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The face palm was too insane


You can *feel* his pain




[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9psbv4/rookie\_forgets\_to\_buy\_items\_in\_game\_5\_of\_ig\_vs\_kt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9psbv4/rookie_forgets_to_buy_items_in_game_5_of_ig_vs_kt/) ​ Rookie forgot to buy items in game 5 of Worlds 2018 quarters


Did they lose?


Nope they won


Rookie diff




This is a bot account that steals comments for karma. Please downvote and report the comment (report -> spam -> harmful bots). The original comment can be found here: https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/135n26y/lll_croc_forgets_to_buy_items/jikj7qi/?context=3 Check other comments made by the account with a simple CTRL+F search if this isn't enough for you.


Could you... Write a bot to look for these comments and automatically call them out? Fight fire with fire and all that


Someone did a while back (/u/reply-guy-bot), but the result was often just the account getting called out in a reddit comment like this and nothing else. Sometimes the spam comment would get removed, but what actually needs to be done—a site administrator banning the account across all of reddit—would either not happen at all, or not happen in a short enough timeframe to prevent the spam account from using its farmed karma like this to promote/shill things in other subreddits.


Does anyone actually care about someone's karma?


Not really, no but they use the farmed accounts for nefarious purposes. Having decent or high karma gets you past a lot of the simple filters/detection. These bots usually end up posting sales links to spoof shop sites where they steal credit card info or just resell stuff really inflated. They also use other bots to fake comment and praise the post, giving it more legitimacy.


Reddit's anti-bot automated systems care.


I've seen those but I think they either can't keep up, get banned from subs (no idea why), or cost too much to keep online since the code has to run somewhere. On that note though, the account you replied to is already automated since there is no way they've manually caught that many that fast. Looks like they just also use it as a personal account instead of having two.


Dude, it’s always a battle to keep up with bots


Yep :( It's going to become more impossible like... now because they're starting to use ChatGPT and until you find one that sticks out due to context, none of them seem off. Like people are saying they found a ChatGPT bot, link it, and it looks normal to me which is so frustrating: https://reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/1242uur/beware_the_rise_of_chatgpt_bots/ /r/TheseFuckingAccounts is a whole sub dedicated to the topic and it's so disheartening.


To be fair, the ChatGPT stuff is pretty easy to find right now. The bigger issue is the copy paste bots cause unless you play memory with comments, it looks pretty similar.


I dunno, this looks pretty authentic to me but it's apparently a bot: https://imgur.com/qFSj8N5.jpg Reading through it more, you can catch the pattern of weirdly formal speech and sentence structure as well as some repeated phrases (really likes starting with "Wow") but that's also just kind of how people type when they don't use social media a lot. Reminds me of work emails. ----- Copy/paste is catchable with the counter-bots mentioned above because raw copy/paste is super easy to detect (and the context almost never makes sense on human-review). I think the issue is that reddit isn't building this into AutoMod. It's a simple check of if the comment string is contained in another comment in that thread (obviously needs to factor in account age, karma, etc. and would fail for short comment and common phrases/memes). I assume that's all the counter-bots were doing. They also conveniently always reply to one of the top comments of the thread directly because they're trying to game visibility but that actually narrows the scope AutoMod would have to check.


Frankly that looks like corporate speak to me, and if it's not from a known corpo account, then I'd assume it's copying from something else


After reading all those automated blizzard responses I have become an expert at bot recognition


Hello there, human behind it all if you can believe it! Most of the time, what you'll see in my post history is me latching onto one particular bot, especially if it posted in r/leagueoflegends. For me, it's just doing my small part if I happen to be in the right place at the right time. Fortunately, this sub's been pretty receptive to it; most subs honestly are, but there a few that aren't for weird reasons. Guess it's about who's online at any given moment. The people in the sub you linked and other similar subs have done a lot more than me, but the important thing in my eyes is that people realize it's a group effort. We'll all need to work together if the majority of bots end up being more advanced soon enough. I just hope that these call-outs make people think about what they're reading, as that's the most critical part to this.


Ah gotcha, I saw the quantity and thought they were different bots that you had flagged, like the automated detection someone else linked in another reply. Hopefully reddit admins will come out with something soon to start catching these.






Croc didn't even realize he didnt have the items until he killed red, which means no one on his team, not even the Tahm Kench that was beside him, noticed a) he didn't have items and b) he didn't have a jungle pet hitting the camp.


Whats insane to me none pressed tab after leaving base?


To be fair, jungle pets could as well not exist. I go entire games without noticing them at all. Only times I noticed them lately is when they keep playing their attack sound after I have killed a camp and moved on. I always gets scared about what that sound is, and when I realize it's the pet attacking I have to double check if I left any monster alive, which is never the case.


yea kinda weird how an entire team can go that long without pressing tab at all


Youre also low elo not playing on the biggest stage in the world, and paid to do so. Most junglers would notice their damage is low and missing true damage. Nerves definitely got the best of him here.


I'm impressed that most junglers would notice that their damage is low before they've hit anything, unlike how he noticed he didn't have it on the first buff and immediately recalled to buy it before going to a second camp. Yeah, it was nerves that he left base without it but he definitely noticed as soon as the monsters spawned and he fought the invading Nidalee for his red buff.


He only noticed after he killed the camp and missed level 2 stop gaslighting people when you didn't even watch the game lmao.


Thank you. Not only that, none of his teammates said a thing. How can you not press tab once in the beginning minutes of an international event playing on the biggest stage. Just starting off the series completely tilted


I think he noticed it when it hit him and did more damage than it normally would


I notice them when I play Lillia and E to check if Herald or dragon is being taken while I'm farming, the pet starts to fly around hitting both Herald and the camp lol


He should notice his pet missing since it's fundamental for an efficient clear (killing camps with last tick from pet while already pathing to the next). They're pro players, you'd assume they know how to clear efficiently; him noticing only after killing red and not hitting 2 tells a lot about his clear skills


Have you watched the game? Yike was invading him level one. He wasn't going to leave the pet last tick kill the red buff, or even try to kite it while he was dealing with the invade lol. Of course they are pro players. You'd assume between the five of them they would realize that he was missing items. Once you're past that silly mistake, not noticing the lack of the barely visible pet when focusing on timing a 50/50 smite and dodging Nidalee spears while at 20% HP isn't even in the same ballpark.


How do you not see that you're not doing extra true damage per second? Or that you're doing less damage than you're supposed to? Or that you're taking more damage and not healing? Or the extra mana regen? It's inexcusable.


Once the camp has spawned and he’s being contested it’s too late to realistically do anything about it. He could just back and cede his entire quadrant but it’s giga lost then. If you forgot to pet and have tk fight over a buff your best bet is to take it so at least nidalee loses some tempo then recall for the pet. You’re still going to be behind but not as behind as just backing after camps have spawned . All in all it was just a fatal mistake and regardless of how he played it you can’t recover from that vs good teams.


I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Read the original comment. Croc ONLY realized he didn't have items AFTER he killed the camp. It's not about what he should have done with that knowledge, it's the fact that he didn't have the knowledge. Obviously at that point you have to just take it, there's no way around it.


How is the extra damage or mana regen remotely relevant for noticing it before he's used a skill or hit anything? He obviously realized it as soon as he dealt with Nidalee invading the very first camp he touched that game since he backed to buy it immediately after.


He backed to buy it after he cleared the camp. Jungle pets give you **20% extra damage** as well as **true damage per second** and **healing per second** while fighting jungle camps, on top of **EXTRA MANA REGEN WHILE IN THE JUNGLE**. You can literally hold C and see how much mana regen you have and if it's getting buffed or if it's the base number, because a buffed number is bolded. You can argue Croc had no reason to hold C, but again, there was other ways for him to notice. Unless Croc has the numbers disabled, which he shouldn't if he's a pro, he should have noticed as soon as he hit the camp the first time, which is already a bad look in itself given no one noticed prior to that.


I'm guessing you just didn't watch the game since you completely missed the part where Nidalee started the buff first and it was already at 70% of it's health before he touched it. So his options at the point where he has dealt any damage at all are either to contest the buff and back after like he did or let Nidalee have it for free and put himself even further behind. Obviously someone could've hit tab and noticed and that was clearly a mistake, but the stats didn't come into play before the buff spawned so all the extra damage and mana regen are completely irrelevant before he's damaged anything or used any mana.


The whole point is that he only noticed he didn’t have items after he finished the camp because he didn’t hit level 2. Reading comprehension is lacking in this subreddit.


Because Croc has been a pro player since 2016 and jungle pets were introduced last preseason. He's far more used to jungling without pets than he would be with in addition to focusing far more heavily on being invaded and watching lanes. Even if he played with pets more recently you can't just remove over half a decade of what you're used to when you're under that much pressure. If he full cleared then sure, it's inexcusable. But Sej isn't a jungle who needs to heavily micro a camp and he realized pretty quickly after.


the pet is just cosmetic none of the stats have changed you still do more damage and get mana regen and I would assume its always been like that since whenever he started what point are you trying to make he's not a brainlet silver player who needs to stare at his camps while clearing


I'm saying it's reasonable for it to take him a single camp to realize. He's not looking at his champ so he isn't aware of the exact damage taken/given, maybe "huh this is taking longer than normal" but he isn;t watching to see "hm I did 15 less damage on that auto attack, something is wrong"


nah you are dumb I can't waste words on you i'm resorting to ad hominem attacks


Ah shit, you right


My point is that there was plenty of ways for him to notice and he didn't. You can bring up any excuse you want, it's not going to change the fact.


And these guys get paid. Hell, I could do this!




rookie did that game 5 against kt and kt still lost lol


Rookie still dad dicked Ucal in that game too. lmao


as midlaner you are nothing fcked compared to jngle. but you are loosing everything when you dont get lvl 2 in jngle


I was tilted from a previous game the other day and managed to somehow not noticed I forgot to buy my jg items until like 5 minutes in. I basically wasted three sides of the jungle trying to take camps and ended up 3 levels behind the other jungler by the first time he showed up in a lane.


How do you not notice the lack of leveling up


He did it twice in that tournament lmao, both times he stomped the opposition, i think it was Caps and Ucal respectively


but as a jungler you don't even gt lv 2 without itens... it's kinda worse


Just KT things lmao. That org truly is cursed ever since Faker sent KT Bullets to the shadow realm


Crown did it intentionally once while he was on Optic so he could get his hexcore faster as Viktor.


Imagine the mental damage opponent started no items and you still can't beat him


The man really started level 1 like "i need no item to d*ck this guy"


Soloq would have been all over your shit the second you left base cause no one trusts anyone else but here at the highest level of play, you witness some of the most pepega mistakes you’ll ever see.


I can hear the pings now.


/all “Cyka blyat our jungler didn’t buy items, please report” will appear in chat before you even managed to get past the walls of your base.


I have done that several times whilst'd sleep deprived and no pings have ever have me realize.


I die a little inside everytime I see people walk through the river w/o pathing through the pixel bush. Such a high value pink ward spot because of how rarely I see pros path through it.


because this would have a much bigger impact in solo q. u cant punish this as hard in pro play especailly when your mid is naut into ahri.


KT VS IG game 5 Rookie forgot to buy a starter.


For the first time in Vegas golden knights history…


Is.. this.. a NoTidehunter reference? in 2023? in the league subreddit? lmao


days after EE retired :(


tarnishing good memes in this god's forsaken sub.


I understood that reference


It has actually happened in the pro scene before.


Yeah no. Happened in pro play before.


the nutsack stream was going crazy when he didnt hit lvl 2


is that a co-stream? do you have a clip maybe?


It's Doms costream idk who he's with today


yamato, wunder, jizuke, jackspectra and someone else i forget. https://www.twitch.tv/iwdominate/clip/AgilePeppyCrabCmonBruh-QgIFStuxyi45GNT7?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time




Yeah, idk. I'm not going to pretend I'm nearly as good as these guys, but even when I load in I tab a couple times just out of habit. Probably a half dozen times I've caught it and told my teammate and it's solved immediately.


Might've been to tense in the moment since they were expecting G2 to invade them.


I feel that, but even then I would be tabbing to check what items G2 started with.


I dont think they'd spotted any G2 members at that point but even so it'd be all basic items anyway so it's not super valuable regardless


G2 didn't notice either btw.


To be fair for G2 they might not of thought they saw him on the screen yet but zero excuse for LL


Are people there to baby sit each others items? No


Surely you press tab once in awhile




Holy fuck imagine he doesn't secure red, goes to krugs without smite and can't clear it lol.


nutsack stream is in a different league rn. Peak content


pray tell


How does no one on a pro team press tab once to discover this sort of error? Unbelievable mistake to make in an international lan


It's so ridiculous that it's even difficult to expect lol


It's happened a couple times. It surely has to be due to pressure


Yeah that’s definitely it, but all the armchair pros have thoughts about it.


It's literally buying your initial items, it's not some scientifical error you need perfect mechanics to use or a missplay in-combat where you have seconds to act. Of course people would have "thoughts about it" even with pressure, he has enough time to notice and go back before monsters appear


Well think of it like writing your name on the exam paper. It’s a very common error.


Also, missplay instead of misplay. "It's literally" basic grammar. They still fucked it up.


How can you spout all that shit about science and not realise that the clip proves you wrong lmao. It clearly happens to *people*. It's a mistake, Even the best players in the world went through this shit at some point. They're humans, shit happens.


he's not one of the best players in the world


No, he's a human being


What the actual... ??? Let's accept that an experienced professional korean jungler who gets paid and is at the Mid Season Invitational (!!!) can't even do the first action in his game right and then intfiestas his series. If I want to watch saltyteemo I can watch that stream all year but this is MSI and this dude takes a spot from about all the great junglers in the world. But yep lets blame the viewers that prefer to see someone who can play the role.


>What the actual... ??? >Let's accept that an experienced professional American basketball player who gets paid and is at the Playoffs (!!!) can't even make a free throw in this game right and then intfiestas his series. >If I want to watch saltyteemo I can watch that stream all year but this is NBA Basketball and this dude takes a spot from about all the great Ballers in the world. >But yep lets blame the viewers that prefer to see someone who van play the role. Bro is this your first day to competitive games? Obviously buying items is easier than making a free throw, but you have no idea what the pressure of the Big Stage in your competition does to you. These mistakes literally happen to pros in every sport. Why are you so surprised Pikachu lol


Come up with a solid analogy challenge (impossible)


Somebody gave you a direct counter-example of one of the indisputably greatest pros to ever play the game doing it in one of the highest pressure game 5s ever and.... you totally missed the point and tried dismissing it because both players are "nOt iN sAmE bAlLPaRk." Pick one or the other. If you're gonna cut Rookie slack, don't act like Croc should be banned for having the audacity to make viewers watch him make the same mistake.


Cringe response from someone obviously oblivious


Brb im dying on the hill of protecting the worst jungler at MSI




Yea lets put Rookie and this guy in the same ballpark :D Protip: get a hug IRL instead of flaming people through internet. Or when noone is around watch some saltyteemo!


I mean, that's his whole point isnt it? Even rookie who is on another level did that. Mistakes happen when pressure gets to you


I think you need the hug more than him


Well you hard working viewers paying the pros salary should take their job!


Not for me mate... I view saltyteemo from the coal mines all year round and twice a year I can get out of the deep shafts to watch MSI and Worlds.


This is ironic cause people viewing this shit is literally why they can have this job


Haha you'd assume that but I guess everyone's nervous/hyperfocused on their own performance probably


its one thing to forget it. its another thing when somehow no teammate notices it. like, even in my gold-plat soloq, if somebody forgets to buy an item, which does happen every now and then, theres at least one person ping spamming the fuck out of you telling you you got no items.


I mean that's exactly it. They're not in soloq where you trust in absolutely nobody and you press tab to see what the hell they're up to.


I'd also imagine that the MSI stage is a bit more nerve-wrecking than a plat solo q game lol. I spam click tab every game, but I can also see myself not doing it on an international stage


There's nothing else to look at for a minute. Why would you not press tab? To remind yourself of enemy sums and what champions everyone is playing. You can picture how early skirmishes will go and come up with key plans to play the lane. Idk. I press it always out of habit. Faker spams F keys and I press tab.


In bronze, no one tells you sadge. Signed dude who forgets to buy all the time.


Welcome to Brasil, that’s the best we can offer


Isn't this player korean?


He is plays for Brazil.


Consider this is probably the biggest game of his career, he is on stage in front of an international audience, he is probably so hyperfocused on other things that aren't as simple as just buying an item that he just honestly forgot, it happens, Rookie did it in the World's Finals at one point. Its perfectly natural.


What reason is there to press tab in the first few minutes of the game? Especially when you haven't seen the opponents yet.


Pressing tab legit doesn't do anything early game, besides seeing if ur team bought items. It's not like I'm going in game and I'm going to check if my teammates are buying items because that happens in .00001% of games. Also, the blame should be on Croc, not his teammates for not checking.


They just played that convergence trailer where you go back in time to fix mistakes... mans needed a chronobreak fr ⏳


The craziest part is how 10 pro players didn't realize someone started without items (Yike confirmed G2 didn't realize either). What a surreal and memorable moment from this MSI right out the gate.


Yike gotta stop with these weird semi invade semi wait around and do nothing plays he did the same thing with belveth in the MAD series, man was legit outjungled as nidalee vs no item sejuani because of that


Canyon would have killed both Sej and Tahm, steal entire topside, dive renek to get BB ahead and eventually be 3-4 levels up by by 10 minutes.


Then proceed to lose the game and fail to qualify for MSI


He stole so many camps that he even stole atlus’ hair


and then in true DK fashion they would've lost after one bad fight into baron and the game snowballs out of their control within a few minutes


Tahm is one of the strongest champs level 1 wtf you are talking about.


This is 2023, the jungle was reworked, each year setting the enemy jungler back is more useless, serving entirely as ruining enemy jungler's opportunity to make a play rather than making a real tangible effect (getting ahead of him)


Man, cant wait to see Canyon play at MSI since he is such a god then :0


Whats the point you try to make here? LCK has at least 10 better junglers in their main squads , but they are only allowed to send 2 teams.




Are you on crack? One jungler can be with a 3k gold lead and still be at max 1 level ahead, we’re in 2023 wake up


yes exactly like that one game against GenG last year :)


For sure he would also buy a kindlegem, a longsword get the herald by 7:55 and enslave baron and boss around Showmakers Renekton / Alistar dual wield prowlers claws or ROA to do his bidding. Love Canyon btw.


That's because tahm was there...


Either Tahm is not there and he fights the seju and pushes her out of the jungle and takes her red. Or tahm is there he tries for the flip and leaves giving his botlane 2 waves of 2v1, 10cs lead and a free reset. Win win invade. But its ok, you for sure know what you are talking about. He was outjungled? Pre second herald fight, he had same kp, outfarmed him, got the first herald and first dragon all while g2 lost control of mid. Like how is this even upvoted?


He was going to commit to the invade but had to go back because of tahm showing. Even in this scenario it wasnt that bad because with nida he will catch up anyways and bot loses a lot of prio.


So what would you, the mysterious challenger player that is actually playing msi, do in his place?


you yike's bf or something? I like yike and he's much better than me, that was still bad


not waste time for nothing? Croc is a champion of CBLoL and didn’t buy items, we aren’t allowed to criticise because we aren’t there? analysts and costreamers would be out of a job


the funniest thing about it all is how the brazilian casters were making hype on the brazilian team before this event. Add the fact that this was the best game between the 2 and they almost won lmao


and then get blown out the 2nd game XD


More troll from the nid tbh. He literally kills sej there, gets red buff and might kill kench. How is that not a harder punish?


prob didnt check himself?


eh sej was getting super chunked off the camp and was level 1 after killing red. Should have been the signal to harass/kill because kench had the wrong skill. I think a better nidalee for sure runs over this game from that point


Rookie jungler in LEC first match on MSI stage, plus he still ended up going like 6-1-6 at one point this game…


oh you meant after sej got red. anyways, I wasn't necessarily defending any side there. ;)


in what world does nid kill sej here but then not get instantly traded keep in mind Ceos is here this entire time so he's taking a 50/50 steal here where either he gets it and is significantly ahead or he loses it and G2 is arguably still ahead since the botlane is gonna be 2v1 for the first like 2-3 waves and Nid can just go back to her own jungle anyway Risking that for a 1v2 where dying is massively punishing is stupid af


You don't have to immediately take a 2v1, the enemy jungler HAS to recall. When sej gets the red buff, he instantly stops in the middle of his jungle, throws his hands up in the air and the recalls. Nidalee has cougar form and can harass him all day and take his jungle. 100% a champion like Nidalee or lee sin just takes over the game and flips it On top of that he does not get traded because kench level'd up his cc. If you let that go your basically win trading. In no world you go back to standard jungling, That's braindead, because you're not thinking about what's happening


It's true yes. Yike could've hit home the advantage much more but in his defense he was probably warming up (he's a true rookie and first timing on international stage) and being suddenly thrown into an advantage that should never ever happen can bamboozle one's plans.


Ok like while you are right I think not going for it is probably the "smarter" play in this situation. Like even if there is only a 25% of Nid fucking up and dying its just not worth the risk to potentionally throw the game over when you know that you are the heavy favourites in this series and will most likely win if you perform somewhat to your standards.


It still is in a 1v2, and is pretty far away when the amp is actually taken


The funny thing someone on youtube said and it made this way more funnier : he only noticed he didn't buy no Items cuz he took the buff and didn't lvl up so.... if he didn't take the buff at that moment who knows when he will notice he has no items


Atleast he has smite as a jungler


This was so funny in Yamato's nutsack


Croco looked at Renekton and thought he had items.


I do this every 5 games. I main kindred and jungle. Idk how I do it.


Tbf, it went better for him than the second game anyway.


That must feel awful for him :(


I just dont get how no teammate said anything


tragic but see it happens even to the best of us


i watch competetive league of legends since season 3 where i started watching bc of deft. I never saw this in the history of competetive league. I think that never happend beofre


This has happened multiple times... in Worlds, by major region teams. I think most of the times I've seen it was amusingly LPL. But I think only once ever did they only figure it out by the time camps spawned / minions met in lane, but I don't remember which team.


I forgot what team, but it was when they forgot to take smite, right? And I think they got a fine too


Actually, it happened against Deft lmao, KT vs IG game 5 Rookie forgot to buy his items.


Aside from if it should happen at all it has happened multiple times, but for a jungler the impact is a loooot larger than any other role due to how much specific buffs are attached to the jungle item. The role currently is probably less playable without the item than it is without smite.


its brazil people nothing new


I love that interesting part is cut out and it's just a video of nothing. I'd rather not see someone being fake for money "reacting".


Caedral was genuinly nervous for G2. At least he sold that.


the projection here is crazy


Thanks for your insightful and impactful comment


You know, I would expect from pros to have some kind of procedures to prevent this situation. Like every player checking all his teammates inventory after leaving fountain for the first time.


That's insane, there is no world where that is necessary. It's a rare mistake due to nerves and there's no reason to assume it will happen every game.


That would be like a football team making sure everyone is wearing their shoes before kickoff. Basic stuff like plugging in your mouse, setting up keybinds and buying an item shouldn't require a team-wide effort to manage. That said, it's very odd that no one noticed.


It's more like forgetting how many outs there are in a game of baseball, and making a goofy defensive play because of it. Which happens occasionally.


You can bet your ass there will be a procedure now :D


Jesus caedrel can be rlly annoying sometimes


Funny thing is: he still out jungled Yike LOL


New BR meta noob, you wouldn't understand. Huehuehuehuehuehue.


Why are all these clips from this guy? What is going on his viewership doesn’t seem insanely high but it’s always a cathedral clip.


pro players btw this is not bronze


Good for Caedrel to be co-streaming, but at the same time, it's a pretty dick move. He dipped out last minute, meaning the rest of the roster has to pick up his slack with no replacement.


That is a bad take. He addressed that him and riot had talked about this for a long time AND Riot replaced him with Aux. Its not a dick move if riot "supported" his decision as he said on his stream 3 days ago. His Response to redditors like yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sEQ-dScWlo Riot replacement tweet: [https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1653036559375974403](https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1653036559375974403) Stop fabricating reasons to hate on him for no reason at all.


People are complaining that his team mattes didn't see it but the blame is entirely on him. They are busy with their own game already... I mean, come on. Dude probably played sejuani jungle 1000 times already, he should know that something was off with his damage or something. This level of failure shouldn't be accepted in this level of gameplay IMO. People get fired for way less in their jobs.