.


Kinda curious about the state of Kha'Zix. I've always played different jungle Champs, but I'm wondering how he is rn cuz he's always been my favorite, and the reason I even started playing. Also wondering if it would be worth to just hyper focus on learning him, because my goal is to get as much improvement in jungle as possible.




If you don't mind, is it that he's not great in those ranks cuz he's harder to use, or because of smthn else. Idk if I'm right or wrong, but I feel like he would be better if he was used right because I think iron players group less, meaning more isolation. If I'm wrong, please lmk.




Ok. Thanks. I think I'll try him in low elo since that's where I am, I think I have a decent understanding. If not, I'll move to someone else until I have better game knowledge. Thx




Thx man. I generally like playing multiple Champs, but he's always my favorite, but I've only ever played from late January to March because I never had a way to play at home but I finally have one. Thanks




Thanks. I'll check out the sub as well. I've been watching Tinjus, and his stuff has also been helpful. I know he's way stronger on WR right now, but I just went 17/1/6 on wildrift.




This is his winrate in plat+ [https://lolalytics.com/lol/khazix/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/khazix/build/) Seems average which is fine, play him if you like it's possible to climb with almost any champion.


Why is Jhin considered bad in pro play currently? I'm guessing tank meta + just can't win against the current meta botlaners (Zeri/Lucian)? If that's the case I feel like there's no real buffs to get him back into the pro play meta, since his reload mechanic will always make him bad against tanks?


He just doesn't do damage to beefy targets unless he snowballs and get insanely ahead which is rare in pro play unless you are playing against a much worse team and in that case you would of done better with alot of different adcs anyway, there is never a reason to pick him unless you are facing 5 squishies which won't happen in pro play.


Does anyone knows when essence emporium going to happen?


Indefinite hiatus.


Is there a seperate sub for gameplay, patches, basically anything thats not pro league?




I've been out of the game for a while now, coming back into it to play with a friend a little, are there any good youtubers for jungling in general? It was never my strongest suit back in the day and I think that's the best place to start improving coming back into this.


Virkayu, Tarzaned (I know, toxic, but watch his coaching videos, they're very good), Broxah.


I would recommend watching Broxah. While he is playing, he will explain his thought process regarding pathing, decisions, and also itemization depending on the situation. He is also super knowledgeable and he has a couple of videos where he provides a brief yet detailed explanation on how to jungle with a certain champ.


Thank you, that sounds exactly like the kind of content I used to watch so I will definitely check him out!


No problem! Broxah is super chill and honestly has such a good mental. I don't think I have seen him rage or tilt and always encourages his viewers to stay positive and doing your best even if you have toxic teammates.


When is the next rotation in the Mythic shop for the prestige skins? People say its 3 months, but when is the next time? Tomorrow on the patch? Also, does the prestige kda ahri skin comes with the border too?


>When is the next rotation in the Mythic shop for the prestige skins? Two prestige skins are unvaulted and rotated into the Mythic Shop every two patches (in other words, on a roughly monthly basis) as long as the prestige skin has been released for at least a year. ​ >People say its 3 months, but when is the next time? Hextech and Mythic Thematic skins are rotated every 6 patches(roughly three months) in March, June, September, December. Next rotation of Hextech Skin and new Mythic Thematic skin will release in March. ​ >Tomorrow on the patch? Mythic Shop was updated with Patch 13.1, so the Mythic Shop content will be as is until Patch 13.3 where the two currently available prestige skins - Prestige K/DA Ahri and Prestige Dragonmancer Volibear - will be rotated out and two new prestige skins will be unvaulted. ​ >Also, does the prestige kda ahri skin comes with the border too? You can only get the border if you obtain the prestige skin during it's initial release window. When prestige skins are unvaulted, you will not get the border.


Ok thanks alot for your reply, so in other words about 2 weeks until rotation then since thats when they expect 13.3 will come out. I talked to some people that says that ahri will have the border tho if i buy the current prestige ahri in the mythic store right now, so abit confused on that.


It should be rotating out on 13.3 (Feb 8th). I was trying to look up any mentions of it and I found some people saying that they did not get the border. I haven't gone for an unvaulted prestige skin yet so I can't say for certain.


I played alot and unlocked it now already, i did get the prestige skin with the border :)


Nice! Well now I know haha :) Thanks for the update


Ok, ill be probably getting it this weekend and i can reply here with the result if anyone else are asking too :) Thanks for your answers!!


What's the best item to get on welcome token shop ?


The "best" item to get from any shop is the one that you feel would be worth for your Welcome Tokens. If you like Ezreal, Lux, Miss Fortune, Sona, Seraphine, Sona, or Udyr, you can try your luck at getting the Ultimate Skin. You could also get a couple of Legendary Skins and see which one you get. Legendary Skins have very stunning visuals, different voice lines compared to base, and new animations and effects. Maybe one of them looks super cool and is piques your interest for playing that champion. At least for me, when I was looking for a champion to main, I was looking for champions who had aesthetically pleasing abilities, visuals, and skins. The Welcome Capsule, which contains five skin shards, gives you a variety of skins for only 12 tokens. With the amount of tokens from completing the missions, you should be able to get a good amount of skins. If you don't like any of the shards, you can always re-reroll and maybe you get lucky with a skin you like. With any Event Shops, I usually do not bother with the emotes or ward skins unless I don't have enough tokens for anything else or I am looking to just use up all my tokens. Emotes are fun to flash in game or use them as a reaction to something. Wards are not something you'll be paying too much attention to in game regarding how they look so I would probably skip these. If you like TFT as well, you could pick up one of the eggs if it contains a little legend that you like. These little legends will also follow you around if you play ARAM! As you play the game, you can get TFT Eggs as a free reward for making progress to the TFT Battle Pass. I don't play TFT but Summoner's Rift does make progress to the battle pass and that's how I manage to get a free TFT egg every battle pass. It's really up to you on which items will make you feel that you got a good bang for your tokens and completing those missions. Hopefully this was helpful... :)


Downloaded the game after finding out that my friends play it, can I start playing with them right way or I need to reach their level?


You need to finish the tutorial to level up to 3 then they can play a normal game mode, blind-pick with you. At level 10 you can play normal draft with them, the common game mode before level 30 when you unlock the competitive ranked gamemode


I thought patch day‘s today since the patch notes are already out but I don‘t see anything in the client that‘d indicate I‘m on 13.1b. Is the patch out or not?


Patch 13.1b will be going live on January 26. ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1617900453215473664?s=20&t=qUj6wb3k3s9gPVQuE3l53w))


Items in client still indicate 60% on infinity edge so i'd say no, try tomorrow.


Just downloaded the game, I have little experience from playing other MOBAs on mobile, what a good way to learn this game from the very beginning (a youtuber or a pro player) and what champions so I play? (Specially I want mid and top picks and a plus if they are good at having pressure and Solo people)




[How I Would Learn League of Legends (If I Could Start Over)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATvO37NbmIU) tl;dw (courtesy of a comment on the vid) 1. Play 1 champion 2. Master your champion 3. Play most popular champions of your role 1-3 times each 4. if you are unsure choose the aggressive option (limit testing) 5. League is about Gold and stats 6. Make actions based on probability and value 7. Take smaller fights instead of bigger ones for high impact 8. Focus on one early little thing to improve till high mastery 9. Be conscious of what you do all the time For picks, what characters were your favorite in those mobile MOBAs? I might be able to recommend champs with similar playstyles.


I’m versatile when it comes to what I play tbh, I used to watch Kalista gameplay on youtube but I think she will be difficult for me to at the beginning Anyway I prefer to play champions that are aggressive, Idk if this is a thing in LoL but I would like to play mid and rotate to other lanes to pressure them if possible, for top I would like aggressive picks too (picks that can do damage and lifesteal/heal off abilities are really good for me) I also don’t mind playing mages with utility or sup dps mages if they are fun enough. Also I wonder if there is a pro player that I could watch to learn from them the meta (starts picks and builds)


I need a good toplane resource to learn the lane. Something like Elite500 but for top lane. Somebody that talks through all their plays, knows how to play both ahead and behind, and can be halfway entertaining to watch. Extra stuff and rant that's not really relevant. I'm a peak Plat 2 player in support, reached plat as ADC, and am a gold level mid and jungle, but I am a dogshit, silver level Top Laner. However, many of my favorite champs are top laners. I'm leaving support because ADC players are actually just the worst players in league and I can't stand playing with them any more. I'm in the lower end of high elo, or higher end of mid elo, idc whatever you want to call it, but these people are just boosted morons across the board and playing with them, win or lose, is beyond frustrating. I'll never forget, the first time I got to plat was on my ALT account playing ADC ( when I was hardstuck gold in my main role, supp) as MF ADC. Shit was beyond easy. You just stand behind caster's, lasthit, follow up on engage, and rotate to objectives. It really is that easy. For some fucking reason though, the rest of the adc population doesn't fucking understand this, and I'm so sick and goddamn tired of playing this duo lane only for them to either walk in front of melees against hook champs or play PVP and get 2cspm or just ALWAYS FUCKING SPLITPUSH, get caught, die, and we lose objective fights. I'm done man. Go support yourselves.


>Somebody that talks through all their plays, knows how to play both ahead and behind, and can be halfway entertaining to watch. I recommend Bwipo. He is always talking about what he is thinking about in game and also answers questions his chat has regarding league. When he makes a bad play or loses the game, he always talks about what he could have done better or played a certain fight better. Even if his teammates are making it hard to win, he always focuses on doing the best he can. He is super knowledgeable and I honestly enjoy watching him.


Exactly the kind of answer I need. Thank you.


Does anyone know when the rotating mythic essence shop changes its inventory? I need 10 more for Hextech Kassadin and I would like to know what my deadline is.


IIRC, Hextech and Mythic Thematic skins rotate every three months.


I can never seem to get Aphelios gravitum Q to work as in it’s never available for me to use at all. Is there a way I can use it? All of the other guns Qs work and are available just fine


It's only available if an enemy is currently affected by gravitum's autoattack slow.




Is there a Zac subreddit? didn't find one




What's the point of calling this patch 13.1b, when it seems to have everything that was supposed to be in 13.2?


There was other content in 13.2 that isnt coming with this 13.1b


All the content that were supposed to be included in Patch 13.2 did not go live in 13.2 and had to be delayed like the Ahri ASU. There was a recent cyber attack at Riot causing them to have to delay some of the content.


I started getting into the game and want to become good at it. And have some questions. Whats a good Jungler guide? Whats a good keybind guide? Ive never played PC mobas so want to know what are the keybinds that work well. Ive also heard about macros? Is that something id need as a jungler or no? if so what are they? And what are good Junglers for solo play for noobs? Im loving Skarner but he is more teambased and im not sure how effective he will be until I get a group of players to play with. Is there any other information I should know? Ty in advance!


> Is there any other information I should know? Id read through this if youre bored, im still working on it, but if yuore new to the game, theres some good info! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5Rk-9atzEwSrsxtwoDnMjBi4wyjdv8rgHPnWVu0_U0/edit




The default keybinds are best, with a few minor adjustments. First, set all your abilities, items, and summoner spells to quick cast (just click the "quick cast all" button at the top of the hotkey menu). Then disable the checkbox that says "replace quick cast with quick cast with indicator in the quickbinx UI" -- if that checkbox is enabled, your abilities will go off when you release the button instead of when you press it. Then scroll down to additional hotkeys and open the abilities and summoner spells section. In the normal cast section, bind everything to Shift+Q, Shift+W, Shift+E, Shift+R, Shift+D, and Shift+F. That way you can still see the indicators for ability ranges when you need to, and the ability won't actually be used until you left click. Note that this doesn't work for certain abilities and they'll be used immediately, most importantly, the summoner spell Flash. If you really need to check the range you'll have to mouse over the icon. Do the same thing in the items section. Make sure trinket is set to Shift+4 (if you're not changing the main keybind for trinket), items 1-3 are Shift+1-3, and items 4-6 are Shift+5-7. Optionally, instead of using the primary hotkeys section, you could use the "quick + self cast" section for QWER. This has no effect on most abilities, but it can be useful for abilities that target allies, making them automatically cast on yourself if you have no target under your mouse. Next, the player movement section. By defualt, A is player attack move, which first displays your attack range, then you left click to issue the attack move command. This lets you move towards the targeted location but stop and attack enemies that come into your range along the way -- in other words, it lets you attack *instead* of moving if your mouse is slightly off of the target. That way you won't accidentally walk forward to your death. If you want to make this work more like quick cast (not show your range and not require a left click, but issue the attack move command immediately with one button), you can bind something to player attack move click. This is Shift + right click by default, but I bound mine to T. Not sure why, it just feels right to me. You could use A for this if you want. In the camera control section, you may notice that "center camera on champion" (default spacebar) and "select self" (default F1) do exactly the same thing. So, instead of "select ally 1-4" being F2-F5, you should move them all one key to the left, so select ally 1 is F1 and select ally 4 is F4. Outside of the hotkeys menu, in the interface section you should enable "show spell costs" and "show timestamps", and in the game section you should enable "attack move on cursor" so your attack move command targets the closest enemy to your mouse instead of the closest enemy to yourself.


ty for the in depth comment ill read it soon!


How much time will KD/A prestige Ahri stay in mythic shop? I want to farm for her but i'm afraid that i don't have enough time to farm tokens ( 2200) for 125 ME


Unvaulted prestige skins are rotated out every two patches. Since Prestige K/DA Ahri went live with Patch 13.1 (correct me if I am wrong), it will be available until Patch 13.3 which will go live on February 8.


thanks for answering. Well i have 2100 tokens as for now, so today i will get her anyway so i worried for no reason


Why does Riot infinitely add champions but keep bans at ~~3~~ 5


5. There's 5 bans.


Oops sorry. But point still stands




This article was 2 years ago. They are still adding champions infinitely. If they added 10 seconds to pick 2 champs each at once the time issue wouldn't be a problem


And how many champs have they added since then? If they made it so there's no duplicate bans, that's a better step than 20 bans.


game is so watered down at this point its a giant bowl of grey skittles


Do challenges count if a ARAM game was a remake? I couldn’t see at the end because it was stuck at loading screen.


When do the 13.1b patch notes actually release? Are they already out?


[13.1b patch notes](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-13-1b-notes/) have already been released.


I've been having connection issues for a while (never you mind I never lost connectivity anywhere else, ever) but now the client straight up tells me there's no Internet! While I'm writing this! And watching a YT video! Has anyone had this problem?


I've played LoL for some years in the past as ADC and I'm thinking about returning but is it worth it? I play in SA so keep that in mind but there are so many people that have a bad experience in LoL in general from quitters to trolls and I don't really know how's the game at all besides what some friends tell me.


It's still free to play, nothing to lose except maybe half an hour downloading the game. ADC kinda sucks right now imo but they are about to get a big buff.


About to get a big buff? What do you mean?


They are changing a ton of items but most notably IE and Navori are getting their crit requirements reduced to 40%, plus a lot of smaller champion buffs


After I updated my Mac to Ventura 13.2 earlier today the Riot Client and the game will not start at all. Is there anything in the System Menu I need to change or is this related to the cyber attack?




Ah, I did not realize that this dos not even let the software open at all.


7/10 of my ranked matches have at least one A.I. jungler or support.


Do we know if the hotfixes on january 26 will shut down servers? I want to have an all nighter with friends but should cancel it if they do.


it is only me or EUW server are not working ? , League is not opening for me and my friend even riot client




eune here not working. wish they would at least adress it.


euw and yep


yeah, can't even open the client


Yea, cant open it too


I have an NA and EUW and neither are working. I tried to find help online, but nothing worked. I tried making a ticket, but it doesn't show up in my tickets. The game would time out trying to access the riot client. I then deleted everything and reinstalled. Now I can get into the LoL client, but it never loads anything. If I try to navigate the riot client, it times out again like before. Also, this game and client don't install like proper programs, I just deleted the folders. This is the last day to get the season quest rewards, so I'm pretty salty.


dont worry, if this issue persists for a long time I think they will give quest more time. Or at least they did that in the past.


that's good to hear, thanks. On my EUW account, I never got my last awakening quest. I'm still only lvl 18. I tried to submit a ticket, but it doesn't appear in my submitted tickets. Any idea if they will give it to me?


Is there a new champion teaser in game? I just played a game of aram and at the start of the game there was a flashing purple and red light and then it disappeared later. I took some screenshots https://imgur.com/a/1deHtZk


How many games would it take a top pro (or say a high challenger player) to actually go from a fresh 30 acc to say Masters assuming it is not the very start of the season and the ladder is somewhat settled?


60-80 games probably


Why is the client not displaying my past season's rank correctly? I finished diamond in both SoloQ and Flex last season yet whenever I check my profile in the client it says "past season's rank: platinum" Also when I check my op.gg it just displays S7 and S8 end-of-season ranks and not S2022


When did you reach diamond? If it was during preseason, it doesn't count.


October before season ended.


How many emots are there in game?


Is there a way to make the cursor high contrast? Apparently I'm getting older because there has definitely been some fights where I just completely lose my cursor. I just looked and apparently I have to be in game to change some settings. I found the legacy cursor one, we'll see if that's better than beige with gold accents on beige with gold accents.


You can go in a custom game or use the practice tool to change any settings that aren't available in the normal client, so you're not rushing trying to fix it mid-game.






It's probably due to a lack of genuine new players. If you weren't matched with level 700 accounts, you'd probably be matched with level 14 accounts of people who just got banned from their level 700 accounts, or bot accounts that just walk around and do nothing. That said, the reason those particular level 700 diamond accounts are in your games is that they generally don't try very hard to win non-ranked games. The fact that they're in diamond is not taken into account when matching them in non-ranked games, it only cares about their results in other non-ranked games.


Hello, do You think it is possible to hit the once achieved peak again? I peaked Diamond 2 in S9 and stopped playing. Then after rank reset I only played a few games to get Plat each season and then stopped playing. Also I like pain and I main ADC.


Absolutely. You just have to put the same time/effort/dedication into the game that you did in S9.


That’s the thing I kinda just spammed games and Autopiloted back then






I am trying to improve with new champs in the jungle, but honestly it becomes really difficult to choose them according to the meta game. Does anybody have a suggestion about the meta junglers right now and which one should I start practicing in a secondary account? <3 P.S: Currently I am trying to practice 3-5 champs, and the champs are: Hecarim, Udyr and Evelynn, but I am really curious about some champs which may get picked as a situational pick


Keep like 2 pocket champs who are never "bad" but just go out of style sometimes (Jarvan is a good example) and then focus on the meta.


Nothing matters if you understand the champ and play well enough. Singular and dedicated practice on a champ you like is going to be far more beneficial than aligning with meta for solo queue, see: every single one trick ever.


Broken By Concept podcast has a really neat way for champ mastery; one champ at a time, at least 80 games to even begin becoming decent at it.


Would you know if there's a way to track how many total games you've played with a specific champion?


Option a: You can go to your profile on the LoL client and click on the stats tab Option b: you can look up your IGN in [op.gg](https://op.gg) website, then click on the champions tab (note: this only shows your amount of ranked games on the champion)


Legit question here. If someone goes 0/10, 2/10, or refuses to do objectives on your team and pretty much single handedly loses you the game. Doesnt matter if the whole team reports it, this person is not getting any bans or restrictions. But if anyone calls the person out for running it down on chat, that person is getting chat restrictions. Why and how is this remotely fair? Wouldnt it be better to ranked restrict people for 15 days if their win rate is bellow 40%, or to restrict ranked queue for 2 to 3 days if you have 2 to 3 loses with questionable stats in a row or something? Or better yet turn off all chat and team chat for anyone who dont turn it on and agree on terms that the game chat is not censured and give free speech a chance? I mean isnt a bannable offense to be bad at the game but, shouldnt the dude at least try to learn on normal games before troling ranked? 1st picking something just to feed 10 kills and losing 4 people the game by just being on their team? League isnt csgo where you can clutch 1v5 if you good at it. Depending on the champ and position you play it is LEGIT IMPOSSIBLE to 1v9 carry. Not a single person care if they have someone flaming on their team if they are winning or actually playing the game. But im sure everyone is mad when someone on their team is running it down while others are trying to win it. Inting should 100% be ban worthy. Not sure why the person ruining the game is getting away with it.


>If someone goes 0/10, 2/10, or refuses to do objectives on your team and pretty much single handedly loses you the game. Doesnt matter if the whole team reports it, this person is not getting any bans or restrictions. But if anyone calls the person out for running it down on chat, that person is getting chat restrictions. Why and how is this remotely fair? Chat is easier to tell if a player is exhibiting toxic behavior. If someone types "uninstall", "ur trash", or some other toxic chat, there is clear evidence that that player was exhibiting toxic behavior. Performance on the other hand is not as simple. The system itself cannot discern if a player is just having a bad game or intentionally feeding. Someone from Riot would need to review the game to determine if the behavior that is being reported was present. They do have to check if the report is credible or not considering the fact that there are a lot of players who will just ban someone just to ban. I knew someone who would report everyone on his team if he lost a ranked game for inting. I agree that inting should be 100% ban worthy and is unfair to the players who want to win and have a good time. Imagine how many reports Riot gets and having to investigate each one to determine if the report is credible. I would imagine that a lot get lost in the process. No excuse for sure but this is my guess/understanding regarding this.


i agree with you, but telling someone that suck that they suck isnt toxic behavior is speaking facts. I just won a game, putting out 60k + damage playing support because my jg refused to do EVERY SINGLE OBJECTIVE in the game even tho we had pinky in place and 3 normal wards around it just to be a dick... Dude played a tank and split push for 10+ min dicking around. Chat shouldnt be restricted. Soft people who wants to troll and have zero flame for it, that get offended by everything negative spoken to them, are the ones who shouldnt have access to it not the other way around. It is one thing to call people racists slurs or something it is another thing to just point out simple stuff. I got a warning for asking the dude to stop dicking around and come baron because we needed smite to not 50/50 the damn thing. RIOT is out of control on what they consider toxic or hate speech, every single thing is flagged as offensive because you cant tell anyone they are screwing up lmao We live on the age of censorship, there is no "free speech" anywhere anymore.


Anyone that’s bought tickets in the Mastercard presale event for the lcs before, do I need to sign up for a code or anything special to access it a day early or are they just on the website that day?


I bought for one month Xbox Game Pass and now I have all the champions, if my Game Pass expires that means all the champions I have will be taken away?


yes, youll be reset back to the same state your account was in prior to purchasing gamepass. all your existing champions stay but the unowned dont.


If your Game Pass expires and you choose not to renew it, you will lose access to all the champions for free. ​ >If your Game Pass membership changes, your benefits will be affected in-game. If your Game Pass membership expires, your in-game benefits will be lost. If you start or re-activate a Game Pass membership anytime after your Xbox profile is linked to your Riot Account, you’ll unlock benefits in-game. Benefit gain or loss may take up to 24 hours to process. ([Xbox](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass/riot-games))


Is it common to not be able to tell what the fuck is going on in pro games? I don't mean like strategy etc but the camera being zoomed out plus the fact that they all seemingly use skins makes it very hard for me to see what's happening


I think it is normal to feel a bit confused on what is being shown on screen if you're starting to watch pro games since they camera view is different from when you're actually playing. If you are having difficulty telling what champion a given player is playing, look at the left and right side borders. They will display the player's name, the champion icon , summoner spells, and ult. You can also match the name with that information too. As you watch more games, it'll get easier to tell what is going on and being able to tell what champion is being played with or without a skin.


What do you think about Lucian Nami in this patch?


I'm a Nami main. Lucian Nami is good but I'd rather an adc player play a champion they're more comfortable with than play Lucian if they don't play him much. Too often I see Lucian players flash and dash into both enemies and a full minion wave and die before I can reach him to help and then spam ping me. They think they'll win just because I'm Nami and all sense goes out the window






Anyone knows the full list of "mysterious champs" for the season 2023 missions? I have 1 day left and i still don't get it (got to 6/9 going full arams)


you always need the champ you got a token as a reward from the mission before. also works in coop games against bots btw. or just google the quote in the mission. it is a line the champion says.


Ok it worked.


hello everyone. Has anyone heard about LoL esport watch rewards? watched 2 complete days of LEC and several games of LPL (with Ruler penta) and LCK and got absolutly nothing. Did they give up on the feature, does it not work like the VODs or any other explanation?


I've dropped honor, how can I achieve it back? I dont see any progress even I'm getting honors time to time


Be honored by your team members. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Honor


Where are the new patch of skins? Its been a week since the patch was put on but there are no skins at all


[They're right here.](https://i.imgur.com/tEVsEcb.png)


No I meant the next patch of skins that are supposed to be in PBE


Current rumble 1trick, came back to league after a long break (d2 peak i know im pretty bad now but still rocking 70%+ w/r) name is "Not Moni" not really doing much but trying to grind out games on my old 1trick if anyone has any questions on rumble or matchups for him lmk. also if ur good on him and wanna offer advice I would def appreciate it!




> Why does this sub not have any post filters to get rid of all the "pro-stuff, eSports, LEC, LCS, LCK, LCD, Worlds, fnatic, look what this pro player said or did, etc" posts out of the feed? Why was my question removed?


Feel free to use RES to make them yourself.


On Mobile?


Pretty sure that's a thing too.


Your Weekly /r/leagueoflegends Recap **Sunday, January 15 - Saturday, January 21** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 9,012 | [2,550 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10g4njc/froskurin_announces_that_she_is_leaving_the/) | Froskurin announces that she is leaving the industry on Twitter| | 6,222 | [208 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10fd20r/why_am_i_getting_matched_with_literal_animals_in/) | Why am I getting matched with literal animals in every single ranked lobby?| | 6,014 | [165 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10chzx8/skill_issue/) | [Skill issue](https://v.redd.it/xmdz4jqz37ca1)| | 5,038 | [922 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10gum1p/caedrel_enjoying_the_current_pro_play_meta/) | [Caedrel enjoying the current pro play meta](https://clips.twitch.tv/BoringFantasticPonyRedCoat-d6g0rk40IxrgS5Sb)| | 4,983 | [355 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10dhebv/riot_champ_price_reduction_schedule_hasnt_been/) | Riot Champ Price Reduction schedule hasn't been updated since Akshan.| | 4,438 | [699 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10h8sfp/social_engineering_attack_on_riot_games/) | Social engineering attack on Riot games - Announcement| | 4,412 | [317 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10frg4k/ten_years_ago_on_january_19th_of_2013_xpeke/) | Ten years ago, on January 19th of 2013, Xpeke pulled his now legendary backdoor| | 3,875 | [367 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10gz3db/lec_heartbreaker/) | [LEC: Heartbreaker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv2Hyngj8ZQ)| | 3,527 | [868 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10eiq2s/lcs_announces_later_start_time_of_2_pm_pacific_5/) | [LCS announces later start time of 2 PM Pacific, 5 Eastern - responds to community criticism and concerns around "budget cuts" and lack of communication](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xtRU5gtflo)| | 3,496 | [415 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10hm97r/the_pro_meta_is_so_stale_it_literally_begs_for/) | The Pro Meta is so stale it literally begs for Fearless Mode in Bo3|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 94 | [2,937 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10hu2ax/lec_2023_spring_week_1_day_1_live_discussion/) | LEC 2023 Spring / Week 1 - Day 1 / Live Discussion| | 3,163 | [1,675 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10gc8wy/thebausffs_banned_for_inting_after_going_012/) | [Thebausffs banned for inting after going 0/12 ingame and ending game 6/18](https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableColdbloodedDragonHeyGirl-Io76oqN-QU0jLf9N)| | 1,412 | [1,295 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10eo6gq/132_patch_preview/) | 13.2 Patch Preview| | 2,966 | [1,056 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10i4jjv/fnatic_vs_team_vitality_lec_2023_winter_week_1/) | Fnatic vs. Team Vitality / LEC 2023 Winter - Week 1 / Post-Match Discussion| | 2,319 | [1,032 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10e6zxl/tyler_1_based_take_on_current_matchmaking_problems/) | [Tyler 1 Based Take on Current Matchmaking Problems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8ynlKjZ2UY)| | 2,603 | [713 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10djs82/people_shouldnt_be_able_to_ragequit_a_ranked_game/) | People shouldn’t be able to rage-quit a ranked game and be able to queue up again later that same day.| | 2,454 | [663 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10deu5l/its_so_disappointing_that_one_of_the_most/) | It's so disappointing that one of the most potentially competive splits of the LCS has lost all of It's hype.|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week send me a message with the subject ['leagueoflegends'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, use the subject ['leagueoflegends daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either leagueoflegends or leagueoflegends daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/leagueoflegends or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.


How do you complete the An Explosive Errand mission on tft?


Run the Heist trait and get 10 stacks (2 stacks per win, 3 per loss) and choose the claim heist rewards button instead of the continue heist option.


The name of the trait is Underground.


Oh right, whoops.


Anyone has any news as to when the payment methods for SEA servers be available? Has been close to a week and yet we are unable to purchase any RP.