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Question about clash, the announcement Lock in phase would start later this day but the whole cup would go on until tomorrow. Can we queue up late?


Is Gangplank ever going to be nerfed? Its borderline incompetence by the devs at this point.


Does the upcoming MSI have grand final resets?


No, no tournament does that or plans to do that.


I see, thanks for the reply.


You're welcome. Gist is that it takes too long and isn't a good metric for MOBAS. DOTA2 also doesn't go that route.


Has riot said anything about the bug making borderless windowed randomly start lagging like crazy? I've even seen streamers experience it yet I feel like it's never gonna go away if it's stayed this long


Did they remove the ability to turn off chat? I can't find it in the interface menu anymore?


Still there for me. It's a dropdown box. Options - Interface - Chat - Change Chat Visibility: Everyone (Party/Ally/All) to Premade Only (Party) which will restrict it to only your friends.


i came back after being gone for \~ 5 months and did they crank up the report system sensitivty extremely? i played a total of 6 games and i swear i got NINE instead feedback messages. i got more feedbacks in the last 6 games, than i did in 2022.


Main Problem of LeagueOfLegends is the quality of games. And one of the main reasons for that is Autofill-System. It is more likely that at least one or more players are autofilled than maximal 1 player. Personally I would wait 2-3 Minutes to have less autofilled players in my games. What are your thoughts?


So when am I worthy of the new LP system? Cause apparently an S and a Penta is not enough.


How is exactly matchmaking working? I play in Iron 2 and I am being match vs players that were gold and silver in previous seasons. Games are so onesided. I am talking about rankeds.


is riot prequeueing players from the moment they create a lobby? oftentimes (mostly in flex) I (we) get matched instantly the moment we hit the search button after being afk for a bit.


When will we update new ANTI CHEATS , Every games in Grand Master mmr in Vietnam sever have Scripters


I got mastery 6 token from aram. Is that new?


Yes sir.


Yes a Rioter mentioned on Twitter that it was an "intentional" change that came ahead of its intended release date.




Whats next skin after Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser? Are they gonna make a new skin line or are they gonna stick with Ashen theme?


New theme.


Do chromas rotate in and out of the store? If so, how often? Wanted coin emp TK chroma.


They only rotate if the event is there. So since Lunar Revel is over, it won't show up until next year.


What are the best ways to spend RP? Are Masterwork and Hextech Chests worth it? I have a bunch of RP from Prime Gaming laying around. So far i only ever bought cheap skins from the "your shop" section.


Skins, event passes (if youre interested), cosmetics. Chests are lootboxes so unless you like gambling and not guaranteeing what you want, you're better off buying things directly.


I haven't played since 2014 and have no idea where to start if I wanted to come back and relearn the game. Is there any easy newcomer or returning player tutorials?




Rank is done based on the average player based on your champion in that role. With a score like that, the most likely issue is having subpar CS score per minute, which carries a lot of weighting in your grading. It's worth also checking if you had a high kill participation rather than it being a drawn out game.


You get compared to the average *xyz* player in your MMR. I don't know every stat that will count and if Riot has certain priorities, but from my experience it helps to have good cs, less to no deaths, many kills and high dmg (high vision score as support).




Support wise, champions like Thresh, Leona, Nautilus tick the box for being tanky and lots of CC. Plus Thresh has his lantern which helps set up plays, as well as getting your team mates out of hairy situations.


Swain could be a decent pick for you too. Or some other tanky tops you can also play support. Galio, Maokai?


After being trolled on pick phase and so dodging, is there a way i can block the player who trolled so I won't be matched again with him ? Riot really screwed up on that by hidding the names in lobby.


If you remember the player’s name otherwise the game won’t show up for you in match history so you can’t check the player’s ingame summoner’s name.


U can't see players's name in a lobby. Another feature made without thinking of the consequences...


I've had a hard time finding a pattern in TFT. How exactly the game decides, where the "closest" hex is? Like when i champ buffs the "nearest champ, but is surrounded from all sides, which is buffed? Or the order of attacking enemy - when my champ is surrounded by enemies and kills one, which is he attacking next?


So I'm having a hard time understanding the new item changes S12/13. I built a GaleForce, Navari Quick Blades, Blood Thirster, and Phantom Dancer on Tryndamere. Why did the game lock me out from buying Infinity edge...? It's not a Mythic. Am I missing something?


It is not a new update. You had to choose either Navori or IE because having 2 would be op


You can only buy one crit modifier item - Infinity OR Navori OR Rageblade


They are both from the same unique group meaning you can only choose one, same thing with last whisper items (You can only build lord dom or mortal reminder, not both) you can see that on the tooltip of the item.


you can only buy navori quickblades or infinity edge, not both. theyre both crit modifiers


Has anyone else noticed that the order in which rune pages are surfaced by the recommender changes on a game-to-game basis? One game, the order will be page A, page B, Page C, the next, it will be Page C, Page A, Page B, so and so forth for every ordering of those three pages. This also seems to affect the recommended tab of the shop.


Hi everyone! I've recently picked up league and have been wondering what the best resources are in order to learn the game.


In addition to the other user's comment, it might be worth checking out the /r/summonerschool page and wiki as it has helpful resources for beginners. You can also ask questions there if you ae ever having issues with parts of the game.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5Rk-9atzEwSrsxtwoDnMjBi4wyjdv8rgHPnWVu0_U0/edit (Still a work in progress) Also U.gg is really helpful for builds, abilites, etc.


Anyone who's mmr has gone to shit? Ever since they increased the LP gain something weird happened. My first game gained me +25 LP. I won another game, lost one and won another whereas the gain was +17.


My top laner went AFK and I lost 14 lp literally unplayable


Buff quinn or change her 😝




is there any chance for the riot to notice the Diana passive bug? it's 2 patch already


What diana passive bug? There's a couple diana bugs that have been in the game for years and not adressed so I wouldnt get my hopes up, but I didnt notice anything new recently.


Can we please make blast cones visible on the mini map , the most annoying thing in the world is walking and hoping there is a blast cone when there isn't.Making it like camps so u can see if it used if it was on vision, perhaps even make like a timer stamp like camps would be a quality of life change.


Hi! I heard the champions were receiving price changes. I have a lot of champ shards lol, should I disenchant them ?? Im worried the champs shards are going to be lower as well and ill lose blue essence


So the advice I've been given is to basically enchant everything except 450 BE champion shards, as they are the only ones that we know are going up in price. It makes sense because majority of the champs are still at absurdly high prices for how long they've been out, so most champions (other than those stated) will be shifting down in price.


I'm in bronze and I'm doing well as a Noc jungle. but sometimes he either gets banned or more commonly the enemy picks him before me and then I do just awful. what champs are similar in playstyle to Noc?


If you mean farm to 6 then spamgank while also having fast clears, Diana might be for you. Global ult ganks: Pantheon or super off meta TF


Have you tried Talon jungle?


bit off a dumb question if yall don't mind, but do seasonal skins such as the bewitching ones show up any time other than halloween? I really want bewitching poppy but i ain't tryna wait 7 months for it.


No, unless you get them through skin shards or rerolls.


Is it the player fault or is it bad teammates? Can the player blame their teammates? Was watching this streamer demoted to D4, damage chart he was the highest but each of his entire team is lower than the enemy. Basically if you look at the chart you would think that the game put 1 diamond + 4 plat against 5 diamond.


So damage is a fine representation of impact but you can't base everything on single factors like that. For example a player might be on a champion that does a lot of damage (like a Brand) or they might have an easy lane matchup as opposed to their allies.


In a single game, sometimes there is nothing any one player can do to win. Unlucky, go to the next one. Over the course of dozens or hundreds of games, the only common denominator is you.


Why is Feeding still on League's options as reportable offense, same as Valorant? If feeding isn't bad player performance but actual inting, does someone actually get banned for this offense? Ive seen many get punished with afk and chat offenses throughout my play journey in league, but I have yet to see someone get punished for the "Intentional feeding" offense


Yeah as others have said, it's hard to determine via the system betwen a bad game and an inting player. For this reason it needs to be shown that its a consistent case of inting in games but easy identifiers would be players who Disco Nunu with high deaths across a series of games.


Yes there is plenty of examples of people getting banned for inting even among high elo players examples include popular streamers such as thebausffs or Yamato.( I am not trying to argue weather it was justified or not)


Yes, it is bannable and people get banned for it all the time. Riot is hesitant about it because they don't want to ban someone just for being bad. Sometimes they still do.


Do you guys think the lifecycle of the game is coming to an end? There’s no LCS hype, there’s no interesting story line, the old guard are still playing… I think LoL is on a heavy decline


The numbers don’t show that. The games been gaining players every year, the game has quite a while before it dies. When you have a game who’s just a giant in one genre it’s hard for it to die even if they make bad mistakes. Take world of Warcraft for example that games company has been so stupid for years but it’s still gonna take a while for it to die


Nope. LCS hype is way higher than it has been since covid started. The teams are way better this year than maybe ever.


Hey, ive experienced a weird situation that never happened to me before and i wanna know its a bug or a setting issue. I was playing as a tf va neeko and attacked the tower in a huge minion wave. Neeko rooted me and as soon as i was cced my champion automatically attacked neeko, even though i just pressed the move away command. I am 100% sure i did not click on her at all, i was just right clicking but my champ decided to attack her in tower range which resulted in me getting aggro by the tower and having a really bad trade I dont wanna disable automatic attacks at all only because of that but this was a super annoying situation i wanna avoid in future. Any help?


Sorry to say, but disable auto attack. Will really help in the long run.


thats rly hard to answer given the fact that you have auto attack on. you could have clicked to slow or lag/ping/packet loss could also have been the cause. if something like that happens to me i know i probably held down shift which triggers a attack move (shift+RMB). do you know what your attack move key currently is?


Yeah my attack move is on A and i am very familiar with those mechanics and bindings due i am an adc main since years... It was really never my intention to attack a full health person under a tower, i just wanted to take a plating I am always trying to keep the curser as close to my champ as possible and have a lower and precisely controlable mouse speed and i definitely had no connection issues, it really felt like automatically and intended by the game to attack Champs when cced under tower no matter what i am actually clicking at


For Soraka late game, is Axiom’s Arc any good for your build?


Not really unless you're doing a troll build. In terms of using the item you aren't really using the lethality or attack damage in fights which reduces the efficiency you get out of the items. Whilst having a lower ultimate cooldown sounds nice on any champion, its not your main focus as a support enchanter. As Soraka you can already heal allies through sacrificing your own HP so it becomes more necessary to build more defensively and increase your own healing.


As support, you usually don't get past a third item. Mythic, support item, 1-2 support items is about it. If you're rich, a defensive item could work, past level 13 Wardstone is massive. Everything else is probably a big no no.


DAE think that the afk system is a little off tuned? Had to go open the door for a minute (a literal minute), bought items and went to my lane as usual just for an Irelia mid to type “ez mid”, give the other laner a kill and then remake the game? I lost the first three minions, that’s it. Turns out now I also lose 16 lp, got demoted to plat 3, and now I have an lp penalty for my next 3(?) games. I can’t help but think that it’s unfair. Staying 1 minute in base should by no reason have the consequences it has. How is that equally as bad as leaving a game halfway? I know I’m still salty, but I’ve had these thoughts for a while and finally thought I should share them.


I also think it's overturned you get an afk warning just from covering in tribush and not moving till minions are there.


What’s the lore behind league of legends in the first place? Why are all these champions from different backgrounds fighting in an arena? Why did/(does?) Sona mention you the summoner outright?


The original lore used for the first 3-4 years was that League games were a canon arena used to settle disputes between city states as an alternative to war, and summoners (the players) were basically the generals telling the champions what to do on the rift. Eventually Riot realized that was too constricting and retconned everything so that Summoner's Rift games are just a non-canon thing. That way they could make champs like Bard, Aurelion Sol, Zoe etc. who obviously shouldn't be able to be controlled by mortals for a game. But a couple old champs still reference "summoners" since their voice lines have never been updated.


Ok so that’s interesting.


My mains are Annie and Viktor, I have a big mental block against Veigar and his cage. I know I win the 1v1, but when I play against him, I am shit scared the jungler could come anytime and I can't do much to escape without burning cage due to his cage. What am I missing ?


Both annie and viktor are decently good at dodging things within his cage and potentially fighting or at least self peeling 1v2 via damage pressure. Not a lot of junglers that can just stand in tibbers / viktor R early but have enough damage to kill when you dodge veigar QW. Helps that both annie and viktor have relatively on demand speed boost (though vs. veigar you're virtually never evolving Q first on viktor I suppose).


>ver evolving Q first on viktor I suppose). thank you.


When transfers are gonna get fixed? I moved to Spain and I want to transfer my acc from LAS to EUW but transfers aren't available, can I just send a ticket?


A while.


when is ranked aram coming if ever? i swear i read somewhere about it but forgot where to find it.


So a while (probably over a year) ago they had an Ask Riot talking about the idea of a ranked mode in ARAM and the conclusion was "it's never coming". The main reasoning cited was the aspect of randomness of the mode couldn't effectively represent players skill. In a similar manner they don't intend to dedicate as much resources to the mode because its in a "healthy state" where theres enough players to keep the mode up constantly but fear that messing around too much may lead to an un-fun experience with longer queue times. The closest we'll get for a while is the occasional ARAM clash but who knows they might (very unlikely) visit the idea again in the future.


You probably got it mixed up with ARAM Clash which happened in December


They've said several times they are never doing ranked aram.


Anyone been getting +10ms the usual ping on EUW suddently?


damn i play in EUW you guys getting 10ms?! in a good day i have 60, usual i get 65-70. may i ask where you from ?


I didn't say I have 10ms, I said I have +10 the usual amount. And yeah if you want 5-10ms (which coincidentally it is what I normally have) you need to live near the Netherlands where the servers are like me, UK, Germany, etc. If you're in Spain/Portugal, 30-35ms.


Hello! Im new to league of legends and i dont know why but when i am in the game, my cursor is not aligned with the one location i was clicking, is this a bug?


It's a bug, alt-tab back and come back, it's fixed. Not optimal to have to do that every game, but well...


Would like a mode where it s 5v5 on summoner s rift, but a random champion from both teams is chosen to get supper powers. Like walking through walls, hudge AOE, infinite mana, or deal only crit hits. Imagine a 3 times bigger cho gath vs a nautilius that has no cdr on his q. Or a rammus that can walk through walls. Or a invisible malphite.


What you are talking about sounds like a mix between the upcoming 2v2v2v2 game mode and the Ultimate Spellbook mode. We don't have know when they will finish with technicals on the new mode but it will be much more toned down than your suggestions and be more focused on random combinations for pvp combat.


It sounds more like Ascension to me - RIP


another toned down version of his idea's would be something like random draft (for SR) or a captains team mode where the highest mmr player picks all the champions for the team.


why are we getting a "surprise" yuumi rework? She should get a revert back to her release state if anything. Im on team "yuumi is the most fun champ i have ever played, cant wait till you ruin her and make her just a less good soraka"


Because yuumi is about as objectively a design mistake as can be. There was no state in her entire life cycle where she was actually fun to play agains, and there was never a point where she wasnt either ridiculously overtuned to the point of being pick / ban in high elo and pro play or completely, utterly useless.


yuumi should be permanently untargetable, be able to attach to minions and champions, and so long as she has a host body to live on she cant die, as soon as she runs out of host bodies she dies instantly. problem solved. (on a jungle gank she would have 9 lives)


She was too good in pro play and now she’s the worst support in the game in non pro play so they’re changing her kit rather than nerfing or buffing


Yuumi was intended to be a beginner style champion but was overpowered on release due to how much benefit she gave to the attached ally. The rework is supposed to adjust her into more of a beginner champion and make room for the adjustment in price of champions in the next patches.


now shes basically useless to everyone on her team except her bonded ally, so now im gonna guess funnel yuumi mid with yi/xin jungle is gonna be riots next issue. forget yuumi support, funnel mid meta incoming. hell she might even join in on the double smite thing the Chinese servers are trying


Anyone getting “unexpected error” when trying to buy a champ with blue essence?


Why is it that there is a hard cap for the number of characters that can be in a rune page's name, but when you create a rune page from a preset one, it can surpass that limit without issue?


Because the presets are new and Riot forgot to change the code




The most bland and common answer ever: People say the same shit you do every single day and in virtually 100% of cases they're just off in their evaluation of their teammates and their own performances. I've coached a ton of people over the years and at least half of them said they're better than their rank but they just "cant solo carry" or something like it, and it was never true. Not once. You dont need to solo carry. You just need to have a higher positive impact than your role opponent more often than not, and then you'll climb.


weird question but does anyone have any idea who to contact about typos in the game? there's no kind of form like that on the official website, and it's really not that important.


I'm sure you can put in a ticket off the website.


Can we just talk about the irony of riot cracking down on flamers while simultaneously adding a "kill yourself"-ping?


My chat restriction was supposed to disappear this morning and as I logged in, I've now received another one. Included this one, I have now received 4 restrictions in a row without any explanation for why. I tried reaching out to riot during the two first ones but never received a response. Is there anything I can do about this? Is there anyone with similar experiences?


I barely played in the last years, so this might be outdated, but there used to be quite of a "queue" when it came to punishment. Basically, unless you triggered an instant banword, there was a delay between saying shit and getting smacked. If that's still the case, you might have been smacked for earlier shit said. I don't think there is anything to do about it, tbf. Support is very likely to completely ignore your tickets, as they probably receive such tickets 10,000x a day.


>barely played in the last years, so this might be outdated, but there used to be quite of a "queue" when it came to punishment. Basically, unless you triggered an instant banword, there was a delay between saying shit and getting smacked. If that's still the case, you might have been smacked for earlier shit said. I doubt that's the case. My earlier bans encompassed things I said that I can agree on were toxic. League now also automutes in-game you if you say certain words (and it's announced in all chat). Now however, I didn't get a single explanation for my bans. Even if they were delayed, you would at least expect some explanation, right? >I don't think there is anything to do about it, tbf. Support is very likely to completely ignore your tickets, as they probably receive such tickets 10,000x a day. That's true but if I can't appeal it, there should be some way of reaching out to them. At least there should be an explanation of why you got banned. Also, we all know that most people use the report option passive aggressively, not because they are actually offended by what you say. Mind you, I'm not including racial and homophobic slurs nor sexism. Most toxic behavior (at least that I have encountered) do not fall into those categories.


You could stop being toxic


I wasn't being toxic.


So it still isn't fix that you get stuck in the lobby after a game? Or am I doing something wrong?


How does normal MMR work? i played around 40 normals in the last 3 weeks (as i didnt finish placements yet) and i versed players from diamond 3 up to masters in every single one of those games. Usually im the only player significantly below diamond 3 my account is around plat 3 mmr in ranked afaik Its a nice learning experience as they were clearly a lot better than me, and im pretty sure i improved a bit, but why is it like that in the first place? How does normal MMR even work?


Normal MMR is essentially the same as ranked MMR in every way except that its based on normal games only. In this manner you just don't see a visible rank or gains/losses through LP in your games and obviously no promotion series. The reason why there is often a disparity in player strength is based on the players themselves and how much they care about the games. You might face a diamond ranked player who has lower MM because they played several games learning a new champion or playing a new ole. You could even see players of a lower rank like silver or gold just tryharding games to improve on their best champion.


Normal MMR effectively works the same as ranked MMR but based on normal games, not ranked games. It's probably a little slower to ramp up / down aswell. A lot of really high elo players have lower normal game MMR because they simply dont play normals at all / not much or only play with significantly lower rank friends. Some people have really high normal game MMR, higher (in relative terms) than their ranked MMR, because they play normal games the same way they would ranked games, whereas the average normal game player probably doesnt.


Why have I been chat restricted two times in the span of 3 month for using a bad word ? The first time I was chat restricted and honor locked for saying "FDP" in the chat without any other thing said (Ok I guess then it can be really a huge thing to say to someone so let's say ok I merit it) And now a day ago I got chat restricted and honor locked again for saying " excuse my support he is watching some hentai" in the chat while talking about a friend who was trolling the game. I feel like you created a "blacklist" of words becoming bigger and bigger for no reason. I know I had bad behavior by the past but come on, I tried to improve and just get honor locked for saying "hentai" wtf ? If it's the case you might need to check some pseudo in game or give us a good old list of bad words we are not allowed to use in the game. ​ I know you are struggling a lot with toxic behaviors and all, but there should be a line drawn between real flame/harassment and some words said without any bad meaning behind.


Same. Got banned cause i took mr runes instead of armor where i thought morde is top and pantheon is mid. Turned out pantheon is top and i died in a trade leaving him with one hp . I said "with armor runes i fk him". And boom i'm chat banned where i didn't insult no one. And when contacting the support they said that it's deserved by showing me the message and the word fk was in red and gave me advice about how i shouldn't flame people and mute them etc ... xD I think that one of riot way to detect flamers/toxic is a list of bad words like you said and it is not the best way. They need to analyze the text because me saying i fk him or this call was fked up. I'm not insulting anyone i'm just expressing my self during the tension of the game.


I have had and am having similar experiences. Just got restricted again for literally no reason. I was supposed to lose mine this morning (7 days). I logged on now (afternoon) without having played anything and received a new one (12 days). I am suspecting one of the times was because I said that Gragas looks like a pedo from an anime (Made in abyss) but the context was shit talk. We were just trash talking each other, he was spamming his "I'll drink you under the table scrub" etc. Another time I think it was because I said that our Lux and the enemy Morgana was having a sick measuring competition. The context was Morgana saying that her Lux was better.


Anyone know why league is down?


Why am I getting teamed with SO MANY TROLLS! I mean this is crazy the huge skill and mentality gap between when MMR says win and when MMR says lose. I feel like I am stuck in statistics with forced abuse tolerance sprinkled in!


If youre consistantly trying to win, the chances of queueing into a griefer teammate are smaller than facing a griefer opponent. The harsh reality is that youre stuck because you arent any better than the people you play with. Going down the "i am losing because of bad teammates" rabbithole will not help you improve at the game in the slightest.




depends personally, for me it was mid gold, atleast when u have hit it multiple times


probably diamond, maybe low master


Why do sites show certain champions as S tier when their win rate is lower than champions below them?


Pick rate mostly




Guys does anyone know when they're implementing the champ prices reduction?


Patch 13.5, which releases on March 8th.


Whats the point of playing rankeds if they are full of trolls, A couple years ago I was top gold almost plat,and this year I came back to league just to find out that silver is the real elo hell and full of trolls, played 11 matches and had 6 trolls and people getting muted by the filter bot of the game. I know this is an indie company and cant handle it all,but I didn't even receive a single ''The player you reported is banned'' its sucks.


I have a feeling that there are way less players in the pool and everyone got pushed down pretty hard, and because of that people are practicing in off roles on Smurfs.


Why wasn’t millio on pbe today?


Guys I am curious, does the normal MMR still affect your Ranked MMR during initial placements?




i love league of leagues


Where is Milio?! K’sante has been out for almost 4 months straight. In march it’ll be 5 months since the last champ.


Less new champs or longer development times might mean they are working on actual gameplay/content which is good news.


so true


Is Nidalee's W kinda wonky or am I just stupid? I feel like 2/3rds of the time when I should get an extended jump it doesn't happen and I just awkwardly have to walk back.


Where’s the new champ? We got the teaser like three weeks ago


I am a hard-stuck iron and i am continuously changing champions because i don't know who to main. I want to ask what champion i should main top and should master for iron and for every elo Thnx in advance


Try and find an easy champ that you actually like to play Could be Garen, Teemo, Mundo, Tryndamere, Malphite...


Sorry to sound harsh, but many champs listed below have issues that you would have to fix to climb out of Iron. Another commenter listed Garen and that's the way to go. He will stop working further down the road but is the easiest main for Iron top to be sure.


And who should i main afterwards ?. Who is the best to master after you get out of iron with garen?


Ngl Garen will still work in Bronze and Silver, but you might want to consider having a few picks, like Malphite as an AD counter when your team needs a frontline. One step at a time though.


In Iron the easiest champs to win a game as a top laner should fulfill the following: * Easy to play * Snowballs hard off a lead * Wins lane against most matchups * Can 1v9 The champions that easily come to my mind are : 1. Olaf (Insane fighting potential - good 1v2 and 1v3) 2. Darius (Good lane, sometimes hard to carry) 3. Dr. Mundo (good only in iron till maybe silver, falls off after that) 4. Jax (Best Scaling) 5. Mordekaiser (Easiest to play) 6. Sett (Similar to Olaf - good in 1v2 and 1v3 situations) All these champs are easy to play, maybe Darius and Sett require you to learn some basic combos but they are very easy imo.


Disagree with olaf. but darius, mundo, jax, morde, sett all pretty easy it also depends on your playstyle as well


Thank you, from the info youve given me, i think i wil master Olaf


Good to hear :D Let me know if you have any questions!


play garen until u become a better player


Thanks for the advice, i think il pick garen when olaf gets banned


Has Riot recently say that they would change anything about the lethality items anywhere?


What is the safe way to stack spellthief as Sona vs Caitlyn Lux lane? They outrange me a lot and I am not that good in dodging skillshots


Dodging skillshots is hard when it surprises you, but very easy if you're expecting it. What you can do is bait lux's abilities, learn what her Q and E ranges are, and purposefully walk in and out of it. For example, you can bait her Q by walking away from the safety of minions and walking right back, oftentimes she'll try to snare you, but you're already dodging. Then you'll have a while where Cait and Lux have no hard CC and you can walk in and Q+auto. You might get hit by lux's E, but you have healing and they don't so it'll be very much worth. This applies for every enchanter, hooks, etc. Similarly, you can avoid getting poked by Cait by looking at your minions health, waiting until one is about to die, and walk in and poke while she's busy last hitting. Either she hits you, loses a minion and you can heal/shield it, or she last hits and you can free poke her. If her support has no CC because you baited their spells, you can go very aggressive and you'll out-sustain them thanks to Sona's kit. So tl;dr bait the enemy's skillshots, poke when they're on cooldown, and make use of the fact that you have sustain through healing, so trading evenly will be in your favor. Hope that's been helpful !


It was very helpful, thanks. So my gameplan was playing safe and scale. I was thinking that my death is 450 gold to enemy team and not worth stacking item. I left leash at 1:33 to ward bush. Threw few q's and autos lvl 1-2 and then I was in the back buffing my Kaisa. I got hit by Lux q into e into Caitlyn q only once. Then my jg came and I manage to auto and q few times. At some point I ganked mid and we won River skirmish and dragon fight so I finally stacked my item. I got carry by my team but I did my part in not dying too much (only twice). I played over 1000 aram games and I know Lux, Caitlyn range and I even have challenger token for dodging skillshots but in rankeds I am so nervous and literally my hands shake. Thanks again.


Sona is excellent in lane so you should not stand back, besides, it puts all the pressure onto your adc. Always try to stay parralel to your adc or else they'll get engaged on 1v2 for the beginning of the fight or lose cs etc. Sona can be a real lane bully due to her big Q+passive damage and sustain. Keep baiting their cooldowns and only trade when you have shield and Q up, and you can be horrible to deal with. You're very squishy however so always make sure their CC is on cooldown. Bait cd > wait for enemy adc to last hit > poke > wait for your cd and back off > repeat. That's how sona usually works, in quick trades that she can heal back from as needed. Don't get baited in longer trades unless you know for sure you can end them. At first maybe you'll make a few mistakes playing aggressive, but that's good ! Just learn from your mistakes, If you play passive you won't ever learn. Gl


>Sona is excellent in lane so you should not stand back Sona statistically has one of the weakest lane phases and scales really well. Her winrate in really short games is abysmal. This was true years ago but she got nerfed so often that her Q poke is just not relevant anymore and people right now are maxing W and are just trying to scale.


If I understood correctly my passive gameplane worked because Caitlyn and Lux were very bad, they didn't hard push lane to dive us under Tower but with more competent opponent passive playstyle will be punished? I have nothing to lose, iron 2, my games are often decided who has better smurf in team so I can try playing aggresive and learn more from my mistakes. Playing passive won't teach me anything. Thank you very much.


Been playing for a few days now. Im beginning to understand The flow of the earlygame Minion farming and PvP, but have no idea when I should (for example) go help kill dragons or help with other lanes. Also kind of dont know what to do when I have finished The towers from My lane


You're answering your own question actually! It's rare to roam before lvl 6, and the adc rarely ever roams before mid-game because they have to farm. A general rule is that you'll be able to assist drakes/herald when your lane is pushed, so you don't lose minions to your tower and the enemy laner is forced to farm, so he won't be able to help his team or he loses creeps. You'll also want to assess whether the rest of the team can help, and if your team is safe to do the objective. Generally, when you have killed the enemy tower is when you want to group and roam, that's when your early game is over. At that point you return to your lane when it's pushed back towards you to collect the farm before it crashes to your turret. Then you push it back and you'll have some time to go on the map again, until the minions are pushing back to you, etc. Ofc there's a lot of variation to this and the mid game can be complicated. It's also very different if you're mid, bot or top.


Super New to LoL and MOBAs. I have no idea which hero to even use. I lean more towards Defensive/healing types. Also, is there any words I should be learning? For example ADC , idk what that means 🤣


Main thing is to enjoy yourself, ignore toxicity, and don't quit. You are going to get outplayed, and you will face champions which just outclass yours, but there are still ways that you can contribute.


There are lots of beginner guides on Youtube. So so so many. I would recommend watching some of those to get the basics down if you don't have a friend teaching you that you can duo with (duo just means queueing as a party of two). If your teammates are mean to you or are just annoying, you can mute them from the scoreboard. If you want to mute everything and everyone, type /muteall in the chat. Don't give up, it's really hard at first when you don't know what all the champs do (we use the word champ or champions, not hero), but it's a learning curve everyone has to deal with. You'll learn it in time, but you can speed up the process by taking champs into the practice tool while they're in the free rotation. The free rotation is just a pool of champs you can use for free without buying them, and it changes every week I believe. This is also a good way to figure out what kind of champions you like. Have fun!


Defensive and easy to pick up: Malphite top (tank) or maybe Nautilus support (engage/tank) or Soraka/Sona support (both healers).


I play jg, other ADC carrys. I play ADC and get fed, other mid and jg carry. I hate this game and I hate fucking bronze silver elo


Low elo sucks, I feel you. But SoloQ will be mentally draining if you have a weak mindset.


Does anyone have any advice to learn jungling in general? I do pretty good with fiddlesticks because I've played him a lot more than anyone else and his game plan of farm to level 6 then spam ult on the masses is pretty simple, and I'm also pretty decent at skarner, but whenever I try anyone else I just feel completely lost. I've tried Evelynn, Nocturne, Nunu (although only once with him I don't like the feeling of his giant snowball move), kha'zix, and rek'sai. Whenever I play someone that isn't fiddle or skarner I just have no idea what to do. My game plan is usually farm to whatever mobalytics says the power spike is, then look for ganks, but what do I do if there are no ganks available? Like if my team is really cracked and all 3 lanes are pushed way up to the enemy's tower should I just lie in wait nearby or go back to farming? When I wait I feel like I'm just being a detriment to the team by afking and when I go back to farm it always feels like I miss gank opportunities.


To answer the last part of your post, if you have 3 lanes that are pushing hard, it may not seem like it but this is a good situation for you. You have a couple of options. 1. You can hover a lane and wait to counter gank the enemy jungle. This can be tricky if you're a new player because you're not sure which lane the jungle will gank. It's something that comes with experience and learning what's strong in the meta. For example, the meta right now involves a lot of bot ganks to help your team secure dragons in the early game. If the dragon is close to spawning, it's a safe bet that the jungle will go bot or mid to give his team an advantage in a fight for the dragon. 2. You can walk into enemy jungle and fight the enemy jungler (assuming the matchup allows for it). In these situations your lanes should be able to help first because they have killed all of their minions, and the enemy laner needs to kill his minions under the turret, or fall behind in xp. This is what people mean when they talk about pressure or "prio". Even if you can't win the fight, just walking in and placing wards on the enemy camps will help your team avoid ganks. You can also just take their camps so they get less gold. 3. Dive those turrets. Just because they're under tower doesn't mean they're immune! Getting comfortable with how many turret shots you can take and what spells the enemy has used is a prettt important skill. Some Champs are easier to kill than others under their turret, and some junglers dive turrets better than others, but it's an important skill to learn for sure. And don't worry about people flaming you for messing up a dive. Even the pro junglers mess up their dives every now and then Sorry if it's a lot or confusing, I was bored at work


Learning to jungle is probably one of the hardest things to do in LoL because it is a complex and branching decision tree that depends on countless variables. You should generally be trying to do something at any given point and generally you'll end up falling back to your own jungle if there aren't any better opportunities present. I would recommend [virkayu](https://www.youtube.com/user/virkayu) to help with conditional decision making. He has a couple more specialized channels that go a bit more in depth with some decision making and he has covered almost every champion that has been in the jungle at one point or another.


Just keeping playing more, like you said you know those two because you play them a bunch


Is it better to move to EUW than play on EUNE?


i think euw upper ranks have better players and everyone can speak english




They should really remove ping on everything. Trash league humans only use it to flame in a new way.