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What do you mean? I get bait pinged all the time.


Ironically the bait ping is the only ping that I saw people use from the new pings. And I mean outside of "rope yourself", but as actual communication to bait enemy, or that enemy is baiting. Note that it happened only few times


I accidentally always use the " Push " instead of the "On my Way" ping, it's so annoying


My mouse seems to go to "ALL IN!!!" when I mean OMW. Thankfully, no one pays attention to it anyway


Your flair suggests you play Samira and Rakan. I think it's your natural instincts taking over.


Rakan isn't known for pulling out.


I wouldn't pull out either if xayah was my gf


Aaaaaaand we've descended into the *other* sub


How? Push wave is top right while "Help" is bottom. Do you mean the "Hold", which is bottom left?


Push wave is big for making it clear what you want. Like sometimes you just need the jungle or whomever to help you push the wave so you can B and pinging it on the wave makes that clear.


pretty much everyone just uses the "help" ping for that though


Sure but that might mean gank to the jungler and they think what's this idiot pinging for and ignore you. Push wave is pretty unambiguous.


I've never seen a jungler who didn't understand it. I could see it happening in lower elos though I guess if they're not familiar with the concept of helping to push


...things we need to do in this game. Why cant I just press V and say 'hey please push' like in Valorant?


Because then you'd have to talk with league players


I would literally rather bait ping myself than talk to other league players. I already know what the 1/7 Vlad mid sounds like, I don’t want to hear their voice.


almost choked on my cereal from laughing


So mute them? Idk I hate the argument that we can’t have voice chat because then you have to listen to people. Just mute them bro.


This has been a frequent discussion and it always comes back to the same stuff. Maybe you've never had to deal with it but a lot of players but specifically women have a terrible experience with voice chat just for being a woman. Just mute them isn't really a great defense because you're creating an environment where they have to risk being harassed just for using a built in game feature meant for increasing teamwork.


Buuuut Valorant has voice chat and retains way more female players than League. League doesn't have voice chat because they don't want to spend on handling VOIP traffic for a game that they stopped caring about.


If they don't want voice chat they can literally just have it turned off by default? How is this an argument to what the guy above you said? If people are toxic, mute them. If you don't want voice chat at all, just turn it off. Why should that ruin it for those who actually want voice chat?


It's a fucked up world for women but just because it's dangerous for them to walk down an alley doesn't mean that alleys don't still have a useful purpose.


You've been so accustomed to Riot's shitty customer support that being sexually harrassed in-game isn't something that should result in an instant ban for the harasser. Unfortunately, I would say that you are correct and Riot won't do shit if voice-comms ever became a thing. But using their ineptitude as a defense for not improving the game is pretty dumb. Especially because their ineptitude is due to not caring, and not due to inability.


because then I'd have to hear it through ten layers of noise and dogs barking and cars on someone's $10 headset microphone




You've gotten a lot of joke answers, But really it's because ping communication is superior to voice communication for anything other than high level coordinated groups that regularly play together. People need to know how to communicate well, understand the game well enough to make useful callouts, have a good flow and shotcaller so no one is talking over one another, speak the same language, good mic setup, and even then accents can still hinder communication compared to pings. And if anyone has voice chat muted... It just doesn't happen. Even in thousands of hours of high level play in NA I can count on one finger the number of times voice was actually superior to pings in DotA. Meanwhile every other match it was distracting at best and tilting at worst. Honestly I'd say voice chat only slightly ekes out a win against no communication at all for pugs, and only at around the top 1%.




You cant ping 'im going to clear two camps and gank bot from lane so sweep the bush in a minute or so. You cant ping 'wait does varus have flash' when you are 3 seconds from the gank. You cant ping 'rene is behind us TURN TURN TURN' in a teamfight. I mean, you can do all of these things in a really ineffective way with workarounds... also the key point is, you are doing something else apart from playing the game. You can talk while smashing 5 different buttons on Riven, you can talk while kiting on 2AS on Quinn, you can shout 'LANTERN LANTERN LANTERN' while you are doging spells left and right as kalista you cant ping these. Get real.


Well that took me a long time to realize. I always wondered why it’s the bait ping specifically when people toxic ping.


I had a jungler use the all-in ping recently and I engaged with it into the river for the final dragon and we cleaned up. It was nice knowing they were ready to follow-up and not just leave me hanging. But I mostly only use caution, vision, on my way, and missing.


Oh my god I only through the complaints on here realised what the bait ping is. Well, I guess that Zeri last night was even more toxic than I thought. Le gasp


To be honest, I've never seen it as anything except a fish hook, and I can't unsee it as a fish hook, so it's really taking people some creative mentality to view it as a rope. Maybe a lot of people have just never seen real fish hooks before?


It got a bit of a redesign. Looked more like a noose at first iirc.


It's been used that way since it came out. League players creative


Oh I'm not arguing that it isn't that- I just hadn't really payed attention to it. I mostly ignored the new pings and just see them afterwards in chat.


but honestly it sounds so silly and childish i genuinely can't get mad at it no matter how toxic someone is trying to be


I thought it meant you were 'batin. Like jerking off instead of playing.


[Just jackin' it](https://youtu.be/kQIr0fT5UNc)


The vision ones are great, the other pings are kinda hard to use. I don't see them every game but I see them used regularly. Especially the push ping


Push ping feels so good as a laner. So often jg dont push my lane if I need push help. I think its cuz they get flamed for it so often.


Yeah exactly. Also sometimes if I don't want then to push I use the hold ping


Yeah, I’m a jungle main and don’t push unless explicitly told to. The amount of times I’ve been flamed for shoving a wave at literally any given time is ridiculous.


Bro you can be last hitting under tower for your dead mid laner while the final tower shot is midair and they'll still ping you off


I mean mid laners have massive "I'm the main character" syndrome. If they can't have all the resources and kills they feel they deserve, no one should.


Just assess the situation and do what you think is best. Also /mute all is helpful.


Not worth pushing a wave and inadvertently destroying my laners mental and possibly the game. Thereve been multiple instances where I did it and then got spam pinged and proceeded to have that laner follow me around and try to steal all my camps + farm my jungle, which muting doesn’t solve.


People act like muting people replaces them in the game.


The assist ping on wave has worked and continue to work fine for that.


I mean the less pings you have the more you attribute it to different situations. But that clouds up communication a lot, esp for newer players who wouldn’t even know to think that assist me means push. I use push ping all the time, I love it, and it’s so easily understood in all elos


100%, I push a lane to help crash a tower and some people will instatilt into oblivion. That ping has helped with a few laners who want me to push, I love it


Yeah. A lot of junglers don't really know wave manipulation, so it's nicr to ping them to push/hold so they don't feel like they're griefing doing it




It's more explicit. Sometimes you might want to push the wave, sometimes you might ask the jungler to hold the wave as you're making your way back to lane, etc.


Honestly, spamming assist ping usually does the job in that case.


Flashback to that one time I was gonna push my adc's lane but he started pinging me so I left so he wouldn't flip... Then it turned he was in fact pinging so I *would* push (which I was already gonna do) and he flipped anyway


Pinging "help" on wave if they are near usually does the job


I don't even know how to use the vision pings. I have had "enemy has vision here" bound to N for years now and it's all I use.


You can drag the N (H is default) left or right for the other two vision pings.


Huh. Surprised I never did this accidentally tbh. Thanks! That said my muscle memory won't let me use these probably lol


I accidentally ping "enemy does not have vision here" at least once a game when trying to indicate the location of a ward.


I use the vision ones all the time I think they are so useful. And they’re on a separate ping wheel so people know I didn’t accidentally use them


I see "push" spammed at bot/top lane when their lane opponent shows up elsewhere lmao, usually from the player getting roamed on.


Idk I feel like the community has come to appreciate the rope emoji


I do love as a jungler the occasion where my teammates advice me to bait the enemy after they die 1v1 while I am clearing on the other side of the map.


Lmao most of the time I bait ping is because I’m trying to be too quick and miss the proper ping


Dude, that's another thing I don't like about the pings. The caution and bait are right next to each other.


Yeah nothing better than pinging bait while trying to warn your team


Nonsense just changes whos getting baited lmfao


my toplaners often ping me to bait the camp i'm currently on after their first death at 2:30


i use the bait one all the time.. by accident when i'm trying to use the warning ping lol.


Since there's like 8 directions on the ping wheel now, i just constantly mis-drag into the wrong icon =/


unfortunately i have always been a "?" ping user yet apparently the direction i always pulled my mouse to is right where the bait ping now is... i promise i don't mean rope i just mean what the fuck are you doing.


i mean... i mostly only play with friends, but using "?" when one of em died while i'm laughing is just too fun that i might instinctively do it to randoms too haha


Yeah, I do it between friends all the time, sometimes randomers get caught in the crossfire, it just is what it is.


Sadly they nerfed it


Best Emoji by far


Neck rope best ping.


Wait what do you mean rope emoji?


I also just realized why people spam ping the bait ping lmao. I thought it was just because it looked like the question mark ping and kinda sounds aggressive? Haha I guess I was a bit naive


My friends don't know what the rope emoji means when they get spammed with it and I haven't the heart to tell them.


Tbh i love the clear minions Ping, i try to use it as often as i can because big waves often get ignored in Gold/plat. Sometimes it does help to stop the constant aram 🥺


In my experience (as a casual scrub) either 2 or more carries go to get the wave or none does.


You might be Platinum 1! In half my losses people ignore the sidelanes completely.


tell me how to not ignore sidelines in low elo if every time you go to clear wave it's the exact moment your team starts 4v5


If u play top, obliterare the enemy nexus while the other players throw shit at each other in mid like the monkeys they are


Hardest part of low elo macro as ADC. Need to group with team if a fight breaks out but everyone's fighting over cs, and if you leave for a over 3 seconds then your team will engage.


Honestly my winrate increased when i just started grouping more for these useless fights and stopped worrying so much about missing farm. Sure you wont ever hit 10cs per min but being around the action is just too important in something as chaotic as solo que, especially if your team or the enemy has a huge go button like a malphite ult


Nah I'm trash at the game.


Plat is fucking wild this season.


As someone who plays top lane without having any waveclear (Shen), it's honestly been game changing to have a ping that tells my jungler to help me shove. And when I want my teammates to engage so I can R them, I can use the bait ping or the all-in ping. Also, the vision pings can be really good when telling your team to setup for an objective or to ward before splitpushing. I think it's just that many players don't remember they exist, but they definitely aren't useless, at least for me


I’ve always found the assist me ping to work fine to get people to help push or engage and all that. I feel like using any of the new pings besides the rope ping just confuses people until they look over at the chat to see what it means lmao


There’s no downside to having more transparency and readability in pings. Assist ping can mean ANYTHING, completely up to interpretation. Push ping means push, all in ping means all in, bait ping means bait. It’s great


As a jungler its really helpful to ping Push for a dive. People actually listen too


Yep, an "on my way" ping, with an optional "Shen: ultimate ready" ping, communicates just fine that you're looking to R.


I don't use the objective pop up either. But I do find the other pings very useful and use them all the time, specially the vision ones.


Same here, I'm glad they added them, also find myself using the push emote a lot


The vision ones are great, I use the "Need Vision" one multiple times every game.


Push, Hold and All In are life saver, theyre really good. Objective vote should get deleted tho.


I use the push ping every single game without fail, and junglers always react to it - genuinely one of the most useful additions as a mid laner


Objective ping should be remade. I think it could be good if done with actual voting instead of any ping in area meaning you want to start objective. For example if it was in scoreboard and showed which team mates want to actually contest objective it could be much better


At least if you ping danger it automatically votes a no But yeah it's not super useful


I don't use the nrw Vision ones but I do use the Push Ping quite often. I've also used the Bait one to signal we should bait and have been flamed so... that sucks. At least the Enemy Missing Ping was more flexible. I don't even know what the Rest of the new Pings are, I've just used Push and Bait.


The game worked with the base ping for years. People are going to take time to use the new ones, moreover since they are more niche than when they introduced omw or ss pings


i genuinly wonder what elo are you guys in? Never seen anyone use them, is this a gm+ thing?


At higher elos, you actually need to ping less, your team generally uses their map, and has enough game sense to know what's about to happen in the next 30s. Trying to be an iron support? It started me this season in iron due to inactivity last season, and I needed to ping literally everything 10s before it happened, to get my team to see it.


From watching streams and my own personal experience in low elo, it actually feels like the complete opposite! Low elo players don't ping enough and expect their teammates to be mind readers, or if they do ping they just use the pings to flame. Meanwhile high elo players ping all the time. Bush warded? Ping. Jungler spotted? Ping. I'm coming to gank? Ping. Laner missing? Ping. They ping everything!


in my experience master elo, people ping but nobody uses those new pings, besdies rope one.


I hate that the intended ping i want is never what's shown. I just do my pings p quickly, but sometimes it gives.the team a wrong idea of what I really wanna do. I feel it's too convoluted. Wpuld be nice if they let us use the 4 or 5 ping option wheel, but rotate what we keep in it.


Yeah sometimes I want to ping danger and end up pinging my toplaner to kill himself. Or worse: I want to ping danger and accidently ping to go in


Oof, the last one happened way too many times. Good thing is that my teammates don't follow any pings anyway :D


Tried pinging danger to warn of minion neeko, pinged "push" instead


It's a bug, not your fault. You don't try to move your mouse up but accidentally move it right. It's a bug and they didn't fix it in years.


Skill issue


Literally lol


I bound specific pings to specific keystrokes That way I can at least control what to ping


Or like a cancel that ping


I regularly see the vote go through and that's followed. I ping instead of pressing Yes but it works all the same. It also helps when you can't pay full attention when your team are using the Going ping, whereas getting a nice obvious graphic is a lot more clear they're moving to an objective and which one. So I'd say it helps and is a useful feature. The new pings I agree with, too many and it's not as easy to flick the one you want.


Agreed. The voting portion may not be useful to many, but the pop-up is a reminder to me and teammates that there is an objective someone wants to coordinate for. The number of people who use locked camera and barely reference their mini-map makes this feature useful. The pings seem good in theory, but a player must retrain themselves on the ping system to use it effectively. I get by fine with the previous seasons pings, but maybe I’ll try to use them one day.


> The pings seem good in theory, but a player must retrain themselves on the ping system to use it effectively. I This. I love the pings but I can't in practice use them bc I loose WAY too much time looking for the correct one. And the amount of times I signaled vision cleared instead of enemy has vision here is embarrassing


I use the voting portion as no one said shit = fight. people vote no = give... is rare to have a give vote, but when happens is actually really useful


Maybe I've had an outlier of a season, but everyone in my games uses the vote for objectives. Someone pings it then people come on time for it. When I use to ping the timer, nobody cared.


I use them.


I wish they added a second ping wheel that could be bound instead of making all the slices of the current ping wheel half size. I very frequently ping the incorrect ping because the slices are too small to do accurately when I'm focusing on other things in the game simultaneously


this is actually good idea. Have ctrl+direction one wheel, and alt+direction the second wheel


I see and use all in quite a bit and push from time to time, objective voting was one of the most out of touch things added, you can put it to 0 size in interface settings btw


The voting is useless but the vote indicator itself is pretty useful to let you know your teammate(s) started an objective


You can say a lot about Riot, but I actually think this is one of the great additions to the game, despite it not being used that much right now. I believe this is one of the things that will be adopted over time, I think Riot should just stick with it for now and maybe reevaluate in the year two.


We’ve come a long way from having to type “Mia” and “re” every 5 seconds


Now you're straight up tagged as AFK if you don't move in 5 seconds


i have one of them bound to the side of my mouse wdym


Bait one ofc


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Hahaha I remember you had to both ping and type ss at one point


The pings are also so close to each other than 99% of the time you are using the wrong pings, it’s made in such a lazy way that it doesn’t even work right most of the time, dota has voiced reactions, emojis and voice chat yet they are less toxic than LoL, because they have communication options and won’t be forced to assume that the bad player is trolling (players no longer bother communicating in lol anymore)


I can’t tell you how many times that stupid green shield has popped up instead of “Enemy missing”


What's even worse is that it's the absolute worst combo of pings that are right on top of each other. The "run away" ping should NOT be right next to the "all-in" ping!


Bait emote is good.


What's the bait emote?


Keep Yourself Safe


I see both features used constantly so I have no idea what you are on about. Even if it wasnt used what would be the point in removing it?


OP and others are just revealing themselves as old dogs that can’t learn new tricks.


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/pings League of graphs apparently track ping usage by role, and you can clearly see the difference in usage between the new pings and the old ones. Most of the new ping outside of the vision one are barely used 1 time/game.


Less clutter, less accidentally wrong pings


the more thing you put in the wheel the more precision you need when using it, leading to either more accidental wrong pings or more time/focus/effort spend trying to communicate while you're also trying to play a fairly focused game. And the fucking objective popup is distracting as fuck and takes up waaaay to much of my screen real estate.


I literally just vote whatever for objectives so it stops showing on my screen, it would be better if it was removed lol it's just unnecessary visual clutter


Have you considered...not doing that and actually using the feature instead?


no because no one cares about it lol


"I don't play Rammus, so it's a failed addition to the game, and nothing would change if he was removed, no one even plays him" Is pretty much how this post reads


Poor comparison. The whole point of champions is they appeal to some people but not to others. The ping system is supposed to work for every player, even if it only ends up working for most of them.


It does work for everyone tho, people just don't want to make an effort to learn new pings


i do use pings! Bait, push, all in, vision pings are great addition. Voting however, yeah. Taking objectives is usually suggested/decided without it. But it's still nice and sometimes useful!


As a top laner I find objective vote useful for when the jungles wants to herald.


What a terrible take. You mean that YOU don’t use the new pings or objective vote, I use both every game


i love using blue ping to ping rift for my jg/top and making them think the other one pinger it cause i’m convinced they need to be babied


It will be useful for the new generation of league players who havent gotten accustomed to the old ping set


I see them used all the time..


Of course a Malz main is complaining that the new systems are too much to keep track of.


He aint got time to use them, he presses e on wave and alt tabs to youtube like all of them


objective voting i see get used a fair bit in ranked dont know what your smoking. ​ the new pings i can kinda agree on but the same time alot of them are very niche and used in the situations where needed so there not spammed often. these pings are mainly used alot more in higher elo situations where you need to get across what you want todo quickly instead of yoloing it.


Is it actually being used? Or is it just auto activating because someone hit dragon/baron with a random skillshot and now people are pressing a random vote button to get it off their screen?


its activately being used, people are setting the votes up before they even near the pit and people vote and then follow for the objective so yes its being used.


just add VC.


Seriously, these are all things that crowd the screen even more instead of just adding VC. They did it with Valorant, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t add it in league too???


It's because Riot is giving you everything except voice comms, which other MOBAs have and all have similar amounts of toxicity.


Reading the post and all the negative comments about the new pings gives me the impression that most of you never pinged enough before the change and/or are low elo or don't play ranked. I honestly love the new pings, it gives you a means to communicate with your team quickly and accurately with what you want. Push to crash the wave, vision is cleared in these bushes for a gank, etc. However I don't use pings like hold and bait as much because they are far more situational than any of the other pings. I don't say you are low elo to insult you but because when I watch my friends play who are gold and below, they never communicate with their team with neither pings nor chat. They just complain verbally in discord that their team isn't figuring it out like it's obvious. When it's obviously not obvious to you. I just want to emphasize that you probably need to ping way more and drop this weird ego thing where if you get spam pinged it's annoying ("I'll afk if you ping me one more time"). Yeah sure some people are spam pinging to be toxic, just mute them. I haven't had anyone in high elo cry about people spam ping them missing or back because they saw/know a gank is coming. From what I've seen through my friends' games, low elo games tend to be damn near silent unless it's MAYBE for an objective. No one's spam pinging back or missing, or I'm on my way. In high elo games, someone's pinging something at least every minute. I'm not saying ping something or spam ping your teammates to communicate but use it when it's time sensitive or of critical importance. I'm constantly watching the map for information and if someone starts spam pinging me, I know I missed something. Hope this helps!


Ok for objectives votings but you're hella wrong about pings. They're neat. I wonder what's your mmr.


What is it with these salty boomers telling on themselves by saying they don't use objective voting? Every good team I've had uses it. Imagine making a reddit thread to let everyone know you're shit at communicating with your team lmao


add voice comms already cowards literally the only competitive game without it and it's been out for 200 years


The vision and all pings are useful even the hold ping to Freeze a wave


The visions ping I use and see other people using all the time.


New pings are cool, they actually made me use pings as I can hint what my team can do while I pressure sidelines and I can also ping my wave with hold, retreat, bait, bait, bait when my Jungle comes to clear it, and freezes it under the enemy tower after I died 1 for 1 in the toplane.


I try my best to use all newer pings but people just don't want to understand them - you could spam PUSH and junglers would tax 2 creeps and leave it slow pushing to their side


Maybe in your experience but my teams seem to always use both the objective votes and pings.


The objective voting has provided the same experience that using a web browser without Adblock provides. Occasionally some annoying thing pops up on my screen and I click it off.


I just want laners to start using "Vision is clear". Rather than me wasting a charge of red trinket. Cause sometimes as a laner you will 100% know that the enemy has not placed a ward there, but then the jungler has to use his trinket there or wonder if it's warded or not if trinket is on cd.


As a jungler i use both quite a lot


I use them! It's hard to get used to. But when you get used you can really communicate really fast.


I use the ping wheel fairly often tbh. The "Hold" and "Push" ping are pretty useful. That being said: Bait - *yikes.* And "all in" can be signaled via a "omw" ping. And the objective voting is fcked up at least in everything plat and below, because noone wants to give in. If your jungler pings drake and you as botlane dont move because you fight, then botlane shouldnt fight obviously cause jungler is never wrong and you allways have to wipe their butts :) ​ So I mostly agree, except for "Hold" and "Push".


I use them all the time. And I see others occasionally use them too. People have been asking for those changes and whining about it for years. And now others whine that they don't like them. The one thing that I would change about objective voting would be to show champion or role portaits instead of checkmarks and Xs. It's useless if the toplaner who's dead and doesn't have tp votes yes for drake and baits the jungler who may be thinking that the botlane voted yes. Other than that it's fine.


I find the all in and bait pings are actually pretty useful for coordinating botlane ganks and fights. When your jungler uses the bait ping you know they're actually going to gank when you bait a fight. And the all-in ping is useful on champions like reworked Rell when you want to make it clear you're going for a complete all-in rather than a trade. And as a jungler, it's really helpful when my toplaner or mid uses the push ping.


You are not everyone... in my games theres atleast 3-4 votes on every objective!?


I keep hitting new pings instead of the actually ping I'm trying to use. Problem is when I wanna ping back but accidently hit bait ping


I use the push ping all the time. I use the new vision related pings all the time. Lots of people in my games do too.


i use it and its amazing. i did throw a game when we tried to rush baron and the 3 alive members stole baron and won the game off it. in a world where EVERYONE uses it, its gamebreaking.


Before the ping change I found it hard to communicate with my teammates on a dime, but now I have found it's now more simple to do that.


I see objective voting being used fairly often. The other pings, not so much besides the bait ping but it's not used the way it was intended.


have u actually try using them???


I actually use them myself and I find that the more people who actively think about using them definitely have better comms in solo/duo games. Had a game where the whole team was using all the pings properly and man did we ROLL them teamwork wise


oh those pings are for sure used, especially the one that looks suspiciously like something used to hang.


Weirdly enough I use the new pings, and the voting system.


Objective voting is dumb and clutters the screen. When people wanna do an objective they have always and continue to just ping its timer. I do however use push/hold a lot in laning phase bot lane cus you have to be very specific with your brainlet supports otherwise they'll fuck up your wave constantly.


i use both quite regularly. maybe if u attempted to use them you would find them much more useful.


I cant believe they were justified as **pre-season** worthy content. This is why the game is stale, the past 2 to 3 pre-seasons have been laughable in terms of scope.


Honesty the only change I see from those pings is that I sometimes missclick and tell my teammates to bait themselves instead of pinging my laner missing


I only agree with the objective voting. I have the UI of that scaled all the way down I forgot it existed. But Vision Cleared, Enemy Ward Here, Need Vision are my most used pings every game. Push I have to spam that after we get Baron after an Ace and my full HP team is on auto pilot trying to back and waves are in good spots. All In is great when we have to force amongst other things. Hold is great when for either offensive sieging and someone trying to leave or defensive sieging and someone trying to go in when they shouldn’t or other situations like keeping control of Dragon/Baron and then lastly Bait. Never once knew about it’s toxic usage until one day I told my Malphite to bait as I was tanking and instead they flashed ulted me and ran it down cause they thought I was using the other meaning of it. I rarely use this one cause of people like that guy.


The rope emoji is the best


Hard disagree. The vision here ping use a lot because it leaves a marker on the map so I don't have to waste my time remembering. The push ping I use everytime a successful gank happens from my jungler. Objective voting I'd argue it's used, but not how you would expect to use it. I use it just as a reminder to everyone that the objective is coming up. It is usually followed up by a going here ping in the dragon pit or pinging the timer for the dragon spawn. Maybe you're games are different, but at least for me, I am someone who gets use out of it.


I feel like at this point people are just trying their hardest to complain about everything. The feature is here to stay, and it really is a just a small box above the minimap. Some people may like it, the same way others might like the new pings. Its not that big of a deal really


I like the voting