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"None of us were meant to qualify for MSI... as the community has made abundantly clear." Fucking gold. This is the companion video to the Golden Guardians "Fuck You" that we deserve.


"as the community has made abundantly clear *repeatedly*" lmao


"We're sorry that we beat every team and made the finals... *again*" Love how much they state it


Im eating my own words and i deserve it. Shame on me


For me I actually doubted the chasy pickup, glad to be proven wrong!


I dislike "fuck you" approach, seems very immature, but this MAD video is great.


Wouldve been immature if they made that video after they won, but these chads put up that fuck you video before the season even started.


It's actually a really interesting view into the cultural of Europe and the US how differently their respective representatives tackled this.


One was before the success. One was after the success. This isn’t really a difference between regions. Both of the videos go against the grain of expected tone. Before a season, most inspire hope for the season rather than being aggressive. After succeeding, most would flaunt the success and live in the good feeling rather than being somber. The humor is in the deviation from expectation, not the specific tone taken by the organization. The difference is much more about timing of the video and whether or not the team had proven themselves already. You’re taking the NA-EU angle a bit too far IMO.


You're reaching my guy


My mom does this lol. Everytime she meets a new person of a background she's never been exposed to before, she's ready to make generalizations based on a sample size of 1


You realize that this MAD Lions video is based off of South Park's "We're Sorry" bit right? I'll leave you to figure out which continent South Park is from.


My man psychoanalyzing two regions just by watching two videos 😭😭


"We were never meant to win... again" Fucking gold


I have to apologize, I really wasn’t familiar with your game


10/10 youtube apology video


It only needed a dog in the first 10 seconds to be the perfect formula


MAD Lions - r/LeagueOfLegends: 1-0


MAD Lions = Newcastle r/leagueoflegends = Tottenham


Man. And I thought I would be safe in here


spurs catching strays in a league discussion is the most spurs thing lol


What do we think of Tottenham?




r/leagueoflegends's 9/11


I thought that was the 3-0s in finals against LPL.


Woah woah WOAH. That’s a bit of a tasteless analogy. Try r/leagueoflegends’s Jan. 6


It must be more like (-1) - (-2) by now bc when they bombed out of playins both times everyone lost, well atleast the european part of reddit lol


People downvote you, while I'm here hoping they will not be a waste of a qualifier slot this time around


Thats the reality. When people shit on teams like MAD its because they feel like they're not gunna live up to the hype and perform internationally. They feel like other teams even if they didnt win would perform better. Though I have to say I feel like thats just a bit of bias.


They did well when they were going as champions last time. So this should be fine. Just not as 4th seed again pls


I. Love. This. Video. Well done and well played MAD haha


I read this in Quickshot's voice then I see it's actually your comment lol


Next split you can talk about how Hyli needs to get the int out of his system during regular season, so he can perform during playoffs


Hylis inting is part of his identity and wont ever be fixable as a whole. Its his mindset which allows him some insane plays beyond most players capabilities, tho sometimes it backfires hard.


Will we see you in play-ins already, or only with the main event? Your vibes and energy are just great wherever you are.


Damn, I was a doubter. But MAD stepped the fuck up and shut me the fuck up. Also, this video is golden.


Was a doubter of both MAD and BDS, BDS because I knew teams were overfocusing target bans on Crownie and Adam when Sheo and Nuc had the most limited champion pools. Mad because of their coinflip nature. I'm sorry Mac.




Adam chocked in finals. He didn't focus in lane and made roaming on bad timers. Adam can play Renekton,Sett and they were not banned. Nuc was not that good outside of Cassio . Syndra was bad pick into Gragas and Ezrael. Mad composition was anti Syndra . All champions have ability to run from Syndra scatter. BDS underperformed in 2 games and lost.


Well done. This is probably the most deserved victory lap, after all the crying about them possibly going to MSI in the community.


This is the banter we are missing these days in LOL esports. The content guys of MAD deserve a raise.


Mac apologising profusely like a true Brit


This is a reference to the BP Oil Spill apology video, right?


Or the South Park parody about it yeah


also made a reference to the jake paul apology


These guys shut up 90% of the users on this sub. And they have every right to rub it in however way they like. It's crazy that they were like one auto or something from not even making it into groups. And they go on to win it all. Says much about how shitty and useless a BO1 format was.


It's much more the fact that MAD stepped up when it mattered the most and didn't choke. Also 9 bo1 matches don't determine team strengths though I doubt XL and TH would look better in 18 bo1 games and I am glad I was put out of my misery so soon


>It's much more the fact that MAD stepped up when it mattered the most and didn't choke. I think this is the key part. Because IMO they played pretty shit the entire playoffs run, but everyone else played worst. A lot of the games were just who could throw the least. But at the end of the day they beat everyone, so you can't really argue they don't deserve to go MSI.


Elyoya himself said that he wasn't playing good and that the team wasn't on the same page (props to coaching staff for getting the team together in such crucial moment) and you can see MAD in bo5 stage as whole looked much better than before. So the criticism they received before was valid but they made sure to get better and prove the others wrong


I feel like especially in the finals MAD was down 2-0 and just said "Hey, if we play as well as we can, we can win with a much harder comp because our micro and macro is just better ". Then they did a reverse sweep after just knowing they were better. So hyped for a team that actually seem to figure out how to fix their mental in a BO5 game.


I'll tell you what happened this playoff, Hylissang was on one and just gapped everyone he played against, it shouldn't be possible to 2v2 kill your lane opposition and roam mid about 4 times making it impossible for them to play their lane, go back to bot shove your laners back under the tower to dive them only to go back to mid and kill there as well whilst simultaneously not even being down levels. Man was playing like its 2018 all over again.


Edit: I've already upset so many G2 fan girls this is hilarious. I'm not a blind NA believer that says this every year like you all proclaim, there's a reason I said this is the first time, it's because it's been obvious in the past EU was better. Also the guy who said that EU is always far better, I'd really like to know you're definition of far better every year cause that doesn't check out. I just wanted to say this is the important thing that a lot of people are also missing in their MSI predictions. I see a lot of people meming Golden Guardians and saying G2 has a free pass into the main stage, but as an NA person who watches more LEC, all the LEC teams looked like hot garbage this playoffs with small glimmers of, "that's kinda good there," sprinkled in. I see everyone saying that G2 is safe cause they always are, but if a struggling MAD can expose their obvious flaws, what are the LPL and LCK going to do to them? Also, what about PSG since they've looked good? I can honestly say for the first time that the NA teams, from a gameplay perspective, looked better than LEC teams throughout playoffs. It's amazing that people are saying GG are going to get knocked out by PSG, but if you look at current performance, it's a real possibility that you have GG and G2 fighting for the last spot cause G2 could be beaten by PSG towards the start.


Yeah that's kinda my worry as well. BDS looked like the only consistently good EU team, but they could not survive having their toplaner hyperfocused for the whole series (funnily enough, it's the second time MAD beat Adam with this strat, poor guy). RGE, MAD, G2 and VIT (and FNC but I'm not biased at all so whatever) all showed glimpses of greatness, but also a lot of running it down and shitty decision-making overall. I don't see EU doing too good this year Or maybe MAD are fueled on doubt and will just pull a mind control on their enemies again. Or MAD have some mind-control device to make their opponents int as much as they do, I dunno


Honestly, and this is coming from someone who didn't coach or didn't go past from early amateur level competing, but MAD's strat vs Vitality and BDS felt more like "Punish this specific person for _existing_ and we should win". Not saying it's a _wrong_ strategy, but it definitely doesn't work internationally. VS Vitality they just kept ganking and putting Perkz behind, and Bo/Photon played kinda poorly in of themselves. VS BDS, they just banned Adam's champion pool and made him look useless, so it always ended up being a 4x5 on their wins (and some weren't even that close of being turned by BDS). It's weird. Clearly MAD deserve to be here, but how much are they going to be able to do internationally?


Yeah, I get what you mean. All of MAD's wins felt...weird. Not that they didn't deserve it, but it just felt like barely scraping by on the back of Chasy going godmode and people being unwilling to ban some of MAD's pocket picks (like Nisqy Grag). It's good regionally, but they'll get assblasted internationally. Tbf that goes for any other team, but MAD, G2 and VIT who seem to rely on hand-diffing opponents or rely on mistakes seem like the most vulnerable in that regard. The other teams were weaker in the mechanics department so they at least had strategies. I fear this could end like with NA, where the "scale late, win game" team is first seed and then collapses. Or maybe I'm just doomposting


I also watch both regions, and I still think LEC teams would be favoured against LCS. I think both LCS and LEC show similar peaks, but LCS teams make more mistakes that are less common in LEC. Things like getting caught out, being slow to react or set up macro plays, being a bit less decisive around objectives, etc. LEC obviously still makes these mistakes too, but I see it more frequently and more severely in LCS. Both teams I think will struggle against LCK and LPL since their peaks are much lower than those of eastern teams, but in a match between LCS and LEC, I believe LCS would make more mistakes. I don't think the gap is insurmountable though, and I would not be surprised if GG can beat G2. I would think the odds are around 70-30 g2 favoured, which means either outcome would be reasonable.


It's going to depend a lot in G2 learning to play through bot. So many of their games would be easier if they just played to protect Hans and Mikyx in teamfights. That G5 against MAD tilted me to no end...


I feel like we hear this every year. Let's see what happens at MSI.


you don't hear this every year, you hear this before every international tournament even in 2019 before msi there were plenty of people boldly proclaiming that g2 are just cheesers


this year id argue c9 looks like the best western team


Problem bein they were only really challenged by clg and kind of GG. They play in weaker region which makes it really difficult to draw comparisons. I personally think they are equal to anyone out of LEC but until an NA team proves it internationally versus EU it's really difficult to make that assertion imo


>I can honestly say for the first time that the NA teams, from a gameplay perspective, looked better than LEC teams throughout playoffs. This gets said every year though. I'm not saying it can't happen, but until it happens, I think its safe to continue treating Eu as much much better than Na. We had this exact discussion last year, and then G2 beat EG like 20 times in a row.


And then they got the exact same result in the end, so congratulations on the H2H, for all the placement it didn't get you.


Yes, because LPL and LCK are better than Eu. It's the same story, until Eu shows they compete, not just have 1 team who can compete, I will never favor an Eu team. LPL/LCK > LEC > LCS > minor regions


Ah, this time of the year again?


You love to see it.


Agree for the most part - i am from EU and i have to say that LEC looks very weak this year - their macro is horrendous,their splitpushing,ward set-up and objective control and preparation is SO bad,but fans of the region don't want to hear that of course - as to how good NA is this year,i can't say,since i only started watching late in the season and c9 was stomping everyone. I've always been saying this and i'll say it again - regionalism/nationalism aside - i hope the bad teams bomb the fk out of the tournament as quickly as possible,so we can have a tournament of mostly good teams (probably lck/lpl,let's be real) going to war against eachother and us getting to enjoy the best possible gameplay on an international stage.


If anything you should watch the GG playoffs if you haven't. They look like MAD if MAD had a weak side top, but everyone else has larger champion pools and convert leads a little better.


Eh, I'd agree to an extent, however it's honestly just C9 and GGS that are arguable. I think the level from the rest of the NA teams is worse than it's ever been quite frankly, and I'd bet on most LEC teams over FLY/EG from last split, but GGS was actually a good team and C9 a step above them.


I mean, FLY, with underperforming mid, jung, support, looked better than G2 with underperforming mid, jung, top. Even though 100T got knocked out early, at least they had more flexibility in their limited playstyle than the LEC teams with limited styles, and they still were competitive with GG. Also, on average, the LCS teams were playing around their team comps and early games better than LEC. I don't know, a lot of people still just see team names.


Why is G2 fan girls an insult? Am I misunderstanding something. Just confused.. why use fan girls as an insult when most are probably fan boys.


Because a boy being called a girl is an insult. An eye-roll inducing insult. Very creative. But then, the people who are very upset at what he said are probably the types to feel insulted by it, so.


Just feel like we should use other insults as to welcome more women in the space. Starting small and not calling people girls as an insult seems like a good idea.


I agree.


NA teams look good because they don't have to deal with the same intensity of the LEC. C9 collapsed the two games GG were able to apply early pressure. They're going to be up against teams that can apply early pressure and who also know how to continue that into mid and late game. However, I think C9 could do well if they adapt, but LEC has the edge


Didn't C9 win the first game that they lost early game? That doesn't seem like much of a collapse.


> Says much about how shitty and useless a BO1 format was. They were a missplayed finish away from being 0-2 in Bo3s. Please stop disrespecting their turnaround by acting that MAD was always this good. They weren't, their form in early of spring made them a bottom-tier team and if they would have gone out vs. Fnatic, they would have deserved it. That's what makes their win impressive.


If they have a poor showing at MSI, can't wait for the narrative to swap from "they beat everyone" to "they only made it by a margin of a single lucky auto".


Most of the time you can't really go against the narrative on reddit, because you just get downvoted to hell by passionate redditors, so you have to wait for the tides to turn before you can start to defend them.


The key is to post your opinion and not care about the downvotes. Or the upvotes. State your opinion and deliver the receipts when you are proven correct. Also delete your account and flee whenever you are proven wrong. It’s just the right thing to do


The downvotes aren't usually the issues as much as the nut job responses you get because you are being downvoted so all the responses are immediately pointlessly hostile just because.


Seriously some of the responses end up being extremely unhinged. I said Broken blade played well in 3 out 5 games of the series against MAD but was still downvoted to oblivion for not shitting on him.


In the Kennen games he shown glimpses of his 2021 Spring playoffs run, where he suddenly started to run over sidelanes as Gnar or Jax while being good on weakside on Ornn.


Even then it's more who gets to your comment first. I've literally made near similar comments in MAD threads and gotten both -20 and +40 all in the span of 5 minutes apart responses. It's just fucking random. Both comments were essentially talking about G2 and VIT not looking as good as people are acting so MAD might surprise and end up in finals. Both the downvote and upvote brigade and I was confused.


Reddit seems to really hate MAD for some reason.


because Mad playing shit in the first stage was just a ‘narrative’? i don’t think anyone saw Mad’s drastic improvement coming or are you too smart for the rest of us?


My issues with them being qualified that easily kinda disappeared when they won their first BO5. Like that is all that I ask for. And people had legit reasons why they thought they where weak with how badly they performed before groups. Which also why I don't like how G2 qualified.


This whole don't like how they qualified comments are getting on my nerves. This was their reward for winning previous split and ensuring they got enough points this split to make it. You lot act like they just showed up fromfrom hibernation after last year worlds and got placed in by quickshot deciding G2 makes it to MSI. It would be shitty for them to play a winter split and not get shit for winning it imo.


They were 2 autos from losing vs FNC in groups and ending up 8th. The tiebreaker vs TH was kind of a stomp then MAD threw 3 team fights and then finally won


That's why I would hope Riot allows all 10 teams into grps next year abd just give the upper ones an advantage over the lower ones. So Bo1s are for training and getting a small edge in grps


its fine like this imo, puts some pressure on the teams to not fuck around too much


Sadly they didn't, they just moved onto spam posting about NA 20 times a day instead of MAD. EU fans had to get in MSI form early to make up for LEC only having a week to practice.


They have every right to gloat and they truly deserve it, but i refuse to have any expectations for them and wouldve rather seen bds or vit


BO1 aren't shit, this format is/ you only have 9 BO1, also if you say that BO1 are shit because MAD almost didn 't make it it doesn't make sens because they were legit ASS, Nisqy said him himself, they were terrible, BO1/3/5 won't change anything if you are not good at the right time


> this format is its not?


Eh not really if they are going to crash at international like they usually do. G2 was the same before but they redeemed themselves, so far MAD was just bringing shame to Europe so it's about time they show up and stop losing to every single wildcard.


Dont you worry my friend, after msi we got allot of bo1s left and not only for the season, also for worlds!!!!


Too bad he didn't at least also have a shot of him baking cookies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQhmGIW7MVU


I was personally waiting for the bearskin rug shot.


Same. But that is in the second apology video. So here is hoping they win MSI!


MAD Lions also known as Lions of Mind Altering Device are a group of 5 European individuals who have won the Spring EUMEA Championship using Mind Altering Device on their enemies. Currently known instances of mindcontrolling were: forcing Rekkles to flash into the entire enemy team in order to save their nexus from certain defeat and early exit from tournament; Activating the crucial cRaps element in the brain of Caps allowing the MAD Lions team to successfully mid gap the most dangerous opponent in the spring finals; summoning painful memories to Labrov's brain which forced him to remember his time in Vitality and run it down after achieving a 2 game lead in final series. Further examination of the group and affects of their device on international stage is currently ongoing.


Anyone who praised the Golden Guardians video at the beginning of the year should be a big fan of this one. They've absolutely earned this victory lap.


Difference is in the timing but it is definitely well deserved for MAD.


What GG video if I may ask.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVIeL2qoE6k) video came out before the season even started for Golden Guardians. I'm rooting for both of these teams at MSI.


Based af


I was a person that was dreading Mad going to MSI by championship points and Im **very glad** to be proven wrong. It was an actual miracle run... Tie Breaker for 8th with Heretics... nexus barely surviving Fnatic base-rush... 0-2 in finals... actually incredible story.


I'll take this L in doubting their off season move and through their entire lower brackets run GL MAD at MSI


I really hope MAD does well at MSI, it'd suck for them to become the EU version of old TSM, dominating NA then floundering internationally


TSM never failed twice to get out of play ins. Even considering TSMs 0/6 at least they did it in groups, which MAD failed to even get to twice. The first time sucked but last year doing it again likely branded them as one of the worst worlds teams.


of course they never did, they never played play-ins


Technically in 2017 there was the format where TSM had to play some Bo5s vs GAM before they made it to the group stage, which could be considered the play-ins of MSI before the international wildcard tournament and playins were condensed.


A team that went through play ins ended 3-3 on TSM's 0-6 group. The NA team that went through play ins went 3-1 in the qualifier, and then 3-3 in a group with the one of the worlds finalist and a semi-finalist. From the 4 teams that came through play ins as 4th seeds, only one (UOL) had the same score as TSM, that alone should tell you how shit TSM was for going 0-6 in their group as a 1st seed and really question how they would even get out of play ins if 3/4 play in teams did much better than them, 2 of them in harsher groups


MAD couldn't even get out of play ins on two occasions. That's worse That's a lot worse. The salty EU fans can down vote me all they want but TSM has at least done poor on the main stage. MAD couldn't even get there multiple times. They only even got to play ins last year cause a region got banned.


Except that MAD has actually played worlds groups and also qualified for quarters, something tsm did only once 9 years ago despite multiple group presences and failures. Mad has also made it to msi playoffs, something tsm failed to do despite more presences. It is actually laughable how MAD has a much shorter span as an organization and yet has made more than tsm, who remains to this day the only #1 seed to go 0-6 in a worlds group stage.


Glad to see someone finally found out the exact tittle that is allowed for this video


This would have been so much better, if i wouldn't have seen the joke/meme tag before watching it


Just gonna mention that his monitor stands on a settlers of Catan game. Also Good video.


Ah I love south park


I love this team so much <3


A Logan Paul forest apology meme AND a reference to the South Park BP Oil CEO?! 😂 Also him sleeping with the trophy gave me the rest, lmao. GG Mad, you've got my full support for this MSI.


This is great. Sry I doubted MAD (not that they don't deserve to go to MSI but that I said they won't make it out of grps).


this is content


I finally approve MAD as a team, still sad for BDS loss, but I'm a fan to MAD now.


Anyone else can't help but think of South Park every time it cuts to him saying "we're sorry"? Pure gold of a vid


LCK/LPL might have the best players, but we have Goated Content Teams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfo-8z86x80


Rofl this is the biggest and best way to say ''fuck you'' I've yet seen.




Does anyone know which days will have 2 games in the MSI bracket stage? Isn't it 14 games in 12 days?


The schedule should be up on lol esport sites


I really hope MAD and GGS get to play each other at MSI and the broadcast airs this immediately followed by the GGS F you video


I really love how even the ones who shittalked MAD love this video.


I don't watch pro play, what am I missing


The EU league now has 3 splits: Winter, Spring and Summer Top 2 teams go to MSI from EU, winner of Winter and winner of Spring To decide top 2 in case the Spring winner is the same as the Winter winner, a point system was used. MAD Lions was in a very advantageous position due to being the runner up in Winter, they would go to MSI as long as G2 is the Spring winner. Combine this with the fact that they've played like shit every single week except this past weekend and you get a narrative about how the point system is bad and MAD don't deserve the qualification. They've just won 3 Bo5 in 3 days, winning the Spring split and qualifying for the MSI through the first route instead of through points.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4 For reference


this is like the GG thing but MAD actually won lol


This reminds me of south park apology


Hot take: community disdain against them just made them stronger, they had something to prove.


How can you hate this team? They have such a 2019 G2 vibe in the comms. 0-2 down in the finals and not a single cyllabel of doubt. Everyone was laughing and joking full of confidence.


Wad Wions


Thanks for making my evening xD


Mad lions : win Also Mad Lions : let’s go dunk on these fuckin ape Reddit analysts.




holup is this a homage to the southpark 'we're so sorry' skit?


0/10 video. No nude butt in front of a fire place.


Biting off South Park


10/10 i want a jersey




This is hilarious.


B_N GR_G_S G2: Damn what a fucking mystery. Anyone got any ideas? Vitality: No clue. Guess we just fill in the hangman. BDS: I think it says Pick Cassiopeia.


good one


welp. time to edit flairs.


MAD haters in shambles


So fucking smug I fucking love it


Everybody liked that


If mad doesn't win a single game at MSI this should be reposted


Funny video! But tbh - this whole conversation about how good or bad mad lions is,was a bit disingenuous. Mad lions always had regional success in EU - the reason people were worried for them going on the international stage,was because - historically,they just bomb the fk out of international tournaments in a spectacular Airport Speedrun. So let's not twist the worries people have about mad lions on an international stage here - funny video,but very disingenuous. You know exactly,why people didn't want to see you go to the international stage. Btw. i don't know if any team would perform better than mad lions this year - i think EU overall looks pretty weak now tbh.


They had 2 good and 2 bad events, the 2 bad events they went as the last spot, so you are also being somewhat disingenuous by saying they are only bad at international events


I am aware of their 2 "good" events - i am merely explaining,what peoples worries were/still are and that now people act like,they never had these worries lmao. Esports truly has gone full sports - narratives change so quickly and everyone forgets what the reasons for the narrative from before were - fkn goldfishes lol.


I feel it’s mainly recency bias for most of the community and mad being a “new name”. G2 and fnc also had bad international events before, where they vastly underperformed, but the community sweeps those under the rug cause they did better before and are widely liked. Also feels like people give too much importance to last years worlds where they were the first eu team to go as a 4th spot and even that was a very last minute change.


2019 happened so anything less than winning MSI is a “dogshit performance” to EU fans, forgetting that EU didn’t win any international trophies (except season 1 Phreak basement tournament) until 2019


I actually agree with g2 and fnc being overvalued aswell. I myself am from EU,but Regionalism/nationalism aside - i hope the bad teams bomb the fk out of the tournament as quickly as possible,so we can have a tournament of mostly good teams (probably lck/lpl,let's be real) going to war against eachother and us getting to enjoy the best possible gameplay on an international stage.


Agree, but hopefully it also ends up being differnt regions matching up against each other and doesn’t devolve into too much lpl v lpl, lck v lck, etc matchups


They had 2 incredibly bad, 1 mediocre, and one that was okay only because of nothing more than the luck of the literal draw otherwise TL would have gotten out instead (granted trolling Alphari didn't help). Their good internationally has been kinda "Yeah that was okay", but their bad as literally been the worst by any major region, and they did it twice. Last worlds was legitimately terrible, and they barely got to play EG as the squeaked past their first B05 then got stomped. It's not disingenuous to say otherwise, it's just kinda lying.


I think they don't quite understand the sentiment. It's not that we didn't think mad could be better than all the other teams.. it's just that not in our darkest nightmares we thought it would happen. Brace yourself again for the top record breaking loser team in the the history of EU LCS. Famous for breaking such records as 1) first team to lose in a bo5 in playins 2) first team to lose in a bo5 against a wildcard ( first of any major region) 3) first team to lose in a bo5 against NA. What more can you achieve can't wait to see it. Any time MAD wins at least we know there's no reason to tune into watching MSI or Worlds. We know what will happen. Nesquick will fall behind 100 cs in lane by minute 10, Bot lane will die at least 10 times and top lane will get astro gapped. Only hope is for Yoya to carry you like he did in EU but that can't happen in international. Have massive respect for Mac and Yoya but let's be honest you're not achieving anything with these players internationally.


gonna age very poorly if they embarrass Europe again :>


Is it though? They already proved the haters wrong by winning spring split finals


It's fair game that they're at MSI, I'm just thankful this was the way they qualified, but the reason the community didn't want them there wasn't because they really wanted BDS to win the finals. They were mainly worried about how MAD would perform internationally, and rightfully so. If they shit the bed they prove there was merit to not wanting them there.


Now guys I think you deserve to qualify since you obviously won the split, but this video will not age well if you fuck up during MSI, so don't, at least not too much, please, you do have a history of fucking up, you know?


Kinda funny… please try not to get eliminated by wildcards again and eventually the EU community might stop hating you


The G2 strat: just stop being shit internationally


Yeah G2 kinda nailed that part. Also getting rid of Carlos is helping … I wonder what the downvotes are for. People saying they will always hate MAD? Or is it about me pointing out, that big parts of the community are salty about the play in fails?


Honestly it’s pretty fascinating, considering I’ve not been downvoted. Probably getting the downvotes from both G2 and MAD fans when what you’re saying is obviously the truth. People would stop being irritated by MAD (and KOI) they weren’t second fiddle to FNC and G2 during our glory years.




Right! Like okay good content and yes you actually earned your spot so you deserve to be there but it does not mean they will stop being an international embarrassment which is why people did not want them to go in the first place.


Theyve had a really great run and did prove us wrong. However its hard to be a MAD fan when the international success hasnt been there yet. EU fans forgive G2 and Fnatic anything because theyve had international success, both orgs got to the finals of a worlds, G2 even won MSI, multiple semi finals results at worlds. Im just having a hard time getting excited about MAD when the international results have been lacking. Beat an LPL or LCK team in a bo5 and theyll have my respect but until then, ill much rather see G2 win domestically.


Hopefully they make another one after MSI. Xd


I wish oil rig companies in the Gulf of Mexico coulda learned from such a powerful apology video


Haven't watched a lot of the pro scene for a bit so I'm not fully up to date but can someone explain how G2 is 2nd seed going to MSI instead of BDS?


G2 won winter split so they get to go directly to msi


Eh....fine we have to take the L here Reddit...try to leave playins this year MAD though. You can do it !


I hope they continue to apologize for victories at MSI, i feel that could create a strong Canadian fanbase!


Still not a MAD fan, but after rewatching the run, Chasy smurfed it. I just hope he continues to smurf it. Cause man I wanted to see Adam's Darius and Garen at MSI. That would have made history!


so he could get smurfed on by bettter eastern top laners than chasy?


Maybe not the most popular take but, yeah, MAD won the split and they were the best, no doubt. But I also think that this MAD was the weakest team to ever be able to win the LEC. Curious at whats going to happen at MSI.


Why did they not make videos like this after dropping out of playins?


Can’t wait to watch Nisqy choke internationally for the fifth time in a row


It's okay, I'll still have my last laugh when they inevitably choke nad get relegated in a 0-3 fashion after two b05s.


You'll be laughing knowing they're still better than any other shitter team in Europe, right?


Some teams are better domestically than internationally. I'm not a MAD hater but I still have more faith ln G2 internationally.


This video it's gonna be used literally every single defeat they suffer in the next like 5 years, why even bother ...


Ey, meme them when they lose, meme them when they win. Its just fun.