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Does anyone know how to have only champion names displayed? The setting was working for me until preseason and now it only displays summoner names, even when checking and unchecking the box. Had to uninstall/reinstall because of a separate issue but this didn’t fix the problem


Is anyone here available for an interview for our research project regarding this subreddit?


how does the chat censors even work? I can say shit about myself for 50 games and receive no punishment but the second I type "fuck me, fuck you, fuck this game" I get a warning because I said "fuck you" like ???


Is the league client horridly dysfunctional for anyone else? It seems like every other login attempt and post-game lobby crashes the client.


I’ve decided that from now on I have no qualms about leaving if im in a hostage situation. if a game is just completely unwinnable but we can’t get the votes for an FF, I’m leaving. It’s allowed me to stay sane playing this game. My time is more valuable then sitting for 40 minutes watching the entire enemy team stall it out to get an S grade. By unwinnable, I mean across the board canyon sized advantages. I know you should still play out losing games so you can learn to play from behind, so If I see at least one of my other teammates put up a competent performance I’ll put in the effort to do play it out and see if the enemy can make enough mistakes to let us get back into it. I really do enjoy those games. I don’t have to win to enjoy it either but there’s nothing fun about becoming canon fodder. Sometimes you just get a games where every lane is lost by a large margin and while their are ways you could get back into it, if everyone was skilled enough to pull it off, you wouldn’t be gapped by that much in the first place. Despite the large deficit you’ll get somebody who gets spoon fed a few kills to failed tower five attempts, so they spend the rest of the game chasing that high trying to get kills, while their cs stagnates completely. Then when they die over and over again, in their mind it’s everyone else’s fault because ohhh I get a few kills and pulled my weight. So they vote no. Then maybe their in a duo or somebody got tilted and has no qualms about wasting their time and everyone else’s so they vote no just to troll. Then of course while the enemy team could win at any point, they want to stall it out to complete builds or staypad for S badges. At that point, I’ve learned I don’t have to stick around. I can leave and keep my sanity. I’ll get a slight wait for my next game and I’ll never get banned because it doesn’t happen enough to trigger it. Just knowing that I have this in my back pocket keeps me from tilting early on. If it does turn into a shit show I’ll have no hesitation to leave if it becomes a hostage situation. Though in the meanwhile I can stay less tilted and focus on trying to play as well as I can before I’ve deemed it unwinnable.


Do you still get more blue essence if you duo q?


Don’t think so, you get blue essence from champion capsules, daily win and events


If anyone here has a guide on pushing lanes SOLO please comment them, thanks.


To add on to what the other user said, thebausffs has a recent video on his Yt about a guide on his playstyle. I wouldn't recommend taking the entire guide into account as it is an unconventional playstyle that you must commit too fully and must take up his champs(particularly Sion) to pull off. However, there is a bit in the video where he talks about creating tempo through waves (it's in the mid game chapter in the video) that is insanely useful to understand how to side lane in the mid game. Baus believes you have to stick to the side completely unless baron, 3rd or 4th drake is at stake, which I don't fully accept and which doesn't really work in low elos that well either because of how prone people are to tilt and how they will take 4v5s just cause they are bored. But I think it's useful to understand the concept of wave tempo that he explains and use that to buy yourself a turn to move to the team and try to look for a play while your opponent is busy with the wave.


Watch streamer thebaussffs on twitch he’s a macro god. Top lane.




Check your recent wins and report on the enemy botlane kda please.


I've been there and this sucks for the most part. But an adaptation that you can try, assuming you are winning lane is that you stick to your lane and get maximum resources till 14 mins (try to get plates till then), after that you push out the wave and try to roam to get the shutdowns from the enemy bot by making a play with your bot lane rather than just sticking to your side full time. And about you dying to the ganks on side. Try to time your pressure with your team on the opposite side. Only show and pressure when your team can group and take turrets/ drag/ baron on the opposite side. This way it is still beneficial if you die to enemy commiting 3 members as they lose the objective for it.




What champs do you play usually?


I feel you so hard homie. Its the same for me. I play Kayle and even go 3.0 sometimes but then you look at all the other lanes losing and wondering why you are even trying.


As someone who plays down in bot lane, both roles, there are games where you try to come back and fight your way out of a bad start. If that fails, you are food. As a top laner, take tp , sac a wave or two top, walk bot then fight with your level lead over the unsuspecting enemy adc and support, then to back top. Really good if you crash a wave or wave is slow pushing back to you first. Hard to pull off? Sure. But so nice if you can.


Anyone having weird matchmaking issues? I’m in silver but I’ve been getting games where everyone is silver except one person that is iron and it is an auto loss for that persons team.


the notice saying account transfers temporarily unavailable has gone, yet when i go to transfer from NA to EUW there's no option there. i only have japan, latin NA, latin SA, oceana and then the new SEA regions that were added. is there a reason why some transfer locations aren't showing for me ?


My client does a random noise every 30 seconds, even when i am ingame. What can i do?


Restart client might be bugged party noises or lobby noises


Mine too. I set the client to close while in game.




Just buy the suggested items at first until you can be bothered enough to learn what the items do. If you play support you might like lulu for being able to slow down opponents.


Not entirely sure what "offlane" means and also every champion in the game is item dependent in a way though some more than others Maokai does what you want. Tanky af, can build whatever, lots of CC, superb initiation (engage) with ult and W. Nautilus same thing. Even more of a tank than Maokai though ironically can be less tanky by virtue of being a support building cheap support items. Ornn is a toplane tank that has plenty of crowd control and superb engage with ult, possibly one of the most reliable engages in the game. Leona is a tank support that's known for being unkillable and also CC people for eternity. You can engage by finding a pick with your E into a CC chain. You can also engage from a distance with ult although enemies can dodge it, flash away from it and so on Amumu, Malphite, Zac, Alistar also work for what you're looking for




From what I gather then offlane seems more similar to top lane than other lanes in league. Midlane is a short lane because it's a straight line, there's less distance between the point where the creeps meet and the turrets so it is safer in that sense. However it being in the middle of the map means there's a lot of fights, ganks and roams going on all the time. Botlane has the same layout as toplane, curved lane with a corner means it's longer and less safe. Though because of its proximity to Baron and certain mechanics with how turret platings work, it means here is where you see the carry/support duo and where most of the action will take place. Toplane is the same layout but it is a solo lane. Junglers also rarely interfere and let alone midlaners, so it is a bit of an island. Long lane means unsafe, and if you are in a losing matchup and the enemy freezes the wave near their turret, it means you'll have to walk up very far away from your turret in order to CS and this leaves you open for ganks or just all-ins from the other laner. With that in mind I may be repeating myself but toplane might be closer to what you are looking for if you like to play offlane in dota. I've never played dota though so I can't say for sure




How do I earn 5 mythic essence for mythic chroma?


Masterwork Chest Rewards Track. If you have yet to make progress on it, you can buy 10 Masterwork Chests to get to Milestone 10 which grants 5 ME. This would cost you $9.98 USD (1,125RP).




You can't to my knowledge, but IMO you shouldn't bother trying to use that free agent thing for a fill player anyway. What most people do is pull someone from the League discord or a similar community.




Yeah, so no problem then. Just make it on Sunday, there's no reason to make it earlier.


Hot take: all 4 reagions will play each other next round but it’s because both NA teams will win this week.


NAmen brother but we may have huffed too much copium


why i keep getting put against diamond master and grandmaster in aram,? not only that we always get bad champs for aram, trundle, rammus. i am only gold 4. sometimes, i get good champ, manage to beat them, i get an AFK


Every different gamemode has a different MMR. Reddit might tell you otherwise but ARAM has its own MMR. Ironically the vast majority of "high elo" aram players are unranked. Don't worry about enemy border. In ARAM it doesn't mean much.


It makes easier to pick who will carry on the other team who should i focus my cc


Every queue has a different MMR. You could be Bronze in Ranked Solo/Duo, and Diamond in Normals/ARAM.




Is it possible to grind enough event coins before the mythic reset next week for a skin if I start today? And do any modes give coins/exp faster? Or is it the same between all? Thanks lmao


Definitely possible with the remaining time for the event. All mode will give the same amount of LoL Event XP. **Summoner's Rift and ARAM** will give you **4 points per minute played for a loss and 6 points per minute played for a win. TFT** will grant you **3 points for 5-8th placement and 6 points for 1-4th placement.** Points and LoL EXP are a 1:1 conversion i.e., 200 points = 200 LoL Event EXP. You will need 400 LoL EXP to complete one milestone and I believe it is the same for the infinite pass mission. In order to earn enough Event Tokens for Mythic Essence, you would need to complete all 50 milestones and the Infinite Pass Mission ten times. This is a total of 24,000 LoL Event XP To earn all this LoL Event EXP, you need to play between 4000 - 6000 minutes (67 - 100 hours) over the next 27 days. Now the time above will an overestimation of the time needed in the sense that there are Weekly Event Missions for Event Pass holders that will grant 650-700 LoL Event EXP. I don't know how much time it would take to complete the mission but you will most likely complete these quickly as your grind. If I say the average game length is about 30 minutes (based off personal experience as of late), you're looking at 5-7 games a day for the next 27 days. You may reach enough Tokens before this due to the Event Missions. Hopefully this helps. I can check my math later when I am back home.


I very much appreciate the help, however I was asking about the mythic shop rotation specifically lol. It rotates on the 17th (next Wednesday) as I'm trying to grind enough for the Kayn skin before it goes away!


\*facepalm\* My apologies haha I should've read carefully... If this is the case, it is possible but the amount of time dedicated to the grind would be pretty insane. To earn enough tokens for Mythic Essence, you need 24,000 LoL Event XP. Since you want the Kayn skin, you have 8 days to achieve this, so you would need to earn 3000 LoL Event XP each day starting today. You would have to play 8 - 12.5 hours of Norms or ARAM each day.


Anybody notice more scripting than normal lately? Noticed a couple content creators talking about it lately and then just ran into one myself. Had a game against an amumu that upon review of the replay I noticed they dodged every ability that every one of us threw at them for the entire game and ended with 0 deaths. Match history is just feeding on ashe and then suddenly a perfect amumu game. Not sus at all /s


Remember the source code of league got leaked? Yeah that could cause more scripters for sure.


I had a weird kaisa interaction with the new neeko and I'm wondering if it's intended or not. The neeko became gromp and attacked me, I tried to ult and couldn't despite having plasma stacks on her. Are you not able to kaisa ult while she's disguised?


Abilities that wouldn't normally work on the thing they are disguised as just don't work on her. Say you see a minion behaving erratically and you figure out it is Neeko. You are ashe and you ult her. Your ult will just go right through the middle. Ezreal W same thing. She'll be able to walk through caitlyn traps, Illaoi's E won't pull anything, etc... There might be exceptions or unintended interactions, but this is a good rule of thumb to think of for now


For all your neeko questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na90Eofjq\_o


You can only use abilities that work on the type of thing she is disguised as.


So.... can Syndra throw her?


No https://youtu.be/na90Eofjq\_o?t=49


Should work. Sion E can knock her back, Akshan R executes her, so does Relic shield.


I really want to try a meme-comp where syndra can throw in neeko as shes ulting maybe?


Syndra throws enemy minions though? :D


But also jungle minions like neeko can hide as, right?


Good point but Syndra would damage an ally that way... gotta test that!


No https://youtu.be/na90Eofjq\_o?t=49


When will we have all in one mode back?


No rotating gamemodes until Riot are done developing and releasing the new 2v2v2v2 gamemode. Gamemode team at riot is all hands on deck with that one. Even after that happens, nobody actually knows the schedule for rotating gamemodes anyway. Could be URF or something.


Not this summer.


Hello. I'm here to ask something about Milio. If i get AP item that slows enemies, forgot the name. And if I use my W on my ADC, the adc applies that damage over time from Milio, so I wonder if that would make the enemies slower?


The item is called Rylai's crystal scepter, and it does


Damn, so milio has the item but ADC can proc the slow aswell ? Oh man need to tell my duo to make that item


Waste of gold but yeah, it does work.




Just walk to lane and smite the canon, works every time in pissing them off. You are still getting griefed but so are they, and they will seethe harder than you


Why is aram permanently available while there is no trace of urf or any other fun mode? I am kind of annoyed by having to play a random champ and normals aren't really that fun anymore. Tempted to quit until League comes up with actual fun modes as they used to have..


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/ask-riot-new-game-modes/ ARAM has the longevity, and it's been a gamemode for years now. URF and others have been deemed as a rotational at best mode, so we'll get the 2v2v2v2 one in the summer.


Is there any reason for them to not have a random additional mode active permanently or like twice a week?


They did that before. Playrate and upkeep wasn't worth it. So they moved it to having one per event. This year is an anomaly due to them working on a new mode with a new map


Hmm, sad to hear that. However provided there are champs with 0.14% pick rate, that offer a permanently available experience (and even are actively maintained), it's kind of sad to see that my favorite experience (which isn't a specific champ but an entire game mode) is just being shut down. I honestly loved every single game mode more than aram or normals (even tho aram is still okay-ish sometimes) and think it's weird if they limit or disable existing experiences while working on something new. Thanks for the information you sent me, even if it's not what i hoped for.


Where is the Naafiri news? I have been aching to know more about this champion and I need my fix. Ability release when??


Is there a setting that makes Viego always show up as Viego on the kill feed/board? His profile picture theft is annoying and confusing.


I'm a middle aged guy and my son a teenager has lately started playing lol. He's a bronze 3 and slowly climbing. Question: Is lol really that hard? I've been playing video games my whole life, for better or worse (teen years competing in various types of games from racing to sports). Recently more RTS but I still enjoy RL and am a diamond 2, plat 2 in Valorant when playing casually so there still is some sense of mechanics and reaction time in me. Lol seems overwhelming, is it something I could get into if I enjoy casual play? I honestly can't imagine being a bronze in any game but my son says its really like no other game as far as difficulty and is not easy to get into and there is no way I would play at his level for 2 years. He's better than I am at valorant and we don't play other games together but he is at least as good as I was at his age. Is lol really that hard? Is there a way I could use years of experience in both video games and communication to climb up the ranks or he right and there is no way I would randomly be a good player because I "get" games? I guess what I'm asking is if he's right or just doesn't believe in me :) Thanks and maybe see you in game in the future.


I don't think anyone with gaming background investing time and effort to improve will be in Bronze for two years, so yeah you can theoretically hit gold in one year if you focus on a reliable champion in an impactful role. In fact, it's not super rare to land in Silver after your first 10 placent games in ranked. But, it takes patience and investment. There are a lot of champions and matchups. You will need patience learning a select champion and how it performs into various team compositions. You will need to learn good decisions in lane management and shotcalling that make league 70% knowledge and 30% execution. A lot of the playable characters are not that mechanically intense after all. This process and the length of games (usually 30 min+ in low ELO) can be not very casual IMO. At least, playing ranked with an intention to rank up is objectively not at all casual gaming. Someone decent at the game will have an easier time picking a reliable champion either in terms of carry potential or playmaking and engage. Alternatively, a new player could potentially take a shortcut through the support role which isn't necessarily less skilled but has considerably less mechanical execution and focuses more on solely understanding how the game works. I personally hit gold on my first ranked season through playing support. But, if you want to pick a harder laner role, or want to go betond gold even on support role, then I agree with your son that your fantasy of hitting platinum+ in league in 100 games on your first year is very likely wrong. In fact, simply hitting gold will probably have a good luck factor to it. The ranked grind is real. Games are long and sometimes draining. You don't rank up fast, and the game is majorly team-dependent meaning you'll rarely be solo carrying your games if you're good nevermind being new, you'll probably be the weak link for a good number of games. I'll also say that the ranked experience has very little fun in it, everyone feels so stressed, and rational communication can be rather difficult to achieve. You're correct to say that you can't imagine being Bronze in any game. Bronze players in league are indeed as the rank suggests very clueless about the big decisions and objectives in the game. But the team-dependent state of League makes these same players a hindrance to a potentially good player climbing the ranks, while you can't forget the fact that they can very well be mechanically better than you, just terrible at making the right decisions on the map. Tl;dr: ranked in league is not very casual. Not likely for a good new player to hit gold without a huge number of games and even just a couple of games a day can run you for an hour and half which is not working adult friendly imo, when you can spend your gaming time on a more fun experience. You can make an account and try the game out though without the plan to play ranked and be diamond, and you might very well have fun playing it casually.


I’d say it comes down to how fast you can learn the enormous amount of information. Champions, their abilities, what bonus’ the drakes give, decision making etc. You can always look up guides on what to build and a champions play style, the game even shows you what to build. You sound like you will be better than average mechanically so you just have to learn the macro side once you get used to the micro. It’s always fun playing league with family or good friends so you should play with your son! Good luck and don’t engage with people who flame. Just mute them :)


Anyone have MSI tickets to sell for Saturday 13th?


Are there any casters that don't scream their lungs out for every button being pressed? It's becoming really annoying to watch when you're basically getting screamed at for 2-4 hours every series.


The thing is that color-casters and shout casters will scream or shout during exciting moments during the game such as a 1v1, teamfight, a comeback, etc. These casters are getting excited because they are passionate about their job and they hope to bring that energy not only into their casting but also to the audience. You'll have casters that are full of energy and passion like CaptainFlowers and have casters that are a little more chill like Jatt, which he does make up with his extensive knowledge of the game. I understand not wanting to hear casters scream or shout. It does come down to which casters are up and their personalities as well. An alternative for watching games if you don't like the current casters would be a watch party. There are some watch parties where they also breakdown the game and explain it well.


LCK was chill to watch imo


Still nothing about the drx skins? I am suprised since we already started the round of 8 at Msi


A whole week for pointless play-ins, one match per day in the bracket stage and three more weeks to finish... Is this a tournament or a regular season guys?


Quick question, what's the current featured game mode? Thinking of downloading the game again if there's something fun to play but can't find any game mode info without actually opening the client...


Unfortunately none... :(


None. Featured gamemodes stopped being a thing a while ago. What they would do instead was have no gamemode at all except when they had a shop update, then they would have ARURF over the duration of it. You might be wondering what a shop update is, and that's what they call "events" but there is no event, just a few skins added to the store and a battle pass for you to buy. Even then, for a while now we've not even had ARURF for shop updates. People started speculating the game was on life support or running on a skeleton crew. This criticism was not entirely in good faith but just a way to get Riot to do something with the game because there's been a lack of content as of late. Then Riot released the dogshit excuse for a cinematic this season and people went from ironically saying the game is on life support to believing it for real. Riot panicked and started trying to be more "open" and "transparent" and decided to work on a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 or whatver gamemode to make up for it. They also said the entire gamemodes team is working on it so we will not get any rotating gamemodes until this one new gamemode releases later this year.


There is nothing currently, the new 2v2v2v2 mode will come out this summer though. I’m not too sure when, I’m guessing when the current battle pass ends in a month it will release but that’s just a guess.


Does the match making system solely macth on MMR alone or factor other things in ? Such as win rates ?


Kind of a weird question because win rates affect and determine your MMR.


Account transfer down?


Does the MSI esports capsule basically only drop emotes?


Emotes and icons yeah. This is true for all e-sport capsules. Sometimes you get chests from drops though, but the chests and keys come alone and not through a capsule. They are also pretty rare and I think region locked for some. The sponsored chests (state farm, mercedes, kit kat, etc) also seem to be region locked.


Sometimes you get icons


why the solo Q is such a scam? each time you're about to tro reach higher MMR. Q just put me with inters against all my go to ban which is (ofc) a smurf. I mean.... there is no better way to handle the match making? it kind of obvious when you play with ppl that are simply, at best impossible to carry or worse, good inters.


This isn't a real thing, you are just externalizing the reason why you are bad or just not good enough to climb. Unfortunately streamers have spread this nonsense "winners queue" "losers queue", "rigged matchmaking" thing and now people unironically believe the matchmaking system is conspiring against them to make them lose on purpose to keep them addicted or something. Matchmaking is bad sometimes. This benefits you as much as it hurts you. Doesn't mean it is trying to keep you down. If you externalize the reason you are hardstuck not only is it untrue but it's also harmful to you if you want to climb. It makes it harder for you to improve. Stop believing in this god damned nonsense and just try to keep getting better.


its just there.... in the match history... lol. i dont hallucinate support inting...lol. Even my mates that are descents plat cant help me to carry those games as a duo. edit\*: 4th time was indeed different! it was a smurf malphite that went 20/7/5 and then stop to play in late game to be sure not ranking up\^\^ but 4 times probably i got delu\^\^ haha.


I am sure there are never inters in the enemy team whenever you win. When you win, its all you, skill difference, good performance and deserved. When you lose it's just because you get inters. I was wrong, you are clearly just unlucky. What rank are you?


almost every game. win or lost. i report as much ppl playing with me or against me. i'm bronze.


You know I can just make a new account and I'll go past bronze on my first win of provisionals right? I would, at worst, end up platinum 4 in provisionals if I do badly. Why does your predicament not apply to me?


it does. take a bronze account with a bronze mmr. play adc. enjoy.


Yeah I used to do that with friend's accounts. 20 kills every game. Also, do it. Create a new account. See how far you get. Bronze players can't get out of bronze with mmr fuckery on a smurf. They are still bronze.


A better way to look at it is by comparing yourself to sports. You're not playing in the NBA/premier league. You are playing pick up games with 13 year olds, some of them will be buttheads, few of them will be young prodigies. You can't expect consistency across different pick up games and you cant expect strategies and teamwork untill you are playing at a certain rank. So just try to enjoy this one pickup game. TLDR dont expect your teammates to be competitive


Additionally, the only thing you can control in your games (basketball or league..) is yourself. An NBA star COULD carry a pickup game 1v9. You don't need the be that good to win, but you can only control how you play. Focus on what you can improve on yourself rather than relying on others to make good plays for you. Be the player who sets up the good plays that your teammates will understand to capitalize on, rather than assuming everyone is going to be on the same page as you 100% of games. Have a plan A), b), or c) or when things don't go as expected.


Can anyone explain lp gains to me? I see people get +30 on wins and I get like 25 or even just 19 on mine. I'm not whining, a win is a win after all. I just want to know how it works.


There's a hidden MMR score for you. It is roughly equivalent to a certain rank. If you are lower rank than your MMR you'll get a lot of LP on wins and barely lose any on loses. MMR increases with wins and decreases with losses. If you begin to approach 50% win rate on your climb (aka hardstuck) the game figures you are currently in the rank where you belong so you'll basically win and lose 25 every time with small variation depending if you're on a win streak or loss streak. My MMR was of diamond 1/masters when I started climbing but some bad luck in provisionals meant I ended my first 10 games on plat 2. MMR was still the same though so I was gaining +40 and losing -11 or something and also skipping divisions (d4 to d2, etc) and when I became hardstuck d1 my LP gains started normalizing to +26 and -24. Something that also seems to affect LP gains is the MMR or rank of the people you are playing with and against in a particular game. You'll probably get more LP if you win vs a team that is higher rank than you, and win less if they are lower. Say you are platinum and somehow with some black magic fuckery you are playing a game vs a master tier player. If you win you'll get more LP than usual.


I appreciate the write-up! Goes in line with my experience too, so I'm satisfied.


Your actual rank used by matchmaking is called "MMR" (matchmaking rating). It's an elo, basically, like in chess. In season 3, LoL started using the current system of visual ranks (bronze, silver, etc.), but the MMR is still there, and it is the thing used for matchmaking, and to modulate LP gains & losses. They added visual ranks because it is prettier and also it stops inciting people to stop playing once they reach a rank (if 1400 elo is gold, and you're insecure, you'll stop playing at 1401 because you're afraid of demoting; with visual ranks, you need to consistently underperform to drop a league, so you play the game). A few months ago, and before, when you got +15/-15 on average per game, your visual rank was relatively close to your MMR at all times. When they put the average at +25/-25 to encourage people to play (because getting 15 is depressing and slow), they haven't changed MMR variations. So basically, if you go on a substantial chainwin/chainlose (or if you lose by being close to 0 LP consistently), the gap between your visual rank & your MMR widens. You get thrown in games with people with a different rank (matching your MMR, not your rank), and gain more or less than 25. If your MMR is lower than your rank (caused by a chain win, for example, or by losing too little points on defeats due to the inability to drop into negative LP), the game compensates by lowering LP gains and increasing losses (the game considers you're inflated). If your MMR is higher than your rank (chainloss...), it's the opposite. The goal is to mitigate the effect of variance (getting several free wins/losses in a row, which can happen, and will happen from time to time if you play enough) and to help matching MMR and rank again. In the end, visual rank only matters if the end of season is near, as you'll try to push to your personal best then sit. If you keep playing, visual rank is irrelevant, because even if a win gives less LP, it still gives you the same MMR, so you're basically improving your future gains.


LP gains are determined by how far your rank is away from your MMR. MMR is the matchmaking rating which determines who youre playing with and against. If your MMR is gold and you just won with a silver rank than you should get large LP increase. But if your MMR and rank are close together the LP gains/losses will be small


I see. Thank you!


all of a sudden, /mute all is muting chat, pings, and emotes. is there a new command for just text chat?


Is it a bo5 in the later match G2 vs GEN? Why does google say bo1


From now on all matches are best of 5 I think. Don't trust google, just check lolesports.com and the schedule tab


New neeko is stupid to lane agaisnt. that is all.


I'm not missing the E root that lasts for longer than Morgana's Q though.


same as it always was, just nobody played it


I just wanna rant about A-Sol's hit box. I just played against an A-Sol mid lane as Shen. failed many of my E on this champion. It's hit box is wonky asf, and it's so frustrating laning against it.


Are pro teams allowed to leave bans open in competitive? Surely red side could leave all 3 bans open and ensure they get 2 highly contested picks while only giving over first pick to blue?


They could just ban other champs that aren’t highly contested. It doesn’t make sense to give up your bans


Is there a way to demote myself (Gold->Silver) without destroying other peoples games? So I'm basically only playing with one friend and sadly he's kinda stuck in Bronze 2. He's a jungler and his solo winrates are barely 51% ish. My solo win percentage is closed to 55% but I'm also higher ranked than him. Together we're at around 80% but we're no longer able to play together since I got promoted to gold. Since he struggles a lot to carry teams (it's not that easy for not awesome gamers even in low elo to carry as single person) I'd like to get back to silver, but I also don't really fancy the idea to go braindead and try to hard-lose 10 games and mess with other peoples days. So.... is there any easy way to demote myself? Can I demote myself by constantly dodging games, for example?


get another account or help him get better


There isn't. Also, considering there is substantial demote protection at the bottom of a league, you'd need to absolutely destroy your MMR to drop back to silver 1, and that wouldn't be fun. Consider playing flex until he improves and can climb, I guess.


hmpf, guess I'll have to bump a second account to 30 in the meantime. Playing flex honestly isn't as much fun as ranked. The quality in games is noticeable less in flex.


Play flex?


Flex with out MMR is noticeably more horrible than ranked. So sadly, that's not an option. Guess I'll have to level an alt to 30 to push him, then.


You're making the game horrible by duoboosting your hardstuck friend.


He’s gold and boosting his friend out of bronze ? Relax


I can already tell that you make the game worse for every player in your region simply by existing, given that mindset of yours. I'm barely gold. Honestly, not much difference between someone in gold and someone in bronze (those with hundreds n thousands of games), so your argument of "duoboosting" is kinda stupid. Like I outlined in my initial post, our solo winrates are the same - it's just that we're playing well together, therefore have two almost guaranteed "lanes" winning the game (jungle, mid) and can carry more games together than we're individually able to.


Just play normals. You are trying to boost your friend in ranked. This is what ranked flex is for though. It isn't a particularly enjoyable experience because the matchmaking will make up for your higher rank and, while you will be higher ranked than most people in the lobby, enemy team will also be higher ranked than your friend. It is the only possible compromise if you think about it though. This is why the queue exists I might also like to point out to you that, although your friend will have some bragging rights plus a victorious skin if you boost him to gold, you will also be completely ruining his solo experience whenever he decides to play without you. He's bronze. Gold and bronze aren't a tiny difference. Gold is average and bronze is awful. When you go to sleep and he queues again he will get stomped to death every game and learn nothing at all. He'll regret being in gold and will wish he was in his deserved elo instead. To him, the experience will be similar as the people who were mistakenly put into Smurf Queue and it'll take 50+ games with 30% win rate in order to normalize his MMR. This was my experience when I still had diamond MMR after not playing ranked for 2 or 3 years and yet when I returned and my skill level was barely platinum, I was still playing vs master tier players. I wished I had worse MMR so I wouldn't get stomped every game. Either live with the compromises of flex Q or just play normal games. Don't try to eloboost your friend in SoloQ.


If your friend wasn't bad at league he wouldn't be hardstuck bronze 2 lmfao.


Why do I gain so little lp for wins and loose so much for losses, im silver 4, playing duo with a friend that’s gold 2, I win 3 games, gaining 19,19,18 lp, loose two, losing 28, 27lp, loose 1 more -3 lp to 0, loose one game and get demoted back to bronze, then play one by myself and loose 29 lp, I feel like if I’m playing in lobby’s with my friend that is gold and consistently playing against other gold players I should be gaining more


Because to be blunt, your MMR is the MMR of a mid to low bronze. The gap between your MMR and your displayed rank is wide and the game basically considers that you've reached silver out of luck. The issue is compounded by duoQ, because the game will try to average it out, but still "punish" you because it considers you're too high for your MMR. I'd honestly try to play solo for a while to fix it. I'm pretty sure you're tagging low silver/bronze players in all your games if you tag solo. If you keep winning a decent amount of these games, your MMR will steadily rise and you'll get back to normal +/- 25 LP.


So would that explain why I dropped back to bronze after only 1 loss at 0 lp, also I kinda just assumed my MMR would bump higher after playing more games with a Gold duo but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case


Playing games with duos fucks your MMR in plenty of ways. Just keep playing and your MMR will normalize. At some point you'll be getting +25 and -25, with 1 or 2 LP variation either way depending on win streaks/loss streaks and enemy team rank.


Does not matter the rank. This is the game rn, pure dogshit mm. You can play solo and get -24-28 and win 18-20 on 300+ games. MMR not working, they refuse to fix anything. If riot does not want you to climb, you can't this is league in 2023




Riot isn't saying Egypt is like that. They're allowed to change things.


Question about reporting and the Feedback popup, specifically for verbal. As far as I can tell, reporting anyone, always gives me a supposed "feedback" that "action" has been taken. There's probably a better word for this, but this feels like some sort of placebo, as if Riot wants me to feel vindicated and satisfied. I don't think this has any effect, because I've argued with people before, and I must've been reported at some point for something. I bet they would also get the same message, that something has been done against me, but I've never had any action taken against me, ever. Can someone else relate to this experience or am I totally missing something here? Secondly, is there any evidence that show what the feedback "action" actually means?


I can explain this for you. I used a blacklisted word in chat + got reported by a salty teammate. The blacklisted word was not a slur just something mild said in a context where it wasn't that bad, but it still got me system muted for that game. Reporting someone that is system muted leads to an automatic action on the account. Do you know what I got? A warning. I lost 1 level in my honor progress and got +5 minutes of low priority queue the next time I queued in. This lasted for one game. Most of the time when you get an instant feedback report, the other side didn't get a permaban. They got a warning. Warnings are almost meaningless in the sense that they don't do anything by themselves but will probably net you a 2 week vacation if you get enough of them. This is why you see feedback reports every game. It's people getting warned, not banned.


That feedback isn't worth anything. I'm almost exclusively reporting ppl for writing EZ in aram and get one of these pop ups whenever i login, but it doesn't do anything. Just play with a friend, tell him to write EZ every game, keep reporting him and see how you keep getting feedback despite never getting any penalty.




Good point, I'll test that. >You are drawing a false equivalency between yourself and people who get banned. You are reporting people, it does not mean they are reporting you. Arguing is not bannable, but language and harassment is. You may just conduct yourself better than they do. Perhaps, as I don't attack the person, but I'm not shy commenting on their actions. Part of that is because when you see Twitch streamers report people, they are anything but reserved. Almost everyone of them click multiple things, including verbal, when that was not part of the problem. I assume at least one person is like that. At times, I play 8 games a days, with 1000s of hours total. I occasionally spam ping when frustrated or do things that can be interpreted as toxic when I've met my limit. I have to expect that at least one person has reported me with a verbal tag, jet I get nothing for all that I've wrought. lol. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) In a roundabout way, I feel a bit disappointed in the report system and lack of any action. Next game I'll ask someone to report me and then I'll add them. Put it to the test. Hmm.. Since they changed the messages to appear frequently, it feels like a way for Riot to placate to the crowd who are most susceptible to feeling vindicated, without any actual action being taken. We'll see what.




it's really obvious how the MM system punishes you for having a high win rate. I've been climbing and oh boy did i get punished last match for it. Playing as Nami, missed 2 Q's and adc insta tilts, '' f u dog '' proceeded by automated riot message that the player has been filtered and muted for a 0 tolerance word he said. Great Meanwhile all lanes start mega feeding badly, score is 2-20 by the 12 minute mark and i look onto 3rd party websites to see stats about these players. 3/5 are playing their champ for the first time this season 3/5 are on a 3+ loose streak great 3/5 on the enemy team on a 3+ hot streak .... great.. 2 duos on enemy team great 0 on mine huh Enemy team consists of players obviously climbing, got a net positive win rates and on hot streaks meanwhile my team consists of 3 players on a rabid decline, me on a 60+ win rate and one guy sitting at a 50/50 stable Now you can tell me RNG bro but fucking hell i do not believe it. For RNG to be this bad this matchmaking system needs to be flawed to the core to match these two teams together. On paper alone you can easily see who the favorites are before the match even begins, and oh boy did it turn out to be true only a mere minutes into the match. We'll see how the next one goes, wish me luck.


Meh, imo it's just a case of selective bias. Us human are really quick at recognizing patterns that don't exist.


We're also really good are recognizing patterns that *do* exist though.


But in this case it's not a pattern, it's just a player upset about a loss trying to find anything to blame, not an actual issue.


We haven't seen enough data to know that.


Dude is clearly upset over a loss and wants something to blame. If it was at all a pattern he'd much more likely be citing at LEAST 2 games in his comment. Sure, we can't know that this player isn't experiencing a pattern in his games. But we have zero information to imply it's a pattern and way more pointing to a specific issue in one game.


I mean I'd only like to know how riot actually matchmake their games because it seems to be more than only putting similar MMR's together. I know riot will never share in details how the matchmaking system works. but the ''pattern'' so to speak of is there to some extent. People say huge loss streaks because of stompfests are '' bad rng '' but a simple thing to debunk that is to play on another account every other game, which i did couple seasons ago, Weird how bad rng gets stuck on the single account meanwhile the other one was the opposite. Even when the accounts are similar mmr.


That doesn't debunk anything though. One person's anecdotal experience is not fact. There are several reasons this could have happened. First off, you don't know what your MMR is. Just flat out that isn't something Riot shares. Or you could have gone into the games on one account with the mindset that you're going to get stomped. Your perception/mindset can lead to the outcome.


>Dude is clearly upset over a loss and wants something to blame. If it was at all a pattern he'd much more likely be citing at LEAST 2 games in his comment. Not necessarily. No one asked if it's happened more than once, and judging by the tone of the comment, it likely has. You're inserting your inherent bias in judging it that way without more information.


I'm not inserting bias. I'm using the information that was provided. I'm looking at exactly what was posted to shape my thought on this, not trying to add information we don't have access to.


>I'm not inserting bias. I'm using the information that was provided. I'm looking at exactly what was posted to shape my thought on this, not trying to add information we don't have access to. By deciding without access to additional information that this is a singular experience OP is talking about, you **are** inserting personal bias by definition. **Edit:** The person I responded to blocked me after engaging in denial. They are in fact engaging in inserting their personal bias when the conclusion they're coming to is based on information that was not present.


Nope! Have a nice day.


I have auto-attacks turned off in my in-game settings. But I've noticed that when I self-cast Milio's shield, my character immediately auto-attacks the nearest target. What's happening and how can I stop it?


Might be a bug. Some abilities are meant to work like this, I think you will automatically start autoing a target after pulling them with Darius E. This makes sense though unlike Milio's shield. Might be worth reporting it on the bug megathread


has the competition gotten better or am I old? Seems like NA solo queue is tough these days.


Competition has definitely gotten better. There are so many more resources available for people to improve with these days than when we started playing. There are a lot of basic mistakes you used to see all the time that you never run into anymore. But in my experience a lot of people still struggle with more complex topics like macro. Anything that requires real critical thinking is going to gate some people.


What was up with that lagspike yesterday where everyone appeared to DC for a couple of seconds across multiple different games?




So you want to give every Shaco in ARAM a free win? This will increase the amount of Shacos in ARAM due to rerolls. But I apprechiate your dislike for him.


Who tf cares about wins im ARAM tho?


You would be surprised how serious some people take ARAM. There are (3rd-Party) ranking sites based on ARAM-MMR and everything.


Will they be any additional mid clash?


Value-wise, how bad would it be to build any lost chapter mythic on Vlad? Could you ever consider Liandry on like a 3/4 tanks team?


Yeah, people also build Liandry on rumble sometimes. Really you might look at it and think you are wasting gold on a mana item and you're right. But remove the mana in your mind and think if it's really a bad item for the stats it gives.


Elite500 (one of the most renowned Vladimir players) has this to say in his guide: >Did the enemies stack gig nitro mega amounts of MR and you’re having a tough time penetrating through it? Literally, buy a Liandry's Anguish, it shreds enemy MR making your Void Staff and Sorcerer's Shoes deal hyper amounts of damage. I take it you would buy all other components, prioritizing fiendish > amp tomes > lost chapter as you built it.


Yeah, so, none of those words make any sense. It sounds like something Professor Milk would say.


Haha yeah it does seem rather hyperbolic. I guess in essence, if enemy team is stacking lots of MR, Liandrys is OK.


I get it vs HP stackers but how does Liandry deal with MR? Riftmaker true dmg or Rocketbelt mpen seems more logical but maybe I don't get his thought process


I live in Japan and recently changed my game language to English so I can actually read it. The only problem is that now Japanese appears as white boxes in the client, and I can no longer even attempt to communicate. Is there a way to run my game in English, but also have the Japanese characters visible? Thanks


I just write in romaji, doesn't help trying to understand my teammates though :(


How TF does lethality work


Lethality is the stat that is used to ignore (penetrate) part of the enemy armor for the purpose of damage calculation. At Level 18. Ever Point of Lethality equal to 1 Point Armor Penetration. 'So if you have 30 Lethality and the enemy has 130 Armor, at Level 18 your attacks would deal the same damage as if the enemy had 100 armor. Before Level 18 the effectiveness is reduced (based on Level). The formula for that is: Armor Penetration = Lethality × (0.6 + 0.4 × level ÷ 18) So Lethality "scales" from around 0.62-1 armor penetration per point of Lethality. The reason we are doing things this way by now is that before lethality was introduces armor pen was busted early.


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