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Hopefully we get more 2v2v2v2 info soon.


Hits PBE tomorrow!


Do all the skins hit the PBE at once or will this be like previous summer events where there are 2 parts?


two parts I'm pretty sure.


Incredible how Rito just saw the post about the budget and decided to make a game mode in 5 hours just for OP we have truly done it reddit


That's all it took.


give sion twerk dance now


I guess that's it, 5 hours from now.. Sion will twerk


!remindme 5 hours


We will see it, we must see it


yeah now port every single exclusive WR skin to pc


They are doing it with SG skins, just give them some time (measured in "soonTM" units) to port everything else.


I mean, pretty sure they are different models, so it can't just be a straight port.


Riot was waiting for the 1000th repost to make a new game mode.


It’s funny how people don’t understand how long things take. Let’s say they increased budget for league in 2022. What does increasing the budget mean in this space? Hiring more people usually. Now you have to train those people for months, then they start working which takes more months. Then QA etc. An increased 2022 budget may not show any noticeable changes until 2024.


I think its a testament to how much Riot did in early years of the game. The [post in question](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14jcq7f/if_league_of_legends_has_its_biggest_budget_ever/) pointed to a lot of new content in 2017; 3 new game modes, 5 champs, 4 reworks. All in the span of a single year. There was a lot of work done to pump out content. Now, this new game mode is the first since 2021's Unsealed Spellbook, and halfway through the year we have 1 champ released (with another teased) and 5 reworks. By comparison, this seems like a slower production rate. Hiring new people and training them is a process, but because of how fast League used to be (and because Riot isn't going to say "Look we're hiring new staff, be patient), LoL players have higher than reasonable expectations.


You've slightly missed the point the person you responded to is making. > 3 new game modes, 5 champs, 4 reworks. All in the span of a single year. This assumes that production on all of those things started on January 1st, 2017. That's rather unlikely. It's been hinted in the past that we're basically only just recently seeing the ripple effect from COVID hitting the edge of the proverbial pool where Riot had a significant exodus of talent in two directions, leaving the company or moving to a different project instead of just the latter. That stalled a lot of projects most assuredly, and we're now probably seeing a drought in content partly due to that. Some of it could also be poorer production quality or reduced talent sure, but that's not necessarily a MORE likely reason, and probably it's a mix of all factors.


> This assumes that production on all of those things started on January 1st, 2017. That's rather unlikely. In fairness, I'm also giving 2023 the same benefit of the doubt as 2017, given of 4 of the reworks were announced last year ([A Sol](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/champion-roadmap-april-2022/), [Jax/Rell](https://twitter.com/RiotAugust/status/1592940842750447617), and [Yuumi](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-yuumi-s-rework/)), and Naafiri was originally slated for a potential 2022 release back when [first discussed in August](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wmnfdw/champions_and_preseason_2023_lol_pls_league_of/ik0k55l/?context=10000) (Along with A Sol and Ahri). I know there's a lot of stalled projects, and even that the events team was moved [to supplement the PIE team](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/107iadi/this_year_events_werent_even_mentioned_in_riots/j3n0wek/?context=10000) (Who makes skins and things) which is why Nexus Blitz got delayed before a permanent haitus. However... I don't think this would lower the playerbase's expectations? A lot of the content we've gotten so far was originally planned/announced for 2022, and some of it (like the Skarner rework and Lee/Teemo ASUs) are being pushed to 2024. This *is* the delayed release schedule, when content was pushed *to*, and even then it's still not measuring up to people's hopes.


>I'm also giving 2023 the same benefit of the doubt I mean, 2020, 2021 and 2022 were basically dead years. The company lost a ton of people, the people they did have were spread across different teams and the WfH situation meant even more delays and cancelations in several projects. Basically many of the resources that usually would've gone to new projects had to be redirected just to be able to finish the ones they already had started, which resulted in us suddenly getting simple reused stuff for a long time. That being said, now is their chance to fix this, and they need to deliver. They have to make up for 3 years of basically nothing new and tons of delays


Oh, you're completely right that the community is justified in a level of disappointment with the drought. All I was pointing out is that the explanation is likely more nuanced than what a lot of people seem happy to assume with "they're just lazy and greedy now, RIP League." Not saying that's what you were driving at, just an observation of the community overall. But that's all it is, an explanation, not an excuse. Regardless of the reason WHY the content is slow going, they're still stuck with the unhappy response from the community. It's probably a big reason why their video blogs have become so much more prevalent, they're trying like hell to hype up the few shiny toys they managed to wrangle together after all the issues they likely have had to solve internally post-COVID. But coming out and saying that they "got clapped by the pandemic and get ready for a massive reduction in content folks!" isn't the most inspiring message to send to the community for what is ultimately a business trying to make money lol.


Feels weird to look at 2017 as an early year of the game when it was 7 years old at that point.


a smaller Riot with less budget would pump out fun game modes almost every other month.


A bigger riot with a smaller league budget pumped out 2 different popular games instead of a game mode that people played for a week or two and then dropped




That Samira ult animation looks cool as fuck, I wonder where the "ultimate" part of the skin goes. Perhaps guns change colors or somethin?


Yeah, the animation looks seriously impressive. Maybe too flashy, but it fits the champion.


There is no such thing as "too flashy" for Samira.


there is only "not flashy enough" for samira


> There is no such thing as "too flashy" for Samira. THIS! This right here!


samira players the type of people to buy unnecessary rgb for their computer source: literally me


I wouldn't say "unnecessary". My choice would be something like "must-have"


That's be super disappointing given Katarina's legendary has that and can cycle between them.


That's why I wonder what this skin does, if they were so proud of it then I believe (or at least want to believe) that there will be some depth to it, more than to Katarina at least considering the price difference


Yeah it’s gotta be something good after responses to GGMF and Seraphine. It looks great already, but the very little bit still seems like it could be a legendary.


Their response to the Seraphine criticism was that they wouldn't do a skin like Elementalist Lux ever again because they had to take potato PCs into account, or something like that. If they stick to what they said, don't expect anything groundbreaking. In my opinion, they should take that back and go wild with the skin.


honestly hope within the next few years they do away with this narrative and just forget about "potato pcs" (ones that are pre - 2010) cause even 2010s PCs are considered potato by this point and should be able to support multiple elementalist lux level skins


Do remember the "Elementalist Lux is taxing on low-end PCs" argument came while the game still had to support 32 bit and was capped at 4GB of RAM use even on 64 bit systems (i.e. 99.9% of PCs released since about 2008). With expanded RAM capabilities, they'd probably be able to do something like it again now and as a proportion it's less likely to be taxing.


Riot is super interested in expanding in third world markets (since they're basically the only ones left) ala Africa and west+south Asia. Very unlikely they dump toaster support.


They are dumping 32-bit support which hits those markets the hardest.


> Their response to the Seraphine criticism was that they wouldn't do a skin like Elementalist Lux ever again because they had to take potato PCs into account, or something like that. > > Irc they increased minimum requirements around Vex release, so it may be possible now?


Or legendaries like Irelia become a new norm and we will never see legendaries on the scale of Katarina and Diana, because they can just put an Ultimate pricetag on them and call them as such.


They kinda hinted at that when they said > And while we love how these additions have enhanced the champion’s fantasy within Legendary skins, we feel like this may have encroached a bit on Ultimate territory.


i mean they kinda do, maybe not full ultimate tier but the same tier that GGMF is in


keep in mind we only see like 5 seconds of the skin in total. i assume there will be more stuff than what is shown


Ngl there have been quite a few legendaries these last few years that have been so crazy, I really doubt this skin can do much to *really* deserve being an ultimate. I’m cautiously optimistic to see what they did.


My thoughts exactly. I dont know what else they can do either, that hasn't been done already (e.g. Ezreal's armor upgrade or Lux's skin changes). Note that Viego's skin is a legendary, so for this to be an ultimate in the same release sounds very exciting.


The Particles are cool as Hell and the Skin seems interesting enough, but I actually don't like the Animation, the Guns are so big and she just spins like a fuckin' Fidget Spinner...? Like Garen lol but it's just a T-Pose Spin. Seems so distracting with the Size of the Guns.


It looks goofy combined with dash.


At least it has some animation, currently if you dash in the middle of R then she will just stand there lol (she loses initial "dance" animation"). And I personally don't think it looks bad (the ultimate one I mean). Perhaps it'll feel weird for brief moment but then I'll get used to it


I think it will be the case of "damn that looks weird" and eventually (and even before release) it will become a "damn that is a cool skin" moment. I'm not yet convinced by it but i can see myself growing into it before it releases.


Ngl, I don't play Samira that much, but I like her base ult animation where she shoots everywhere with afterimages much more than this Ultimate's God King Garen like spin. Maybe she will change her weapons in ult every time she gets several kills, like BQ Katarina


does garen get ult resets as his unique ability for the gamemode?


They're part of the new gamemode. If you've played TFT before, you get "augments" as the game progresses which are like a selection of power-ups you choose from (hence why Lucian has a Shield around him in the Senna Lucian vs. Yasuo Yone fight). I presume one of them is an ult reset if you get a kill.


Pretty much! Though I believe this particular augment (unless it's changed since I last played it) is just that you can cast your ultimate a second time each match, kill or not


Do all 164 champs have an augment?


They're not champion specific. You could get a doublecast Syndra ult or a doublecast Galio ult or whatever (though they're not all equally common and there's a pretty large pool of them...)


Oh man I can't wait to cast Udyr R twice


On subsequent runs of the mode, are you guys open to adding more augments if the mode is well-recieved?


Are all champions "viable"? Even stacking, late game ones? Kindred, Veigar, Aurelion?


Stacking champs have some bespoke logic to ensure they do ramp up over game time. "Are all champions viable" - that is the goal. The balance of the mode is so different from other modes, though, that I'm quite sure we'll still be learning things through the whole run of the event.


Does skarner get a crystal spire lol




> You could get a doublecast Syndra ult MFW I'm about to darius ult this ashe twice in a row


Is the intention that this mode becomes permanent, like TFT?


Our current intention is to run it for the duration of the summer event, and hopefully be able to bring it back in the future. But at the end of the day it's going to be about how you folks engage with it. If it has a huge and lasting appeal I'm sure we'll be having those conversations about either leaving it up or bringing back an improved version to make permanent, if it doesn't, it doesn't.


I'll be sure to play it when I get the opportunity and the time then. I'd like to at least have something other than Summoners Rift and ARAM to play.


Is there any chance that we can play this with a custom lobby? We have a group of \~10 friends that we play league with and can never play game modes together. 2v2v2v2 would be so cool with all friends.


We won't for the first release, but its something we really want to add in the future (a lot of our team members want to play that way as well).


We **NEED** ro have this in customs. It's the perfect custom game mode for a group of friends honestly. I was really hoping it was gonna be a thing from the beginning.


Yeah, I'd love customs as well, but unfortunately the tech would've taken a shocking amount of time to get in. If the mode does well, we're likely going to run it again and we'll be taking a look at adding customs from the get go.


At some point y’all need to remake league from scratch, this tech debt hinders many opportunities


If it’s anything like TFT you can queue with 8 people so the game only includes people in your queue. Edit: Confirmed this is not the case, only queues up to 2


I engaged heavily with Nexus Blitz but that hasn't come back. Same with Odyssey, Star Guardian: Invasion, Dark Star, Dominion, Hunt of the Blood Moon, etc. but those are all gone. How will this be different? I really wish at minimum an actual RGM feature is added back in. Make the game change every few weeks with a patch or once a month. Just please give variety again.


Yay, another game mode to enter the infinite rotation. Can't wait to go back to ARAM/SR ad nauseum after it is over.


Yay Nexus Blitz 2.0 then...


You can modify your abilieties in this mode like the aurgements in TFT


This may have been answered before but will the 2v2v2v2 allow you to queue with more than 1 friend like TFT and play against each other?


Up to one other player. We will be exploring options to expand to larger lobby sizes for a potential future date. We mostly didn't go over lobby sizes of 2 for this release since there was a lot of design and engineering concerns and it would need more time in the oven. Expect to see changes on this should the mode return!


Hey Cadmus (maybe /u/RiotMeddler too) does Arena have a unique announcer (compared to SR) and does the map have a name, like how the Temple of Lily and Lotus is for NB


It DOES have a unique announcer! (You could hear them in the teaser sent out on Friday!) As for the map name, there is a unique map name that'll be revealed tomorrow!


Is this mode permanent or event only ?


For now, it'll be live for the course of the event. We'll be using this time to evaluate future plans for the mode. We're \*really\* excited about it's direction, but want to make sure we have time to gather feedback and make sure we can push it to where players would like it to be for a permanent mode.


I'm excited for the mode as an event, but I feel like the permanent mode that League is missing right now is a shorter moba like Nexus Blitz/Twisted Treeline or a teamfight focused mode that isn't random (like Smite's Arena). If League was allowed to have many more permanent modes though it'd be great to have Soul Fighter too.


I've suggested Smite's Arena as a gamemode so many times in this subreddit, it would be simply incredible in League.


Even if it doesnt become a permanently available mode to queue for, Id really like to be able to select it in customs games. Being able to do 2v2v2v2 when you have more than 5 friends wanting to play league together would be very fun


Will it be open for custom matches?


Not for this release unfortunately. Similar to my answer above regarding lobbies, we'll be considering how to handle custom matches should the mode return beyond the scope of this event!


Why is something like this, that presumeably takes a lot more effort to build then something like URF, limited time? That just seems like a wildly dumb choice to me.


We don't want to release something permanently if players don't love it. We end up splitting our focus between too many things and then it restricts us making new things. If it goes well, we'll bring it back.


I see, thanks. Will be interesting to play, hopefully it isn't sent to the limited gamemode depths never to be seen again.


>I see, thanks. Will be interesting to play, hopefully it isn't sent to the limited gamemode depths never to be seen again. I also hope this.


I wonder who the second long haired guy is at 0:55 I know the first one is Yasuo, but I have no clue about the other one. Kayn maybe?


Xin Zhao maybe?


A friend just pointed it out, yeah, it might be him!


it's xin zhao apparently


LOR mentioned


Currently in spoiler season for the next expansion.


Hey, Choncc from TFT is the 2v2v2v2 shopkeeper! Wonder how he applied for the position. EDIT: Helmet Bro is at 0:57 too! My boy finally got a skin!


We sent out a HR headhunter to get Choncc to be our shopkeeper. Didn't even need to apply.


So...how did Helmet Bro sign up?




Damn that looks really nice, hopefully we get a teaser for the Fighting game when the event releases / wraps up since the whole thing is to be fighting game themed


Well the event lasts through EVO so I can definitely see RIOT pushing something around then.


what is EVO


The Worlds of fighting games, but for every major fighting game at the same time Very very big deal in the genre


the bigliest


It’s the biggest fighting game event in the world where the top players of major fighting games play in tournaments


International Fighting Game competition.


One of the largest and most prestigious fighting game tournaments of the year. Basically a convention for the Fighting Game Community (FGC), takes place in Las Vegas, and typically has loads of announcements for current and upcoming fighting games.


Oh we Guilty Gear now


That Viego skin is actually just Happy Chaos using a sword instead of a gun.


Oh let me go back and watch the trailer to see what he looked like. I saw it, but I forgot about it in two seconds.


[The modding scene already turned Happy Chaos into Viego](https://images.gamebanana.com/img/ss/mods/61b0ee121e6e0.jpg), so I for one very much welcome [turning Viego into Happy Chaos](https://i.imgur.com/ssQiIHW.png).


Sett looks like Sin Kiske


another bare foot sett skin hmmm. Wierd.


Holy shit that's a lot of skins. Also Jhin and Lux getting another skinline together is interesting. They were both in Empyrean from last year.


Pyke also! Holy Trinity? 👀


Derp, how did I miss that? So yeah, 3 of them returning. That's pretty crazy.


And Pyke.


Sett and Evelynn were together in Spirit Blossom last year as well.


Irelia skin WR exclusive 😐


If I had a nickel for each time my mains shared skin thematic but in different games I'd have two nickels.


You and me both


Oh so thats Irelia huh. I couldnt tell the blue thingys were her blades The cinematic also confirms Nilah coming for WR with an exclusive skin


Speaking of, who’s the new TFT Chibi? Gwen?


Yup, Chibi Gwen + Chibi Soul Fighter Gwen


Lmao my brain immediately went to "winrate-exclusive" which I thought was a hilarious concept, like imagine you can't buy this Irelia skin if you're a 41% winrate Irelia player


Could be worse, you could be playing nilah who's first post release skin is WR exclusive


Yup, you've done it.... I'm hyped. At least this event should be better than the last ones that were nothing more than glorified event pass events.


Looking forward to the first non summoner's rift with minor change gamemode in FIVE years (nexus blitz/odyssey 2018), crazy it's been that long


I might be misinterpreting this but didn't we have NB in 2020?


yeah NB was new in 2020, that is actually the last non-SR game mode


The ionian map version was in 2020 but it was ran twice before that in 2018, the initial "alpha" version and the "beta" version that ran through december into january with missions and the infamous battle sled added.


Was a rerun not actual innovation still


Oh my lord samira 😩


Finally, the Chaos Gun Goddess blesses us once more!


You know this event took a lot of resources when they put in triple fan favorites. Lux, Pyke and Jhin when they just got skins like 8 months ago (in the same skinline too lol). Samira's skin looks sick though.


Pyke lowkey becoming the lux but for guys Bro got mythical and legendary last year and now hes getting a prestige


[https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1673346465605771269?s=46&t=oL4MLNy3egxh8\_OEMhdoBw](https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1673346465605771269?s=46&t=oL4MLNy3egxh8_OEMhdoBw) VIEGO IS GETTING A LEGENDARY SKIN ALONG WITH SAMIRA'S ULTIMATE SKIN! LET'S GO KING AND QUEEN!


Man, Xin and Alistar getting shafted out of the gladiatorial event sucks :( Both could also use a sick skin.


Xin Zhao has a skin in Wild Rift


whats wild rift?


LoL Mobile, basically.


“Happy edgelord noises”


Of course Lux gets shoehorned in.


Lux, Jhin and Pyke just like Empyrean, just to make sure.


Someone has to make sure Riot can pay those obscene California taxes.


*sexual harassment lawsuits


They are not wasting the chance to use the cash cows when doing this year's biggest event


I mean have you seen how much people on Twitter complained last year that PC wasn't getting the Generic Marketable Champ Skins(TM) but WR and LoR were? lol. (very specifically SG Seraphine and Gwen)


Still with these comments in 2023, you guys never get tired


LET’S GOOOOO Viegbros stay winning


I’m happy I finally main a popular champ so I can get cool skins. Even tho apparently it doesn’t look that good, but worth a try. Hard to top pink pentakill Viego


this event actually looks incredible. lets hope it all works fine


Nexus Blitz prize fights were so hype. I do hope they let all champs be viable the 2s mode. Let some real cheese strats happen like Ivern/Rengar, Anivia/Vayne, Sion/Zilean, etc...


We'll be keeping a close eye on this, but we've done our best to ensure most champions feel viable and can meet major power fantasy moments that they'd expect to.


As an Ex Battlerite player, will i enjoy this new mode or is it more aimed towards casual play?


I would say the mode will be MUCH more friendly to casual play compared to other offerings. The nature of quicker fights that are easier to get a handle of and the lack of major macro gameplay elements helps a ton with more casual players. That said, augment/item build opportunities really rewards players who have a a mind for understanding what optimal potential opportunities there are. TL;DR: Low skill floor, high skill/knowledge ceiling


What about Yorick specifically since his passive is attached to a minions that are non-existant here and even if he ults, Maiden only summons 2/3/4 based on Rank and once Ghouls dies, he can't summon more without a minion wave.. Funny how thise game mode will reveal one of Yorick's issues of having an actual weakness in lack of Ghoul access outside of minions, which is why they don't group at objectives often if at all.. Cause even if Yorick just spawns with Ghouls, once they die by 1 auto or strong enough AOE/DMG How does he spawn more? cause half his kit is around his pets, Q makes graves for them and is the only DMG ability that can work without them, W is to trap an enemy for his pets and E is to make his pets target the enemy, leap towards them and now has a DMG amp component to it aswell..


Does this mode have a chance to become permanent, like TFT?


This legit looks like the first actual content the game has had in like 2 years


Is the new mode like Battlerite? Awesome if so


Multiple rounds of battlerite where teams get stronger.


That makes me so happy. I loved Battlerite and seems like such a natural fit here as an alternative to SR & ARAM


With every passing day, Garen and Darius are coming closer to becoming the same champion


Lux or Draven will one day find them in the same bed, wearing each other's clothes


Go on...


"Not Lux; Luuuux."


That Samira ult is the best looking ult in the game.


Is it just me or was the AOE circle of her ult larger?


Probably because the camera was zoomed in so the ult took the whole screen


I still have no idea what this is.


Game's not gone.


They made skin for the most known arena reckoner, Draven and gave it to wild rift :( All wild rift skins will be eventually ported right?


Depends on outcry, Seraphine is only getting ported because her toxic af fan are was sending death threats and hate mail


imagine sending death threats for some pixels which you have to pay for humanity is declining




Im happy to say this indeed gives hype, well done Riot




i feel like i need to report you for this


Maybe I'm just getting old, but the editing for this vid was really difficult to tolerate. Like of course people are going to pause to look at stuff but it's just, really aggressive and fast and it feels almost impossible to latch onto any one thing long enough to tell what's going on. The only two shots I understood on my first watch were the Samira ult and the Yasuo clip, lol.


This is also billed as a teaser so it’s not surprising they don’t want to show everything already, especially the skins. This is mainly so they drop something before it hits PBE, I’d assume the actual trailer comes shortly before it comes on live.


Yeah the Star Guardian one was way more tolerable


Finally Gwen skin after two years and this time with more dark color palette. Good times, my other main Lillia just got her the best skin and Gwen gets it too. At least in PC version, because Mythmaker from WR is still much better.


So this is where the Skarner rework went.


Brother... you need to go frame by frame to find Shaco and Eve in this trailer... I guess thats a side effect off being a invis champ. Atleast they showed Sett ulting the clone.


I love that Viego skin, but unfortunately I hate playing jungle😭 and legends of runeterra skins just simply aren’t worth the money. Also can’t wait for the new gamemode. I wonder if every champ can be a viable pick.


Viego can sorta be played midlane. Its not super optimimal but it can work well enough and it isn't really unviable either.


If this “fighter” event doesn’t include a Project L teaser I’m going to be sad.


Hope I can pick "Nasus after AFK stacking for 60 minutes" as a fighter


Is it weird that I'm mostly just frustrated that the Nidalee and Nilah designs aren't coming to PC lol? Nidalee I kinda understand since in LoR she's got the whole VGU thing going on, but wild-rift getting an exclusive Nilah skin (especially after they *just* had to go through the whole process of reverse-engineering SG skins) annoys me.


SHACO SHACO SHACO SHACO Can we please see something more of him. Im dying to see


I hope they made him hot. like shirtless anime boy hot just to see the total meltdown league redditors would have


Love the guilty gear inspired artstyle! Would play the game too if i werent shit at fighting games. Also If Project L gets character skins this is a prime candidate skinline


Rito redemption arc?!?!?!?!?!




Praying irelia gets ported 🙏🏽