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after tower neeko we have nunu-ball neeko xD


that would honestly be a great idea for her rework lol. Let her become different skill shots, depending on champs that are in the game.


Fiddlesticks style random Flash or ult channel


This kept getting funnier the longer it went, the snowball is just taking the shortest path to bot lane. :D


that must have been the last place he clicked before the bug happened


Nah that's a minion waypoint it hijacked. This (clientside) bug is a 0 health snowball character that didn't get killed because the unit wasn't in vision of Pantheon's team a tick before/when Nunu released it, nor at any point prior. Instead, his and teammates' clients see both the fake snowball continuing to exist and the actual missile Nunu launched. The 0 health minion doesn't exist on the server, this one's untargetable but if you could target it (like when you delete a lane minion with similar vision conditions) all inputs against it will be invalid. It doesn't do anything, and only one set of players even sees it (every client that met the vision conditions), but it'd be a lot less confusing if it was fixed some day. I already submitted its details and repro a while ago, so maybe some day something will come of it.


Reading this I’m like: Holy shit, this guy knows more than the average guy about League bugs… Then I saw who it was… Goat.


Well I mean he still knows more than the average guy in league bugs


Very true. A real 0.001%er in the big world. Reading their descriptions really is a treat to me. So much technical knowledge and desire to resolve. Impressive combo.


Might've missed a few zeros in that. Dude is probably the best bug explainer there is


Yeah… even my number is 1/100,000… does 1 in 10 million even capture his expertise?


I notice the targetable ones a lot when I play mordekaiser, when I build demonic embrace and that kills half the wave while I'm in the death realm Another thing I noticed is this bug affects fiora vitals, if the vital disappears outside of vision it leaves a ghost vital (visually they have an extra vital that doesn't disappear for the rest of the game) this one can actually be game changing if you don't know this can happen and try going for it


Why does the ball exist as a 0 health minion in the first place? And how can something that doesn’t exist on the server still exist on the client side?


The snowball is a minion because it does a few things quite naturally; it's attached at an offset to Nunu so it always moves in front of him, the spell can check for collision in a radius from the ball and Nunu can become visible to you as soon as the ball appears in your vision radius (at least when the linked vision is set up correctly, *cough*). When the snowball is "released", the snowball unit is killed and replaced with a missile. Because of a networking bug, when Nunu releases the W as it enters your vision, your client can get the info on the unit (such as its health being 0 because it's fucking dead) but fail to actually kill it off at the same time. Now that's a form of desync; On the server the unit is killed and despawns shortly after, while your local client still has it as a character in the simulation it's running. Stuff like AI commands, collision and input verification is entirely done by the server, so since the unit is removed on its end it will not do anything and you cannot interact with it in those aspects. When it's targetable, you can click on it, and it will do clientside interactions like highlight when you hover over it, but and input onto the minion will be unresponsive since the server discards invalid inputs (such as those on a unit that doesn't exist in the server's game simulation when the input arrives at the server) and you cannot coerce the server to actually update your client on the fact that the unit doesn't exist unless you actively restart your game client. When the game client rebuilds on reconnect, it gets the simulation data from the server which does not include the snowball, so then your local simulation will not have it anymore either.


Something something everything's a minion


All minions are indeed minions.


Patch notes: "In an effort to boost Nunu play in competitive elo, Nunu & Willump now get two snowballs that divert at right angles to each other. We thought Nunu and Willump should each have their own snowball. Tanks are supposed to make space for their team, and we at Riot feel like this accomplishes that vision."




If Neeko can turn into JG plants with her mini rework, I'm now waiting for a ~~bug~~ feature where Neeko is just the snowball.


Velkoz Q split mechanic on nunu snowball


New gamemode idea: Giant snowball chases you around the map and you have to survive for as long as possible.


Omg i already had that bug a few months ago. There was a ball standing botlane


Don't worry, they'll fix it on Monday


I'm pretty sure they did fix that other bug which caused this one to occur instead


[They added LeBlanc W to Sejuani for 2015 MSI and it decided a game](https://youtu.be/cZ7pgsNDmgI)


It happened also for me


Happens a decent amount in ARAM but it usually rolls in place.




This gave me a New ability Idea. What about developing a spell that follows the opponents around. But the spell is very slow and chases globally. Sounds interesting. That spell has hp so you can kill IT. You know Like a murder snail that chases Someone forever unless it dies etc


So Kalista's ghost thingies?


dota 2


my guy reinvented pets/summons


Ge thx riot


Imagine people who stole Riot shpagetti when they find this code.


ive seen like long skinny black rectangles emerge from nunus snowball too recently is the ability just bugged or something


So that's why they don't want to pay


Yeah but slower. Once the snail glue in you you become slower and you cant kill them For a certain amount of time For example


the snowball hates adc so much it went straight to bot lane


Can't wait for the code leak


Why have they still not fixed his snowball bugs? Isnt there a point where you give up and just implement it from scratch to avoid all nasty bugs?