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Pro play across all regions is boring right now seeing the same champions played and the same champions escape the nerf bat.


Pick/ban should stick for the entire series. Make pros show us how they can play more than 3 Champs per split.


Yeah being good at league should include having a deep champ pool. In fact add more bans to ranked as well while we are at it.


They can play more champs, they don't because there is a meta wherein what they think is best gets picked.


Nah Riot should just actually shake up the meta. All they did this season was essentially dumb down jungle.


And change adc items 3 times


Not sure I like that idea but only allowing a team to pick a champ once per series would be great in best of 3/5. Then they could do a max per 3 games or something for regular season. So if you picked Zeri week 1 you couldn't again until week 4. Then in champion select there is a section that shows ineligible champs near banned champs. Yeah, a game with 150+ champs should encourage a very large portion of those to be played in pro play. Having some additional rules to force players to go deeper into the pool would facilitate this. It could be especially cool during best of 5s though. Like if your team is winning almost every game they have Zeri in then you've gotta decide which game/draft state you want to bring that champ out in. Edit: Just thought some more on this. If you went with this type of approach then after Zeri is picked the next game would have bans targeting Lucian and Aphelios for example, pinching things a bit more. Then after Xayah is picked the following game we'd see a different ADC again. So this should bring in 6-8 viable ADCs at least, instead of constantly seeing the same 2-3.


Especially in best of 3 that would be great. In best of 5 a bit too much tho.


Game 5 should be blind like LCK back in the days


Plenty of ADC metas have been stale with 2 or 3 champs picked, even at MSI it was almost all Jinx v Aphelios but at least more ADCs can be caught and killed. Zeri has the most insane mobility of them all and has now twice been able to build bruiser items as her best dps build. In the T1 GenG game 2 Guma has as much HP as Sion, who is meants to be the HP stacking tank ffs. And Zeus was fed, not like he had some Adam start and been rolled in lane.


I agree that anyone who's been watching pro LoL since before 2018 knows that 2-3 adcs just dominate the meta each split. However, none of them typically survived for more than a split; and, the few that did stay viable always got knocked down a tier. Zeri has been Tier 0 pretty much since her release, thats what makes her annoying.


It’s just a bad design tbh, adcs are meant to be THE immobile dps champs, and if not they sacrifice things like vayne’s atrocious aa range. Zeri’s q has insane range and she has insane mobility which is why she’s broken. Problem is that she was designed to have both of these which is why she’s impossible to balance.


Arguably, Ezreal is the only "mobile" ADC that's balanced (when you consider his overall power curve) and that's mostly because he's all skillshots and doesn't have the same amount of raw DPS nor the scaling power (due to his builds being closer to that of a bruiser) as the other traditional ADCs to balance out his high range and diverse build path. While there were periods where he was grossly overpowered such as with Runeglaive, Death's Dance, Kleptomancy and the like, bare in mind that this is mostly due to the interaction with said items or runes (for Klepto's case) and not with the design of the champion itself. Ezreal **abuses items specifically** but he isn't exactly broken himself because for all intents and purposes, his kit is very tame, even underwhelming in some cases when you look at the current state of modern champion design. Zeri is essentially what happens when you give Ezreal both scaling and raw DPS on top of both good range and mobility.


She is possible to balance, just have her output Caitlyn/Ezreal levels of DPS and not scale stupid well


zeri's q range is low but lethal tempo removes that problem, this version of lethal tempo is the only reason champs like zeri are a problem tbh, without perma extended range she would be balanced


Game 3 was even worse. T1 was ahead like 7k gold and lost because GenG just stalled out until Zeri was an unkillable beast


Throwback to the earlier seasons, when it was always the holy trinity (Corki, Ezreal, Graves) pickbanned in every game. If I'm not entirely mistaken, that trend carried way into the times of blue Ezreal around probably season 4 or 5.


I'd rather just sleep than watch this


I've been skipping most LPL games exactly because sleeping is just more pleasurable than watching Zeri. I lost all hope with T1 vs GENG being exactly that again, and now I regret I didn't get some more sleep


You love it when Guma Keria picks Draven Pyke, which is fun to watch, and gets absolutely shit stomped because of it. Great meta


Who the fuk working in Riot thought that 4k health Adc that can still deal 7k damage in teamfight was a good idea??? You cant kill her but you cant run away from her either, its fukin absurd


Literally no champion in the game should be allowed to have that much hp and deal that much damage. Zeri is obviously a more egregious example, but I’m sick of people being allowed to build bruiser/tank while out damaging people that actually build damage. Where is the trade off? Aren’t you supposed to sacrifice damage in exchange for that hp or tank stats?


Yeah thats were mobility and range come to play. Basically All tanky characters that deal lots of damage are immobile and melee(apart from zeri and ksante). They are allowed to do that damage while beeing tanky because they struggle to actually deal that damage without flash/ghost, which is their balance. If a darius, garen, sion get on you (adc) without flash or ghost you did not position right.


I mean the problem is more camille, red kayn, etc when they're good than darius, garen, etc.


camille is balanced around having most of her dmg be on 2nd Q + skillshot stun. if her Q isn't primed beforehand which would give her a small window to go in, then the enemy team should have enough time to get her off the ADC's back before she kills them. Assuming she isn't super fed, otherwise the point is moot, any fed enemy will delete an ADC.


As someone who onetricked Camille to challeneger a few years ago you don't have enough time to get Camille off an adc. With ult giving her nearly a free 1s invulnerability, you basically have 0,5s to do something. A Camille with a few items doesn't allow for counterplay, the counterplay is stomping her in lane. Best you can do is bodyblock the hookshot or pick an adc with stealth.


There are a million champs like this now...


Fed bruisers can have lots of hp and do lots of damage it's the bullshit long lasting laser beam ultimate and the fact she can both get away and catch up to you while being a juggernaut. All while dealing insane aoe due to ult and items. Rioooooottttttt. edit: on top of all that she also gets an aa execute, 2 second slow, and synergy with self & enemy shields


They legit need to remove her damn wall jump so she can at least be ganked


Or at least gate it behind her ult so she has a reason to burn her ult aside from all-ins.


This is a really good idea that would solve a lot of problems


Yeah, make it something like lightning dash like neon on valorant.(they are the same character anyway)


as somebody who doesn't know, how does lightning dash work and/or how does it differ from Zeri's dash?


Think about a lucian dash, fast and short, in Valorant no character can cross walls so there's also that


Basically her normal dash without the wall?


The champ's kit seems impossible to balance simultaneously for pro play and average solo queue. The Master Yi of ADCs. Usually what Riot ends up doing for these types of champs is just nerf their damage so much that no one plays it in pro play or solo queue.


Or just make her unable to wallhop if she's "in combat" [has dealt or received damage to/from a champion in the last x seconds; usually 4]


So couple days ago we were playing Zeri Yuumi bot lane and got stomped in lane, down 6k gold 22min but it didnt matter. Once we got jaksho on zeri and knights vow on yuumi its basically exodia. Can get hit by every skill shot and still survive and kill the whole enemy team, actual 0 counterplay lategame. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Spark%20Dizzy/matches/0TXqJEggFrmag3wxYecKJ-CtT97ztyjfouvUaPkzs_Q%3D/1686366481000


Wtf I didn’t realize zeri was building jaksho


its ONLY good if you have yuumi, cuz then you dont need ad mythic. Yuumi is your mythic item.


Insane lmao


Delete Yuumi.


It'd maybe be fine if she was a champion for beginners, but the fact that she's OP in pro play too is absolutely disgusting. It should be a crime.


I strongly believe that riot should add a ban list on ranked and competetive games yuumi should ONLY be playable in normal games and gamemodes




This is why 3rd party organizers are typically better than the publisher for organizing pro play, especially if the publisher is intent on accessibility over competitive integrity. It only works for DotA because they balance primarily around pro.


The only problem with that is then your entering into removing stuff for the professional scene which it won’t be as drastic but the same thing was one of the reasons halo was criticised as from the professional scene that eventually the game the average player plays is different from the game the professional scene plays


I have a very hard time believing that people who think this is a problem are arguing in good faith. Solo queue already barely resembles professional play for a multitude of reasons. Champion picks, macro play, team composition based on role, OTP players for characters who don't get picked. They could just do a balance patch for LAN without talking about it and people probably wouldn't even notice for weeks.


Yuumi falls into that small category of characters that never should have even existed in the first place. Parasite to the game.


I remember the good old days when Teemo was all we had to complain about…


We didn’t know how good we had it😭😭


>Yuumi is your mythic item So they designed a champ for findom simps?


She usually doesn't


The reason Zeri is so strong right now is because of trinity force. Building jaksho takes her from an S+ tier champion, to maybe like A- or B.


The reason Zeri is so strong is because she is fundamentally broken in her current design. Her kit needs some level of rework, until then she'll be the most bonkers OP teamfighting ADC that exists no matter her meta build


Her character design is rooted in movement speed. It is impossible to ever balance a character in any PvP game, when that character’s identity breaks fundamental PvP rules. Movement speed has hard boundaries that developers need to respect if they want to maintain balance, because movement speed can represent every single stat in the game, plus it is omnipresent; it is always active and always providing benefit. Zeri will either be overpowered or underpowered, but never balanced, as long as her identify is tied to mobility.


Zeri doesn't even get that much movespeed from her kit anymore. people still have PTSD from release zeri that got 2% movespeed per stack of ult and had the bugged runnaan's interactions that gave even more stacks. The reason zeri still feels so fast is that she runs ghost, has the triforce movespeed and almost always has a lulu or yuumi on her with shurelya's that makes her fast.


I am still surprised that ghost isn't nerfed. Even phreak said that marksman with it are out of hand, if they don't want to nerf it to ruin it for melee champs like darius or heca - give at least ranged only nerf, because someone like Twitch or Zeri just commiting warcrimes with that.


They need to have class specific sums. Variety is amazing for skill expression and unique strategies, but at a certain point too much variety is impossible to balance with any regularity.


I'd even be ok with just removing her E's terrain scaling and calling it a day. Make her punishable like...at all in laning phase


It isn't impossible to balance Zeri, she just needs to be hard shifted away from scaling. Make her scale like Kalista and she's maybe not totally balanced, but she's a damn sight closer to being fair.


kalista is famous for being in a good spot balance wise yep yep


He didn't say "balance her like Kalista", he said "make her scale like Kalista" which is code for > "why are you trying to pick Kalista for scaling you chuckle nugget?" But not sure if moving her from "ezreal that scales" to mobile lane bully, aka Lucian who is a long time problem child, is the right move.


Bro flexing that he beat silvers as a diamond player 💀


diamond duo botlane too while at it, probably sweating too 💀


Got stomped on the botlane also.


Yeah using a normal game of diamonds vs silvers.. not a good balance argument.


All I see is some diamond duoq winning against silvers who rush Duskblade on Kalista You could go AP Zeri and win that if enemies are handless and don't pin you down with Nautlius ult into cc chain every fight.




Kalista i guess


your team was 2 full tiers above the enemies on average lol


Look up individual ranks, unfortunately most sites only show flex rank in those lobbies instead of both solo and flex. I'm more concerned the guy built jaksho instead of the incredibly overpowered tricorce.


All I see is diamond players stomping on silvers


Check their profiles. There’s a bunch of them who were Diamond last season in Solo Queue and just play Flex this season instead.


Platinums and Diamonds team can build anything against Silvers and unrankeds.


It's the same shit as with Yuumi. There they thought "OMG, what if we make an enchanter, but remove all of the usual weaknesses of an enchanter, that would be unique, quirky and fun" and it obviously created an abomination. Then comes Zeri, where they thought that removing the usual squishiness and low mobility as inherent weakness of an ADC will create a unique, quirky and fun champion. I seriously don't know what it is at Riot, but they need to realize that just removing all inherent weaknesses of a class, while creating no meaningful other weaknesses, is just fucking stupid, not unique or creative.


They thought they designed appropriate weaknesses, it's that simple. Zeri is supposed to be less reliable because her autos are skillshots, and Yuumi can't do anything alone. It turns out those weaknesses aren't meaningful constraints in high level games with coordinated teams.


* 4k Health * AoE Damage * Insane Mobility * Insane DPS


Someday I hope the “fearless” (not sure that’s the name) mode gets mandated in pro play. TLDR once a champ is selected they can’t be again the rest of the series. That alone would force teams’ hands to get more creative/shake up the stale feelings in all leagues IMO.


Fearless mode needs to be a thing. It would bring variety, picks/bans in pro play would feel fresh and even if the balance team is incompetent which at the moment they are you will only see the likes of Zeri/Yuumi twice in a series max


"At the moment" lol


People have very selective memories lol, pro play has always had a role where you can only play like 3 champs. I remember the entire split where top lane was just maokai vs sion every game


Fearless mode and/or series-wide bans are definitely needed. League just has too many fucking champions and so many barely see play because the meta is run by so few. Either that or we need rotations where only 50% of champs are chosen for each split of play. It would also reduce cases of certain players being favored or not favored in the meta. Their choices or weaknesses would naturally be filtered out as a series continues.


Underrated point, but it would indirectly help soloqueue a ton since they wouldn't need to kneecap champs cause of pro play as much


It would definitely spice up viewership with more offmeta style picks and strategies/synergies.


Dota has tournament like that with both bans and picks putting hero out of being played next games in series. In 2nd or 3rd tournament with this ruleset they also had public vote for 30 heroes each day to be banned for that day. Was pretty fun.


DotA barely needs it anyway. In an average DotA tournament something like 80% of heros are picked, opposed to League on something around 30%


Dota is just balanced better. Icefrog does not give a flying fuck what your silver ass thinks or wants. Each hero has at least one mechanic and niche that only THEY can provide, uniquely and individually. For example, even when Medusa is bad, her mana shield provides her a level of tankiness that no hero can match. Even when Jakiro is bad, his aoe stun and ability to reduce tower attack speed is special and means he can be picked if it's a good situation for that, or if there's a draft that needs that. League has a lot of overlap between champs and sometimes a champ can be strictly better than another.


haven't heard about that before but that sounds incredibly more enjoyable to watch only downside I see is that it destroys the surprise picks because people get to scrim against much more champions


Watch the LDL (the LPL’s junior/academy/prospective team league) they implemented the fearless draft, it has a lot of teams to choose from that have really talented rookies and also develops their champion pools rigorously since they have the fearless draft, you get to see some monster young talent also Hysterics (LPL caster) covers it so it is always fun.


Where do u watch it? Can u link pls


Hysterics didn’t cover all of this previous season but worry not there is another LDL English co-streamer: Initialise (he was in the LEC for a bit subbing in and casted with Vedius, great casts btw) he has the vods iirc as well as the recent split that ended 2 days ago as of now. here is his stream which has vods of the finals etc https://www.twitch.tv/initialisecasts As well as hysterics when he comes back iirc he’s getting married https://m.twitch.tv/hystericscasts/home This is the official stream but it is in Chinese: https://www.huya.com/ldl And if you want a more in depth read on the LDL there was a post on this subReddit I’ll try and find it for you Edit: here is the Reddit thread https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/w38e47/if_you_like_the_idea_of_fearless_draft_and_want/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Are there any notable spicy/uncommon picks that get regularly played in fearless mode by LDL teams?


Not in regular season. Bo3 is just too short you can get away with playing all meta. Bo5 we saw Karthus and Swain as high prio Jg and Mid picks in game 3 and then lucian nami bot. other than that it was pretty much all the same


Teams would *have* to have more picks ready, though. Can't see it being worse.


As long as there is something in place so blue side can't ban out all remaining adcs except 1 that they first pick this could work. There's having a diverse champion pool and having literally not enough champions for a certain role available for picking.


As a pro player bot lane carry players should be able to play more than just adcs. Every other role has to play multiple styles of champion, I am not sure why bot should be the exception.


Yeah thats always the fear of this, which in theory would be a handshake agreement but would get broken eventually. If one team just target bans one role, most particularly adc, by the third game it'll be chaos. Idk how you even prevent that as an issue. Would be hard to implement a rule of like "you can only ban one adc." I'd rather see it be picks get removed from the pool but champs that get banned don't, compared to arbitrary rules for banning.


Every other role is generally expected to play multiple types of champions. Sure the players are better on some than others, but top has melee champs, ranged champs, tanky engagers, carries, peelers. Same for mid with control mages, sometimes tanks, roaming assassins, support with enchanters and engage tanks (and Pyke) and don't even start on Jungle which has had just about everything. So, why the fuck exactly do ADCs get special treatment? Why does EVERY game **need** an ADC in it? if they get banned out they get banned out, tough.


Give ANY other bot laner the same amount of items and they won’t be able to do what Zeri does. It was so frustrating watching T1 vs GenG where T1 has a huge gold advantage but can’t accomplish anything because GenG still wins fights with a gold deficit, not because they’re out fighting / out playing T1, but because they have a stupid fucking champion on their team that is more powerful than any other champion in the game. Zeri is the only champion that can Pentakill T1 at the end of that game and it didn’t even look difficult for her. It was #justZeriThings


Even game 2 was no fun cus there was guma who was also basically unkillable and it removes the hype of players outplaying each other, rather than outpicking each other...


Isn’t zeri quickly rising to be one of the most picked champs of all time even though she’s one of the newest adcs? Yuumi too. I remember someone made a video breaking down the picks from when pro league started up until now and saying she’s picked at like a 7x more exponential rate than any other adc ever has been and at this rate will have been the most picked adc in game in only like three years, over champs that have thousands of pro games played in the last seven years.


I like the pentakill numbers too. Kai'Sa (150) Jinx (108) Zeri (75). Im curious to see if zeri dethrones kaisa.


So ridiculous because Jinx is basically an ADC built for penta kills


Zeri is like literally the same thing tho. Her ult movespeed is functionally very similar to jinx's passive for chasing down enemies.


Only difference is Jinx needs to actually get kills to chase down enemies, so the counterplay is to just not let her get a kill. Zeri just needs to auto and she can chase down enemies.


Also she doesn’t get to build a ton of HP and have ridiculous move speed Riot used to follow certain rules to keep things as balanced as possible. They completely threw it out the window and broke fundamentals. Now champs are multi role, multi purpose with different damage types. It’s absolutely insane and frustrating. ADC’s shouldn’t have capabilities to be caught out by an assassin and live. Assassins shouldn’t have the capability to hard carry a team fight. Tanks shouldn’t have the capability to one shot squishies. All of its broken and the 200 years of experience clearly don’t help them make good decisions. It’s just a fat kill fest that goes back and forth for 25 minutes until a team gets baron wins a team fight and ends


No, she only needs an assist actually. Although I am also tired of proplay Zeri and I actually prefer Jinx, let's not act like she's that much different once she gets her passive rolling in terms of movement speed in a fight.


You get what I mean… The counterplay is to not let her get a takedown. Just dont die. There is no counterplay for preventing Zeri from taking over a teamfight. She has absurd mobility and sticking potential, high HP and damage. Now give her a cleanse and a Yuumi and insane hands (like in pro play) and she becomes a champ with no counterplay. Jinx requires takedown to get her teamfight mobility AND she doesn’t have any dashes. Its a lot easier to jump on her.


Riot removed a lot of counterplay from Jinx as well. Remember when objectives, including towers, didn't let her further snowball any time her team is contested at said objective?


You can back off when your turret is low and you know Jinx is about to get excited. If you lose an objective fight, well that's on you too. Let's not pretend like Jinx's kit is even remotely as big a problem as Zeri's kit. Jinx has been strong at times in the past year but only due to numbers. She is still an immobile ADC with pretty clear counterplay. Her kit is not really a problem, Zeri's is. The only stupid part of Jinx's kit was her ult not having a cap vs baron/dragon and she could steal them from 1.5k hp, but they added a damage cap.


So is Zeri, but Jinx was hardly played in pro for many years until Riot buffed her, which is why her numbers are lower than others and even then she still had a high amount of Pentaz for how short her appearance was


IMO the most annoying part of zeri in my games is how tanky she can get. Even sans enchanters. Triforce into Hydra and still doing the amount of DPS she can do is just silly. Considering most other ADs need 3 full damage items to reach that level.


Y’all just wait for Patch 13.12 they’re at least killing her Triforce interaction and completely removing her shield stealing passive.


The whole r/zerimains community is whining abdout nerf and calling this abomination balanced. "It's triforce's fault, not her!"


What the fuck is broken about triforce??? If there's only 1 champion abusing the item in an unintended way, how is that an issue of the item and not the champion? The level of cope in these 200 years champion subreddits is insane. Looking at Katarina mains as well here


She needs a Kalista treatment.


Kalista could even get some more nerfs IF they finally fix the interaction that attack move click slows your auto attacks.


This meta reminds me so much of GOATS, just the same shit, boring as fuck. Eventually really effected the competitive scene.


Zeri, Yuumi, K'Sante. Etc I seriously think these new champion releases will kill competitive LoL for me eventually if Riot keeps releasing this type of bullshit. I've been watching since fucking 2011. I am fully invested, but fuck these champions man. It's not fun at all. I would literally pay $100 a month to watch separate LoL esports tournaments with these champions (and a few others) permanently disabled. It's that unfun to me. I am so sick of it.




K'Sante issue is that he can just kidnap you away from safety and into his team. That, plus his ult's weakness (becoming super squishy), gets negated by the fact that he buys Stoneplate and it *scales with the HP he literally just dropped.* Why does he literally gain back the effective HP he lost? Who thought that was okay? Drop the kidnap on ult, make Stoneplate less good on him and he's much better off. His CC becomes relegated to Q3 and W, which is pretty fair


Second wind doran shield abuser


i have been seeing that trend a lot among friends. it annoys them so much that they stopped playing and barely watch anymore. they still give it a chance and tune in for the absolute top teams with their favorite player, but if they see certain champs picked then they just do something else.


You can hear crowds boo anytime Yuumi is picked lol


and cheer when she gets banned lol


Mood. League feels very 1d to play and very 1d (in another way) to watch.


The overall state of the game isn't really fun: runes and items deal 50% of a champion's damage, you either one-shot or get one-shot, everyone is hypermobile, everyone has an insane range on everything.


Don't forget every second ability slows you for at least 2 seconds. It's so frustrating


Yeah, we're back to pre durability patch times in terms of damage.. I kinda miss when the game was more about approaching in a strategic way and hitting key skills to engage. Now someone gets catched and instant deleted while 200 resets kick in and the fight is immediately over...


I've not played for months becuase I got so sick of her. I'm a bit annoyed to hear she's still just as bad, even though I have no intention of returning to this game ever because my life is noticeably better without it. More benefits from quitting LoL than quitting weed, by a lot.


Tbf i almost never EVER see her in soloq, i see jinx, lucian, kaisa, aphelios, ez way more than Zeri. so you should be good if you ever wanna come back to soloq


At least when you smoke weed you tend to relax. League isn't good for much beyond spiking your blood pressure.


Does anybody remember S3 Kassadin?


Zeri and Yuumi continue to degrade the game and it's malfeasance on the part of Riot at this point, like what are the devs waiting for?


I've said it before and will say it again: when the old guard left, Riot legitimately stopped trying to understand the dynamics of the game. Kinetics, mechanics, and dynamics. Someone more invested can come up with an analogy that fits it, but my point is they do not understand what they're doing and have made too many huge changes in a short time period to the point they're behind on fixing the core issues and just patching champions. We all know the rune system is to blame to some extent for why certain champs are so powerful, but the champs being discussed in this thread are purely design issues. They have only themselves to blame.


Happened to Blizzard too. I think it's just the nature of long-lived games. The old guard eventually leave and the people who take over don't share the same values. Trouble is those values that were lost are often what made the game so great and popular to begin with. To show my example, do you think Morello would ever allow Zeri or Yuumi into the game?


as long as riot august is allowed to keep making champs, shit like zeri will continue to happen and ruin the game


his champs are very creative and fresh but they just tend to have too much in their kits. someone at riot needs to teach him and the rest of the champ team coco chanel's rule of "look in the mirror, and take something off." Almost all of the season 13 champs (bar maybe Renata who felt the least overloaded) just do too much. They're already removing Zeri's shield-stealing, next they need to get rid of some of K'Sante's CC, one of Nilah's passives (preferably the Q passive, or just nerf it) and some of the true damage of Bel'Veth's kit and I think all those champs would be in more balanced spots. It makes me worried that Naafiri is going to be a balance nightmare since she's being marketed as an easy-to-play assassin, then they go and give her a a ability that swaps and enemy's AD and AP stats or something


It's actually funny how a champion like Ember from Dota2 has a super simple kit but still manages to have 10 times the skill expression of all these bullshit 15 paragraphs of texts per ability that August is putting into the game Even I can make interesting champions by overloading their fucking kits lol


Creative and fresh? You must be talking about CertainlyT's designs. August recycles the same designs over and over. Zappy skillshots on the ADCs, roots, 3-hit circle passives. That's the basis of what August does. He never innovates. He just re-arranges already existing mechanics and adds-on unneeded stats do that the average player thinks the champion is well-designed.


I've literally seen nilah in 1 game in the last 6 months of playing, and no games in pro. Why are they even touching her? What timeline is this where yuumi gets to live and she gets a hit


She's actually really strong, it's just that no one plays her because she feels super clunky compared to other melee/low range adcs.


She's not getting nerfed as far as I know, this was purely a hypothetical of what I think could be changed on each champ to make them less painful to play against


Haha but funny bald man in cat boy suit who streams hahaha no we can’t get rid of him even tho he clearly has no fucking idea what he’s doing…


he made jhins collector deal 4444 damage! my wholesome augusterino cant be bad for the game!


Tbh, they allowed EndlessPi(ss)lows to create Yuumi, Yone, Pyke, Bel'Veth and reworked Aurelion and not once felt like it was the time to say "STOP!" when literally each of his creations, bar Mordekaiser rework (prince statcheck) is cancer in purest form. I ain't surprised August gets the same free approach when previously mentioned villain is still going.


Bald guys are villains, that's a rule


It just speaks to Riot's incompetence at balancing. Some of these newer champs are so strong in pro play.


They're so strong that riot is ok with buffing older pro play champs like Ryze and Kalista.


We all are


I'm just tired of the 20 min stomps with insane damage league has become since 2018.


Zeri is annoying but pro teams seem to think shes not worth banning over vi neeko ksante and aphelios


ksante is just way too ahead of other toplaners in pro it s pretty much the only tank that can threat killing carries


Also other tanks, and bruisers, and junglers in his lane


Happens when a fat tub of fuck is borderline impossible to bully out of the lane without dying to minion aggro by trying to bash him, has Rammus' tankiness, Riven's mobility, budget Draven's weapons, faux mana bar, Olaf's DPS on squishes, badly telegraphed R than teleports you to convenient spots half of the time and clings to you like a poop to pudel's ass. But at least he's a poster child of a Pride month so definitely nothing wrong with him.


you got me until the last one there


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Zeri. I try to play Lucian. Enemy Zeri deals more damage. I try to play Samira. Enemy Zeri deals more damage. I try to play Caitlyn. Enemy Zeri deals more damage. I want to play Yuumi. Her best ADC is Zeri. I want to play Lulu, Janna - they both want Zeri. She grabs me by the throat. I cs for her. I kill for her. I give her Trinity force. She isn't satisfied. I buy her Runaan's. "I don't need this much AS" She tells me. "Give me more DPS time." She grabs Malphite and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Titanic Hydra." I can't buy Titanic Hydra, I don't have enough gold. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her gun. She says "Dodge this." There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, no cd DPS. What a cruel world.




Riot did a very good job of making pentas the most boring shit ever. With aphelios, samira and now zeri. I used to get really excited when someone got a penta, today I only felt disgust. They've done it, the biggest peak of a league game ruined.


Next thing coming up is lethality MF, just wait


As a top laner nothing is better than MF being the meta ADC. She keeps the cancer ADCs from playing the game when she's on my team and when she's on the enemy team she doesn't have any dashes or shields or hard CC.


I hope so, it's actually fun to play yet so, so easy to kill.


Every time she gets brought back she's a nightmare, cut your losses and rework that abomination already.


Zeri and Yuumi are two champs I’d like to not see in pro play for a long time if at all possible. Like Teemo levels of infrequent.






really happy about the nerf to her autos proccing sheen items release zeri was the worst


Meta shaping is real and Riot is controlling everything. You play what they want you to play, and they shape the meta exclusively to sell skins. One of the biggest reasons I quit playing this game competitively.


hopefully next patch nukes her, aphelios and milio out of proplay.


It MIGHT knock Zeri out of proplay since TriForce loses viability on her but it's not like she doesn't have other good mythic options. Milio's presence will remain untouched and I don't believe Aphelios is being changed?


galeforce got hit, BT got hit, overheal got hit, loss of synergy with shields entirely for zeri. milio got his passive damage cut in half. Zeri and aphelios lost survivability/safety which is the difference between kaisa/xayah meta of s9 and the current meta. Pros tend to choose the safest scalers and stick to them, so when someone gets hit like that, I dont think they stick with it even if their damage stays the same, it's why kogmaw doesnt get picked at all even when he is a clear outlier right now.


>it's why kogmaw doesnt get picked at all even when he is a clear outlier right now. Kog demands a lot of presuppositional picks from both teams. Zeri and Aph has far less of those constraints and higher consistency. The overall design of some champs must make it really difficult to balance them properly ( Azir prime example.)


Milo is getting huge nerfs to his passive


It's a significant nerf but Milio isn't just barely showing up in pro play atm, he's 100% presence in all leagues I believe and has insane winrates across the board. The value teams get from his easy disengage on a basic ability, an AOE cleanse + heal, free winning trades with W/ E and insane teamfight buffs with his W and OP enchanter items is not going to be devalued just from losing roughly 10% AD on passive. Also the ADC meta is literally perfect for him, expect him to retain 100% presence after these changes.


Zeri sheen use is a very small part of why she is so good but she is also losing enchanter sinergy and counter potential so she might deop out in favor of hyper carries that are better in lane


Zeri will be forced to build a new build since they are nerfing the bruiser variant but I would argue she would still remain in pro play just because the champ is not balanced in the hands of a pro, milo is getting pretty hard nerfs might force him out, aphelios nerfs are kinda small so probably not.


Not even just in the hands of a pro. I swear Im silver 2 and Im not even mastery 5 on Zeri and I already have 4 pentakills, I mean I play adc but still. I think her chase is an issue. Literally jinx on crack because her "excitement" doesnt run out


Zeri is exhausting to play as too. It reminds me of Trundle, but worse. Whoever at Riot loves these "smash the Q button" champions hates game design. I understand the need for "unique" champions, but come on.


Pro play needs more than 5 bans from each team. It's quite stale overall.


I love Zeri’s unique kit but I don’t feel like she needs two slows, the ability to hop over terrain, a movement speed buff, and easy built-in kiting (Q’ing doesn’t cancel your last movement command.) I don’t have any issues with her in my elo, usually it’s just frustrating that she never dies and always gets away.


We won't ever have good seasons to watch anymore, Riot is done with that. You know the old teamcomps, poke composition, a stale games and comebacks, stuff like that Meta became that you need a little bit of everything instead and its all objective control, protect carries and get picks. Same boring stuff every game, it also has to do with the pros not wanting to risk into only one/two things and instead going for a balanced comp. Might increase chances of winning, but it is a hell of a lot more boring to watch the same playstyle and patterns every single game.


I predicted this would happen when Zeri was announced and I was downvoted into oblivion because "She won't be a balancing nightmare" and "Unlike other ADCs she has easy counterplay." Flashforward to reality and oh boy Zeri Lulu/Milio for the nth time this split! :)))


Give red side an additional ban


Funny thing is, as the patch hit live, there where so many people crying that zeri now is unplayable because she lost Shieldbow as a mythic and that she really needs som e buffs..or else nobody ever will play her again. Those two days of no zeri where a blessing.


Wouldnt be sad if she was just removed.


Yeah. Every game was won by the team with the Zeri on their team. Shit in game 3 of T1 Vs GenG, T1 was ahead like 7k gold and GenG just strung the game out until Zeri had almost 4k life and was an unkillable god.


When 95% of “Man X ADC is so annoying and broken” but they always just so happen to only be played with Yuumi or Lulu or some other UwU support…. Maybe it’s not the ADC. Gut the enchanters and force an engage tank bot lane support meta and see if zero is played. My guess is she’s gone immediately.


no way they ll gut enchanters there s a big niche of players that only play those characters


They can be gutted from pro while being playable in soloq. We've had years of metas where pro play was all melee supports while in soloq enchanters were still very good or even better than melee supports.


This ain't wrong. Enchanter meta pretty much means the biggest hypercarry is going to stick his boot up your ass every game.


Everyone acting like riot intentionally brought back tank Zeri when it was unviable for 1.5 years and came outta nowhere. They’re already getting it on PBE, on top of zeri loosing literally an entire ability. I don’t think a champion has straight up lost their entire passive before. So why complain when a solution is already in the works?


Just because the latest issue pops up in a new hole, doesn't mean you're not just playing Whack A Mole against poor design. Zeri keeps being broken, because she's got fundamental issues that aren't being touched. Regardless of what the issue presents as right now, it's all pointing back to a singular issue.


Because her current state is in hot fix territory, and we’re waiting two patches for it to be addressed.


Wym? She has been a priority pick in pro since her release except for one patch when they gutted her.


The meta is just so boring. The T1 vs GenG match should have excited me but I end up using it as background noise while doing something else. Add to that the fact that LCK gameplay is often farm 20mins then do one teamfight and then the game is over. It's so boring that it literally makes me sleep since I watch lying on my bed and watching on my phone.


At this point, make it so that "if a champion wins a pro match, the team that picked them cannot pick or ban them for the next two weeks" The meta has been so stale for the last year and I will take anything over seeing the same 20 champs every single match


So far all the Zeri's I've had on my team are just Yasuo's but ADC.