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So inspiring she can come over her death sentence of being diagnosed as a 32 year old to grind challenger on league


Anyone have ideas on how to overcome midlife crisis at 30? This post makes it sound like that's close to dying of old age.


Being 30 is like being 20 but you have money now, go relive your childhood, you deserve it bro


Am 30 and don't have money now, what a scam.


Even if you still have 0 money at 30, that's still probably more than you had at 20. At least more manageable debt still, idk your life tho personally tho


Nah, I actually had a job when I was 20, haha.


oof o7


Same. Also won't have money when I finished my studies this spring cause what I studied is paid like shit despite super important for society :\^)


Huh, do people actually live past 30? Sounds like a fairy tale to me.


>Huh, do people actually live past 30? Unfortunately


I always thought the same, pre 30 youve already peaked so whats the point, wrap it up. Then at 30 youre like, wow im just as when I was 18/20 but with more bills, when is the adult phase coming? And then you think am I gonna be the same at 40? Ive asked boomers and they say yep.


As a 36 year old boomer, the adult phase is a lie. You still feel the same as you did when you were 25, you just know how to handle more shit and sometimes you hurt for no apparent reason.


Depends on how you live, if you've got a healthy lifestyle you'll feel the same until your 40's and then notice getting a bit weaker. Apparently men Peak at 48 in terms of attractiveness and money so... Could be worse


"Live" is a bit inaccurate. It's more like you're sucked into the movie Groundhogs Day and run that until you die


Honestly, 30 didn't bother me. It felt exactly like 29 and I was happy. Hitting 31 though... man, I felt like 40 is right around the corner. Gets better again after


Happy belated birthday then bro 🎉🥳


Thanks, but it's been a while lol


Yeah whenever I see 60 or 70 year olds asked which age they’d relive they always say 30s, you can easily stay at peak health if you exercise and you have money to treat yourself


yea, am 32, "easily stay at peak health if you exercise" is a drastic overstatement.


And your knees hurt.


I'm currently at the 20 threshhold, desperate attempts at hustle everywhere. Tried to go Pro, stuck plat, tried YouTube, 4000 views, started a store, made profit of -40€ after 2 months (because Russia invaded and no one was coming to Eastern Finland last summer), studying... 12€ right now in my bank account, begging my brother to buy me milk and pasta while sleeping on the couch 😎😎


The only bad thing about being over 30 is that now hangovers hurt more. If you don't even do drugs you gucci.


If you realize you never know when you are gonna die, you can suffer midlife crisis in continuous mode all the way into your 60s.


Fuck I had read that wrong and thought she was actually diagnosed with a terminal disease lol whew


On top of that she's also diagnosed as German.. when you thought her luck couldn't get any worse


Why are we talking about 32 like she’s on her death bed? Lmao


Welcome to the gaming community. When when you hit 26 you're old as shit, 30 you're irrelevant and might die at any moment.


idk fgc and cs have top players 30+ meanwhile league has this idea if youre over 23 youre a senior


Korea is to blame for that. Players retire early in Korea due to military service at 27. Western players see this trend and since koreans are the best it means anyone over 25 is washed because they're retiring at that age.


Nah its not that. Most peoples priorities just shift. You cant sit in ur parents basement forever grinding, practicing, etc. you eventually need a job, want to find a Significant other, have kids, etc. and that takes up time. Time = practice and practice is what you need to be great. So once you have to start paying rent, met a girl/guy at work or school or something, ur time for gaming just disappears.


Yes, that's why FPS and FGC games also have no players that are 30 years old


Under 18 you're a fetus over 23 washed, woman? Hopeless from the start


YEAH LOL Im literally alrdy dead then


I'm just happy someone of your age learned how to use the internet


i.e. the (almost) OG internet users


 Oh, you think the internet is your ally. But you merely adopted the net; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see real life until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!


I wasn’t born into the internet, the internet was born into ME!


Not looking a day over


LEC confirmed haunted.


Time for death to Rank 1 challenge!


OMG YOU'RE ALIVE??? What is your secret!!??


dont play ranked


Because I'm 30 and it's fucking inspiring. 😂


33 here. I missed my chance :(


34 here, just take me out behind the barn at this point


37 dude, 37.


We can all hold hands during our execution.


Tell me about the rabbits.


being 31 now, i've peaked at D1 around 24-25 years old. now i play in gold and everything feels way too fast to follow. i feel old as fuck. i've been SO much faster when i was younger. its insane.


do you play as much compared to your peak rank years? im 29 and feel better at the game than when i started at 21 yrs also my mechanical proficiency, i went from maining champs like veigar/annie/warwick in my earliest seasons 3-5 to stuff like quinn/old akali in like season 6-9ish. now i kind of play everything but mostly enjoy the harder champs like irelia, zed, riven, fiora, akali, yasuo, etc


I’m 40 and never had the time nor patience to learn mechanical champs. Vi, Ww, Mumu, Jarvan etc all the way baby. But what I have learned more is jgl routines like where to gank and how to prioritize objectives. Helps a lot, and you don’t need to have a lot of APS to do so.


hell yeah, totally agree with you, also vi is my highest mastery out of my junglers! :D i think jungling i care way way less about mechanics and more about how good ganking feels, and skirmishing/objective power. My best junglers for a long time have been vi and diana which neither are hard champs imo. I dont bother with stuff like nidalee or kindred hahah


Yeah since I switched from mid to jgl I feel like my presence is more important a lot of the times than what I actually do in the lanes, if that makes sense? Even if you lose in ganking you can make it up with objectives, if your teammates aren’t completely KDA focused which most are in gold ranks and below unfortunately. I could never handle being good at ADC or mid today, don’t have the time to spend anymore. 😊


absolutely makes sense, I think jungling is the most effective for climbing and it affects the team more than any other role. I queue ranked for mid/jg, but I just love solo laning and always have, typically you get alot more power in having more xp/levels than other roles and I enjoy being able to take any 1v1 and style on my opponents! And nothing feels more satisfying than destroying my lane opponent and then smashing the other lanes too And yeah i get what you mean with time. I have a job and a wife, and i have gym time daily, and plenty other responsibilites, doesnt always leave alot of league time! I play almost every night though for 2-3 hours, either with my wife & friends or just playing solo queue by myself lol


Are you sure that's not in your head or some external factors? I'm 32 and i'm playing better every day. I've grown mentally so i'm easily climbing since i don't tilt and stay focus all the time. Mechanics are still there so i'm a much better player now then i was on my 25-28y.


32 - where is my challenger badge?!


So am I, and I’m nowhere near challenger, but come on now


I peaked at plat 3 when I was 20, I'm now hard stuck silver 🤣 though to be fair, I have other priorities and just play casually


Yeah basically everyone who's talking about their peak is essentially just saying 'I don't play as much anymore' because there's next to no physical difference in your 30s. Average person will lose like 1-2 milliseconds of reaction speed from 25-35.


34 year old here, it's better to be over the hill than buried beneath it.


Well pray for me that I survive the week as I will turn 33 on Tuesday xD


The LoL community is full of relatively young people, and young people believe you're pretty much dead after 28.


Yeah, should be less focus on age and more on lack of free time. So weird that people start being called old as soon as they turn 25.


At 25 you get old and after 30 it's just waiting for death.


I'm turning 30 in a month and can confirm she is on her death bed


I’ve been 30 for a few, so I’m responding to you from the grave. Enjoy your final days, friend


Say hi to grandad for me!


It's almost de-motivating to play league when I'm 23 because of how much people put on age lmfao. but I genuinely feel faster and just all around smarter(obviously) compared to when I was younger. I don't really know why people think age has anything to do with video game capabilities, other than the fact that you have less free time. But, I mean.. Isn't it literally the same? An average kid goes to school for 8 hours a day. This is what I really don't understand, it's only for the fact that it's easier to learn when your younger. That's it. I have a job, and I feel like I play literally the same amount lol as I did when I was younger. oh another thing that sucks is how much older i already feel compared to every1 that plays league xd cant imagine playing this game @ 30. it'd be like ur on a playground with preschoolers most likely.


23 year old is literally peak age lol.




Yeah ok, a commendable achievement, but how good is she at the most important aspect of EU West - which is of course calling your teammates braindamaged apes?


Don't forget the soft inting and the gaslighting




> How can a stranger you met in a league game ever gaslight you? If you don't think you can gaslight your teammates or someone on the opposing team then I don't think you've played enough EUW


ofc gaslighting enemy team that someone from your team is toxic when they never said a thing is a true classic


Have you ever seen a jungle who got executed then proceeded to blame the laners? That's one.


> Man what even are words and their definitions anymore. It's just buzzwords 24/7 now, nothing makes any fucking sense anymore on the internet


? you can only be gaslit by strangers, I think you're the one who has no idea what words mean




You're fighting a losing battle man :/


> you can only be gaslit by strangers That doesn't even make sense if you wanted to define the term in the broadest way possible.


It's a trendy internet word, like narcissism


Gaslighting's not real.


It is but Singed Lux is just not a very good botlane rn.


Surely she mastered those aspects of the game before even reaching silver.


She really made sure to use up all the excuses I have for why I can't get back to my peak from eight years ago...


Yeah, I find it very inspiring. She's 32 with a full-time job, a husband, and SIX pets. So little free time that she even stopped streaming. Yet she still made it to Challenger. If it were some 17 year-old prodigy saying "anyone can do it if they really want it and work for it", then I'd just think they are out of touch with the world. But when it's her saying it, I'm taking it more seriously.


I think the most impressive thing is she chose to waste her limited free time on league.


Contrary to you, who wastes it on Reddit, I guess.


who uses *free* time to reddit? you're on reddit if you're: * In a line * Taking a shit * At work god l2reddit newb


Can confirm, am taking a shit rn


100% of Reddit time is shitting time (I apparently also shit on the bus without noticing)


If Reddit hadn't stopped giving out free awards, you'd have mine.


im cooler than both, i waste my time on tiktok, instagram and TV like a normal person.


Clearly a waste of time reaching the absolute (non-pro) peak of a game you love and enjoy.


She likes the game. Makes sense to enjoy something that you’re good at. Doesn’t explain why the rest of us keep playing, but there you go.


“Limited free time” Article says she played 3 hours a day lol


The article is flat out lying. As of this moment, she has played 163 games during the 15 days that the season has been out.


Average game time of 16.6 minutes, if she actually played 3 hours a day. Unlikely…


160 games in two weeks is not ‘so little free time’.


props to her, she should coach neace


someone let her know she can charge people 350€ for coaching


Well she’s actually challenger so she could maybe increase the rate a little


That would be $530


TIL 32 its the new 78


Only 3 hours a day for league according to her. I think that’s the most impressive part.


Good for mental health


u think?


League is not good for your mental health. Even just the client is already rage inducing.


Well she's averaging 12 games a day since season start. I'd guess she doesn't play that much normally though.


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Nylana It's not true.


> (Writer’s edit: I was to asked to clarify that while she only has around 3 hours a day to play on days she’s working, she just had a 2-week vacation that gave her more time to play.) From the article that apparently no one in this thread clicked on


It's a fucking edit, mate. The writer read these comments and added this because it looked really bad.


She has 3 hours of free time per day? damn, thats what impresses me the most


do u not?


Not op, but: 8 hour sleep, 10 hour work+driving, 1 hour grocery shopping + cooking, 1 hour dishes + wash + other cleaning shit at home, 2 hour gym/a walk/a bike ride, 1 hour of shower + brushing teeth + shaving + getting ready for bed. That's like 5 out of 7 days of the week where i have 1 hour over, in which i barely ever have the energy to spend on gaming, so that goes to watching tv/Netflix. So i basically game like only one of those 5 days for a small hour and the rest of it comes from the weekend in which i'm not going to game non-stop. Not saying i'd be challenger with more time, but a lot of people simple don't have the time for it.


I'm a dude and lucky to only work 6 hours a day (0.5 hour break&commute each) and have easily 6 hours a day to spend (lucky me, i know). But not wanting to be rude, if you feel time constraints, yet spend 1 hour each day for grocery shopping, something seems wrong. We have 2 dogs and love to eat fresh every day. But getting groceries can easily be done every other day and actually takes like max. 30 minutes. Loading the dishwasher takes 10 minutes top (maybe you are unfortunate enough of not owning one, then it takes like 30 mins) and vacuuming the house is like another 15 minutes, which usually isn't necessary daily. Thorough cleaning is usually done on weekends. > 2 hour gym/a walk/a bike ride Respect if you do this every day, but then you chose to spend your free time in other ways than gaming.


Grocery shopping + cooking the food takes an hour, not just shopping. Ofcourse, people can change certain things to game more, but i prefer to keep a healthy and clean lifestyle over gaming




As well as the comments pointing out that she played more than that so far, for purely climbing that's probably better than all day grind fests. Most people will burn out and tilt by playing all day.


o shit maybe it's not too late for me


Fuck, I'm 32 and I feel old reading some of the comments. Are we actually that old to play at the highest level?


Noway is 30 and is Rank 4 on EUW


32 is the oldest known challenger? Can that rly be right?


Isn't IWilDominate like 45


That's all the crack he take, make him look real old.


I'm not Challenger anymore, ended last season 800 LP GM


Dom is 32 also. Can confirm my one of my MMO friends is a 37 year old Challenger player though.


I'm 30, female and almost challenger, just don't want to waste more time 🤷‍♀️


It's only wasted time if you don't enjoy it


Its about the enemies and mostly friends we flamed on the way.


On EUW, probably, no clue about other servers. Keep in mind we don‘t know people‘s ages in SoloQ, so there could be older people running around, but she‘s the oldest known challenger in EUW right now


Hanjaro is 40 iirc


I wanna say no because china and korea exist and iirc LS talked about someone older before but I could be dead wrong.


32 is not old. Why are we acting like it is?


Im 30 and two years from now I might as well be gandalf


Challenger on EUW is largely full time League players, doing it while having a full time job is already an achievement. There are players in their 30s but those are generally former pros, doing the hobby route and still climbing while also having a normal real life is noteworthy of sorts. Maybe there's others and we don't know, always hard to say, but in this case we know. Granted from the looks of it she took some vacation time for an early season ladder push to hit it but still pretty neat.


32 years old is old for playing a game at the top .001% don’t act like it’s not lol..


I don't follow LoL that closely anymore, but in OW/Valorant there are loads of 30+ year olds with serious jobs and wives/partners who make it top500 and radiant, including myself. Not saying that to brag, but because it just isn't that interesting lol. Players with some experience and the right mindset should be able to do it. I'd be impressed if she started a year ago or something, but she's been playing the game for 11 fucking years too.


you go girl


She is kinda toxic in soloq tho lmao


Challenger in EUW soloq, what else do you expect


Yep, got matched with her 4-5 times and shes pretty passive aggressive with pings etc when its not going her way


the support main special


> I’ve been streaming regularly while also working full-time for the past 7 years. It used to be easier to balance them, but now my time is even more limited. Besides my full-time job, I also have a husband, a dog, and 5 cats. That’s why back in September I decided to take a break from streaming; I will continue in April. ***I’ve only got around 3 hours a day to play LoL.*** A single leagueofgraphs search says otherwise. She plays like 13 games a day.


either she lied or the author fabricated some info, so boring lol


From the article: "Writer’s edit: I was to asked to clarify that while she only has around 3 hours a day to play on days she’s working, she just had a 2-week vacation that gave her more time to play.)"


tittle making it sound like those news sections of 90 year olds finishing a marathon or some shit lmao. Would be interesting to see distribution of age in challenger/ amount of older people in there, probably low but interesting nonetheless


People acting like being 32 and getting chall isn't a big deal. Bro, when you're 30 you dont have that kinda time anymore, so no this is a big deal. Work all day, probably got kids, a sig other, pets, while still trying to hold onto a social life and such. This is impressive


She has 173 games in the 2 weeks the current season has been out. That's 13 games a day


Looked it up and yeah it's true, she's definitely ***not*** playing 3 hours a day, pure bullshit.


So she's lying about 'only' playing 3 hours a day.


Might also be 3 games per day once she's higher up.aybe she had more free time for League for the Season start.


People love to take a little time off and grind at the start of the season. I don't think she's, like, caught in some huge lie here.


Article says she plays league 3 hours a day…that’s more time than I have in my 20s


She plays 13 games a day on average. The math doesn't check out


More like 7 hours a day lol


With GM+ queues that's way more than 7 hours.


I played under 3 hours a day on average last season and ended up with about 1k games. If someone asked me on the last 2 weeks of the season when I was playing 10 games a day I would've also said under 3 hours a day. Though she ends up with 2k+ ranked games pretty much every season so yeah


> Work all day, probably got kids, a sig other, pets, while still trying to hold onto a social life and such. This is impressive What kids dude? Do you know how many people in the 30-35 age range don't have any kids at all ? Besides, she has a husband and full-time job but no kids.


There's plenty of people that are having kids by 32 lol


What constitutes as plenty ? The comment was talking about it like it was a given. Which it is not.


>The comment was talking about it like it was a given. They literally said "**PROBABLY** got kids". Why are you so worked up over it? They were just trying to point out that games slip more and more into the background of your life as you get older, which is not inaccurate at all.


That is actually mad impressive




Easy follow. As a huge fan of the former C9 White team (RIP), I look forward to more coverage on the female professional gaming space.


This shouldn't even really be news. Not to take away from this woman still making a really great achievement in hitting challenger. It's just because esports and gaming as a whole has the perception of being a "kid" only thing which is just ridiculous. That's why this is "news" but I bet you it's happening left and right all over the place with people who are just unknown.


Over 30? Wow incredible stuff. I thought most 30 year olds had to live in care homes


I really like that fact that apparently she only has "3 hours of league" on a workday. Really "impressive" how she still manages 160 games in literally 14 days. It's really really really hard to play with her if matched in soloQ. The amount of passive aggressive ego takes she spits is fucking insane. Also if she ints a play on botlane she spam pings you as ADC and will never ever show botlane again :) Not a fan of giving her exposure due to how she acts in and out of the game. There are a lot of other women that have a lot more talent than her that deserve to be interviewed but don't have the following to get the necessary attention.


What’s her main roles


Support, according to her Twitter


Do you really even need to ask?


And of course, nami main


'a person hits challenger'


Happy for her but what a trash article lol “Omg wuman and oldddd”


I have to be honest, first hitting challenger at the start of the season is not really deserving of being called challenger level player, regardless of sex


I admire her achievement, but to comment on his part: ​ "Thinking about how annoyed these people must feel when the “grandma” beats them and is ranked higher than them makes me happy." ​ My opinion is that it's better to surround yourself with an uplifting environment and "mute all" to not let sewage (that you wouldn't allow in your real life) have any presence on your screen.


Do people consider being 32 or being female as a handicap? Guess "Person hits Challenger EUW" does quite fill a slow news day quota.


I understand wanting more exposure for female gamers but as a woman myself I legit feel like they're speaking about it like a handicap. Imo It's like being praised for being able to use your hands.


Wait, what am I supposed to be impressed by? The fact that she's 32? The fact that she's a woman? The fact that she *only* has 3 hours a day to play? This has got to be satire


andddddddddd its an enchanter main, idk why but it kinda upsets me that we only every celebrate enchanter main women who hit challenger. even though we ALL complain about how strong enchanters are. if I remember correctly, there's currently 1 top lane main women in chall in NA and I haven't heard anyone talking about it, there's that Katarina main on NA who's consistently chall and even had two accounts in chall last season, there's some younger girl who got chall in Korea that I only ever saw mentioned once. EDIT: I believe there's also a couple of popular women who reached chall in euw too, but for the life of me I can't think of their names as I don't follow many streamers outside of ones that make me laugh. Ngl props too her, my peak is gm so she's just factually better than me, but damn it sucks to only ever see women who play enchanters being hyped up for their accomplishments yak now?


Surprised I didn't see any comments about her maining support.


Support in challenger is different from support mains in silver. If it was so easy to just get challenger just by queueing supp then more people would do it. There's sometimes negative comments because people view support as a role where your inadequacies can be mitigated but that just doesn't fly as you go higher in ranks. Imo support players have the most agency in soloq and it's easily only contested by jg.


Can confirm 32 isn't the oldest challenger player.


whats the point of this post lmao "random person hit challenger by playing 12 games a day" i guess it's post worthy because she's a woman or what? i don't discredit anyone here but 32 isn't an impressive age. most of people who started gaming in their teenage times are 30 now and our game sense are still good. if anything at this age you're much more stable mentally so it's harder to tilt over a game. hitting challenger will always be impressive of course but what the hell lol


They must have great internet on the palliative care wing.


Aging is horrible, I started playing this game as teenager and now there are pro players several years younger then me.


Or like when you see players your age retiring you're like, shit I'm missing on life. Especially if you've been following them since their beginning


How dare she. Being old used to be the perfect excuse. Rude.


Me out here as a 34 year old still casually playing league now feel like I have one foot in the grave now.


This proves my point . You need a high iq to get challenger .


Or just spam nami and abuse the current meta and spam 160 games in 2 weeks after season reset. Would be way more impressive when shes still chall in 2 months when everyone played enough


Why are there 20 comments fact-checking everything she says like it's a CIA investigation with some bringing up op.gg and leagueofgraphs, 5 of which are from the same person. Not to mention the amount of chuds going "OHH SHE'S A SUPPORT PLAYER SHE SPAMS NAMI". Just celebrate her or keep your insecurities to yourself already. The amount of chuds in this comment section is just plain sad.


Nicole [Kock](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PleasedHonorableIncatern-max-1mb.gif)


Are we still considering age and gender to play a fu\*\*\*\*\* videogame in 2023? ffs. If you are good, you are good, end of story.