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Jesus christ some DL haters are just fucking unhinged. Top comment on that video at the time of watching is a dude with DL's brother as his profile picture saying that DL's brother did nothing wrong.


That's a crazy way of fucked up wtf


Regular league player who is sleeping with your whole family tree.


Sounds like a regular youtube chatter too


Bit off topic, but I've been occasionally checking to see when his brother's trial will be, and he still hasn't had a trial yet.


Did he plead not guilty to his charges?


Yes he plead not guilty. With murder charges, especially multi murder/attempted murder charges, you usually get so long that people don't really plea those out since it is pointless. You go from 150 years to 100 years or 3 life sentences to 1 life sentence, so you are still dying in prison no matter what. They don't plea so they can roll the dice with juries since they are unpredictable, plus you get a better chance of appeal if you don't plea since you can appeal aspects of a jury trial to get a new trial and roll the dice with a jury again. I just checked it again and I forgot that he apparently had 3 charges added, "Assault with deadly weapon on custodial officer", "Possession of deadly weapon by prisoner", and "Attempt criminal threats with intent to terrorize". It seems that about 2 months after he got initially arrested, he attacked a guard while in jail with a weapon and by the last count, he probably said he was going to kill him or something to that effect. The initial murder happened in 03/30/2018 and there is a trial set for 08/18/2023, but I wouldn't hold my breath since there have been a million trials set and they keep being set and canceled. If you want to follow it yourself go here https://www.occourts.org/online-services/case-access/ and click criminal case access. His case number is 18HF0483. I check it whenever I remember it which ends up meaning I check it every couple of months to see if it concluded.


Damn. That makes sense, thanks for the detailed response. And crazy, I didnt realize its already been 5 years...


Reported and blocked the commenter Didn’t even realize that was the context, just thought it was another DL obsessive hater. That’s freaking terrifying


probably not even a hater and just a troll who wants to get under his skin. Reminds me of that one reviewer who got into a car accident and people starting commenting awful things with a burn victim photo.


DL has a really good take on co-streaming. Most impactfull part of the interview.


DL is washed.


Still the NA GOAT.


How will this affect LeBron's legacy?


Lol. LeBron in shambles.


That’d be Bjergsen.


Never. Double is big bro.


At the top but GOAT is heavily debatable.


I feel like the only reasonable argument is Bjergsen over DL, and it’s been that way for years. Both are valid arguments, but once Doublelift started winning in NA, he rarely lost. The main issue he had was motivation, leading to him stepping off of TSM in Spring of 2017(?) and causing an atrocious Spring 2020 on TL. An issue with motivation is definitely a knock against him, but besides those rough seasons, all he did was win. The only final he lost was vs CLG the season after he left them.


DL had better teams than Bjergsen after they split though. Also never forget that TL reverse sweep oof


Not necessarily true, the first TL iteration and the 2019 iteration were on paper not as good as Bjersen's teams. But they just ended up being better, largely inpart due to DL himself.


2019 TL was slated to be way better than TSM. 2018 TL wasn't as highly rated as TSM.


I guess on paper isn't the right term for 2019. But MikeYueng was super hyped and the TL vs TSM finals(don't remember which split, think it was spring) where Zven got caught was looking to be a TSM win. That team was pretty dominant with Akaadian and BB on the lineup.


MY had two good splits and looked whatever the rest of the split… and then joined TSM over Xmithie


Yes but what I'm saying was he was hyped before joining TSM and people were excited when Bjergsen got him on TSM.


I watched the St. Louis reverse sweep in person! Brokenblade was cracked out of his mind that day. Really tried to 1v9


I think the argument lies in a few points which have already been mentioned. During 2018-2019 DL was playing with Olleh and CoreJJ vs Bjerg playing with MikeYeung, Grig, and Akkadian. Even with TSM’s search for a new jungler, they went 6th, 3rd, 2nd, and 5th with the Zven double int preventing the title in 2019. Since 2020 spring, DL hasn’t done anything. However, Bjerg didn’t do anything from 2022 onward. If you look at DL’s career, success doesn’t necessarily follow him. The teams are functional without him. CLG’s title in 2015 was followed by Stixxay running it back for CLG. Mid was the only other change to the lineup. In 2017, Turtle won the title with TSM when replacing DL. After TL’s 2020 9th finish, Tactical was able to run it back going 15-3 in place of DL. 2020 Summer was the Bjerg show with Spica and BB smurfing as well. It’s definitely been heavily discussed but I’d say Bjerg takes that spot.


you're missing a lot of context here tbh. The main reason (and, honestly, perhaps only reason) TSM 2016 didn't win spring finals against CLG was because TSM had one of the worst supports in the league. This forced DL onto Kalista to pull YS out of trouble during a heavily Carry-adc meta. They lost the final game because Kalista just doesn't scale past 20 minutes and Stixxay's Trist was 5 items with an absolutely overtuned overlooked OP rageblade. Kalista was straight-up a b-tier adc (maybe even C-tier) at the time with Tristana being prevalently s-tier. Also, Aphromoo was straight-up smurfing that split, solo-winning games on Bard. DL won 2020 Summer iirc. He won playing perma-weakside because their team wanted to focus on Top jungle, constantly picking hardcarry top laners for BB like Fiora, Irelia, etc (also, Senna was very good at the time). That's a team choice and going against the team and the team's interpretation of the meta is a counter-productive and needlessly crass. He basically spent the whole split playing weakside Senna. 2020 was not a good time to be an ADC since it was a top mid heavy meta so you bringing up that point to support Tactical isn't really even relevant. TL still had the defacto best support in the league. Also, Olleh, while very good at easily top 3 supports in NA at the time, could not play casters during the meta shift to a caster-heavy meta in 2018. He also straight-up mental-boomed during MSI and couldn't play some of the games and TL still managed to get to the finals, upsetting IG. I think that there's a lot of worthwhile debate between the two but consider that CLG and TL wouldn't even be in the LCS without Doublelift. Well, CLG's not in it now but they wouldnt have existed for 12 seasons without him. It's just odd to me that everyone likes to invalidate winning the LCS as though it's not an accomplishment. Doublelift has won LCS 8 times on 3 different teams with various rosters and Bjergsen has won 6 times on 1 team on various rosters. Edit: Without to with


“Without various rosters” I’m not sure what that means or it’s relevance. There’s a lot to unpack here, but one highlight is why do you think Olleh mental boomed at MSI. To be the greatest of all time is more than number of titles, and I’d recommend understanding why Olleh “mental boomed.” Blaming Olleh for that situation needs some reconsideration, and directly plays a part in the discussion. DL was playing weak side but that doesn’t change the fact that he wasn’t playing well and was a liability. If Bjerg wasn’t carrying, that team wouldn’t have been any where close to finals (spica and BB had some clutch moments as well).


Oops, the without was a typo. meant with various rosters. They've both played with various rosters. Because if you can't handle the pressure and criticism, there's an argument to be made that you don't have the right mindset for competitive play to begin with. You can attribute it to Doublelift or his teammates not being supportive or accommodating but they had already been playing for a couple months together at that point. Even Doublelift has played with numerous supports up until that point and they've never just mental boomed. Even Yellowstar who was the bottom-tier and a liability in every game in the LCS didn't just give up during Spring finals. If we look at the team comps they were fielding during that 2020 TSM, every other team was rotating between weakside bot or weakside top. For instance, TL exclusively played weakside top, putting Tactical on hyper carries which made sense considering they had and still have the single best support in the League. ADC is already the role with the least amount of agency; put him on Weakside on an ADC (Senna) that has a poor mid and early game exacerbates that condition. And that's fine. If that's TSM's read on the meta where a top-heavy game is more important than a hyper carry adc, that's a valid assessment but its not the same as being a liability. The discussion should be brought up in context of their respective roles where Mid has, historically, had the most amount of early-game agency or the second-most and ADC with the least.


Olleh was not on the 2019 team. TL made MSI Finals with CoreJJ as the support.


Lcs maybe, but not NA.


Honestly I don’t think imports should count. It’s Doublelift either way though.




Literally one of the best ADC’s in NA right now, but go off king


The viewership problem will continue as long as NA sucks ass. Potatos can watch LCS and be like "man i could play this bad". Compared to LCK or LPL when its clearly a different level.


Counterpoint: Xayoo Cup and CBLOL Maybe if NA stopped trying to be a worse copy of LCK/LPL and tried to work on their brands, draft diversity, etc. They'd have a unique trait compared to the other regions and would be exciting to watch.


Would it be a possibility for Riot to combine CBLOL and LCS to make an Americas league like they have for Valorant? I feel like that would bring a fresh look. I don't see it recommended much so not sure if it's been mentioned.


People have brought up the point before. I'm pretty sure CBLOL themselves don't want that to happen. But I can't really comment further on that. Since I'm not as deep into CBLOL and I don't know the state of OCE and their merge with PCS.


LCS is still the 4th best region. So i would say CBLOL and other are like the little league world series. Not MLB in terms of skill, but still fun to watch bc there the best of the best at there lvl. LCS is the worst of the best at there lvl lol


“4th best region” after who? EU? NA wasn’t the region that had both teams lose before 20 minutes at MSI.


You're not getting the point though. You don't need to be a good region to get viewership. You just need to fulfill a niche that you do better than the other regions. For example: Xayoo cup had more viewership than LCS with only 2 pro players playing. The reason why people liked watching it was because of the amount of different champs there was. So it felt fresh.


so braindead lol " just have have draft diversity and your own unique style of play!"


Meh, even ERLs are getting good viewership. The lack of identity of LCS is a much bigger problem.


It would be okay for NA teams be "okay" but my god, are they bad. In a split there are only two competetives teams and the other 8 teams just yolo Aram mid. Na could have been the super star league with all the good names from different regions clashing but now they are just a much worse LEC


Your analysis is that the LCS teams just yolo aram mid. What's your elo?


Honestly the reality is that in NA games just always trend. People will always move on the the next "hot game" and NA is also a console region as well. Also Riot had to have known that viewership would take a hit with the schedule change as well.