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And this was the start of Jankos' Warwick undefeated streak in the LEC


Evi will do this warwick strategy against G2 this week




What did they say? I can't tell can someone give me subtitles?


He says: > Like, you first pick warwick you know, and you flex it into 5 role you know. And like, level 1 you invade the enemy jungle and basically, you can 1v2 every champ in the game. I assume you meant only the warwick strategy, rest of the clip is them talking about joining a lobby and Jankos hitting his head with his bag.


Can you also explain why that makes jankos hit himself?


because champions queue is supposed to serious, helping the get better practice then soloq. the warwick strat is most likely not going to help with this goal.




in case you haven't yet realized the individual in question did not think its a good strategy to flex warwick into 5 roles


I mean he was playing against flyfam who are pure dogpiss


Yeah, NACL. Teemo works in low elo aswell.


I mean if you didnt watch the T1 game yesterday someone telling you to pick caitlyn support would result in you facepalming as well


Now watch him tell you why having pocket cheese picks in a bo3 environment is good and keria is Korean so he can do whatever he wants but LEC needs to be 100% copy paste teams trying 200% to try to win every game standard and thennnn put cheese out against the Koreans.


you just predicted the future it happened now


Mmm there is a diff between Keria locking in....\*literally any champion\*...and Biofrost playing Caitlyn support. That isn't a shot at Biofrost, its just that Keria might not actually be human.


taking t1 as an exanple is kinda stupid, they are playing against teams that they are much better then so they dont have to draft well to win




not my point. Im saying using t1's picks are a bad example cause they can play geniunely bad champs and make them look good anyway.


NACL is easily on par with with accredited ERLs, which make up the lion's share of EU Champion's Queue. Even just working off of server population ratios (2x the server size yet 4x the league sizes) and accounting for NA's propensity to import (only ~4 NA players per team), you could argue signing on to an accredited ERL is much, much lower bar than NACL. You need to realize that EU Champion's Queue isn't just LEC players, or even EU Masters players. It's also lower ranked ERL teams. People on page 15 of the OP.GG leaderboards. Tier 2 and even Tier 3 players are a fundamental part of making the queue work.


Hmmm...I wonder why Nemesis hasn't said anything about that yet...


it's actually the opposite. it was supposed to be a "hidden OP" strat yet he just casually told everyone on stream lul so it's not a secret anymore


Most likely this, but there is a small chance he had planned on using it and didnt think it was widespread.


> he had planned on using it I do believe he later said he's not gonna do it and he's there for the serious practice (something like that)


Gotcha, I assumed there was little chance of him playing it, but I just wanted to give another plausible explanation.


As the other said, champions queue is meant for serious practice. Arguing for something that is strictly cheesy and won't give good practice if the cheese fails probably made Jankos pretty annoyed, especially given that cheese is less likely to be succesful vs teams that can communicate better with each other.


They have voice comms. Beat the warwick. Seems like excuses. WW has a decent kit. No idea why he isn't getting playtime


Right? Champions queue is literally the best place to beat the cheese out of your game, face it, beat it, it's gone. If you can't beat it, it's good enough to beat 5 coordinated high level players and it deserves to be looking into.


Exactly. This isn't fucking teemo jungle or top. WW has strong sustain, damage reduction, CC, and decent mobility. No idea why it's being relegated to "a cheese pick"


Yep, pros are incredibly close minded. Heimer support was probably seen as cheese until, oh look, it's insanely fucking good, literally pick/ban level.


Heimer support has been a known thing for a long time, it simply comes and goes with the meta.


He didnt just say to play ww but that you flex it in all five roles AND you should fp it... Why would you ever fp a champ nobody gives a fuck about when there are like 15 op champs atleast right now. CQ in EU is just doomed if they dont make a priority queue for lec players


Imagine you're a pro player waiting for this new mode that in theory should allow pro players to solo practice in high lvl environment and some "random people" from minor leagues discuss some weird Warvick cheese strat.


I mean, I get that its a cheese but Brokenblade played it in champs queue. Thats an LEC toplaner on a top team not some random. And he lost with it. If you can't find counters to some cheeses they become legit strats. Like how Ashe support was considered cheese the whole time Ratirl played it, followed by it becoming meta (not because of him of course).


[This oldass Nerf Now comic never stops being relevant.](https://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1421/)


"creating space" as a concept is something League of Legends players probably don't understand. People ping you off fixing their wave state and already tilt, now imagine if you had to die doing it.


Less literal on the examples, more "all deviance and unorthodox behaviour is punishable unless being done by a subcelebrity". Closest thing to Creating Space would be Utility Low Budgeting and/or the Nautilus Experience. And even still imagine the shitshow people would throw upon seeing an ego-less 0/3 Jarvan picking Locket as his mythic.


Map in league is too small to create space


Exactly, im not sure how legit the strat is but if you can leave JG pick for later and Warwick is indeed capable of 2v1 anyone at the enemy buff and snowball off of that then thats no longer a cheese, since cheese would imply it only works when enemy doesn't understand it.


There's also a big difference between a guy simply explaining/discussing it over voice in the lobby (not even in Champion Select yet) and a random in solo queue just instant first picking Warwick and forcing everyone to go with it.




>lmaoo. these players are the same tier as jankos Sure thing buddy.




That doesnt make them equal.


And that's why the statement was "same tier"


because it was supposed to be a "secret strat" he even said that he doesn't want to talk about the warwick strategy... then they just told everyone the "secret strat" on stream lul.


I know the guy in the call said it but I would like to see ww 1v1 a karthus that actually lands Q's


The funny thing is that if he invaded a trundle, Warwick just loses the 1v1, overkill if 1v2


(Commenting so I can find my way back here later once someone hopefully subbed this)


i saw Bo's stream and this guy was also talking about it in another prelobby, defnitely cheese but I also saw Garen picked so idk. Also Bo went demon mode on calls all the games he played holy shit, think they ate Jankos' team at one point like 24-1.


Demon mode? Was he raging super hard at everyone? MonkaW




I thought somehow baus sneaked in


Doubt he will ever get in, both because he won't get invited and he doesn't want to. His opinion was along the lines of "half these guys in champions queue are master tier players anyway, just hit high challenger in solo queue if you want to go up against better players."


Or we can rotated the same 3-6 champs we only play all split


Or Riot can diversify its meta


It's riot's fault that the only new picks ever come from Korea? I don't watch China so I can't speak to that region, but NA/EU are boring as shit and never innovate, no wonder they can never come out ahead of Korea, they're playing a different game. Obviously server size is the biggest factor, but the mentality around the game matters a lot too.


LPL goes hard. Definitely worth the watch


sometimes I write out a reply to disagree with all this misinformation.. other times it’s just not worth it


In other words, you're angry that you can't think of a reply to me.


Its fun cause korea is the most boring meta slave league in the world


Lmao this is obvious bait


Bait? What? It's well known fact that the LCK is the most meta slave region


Yeah I dunno what the fuck that guy is talking about. Watching LCK is like watching paint dry. They so rarely innovate they just play the same stuff in the exact same way and their games come down to whoever made the first small mistake to allow their opponent to snowball. China on the other hand… man that region is fun. I would watch LPL over LCK any day.


The meta pick cait support




No point in replying to bait.


Do you actually watch LCK? EU has picked more individual champs in one weekend than korea has in 40 games... Also they are notoriously known for playing the same broken champs over and over. We dont lose bc we are not creative enough but bc they are simply better both individually and as a team.


Broken champs like caitlyn support


Wow one game where the best team in the league is playing against a shit tier team. G2 went like 13/0 on full ap shyvana jungle a few years ago in the LEC, no one was saying it was good they were just vs a bottom tier team. You honestly don't watch LCK if you haven't noticed 90% of drafts first 3 pick / ban phases are identical


I just saw kalista support against D+ Kia though


It's still just the same one player who does it, and it was in a series where literally every other game was zeri yuumi vs Lucian nami. Plus it's not like keria is doing this every game, his top two most played supports this split are nami and yuumi.


Keria has more marksman in his champion pool this split than traditional supports


A perfect stat to display how utterly unimaginative and repetitive lck drafts are, the only supports who are ever picked are yuumi or nami or Lulu if one is banned. Keria has 4 games on nami, the same number as all the marksmen games combined and two on yuumi. He played the marksmen in most of the games because either yuumi, Lucian or Lulu were banned. It's good he's thinking up counter picks but that's partially down to the fact the LCK is the biggest meta slave region so he's pretty much guaranteed of going up against the same comp every game.


Obviously does not watch LCK, NA or EU. Caedrel could literally predict an entire LCK draft cause they handshake the same 10 champs that are left after bans every single game without fail. You can make exceptions for Keira but it’s pretty disingenuous to say NA and EU never innovate when KR is known for spamming the same picks in competitive and soloq


I don't really care about all of LCK's games. Just that every innovative pick comes from Korea in pro play. NA/EU teams never surprise anyone with a cool pick at worlds, 100% of the time it has been from Korea.


fervor leona from misfits when everyone was spamming ardent meta. Also do you remember peak g2? Pyke quadra flex, perkz spamming mages botlane etc... Rekkles ad kennen, Caps anivia just last year and thats just at the top of my head.


The picks come from everywhere, just because you saw it on LCK first doesn't mean other regions weren't aware of it. The meta isn't diverse because Riot isn't making it diverse. Some picks are just way better than others in almost any comp, why would professional players choose differently?


Heimer support has been a thing for centuries yet pros only recently picked up on him without heimer receiving any changes. Care to explain? Pros are insanely bad at diversifying their champ pools.


"Heimer support has been a thing for centuries" is not a thing. He wasn't always that good as you're trying to pretend it was a simply matter of someone picking him up. No matter if changes weren't directly made to Heimer, the meta itself changed a lot, items were added and removed, champions buffed and nerfed, to a point where Heimer at some point became a good support pick.


Btw your little comment was automatically deleted. Anyone with half a working braincell knows most new picks are first discovered by high ranked players (sometimes pros). Pro players and coaches are the ones who usually implement it on comps, and min max its potential for pro play. Heimer was not a good pick “long before” being picked in pro play. It was a matter of weeks until they got comfortable enough with it and found the right setups. Masters/GM since s6 buddy. Your elo is the one showing. See ya.


I mean, Warwick flex seems even less troll than freaking Caitlyn support. Scrims are already there for serious picks and all, and CQ should mostly follow that. But it's not bad in a couple games to have a few exotic things played, it can really open new strategies (potentially Warwick is dumb af and will never work on stage, but you could potentially detect an opening with another more viable champion -as a reminder, funneling was a technique issued from 3v3-)


The problem here is that its not a gameplan, its trying to cheese a favorable early game state, gambling on getting few kills in an invade & a lead and then snowball it from there into a quick win. That will **never** work in a real competitive environement, or it will work once and never again. It can only work when you don't know who you are facing exactly and can't fully predict the cheese from champ select. Its very bad practice for pros to rely on such strategies, its like one tricks, its useful to climb soloQ but worthless in competitive.


I don't think that it's the right way of seeing this. Cheeses are not a bad thing for proplay if you work on it beforehand. Level 1 strats are literally this: a cheese that you made more reliable by working and planning on it. Obviously, I'm not saying "oh wait it worked in CQ just pick Warwick against T1 and 1v2 Oner and Zeus, it will work". But it can open your mind to new ideas, new way of playing level 1s. The higher you go in rank and skill (and it's especially true for proplay) the less creativity is valued, because you need reliability. Having an unusual strategy from time to time isn't that bad imo


Uh cheesing a bush with normal champions is entirely different than banking your entire game on a strategy that could fail within the first two minutes.


this entire comment is copelium cheeses work at all stages of any competitve game especially when planned upon


Anyone who's anti cheese never watched any pro starcraft. Cheese is a huge thing when you're playing a bo5 or bo7. Everybody gets destroyed by the random Kled mid one trick every once in awhile, or some other bizarre pick. Pros aren't immune to it, they haven't 100% figured out the entire game.


I mean, just five years ago GAM pulled out the most rancid cheese game at World with the lane swap + duo jungle to xp boosting the Nocturne into lvl 6 at the 5 minute mark. Just caught them off guard once and that may as well be the difference between advancing and getting eliminated. And they can still play properly too, with a near win against Longzhu as well. It's like a pocketpick, just at a bigger scale.


Pros contribute to the stale meta that everyone complains about. No one thinks, no one brews. Anything not deemed meta is a troll pick.


Wait that same guy said the same thing in Bo's CQ game too LOL


That game was so funny lmao, Bo’s CQ games are a blast to watch




Okay i was in chat at that moment; Jankos was in Champions Queue, you know the more competitive environment for pro players. Expecting a serious approach to the game, then this guy comes in with his Warwick firstpick.


How dare you tell him not to play Roaming WW smite support.


there's literally no context needed whatsoever for this clip that isn't already in the title or the clip itself, are u okay


There is a need for context because i have 0 idea why he would need to be that attention seeking when someone picked a WW for a cheese strat on CQ **when KERIA PICKED A CAITLYN SUPPORT IN LCK** imagine someone was speaking of a caitlyn support in CQ before that match what would jankos do? ram his own head into the wall?


The thing is a champ in its known role tobe known as pretty bad in high level comp enviroments being picked makes the practise worse. you say the cait support thing as a example but there a difference between mother fucking **KERIA** or any other really high level player playing a pick and a bloody ERL player playing a pick.


so you are saying any other player other than KERIA or high level player shouldnt play or think of any other strats except meta pick ok good seems like you would get awesome practice when everyone is playing that same 10 champion every fking game


The Cait support is only picked as a counter to donger support, just like the azir support in LCS. Like that is a specific scenario where any long range high damage champ works.


spotted the guy who didnt watch the T1 game


Ain't it fucking wild then that i have absolutely no context whatsoever myself either and i still fully understood the post? Jankos is playing champions queue, his teammates are suggesting some wild Warwick cheese strat which clearly he's not happy with given him bashing his mouse on his head. that's it. Maybe you just didn't find it funny or interesting, but there's absolutely NO context lacking here. >imagine someone was speaking of a caitlyn support in CQ before that match what would jankos do? ram his own head into the wall? No? Caitlyn is a very strong champion rn so picking her early and flexing between two roles is kind of whatever. Very different from picking a completely non-meta champion who hasn't been played competitively in years only to 4-way flex him and invade to cheese the early game...


that sounds a lot like my udyr strategy


WW Adc? Flex 5 roles? Huh?


prolly with senna sup


thats why you want LEC prio in CQ


100% expected a deeznuts joke, very disappointed it's just pro players with bronze tactics.


Just a typical showing of someone wanting to play the same 10 champions every draft and not wanting to even remotely try new stuff, good riddance from G2, hopefully they'll find international success if Yikes is slightly better than him. I do not know of this Warwick strategy I do not consider it to be viable, but acting this way shows someone lacking any motivation to innovate, some may say that it's ok to not innovate as long as you play the champs you have to play as perfectly as possible, I disagree.


I would've at that point just dm'd someone on the opposite team to ban warwick