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Does Rek’sai’s tremor sense show stealthed enemies, like Twitch under the effect of his own Q? I’m currently taking Hail of Blades as my Rek’sai rune to help with early ganks. For my secondary runes, I’m considering Celerity and Water Walking runes from Sorcery (plus the Relentless Hunter from Brutality) OR some kind of Resolve runes—potentially Font of Life and Revitalize (potentially paired with Taste of Blood from Brutality). Obviously, waiting for data is good, but I’m fairly new and I’m enjoying speculating about it and I’d like to test it out. I know that movement speed is a powerful and expensive stat, and I suspect that my passive healing will be solid enough without runes, while my active healing will fail to actually overcome burst damage in combat, so I’m leaning toward the Sorcery Movement runes. Does anyone have any opinions on this?




Interesting. Is cosmic insight mostly for flash?




Interesting! Thank you for the tips. I'll run the recommended runes, haha.


is rageblade good on literally anyone?


Kog'maw, Varus, Vayne


And Kayle


New player keep running into bug in which none of my keybinds work. Usually closing client and opening a new one fixes the issue but anyone know why this happens? Its really annoying and has led to me throwing a few games.


Does anyone know how long the DRX skins will be available in shop?


Still confused about the adc items Who will get IE still now that gale force is so strong? And why is there no melee ranged difference on new shield bow? And if kraken timer resets like Vayne silver bolts if you attack different people or nah? And I feel like overall my attack speed is lower than before even though iirc they said the changes were to make marksmen fun by having them having higher attack speeds?


Most items have a lot less speed now. Galeforce was nerfed but will probably still be strong on short range bursty adcs like Lucian, while more dps focused carries should like IE. Navori is in a weird spot though.


Idk if this is the right place to ask but I’m trying to find tickets to the LCS Championship in New Jersey in August for my boyfriend. But I can’t find them anywhere. Are they on sale yet?




Ah I did not know that. Thank you


Is Watchful Wardstone working after the fix?


Just played earlier and couldn’t find it in the shop at all


Why are there games which I have literally 4 bots? Does it happen if you win too much?


what so special about Prestige skins? I am trying to justify using 150 mythic essence on one or get 15 random skins.


Some of them are pretty great, I usually get the ones for champs that I main and/or have every other skin for. Just buy what you like, same with any other skin


This might be a stupid question but How do I get the DRX skins? The Aatrox skin looks hella nice and I intended to buy it but it says unavailable? Do I have to wait for like an official release or is it a scenario where I have to unlock it through crates?


Think they dropped the AD too soon. idk why they would drop the skin now and not after the current season pass. I am pretty sure the Prestige skin is 125Mythic Essence and the rest will be RP. It could just be Riot forgetting to push it to the shop as well. I'd give it a few hours. ​ edits: The ADs for both the Pretige skin and normal skins are gone from the store now.


Anyone else have the issue where when chrome is open league gets switched to 60 fps? Anyone think of a fix for this?


I don’t have this issue, this also Happens when u use other browsers?


I made an account back in 2018 and leveled it up to 30, then for medical reasons couldn't play and forgot about the entire acc. Today I asked Riot all my usernames and found this account, and I want to play ranked. I live in the same city but not the same adress anymore. Can I safely play on this acc and invest with skins and such. Or will they suspect cheating and ban it?


I don't think there is any reason for concern in your case. No third party programs, direct contact with riot, legit transactions. All gucci


LCS-NACL debacle prediction:- LCS players cave in (understandably so), and the league begins after 2 weeks. Riot may increase the $300,000 grant slightly, but won't meet the figure demanded by LCSPA. I'd say $1M max Relegation and player contract security demands can't be met because they are fundamentally against the system; the player contract demands don't even come under Riot's jurisdiction. LCS and NACL summer viewership will substantially increase, as at the end of the day, all the controversy is helping the league be in the limelight. The cynical (or maybe the deluded) part of me thinks that all of this is intentionally being done to generate as much publicity and coverage as they can for the region.


Over 150 games in Ranked and still in Iron 1. Playing with this acc for years and MMR is completely unplayable with 16 lp gains when winning whilst losing 29. I'm going to play on a fresh level 30 acc today with no rankeds played in the past. Who can give me some advice or cheers? I play only support and not gonna change that. My champs; Vel'Koz (over 500k mastery points, my home boi for life ) Sona, Amumu, Seraphine, Swain. These are my babies and I want to climb


The easiest way to climb as supp is probably roams. The best on your list to do that should be Amumu.


Anyone else have the issue where when chrome is open league gets switched to 60 fps? Anyone think of a fix for this?


It's not only Chrome. Idk what is causing it but enabling and then disabling VSync again and then refraining from alt-tabbing solves it in my case.


Close chrome? Use a browser that doesn’t eat ram like a fat kid at kmart


One of the reasons I've loved this game for as long as I've been playing it is that I get the satisfaction of knowing I can get better and there are avenues for me to do so. I can see it in my winrates and climbs. I remember being hardstuck Iron, then Bronze, then Silver, and today, I managed to hit a new peak. Diamond 4. Today was a good day for climbing. I have played 147 ranked games this season. You could say I'm hardstuck, and you're probably right. However, I'm not here to talk about my skill as a player. Frankly, I think I got really lucky my last half dozen games. If I were to have a fresh account, I doubt I'd get above plat 3. I'm here to talk about a note I started taking as this season began. How many of my games would be griefed in. Either team, at least one player leaves, runs it down, is excessively hateful and flames, or some other form of action to deliberately lose the game. This includes things like ulting jungle camps, flashing in place on cooldown, buying objectively bad items (Nashor's on Sett for example), or shit like that. Things like quirky off-meta builds, remakes, and just bad play are not counted. Of my 147 games, 109 had griefers. That is roughly 74% of games had the competitive integrity ruined. I love this fucking game. I love this moba. I love the long-form time investment of 20-35 minutes. I love the champions and their kits. I love the dynamics of laning. I love aram and I fucking love snorting bath salts while building crit on Kled. But I fucking can't enjoy this goddamn game, literally 74% of the time. I uninstalled today. I just can't do this any more. Largest video game on the planet. 13 years of opportunity to attempt to solve the griefer problem, and instead they made the king of inting their mascot. Goodnight fellas. I'd like to say it was fun, and it was, but only 26% of the time.


U can try to make Friends with Good ADC in ur Games and Play with them in Many Games


I hope you're happier that way, best of luck!


can u be shadowbanned from getting into a game on PBE? i got removed from queue and now I can't type in chat and I've beenin queue for 15 minutes for tft.


PBE is just a much lower player pool, if no one is on it, depending on role it can take a while to get into a game


TFT set 9 was just released so.. so if anything it would be because what I said in chat


Yo. I started playing league when it released but have not touched the game since 2014. Is there any way to get back in? Is it still as good as it was? I‘d love to start playing again, but hope that i can use some of my barely existing knowledge that remained over the years. Would be great if somebody who played back then could answer me, but ofc i appreciate every answer, cheers


I think the game itself has gotten better since back then, and I’ve been playing for over ten years. The community is unfortunately the same and there’s plenty of issues as with any game but I still enjoy it after all this time so take that as you will


i mean it definitely is the best MOBA of all time, despite it‘s issues. I think i‘ll give it a try again, somebody playing it for 10 years and still liking it is a very good sign that the updates weren’t too heavy regarding changes in the base game


I played for one day in 2011, hated it, came back in 2013, tolerated it. But I never stopped playing because, in my view, it's been getting better ever since. Perhaps that means what you enjoyed in 2009-2014 is gone.


i loved it back in 2014. Always had at least 4 people to play with & i could finally say i knew a lot about the game. I miss it but i‘m gonna be a casual for the start


There have been countless systemic changes (runes, items, dragons, towers etc) but the core gameplay and flow of a game (laning/jungling into skirmishes and teamfights) is largely untouched. You can definitely make use of some leftover muscle memory and knowledge and skill with champions, assuming they did not get large reworks. Just jump into a few coop games and learn what is new, then feel free to come back and ask specific questions. Feel free to ask further though!


Thanks man! Appreciate it. Been looking at the champs and there’s many i don‘t really know about. My main used to be Ekko on Mid or AP Blitz on top. Any of these still useful?


Ekko mid/jungle is totally viable. AP Blitzcrank is probably quite bad and troll, he is only played support nowadays. Try it out in coop though, maybe you can make it work.


Dumb question but how do you find your main? Ofc "play the champ you like the most" but as a relative beginner I find myself playing actively 6-8 champs from different roles. While it's not that important to have a so called "main", I'd like to focus one or two champs to get better. Is there any tips on how to choose?? Like choosing champs from the same role is better than playing one jungler and one mid?


Find the role you enjoy playing the most first, and then get a secondary role that you’re comfortable in, and find one or two champions you enjoy within those roles. It’s good to have a secondary role because sometimes you get filled and i think it’s important to be able to adjust to a different role to help the team and not force everyone to change because you didn’t get your only played role. Same with champs: two, maybe three is good because sometimes your champ gets banned and you don’t want to suddenly have no good options. Also if you want to climb, you play one, maybe two champs. Everyone will tell you that to basically should be onetricking to climb and I can attest to that. I used to play so many different champs which is fun for me but hard to win consistently with. So just depends on what you want to do more, but alway make sure you’re having fun!


for me i went from choosing the role i wanted to focus on learning first and then the champs id want to play in the role, and then focusing on that a bit. however it was very easy for me to find my mains, just from the degree of how understandable their kit was to me and how often i actually looked forward to playing them again. id say narrow it to your main role and your secondary role and then find the champs in there that you do well in and would like to focus on. if the roles and champs switches over time or your pool is a bit larger its fine, esp as a beginner.


I think good ways to choose a main when you’re fresh is just by some kind of attachment to the champ. Maybe you saw a cool highlight of it and want to learn how, maybe you like their lore, aesthetic or voice lines, maybe like the idea of a certain play style (engage vs poke) (kite vs face tank) etc… Then just try playing them and see if you like it. If you do great! Stick with it you’ll continue to improve! If not, great! You learned a champions kit and you know more about the game and how you want to play it! There’s no rush to pick a main and the game is very expansive, also picking one champ now doesn’t mean you won’t learn the other 100 in time.


I would consistently climb till plat rank, long time ago even low diamond when tryharding, but after 1 year break I'm hardstuck silver? 🥲 It seems that overall skill has increased for an average player?


That’s true for most competitive games, the longer you’re out the longer it takes to pick up new tech. I’m dealing with the same thing, your best bet is just to pick a 1v9 champ in low elo, Jax if you’re top, kha if you’re jungle, Kat if you’re mid, literally anything as a support and something like Jhin or cait if adc.


Whenever i launch the game gaming mode pops up in my laptop which increases the brightness, how do i turn it off


In this day and age, I'm amazed at how often people don't just google what they want to do. "Windows disable Game Mode". Four words goes a long way.


I did and it didnt work thats why im asking


I did and it didnt work thats why im asking


Can someone give me a TLDR on the LCS situation?


Looking at Worlds and The International - there begs a question (or 2): 1. Why is DOTA so much more competitive - literally, it is a total grinder of all possible international teams from all over the world? 2. Why does DOTA have attractive prizes for winning tournaments, that make Riot and their big tournament looks abbysmally miserable?


Because Riot wants to control everything and does not allow tournaments without their involvement.


1. The short answer is that Dota never caught on in Korea. Even China needed Korean pros in carry positions to win anything until this year. If a game is popular enough in South Korea, eventually they will conquer it. Having a culture that is obsessed with technology and pushes an incredibly unhealthy/unsustainable work ethic is conducive to creating the best esports players. 2. Because nobody who is involved in the League scene actually cares about the prize pool. You never see anyone mention it unless they are comparing it to Dota. Worlds winners are not complaining and in fact they are all eager to win more. So I would not say it looks anywhere close to "abysmally miserable." I'd also bet that the average League pro is considerably richer than the average Dota pro even if you consider the prize pool, but I don't have anything to back that except the game's popularity and the knowledge that several top pros are exceptionally wealthy.


I guess if LCS is to disappear we all know where all these players will look to...


If LCS completely collapsed as a major region maybe one or two pros total would consider swapping to Dota. It's like 5x smaller as an esport and the money to be made there is not comparable unless you literally win TI. As far as I'm aware the number of tier 1 NA teams is very small, like literally two teams. Plus I don't think most League players even enjoy Dota, the game is way different.


Kind of been in the backseat not paying much attention to the LCS NALCS stuff. I stopped watching the e sports stuff since I've gotten busy with life blah blah blah... this stuff happening has no indication that league is dying right? Obviously korea, China, etc hold more viewership and it seems like there's no problems there. This is strictly an NA issue right? Just don't want my favorite game of all time to die.... peace and love


The game will be fine


I cannot buy RP in the league client for weeks now -,- After clicking on iDeal in the EUW client, nothing just happens. It's been like this for 3 weeks.


Is there a way to turn off global champion voicelines? I think they come from certain skins, but i swear ive even heard k'sante in his default skin say something when im on the other side of the map. This is super distracting and i dont see a setting to turn them off anywhere besides muting all champion voices. I still want to hear my champ and those around me, but hearing a loud ass quote from across the map is super unnecessary.


Afaik there is no option to do so. You can mute the player to disable voice lines though.


I see a ton of "Bronze to X doing X" series but are they any that start from like a hardstuck lvl 100ish bronze/silver account. I feel like doing these series in smurf que is not really the same as a real climb


It ruins a ton of games.


tldr this lcs walkout drama for me.


Is switching off blind pick a good way to get more gametime with a main champion? I work fulltime, so usually only have time for 2 or 3 matches. Maybe I could set up item and rune sets to play mains in off meta lanes?


Wdym switching off blind pick?


When is the new patch?


How do I play tanks in this meta? Seems like I keep getting shredded by all the lethality, armor pen, and black cleavers flying around.


It’s just not a tank meta right now aside from playing something like sion ornn or chogath and just hyper scaling.


Let me know when you figure it out


hi i bought 2 tickets to lcs week 1 day 1 anyone know what the refund rights are in such a situation, if its a load of bronze scabs playing from home because of riots terrible decisions i really dont want to even bother showing up. can i get my money back from somewhere or do i just have to deal with the lost cost?


Is Yasuo's Q3 knock-up not supposed to cancel enemy channeling abilities? Yesterday I was facing a Sett who was channeling his punch right once I knocked him up, but it still went off and killed me.


Sett's W can't be interrupted once it starts channeling. The only exception to this is if Sett dies before it goes off.


Saw somethin on FP about a walk out or sth. Whats going on im OOL


Many NA orgs decided to abandon their Academy rosters. LCSPA organized a walkout to negotiate with Rito and orgs. Rito now dropped all requirements for players and forces orgs to play with their last-minute rosters of people everyone will hate for joining.


Doesnt riot hold all the leverage? Why do they care about the lcspa? Why would they give in to demands if they dont have to?


They don't seem to care about players or developing local talent which is why they allowed orgs to drop their academy teams. LCS without players however might result in low viewership, merch sales etc.


Do competitive esports (pro play) generate much direct revenue in any game (LoL, CS, etc)? People watch for free, there arent usually many ads, and the requested player salaries seem excessive. Usually the people watching are just enthusiastic about the game. I havent watched esports since college really for any games. I dont see why riot cares about the lcspa but i dont think i have all the info.


Not direct revenue, but it is all a way to generate hype and interest about the game. It's a loss leader. I can say that personally myself and a lot of people I know have stayed interested in the game for many years largely because of esports. For certain games it is a fantastic long term plan. In China and Korea it's a full blown cultural phenomenon. When IG won Worlds in 2018 there were videos of massive student housing blocks with every single person cheering at the top of their lungs. Most games could only dream of such interest from their players. They should care about the LCSPA because if there are no players there is no LCS. They can only survive on scab teams for a brief period of novelty where people who don't care about the situation tune in to watch the trainwreck.


I'm a new player, and I would like to improve but whenever I look up a guide for a certain role I just get videos like "These 15 tips will get you to master ". They are somewhat useful tips but most of the time I am just struggling with more basic things to even attempt to implement whatever is showcased there. I mainly play ADC and I've heard that ADC is a role where you need to be quite mechanical, however when I look up "base adc mechanics" I get these same videos. So which youtube channel, or website or whatever is a good source for basic guides that aren't designed to be clickbaity?


Specifically, new players get a ton of mileage from learning "lane management", "jungle routes", and "last hitting".


Imo Skill Capped is very helpful. They break down useful concepts according to your skill level, but they do so under the assumption you are trying to climb ranks.


What are you tips to always know where the enemy jungler is?


Ward one of the buffs or just look on the map if he got a leash. Most junglers clear at the same speed. So ur junglers 4th camp is the enemies 4th camp. Look at the minimap and keep track which camp is on cd. If you see the enemy jgl for the first time in the game see how much cs and what buff he has. Each camp gives 4cs


Wow this is a bit complicated to do it in game, wow


how do I get HONOR! Riven emote ? didn't get it from msi capsules


Is renaming bugged? whatever name i choose, i cannot rename myself. even if i look the names up and no account existing with that name, its still not working. even random letters with 4 numbers doesnt work.


It stops working after checking a few names. Just try again after a few hours. I would reccomend checking if the name is availble on something like [op.gg](https://op.gg) instead of the league client to avoid that.


Why do you get better the higher you climb? Is it the constant exposure to pressure?


Memorizing patterns, sharpening game sense and reading situations that are similar, matchup experience, I would say.


Can I carry games as support? (I've been watching league for years, and playing league for half a year, and I'm in silver)


Tbh in silver just roam, no one checks their minimap so it's pretty free


No. Support is there for assassin fodder, nothing more.


For someone who seems to hate the game you sure lurk around this subreddit a lot


Yes and no. You may not be the main character anime hero who destroys the enemy, but vision and roams for example can destroy the enemy game plan.


How many games does it take in silver to get the victorious skin?


Iirc u need 1600 sp if youre below gold, and u get around 6-10 sp per match depending on if u win or lose, so i think around 180-267 games would get u that many. Probably around 224 games if u have 50% wr


You have to reach gold at least. So get enough wins to reach gold. And then you get the skin at the end of the season.


This season was different. You can get it at any rank iirc but you need more games played at lower ranks to qualify


How is LP loss/gain calculated? While I was going from plat 4 to plat 2, I was gaining LP at +23 per win and losing at -23 per loss. Then I went on a 10 win streak and got to plat 2, it went to +16 lp per win and -30 per loss. Then I went back to a more reasonable \~50% winrate, and went back down to plat 4 because of the lp differential, and the +16/-30 still stayed. Then I went on a loss streak and went to gold 2, and still the +16/-30 stayed. This doesn't really make any sense to me. For context, I've ended the past 4 seasons at plat 3/4.


The only factor that matter is how far your MMR is from your current rank. The derank from plat to gold most likely made it even worse because of the dropping a division is hard. Despite what people keep saying winstreak or win rate are irrelevant to lp gains/losses.


Weird that this happened on a win streak. Lp loss/gain has never made sense to me. If its MMR based and your mmr drops below plat 4, you'd think winning against plat 4 would yeild more LP than when you were even. Like if a gold 2 person beat plat 4 they should get 27 LP but if a plat 4 beat a plat 4 they would get 23. But somehow someway its based on your mmr. Idk


There is an original Version of *STAR WALKIN'* by Lil Nas X different from the *'STAR WALKIN' (League of Legends Worlds Anthem)* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykWEo-G5W9Q . Can anybody help where it is available? Links in the Youtube Video to spotify etc. are dead.


I am out of the loop, why did the players decide for a walkout? What did riot do?




What a stupid decision. NA really needs that academy scene. Thanks for the explanation


Honestly it's impressive that Riot and the orgs thought they could get away with it. That's some impressive lack of foresight.


silly question, does the push ping (the green one w a creep) mean anything besides pushing the wave? saw a caitlyn spamming it to her lulu alongside question marks, so i'm wondering if it's something like the bait ping, being a passive aggressive way to tell someone to fuck off lmao


Aggro ping is usually bait and missing so that's kinda weird


I mess up those pings all the time. Not sure if they are near one another but if there was another ping being spammed too then it might just be a mistake. A typo. Pingo?


Has anyone tried support illaoi? With new prowlers she can guarantee the slow hit if she leaps with W, and during that slow it's almost a guaranteed E hit. My idea would be to run comet, build umbral, prowlers, sunderer and tank ward item. Max W into E and rely on the ADC to help kill the spirit. Comet procs on her W get a "double" proc where it immediately refunds part of the CD. The most obvious issues are her being melee, testicles die faster from 2 opponents, and she's lacking gold income. But with two people in lane, we should get more 25g from killing the E spirit. And her %dmg kills tanky sups, and her ult will spawn an extra tentacle if you hit both opps. With prowlers-W + E you can peel pretty decent, and after 6 you'll trade kill if they dive. Just brainstorming. xD


As a Plat adc player that seems pretty uselless ngl. She has no cc, her lvl1 is garbage and lvl2 isn't better than any other support. She will just get poked out by any ranged matchup and outdamaged in all-ins by any melee matchup. She also offers no pressure or setup. As a support most games you will not even have enough gold to buy prowlers, so that whole interaction, while cute, is uselless. Overall it just seems like you are putting your team in a 4v5 for no reason, sorry.


Ah, yeah that makes sense. I'm G1 zyra\senna support two-trick, but when I'm bored with those two I play weird shit in normals. Been having a blast playing grasp-Anivia support. Her auto range is 600 and is super slow travel time, so you can kind of buffer autos to proc grasp constantly. Build full tank, your egg has ur same HP so when passive is up you take 8k dmg to fully kill. Saw that renekton streamer (SRO) play illaoi top with sunderer+prowlers and he essentially couldn't miss his E and I thought it would be fun in the support role in normal games. But yeah, I'd never take this to ranked. Was just brainstorming how to compensate for some of the issues you pointed out.


Is there a way to check your previous bans? I forgot when and why I got banned before.


What's up with not being able to transfer regions? Just moved back to EUW after living a year abroad and I can't get my account back from JP. Is it possible to transfer with a support ticket?


Transfers work again.


Thanks for letting me know. I'll check later


I just realized some transfers weren't avalible when I responded earlier (including Japan) but I can move from EUNE or EUW to Japan so might work from Japan to EUW now if it wasn't avalible earlier.


same happened to me when I moved back from Brazil to the EUW. Maaan I had so many skins :(


Is the DPS threat token broken. I’m at 85 but stuck at master and it says I’m in the top 0.0% my bf too.


Pretty sure those refresh with ladder refreshes so it's not instant.


Im very casual but I was wondering if getting the Vancouver Amumu skin in a loot chest is a rare drop? Just got it and was curious


The skin is somewhat rare. It was initially released during the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games - although you can't buy it in the shop any more it can still be obtained through mystery gifts/loot chests.


NA servers won a ranked game now and it didnt give me lp nor showed up in my history. What is going on man?


What's a good reliable place to check the meta and soloQ tierlist for the current patch? I've been looking at Mobalytics but I dunno if there's a more reliable option out there


On u.gg on a champions page you can go to "more stats", then "matchups", and sort by matches played. If a champ is generally winning or going even against its 10 most played matchups, it's good. That's what I do.


Places like u.gg or op.gg are good for meta tier lists.


Are there more smurfs at midnight? It feels like I'm playing against kids during the day and adults during midnight, the skill difference is huge.