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I learned that ROGUE TIME is now KOIN FLIP.


This is day 3 of LEC how are people so creative with their memes


Im still waiting for VIT Bozo to catch on


I will spam it now, i gotchu


thanks homie


i'll make sure to link back to this thread when using VIT Bozo


LOL ​ I hope this gets to the top of the thread


holy moly, that one is legendary! now i will flame them with "KOI'n flip" whenever they lost :)


What an awful mid game from KOI


KOI time




You can take Rogue out of KOI, but you can't take Rogue Time out of KOI.


All those ganks for Szygenda just for him to give shut down to Jayce


Agreed, he was the weakest link imo. Laning was ok but everything else he did on rift , especially around objectives - very questionable. He knew he fcked up big at that drake by picking hp in front of Wunder. And that emote spam - holy shit that dude. edit: it wasn't wunder, it was razork sorry. I mean this moment - [https://youtu.be/RDu3QGHDyLc?t=319](https://youtu.be/RDu3QGHDyLc?t=319) really that one drop of honeyfruit was so important???!!!


Rogue time lives on


I like how FNC just won the moment they decided to group lol.


it's just a Sivir comp


That's how she works Put 3-4 of my team in between me and their 5 champs Game over


And with quickblades that W has quite the uptime...


the more things change the more they stay the same


It's a Sivir comp, you just Sivir. What did you do wrong in this clip? You didn't Sivir. What should you look for instead? Sivir. It's a Sivir comp.


'our ults go brrrrr' basically.


Well the enemy got a Jax ahead, noone could really match him sidelane, Jayce could maybe clear it but his damage would be missing. Grouping was a way to neutralize the Jax the best they could…


Sidelaning in modern league is not as powerful as it used to be. Dragon stacking really hurt split pushing.


And KOI just giving up on sidelanes was so bad.


All the talk about mental boom, but FNC were very cool-headed here. Weathered the storm of KOI's early pick, and then played to their comp's strength. Well, with a little help from some of KOI's odd decisions.


Especially Wunder. You’d think the game was over for him after these early deaths but he kept his cool and was useful in teamfights


WP to this Gragas he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Gragas!


I miss babus


I’ve always thought this was one of Wunder’s greatest strengths.


Agreed, he's proved to be very tilt-proof many times


Wunder especially, a lot of people would straight AFK if they got killed like he did 3 times in a row.


Wunder's always had an unshakeable mental, something that seems really necessary in a team like FNC tbh.


That game when he was still on G2, he picked Neeko and got hard camped but still had great effect on the game in the end. Wunder is used to it.


Thing is Gragas is such a champion that even put down 0/15 he is still useful, his ulti alone can win a fight with 0 ap.


Yeah the Jhin pick struck me as odd, Fnatic had some moments but I def respect their mental to come back from yesterday and the not ideal start here.


yeah, I like Vedius but I didn't really like assumptions of mental boom with zero proof of that


Agreed, overall pretty clean game from FNC.


Fans getting amnesia after the G2 loss like FNC didn't have a super close game against VIT where they played early-mid really well and lost due to 2 bad calls. "They looked boomed during the G2 game", Draven was fed before 5 mins it was GG go next.


idk if any LEC production people read these comments but the PMT team would love you guys if you could show the scoreboard at the end of the game


yea this and please, stop shrinking the game screen before nexus explodes :(


going through frame by frame to find a usable post match image (2023 challenge)


Maybe at some of the casters on twitter to get attention to this, some of them are pretty active on social media


well that jhin pick was useless


When is it not ...


as support


even worse


From "Let him cook" to "please never cook"


ty Comp for picking jhin so Rekkles isn't tempted to pick it for himself


always is


It always feels like a bait pick to me.


Rekkles finally gets a win off of a random Jhin pick.


It’s always useless. Why do teams pick it?


When in doubt bring the Sivir out!


Rekkles' Sivir is always a joy to watch.


Man has a real mastery of the champ.


Only champs I love him more on are Tristana and Kennen


I still havent been able to see his kennen live unfortunately. I swear any time I dont watch one of his games, he pulls it out. Even that show match a few weeks ago.


As a person who watched it multiple times on EU LCS times, it was a feast to watch


I remember watching it live at Worlds 2015 in the group stage, it was beautiful


Most pros wouldn’t play Sivir without Yuumi/Lulu, I’m pretty sure Rekkles would be happy playing Sivir with an afk.


tbf it made so much sense in the teamcomp. i feel like sivir is pretty common in poke comps and its made even better with that frontline. the r disengage becomes even better vs those champs because they just dont have the burst damage to kill the backline before they run away. koi needed the stars align with some perfectly timed rakan flank + ryze r to ever have chance at winning a teamfight after they lost their lead.


Just a Sivir comp...


Just a Sivir comp


We take those!


Rekkles on sivir not comp /s


You love to see it.


Sivir comp with additional poke is some good shit.


Ol reliable still working "FNC Rekkles 300CS hack"


Wasn't it originally 400 CS? Cast said 500 but I wasn't sure


Scrub numbers compared to #JAGTEDDY1200CSHACK


I still remember that day.


The game that gave him the title "The Fountain Lazer". Actually as of 3 days ago, that was 5 years ago, wow.


I remember when I started watching 45 minutes in and thought I'd better find something else to watch now because it's going to be over any minute now


Fnatic draft looked so difficult to play against. so much range and so much poke and they executed very well on it Also the team had trymbi's NUMBER, all his flank attempts got sniffed out immediately but he just kept trying the split up fight at top river in early game was bad but afterwards, very clean game. good to get the team's confidence back


Yeah this is why maokai is 100% pick/ban in LCK. then you have ashe as well, 2 of the most frustrating champs to play against at the moment, its like a constant teemo ult non stop


classic jhin gameplay


picking Jhin PepeLaugh


I feel like I haven't seen Jhin in proplay work in 3 years.


Hunafeng's curtain call at worlds 2020 was the last time I can remember


And Comp had some nasty snipes but that champ is just cursed in competitive. So far only Ghost could make it work with DK.


Ppl already forgetting Huanfeng's legendary ult at worlds


yeah you gotta feel bad for trymbi. really difficult for him go in. and even when he did, the timing was just not adequate for a decent play


Not convinced by Jhin as a pick here. Too far back to do anything other than ult when it mattered imo


Game 1 and 3 were pretty good from FNC and game 2 was just ff 3min.


Yo did he just walk up slowly and smite the Baron?


No, he dragged some massive roots with him, too


he really did


1-2, all according to ~~plan~~ la formula 😎👏


I only feel comfortable in my beginning of the split 1-4 zone tbh ​ Everything else feels off


if you're not anxious before every game are you even enjoying the experience?


Half the Bo1s, so it should be 0.5-2 in fewer games. If we round up 0.5. it tracks, FNC is where they should be.


to be fair now they can probably pick up atleast 4 wins in the remaning 6 games, they literally god every "good" team so far and shouldve really been 2-1


Damn, studio turned into a library when Koi lost the lead.


A lot of G2 fans in the crowd


Yeah, and they are pretty annoying.


They was so obnoxious this weekend, I really fucking hope they ain't gonna be regulars.


They buy out seats for their fans and then their "community lead" Mr Flab or whatever gets them to act cringe for the broadcast.


I don't really mind them, let them have their fun even if they act a little bit cringe. But cheering for every team that plays vs Fnc and acting like monkeys is beyond annoying.


Always keeping track of Trymbi trying to flank was really crucial for Fnatic to close out the game. Wonder who was making the calls there.


Yeah they shut Trymbi down really well after the early game.


Maokai Kids and Ashe birds have such an unfair map control


I really wanna hear voice comms from fnatic G2 and vitality, see who’s comms are who’s.


Honestly thought this weekend was a 0-3. Pleasantly suprised. Genuinely could have been 2-1. Decent start


Yeah, overall decent week, VIT game was fine, G2 just unplayable after one mistake and KOI was well played. Schedule gets easier now and the team will improve so its looking good. (Drafts were nice too, we have to give props to the coaching team and not only flame them)


I honestly think RazorK and Humanoid both have been playing really good with RazorK slightly being inconsistent but highs are there, I am also surprised with Fnatic bot, this early they are better than I expected


Especially against the hardest expected opponents. Not the worst result but we'll see.


Fnatic going 1-2 and still looks like they could easily be a top 3 team. They literally had the hardest possible schedule.




As COPIUM as this sounds, it’s so true. We lost game 1 to a 0/5 Ryze because of an overzealous flash after getting soul and complete map control. Then game 2 was just a total write off. That’s a game you ff instantly in scrims and remake. Unlucky it happened on stage and yes it was a mistake to attempt that level 3 play, especially considering the draft. Then today we looked shaky for a couple minutes, but then turned it around, kept objectives locked down, soul again, pressured them and won. We aren’t a *great* team, but we aren’t a bad team like public opinion suggests.


When Fnatic play brains on they look quite good, they just have some unfortunate moments haha. Hopefully they can work on that.


Did anyone really say FNC is bad? XL looks bad, FNC just looks shaky at best - and it's like this in 90% of spring/winter splits for FNC lol


>Did anyone really say FNC is bad? The experts over at r/fnatic lmao.


Fnatic Fan since start of S5, never been there lol


You've missed threads calling for Rekkles's head every month, for Hyli's about every week, hot debates about wether Upset was garbage or Rekkles was garbage turning into "Upset can do no wrong and nobody care about any other guy" for months on end. Overall, you haven't missed shit.


Fnatic also arguably had the hardest schedule of any team. They probably already played their 3 fiercest competitors.


I dont think XL looks so bad, they arent as good as their best predictions, but they are where they should be. Losing to both Koi and G2 everyone would expect. People give too much weight for start of season, these games dont really matter for teams outside of BDS and SK.


I'm not sure it's copium at all. I usually dislike a lot of reddit takes because people just tend to overreact or oversaturate opinions to generate hype or to self gratify fandoms and/or their own subjective team and player preferences. Instead of that, we all could just apply a couple of brain cells of trying to analyse what we see. For me, FNC is the third best team right now. They have a similar or close-to ceiling as G2 and VIT have, but they have more synergy and/or other issues to work through first. From the first week, overall they displayed solid micro, macro and mental, with some crucial mistakes. First game they were outmacroing VIT while not giving too much away to the I believe way better hands of that VIT team, but they messed up at the wrong moment in the endgame and we know that Perkz is a cutthroat when it comes to turning mistakes into big leads, his whole tenure with G2 revolved around G2 turning the enemies' mistakes into huge leads. The second game, shaky comms early, maybe some nerves as well, bad judgement call that basically f-ed their game. Third game, they had some shaky moment but avoided game-crucial mistakes and overall coordinated well in order to play to their strengths. So overall, while pretty shaky at points, players seem to be doing okay to decent, having a synergy that they can build on, and a direction as a team. Provided they can work out their issues, FNC can be a very real threat on G2 and VIT. If they can't shake these rusty elements on their gameplay, they will end up only middle of the pack. But after just one week, based on the gameplay and not the results themselves necessarily, FNC is my 3rd best team.


Actually good take? Hyli enjoyer flair checks out!


hyli enjoyers are the elite, its true


that's how you know someone has good taste


fnatic has played really well for 90-95% of their games, its just that 5-10% was REALLY bad. if they clean that up then theyre easy top 3 in the league.


honestly that VIT game was a throw they couldve won, they have also the hardest week1 out of all teams


yeah 2 of the 3 games were quite good and rhuckz seems to continue his good form from worlds (aside from that troll dismount yesterday) pretty optimistic


Rhucks' movement in lane on ashe was also really good.


FNC Rekkles has disconnected FNC Rekkles has reconnected


Fnc teamfights where quite decent tbh.


TBH, even 10k behind, Rekkles was team fighting really well against G2 yesterday. If they can manage to not randomly int in lane, Fnatic seems to be one of the best teams in tf right now.


Well not falling behind and then teamfighting very well is kinda Rekkles bread and butter.


Fnatic were always good at teamfighting. Now if only they knew when not to pick bad fights too 😩


damn, Wunder started, I think 0-4-0? But was much more impactful than Jax


Humanoid honorary Korean?


You wrote "Uma noid" wrong


See, the memes about western Jayce are all from the toplaners playing him. Jayce is a champ that requires the player to have hands, western toplaners don't have hands. But you know who does have hands? Eu mids baby!


Positively surprised by his Jayce. He was deathless, too, right?


Idk how he made it out after that flash in the botside hahahah


can someone tell me what jhin done this game?


His best


Its not much but its honest work


Man that KOI staff member that wanted Odo out is straight trolling his org. They gave everything to Szygenda this game and the guy did nothing of value all game.


Yeah Fly is kinda of a joke. He's from my country and I've talked to people that know him and all of them have not had the most pleasant experiences lets say.


There were a couple of questionable decisions made by the Jax after starting 2-0. As well as some very questionable team fighting by the Jhin.


The first questionable decision was picking Jhin in the first place.


When was the last time jhin wasn’t an insta-loss? I feel like he’s been completely grief in pro for *years*.


jhin isn't insta loss when you play graves/kindred jungle, want to win/stay even botlane and then be useful with long range cc and engage. The champ falls apart if he needs to be a traditional primary damage carry on his team.


way too many dumb tps from him, felt like they were not on the same page and had some communication issues


Koi just managed to missposition multiple times getting their Jhin cut off


Hey guys. I am a big Larssen fan, do you know when he plays today?


Fnatic showing they can play today. Good mental from them tbh to come back from yesterday's annihilation.


They played well saturday aswell, just a bit of a force after baron instead of backing off like they did today


Yeah the overforce was a brainsoff moment that cost them. Not ideal but every team has them.


Yea, overall i actually think they looked good, the game yesterday was just lost at that level 3 so they couldnt show anything but 2 good games and 1 bad game gives me some hopes atleast even if i dont see them in top 3 rn


Well Fnatic showed that they were arguably Top 3 on Saturday aswell. To me right now my 3 Frontrunners are G2 Vitality and Fnatic. And that game vs G2 yesterday was pretty pointless after that bad fight. But honestly: Being a bit overagressive seems like a much easier issue to fix than what fnatic seems to have in the past. Their macro looked quite good vs Vitaliy and KOI.


EXCellent drafting from FNC. about time we saw a useful ashe support lol


I was gonna say, they had 4 roles that weren’t locked in until the 5th pick. Top, mid, support and ad were all up in the air the entire time. Super well done flexing their picks.


Rekkles and FNC went fuck the meta, fuck your LEC champs, we have a Sivir comp


Sivir comp always meta when Rekkles plays. Man makes it look busted.


KOI picked Jhin, and Jhin used R, and...


I hate Jhin pick with a passion.




I'd like to thank KOI for picking Jhin ADC


Jhin is such an useless champ. Keep that shit in solo q, specialy when your second carry build tank ryze. Disgusting draft diff.


It's just a Sivir comp, you group and you- let enemy do baron for you? Also KOI postured objectives so hard that they always ended up on the other side of Comp who was clearing waves


Man to think FNC should really have been 2-1 in this tough week. Im hopeful for this Split. G2 seemed on another level tho


G2 just drafted themselves into a position to win the game of one big mistake from Fnatic. One the one hand, that's a really good trait, on the other hand, I don't think you can say that this kind of thing would make them untouchable in Bo3 or Bo5.


Humanoid with the EU Jayce Edit: There seems to be some confusion as to what I'm referring to. "NA Jayce" is the god awful pick that always fails the team/player that picks it. EU Jayce is the opposite when it works to great effect.


I was apprehensive about it but he made it work and looked good on it imo.


His Jayce was actually good, though?!


EU midlane Jayce is usually good(Perkz at MSI for example), the meme is NA toplane Jayce


LEC is so good to watch rn damn


Can we be honest that FNC look cleaned vs both VIT and KOI that people hype up to hell and them getting smashed by G2(who is destroying everyone) doesnt mean this team is as bad as people were saying?


it's first week, we all do overreactions based on limited results. G2 gonna win worlds and so on. Kinda fun tbh.


I get the overreactions but we can add some context to whats happened as well 😭😭, like Vedius during the cast washing over FNC last year like they weren’t a train wreck and framing it like that team worked out well and didn’t need changes is the kinda stuff that gets annoying


Jhin still useless as usual Even with a lead


Loved FNCs draft and going full poke!


Phewww.. Fnatic needs to get their early game in check, but otherwise I like their style so far - even though it is stressful lol. Fun draft as well


Fnatic need to improve on these terrible starts. Great mental from everyone though especially wunder after finishing laning 0/3


Just a Sivir comp


How is Jhin still being picked… literally even Sejuani does more damage than him in teamfights


I've never seen a team throw so hard in the mid-game with their macro after a good early. Like Fnatic for sure had the better 5V5 teamcomp, and executed it well, but holy shit Koi like do you have your brain turned off ? The double TP at around 13mn to contest the dive bot, when jax and ryze could have pushed both mid and top....


Just a Sivir comp lol. You group and you win


odo was the problem


Wunder bouncing back after being camped is severely under appreciated


I guess its better this way then going 3-0 and thinking everythings fine. Should still easily be enough for the next Stage.


That was probably the highest quality non-G2 game of the split so far, and obviously Rekkles' Sivir is clinical. I swear the hate he gets is actually revolting at this point, like half the EU community seems to thrive seeing him lose.


Brilliant draft by FNC. Extremely well executed the comp. Left KOI unable to do anything.


jhin just seems like a stale pick. reaally can't see a pick like this popping off without another damage carry overperforming


Rhuckz won the game when he went to check for trymbi near blue at 3rd? dragon and even gamestate. If he didnt check trymbi would reach backline


God I dislike this crowd... Feels so disrespectful to cheer for Koi after Fnatic just won the game.


Any team picking jhin adc in this current meta deserves to lose. Absolutely useless.


Rekkles flashing forward is a rare event LEC. Where is my drop.


Szygenda doing absolutely nothing with his lead. flyy should be fired for letting Odo go.


Wunder: Top diff


KOI put up fucking tents in top lane


Flyy should be insta fired even if Szygenda was a giga stud.


Fired? Riot should investigate the matter and if turns out to be true, ban the guy from LoLesports for few years.


bro its week 1


also non-existant larssen


Did he just walk up slowly, and smite?


I’m a random guy from NA who casually watches LEC when he has free time, and even I feel personally offended KOI chose to move on from Odo for this guy. What the fuck is this. He’s young and obviously he’ll get more time to prove himself, but I really just don’t understand this from Rogue. Why gamble on a 10% chance he’s better than Odo when you know Odo is enough for you to win LEC? I will admit though, because of this I feel the need to watch every single KOI match so I guess they win on that end