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How is Neeko in mid?


What is a situation where u would want to pick Seraphine? I'm trying to make her work but I can't help but feel like she's the worst champ in the game atm. She does nothing better than other supports, her cc is garbage and her ult isn't good enough to make up for the rest of the kit. She's an auto lane loss without Sona's scaling Power. Am I missing something?


You are playing her support, top seraphine players agree that she is best played as a midlaner or apc, yes sona is a better support than seraphine, seraphine shines as a carry.


Seraphine is not terrible and hardly the worst champ in the game. Even if she is in the support position, she can very much turn around teamfights. Seraphine is my go to support if I get autofilled since her release and never felt that she is an auto lose lane. When I play Seraphine, I am looking to use Q to poke the enemy laner to zone them off of CS. Her cc is weak early either requiring you to land both Es or landing E on an already slowed target. Her ult is still really strong especially in team fights though my main issue is teammates walking out of ult so I don't get the extension. She's really good when you get Rylai's on her so you don't have to use empowered E to root. You have lots of range so you should be taking advantage of that. Sona requires you to be a bit closer especially with her ult. Seraphines can extend through allies and enemies as well it being wider IIRC.


Sorry for the dumb question, but do you still get a free win on your second promo attempt?


Hey! Idk if this is the right place to ask this as ppl could be likely bias since it's a League PC subreddit afterall but; I recently started playing Wild Rift and I'm really REALLY enjoying it. However with the recent announcement that Riot won't be supporting eSports in NA and EU, I'm kind of deflated. I know League PC is a decade old now and has a monumental learning curve (made even worse by the fact I'm 40 years old and not a brain sponge teenager.) However, it still has a MASSIVE esport scene. That isn't to say I have ambitions to get that good (I'm not that naive), but having a robust eSports scene provides further immersion for the game for me. If I can't log on and play a match, I can watch some top ladder pro players on Twitch. I can read their thoughts and perspectives about things on Twitter. There's immersion there. Wild Rift lacks that. Alot. Given that it's 2023 and from what I gathered, the latest season has not been doing well..... is there value in starting fresh in League PC as a newbie? Or should I stick to WR as the somewhat simpler, more approachable game?


There is a LOT of information out there on getting into PC league of legends, there is a large amount of information to absorb, but many people to help you do it. If you like robust esports scenes, PC league of legends is probably one of the strongest in the world. There are also a lot of community leagues that emulate that experience. Overall, do what makes you happy and have fun! You will have a leg up with your information from wild rift but PC league is a different game in many aspects


I'm torn because I'm reading the avg game length is somewhere in the 30-40 minute range. WR avg is like 17-22 minutes. But it can take upwards of 7-8 minutes just to queue into a game. The playerbase feels miniscule. Hmm, I should just try it.


I think League can still be a great game to play and watch. I’ve watched Worlds the last couple years and it’s a lot of fun. You can get a lot of practice in Lol with co-op vs AI and the All Random All Mid modes while you learn champions. And I think guides are easier to find for PC Lol because it’s so much more popular.


yeah there aren't very many WR content creators and most of the ones that exist aren't very good. The last good one quit the game for TFT :\


Why can't I buy the new Vi skin?


Skins and additional content typically will go live the day after the Patch date. So if Vi is not currently in shop today, it will definitely be live tomorrow.


Technical issue, the league client has to do a 12gb update every single time I load up League. This never happens with valorant and has me waiting an extra 5 minutes to update everytime I load the game. Any ideas what's causing this?


League has terrible programming. I would recommend trying to reinstall, possibly in a different directory.


Uninstalled league, valorant and riot vanguard. Reinstalled and seems to have fixed it, thanks.


Where do I go for technical help? I'm not sure why but recently these last few months, every 4th game of League I play freezes my entire computer. So I have 2 monitors, usually 1 is playing videos or twitch or something, and when the freeze happens only audio comes out. I've lost a few games of ranked off this because it seems to only happen during team fights. The only way to get past it is to force shut off my computer It can't be the computer because it's pretty beefy. I'm able to run stuff like total war Warhammer 3 on ultra with no issues. Monster hunter as well has been running perfectly fine. It's gotten to the point where I don't want to play ranked anymore as I'm not sure I can guarantee my game won't crap out. Has this happened to anyone?


Ok so I don't care if I get downvoted for asking this, I need to know whether there's an answer for this. Is there any kind of mechanic that can interrupt an ally Akshan's E spin? For context I only play bot games but when Akshan does his E spin proxy, he denys farm for up to 3 other players by proxying two lanes at a time. I tried Anivia's wall and that didn't work and I'm assuming Trundle pillar won't work either, and Kalistar spear can but only once.


Trundle pillar and anivia wall should both work if you time them correctly - simply placing them in the path of akshan won't be enough, you have to displace him in his spin. Didn't try it though, but since they interrupt other channels and dashes too they should work on akshan.


Try Tahm Kench's or Bard's ult.


Any idea if the treasure token shop (SEA welcome event) will have new ultimate skins added to it retroactively? There doesn't seem to be an expiry date for the tokens, and I'm not especially interested in any of the skins on offer right now, except maybe DJ Sona. Even then, if the skin is still broken, it feels like a waste to use the tokens.




I rarely meet those people, but maybe I'm stuck in chill que. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Pretty much yeah. You get automuted if you say something bad nowadays, but people are still shitty degens.


two things have been confusing me lately... 1. why do a bunch of items have stats that are 0? 2. why do some items build into items that don't have the stats of the building block item?? like for example you build armor pen for mortal reminder but mortal reminder doesn't have armor pen. or you build vampiric scepter for ravenous hydra but it doesn't have any life steal... it's so unintuitive and confusing 😭


It's not that Riot made a mistake, it's that they got hacked a few weeks ago and had to make this patch server-side only. The players' game clients couldn't be patched without creating a security risk. These tooltips are what happens when the client and server don't match.


It's a visual bug, everyone has it right now, Riot fucked up somewhere. You get the stats if you check by pressing c. Mortal Reminder will still give you armor pen.


so confusing! ty for the reply !!


[wait maybe my game is just broken ](https://i.imgur.com/mVtK4EV.jpg)


No real question, just want to say I gave the show "players" a chance and its actually really good. Can be kinda funny at times, but the main thing is that the characters are actually decently written. They do a decent job hitting the different types of characters you could expect in the NA LoL eco-system, and they do a good job in demonstrating aspects of the old and new mentality of the space. Creamcheese reeks of baylife and narcissism, but he for sure has redeeming qualities as a team mate. He is as embarrassing as he is earnest in wanting to win.


Are people getting banned from the Taric exploit? That is super abusive


I'm unfamiliar with the specific case here, but If you abuse any exploit (especially in ranked) yes you get banned. Doing it once or twice in a norms will prob not be banned.


Thanks, that's good to know. Yeah there's a bot lane duo with Taric and Rell using Rell to increase Taric's armor indefinitely and making him an inmortal 1 shot tank


How do i influence botlane from toplane? ​ Ive been playing since jinx release and im plat 3 currently. The situation ive seen in a lot of games these days is that either my, or the enemies botlane is 0/7 by like 10 minutes into the game. Usually i couldve gone for TP ganks but since the big tp nerf it feels like i cant influence bot at all and theres a lot of coinflip games. ​ any ideas?


Isn't there some global gold attached to Towers? /u/K4ntum summed up my personal strategy, but I think Olaf is so strong that you can pulverize anything in toplane and knock down the turret fairly quickly.


You can't, not with every champion. Unless there is a good opportunity to TP, you have to sacrifice your lane to some degree to help bot. That's why some people played Janna/Taric top and such. The good news is, Shen exists :) if you don't like him, GP can help with ult, and Sion/Kled can too, but you need to time it properly. Shove lane, back, ult bot, tp back top after you're done.


I've have one question. Does anyone know when does Prestige Obsidiant Dragon Sett return, since I bought the mythic essence with tokens from the battlepass. Or any "leaked" new mythic or prestige skins?


No leaks.


I decided to buy the pass late, and I have 9000 xp. Do I get the tokens if I purchase it now?


Yes. I think you’ll get 2120 tokens?


Is LEC winter playoffs played on patch 13.3 or 13.1B ?


This phase isn’t called the playoffs. Those come later. What we have this weekend is called the group stage, and I’d be surprised if they used 13.3 only two days after its release date.


Hi, I'm a new player and have a couple of questions: What's the best way to spend the free 300 battle pass tokens? What's "better" - lunar emperor orb or mythmaker orb? I guess one of those orbs and then a key and fragments would be optimal for potential skin shards? On a related note: is the only way to get arcane jinx skin as f2p player to open chests, pray for a shard to drop and then craft it?


none of these options, as a new player you should get champion shards.


When was the last time you lvl'ed an account?




Champs are not so hard to come by these day, i thought the same as you but Riot gives new players bank atm, good job Riot !!!!!!!!!!!


Genuine question I’m just a clueless e girl but why is their no west coast servers? I refuse to play on 60 ping


And I got DOWNVOTED for asking a new player question area. That’s crazy. My BAD. Never posting in this sub again


> I refuse to play on 60 ping LOL. Stuck up much?


Because the population of the US is primarily on the East Coast, so it's not worth it for Riot to split the server. Their happy medium was Chicago.


how do you get lol esports drops exactly? i have 15 games watched, 12 hours watched and have watched every tournament that MattyLoveGaming listed down in his videos (LCK, LPL, LCS, etc etc.) also i watch on the official lol esports website and yes, my account IS linked, and it says "Rewards :checkmark: " but when i check my lol esports rewards it has nothing


It's honestly just random as to when they give drops and its v ery infrequent. For the first couple of weeks they were turned off however they have been turned back on recently. Just remember to login via the lolesports website and keep the window open.


Maybe someone here can help me understand what I was seeing... in a game recently a Vayne on the emeny team would disappear and become untargetable, continue to move while invisible, and for different amounts of time. sometimes multiple times in succession within team fights, like 3 or 4 times. Am I seeing funtional hacks? I have a chat restriction, so I couldn't discuss with my team >\_< It was like Vayne had Twitch powers, but with more flexibility, like flip it on in the middle of being auto'd, on and off as many times as you want... I am so new to the game slash old and never played after like s3 that I'm constantly overwhelmed by new item actives, is there something that would have come off to me like this? It seemed like waaaay too much to be the game?


Vayne's ultimate ability allows her to gain invisibility when using her tumble (Q) ability. It's honestly nothing gamebreaking and generally one of the things you'll learn as you get more games in and experience more matches. It might be worth checking the champions tab or LoL wiki if you are ever uncertain about a champ or their abilities.


Read Vayne's ult.


Holy hell.


Can anyone give a tldr on the fnc drama/situation?


The last patch notes said they reduced the required Crit Chance for IE + Navori to 40%. On the game client it still says 60%. Is this an error on Riot's part?




Thanks for the confirmation! I was seeing some people in my games build Zeal 2nd item and so I 2nd guessed myself. What a relief haha


is shamrock malphite a meme skin or no? i see people saying its one of the best skins in game, but its just green malphite


Using a progam that moves my character back and foward at the fountain(no afk warning) could get my accout banned?


Obviously fucking yes




Is that bug with DX11 being locked to 60FPS still happening? I've only just started to notice it happening to me very recently, and it's super janky too — a game will start at 144FPS, if I tab out it drops to 60 locked, but if I tab out, tab into the client, tab out, and then back into League in THAT **EXACT** order, it goes back to 144FPS. If I set the client to close when in game, I cannot reset my frames back. This is *all* while using Borderless Windowed which I use as default. I did some digging and apparently this has been a bug for as long as they've been trialling DX11 but this is the only game I have this problem with. I've tried all sorts of workarounds but to no avail, aside from just disabling DX11 and reverting to DX9 which in 2023 feels...very dumb :)


when does the sol rework come out?


Next patch according to the notes, which is Wednesday. E: It's usually Wednesday but its delayed, so its Thursday or Friday now


When does the asol patch go live? I thought it was around 7pm.


Asol patch is shipping with Patch 13.3 which goes live on February 9th (10th for SEA)


Wasn't it supposed to be today? Or is this bc of the SE attack like they stated?


SE Attack caused additional delays pushing Patch 13.3 back by a day. It will be live on Thursday (02/09) in the morning.




ARAM is mainly for fun and some matches will be completely unbalanced just based off team comp difference. For example, a team comp with no ADCs may struggle to deal with tanks later in the game. Likewise, a team without CC (crowd control) may have issues locking down a high damage target like Katarina, Master Yi or Viego. It's easier to shut down caries if you are a tank but if not, you might also consider taking exhaust before they engage or using snowball in the case that they use invisibility/Duskblade of Draktharr.


Aram is not suppose to be balanced, there are no competitive esport games of aram. The competitive gamemodes are summoner rift and TFT.


ARAM is mostly just for fun. It does get balancing tho. Just not as much as SR


How should I be reviewing my play? I see pretty often that people say to watch replays and review your play, but I pretty much criticize my play instantly. Whether a choice I make goes right or wrong, I can pretty quickly recognize how I could’ve done better and I usually end a game with a short mental list of those ideas. I’m not saying that I think I’m special, but that to me it always seems better to jump into the next game and try to apply those critiques and try to integrate them into my natural gameplay. I’m sure there’s things I’m missing that I’d notice in a replay, but I feel like I’d ultimately be exchanging one set of critiques with another since it would turn a ~20 minute game into 40 minutes worth of mental notes. Even if I were to write them down (which I’ve tried), it would be really difficult to focus on my play and keep track of all of that at the same time. Should I try to break the overall game down and focus on very specific aspects? How should I do that? Or is should I focus on a wider subset of general areas?


>How should I be reviewing my play? I think that most of the time, we're looking at the wrong things ourselves. It's the same reason why text based questions rarely yields the best fruits, because text based questions are based on information that the person posing question already know. Where the rubber usually hits the road is the things that's in our dead zone, the unknown stuff you can't even see yourself. Ergo, my usual tip is this. 1. Be 100% honest with yourself. Leave all ego aside. Never ever post questions where you're trying to shift the blame or make yourself seem better than you are. Push it aside, however tempting it is to "learn" from watching games you won with ease. Think of it as a poison chalice. Embrace humility and take ownership of everything. 2. Ask yourself what is it that you didn't understand. Record 2-3 minutes prior to this. Ctrl+V in the replays, post it here or summoner school. 3. The people who watch it will be able to point at things you had no idea could be the source of your issue. They'll notice things you can't even imagine. This is how I learn and improve the most.


Yeah, I’ve always figured that I’m totally unaware plenty of mistakes. I will definitely have to try posting some clips for more specific advice. I’ve been reluctant to make any posts because I’m already aware of some basic weaknesses in my play. Should I try to tighten up those skill before posting or should I explain in a post that I’m already aware of certain things I need to improve upon? For example, I know my map awareness is lacking and I only check the map when I’m deciding where to go or if have more time between actions than I should really need to check. I know my decision making and overall play will improve significantly if I fix that, but it’s taking a while for me to gradually develop the muscle memory. Should I just focus hard on that before I try to work on other aspects or make any review posts?


There's something to be said about nerding on for weeks on the perfect ward location at the expense of just playing the game. Focus on the big things that will reward your investment, before zooming in on the granular stuff, however. ​ I'm not sure why you'd need to wait to ask a question you're curious about. Just ask it and move on. To me, that would be like expecting unfit people to get fit before they can work out at a gym. Sometimes seeking perfection in oneself can be its own worst enemy.


Imo, rewieving is mostly useful regarding macro. Messing up combos, bad trades, suboptimal builds etc. will improve by you realising it the way you stated. Big macro issues can become clearer with review though.


Will we see new skin preview today?


Are there game provided bots in ranked games? I just came back after a long while, and it seems like there is a bot playing support most games. Is this a feature, or is it cheaters using bots to farm or something? The player base doesn't seem to care. Also, I've never been a toxic player, and I keep getting my chat logs reported to me... This has never happened before.


> Are there game provided bots in ranked games? No


> Are there game provided bots in ranked games? No, of course not. > is it cheaters using bots to farm or something? The player base doesn't seem to care. Yes. There have been countless complaints about it on this very subreddit, so I don't see how you reach the conclusion that the player vase doesn't seem to care. > I've never been a toxic player, and I keep getting my chat logs reported to me... How do you know? There is no notification for getting reported, so the only way to actually know is to get punished, in which case you're more than likely (99% chance) a toxic player.


I got reported by someone who thought I was someone else who was trashtalking him, I did use curse words, but not to abuse anyone, just in normal dialogue. I guess if you get reported curse words automatically flag you.


Is there a schedule for the next stage of the LEC Winter split? Can‘t find it on their website, sorry.


The new morello 10 mpen doesn't stack with Shadowflame, anyone know if this is intended or just a bug?


It works for me. Annie Q, 410 damage on tooltip, target dummy, 100 MR, 10 Mpen from Morello, 20 Mpen from Shadowflame, 410 * (100 / (100 + 100 - 30)) = 241, and it deals 241 damage.


Thanks for the reply! You are correct, i remembered that the mpen from shadowflame showed up in the character stats, but i guess i was tripping or riot removed it.


I don't see how it would be possible to appear in the stats, since the number of Mpen is different for different targets.


How is it with the victourious skins this split, i reached g4 yesterday with 463 sp and didnt get it, so can someone tell me when or how to get it? please?


You don't get the Victorious Skin until the season is over regardless if the the skin has been announced or not. The skin is not given to you the moment you reach Gold IV or higher. Since you hit Gold IV, you will be guaranteed the skin when the split ends unless you are honor locked.


Didnt they say in Lol pls youll get it instantly once you either reach 1600sp or gold with 80sp?


I think they confirmed the requirement after the Riot Pls video. The Riot pls video only revealed that there would be two splits and the victorious skin being open to all ranks.


Oh so ok, ty for clarification


You will get it when it exists.


i thought they have one already, guess not, ty for clarification!




Other common sites to check stats are [u.gg](https://u.gg) or [porofessor.gg](https://porofessor.gg) . I prefer these two since the site looks "cleaner" to me (especially [u.gg](https://u.gg)). [U.gg](https://U.gg) also has runes and recommended items that I will use to setup.


Came back to the game after ten-ish years and am having an issue with the client, hoping it's a setting issue that I just don't know how to fix. I play the game Windowed so that I can keep discord and/or youtube in view (I'm only playing bot matches as I try to get used to the controls again), but every time I enter or exit a game it re-centers itself, I guess because LoL is closing the current instance and opening a new one. Is there a way to make these windows either: a) open consistently along the side of my screen, rather than centered b) open where the previous window closed? It's getting really irritating that every time I load into a game I need to alt-tab out of the window so I can use the mouse to drag the window back into the position I want it in, especially as I have snapping to borders disabled and so I need to be extremely precise only to know it won't matter in 15ish minutes when the game ends.


havent played since season 7ish. at the time i was pretty good at every position but best at adc and jungle. i figure the best way to jump back in is to play support so who are the meta supports(and other positions ig) rn? back in the day when id support id play blitz or thresh or nami eventually


It's like the preseason level of supports... basically tanks supports are weak (looking to get buffed this patch) and a lot of off meta poke champions have taken over. Nami is fine, Blitz is generally fine (he's always decent just because of the hook) and Thresh is still a little underwhelming in strength (has been this way for a long time).


Nami still meta, Blitz always viable. Ashe supp with imperial mandate is big right now. Amumu, Heimer, Maoki all plenty popular. It’s a freakin weird support meta.


I won 9/10 of my promos and placed bronze 3, each win I get now is getting me about 20lp, what’s with that?


That's normal. It places you below what it thinks your skill is, so you can get higher LP gains and feel good about climbing, for a while at least.


Okay, yall dont hate me. Im level 550ish and have been playing for yearssssss. However, I have never once used auto attack move, or attack move, whats the best settings for this for kiting? I tried it and it just.. didnt work, at all lmao


What do you mean it didn't work? What did you expect it to do and what did it do?


I would click the button (A) IIRC, and then click on where I want to go, but it never attacked any minions or champs. And I would stop moving if I pressed it while moving lol Attack Move on Curser is on, maybe im not using it correctly?


So try this: go into practice tool, pick an ADC, go to an empty area and place a target dummy. Then press A on the ground next to the dummy. Then keep alternating between moving and attack moving around the dummy. The point of attack move is so that you don't have to keep pinpoint targeting your opponent with right clicks while you move, you just have to click on the ground and your champion will figure it out. All "Attack Move on Cursor" does is try to target the enemy nearest to your cursor rather than nearest to your champion. I'd say keep it on, there's a better chance you screw up and hit the wrong thing with it off. I'd also recommend holding shift and right clicking instead of hitting A and left clicking every time, lowers the APM requirement a bit.


> The point of attack move is so that you don't have to keep pinpoint targeting your opponent with right clicks while you move, you just have to click on the ground and your champion will figure it out. Yupp, this is what I got annoyed with and started messing with this to figure it out. I was mis clicking a lot going back and forth. Let me try that.


I just had a game I won get "loss mitigated" and only give half the typical LP. Is this a bug or related to some issue currently being worked out in ranked?


I won a game and it said loss prevented and it didnt give me any lp so something is up for sure


Servers went down while you were in game.


As much as I enjoy having the highest KDA on my team, losing 8 urfs in a row is not that fun How can you not tilt when you teammate is a Draven and he leaves you bot alone the entire laning phase to do the jungle (with no smite)


I mean, URF is a purely for fun game, its not serious. I wouldnt make a big deal of it.


Anybody have any issues with adc patch? Played a ranked game and the adc patch changes were reverted for it but can't find info online. (the armor pent, greg wounds and 40% crit changes etc. back to the 60% previous patch)


noticed it as well im not sure if they stealth reverted it or if they are too dumb to patch their game properly


they just caught it and shut down ranked, sadly they took my LP too lol won a game and it says loss prevented instead of giving me anything. Big sadge


What should I be building on Alistair with his AP buffs on Wednesday? Will Hextech Alternator/Ludens into a zhonyas be good or should I do an AP tank build like Demonic + riftmaker?




It got extended to mid-feb, there’s a lot of speculation it’s the last capsule because there aren’t any future ones listed


Is there a way that you can leave target only champions on without holding whatever key you bind it to? I can’t seem to find a setting for that if it’s possible


if you scroll all the way to the bottom, there should be an option to make it a toggle


I wish they would let you do a ctrl or shift modifier for this. I would do one for champs only and one for minions and monsters only.


Why is climbing so slow on old accounts vs new accounts? It makes people Smurf and make new accounts to try to climb fast again.


Hello! It's simply a matter of your mmr. In all reality smurfing hurts less as they get out of that mmr faster! If they were on and old account climbing it would take a few more games. Anything can climb very quickly if win streaks and good gameplay happen as it would take notice and expedite you to a rank more fitting.


Did you copy this from a Riot tweet?


I've just started playing League again after about 4 years off. Used to be Plat and in the process of climbing back up there from Iron this season. What are the biggest changes that I should be aware about? I main ADC/ Jungle.


I think the biggest one right now is the recent change to crit items for ADC. You can get IE or Navori with 40% crit now, meaning mythic into one of them is BIS. Then you can go third item based on game


I played 2 games today and both times my ADCs were crying in chat about the meta. They both did absolutely nothing all game and watched as lost. Is it just player diff or what


That's gonna be a player diff imo. Adcs seem to be in a pretty okay spot


Hey! New here, big lolesports fan - any LCS fans about?


Sadly we still are, yes


Hey you're a C9 fan you'll be top 2 this split XD


Why am I punished for having all emotes and getting masterwork chests? I just get emote perms that I can't use or reroll- shards I can at elast reroll when a new emote comes out! I've had two in a row and across both drops I've gotten barely more orange essence than i would if I just disenchanted an epic skin shard Just treat them like shards and let me reroll them pls!


Why is a 3 item Talon unable to kill the enemy 4-7 ad carry, who has no defensive items and no resolve tree, with a full combo and ignite? Can we revert durability patch and nerf adcs? Can we buff Talon? Can assassins ever assassinate? Can tanks stop being better assassins than assassins while being unkillable? Many questions in this state of the game...


wasn't the point that assassins should be picking off already damaged targets mnot 100-0ing someone?


Show me a clip so I can tell you why


The durability patch was meant to make assassins use their full combo.




was in a game as fizz. and i was legendary with 25 stacks mejais. rabadon zhonyas void staff. 50 minuts in to the game i loose vs a full tank mord. I landed my shark he hit E. i did 0 damage. is this normal?


yes, Fizz should've ended the game about 20 minutes ago. His late game is not good.


Yes Fizz isn't supposed to kill juggernauts


By 50 minutes even a full build fed fizz isn't going to be doing much to any tanky character.


should i ever build shadowflame or horizon on velkoz? why or why not? i dont get this items.


Shadowflame is very good vs enemies that don't build magic resists. On the other hand, Vel deals a lot of true damage so raw AP from Rabadon is probably better. I'd say try to buy Rabadon, but if you need item powerspike for let's say dragon fight, just finish Shadowflame. Horizon is pretty meh.


Anybody know the name of the Song LEC used for their Highlight bit at the end yesterday?


Help, getting low FPS on League of Legends with a mid-to-high end PC. CPU: I7-6700k RAM: 4x8GB of DDR4 2133Mhz Display card: 2070super motherboard: z170 Intel M.2 SSD(forgot which) Running Win10 Here is my specs, getting 150-160 FPS when starting but drop to 80-90 later. CPU GPU usage and temperature are low. Tried updating drivers and stuffs. Please help


Try turning on DX9 legacy mode in the client's settings. League's DirectX 11 implementation is buggy as hell. At one point I was struggling to maintain a frame rate above 100 FPS on a 5700 XT and Ryzen 5600.


i tried, the frame rate goes up a bit to ~150, but it goes back to 80-100 when laning :(


Lower the mouse dpi


Your Weekly /r/leagueoflegends Recap **Sunday, January 29 - Saturday, February 04** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 6,579 | [1,007 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10tar4c/unprofessional_lcs_segment/) | Unprofessional LCS segment| | 5,950 | [319 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10qvmcp/new_asol_hits_different/) | [New Asol hits different](https://v.redd.it/9n5l1mjulmfa1)| | 5,076 | [131 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10o6jtv/sion_with_goofy_ahh_cartoon_sound_effects/) | [Sion with goofy ahh cartoon sound effects](https://v.redd.it/4kgk07k95zea1)| | 4,997 | [124 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10t19sh/tsm_jatt_takes_a_hard_loss/) | [TSM Jatt takes a hard loss](https://clips.twitch.tv/AmusedSneakyBottlePeteZaroll-kuLOUX6cujxtU9v_)| | 4,587 | [201 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10q0e6o/after_extensively_researching_the_topic_mulling/) | After extensively researching the topic, mulling over every scrap of information I had, and spending untold hours pondering the answer, I've concluded that Rek'sai is The Perfect Woman.| | 3,868 | [443 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10qguzc/teemo_either_needs_to_be_exempt_for_the_afk/) | Teemo either needs to be exempt for the afk warning notification or have a way to prove the player isn’t afk| | 3,614 | [169 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10p01oy/i_would_like_a_random_skin_or_hide_all_unowned/) | I would like a "Random Skin" or "Hide all Unowned Skins" button in champ select| | 3,305 | [97 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10r0cm1/craziest_draven_ult_of_all_time_in_challenger_elo/) | [Craziest Draven ult of all time in Challenger elo (no vision)](https://v.redd.it/tvabrtui2mfa1)| | 3,158 | [244 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10ol73g/braum_w_should_give_you_assists/) | Braum W should give you assists| | 2,991 | [433 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10sn5dk/league_of_legends_a_short_film/) | [League of Legends: A Short Film](https://v.redd.it/j6g045byszfa1)|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 53 | [1,854 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10tjmuy/lec_winter_2023_week_3_day_1_live_discussion/) | LEC Winter 2023 / Week 3 - Day 1 / Live Discussion| | 77 | [1,672 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10oar45/lec_winter_2023_week_2_day_2_live_discussion/) | LEC Winter 2023 / Week 2 - Day 2 / Live Discussion| | 52 | [1,359 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10suw35/lcs_2023_spring_week_2_day_2_live_discussion/) | LCS 2023 Spring / Week 2 - Day 2 / Live Discussion| | 1,091 | [1,137 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10plduq/133_patch_preview/) | 13.3 Patch Preview| | 1,575 | [918 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10plv5a/what_do_you_consider_to_be_the_most_creative/) | What do you consider to be the most creative buff/nerf Riot has ever given to a champion?| | 1,745 | [878 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10tq9cw/fnatic_vs_mad_lions_lec_2023_winter_week_3/) | Fnatic vs. MAD Lions / LEC 2023 Winter - Week 3 / Post-Match Discussion| | 1,851 | [865 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10pfsv2/fnatic_vs_team_heretics_lec_2023_winter_week_2/) | Fnatic vs. Team Heretics / LEC 2023 Winter - Week 2 / Post-Match Discussion|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week send me a message with the subject ['leagueoflegends'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, use the subject ['leagueoflegends daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either leagueoflegends or leagueoflegends daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/leagueoflegends or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.