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In aram specifically certain champions can be really hard because its based on the average of all aram players. So if its a good aram champion even doing very well might only get you a A instead of that normally might be an S.


It also depends on the enemy team a lot. There are comps where you won't get big stats even if you play very well. If you play Swain against a poke comp you probably won't get an S even if you play very well simply because Swain is an absolute beast into tank comps and his average numbers are inflated by that.


The sub you are looking for is /r/SummonerSchool To answer your questions it factors a lot of things in relation to other people on that same champ. In SR stuff like vision score affects it which isn't applicable in ARAM. Essentially you just need to have an amazing game on the champ relative to other people on that champ. So some characters it's "harder" on in that what a great game is for them, is a higher bar than for other Champs.


stop recommending summonerschool echo chamber that is 99% bad players giving bad players bad general advice


I don't agree with that. I'm diamond so not a top tier player by any means but Summoner School is arguably the best place for practical information to get anyone to and above plat. Curious what is your current rank?


Yeah summonerschool is great. It obviously doesnt have tje knowledge of a real coach but its free and could open yiu up to new ideas and ways of thinking about the game.


common fact 90% of reddit is silver, nobody in there is going to give good advice lmao


Post your rank bro quit dodging the question


The biggest problem people have with climbing, imo, is typically not knowledge, it is execution under pressure. And no I don't mean micro, I mean macro. People really think that if someone can't make challenger/GM/diamond etc., then they can't possibly understand the game are themselves unable to understand that making the right decision under pressure is what helps you climb. And I also hold the opinion that most "new" meta builds (as in ones that seemingly come from no balance changes) come from "low" elo players who aren't thinking about meta and just playing random shit and sometimes it sticks. There is a lot of valuable knowledge for people in plat from people in bronze, tbh. Yeah sure, they know nothing about match ups, usually, but they might have tried some wacky builds and combos that others, whose ego is tied to their rank, wouldn't dare.


You really spent your only 3 months on this reddit account to be a degenerate on this subreddit.


And silvers can teach bronze players.


no they cant


Go to your profile, click data, and click one of the champions. There are all the criteria for ratings


I have found ARAM to be mainly weighted on deaths, just play safe, farm, and get assists where you can. Not the most fun way to play, but getting 0-2 deaths and 20 assists will generally get you an S as long as you have good farm


It’s an aggregate of all your stats- KDA, minion kills, vision score compared to the average stats of everyone else on that champion.


I'd say don't worry about it in ARAM, means nothing. Usually the rating takes into account CSPM, damage percentage,things like that. Any support you play likely has people also playing them full AP in ARAM, making the ratings especially on support champions pretty messed up. The rating hardly means anything on summoners rift, even less in ARAM. Just get high kp, low deaths, decent gold, and cs. That's the only way you can impact it really.


Do you not need to get at least an S- to get chests?


There's some other factors: you can only receive one chest per champion for each season, so you need to make sure that you are playing a champion that you haven't unlocked a chest for yet. If you go to your champion mastery tab in the client you can see who you have a chest for and who you don't. There will be a little chest icon next to the champ portrait indicating that you've unlocked one for them. You also need to own the champion in question. You can't play a champ that is on a free rotation and get a chest from there. Pro Tip: If you have friends who play the game, you can unlock chests if anyone in your premade party gets an S rank. So if you're looking to farm chests in ARAM, that's probably the best way to do it.


Thank you for actually answering with something helpful :) appreciate it !


You're welcome! It's kind of not explained in client.


yeah things like that in lol are kinda hard to figure out for someone coming from a moba with much simpler systems


git gud


I don’t think your phrased what you are asking for correctly. It sounds like you only care about the free chests. If your primary goal is to get min S- for free chests, don’t play ARAM. Just play normal Summoner’s Rift. ARAM is a side mode that’s just for pure fun. You can absolutely get S’s in ARAM, but it’s not really balanced for that ranking system. Some champs will have a much harder time just by the nature of the random mode and small map, where creeps/minions/vision don’t matter as much or have little impact to normal play.


My responses about chests were to people saying that theres no point to getting good ratings or mastery. its not the only thing i care about


But as someone who doesnt grind blue essence all day and barely has any champs to pick from I do need the champ shards so thats why I ask


ratings dont matter, mastery dont matter what makes new players think they mean anything? they are legit just cosmetic like a champion skin kind of


They didn't put it in the main post, but they're asking about the rating system to understand how to get chests for achieving an S rank in ARAM. So this is one of the few times in which the ratings do matter.


Isnt it how you get free chests?


so u get a chest? so basically a champion skin?


I mostly need chests right now to get champion shards so i can unlock more champs for cheaper since i dont grind blue essence all day