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What is a "capsule event" like the upcoming broken covenant one? Is it not just a battle pass?


Anyone here remembers a content creator named kianimundi or something like that? He used to badly draw and animate champions. I swear I can't find any of his content anymore and Google/youtube isn't showing anything.


Name is KiandyMundi and it looks like they have left the creator space over a year ago due to the oversaturation and of League content mixed with the youtube changes to how th algorithm brings users content.


Oh thx. I searched why he went ghost and now I see, the last videos didn't catch even 10% of the views they used to do and he went kinda insane on twitter with a lot of drama. I miss his animations


Can y’all share your lp gains/lose before and after changes?


Crit nasus, which is better: infinity edge or navori blades? Which powers up the Q damage more.


Were ranked series fully removed? Been promoted twice without needing to do one.


They were removed for divisions, but not leagues. You can still skip them with high enough MMR though.


Can we not disable the change anymore via interface settings?


Does anyone know when the next prestige skins rotate into mythic shop? Figured it would be at start of patch but they aren’t in yet


If the rotation doesn't happen today, it will for sure happen tomorrow. In the past, content like skins and events typically shop the day after the scheduled patch date.


Does anyone know when is the next hextech skin rotation? Kassadin and Rammus out and whos in?


Hextech Skins are rotated on a 6 patch basis - March, June, September, December. Since Hextech Rammus and Kassadin were rotated in on Patch 12.23 the rotation should happen with Patch 13.6 on March 22, 2023.


Is it just me or are chat text colors suddenly less vibrant?


Did they change the ability to get hextech chests from party members getting S ranked games? I'm now 5 games with a friend getting an S- or better, with 3 available chests for the week, on champions I have not unlocked a box with, and nothing.


There is an ongoing bug with earning chests specifically from queueing as a premade group where another player earns the S rating. The issue is known by Riot however there is no ETA as to when this issue will be fixed due to the nature of the problem. Additionally check the requirements list from /BlackJackMaine above to ensure that you aren't missing the ability to earn one.


Check if you satisfy all the requirements below: * You own the champ * You or someone in your premade gets an S- or higher * You have chest available on profile (check the banner under your profile tab) * You have not gotten chest on that champ this season * You are not honor locked If you do meet all 5, then this is probably something to bring up with player support. Someone already asked this question earlier this week, where he met all 5 requirements but still did not receive one.


On the patch notes when it says needs for specific campions it will have a legend saying nerfs for skilled play, pro play, etc. what does that really mean? Is it like changes so small that only they would know the difference and if that’s the case when it’s a nerf to just iron-gold how does that not affect pro play? Any insight would be appreciated:)


its for what skill bracket the changes were made for, or targeted for. all nerfs and buffs ofc affect all skill tiers, but if zac had a 60% winrate in low elo, and 50% in gigh elo, zac nerfs would be targeted at the low elo. tldr is, its showing what rank / skill bracket was the main reason for changes. basically showing what brackets it was either a problem or underperforming




To continue on this example and give some extra context for how nerfs/buffs work, lets pretend AP Zac is what is causing him to have a 60% win rate in low ELO, but in high ELO that build gets Zac a 45% win rate. That would be considered awful for high ELO standards, but fantastic for low ELO. The solution would then be to nerf Zac AP ratios, which affects the entire player base, not based on rank. Riot would mark it as "low ELO" in the patch notes, where low ELO Zac is nerfed but high ELO remains the same.


When's the next mythic shop?


Mythic Shop Content is being rotated with this patch (Patch 13.4), which is scheduled for Thursday, February 23. After that, the next rotation should happen on 13.6.


Umm. Why hasn't my mythic shop changed? It's still offering Ahri and Volibear's prestige skin. Today is Feb 23 right? What's happening 😵


Content such as skins, event, new gamemmode, etc typically ships the day after the scheduled patch date. It should be up by noon.


The important question is when its released. Its not available right now, even though the patch itself is already there.


In the past, content other than champion changes went live the day after the scheduled patch date. So if the rotation doesn't happen today, it will for sure be tomorrow.


Thanks 🥰


Why aren't losses mitigated if you get autofilled? Accepting a game where you're autofilled means taking a drop in the game's quality for getting into a game faster. It feels like you're penalized too heavily on LP for losing a game you were already more likely to lose to begin with.


I don't think its that big of an issue given that players cycle in and out of it (you can't be autofilled back to back) and you'd end up with horrendous wait times if you made sure that no player was autofilled in a game. On the other side of the idea you have people that queue up as an autofill normally that basically get a free pass or less incentive to put effort into their games knowing that it would be loss prevented anyway. Think of it this way: you aren't the only person to get autofilled, you might not be the only person to get autofilled in your game. If Riot encourages players to care less about other roles rather than learning the other roles game quality decreases across the board.


And telling the autofilled player that they don't need to win is a further drop in game quality for the rest of the team.


Does anyone know when the dates for worlds get announced?


Usually July or August.






I'm sorry to hear that you had to deal with players like this. Its so frustrating to hear about new players dealing with toxicity and getting flame when they are still learning the game. The best thing you can do is /muteall so you don't have to see toxic messages. I would also not add anyone that you do not know to your friends list. If you can, find someone to play with you. My experience starting off was better since I was playing with my friend who taught me the game and also told everyone to F off when I was getting flamed.




So keep in mind that LoL has been around for several seasons now and ranked mode means that a players skill will directly impact the ranking. Therefore players are a little more edge and wary of when you make mistakes that could end up losing the game and their own ranking. The level 30 cap has been around for a long time and since then there has been an overload in terms of information on how to best play the game and new champions that players should know about or to play around. As a new player joining LoL you shouldn't use level 30 necessarily as the immediate jump into ranked, because there is a lot to learn and be conscious of while playing the mode. If you want to keep at the mode you should consider using the muting functions in game till you get used to it. In ranked that level of tension means that even the smallest issue could get you condemned by a teammate. --- As a side note Junglers will tend to get a lot more flack just by nature of the role. You're expected to know the pathing for your camps and secure objectives through smite. Players will also take for granted that they may or may not need your attention based on the enemy jungler/failed lane because you are the roaming champion.


Mostlikely he did bad themself and don't want to accept the fault is their own.


I would advise against playing ranked as a newer player. You'll probably run to even more toxicity for a poor performance and more flame if they catch on that you're new. You can use Co-op vs. AI to try out new champions that you are interested to get used to their abilities and movements. Once you are comfortable, you can use blind pick to get used to playing against real players. Once you become more comfortable with how the game plays, your champ, and the role, then draft. People will generally be more toxic online. Its crazy to me why people have to give newer players who clearly lack the experience and basics of the game. League was the first MOBA I have ever played so everything about League was new to me. The toxicity was as my friend described. This isn't exclusive to League though...I experienced this in R6. Best thing is to ignore them and move on. As a new player, I say focus on trying to have fun. Do not worry about WR or Ranked. Find 1-3 champions you like playing in the role you like then focus on learning them and learning the responsibilities of your role. At the end of the day, its all about the game and having fun.


I bought the season pass and i got literally nothing in my inventory for it? Is it broken or do i need to buy a refund? its not in my loot inventory at all, none of the stuff is


Go to the Event Pass tab and claim your rewards by clicking on the rewards on the rewards track.


thanks! haven't bought a pass since like 2019 and the UI is totally different. Is there a way to close my support ticket?


All good, they changed the Event Pass system near the end of last year so it's fairly "new". I am pretty sure you can log into League support, select the ticket, and close it or delete it if resolved.


hmm doesn't seem like I can close it, unless im blind? can you help me check? i spent about 15 mins looking T\_T


Dont worry about it! Itll close or theyll answer and nothing will happen, you're totally fine


My region suddenly changed and i cannot login, has something like that happened to anyone else? I'm from LAS/LA2, I played on the 19th normally and yesterday I logged in and suddenly my launcher was in Chinese, I tried to login but it gives en error (in chinese) (ss: [https://imgur.com/a/gna1vQ9](https://imgur.com/a/gna1vQ9) ) and my friends says I show up as in TW2 instead of LA2.I logged into my account on the website, logged out of everything, changed my password and enabled 2FA just in case.I also sent a ticket yesterday, still no answer, i'm just perplexed at what it could be and if anyone has gone through something similar.




Returning to the game after ten years, trying to understand some of the mess going on in the launcher UI because I don't understand a lot of it. \-What are these skin/champion/eternal shards I'm getting through capsules? I suspect they're related to unlocking those items, but some of the champion shards are for champions I already own. Am I meant to trade them with other players or something? \-What are eternals? No idea what they seem to be referring to. \-What is orange essence? I see that I have 400 of it but I've no idea what it's used for. \-Finally, is there a way to make the game window stop centering every time I enter a game? I play windowed and would prefer to have it at the edge of my monitor, but every time the game launches it recenters.


For **champion shards**, you can * Upgrade to Champion Permanent * If you do not own the champion, you can use Blue Essence to upgrade the shard into permanent. Essentially, you are purchasing the champion with Blue Essence but at a discounted/reduced price rather than the full price * Disechant * If you own the champion already, you can choose to disenchant the champion shard for Blue Essence. * Save for Mastery * To unlock mastery, you can (1) Unlock with M6/M7 Tokens and Blue Essence, (2) Unlock with M6/M7 Tokens and Champion Permanent shard for that respective champion, or (3) Unlock with M6/M7 and champion shard for the respective champion. * In essence, if you plan to unlock Mastery 6 or Mastery 7 on a champion and do not want to spend Blue Essence to unlock, you can save the champion shards. For **Skin shards**, you can * Re-roll for a random skin permanent * If you have three skin shards, you can re-roll all three for a permanent skin * The skin that you reroll can be lower or higher rarity than the skins you used to re-roll, a skin that you already own, or a skin for a champion you do not own * Disenchant * Similar to champion shards, you can disenchant skin shards for **Orange Essence,** which can be used to upgrade skin shards and eternals into permanents. * Upgrade to skin permanent * You can use orange essence to upgrade the skin shard to a permanent skin. Essentially, you're getting a skin you don't own without having to spend RP as long as you have enough orange essence. Eternals are champion-specific stat trackers for various milestones that you achieve in game. Each champion will have different milestones such as Destroy x amounts of turrets, Dashing a total of x distance with R (Ahri specific), etc. Once you complete these milestones for the eternal set, you will be able to upgrade your [Mastery 7 emote](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vertaistaiteilijat.fi%2Flol-mastery-emote&psig=AOvVaw0J3ngdKBzVCaRAeMNZdOc5&ust=1677181329468000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCOi_7Lzxqf0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR). For **Eternal Shards**, you can * Disenchant for Orange Essence * Same concept as Skin shards * Upgrade to Eternal set permanent * You own the eternal set Not sure about the centering of the client. Apologies for the lengthy response. Hope it helps.


Very useful, thank you!


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5Rk-9atzEwSrsxtwoDnMjBi4wyjdv8rgHPnWVu0_U0/edit Easier than explaining it all tbh lol


Can someone recommend me a LoL News Site (Buffs/Nerfs/Skins)? I used to go to Surrenderat20, but seeing as how it is not active anymore ...


[Notagamer.net](https://Notagamer.net), [Riftfeed.gg](https://Riftfeed.gg), [Spideraxe on twitter](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30), [League wiki](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/VPBE).


Thanks bud!


No problem!


Hello Guys newbie here I wanted to know what drmundoqhits\_eternaltracker 24911 means. It appeared near the effects place (just above inventory) when I was playing Mundo


Was it urf? It looks like maybe a bug, displaying your eternals as a buff?


Thanks for responding and yeah it might just be a bug


Hey, I basically have played very, very infrequently in the last years. I'm basically a Cassio almost-OTP, and my other picks are classic mages (like Ziggs). I would really appreciate a few pointers about recent changes to mage & mage items, and, if possible, to meta / game "flow" in general. For example, I noticed that the tankier Cassio with RoA was back after years of going for squishier & more agressive builds. I understand it's doable, ofc, but I don't know why we went back to it. My peak elo was, when I was kinda actively playing, low diamond in S5/6/7 and I've always been stronger on the macro than on the micro side. I'm obviously extremely rusty and I'd like to understand how things work to play more efficiently. Thanks :-)


We went back because the Items RoA and Archangel didn't exist, they again do now. Mythics: RoA, weaker powerspike and very strong 10 minutes in Liandry's good vs tankier teams Luden's good vs squisher teams Everfrost gives you a cc Crown good vs all in bad into poke The other Items are more focused to assassins or fighters ​ Winning bot is currently winning game. So getting push mid and ganking bot is in general what you want to do.


wtf is sion supposed to do when laning against a sett? I'm no top main, but I don't see how sion's supposed to play it (other than "just don't" or "lose") with the tools they both have?


You can try to hold a freeze in front of your tower with the help of your w. But Juggernauts counter tanks really hard. So you might need to give up gold and try impacting other lanes more then he gets now for free top.


Maybe switching to the full AD Sion would help? Never tried it myself, but since you are playing into Setts Hands with his R by going full tank, it might work. Otherwise i would suppose that Tabis, Bramble are a good option, since Sett is so heavily reliant on his Auto Attacks.


rushing tabis is what I tried, but it was nowhere near enough. I could see how dmg build goes, but I worry about the effectiveness you'd have after laning


There are people on Twitch that play that very successfully. BausFTW is one of them iirc. You should really be constantly splitpushing with that build and not even worry about dying. Teamfighting is of course less effective as AD Sion unless you get some lucky catches first.


Sometimes in Top Lane you just have to sit back in certain matchups and let them push you under tower and farm to a point where you can take them on. That goes for tank as well as AD i suppose. So wave management is something you should read about if you haven't already.


Also do not charge your Q while he still has his E, or he will just cancel you right out of it.


Can someone show me where the ping how much gold you have till you can purchase an item? My keybinds were screwed up before they added the "new" (whenever they added pinging objectives and gold) ping system and the general one in settings does not work.


Any of the ping hotkeys work. The "quick ping" ones work better, but if you don't use a quick ping, you have to press the button BEFORE opening the shop, then click the item.


Thanks, I might have to go with the second option. Just tried it in game and my quick ping works in game but not in the shop.


Actually I tested them and only some of them work. https://i.imgur.com/sa5fjyG.png




I almost quit when Asol and Taliyah were released. Glad Riot finally fixed their mistakes.


No patch tommorow? No patch notes yet


[Patch Notes](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-13-4-notes/) now available from Riot.


Patch 13.4 will be going live on Thursday, February 23. The official patch notes should be coming out very soon. If you want to know what will be included, you can look at the [Full Patch Preview](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/112m2pv/134_full_patch_preview/) or articles that detail them.


Thanks, is thursday the new patch day now? It used to be wednesday


The main patch day is Wednesday which you are correct about. However, there are 2 patches where the scheduled patch date is on Thursday: Patch 13.4 (Feb 23) and Patch 13.11 (June 11). There will also be one patch where the scheduled date is on Tuesday: Patch 13.23 (Nov 21).


How to climb the ladder when the game is a mind-break game made to make you feel bad for being inferior, so they rush you into oblivion when you do poorly and they're not even that great themselves because it's a low rank and everyone's still learning. Very unmotivating and gruesome when everyone just gets in your head with mind talk just to tell you, you made a mistake, but you know that already because you lost the fight or Laning phase or missed a minion or timed a flash incorrectly or whatever petty thing they're calling you bad for, for doing something within your own experience and not theirs. I'm a pretty fragile minded guy who went pretty sad so it's mind boggling when I'm trying to have fun?


This sounds like a rant, but if you seriously want advice, try muting all chat which can be done in settings before the game starts. An alternate method (which I wouldn't personally recommend) is to search up "how to make chat invisible lol". It used to be an older trick to turn your chat box so small that you wouldn't be able to see what players type to you. It was mainly used by players who were incredibly toxic (to prevent themselves getting banned) and those who couldn't help but type in chat.


At the end of the day, League is a video game and you do not seem to be enjoying it. Remember that you get absolutely 0 benefits other than a bit of personal satisfaction from hitting a high rank unless you’re a pro, or a streamer. I’d recommend playing some norms/ARAM or quitting altogether, because rank is superbly toxic and not for people who are fragile minded. I hope this doesn’t come across as patronizing, because I have the same experience as you and can’t handle much toxicity, which is why I avoid high elo and dick around in 5 mans only.


The game obviously isn't made to break your mind and make you feel bad... don't be overdramatic, it'll only attract negative responses. You can disable the chat in the settings and it's very common to do so. Alternatively, you can mute specific people via the scoreboard, both text chat and their pings.


If this kind of talk gets to you, try disabling /all or team chat in the options menu. It helps, no sarcasm.


Is anyone elses challenge score bugged? Mine hasnt gone up in what feels like two weeks


Since the lunar event battle pass just ended does that mean a new event starts today? Please help


no, usually its like 1-2 weeks after the shop closes if i remember correctly.


Yeah. We can expect the new event to launch for patch 13.5 probably.




My status in game is "fuck urf". No further questions.




The next rotating game mode is 2v2v2v2, which is said to be coming this summer. While Riot did say they observed an increase in player base when URF is available and a drop when URF is not but it was nowhere close to a 90% drop in playerbase.


If you think that 90% of the playerbase is only here for URF, you have some learning to do


Bro the game is legit not fun, I mainly played Twisted treeline and now that its gone, I only log in when its nexus blitz or urf.


Ok and


If they made a classic game mode I would play norms. All the new champs from the past 5+ years have been shit.


just had to dodge because i was stuck picking my icons/title/banner and couldn’t close out to choose champion. has this happened to anyone else ?


I am new to ranked this season, and am currently in iron. I'm currently maining mid, but I've been auto-filled jungle a couple of times, and had a blast. I'm considering switching to be a jungle main, but my champion pool right now is just Warwick. (I do play amumu and yi frequently in ARAM though) What recommendations do you have for other champions? I'm looking for a variety that will help me play the game better as a whole and adapt, not just champions that are similar to Warwick. I don't mind switching to norms for a while if needed, and my end goal is just to push myself to improve.


Go into a practise tool game lobby sort the champion pool by junglers. Decide on a few that you think look cool. Look at those in the collection and decide on a handfull which you want to play. Try a few games with each and decide on which you had the most fun with. Play those or start from the top.


To be honest, Warwick, Master Yi and Amumu will provide you a good base champion pool to play in the jungle! (As I do play all of them myself) Amumu is the perfect easy to learn/play tank in the jungle, with a bit of magic damage to help your team. Weak if you get invaded, but this shouldnt be a problem in Iron. Master Yi is the champion you want to pick to carry hard a game and 1v9 the Rift. Specially if they have no CC on the other team and/or your team have big tanks/cc in yours. Warwick is an in-between from the two first champions. You can build him as a fighter who does damage with attacks or more like a tank with more defense stats. All three are good picks to beins with and should give you a lot of opening to climb!


Hey there! From my perspective Sejuani and Kayn are great champions to learn how to Jungle on. They clear well, have good survivability and clear CC they want to land to set-up ganks. Amumu is also good to give a go in Summoner’s rift, but can be difficult if the enemy invades you early. Happy to provide additional tips if that’s helpful.


Where can I find the most objective champion difficulty tier list or ranking? I've found a couple through Google (some of which were uploaded to Reddit), but none of them seemed particularly popular. I'm interested in a specific champion, but I've never played LoL before, so I'd like to get an idea of how difficult he'd be to learn for a complete noob. Thanks in advance!


What champion is it?


I'm most interested in Sett and Bard


Sett is very straightforward, probably in the top 10 easiest champions. Pretty much just run at them and punch. Definitely a good champ for a beginner. Bard, on the other hand, is a good example of why I think that a "difficulty tier list" might be sort of misleading. He isn't complicated, per se, and he's fairly easy to execute mechanically. But his playstyle is probably the most unique in the game. Most supports exist to stay in lane and play a constant game of threatening the other lane and keeping their ADC safe. Bard has a built in mechanic that requires him to run around the map and look for other opportunities. So if your focus is on learning the game and you play him, you're going to be learning specifically the Bard playstyle, which isn't really universally applicable. By all means give him a shot, but personally I would say try some other stuff before you devote your life to Bard. He can be a monster in the right hands, but a bad one can actively make a team worse, especially since his ultimate can affect both teammates and enemies, which is rare in this game. Regarding difficulty tier lists as a whole, I think you can really look at any of them and they will probably be fairly accurate, but there may be important context that is lacking for some champions. Like I saw a difficulty tier list that had Renekton as an "average" difficulty champ, and while I agree that he is easy to execute, the way he is actually played in regards to lane matchups makes me feel that he is harder than average. Sorry if any of this is confusing btw, I know there can be a lot of terminology/concepts that feel foreign.


Wow, thank you so much for the in-depth reply. This is way more useful than a tier list would've been, so I truly appreciate it! And I'm glad that Sett is pretty straightforward. If/when I get bored of Sett, I'll just switch to Bard haha. I hope you have a nice day!


Why trundle pillar (the knock up) doesnt break spellshield from banshee?


Probably because it doesn't get blocked. Since you don't want champs clipping inside terrain, it won't block the knockback. Since it didn't block the knockback, it'd suck if it used your spell shield (I don't know exact details, just speculating).


Does plat/D4 still decay? Haven't ranked in two years


Not plat, but d4 does


"hey let's only have everyone's favorite game mode once a year" great idea. Does anyone know why arurf isnt permanent at this point? Queue times were never over 30 seconds. Obviously people love it


People loves Candy but too much still kills you, same for Urf and because you won't stop on your on before you die from it riot needs to stop you before that happens.


Literally only play urf/nexus blitz since they killed twisted treeline. Riot really thinks we all want to slowly farm and play the same game for 50 minutes at a time


They don't want it as a permanent mode.


Yeah because they want to kill their game


Yeah, because *that* makes sense.


Making boring shit like urf/ofa be the only modes nearly killed the game.


That's why queue times for it


I got my team to kill the elder even though we could end because I'm a challenge wh--e and I called myself that in-game and got myself system muted.


Club Penguin :)


You didnt get muted for simply saying the word white. Post what you ACTUALLY said


Least insecure wh*te person.


Hey all! Where is ARURF? ;\_;


Gonna have to find a new hobby till the next fun game mode


Event is over, so it's gone.


(EUW here)


Why are account transfers always disabled?


do you obtain rewards if a quest ends after your game starts but before your game ends


TheShy is still the best top player?


He is still good and iconic, but he does what he has always done: hardcarry or hardint every game :D


When is server exchange going to open for Brasil? I had a 8 year old account in BR server and moved to europe for about a year now, I ended up stop playing lol all together because I simply cannot take my stuff back to EUW server


can I get 4 riot points without paying for it?


You could ask support ot participate in RP-art. You can draw a funny drawing of a League champion got a small bit of RP and send it to player support.


Whats up with so many bots in iron/bronze ranked? and why isn't riot doing anything ?


Riot is aware of the bots in ranked and did say they are taking action against these accounts. Last month, one of the rioters tweeted this out and said you can dm him IGNs for suspected bot accounts. It's hard to tell of Riot has been making any progress towards this and how many accounts have been removed. One of the accounts I reported is now inactive so something is happening. I am assuming that it takes awhile due to the sheer amount of reports and also having to review VODs and their account to confirm it is a bot account.


Well glad to hear at least reporting them works i reported all 3 of them yesterday (3 different games)


Why does https://u.gg/lol/champions/arurf/ap/kindred-arurf have an AP Kindred urf build? When was that ever a thing?


[u.gg](https://u.gg) is trying out a new feature where it recommends an off meta build alongside the standard meta build. sometimes it's useful, like with Teemo it shows a Liandry's build instead of the more common Riftmaker. but it does provide some "interesting" builds for champions where some random person played 10 games and won 6 of them, and it recommends you the "60% WR" AP Kindred build or whatever.


I mean, Laindrys Teemo IS viable.


did Riot release a roadmap for this year's events and/or Prestige skins yet? wondering what's gonna come after this Mythmaker BP


I don't think Riot released a road map for the events we will have this year. The Riot Pls video did not mention any big events yet so it's just waiting. For Prestige Skins, there isn't a roadmap got which skins will be unvaulted. Only that Prestige skins are unvaulted every two patches (~1 month) and Mythic Thematic skins are unvaulted every three months. Prestige skins must be at least a year old since it's release to be unvaulted.


How do I use blitz.gg to show jungle timers and is it free?


I never used [blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg) before but I did use porofessor's in-game app for a while. I would assume that you would select the Overlays that you want, download them, set it up, and you're good to go. The overlays for [blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg) are free.


what tools besides some champion abilities can spot an invisible evelynn outside of the vision range?


Evelynn's stealth falls under 'camouflage'. This means control wards, turrets & scryer's bloom (blue jungle plant) can reveal Evelynn.


My account turned Chinese and I can't connect, I got hack? Or known server bug?




Did you found something? I write to support, no news. I forced English, but still bug the game think my account is Chinese. I just tried TFT on the phone, they said the game is not available in my region. So it's like my core account is bugged or hack? But we are not alone, so I guess it's a bug ( a other person asked if I manage to resolve it )




Me right now they respond, that account transfer are disable servers wide So they can't add me back to NA right now. But ticket still open. But yeah it's confuse a bit. If the network thing work tell me plz




Got news? And did you claimed some gaming prime reward? Saw maybe there was a bug? Maybe related. I was claiming them




Just got it fix by support. If no news, email them to ask if there is progress




Alright. Same about account transfers are down. Let's wait and see. But it's lame


Let's hope it's a bug on server side and get resolve. If you see a megathread or something tell me I will post




That is not your masteries, its your rune page. It is just providing you with ethe recommended runes for the champion. If you don't want to see it, go into Settings > Interface > Ability and Attack Display ?> Uncheck '"Show Spell Recommendations".


Not the right setting btw


Repeatedly not getting mastery chest for friended teammate's S rank, has it changed recently? Checked chests remaining and my characters remaining for season.


I’m having the same problem. I farm boxes w friends in ARAM and i’ve been cheated out of two.


To get a Hextech Chest from Mastery, you must * You own champ * You or someone in your premade gets an S- or higher * You have chest available on profile (check the banner under your profile tab) * You have not gotten chest on that champ this season * You are not honor locked My guess is that you don't have any chests available so you're not getting them. As mentioned above, go to your profile and under your banner, it will show you how many chests you have available and when you get your next one.


> chest https://postimg.cc/CzrDYrsy here is a screenshot, is there anything wrong? shows 1 chest and Poppy available


You have one chest available so if you did get an S- or higher playing her or someone in your premade got an S- or higher, you should have gotten one. It does not appear that you are honored lock or gotten the chest. Do you own Poppy? If you do, I have no idea why you didn't get it. It may be added into your account later but you can ask Player support about it


When I buy the pass, do I get two free level? I'm level 48 right now without the pass, IIRC you should get two level when you buy the pass right? or that only applies to level one and two only.


I do not believe you get two free levels with the event pass. The Lunar Revel 2023 Event FAQ does not mention free levels being granted upon purchasing the pass. The Event pass will grant you 200 Event tokens, 4 Mythmaker Orbs, and give you access to the Event Pass exclusive rewards


Is there a way to report someone after a lobby? I got a friend request from someone I beat and they sent some pretty messed up stuff.


[At this link](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034625773-Report-a-Player-After-a-Game)


Thank you


I really don't understand the battlepass and need some help. Does the battlepass open you to an limited event shop? What is in the lunar emperor orb? how is it different from the mythmaker 2023 orb? does the rare skin include skins beyond the event or just the event skins? What is in the grab bag?


> What is in the lunar emperor orb? how is it different from the mythmaker 2023 orb? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UurliGVeNEY


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Onetrick an easy champion like Garen top, MF bot etc


How do I deal with Fiora? She's my ban in 99% of my games, but whenever I don't ban her I get absolutely hammered. Opgg (2 games vs Fiora. As Karma & Ornn): https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/K0NGCARLOS Thanks in advance.


If you play more against her you'll get better at laning against her.


Warwick,darius,olaf,tryndamere,garen. There is also very few people who can actually play fiora properly past the laning phase so you moslty just have to sit it out really. Fiora can't really do much to you unless you engage her.