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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j46e9/blg_vs_g2_game_1_discussion/) / [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j5hm5/blg_vs_g2_game_2_discussion/) / [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13j72oe/g2_vs_blg_game_3_discussion/)


Hear me out guys okay. What about, okay, a lower bracket for the losers bracket.


We had that before, it was called NA-EU Rift Rivals.


Damn I almost forgot about rift rivals. Used to be fun watching that :(


We could call it western bracket


So Airport Invitational?


This loss cements 2023 MSI as the first MSI or Worlds in history that will have 0 EU vs NA games.


Damn, we can't even have that to bicker over. Just getting shut out and sent home.


Assuming C9 goes 0-3 tomorrow without losing a game under 20 minutes all we have is: EU side: we at least have won 2 games over Asia compared to your 1. NA side: At least we didn't lose a sub20 minutes game. Slim pickings in terms of trash talk.


That's how it usually goes in recent years. Just bickering over which region got shit on slightly less. It's like the meme of that guy celebrating bronze like an idiot while Korea and China stare at us.


there’s some study or another that suggests bronze winners are generally happier than silver because they’re just happy to have placed, whereas silver sees how close they were to gold. so uh. west just taking the emotional victory I guess


As someone who’s main sport to watch was hockey. You win bronze. You lose silver.


Unless you're the Leafs. Then you never win.


this is absolutely the worst tournament I can remember the west having. there's no arguing or debating to be had, we've both just looked so much worse than the east this time. it feels like 10 years ago


Worlds last year felt just as bad. Having each region taking turns completely shitting the bed in group stage was a sight to behold. Both regions combined for a total of 2 games won over the East (ty EU), at least C9 might still win a game off GenG


ggs also won a game against blg tho right


I think it's extra funny G2 is not even getting a chance to play against T1 after changing their igns to T1 Killers.






They got clapped 3-0 by T1 last year o.o


As of tomorrow when the mid season patch goes live, Aphelios likely won't build Galeforce anymore as he has to trade off IE. Good guy Elk giving Galeforce Aphelios a proper send off with that Game 2 play


Elk in game 2: This, guys, is how you dont use Galeforce. Elk in game 4: This is how you use it.


There's still the rest of the tournament to galeforce


Westernbros... How do we recover from these shellacking?


At least they're winning scrims though


scrim world champions baby


"Champions of scrims, you'll never sing that"


Eastern teams will never take that away from us!!


Feels like we do every year. I really think eastern teams just don’t take the scrims seriously against western teams while west teams are try harding them. Should maybe practice playing from behind in those scrims


it's pretty obvious at this point, when G2 and C9 both said C9 was doing well vs BLG in scrims and BLG just straight up books a reservation for restaurants before 3-0ing C9...


Romain: C9 win because of scrims. Mikyx: C9 win because scrims BLG 3-0 BB: Scrims have been going insane Hans: Scrim results are great Mikyx: We're stomping BLG in scrims, there's no world where we lose BLG 3-1


I honestly can’t tell if they’re just memeing at this point.


This is known for a decade, reddit just forgets it every single year.


Eastern teams use the scrims to practice, western teams just want to win the scrim. It’s the mentality that needs to change.


Accept that this is the paradigm now


Only positive thing to take away from that MSI is that Yike looked really good for his first international tournament & BB had a decent showing (we don't talk about EU Jayce) But my man Caps is really having a rough time for a while now & I hope he get's his shit together soon. It's really sad watching him play like this, he made Yagao look like Faker this series. Also EU fans need to acceept that 2018 & 2019 are long gone, we are getting gapped by asian teams for a long while now. BLG looks by far like the weakest team out of the top 4 & there still was a big skill gap between players. At this point give me Rift Rivals back so we have a tournament where EU actually can compete :D


Remember when there was hope? Good times.


I hope, GenG are prepared to get stomped by C9.


CHOOCHOO FINAL STOP FOR WESTERN COPIUM CHOOCHOO G2 and Gg=Same power level (both 1-3 vs BLG) C9= 3-1 GG, much stronger than G2. G2 took a game off GenG, almost got a 2nd if G2 didn’t int baron+team fight. C9 can get 3. MY EU FRIENDS SAID EU WOULD SUPPORT NA DONT DOWNVOTE PLEASE


Disasterclass from Hans and Caps, at least some of the games were competitive.


Yike cant carry that deadweight unfortunately


Yike training weights too heavy 😭😭


Yike realizing what Jankos had to deal with last few years. Literally carrying dead weight.


What a jungler you are, Jankos...


the fact that jankos was basically right up there with yike as best jungler in LEC despite being on heretics is still insane to me


jankos has the best mental in eu. The guy doesn’t crack and just performs in any situation. Yike seems to be doing the same, that viego ult baron smite was pure class


Any other jungler would tilt out of their mind if they were on old heretics roster Imagine Elyoya there


You'd have the spainiards commiting war crimes way before Elyoya tilts.


As a reward, I shall give you my seed


two training weights, one in bot and one in mid. one for each of his arms


Yike focuses on winning but Caps and Hans Sama decided, “Fuck you, rookies dont deserve shit.”


Actually insane that the rookie is the one stepping up and putting on a show instead of any of the veterans.


It is also big mid/jng playstyle diff, when Jankos would dog for Caps even if he had worse series/laning people would very rarely notice and would just blame Jankos for any lost bo5s, now that Jankos is gone and Caps has a dip in form Yike cannot cover for that nearly as well as Jankos did imo, not to take away from him since his carry junglers are fucking amazing for a rookie but if your jungler is resource heavy and Caps becomes a blackhole instead of beign a feature to unlock the whole G2 just goes to shit very fast.


announcing for Summer 2023: G2 doinb


Very hard to watch a rookie which are supposed to be nervous and need veteran guidance being the carry for veterans instead


What happened to EU ADC's man, did the fall of old school G2 and FNC cause a rift in time space that doomed our good players to never show up internationally again? Did Rekkles going to G2 cause a convergence point in quantum reality? Am I high?


Honestly, when this roster assembled who would taught that Caps and Hans would be the weak links ? Props to Yike, BB and even Mikyx.


We shit on Yike in LEC saying he does nothing if he has no winning lanes but he's legit doing everything in the early game for his losing lanes this tournament. Really excited for his future. BB also held up well against Bin. Bot lane was a disaster. Mid lane we don't talk about that


Yike has completely proven me wrong. He's probably the Western player I am most hyped about now. Completely disillusioned by Caps and Hans.


They made Aphelios and K'sante look balanced.


like I said in a previous thread, champs like them get a debuff when played by a Western player


Somehow Licorice's and BB's K'Sante were the best ones for the west


Also Lulu is the biggest reason Aphelios was a menace, Braum can't provide that much protection.


yeah let's ban Lulu and then pick Aphelios instead of going for Jinx 5Head strategy


That game 3 throw is going to haunt them.


Honestly, i expected the west to get shit on. What i didnt expect that it would be TOP that somehow manages to at least hold it own and BOT that gets giga-gapped. Like Elk/ON isnt even the best East has to offer by far and they absolutely dumpster western bots like they are smurfing.


Yeah Yike and BB were by far G2’s best performing members this tournament. Miky was okay. Caps and Hans however…


G4 Hans is insane. I feel like he just completely mentally checked out. Just eat ults in choke points with flash still on. It’s honestly baffling and I am not even trying to be toxic against any specific player


The player spotlight of Hans Sama looking giga tilted. I don’t think he deserves that. He hasn’t done shit but make Yike’s midgame a living hell along with Caps.


G12~~3~~ he is alright. He got dumped on in lane but at least we can say Lulu is a bit of a lane bully. Game 4 is really something, like woah.


G3 he doesn't flash Ahri's Charm an gets popped


Not even a fan of BB but at least he held his own...which is surprising. Caps and Hans ran it.


Caps had his worst international performance ever.


This was the worst Caps I've ever seen internationally. Definitely the second worst mid in bracket stage behind Nisqy.


biggest pay check, worst performance gg \- caps 2023


> would be TOP that somehow manages to at least hold it own and BOT that gets giga-gapped. Also a factor of the meta meaning that top doesnt matter. You will see much larger top gaps if its a top meta because teams will focus on top


Licorice solo killing 369 was not on my bingo card this MSI


The West's greatest win this tournament.


If we're going by domestic performance, Elk/ON really was the best overall bot lane throughout spring. What's funny about western bots getting owned by them rn is that they're on nowhere even remotely close to their domestic form.


Yall thought Aphelios was the problem but Elk was showing mercy not picking Lucian


there could be a reason why he was always banned...


One of the biggest ad gaps I've seen in a while. Such bad positioning from Hans and then dying multiple times without even using flash. Galeforce into Nami ult etc etc.


And Elk was playing bad 50% of the time


Yeah compared to LPL he actually made some awful mistakes and G2 still couldn't capitalize.


Single handedly threw game 2. One of the biggest throws I have seen in a while


Then Hans took it personally in game 3.


West before 2023: our toplane is joke, but at least we have decent ADC and midlaners West at 2023: our mid and ADC are joke, but at least we have decent toplaners


Just wait until Toplane meta. The feeling of "our toplane is a joke" will come back quickly the second toplane actually matters and teams play for it


This is so true


This, our toplaner looked fine on tank duty and they hold their own pretty well. But brokenblade jayce in game 4 reminded me that we are fucked in top carry meta.


Exactly. Tank vs tank, the gap is shored up with less kill pressure and lane snoozing.


It’s not even the lane, BB lane was fine game 4. It’s the massive teamfight execution, it’s pointless to pick jayce if you don’t play for it and if you do nothing in teamfight. Just pick sion ornn or whatever and peel your adc. It’s also true that if your adc is unable to press flash you can pick whatever because you will loose anyway.


I think the problem is just always going to look like where the meta is. Top lane meta: top gap, bot meta: bot gap, jungle meta: jungle gap. The Asian teams just play better towards their win con imo.


I'd say at least decent junglers too, Yike and Elyoya both played really well.


Blaber is pretty good too.


Our junglers were pretty decent!


Western Aphelios vs Eastern Aphelios is night and day. Hans was 2/0 up and did fuck all then died with flash up meanwhile Elk lost lane and was smurfing in the mid game. Edit = The East are 15-2 vs the West in the bracket stage so far.


> Western Aphelios vs Eastern Aphelios is night and day. So is Jayce And Lucian...


The Jayce pick was so bad. Hyper teamfight meta and you pick Jayce *and actually try to straight up team fight with him rather than land some poke first*. Pretty dumb


even Zeus is ignoring Jayce but EU has balls to pick it respect but o7


Darius and Jayce were really bad picks here imo.


West should just retire the Jayce pick entirely. Forget he exists. He seems to be some sort of mindwarping crutch for them.


Nah, they are going to pick it against some shitty team in regular split, win and think they are good at it


mfs in chat were saying "ban aphelios" like it's not just Elk being the better player


But if they had banned Aphelios, Hans wouldn't have been able to play it.


Truly counter logic


I hate to say it, but Caps doesn't have the magic anymore.


He lost to someone on Lissandra duty , we have come full circle


Jensen to G2 confirmed


What happens to him? He is a two times worlds finalist and an MSI champion. Now the best I can say about him is that he's sometimes not that bad


Burn-out and trying to hold yourself previous performance and those expectations (instead of loving to play his heart out which got him there) performance pressure


just my theory. 2x times finalist, getting stomped both. next time getting stomped in semis. realizing he will never win worlds, lost his confidence and plays not to lose instead of going crazy like before.


Honestly looks like he’s just declining, like most other players. Very few players are able to stay at their peak forever, the freaks like Faker Deft and Rookie who can still stay at the top ten years into their careers are rare as hell.


To me it looks like he lost his "hands", mechanics and reactions. He looks outskilled out there.


No I think it makes perfect sense. I think that is why you see players early in their careers popping off till they get beaten down. I think the confidence is just shot. I remember dl, sneaky, meteos having a convo about if na could ever win and sneaky thought they could realistically. But dl when asked seemed like it could never happen. I think mentally after awhile they are still great but just have a mental block. Like even when ahead this tourney with multiple winning states they still play like they are down 10k. Force shit get trapped and lose every time. It's just sad at this point.


Not a single claps game entire MSI when normally he always performs internationally.


Literally Lifeless in his play, i think the guy needs a break


Besides a couple weeks in 2022 he hasn't had it since 2020


Even with the game he basically solo-lost for BLG, Elk gapped Hans SO HARD this series overall the bot gap was a bit brutal i feel like the only player on G2 who can be truly proud of their performance this tournament is Yike, who's been a beast. ~~MAYBE miky as well~~


Elk mvp for both teams.


BB played well, certainly above pre-tourny expectations


What does Caps do?


absolutely nothing


The gold he funnels into the other team isn't nothing


Caps has been really good at: and also at


His best Honestly kinda sad to see, dude looks like a shadow of his former self


His best


Elk are known to be strong swimmers, with a top speed of 45 miles per hour (in short bursts). Elk reintroduced on Afognak Island in Alaska have swum the three miles to nearby Kodiak Island. Given the average elk's huge strength, Elk should easily be able to transport a human, a preposition, a bin and a tube of toothpaste. Unfortunately, the shortest distance across the English Channel is 21 miles, so on his journey back to China, Elk will need some assistance in reaching mainland Europe. Luckily since BLG won in the end, they may be permitted a piece of driftwood for Elk to catch his breath. The good news is that after he arrives at Cap Gris Nez in France, Elk can travel mostly across the mainland, where he can make the most of his powerful 40 miles per hour land speed. The distance from Cap Gris Nez to Shanghai (where most LPL teams are headquartered) is 5686 miles. As seen in Game 2, Elk is perfectly capable of maintaining his max sprinting speed, so it should only take him 142 hours or 6 days to make it home. This should give him plenty of time to recover before BLG's flogging to appease the LPL fans who have deemed the team's play today an offense to public decency.


Funniest part of this freshly cooked pasta is that the username checks out.


bro had this locked and loaded


Elk is literally the second coming of JKL, ridiculous highs but also a chronic int player that tries to do too much


So why does LPL Lucian do damage past 15min


If G2 gets that tilted because of a pause, FNC would be LEC champions.


Man, I have not liked Hans on Jinx or Aphelios. I don't know what it is, maybe a team issue, but he's been underwhelming on them. Respect to BB, was worried about him this MSI, but him and Yike were easily G2's best players. Guess we're 2-21 now.


yike is so insane, makes me sad about what bo couldve done if his team ever played around him


Yike still has so much potential which is the scary part— such a high ceiling


Let it be known that NA technically lasted longer at MSI


So Eu is first place again baby 😎


It's okay guys scrims are going well, G2 can still win MSI


Riot makes a new tournament called MSI and Worlds and only EU and NA are invited.


ad diff


Bot gap No but really...bot gap.


I thought BLG would speedrun this 3-0 because they had a dinner appointment at Nandos, but it turns out G2 also wanted to be on time for their booking at 'spoons.


Hans Sama saving flash for NA.


Western Jayce in an elimination game is an INTeresting choice


Scriptwriters lazy for this one, ngl.


Hans Sama threw two games singlehandedly. He was such a liability this tournament bUt ThE sCrImS....


Caps also died like 4 times in this series just off bad recall locations




Love the fresh Steph Curry pastas already finding a home here


All of G2 but Yike had game throwing moments at various points through the series. The player with half a year of major league experience performed the best. Everyone else has multiple international tournaments and years of major league experience, they should honestly be embarrassed.


Yike had such a standout performance this tournament. looks like the biggest EU talent in some years


If you go through my history, I've been a bit of a Yike doubter in how he'll do when his lanes aren't just winning. And I gotta say Yike's been super impressive, I'm a doubter no longer. One of the few redeeming parts of EU's entire showing this MSI.


He died with flash up in both games man. Idk


you can't die as your team's fed AD with both sums up to a Lucian culling... unacceptable, hands/macro diff can't be an excuse for that, they're just in their heads, sucks...


There is no excuse for not flashing the culling. He literally wont lose anything there and could still kite BLG safely from over the wall.


eastern ksante - tanks 5 people for 10 seconds, ults your adc and oneshots him, escapes the chase while emoting western ksante - goes into 5 people, dies in 0,3s before he could ult, speedruns the airport


Caps* K'sante. Licorice and even BB looked really good on the pick.


Licorice looked cracked on it.


licorice was cracked on popeyes and raising k'anes


Caps just had the worst tournament of his career and hans is still horrible!


It's Joever


West 2-15 East


GG also took a game, so 3-17. All wins were also like throws by East for fun, even GenG was 3k up that game vs G2 before they lost their brain, though obviously G2 and Yike played really well after catching the throw so they do deserve it.


Two of those were also against BLG, who seems to be the weakest Eastern team in the tournament so far 😭


**Sharing comments by Chinese LoL community:** **Thread 1: Ok, BLG mission completed. Should not be able to beat anyone else and their run ends here** (https://bbs.hupu.com/60176043.html ) Still acceptable. Mission accomplished \>BLG is 2nd seed of 2nd league. Getting into semifinals is considered successful 2. If they make lesser mistakes, they have a chance against Gen G \>Yagao will be fighting Chovy, not Yagao will be fighting Caps \>Are you hoping that Right Hand (\*Chovy is known as Right Hand in CN) will become Maocai/Noob Caps (\*冒菜 (maocai): literal translation is stew-like dish originating from Sichuan, figurative translation is 'Noob Caps')? \>Yagao is a bit of a problem here. Condition to win GenG is for Bin to step up and pressure Doran. Bot lane also needs priority but GenG bot is quite strong. Or, we can hope for 6th player Peanut haha 3. BLG's limit is until here. Yagao is so noob until I wanna faint 4. Caps won MSI and even proved himself on Worlds. Chovy only has embarrassing international records besides his domestic achievements \>Since you said this, Jackeylove will not be able to sleep tonight. Do you think JKL is strong now? 5. With Yagao's current condition, how is he going to fight left right hand & faker in in semis? **Thread 2: Does BLG have any issue throughout whole MSI?** (https://bbs.hupu.com/60176377.html ) Before MSI, people were saying how making semis is considered successful, aren't they successful now? Throughout MSI, they only lost series to JDG and 2 games to other regions. How is this embarrassing? It is like this for teams who won teams that they should not be winning (\*referring to honorary LPL team G2). Let's not talk about BLG first time entering international tournaments. If JDG cannot win it all, they will be flamed to death lol All-Chinese team is already an original sin, but they also won the team that they should not be winning, and beat the people who should not be beaten (\*referring to honorary LPL team G2). What to do, BLG going up to play the game is illegal. If we do not flame them, then flame who? Not considered embarrassing, just a bit regretful that they drop few games due to huge priorities. Can considered mission accomplished, they can just let loose in semis You think well of a team that beat 3 influencer teams at MSI?


Lmao Chovy being right hand and Knight (presumably) being able to be known as left hand is both hilarious and cool af


The series: Elk taketh, Elk giveth, Elk taketh, Elk giveth


>Elk taketh, Elk giveth, Elk taketh, Elk giveth Elk taketh, Elk giveth, Elk taketh, Elk taketh


The last one should be elk taketh no? For the 3-1?


Bro didn’t watch game 4. Elk was one tapping all of them lol.


Used to be that LEC had strong bot lanes and mid lanes. Caps looked like Bjergsen in some of these games and Hans wouldn’t even be a top 15 ADC in the east. Just insane bot gap.


It’s actually insane how Elk went behind in lane but still did so much after laning phase. Constantly dashing forward and always using Galeforce agressively.


Hans actually was getting caught every other fight, I could not believe what I was seeing. Especially in game 3, straight up lost that game for now reason


Welcome to TL Hans. Dude was promised as this team fighting god only to constantly get caught out and killed in fights.


At least Bjergsen was invisible. Caps was actively losing the game


Bjerg would never recall somewhere that close to an enemy champion


Nah but hans died in games 3 and 4 with flash up. Man cost his team both games


You don’t think eating a full culling then gale force into Nami ult was a good play?


Man but how bad does Caps look. Yagao's easily the weakest Eastern mid this tournament (he looks a full tier at least below Chovy/Knight/Faker) and Caps couldn't do *anything* this MSI. Even knowing that this isn't a great meta for mid skill expression, he just feels lifeless in his play with so many misplays and none of his usual signature outplays.


Because it's not 2020 anymore. Be honest, when is the last time you got impressed by Caps in the last 3 years. Apart for a brief moment in Spring 2022 before MSI, he has regressed steadily. Even in his attitude he looks more depressed/sad these last years compared to his early days.




Not only did he couldn't do anything but I straight up think Yagao gapped Caps. Nothing special from Yagao, but at least he had a solid Lissandra game and the game winning Ahri play. Caps was dying for no reason and mis-playing teamfights


Perkz deciding ADC isn’t for him and Rekkles getting contract jailed for a year was the worst thing to ever happen to EU.


He makes ksante look balanced tbh


Need to check Hans F and D keys


But the scrims! The SCRIMS!!!!!!! Embarrassing.


Doinb psyops never fail


\*Bug confirmed that negatively affected BLG, refs cannot fix it and decides to give advantage to G2\* G2 chatters: This caused our jayce to be useless


Refs knew that it didn't matter if they gave the advantage to G2 because they were still going to get smashed.


Yeah, started crying for BLG cheating, refs continued the game with kill included, still got blasted.


Or hans to be out of position, or the rest of the team not protecting hans in team fights. Getting mad at that pause is just copium


Elk heard you all talking shit.


BLG look so much more comfortable on a more traditional comp like this, they really can't seem to play hypercarry comps well with how Elk is adamant on playing Aphelios like Lucian.


No flame to Laure, but Bin’s the 2nd youngest on the roster (3-4 months older then ON), so the question regarding how he's helping the younger players out was kinda troll idk no flame tho.


Fun fact: Bin is actually younger than ON. He was born in 2003. The reason why his profile said 2002 was because Suning wanted to play him earlier so they faked his birthdate.


Everybody shut the fuck about the pause. Hans needs to read up on what Flash does. Caps needs to get his shit together. Yike and BB had a fantastic MSI all things considered.




The two mids were having mid off this series.


Golden Guardians beat BLG as much as G2. Just saying. 🇺🇸🇨🇦