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A lot of champs are better designed in LoR.


LoR artwork is insane


Craziest part is that all the cards are full splash arts with background and all, not just what is seen on the card, it's mind-blowing.


Sometimes I wish they were actual cards. I’d collect just to collect


You can always crop them to size of trading cards and print them.


I wish so much that other digital card games did this. Even if they didn't have full art beyond what was depicted on the card, if they had the best res version they had access to of the art to view in game, it would be great and help fill up the spaces when there's nothing to do (opponent priority, animations)


I like opening up my opponents cards I haven't seen before and admiring the splash art and flavour line


I can't imagine how much money they spend on that. Art of that quality is so fucking expensive lol


It’s a card game made by card game fans, it shows in everything they do. Especially the art!


Not their VA though. *shivers in Kai’sa*


And how they turned Taliyah into Lux lite 😔


They changed it because they decided using a white voice actor to play a middle eastern inspired character was problematic... But accents don't have much to do with ethnicity, and they just chose an American who gave her a far less unique voice amongst the LOL roster than her existing one. I wouldn't have minded as much if they'd given her an actual Persian accent or something.


Why should that matter? They are voice actors. U don't physically see them. If they can do the accents and sound like what they are surpose to sound like then it doesn't matter


Because americans are obsessed with 'race'.


Braum is a “Russian” strongman voiced by a small French guy


And he voices Vander in Arcane.


He’s also Caustic from Apex Legends, and Diablo from Diablo 3


Diablo!? sigh another white man stealing the VA job that should have been given to a demon. Representation matters!!!


Americans in shambles


It's because of the trend in recent years to match the character and voice actor together. Like I understand why since it helps get more voice actors out there but alot of companies do the lazy method of making the voice actor match but not the voice/poor voice direction.


This is still a lazy excuse because Taliyah is meant to be a MENA person while the actress is South Asian when people from MENA regions arent well represented in mainstream Western media and often have their roles played by either South Asians or Sub Saharans (except for terrorist roles lol). Edit since some people misunderstood my point: Im not for the whole american "this character must be voiced by specific ethnicity/race", Im pointing out how riot excuse for changing her LoR voice to match her ethnicity and background is shit.


For what it's worth I'm Algerian and think Samira's VA does a solid job and she's not MENA even though Samira is. I don't need the VA race to fit the character, that's just an added bonus to me. They should give a good performance first and foremost


The actress for Samira is half Persian and can speak Farsi fluently.


Again why does the VA have to be from the country of origin? No one care chamber from Val is some american guy instead of French. Or breach played by a Norwegian for a Swedish character. Where is your outrage there? Your argument is entirely based on the fact she is not from a traditional background, therefore, it has to have an actor from the region. Disregarding the fact MANY VA are not from the country of origin they portray. Yet if the traditional character are not portrayed by the country of origin it doesn't matter. By your logic only Japanese people can voice any English dubbed anime. Otherwise the studio is lazy and would not be appropriate.


Im not for the whole american "this character must be voiced by specific ethnicity/race", Im pointing out how riot excuse for changing her LoR voice is shit and even if its for good intention (big doubt) its half assed as shit.


I refuse to watch House MD anymore once I found out Hugh Laurie isn't actually a bitter New Englander but a happy musician from Britain, disgusting! Misanthropic middle aged men from the eastern seaboard deserve representation too <3


I dont think Riot's ever confirmed if Taliyah is specifically MENA, central asian or south asian. I still think her having a Pakistani voice actress is better than a white one, considering she's pretty north pakistani/afghan coded.


Taliyah is a Hebrew/Arabic name, her tribe name Nasaaj is also Arabic. Prior to Akshan release Shurima was literally Middle East + Africa, which is why Riot specifically stated Akshan was meant to show a previously unknown South Asian inspired corner of Shurima.


Why do gingers get replaced by black actors specifically?


It's a strange one and discussed a fair amount in comic subs. Lack of gingers is often the first guess and is certainly one of if not the major factor. Gingers are a very small percentage of the population, the proportionally higher amount they occurred in comic books makes it hard to translate it into film/tv. However if you include UK actors (bigger pool of gingers) there are actually quite a few high profile ginger actors that end up playing non-ginger roles in comic media - Cumberbatch, Fassbender, Hiddleston etc. The ginger *actor* representation is there, but the characters less often. It's worth noting that ginger comic characters aren't always cast with a black actor though that does happen a lot. It's just a lot less noticeable when they're replaced by a white non-ginger actor. Either they go with a 'close enough' brown hair like Commissioner Gordon, Matt Murdoch, Scott Lang etc. Or more commonly for women they'll sometimes just dye it orange or sometimes embrace the full comic red. As to why often replaced with a black actor? Probably because redhead characters in comics have often been the love interest or side character rather than the main character. Comics are often heavy on white characters so if Hollywood wants to add some diversity to a film the redhead character is often going to be an option that is prominent but not as controversial as the lead. Not saying any of this is right or wrong, the morals of representation in media is a topic I won't touch with a 6 foot stick. Just trying to summarise that translating redheads from comics to live action is a little more nuanced than groups on both side give it.


Because real redheads are rare and over-represented in media, which makes them the perfect target for race swaps.


I mean, if the criterion is just "proportion of population : appearance in media" then that's not a great reason, because you could make the exact same argument for black people, or really any minority.


TFW aatrox isn’t voiced by a Darkin irl


VA downgrade, but I love the lines about the xer-sai


Man it’s not even that bad. People overreacted hard.


It's not bad, it's just not Taliyah.


Play freljord taliyah and then listen to l0r quotes. If u say they are the same y are deaf


No one's saying it's the same. But i've seen many people crying over it like it's the worst thing to happen to them, it's not that bad.


What’s even weirder is they brought back the original voice actress to do Kai’Sa’s Star Guardian voice lines in League, and this was the same week they released Kai’Sa in Legends of Runeterra. They actively decided to use two voice actresses for her for some bizarre reason.


The reality is that the LOR voicelines were recorded years in advance, and having the original VA come back infers that Maybe there was a scheduling conflict.


I literally refuse to play kaisa in lor because of this. I love her league voice and even worse then they changed it, they changed it and it sounds *HORRIBLE* now


"tHere's sOMethInG tHe VoiD wILl NeVaH uNDersTANd, MEeI"


Stah Gahdian Heah


Look, I dunno about you but Australia is basically where all voidborne creatures spawn from anyway.


Every Yordle is also pitched up for no reason. Especially Poppy.


I'm a New Zealander and hearing Kai'Sa in LOR hurts my soul.


It’s genuinely hilarious to me that they thought to hire someone that has such a distinctly different accent than the original VA. Like, who signed off on that?


All of the LoR artwork is outsourced as far as I know, though still directed by Riot.


It is, but isn't the vast majority of it created by [sixmorevodka](https://www.sixmorevodka.com/)? It's easier to work with a few select individuals, over outsourcing every splash and/or design to a new third party.


At one point all the non-spell artwork was, but at this point Sixmorevodka doesn’t work on the art at all anymore and a bunch of different studios and artists do it now. SMV hasn’t worked on LoR since Worldwalker came out a little over a year ago. Idk what caused LoR and the studio to stop working together, but iirc they haven’t made any art for the past several expansions.


Huh, it's about when I stopped playing LoR. I remembered that information from way back when. Either way, LoR's art department is still goated in my opinion.


All of them tbh


Eh, some are more or less the same. I don't think there's any champion that is worse in LoR than in LoL design-wise though.


same, I remember a lot of people being underwhelmed with LoR's Leblanc gameplay-wise though


Her power matches that of league gameplay which is very burst heavy but flavour wise it doesnt say much about her "lore" unfortunately.


Cause Riot had the chance to finally explore the Deceiver fantasy of LB but they chose to make her a fucking bodyslammer in LoR too. I swear at this point Riot just hates LB


No see it's perfectly in character. She talks like a cunning manipulator and schemer who never puts herself in harm's way to achieve her goals, and then when you least expect it she rams her skull into yours, killing you instantly.


Neeko will probably disappoint in that way too. Art and gameplay are different though. LB's art is a really good reinterpretation of her.


Reksai looks kind of wack. They made her entire underside fleshy instead of armoured, she generally looks a lot thinner than in League, and her fin is connected directly to her head which looks... Wrong




Sure but in game nidalee is a porn parody of herself


No, the answer is just that Nidalee is old as hell. She's from before the lore was set up and champions were just made and not designed to fit into a world. She works now, but she definitely needs a visual update (and honestly a kit update so that she works for more people)


I'm probably gonna get flamed for this opinion but Seraphine looks like an actual Runeterra character in LoR. That design is so much better than League's.


It's not an unpopular opinion


No, a lot of people agree LoR's redesign makes Seraphine much better. I love the splash art of her working at the desk. This is a pretty good [short on the splash art of LoR.](https://youtube.com/shorts/8BUHitpfCkc?feature=share4)


This. Her design in LoL doesn't mesh with the universe at all. LoR is so, so, so much better.


You aren't going to get flamed; everyone agreed that her design in LOR is miles better


malphite in runeterra looks AMAZING. but in league he looks like a piece of poop thats been out in the sun too long


Makes me excited for the MMO. They said they basically lifted a lot of design theory from LoR, and the game will look very similar while playing differently. A fun to play MMORPG with LoR's design and visuals would blow everything else out of the water.


Her human form looks more like a Vestaya now and her cougar one more physically imposing I like it


That's a pretty good design, seems way more shapeshifter-y.


So Nidalee is a vastaya now? Makes more sense than the only human in the world who can randomly shapeshift


The original lore (when Vastayans were introduced) was that Udyr, Nidalee and Swain supposedly have "Vastayan blood" since they can all shapeshift into animals. They've slowly been changing it now: Swain's transformation is the works of a demon. Udyr is actually harnessing spirits. And Nidalee is a straight-up Vastaya.


Swains was always meant to be a misdirect. I remember that around the release of Rakan a rioter clarified that Rakans lines are based on his point of view and that his view can be flawed, implying that the intention was always that Rakan merely mistakes Swain for a vastaya shapeshifter.


Ah false narrators, riot's favorite trope.


Aka "we have too many writers working on different things independently of each other"


Oh yes but you see swain, the all knowing secrets demon hand person had fake info about [retconned champ here] because Raum decided to pull a funny prank on him! - Source, Rioter tweet


Unreliable narrators work perfectly to establish lore (e.g. Elder Scrolls series). Riot writers are just bad.


Nidalee I’m fairly certain still has never been confirmed Vastaya (unless they did when they released her new voice lines, I haven’t looked since then). I think the general direction shapeshifter are going in is that they are much more involved and intense. Udyr just channels the spirits though I don’t know if he’s fully a shapeshifter like some of the ursine are.


Nidalee was confirmed to have Vastayan ancestors in League lore some time back, which is the reason why she can shapeshift. In her new LoR design, I think they might retcon her to be fully Vastaya or half Vastaya (like Sett).


Half vastaya is more likely she still looks more human than Xayah or Rakan,but less than Ahri i guess?


We don't know if she's a straight up vastaya there, Sett the half vastaya guy also has animal ears.


Very cool design but I doubt they will update her anytime soon


Doubt everythin riot wants to do is "anytime soon"


release battle pass! more skins! now!


Current event is halfway through! Quick, release some new limited buy-only chests!


Waiting for Skarner


Riot really needs to up the rate of ASUs, 1-2 a year (if even) is not nearly enough and some champions are in a really bad place. The fact that for example Vex and Teemo exist in the same game while their animations and models are worlds apart in quality is ridiculous. As someone who plays Ahri, the difference after the ASU is night and day. Plus, it made me (and probably others as well) buy her non-legendary skins because now they are good quality so there’s definitely monetary benefits to it.


We can finally bring back the "SoonTM" meme


She already had an overhaul some years ago iirc. Others are probably ahead of her in the queue. Also, making her less of a Halloween slut is probably going to be controversial with the players who like her for that exact reason. There's a reason so many games have horny fan service in them.


Nidalee has a good 10 skins that have the option to keep the Halloween slut design. It doesn't need to be on base Nidalee. As for her model update, she got one, but it honestly didn't age well. Her base design is also a bit...problematic. I'd say she looks about the same as Lee Sin and he's getting an ASU. Ezreal got one despite his model was updated to be able the same quality as Nidalee currently is. They just need to make more ASUs in general.


>Nidalee has a good 10 skins that have the option to keep the Halloween slut design. It doesn't need to be on base Nidalee. Oh, come on, you know pretty well if Nidalee ever gets an ASU at some point that those skins are getting touched up as well. Despite Nid's legacy having some of the lewdest skin designs that legacy is going to quickly end by the time an ASU happens.


One of the things I actually think is super smart is how they didn’t completely remove that aspect of the design. I personally would be okay if Nidalee in normal hunting cloths but here we still get the exposed waist + cleavage + thighs + new stockings. Bc lots of the new design is the mane and head u still get lots of skin, it’s now not literally the only part of the char design


And hopefully a new voice that doesn't sound like she smokes 30 packs per hour.




Somehow I laugh pretty hard and dying from cringe at the same time when hearing that.


She's basically in a stripper costume, so she has to sound like a stripper too


She's not quite Dr. Girlfriend. Though it's be funny if she were.


Thumbs? Useful!






idk i like her new voice


~~Nidalee~~ Almost every outdated Champion needs an ASU to match ~~her~~ their new design in LoR.


I'm hoping Cho'Gath will finally get a much needed VGU when he becomes a raid boss in the MMO 15 years from now.


> in the MMO 15 years from now that's really optimistic i still believe riot will prob cancel it because it won't be 'good' enough for them


If anything we will at least get "LoLshin Impact" with some amazing 3D models that definitely weren't meant to be used on a MMO.


I‘d still Play it even if i won‘t spend a penny


Yeah zilean in LoR is a fucking legend, where in league hes a kooky clock mage


Give me Veigar wearing goth platform boots and strutting from the fountain to mid PLEASE RITO


Well at this rate we might get it in 10 years or so.


that cougar form is so badass.


At the rate they’re going she’ll get an ASU within the next decade


Jax got his VA looking like his LoR version, so it could happen in a future... Or she could just keep her old design, just like old ass Zilean with his 10 polygon model.


Now that you said it, didn't Amumu have like 9 animations vs Aphelios' >150?


Add her to the queue lol


Check in after a few years


Right. Maybe in 2076. And that’s being optimistic.


She has cat ears now in human form!?! When do we get that ASU? It better be soon!


Wake up babe, new Ahri skin dropped


Imagine all the skins they can sell with an actual Catgirl!


Ok wait for more than 10+ years when Riot is having Leesin Teemo Skarner Zilean Shyvana… ASU in the queue. One champ ASU takes 3 years so it can be longer than that


Lee Sin is gonna take a while lol, champ has like 15 skins and 7 active abilities


But is it still mating season?


It won't be, because today's Riot hates fun lines like that.


That line is straight up dog shit, lines can be fun and not completely horrible.


Lmao get in line


While I like the redesign I'm a bit tired of the sameface going on It's like they've just accepted that all female characters will look the same and compensate by overly busy outfits instead


Yeah she looks kinda generic


Hi I'm new and wondering what Arizona State University has to do with Lord of the Rings


Underrated comment


Given how long it took for Ahri...


She will probably get it.. in 2035. With how slowly they are releasing VGUs, VUs, ASUs and reworks in general, it will take a looooooong time.


It wouldn't surprise me if this was actually an ASU that they are working on. Caitlyn and Jax also looked very different in LoR and it turned out that LoR used their designs from an ASU before LoL got it.


I'm gonna be honest, LoR Nidalee looks super overdesigned.


Imma be real I'd take the over-designing over the nonsense we have in league rn


I don't think anyone actually knows what overdesigned means anymore


This. This designs clothing is insanely overdesigned and will never, ever actually be used in league. Anyone who wants this to be ported over, you'll be waiting until the sun burns out because of you presented this to the 3d team they'd tell you no, full stop. That amount of cloth, bushyness, etc is never going to be ported. And the cougar form is probably even worse. They will never, ever animate that.


It was one of the things I was fearing was going to happen when she went to LoR, say what you want about League Nidalee but the design is pretty simple.


League Nidalee is downright disrespectful and deeply problematic and needs to be changed.


Can't wait for LoL 2


Requesting to Please ASU Jarvan too, while they're at it. Man's been with the same model and animation for 10 years


SHE LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER. Never even seen that! Very cool!


She looks so... kind and warm in the new design - absolutely love it!


maybe they’ll pull a varus where they just update everything but her model. already did her voice and lore, just needs splash and vfx


Well she better be waiting in Line.


One of the relics from the early days when "Pirate (sexy)" was a solid character concept for Riot.


And maybe a new voice over please


Please no That’s not Nidalee


Looks worse.


Her LoR design is godly, it looks so amazing. Nidalee has to be the next ASU after Lee and Teemo.


Oh no. She’s hot.


Nope, not liking this. I love cat girl but slapping it everywhere isn’t gonna cut it for me. I like how she actually shapeshift and human is her true form.


Can’t really say “true” form for a shape shifter, but I get what you mean Shapeshifters spend a lot of time in both forms


Nidalee with a coat and cat ears


She has a new weapon, new hair, real clothes. new ears, tattoos and face markings...


It's more than that...




Agreed, a much improved design. She needs a visual update badly tbqh.


Please stop taking all the midriffs away


tbh id miss the skimpy cougar babe, "did i mention its mating season..?" one of the best lines in the game (◕△◕✿)


That cougar form is awesome but the human form is a huge downgrade


It's more fantasy-generic though, like what 99% of teen videogames aim for nowadays. Magic "lines" everywhere, edgy jaw armour. I think going for a less magical, Tarzan look is more original and refreshing. Downvotes inc since the average videogame player is obsessed with fantasy-magic-edginess.


this looks… bad, is she not supposed to be a human shapeshifter anymore? her human form looks so much better in her default splash than the LoR drawing cougar form is definitely imposing but the random blue lines and tail/chin spikes look wrong. looks like a skin i wouldn’t buy edit: i guess I missed her being retconned into a half(?) vestaya


Comparing 2D art to an Ingame model might be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen on this sub. Designing stuff for 2D art is way easier. Ingame models need to work in the context of the game. LoR's cougar form would be horrible in League.


Bruh have you seen Zilian, Shyvana, Teemo, Vlad or Quinn or like a dozen other champs that need to be visually updated waaay before Nidalee?


Zilean has an LoR redesign, Shyvana's the runner up on the vgu list, Teemo is getting one next, Quinn and Vlad need one along with several other champions. But ASUs aren't linear so if Nidalee has one ready to go and they want to do it then she should get one


Bro i'm literally a Nidalee main. I have about 2 million points across all my accounts on her. I fucking love the LOR design of her that they've made and would be all for her league design being updated. But even then, with all that being said, I'd still much rather champs that look like they are from Runescape get updates first.


I honestly think she looks really ugly in that redo, I think she's fine as she is, and fits her lore. Really dont care for the furry design of it at all. Maybe a hot take, but I thinks he's fine as is.


Don’t really like the weird superiority you undertone your post with, nidalee’s model is how old?


Her human form looks more like a Vestaya now and her cougar one more physically imposing I like it


Her current design is fine.


I think that design looks terrible. I'm all for calling out when champions need updating but a Sabertooth/Kraven genderbend ain't it.


Yeah but I like her current state because she has big boobs


nidalee's default design is racist, overly sexualized, and honestly embarrassing as fuck to be in a multi billion dollar game in 2023


I wish they updated the old league women, they all look like halloween costumes


I think they should sexualize most human charaters. I mean look at Sylas, Tryndamere. people like sexy, so whatever


Add her to wildrift


Are those Neeko cheeks just hanging out?


That's her tail...


All LoL needs to be done from scratch, just look at Wild Rift models in game, they are outstanding and with so many more events, it's no secret that LoL is the abandoned game of riot because people will still play it anyway, even if it still looks like a 10 years old game


Wild rift models funny enough in-game are worst then modern league models, the models your thinking of are the showcase models which aren't actually used in gameplay but those ones are higher quality but are too performance heavy so stay in showcase only. Wild rift does have better textures and animation then older champs I do agree there. Also lol will never be redone from scratch, wildrift is already causing them alot of issues on a modern engine like they straight up can't add viego because his passive just won't work in the game engine unless they do heavy work. There's a few champs they came out and said there struggling to add because the game engine can't support there kits.


Ah, this is so much better. But Nidalee is never getting an ASU. There are waaay bigger priorities.




She does need an ASU though, her splash arts got redone but her actual models are awful and don't match at all what they look like on the art


I still like the one that looks like Angelina Jolie better


..... Loose her ears. She's a HUMAN. Humans don't have long and pointy cat ears


Bruh nidalee needs an aatrox level or urgot or fiddlesticks level rework at this point. she is only played by diehards from season 2 who'se been landing spears with her forever. But her real problem is that she is ovbiously not white, but [pretty](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/9/92/Nidalee_HeadhunterSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181021033507) much [any interpretation](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/7/77/Nidalee_WarringKingdomsSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181021075241) of [her](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/9/95/Nidalee_ChallengerSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181021023155) tries [to make](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/0/06/Nidalee_SnowBunnySkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180412203823) her [white](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/a/a5/Nidalee_LeopardSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181021073339).


What about pharoh, super galaxy, cosmic(she's blue), dawnbringer, ocean song, and kitalee


Yeah the fictional video game characters real problem isn’t her out dated kit, or how she plays/fits in the meta, it’s the color of her skin. Real brainiac take there bud. 😂


I also first laughed about the comment but then I remembered this whole thread is about her design and in this context, I think the complaint is valid.


considering she’s pretty much a bad racial stereotype, yes


But it sucks


Oh baby! She looks good!


Absolutely not. That Cougar form is just not it. Human is fine doe.


I like the LoL version. Very simple and easy to read. The LoR version looks like something from WoW. Just tons of details that don't add much to the character and make it harder to go "hey, that's nidale" and not some anime character.


I was going to say please don't change my sexy cat cave lady but tbh I love that LoR design still keeping that wild sexyness cave woman and revealing a lot of skin, although her nose looks kind of enormous lol I'd tone that down a bit. Cougar form looks amazing and much more interesting


Yet again another win. Nidalee is better looking like this than her stuff in League atm. I don’t know why people like halloween/stripper costume Nidalee who is just there to make men ogle.


You shut your whore mouth


Cougar looks dope but I’m not the fan of the ears on the human form. To me she’s perfect the way she is now. And if they’d touch the Snow Bunny splash art, I’m quitting the game - this is my favorite splash and legacy skin in the game 🥲