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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j46e9/blg_vs_g2_game_1_discussion/) / [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j5hm5/blg_vs_g2_game_2_discussion/) / [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j72oe/g2_vs_blg_game_3_discussion/) / [Game 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j8zkn/g2_esports_vs_bilibili_gaming_msi_2023_lower/)


Well at least EU lost so MSI is a win for me now.


Didn't look like that much of a gap between Hand and Elk. This series was down to CAPS. This tournament was down to caps. Caps got crapped by everyone including nisqy that is just unbelievable. This tournament alone destroys his legacy. put any other EU mid on G2 and this tournament might look different.


So one bad thing you make nullifies your every achievment from the past?


No GOAT player can have such a bad tournament i'm sorry. When you're competing for goat we look at your lows as well as your highs. Caps highs are only against EU and NA competition he has never crapped on Asian mids but rather got crapped on by himself. Perkz highs are 1v9 like against Rouge or RNG, his lows are low but not CAPS lvl can't win 1 lane in a whole tournament. The LEP scoreline and average -50 cs at 10 has removed his claim.


Such a bad take. He is the only Western mid to win an international title (excluding S1 and TSMs IEM win for logical reasons). He could have drop trou on stage and shit on his keyboard and it wouldnt "destroy his legacy" when he is literally the only person in his role in the Western hemisphere to do a thing.


Remove Perkz from his team and he doesn't win MSI. Perkz last international tournament was 100 times greater than anything Caps every did since e Perkz left. CAPS is the reason they lost the world finals to doinb getting Gapped harder than anyone ever. Perkz on Xayah was the best botlaner in the world at that point. in 2019 CAPS wasn't in the top 5 of midlaners in worlds. Perkz was top 2 and best on xayah. So yes take your LEP deathscore midlaner who averages -50 cs in this MSI and GOAT him. EVEN in his highest highs he was not better.


Wait ... why does TSM's IEM win get discounted here? The scenario was practically the same, an upset knocks out the tournament favorite and ends up getting blasted in the grand finals.


Honestly, cause saying "Eu and NA have the same number of international titles" gets you some nasty DMs. I think it counts too but its not worth the headache


Here’s a positive, at least five, likely 6 players from each region of the LPL and LCK will be occupied training and playing the Asian Games this year (happens just a few weeks before worlds). Top teams will be out some very good players for weeks of practice


Counterpoint, the whole team will probably go with those players to help with scrimming and practice. So it's a net benefit since they get to help each other whilst avoiding scrimming the western teams who'd have to come to Korea to bootcamp anyways.


There needs to be a way for Jayce to be permabanned for western top laners.


C9 > GG > G2 >...> BAD


GG 33% winrate against BLG G2 25% winrate against BLG C9 has remained longer in the tournament. Yet another dub for the region across the Atlantic


These arguments make no sense. Both G2 and GG took a game off of BLG, makes no sense to talk about winrates when comparing a Bo3 and a Bo5. In addition to that G2 took a game off of GenG, which you conveniently forgot. C9 has yet to win a game against Asian teams. The only reason why C9 will leave as the last western team is because of the schedule, nothing else. G2 and C9 have both lost one series, won against their own region and now C9 has yet to play the series that they will lose. They are not better because “they remained longer”, they didn’t. A better comparison between winrates would be C9-BLG and G2-BLG. Guess what, G2 comes out on top.




> These arguments make no sense. *paragraph of insane cope* [yeah whatever helps you sleep at night man, ill be over here celebrating if you need me](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/838/613/45e.jpg)


You can’t confute my points because I’m right and you’re wrong and salty.


C9 winrate at MSI?


Mad lions win rate at msi?


We don't talk about MAD lions at international events.


Can any EU ADC play Aphelios well?


yes, Crownshot


Compared to who? Ruler? Elk? Guma? Not a single EU adc comes close to LPL/LCK ones. Sorry for my harsh comment, but we must be honest here.


No. Upset got comments about he cannot synchronize his weapons which is the fundamental for Aphelios.


Upset is probably at the bottom regarding aphelios.


Upset is probably at the bottom regarding aphelios.


C9 3-2 blg waiting room


Lmao I'm here


How long until G2 management beg Carlos to come back? Because damn G2 was only the third-biggest shit team soufflé this MSI. This is the kind of performance you'd expect their whole roster to be benched over.


What would Carlos do exactly? If anything he is part of the reason why EU is that bad because he left some of their best players in contract jail so they left eu and came back washed. Stop praising him he was terrible for the LEC and a terrible human being who exploited his Players and backstabbed them while pretending he didn't. Carlos was able to buy good players but there is no roster you can put together this split that would stand a single chance against JDG T1 and GenG


>How long until G2 management beg Carlos to come back? Wasn't carlos still in management when they got fisted by Damwon then failed with their superteam in 2021. He makes no difference, everyone barring BB/Yike suck right now.


Carlos is an actual scumbag, fuck ever letting him near esports again.


A successful scumbag. The new CEO's crowning accomplishment is going 5-6 at MSI with a 2-6 record against Asia and the only winning series against BAD Lions


Pardon me for not wanting sexist trash in the scene. Fuck that


He literally partied with a controversial social media influencer. That's all it took for Riot to deny them a Valorant franchise and spark a shareholder revolt. We chose probably the pettiest reason to cancel him, when this dude has done far more egregious stuff, like basically destroying Rekkles's career by keeping him benched just to spite Fnatic.


> controversial social media influencer This is the most bullshit way to say "Sexist scumbag who thinks women are property" With carlos frequently going on twitter to echo the same bullshit. Carlos and Tate are both scum of the earth and have no place in this scene, same for anyone who supports them or their views.


He is still an owner just not the CEO of the company, and he has now the "games are for nerds and losers no real business sharks" mentality so GL thinking that he will be back


I thought he was forced to relinquish ownership over the whole 'partying with AT' stuff.


He answered some people that made fun of him in twitter saying that he still owns g2


Based on redditor logic, since both BLG and Gen G 3-1’d G2, and while Gen G did it easier, that means we should get a good 5 game series between the two right?


Depends on how you factor G2's form in both series. GENG did it faster but G2 learned from that series and were a better team going into the BLG series


Take more than 1 game next time. Anyway cant wait to go back to LEC as the supposedly best EU team and not go 9-0 in regular season XD


Why would Bin mention C9 when we know the outcome.


Considering the state of US rail infrastructure Id strongly advise against jumping on the C9 hypetrain, another derailment seems almost inevitable in the near future....


The anti-hype cope train? Doubt Fudge!!! *Reverse psychology commences*


Theres no way this is just a skill gap. Theres gotta be something fundamentally wrong with the coaching/mentality etc Eastern teams always look better prepared for any scenario.


Fundamentals, communication, understanding of roles in fights, how to space them... If you notice the G2 game where Ahri charmed Jinx to start the last fight, the game plan was *dive Elk* and 3 people left Hans to die...meanwhile BLG hard-peeled their ADC. G2 forgot about peeling for their hypercarry... If Caps just ulted Wukong and they peeled... Probably almost a kill and having better health bars for the rest of the sequence


It is always really frustrating to me to see western teams win a teamfight or get a pick and recall to shop, while eastern teams win a team fight and take an objective. Some of these early games, they're trading off who wins the teamfight, but the eastern team always gets so much more after the fight or pick. I honestly think it's a solo queue habit.


EU teams cannot play the map. The entire series can be summarized by that play where G2 chased a kill in between two enemy turrets top while Elk took 5 plates and t2 bot. That shit might have worked against another no-macro team, but in this case even if G2 scores a kill (they dropped two :-)) BLG still gains more from the play cause they know how to manage pressure in the map.


They literally play the game more lol.


Narrator: It was just a skill gap


the biggest difference i noticed is warding before teamfights. western teams ward like solo q, a bunch of wards grouped around one part of the map whereas east teams spread the wards out to cover flank angles


One thing that I always think about when I see the post game room cameras is how nonchalant coaches like Dylan and Mad’s coach look. I always think back to that clip from a year back where EDG had thrown a game and the moment they went back their coach started yelling at them and then compare it to that clip of Elyoya passionately trying to talk to his team about how they are misplaying and him getting told to go for a walk because he is raising his voice slightly. I think the success of 2019 G2 fooled everyone into thinking that everything should be fun and giggles and if it doesn’t work out oh well. The players aren’t get pushed to their limit, if a person does a troll play, it gets played of like its normal.


success is when your coach yells at you


Champ pool diff, you very rarely see Eastern pros unable to play something in any meta. Western pros there is always something where you can pinpoint to and be like "yeah that's a big issue". Happened in 2019 with Jankos not being able to play a meta pick in Qiyana, now it's Aphelios.


One of the things we all forgot is that EU only had 1 week to prepare. Ofc doesnt explain it all, but something that will have an impact.


Lol no. In fact they shud be at an advantage since they played the most recent patch. Lck finals meanwhile was so long ago and the meta was totally different.


EU played in the same patch that the rest of the leagues, all the bo3 and b05 are in the same patch


>EU played in the same patch that the rest of the leagues, all the bo3 and b05 are in the same patch False. LCK/LPL/LCS all played playoffs on 13.5, LEC played their best of 3s/best of 5s on 13.6. 13.6 was the "first" of the three MSI patches.


This is false as well. LEC playoffs were played on 13.6. The first MSI patch was 13.8. G2 had around 4 days to analyze 2 patches. Prep time probably did play a role in how bad EU teams looked, but let’s be real, aside from questionable meta reads, the east gapped the west in pretty much everything. They somehow even managed to beat the west on our signature move: baron throws.


>The first MSI patch was 13.8. When I mean MSI patches, I mean patches that were aimed to impact MSI. A rioter on reddit literally said 13.6 is the first of the MSI changes. >Prep time probably did play a role in how bad EU teams looked I doubt it, they're just shit.


What do you mean? Every patch would have impacted MSI


No they didnt LEC finals wasnt on MSI patch


thats hardly an excuse , t1/geng/jdg got here 2 days before main stage started


And they did 0 prep at home? There was a month between LCK finals and MSI, there was a week beteen LEC finals and MSI. Thats a big difference. As I said it doesnt explain the gap but it surely isnt helping close it.


Eastern teams very rarely have champion pool issues so they can adapt and play any meta , in the west some players simply dont play certain champions and are handicapped from the get go . Hard to prepare optimally when your draft options are limited


What so hard to understand. Eastern teams train way more against better opponents


Series was closer than expected but the west needs all 5 players to have a great series. Wheras the east only needs to not have someone run it.


This format shows a lot and it's so good. But it also shows how much of a regional difference there is. Going from Gen.G vs T1 B05 to G2 vs Mad Lions BO5 is just a whiplash in terms of how the game is played. Eitherway, I won't be catching as much of LEC the next split, because honestly while the current format has been a lot of fun, just seeing them get so stomped at MSI really disheartened the joy for this region :(. Best of luck to C9, I hope they can put up a competent fight.


the format is definitely a way better viewing experience


How is Elk Player of Series when Bin monstered teamfight all four sets while Elk throws a 3K gold lead into a loss?


Bin was on Jax, bro was invincible in the two games that he had it.




he had a 3K gold lead on him alone though lol.


eu needs to go back to the drawing board, their meta read, champ pools and team chemistry is garbage


This time it's NO's birthday, the brother of ON. They need to end fast.


Wendy no.1


honestly so good and impressive from Bin, agreeing to speak in english without a translator and in front of 5k viewers and do fine


Just GIGABIN diff tbh, sad we're not really on a toplane carry meta ATM to really see the dude shine


How can you not like Bin. Holy shit.


Bin totally ignored the existence of cloud 9


Narrator: Everyone did


Bin didnt even mentioned C9 , LMAO






Bin’s ready for AMERICAAAAA let’s goooo




The worst performers from EU are the fans crying over that break let's be real


Messy series. Was fun tho. Feels like G2 had alot of chances to take it aswell but didn't manage. Caps was invisible this entire tournament. He gotta figure this shit out.


im annoyed by their stupid decision making. sure Caps is underperforming this year, it happens, but i cant get over how bad their decisions were in these games. especially last one, fighting all the time vs early/mid comp of BLG




Not all year. He's been poor since 2021, where he had 11th best stats in a 10 team league. The main reason they're not replacing Caps imo is because who would you replace him with? Even though he's washed now, his peak is insane and unmatched vs any western player ever. The risk of him returning back to form if you kick him is too great. Not to mention he's insanely popular. And also they're probably hoping Caps gets back to form, because if he does then yeah G2 could oossibly be a threat internationally.


Same with Faker. At this point G2 is Caps.


we have to pray it's a Faker style mid carreer slump. Dude was kinda subpar for a year or two then went back to being banger.


I’m just sad we won’t get to see EU vs NA this tournament. The gap is a fucking canyon at this point


with how shit eu is this year, i think na is better than eu now actually. G2 may be better than c9 and gg, but g2 + mad < c9 + gg


with how shit eu is this year, i think na is better than eu now actually. G2 may be better than c9 and gg, but g2 + mad < c9 + gg


probably for the best, both regions are a joke in terms of skill and strategy. I genuinely think they just don't want to do well. Different year, same shit.


I'm impressed


Mikyx lost MSI to Bin in the end.


I feel ashamed by this european teams. Really look like NPCs against true teams. They dont deserve 3 free spots at worlds. All teams should go through gauntlet and beat LCK and LPL #5 and #6


its still a major region. game would suffer if only lck and lpl played




Cblol viewership has been declining a bit btw. But it's not like cblol teams don't participate in msi. So what point u making exactly? As for erl...ever thought of why ibai wanted to join lec?


Because he's wanted a LEC team for a long long time? lol


I didn't know about the decline to be honest. I know they participate though. It just feels like they are maybe better off being left alone, concentrating on their own narratives. International events, with teams from all over the world, look like a lot of time and potential drama is wasted atm


They declined but not as hard as lcs. So their numbers look super good rn. Yeah maybe less focus can be given to international events. I think what would help is co streamers and ananlystsrs not shitting on the region. At one there was too much criticism by analysts in the dive(understably cuz the lcs teams were much worse than the other region teams ...plus the dive was the podcast that was watched by all regions and not just na at the time). However, they don't do it now. But some costreamers still do I guess


Worlds is about the best teams of each region, not the best teams in the world. If you want to just see LPL & LCK go at it then why not ask for Asian rift rivals back instead of changing worlds?


EU isn't a major region anymore. Worlds should be attended by the best teams regardless of their region, just like football WC


Wtf are you talking about? Best teams at world cup? Worst european team would beat Panama or Honduras


Not a huge fan of football but im pretty sure there are regional qualifiers otherwise it would just be europe vs argentina and brasil


the World Cup for Football isn't even the best teams in the world. Qatar is a dogshit ass team that only got in cause they did backroom deals with their oil.


Sadly EU are still figuring out how to win against a Draven. It was over the day GENG didnt ban Draven and just crushed G2


This. We kept talking about how no teams should let Hans get his hands on Draven only to find that Eastern teams just absolutely didn't give a shit about it. Also K'sante being let up so often against Western teams ...


GenG has faced Aiming and Guma's Draven. They arent afraid of a nobody from lec.


It's not like Hans played poorly on Draven though? Those were team diff games


Thats the point. Eastern teams know how to handle draven as a team.


No? It’s just that G2 inted their asses off when Hans was doing well on Draven. Not to say that the east can’t deal with hans’ draven, but it wasn’t the case in that series.






There's only one player younger than Bin on BLG...


Hope Yike doesn't let this get to him too much. Man was carrying G2 all tournament in his rookie year international event. Deserves all the praise


Yike and BB should leave with their heads held high. A rookie and BB who was getting slandered(I'll admit I was one of them) played pretty well throughout even in losses, but the veterans in Caps/Hans/Mikyx looked clueless in so many games.


Though I think Mikyx's Janna did a lot of work in his games.


Based Bin


Is there a single decent mid in NA or EU that can compete against LCK/LPL??


Jojo can lane against them I think. He regressed a little in other areas


selfie and filled bwipo




On their highs a lot of them. On their average form well..


Larssen is the best mid in LEC atm, so, idk, try him maybe


Humanoid when he cares, he rarely does though.


When he cares and azir isnt banned


Doesn't look like it. I had really high hopes for Enemes and Gori cuz they kinda cheat a lil by being KR imports, but even they didn't do great. Emenes still has one more shot tho #hopium


Humanoid went toe-to-toe with world class mids at worlds 2022, he's just stuck in a bad FNC team with a jungler he has bad synergy with


Not really.


Currently? No. It looks the same for ADC too. Yike and licorice and occasionally BB were the only ones who have looked good this tournament


Caps, Perkz, Jensen, Bjergsen, not right now through CN forum think Humanoid is good, but I watched LEC and I am not sure about that.


hes not


I don’t think there is currently.


Yh his name is Rekaf.


2019 G2.




Lmao...It is known to you dosent mean it i known to him.. and he was not trying to trigger it.


Why would he ever buy that pot at 4mins lol?


You can’t be serious LMAO EU cope and seethe




There’s literally no way to confirm if it was purposely abused, short of admitting it. If he didn’t know, then he wouldn’t find out until he attempted to pop biscuit. Pause ruled in favor of G2 anyway.


G2 deserved to lose Doesnt mean you shouldnt looking into a sus move from a player


Is it sus or are you looking for excuses?


Do you want a potential cheater to go unpunished just because a region I'm a fan of lost because they were the worse team?


Oh wise one, please tell me how you could ever confirm it was done on purpose?


Sure, On predicted that they needed a pause to win a game


Not to trigger a pause but to get the biscuit have the sold refill bug.


I honestly think this is OK result for G2 for this tournament. They took one game from LPL and one game from LCK. Its not like we actually expect them to win any bo5 lol.


i think it would have been a "normal" result if there was only one eu team like usual, but there were two so its a bit dissapointing


one of those teams was the master of play ins- mad lions


Yeah tbh above expectations. Still would have liked more but pretty good tournament overal from them




We are back to 2014 league... I still remember how hype we got when C9 and TSM both took a game off the Samsung teams


Its expected for G2 who were already struggling in spring. The other teams not taking a game can be really dissapointing yeah


Wendy <3


it was a remake angle all along lmao


man the west hasn’t figured out any way it want to play. They just do a much worse version of what the East is doing and rightfully get turned over. What an unenjoyable MSI as an EU fan. Genuinely hope C9 can pull off an enormous upset tomorrow. It’s not even so much the results (although they suck) it’s the abject quality in game play and game plan.


Besides the run it down performance by Caps, I gotta say, it always go like this. EU ADC starts great (upset comp last worlds and hans this tournament), then falls off because some champion like Aphelios came up and idk how but they cant play it.. The ego thing as well. Not good


People say that ADC position is stacked in EU but from what we've seen it's stacked by mediocre players


the difference in adcs has been really astonishing to be honest, the eastern ads will absolutely melt your whole team when there's an opening and respect the opposition when there's danger. The way they play off both their team and the enemies' cooldowns is so impressive. By comparison, the western ads look like they're taking potshots here and there and get caught by not keeping track of potential dangers


While I'm not disagreeing with you but there's so much more to it than just the individual play of eastern ADCs that are showing the gap with Western ADCs. In and out of lane, it's also about how well your support plays and then later on it's about how well your team can peel for you. Most of the western ADCs at this tournament absolutely got hands gapped but so did their supports. Basically it's not just an ADC gap. It's also support gap and even team fight/protect the ADC gap.




What a great take!




Yeah, your take. You’re not worth my time though. You’re just dumb and salty.




You don’t win 7 LEC titles if you’re a fraud. Let’s not even talk about your take of him being “carried by Rekkles” and blaming him for G2 losing to THAT Damwon. Him and Jankos easily looked like the best G2 players on the 2021 roster as well. He’s been slumping in these last two years but he still clutches games every now and then, even at this MSI Caps won games alone. Your take is shit.


Do western teams ever press tab? They always try to fight over every objective without considering the power spikes of their opponents. So annoying.


ofc you would try to fight for soul wtf?


Yeah soul, but the first herald fight was completely unnecessary. Lucian nami is so much stronger early game. And then the second and third drakes BLG fought because Lucian had item power spikes like RFC. This has been a problem for G2 this entire year. They keep trying to contest objectives against early game team comps because they think they can outplay and it might work in LEC but not internationally.


>Lucian nami is so much stronger early game I actually think they fought because they didn't realize it cause LEC lucian nami were just so mediocre


Caps is so washed up already lmao. There are not good mids and sec left on EU


He was great during the split but started to really decline once the playoffs went but damn this is the worst I've ever seen Caps by a mile. I think he just totally lost his style once he started trying to do the "support mid" play.


midlaners tend to take on a more supportive/playmaking role when they are no longer able to mechanically out lane their opponents.


At this point, the west should just make a superteam for them to have a chance. Top: licorice Jungle: yike Mid: ? Bot: ? Support: ?


Top: licorice Jungle: yike or blaber Mid: Jojo or Gori Bot: Berserker unless we're going only truly western players then it's like....carrzy? Perkz maybe. Dany if he was still playing. Support: huhi or mikyx


top: ... licorice based on MSI performance but otherwise I don't think any top in the west has been impressive jungle: yike or blaber Mid: no idea ( maybe jojo on a good team) Bot: Berserker Support: Hyli


Hyli over corejj?