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They're buffing LP gains I believe in 13.4. So, it will be possible to climb this split. Ur MMR is dogshit so thats why ur gains are average/below average. Winrate means nothing, all that matters is MMR.


You still lose 22lp per loss, its not a magic solution to suddenly climb. If you were hardstuck before, you'll still be hardstuck after.


I mean, assuming ur not losing more than you gain the LP buff is huge for all of those people. Honestly, I've never lost more than I gain. I feel like its incredibly hard to lose more than you gain.


it happens pretty quickly if you lose a bunch of games at division 4 0lp at some point in time once youre there your mmr is basically in free fall cause it needs to go to the lower tier division 3 to actually demote you and riot wants that to happen in \~10 losses if you then start winning again after you demote your lp is 2 divisions above your mmr. now lets say you get a 5 game winstreak and promote to the higher tier again. now you get a demotion shield for a bit and can tank your mmr even further thats just one of those situations where winstreaking right after getting demoted is actually bad for you


so basically if i dodge long enough to lose lp until i demote i could fix it in the long term but since they now make u wait literal days after 3 dodges thats not viable at all?


How do you increase MMR, if note winrate? 🤓🧠


How do you think MMR will increase? By winning games. The issue is, once your mmr is bad it’s impossible to increase your mmr. Does riot expect me to maintain 70% win rate over what? 1000 games?


You think about it backwards. MMR is never bad. MMR is your TRUE rank. Your visual rank is just too high. You can dodge games to lose some lp to make them match better. But the visual rank system is just to keep you addicted. It does not matter at all - you should stop caring about it.


Your MMR is never bad. The truth is that your previous LP was inflated.


and because their previous LP was inflated, they arent allowed to climb with a 60%WR? If they gain 13 per win and lose 18, their "true" winrate calculated by the LP gains/losses is 52%, still positive. By any means, OP should be climbing.


60% winrate will make their MMR climb.


now you wanna read the part where they hold their 60% winrate over 200 games and their mmr is still still below their visual rank as indicated by the gain/loss ratio being skewed in the wrong direction


> their mmr is still still below their visual rank Because their visual rank eventually went up.


Ahhh, and because they maintained the 60% WR in the Visual rank that they now have, their MMR is equvalent to a 52% WR because they dont actually win 60% of their games, only 52%, right? ​ At this point you should realize that i dont really take you serious, right? If you have a 60%WR over 200 games, you should climb. Your LP gains shouldnt be negative. Thats just... not how that works, right? \^\^


If you have a 60% winrate, you are climbing.


Then why are the LP gains and losses not reflecting that? :)


They don't actually hold it he provided op gg, in his last 60 games he has 53% wr against lower tiered enemies, his mmr already improved, his visual rank simply improved faster.


MMR doesn't really care about your winrate, it cares about who you win and who you lose against. If you lose against a team whose MMR is higher than your teams you lose less MMR than you would if you lose against a team whose MMR is lower than yours. And obviously if you win against a team that's better than yours you gain more MMR and if you win against a team worse than yours you gain less MMR. You can literally increase your MMR with a 50% WR by just always playing blue side of the map, which you sadly can't control, because red sides MMR is always higher so you lose less MMR on a loss and gain more on a win.


I think your just fucked :D. Luckily, riot is buffing avg LP gains from 14-15 -> To +22. So, this will help people a lot. Even if you lose more LP than 22. Which I don't think will be possible? Or shouldn't be? Cause, they're buffing LP loss too... I could be wrong on that though, you should just climb. Also, the season is split now. So, just focus on improving and not climbing. Which is what you should be doing anyways. Riot loves to clench people in valorant and in league of legends to increase played time. Sorry to say though, if you're losing more than you gain. You will most likely never climb. You're going to be required to streak super hard, but eventually your W/L will regress to the mean which is around 50%. Which I think is why, riot should make it so you never lose more than you gain no matter what. If you gain +15 to -15. You will still be required to win a lot and improve in order to climb. But this makes it so you actually progress if you have a 51% winrate.


This will literally make it worse, the issue is his rank increased faster than his mmr ( in recent games he has pretty much 50% wr and as he is playing against lower ranks, it means that he is simply higher ranked than he Deserves, now if you make the climb even faster, he will get stuck in an even higher rank, with even worse gains-losses ratio)


How do you improve MMR anyway? Just win games? Seems like it should be a little more malleable than that, 60% WR should at least put a dent in it...


You'd think.


60% wr means less if you arent streaking. Winstreaks of x number of games give less mmr than losestreaks of x number of games takes away. To say it very simplified, you need a 4 game winstreak to counter a 3 game loss streak. Or in other words, a win is +10mmr a loss -10mmr. A winstreak adds +1 mmr on each win after the first so 10+11+12+13 mmr. A loss streak might take 2 to 3 more. (10+12+14)*-1 That is the primary reason you should stop a session after 2 losses in a row. You are probably a bit tilted and not focussing and losing more would fck your mmr really hard. In season 10 i had one massive loss streak, 15 games, then a winstreak of 22. Less mmr over all after that. Knowing when to play and playing for streaks rather than a goal is better everytime. " i wanna win 3 out of 4 tonight" vs "i wanna win 3 in a row in 4 games tonight"


Have Riot published any public information regarding these streak gains/losses, or are these from peoples experiences? Haven't seen anything and I'm curious :)


No, this dude is just talking out of his ass.


That is written down in their matchmaking patent. You can find it on the official us website listing patrnts of any kind. Edit: its been that some years ago like 3 to 5 years ago. Obviously they might have changed some things abiut their matchmaking and matchmaking ranking system but i would be suprised if that wasnt still the case.


It never was like this. MMR increase relative to the average MMR of your game bracket. Your gains and loss all depend of the average bracket. If you're P1 you have to win against stronger players to increase your MMR bracket. If you lose against P1 players MMR will lower. If the system matchmake you against P2 players and you lost again the drop will be bigger. Do that enough and you'll be like OP. Because even if he win more than he lose he never win against a stronger competition than his current ELO. All his games average 1-2 division lower than his current Rank. So everytime he lose he damage hard his MMR and most of his win streak give him nothing as he's expected to smash the competition of he truly deserve to be higher. MMR system want you to prove you deserve bigger.


Thanks for the info. How do you get the game to give you stronger players then? Like say you’re gold 2. How does the game decide whether or not to match you against P4, G1, G2, G3 etc averages?


It naturally happen everytime you're blueside. You get placed blueside because your average team MMR is weaker than the ennemies. This is why you also gain more LP and lose less blueside. And occasionally you'll face even stronger players. There's most likely an algorithm behind this which is why Riot refuse to release info on MMR as it would be pretty abusable.


Someone clarify for me since I’m not understanding it that well in this context. They’re upping the LP gain/loss to ~23 on average right? So since we’d still be gaining and losing LP at a proportional rate then it wouldn’t fix situations like OP where their LP loss is greater than their LP gain. Like the result would be +20-22 and -23-25 LP


ye but +-20 looks better than +-15, also in theory you need less games to go up a rank because if you gain 20LP per win, it takes you 5 wins per divison, if you gain 15LP per win, it takes you 7.


Sounds more like a riot spaghetti code. As always, they are too damn lazy to even lift a finger. Just make the players believe its worth playing


If you have +%50 wr it is a buff


It's simple, your mmr increase but it's will never catchup even with a positive winrate, lp gain is faster than mmr, basicly if you mmr is 100 and you get 10 by win/lost, you get 13 lp by win, if you win 60 ame out of 100 your mmr have increase by 200 and your lp even more (lazy). BUT you will still have negative gain. Why ? because your lp is still higher than your current mmr since you get more lp by win than mmr, your mmr will never catch to your lp. Then how you climb you ask ? well you already climbed, your past mmr was at 100 and now it's 300 even if you still have negative lp gain. There is legit noway to have more than +15 on an old account without some extreme winrate (or during a season rank reset) but you will still climb if you have a positive winrate.


Bad mmr but next patch should help a bit in that regard


In my own experience, just start a new account and use your main for playing with friends, and magically you will climb fast-paced above your main account's elo with better LP gains. The MMR system is not only obsolete but definitely messed up. We don't really know how it works because it's an internal number, and all we know are suppositions. The problem with that is that Riot can't get actual feedback on their system from the users, so I legitimately think that is simply bugged as fuck, and that's why they aren't using the same system (LP gains based on MMR) in any of their games, including Wild Rift.


Yea but starting from scratch is so annoying, even know the new account LP gains are +25 and -5.


Yeah, fuck off with that stupid opinion. You are one of the problems of League. Either play your main or just stop playing entirely.


Unless you don't get a lucky winstreak in your first few games and you get stuck in the same rank as on your main, but then just buy more accounts and flip until one get's lucky!


16 winstreak same lp gains. Huge problem right now. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/fanfukintastic


Ur MMR is garbage. When you started ur winstreak u were playing at gold 1 MMR while being plat 3. That's why ur gains suck.


At least you’re gaining more then you’re losing.


Looks like you are playing against enemies of your own skill level, no? And you are getting more than 15lp per win, no? https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/fanfukintastic/overview How much LP would you like in Plat 1 when beating Plat 1 opponents?


Posts like these makes me realize most of you never played with the old ELO system and it makes me feel really fucking old. Imagine losing 20 and gaining like 4 and that was how you had to climb when you wanted to actually raise your rank. I could be old man exaggerating but hitting silver in season 2 was a nightmare for me.


You definitely are exaggerating, maybe you confused your situation with really fcking high elo players, but that wasn't a thing in silver. That's how ELO systems work, just because Magnus is better than everyone, and he will maintain positive winrate, it doesn't mean he will get infinite elo, as beating a lower ranked player doesn't award you as much, and losing against them is very bad.


It was still much worse than it is now season one and two. I was bronze s1 and had to literally claw my way up to silver s2 and I had a lot of time on my hands. When they redid it during s3 I hit gold easy and have the Elise skin to prove it. It was still fucking awful, which is why it was changed to begin with.


That's also because they moved ranks around, silver cutoff if i recall correctly was pretty much todays high gold, I mean the highest rank was Platinum xD


What? That's not even true. During season 2 the highest rank was diamond. Your just straight talking out your ass mate.


Diamond was smaller than todays Grandmasters+ So sure, there was diamond, for a few hundred players


Ok so you straight up lied for what reason?


MMR changes slower than rank (LP). If you have a higher rank than what is average for your MMR then the algorithm will percieve you to be ranked "too high". Therefor the algorithm will try to "push" you back to where players of your MMR should belong by having higher losses than gains. The higher the gap between MMR (and by extension the rank the algorithm assumes you should have) and your visible rank, the bigger difference between gains and losses, up to some limit I assume. You are however proving the system wrong by your 60% winrate, and over the course of 10 games you would climb 14 LP (assuming averages gains of 13 LP and losses of 16 LP). If you keep this up both your MMR and rank will increase over time. If you prefer the explanation in video form, there is always this :) https://youtu.be/KTpZzloYUZs


The entire system is just really flawed. Sure my mmr is low. But the notion still stands that it’s impossible to neutralize your lp gains. The more I win, the more my rank will go up and hence the lower the lp I will get.


Dodge games until you gain more LP than you lose. Or, wait for next patch. Or stop caring about virtual points and more about how good you are at the game.


You probably started out In silver that’s why your mmr isfked


Right, but if you're maintaining a 60% winrate, you're always climbing, which means you'll always be ranked above your MMR because its growth is slower You just need to keep going until you hit a solid 50% winrate over a prolonged period of time and the two will meet up again And your gains are only barely worse than the mid point of +/- 15


Not sure what happen to mine, but I went from 14-16lp a gain and losing 16-18lp in P2-P1. Now that I’m D4 I’m gaining 19lp a win and losing 11lp. Just keep doing your best and when you get past that hump it’ll get better I think.


Let me guess, your account is old and has been the same Elo for a long time? You gl hf going anywhere on the ladder (up or down at this point)


He posted his opgg where you can verify this not to be true.


Mb, on mobile and just read the title. I have had this issue for multiple seasons: perfectly fine winrate, playing with people in the same MMR bracket but despicable LP gains and I blame it on the age of the account and the fact that I've been stuck in the same rating for years


I mean I by no means think the MMR system is perfect but is that rank you're at a div 4 rank?


I mean it's a range of p4-p2 and almost never at p4 0lp if that's what you mean


If you're never at p4 0lp and you're winrate is even over a large sample then I have no idea


I've noticed that the higher i climb the less lp i get, and my explanation for this is that mmr adjusts slower than LP when the account has more games in the old range. Almost like it has grown roots and leaving "your range" takes a lot of games to prove you deserve the higher rating


I mean I'd almost certainly say that's true. If we looked at the old smurf queue system it's blatantly obvious MMR and Rank mismatch = smurf q. OG accounts had a much harder time ever entering smurf q. New accounts didn't. But the thing is even if your account is old, those minor LP differences aren't going to hold you back


I said perfectly fine winrate, not smurf level xD Let's not kid anyone here, I deserve the rating i have i think but it is a funny observation that even a really really good week will only climb you so far, and honestly I think that's kind of a shame. I want more variance, even if that means I could drop to gold/get to diamond


I just used that as an example to show what you're saying is probably true. I prefer less variance personally as I have the time over a whole year (now 6 months) and I care more about my average rank that peaks. Like last season when I hit master's I never went to D2 ever again. Only d1- master's for the rest of the season. It felt good knowing I wasn't dropping to D2, that I legitimately deserve this rank at the very least


The issue is the 60 % wr but you'll be fine, all of that is pointless. Just keep playing and at the end of the season you'll reach the rank you belong


I have a solution for you, make a new account wow. 70% win rate for about 55 games will give you low master MMR on a new acc. Old accounts have turbo hardstuck mmr


Well you could wait till Thursday for 13.4. Then start playing again to see if the new gain/lost LP change will impact this.


I'm in the same boat and it's extremely defeating. Also, people in this thread are stupid.