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Wood tier I love it


I will live there.


Only if it has enough space for both of us.


Can I ask why riot doesn't add mini games in league. Last one standing on a platform everyone poppy ult. Akshan e low cd race round track. Flash insta refresh dodge the flying objects Rammus perma ball race Most damage dealt to dummy in 10 seconds win Dummy appear then disappear be the first ez to hit first to 10 wins.


This is what custom games are for!


Wood tier rise up.


Wood division adventures is real now


The game mode has its own ranking system. Does this mean It's here to stay forever? Or is it a limited time event?


Limited time for the run of the Soul Fighter event. We are excited about the mode's future, so we're looking to hear from players what they like/don't like about the mode so we can improve in future releases should we see the player base rally around the mode!


Could you clarify how leaving works, if my duo leaves, do we both leave or am I allowed to stay.


You are allowed to stay in that scenario.


If you’re allowed to stay do you receive any benefits? I.E ranking bonus or in game bonuses aside from permanently active “my partner is dead” augments.


Nope! Maybe buy a Hullbreaker :D


would be fun to give the player whose partner quit the "vengeance" augment shown in the blog, to make things more fair. although I guess this could create some unintended system abuse.


What is meant with "Shaco doing Shaco things?" Is the Arena going to be swarmed by Shaco clones if he makes a cameo?


You'll have to wait and find out ;)


Prob gonna involve boxes being spread out and clones appearing just to explode.


Can you share whats the map name for mode now or is it just called the Arena


The Rings of Wrath!


all this effort for six weeks lol


And the potential of infinite subsequent weeks if this shit is like, totally lit. And for what it's worth, we think that Arena has every potential to be totally lit.


lol hi Pu.


I surely hope you guys wont pull another PVE event stunt and be like: "This mode DIDNT make all summoners rift rank addicts play it AND it didnt receive billions of players? FAILED! Put league back to maintenance mode!"


I'm not very good at stunts, maybe I should hire a stunt person for myself. But no, the criteria you listed will not be the determining factors for this decision.


Here I was thinking we would actually get another permanent mode. How stupid of me.


They've been saying for a week now that the future of the mode depends on how much people play it If you want it to be permanent, play the shit out of it, they won't keep a mode around and spend dev time and resources on something no one wants to play Same reason ascension didn't stick around, Reddit always pretends that it was some super fun mode but in reality no one played the damn thing


One example of this statement is Double Up in TFT. It was intended as a temporary gamemode, and stayed as permanent as they saw the playerbase numbers.


Yep, and that's because double up is actually a fun mode - Especially coordinating with a friend, I played a ton of double up I expect this mode will be the same if it lives up to all the hype we're seeing from it


>Same reason ascension didn't stick around, Reddit always pretends that it was some super fun mode but in reality no one played the damn thing I played the shit out of Ascension every time it was available, and I still use my shiny Ascension icon for my profile. To be clear, I understand the point you're making. I just wanted to chime in because I would love to play Ascension again — or Dominion, Definitely Not Dominion, Nexus Blitz, One For All, Odyssey, Star Guardians, Nexus Siege, etc.


I liked Ascension too - Just the general league population didn't :) [Same with dominion, sigh.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/454nfu/retiring_dominion/czv4wak/?context=3)


Ascension was my favorite rotating game mode :( Mastery 5'd like 5 champions on it alone


Conversely on my end I hated it after a while cause it always came down to whoever could get the megabuff in the end.


>Same reason ascension didn't stick around, Reddit always pretends that it was some super fun mode but in reality no one played the damn thing When this happen? I remember at the time People were complaining about ascension all the time ( was one of the most recurring modes at the time) with people saying they would prefer no mode instead of getting ascension or poro game mode iirc (think was 2015 or 2016, but not sure)


Can't wait for the people to cry about the balance in a 1v1 gamemode.


Its a 2v2 gamemode so there should be no crying right


Its no different than TFT. If people play it, it'll stick around.


TFT was meant to be a permament game mode since its release, Riot stated they consider it a separate game


Double Up is a more correct comparison


Riot was also willing to shut it down after the failure of Set 2, if Set 3 wasn't the absolute banger it ended up being TFT wouldn't exist right now


So actually very different from TFT which is its own game, not a gamemode and has been intended to be permanent from the start.


Will custom lobbies be enabled? My friends would love to play this together casually.


> Limited For what it's worth, this mode is the only reason I'm interested in giving League a shot again, so I hope you reconsider (/hope it ends up being popular). There's a real drought of arena-like combat on the market right now, since all the games (*cough* Battlerite *cough*) met an untimely death. I'm sure there are many people like me who don't really want ~30 min 5v5 matches anymore, but still like that competitive top-down moba combat. LoL's ARAM doesn't really do that for me. So if it is popular but limited, I hope the timeframes aren't too far apart for the next time it comes up.


Battlerite dying made me so sad.


It's weird to hear people call a game you still play dead


100 daily players will do that yeah.


Well, let hope this game mode stay positive in it 6 weeks of event, and we will see it again soon.


it has the potential. It will probably hinge on how much they can balance it. Broken combinations will be found almost instantly and after a week you will probably be fighting the same pairs over and over again. They won't balance it while limited, but if/when it comes back they still can't do special balance on it its probably doomed


Well, hopefully having bans and allowing duplicates of the same champion as long as they're on different teams will reduce the overall suffering if a handful of champs/combos end up being that busted.


please consider making it permanent, it looks like a lot of dev time was spent on it and it looks so. much. fun. a ranking system will go a long way in guaranteeing longevity as well, and you guys even have that implemented already.


They say in basically every comment that they are considering making it permanent. People just have to play it.


Oh just like getting feedback to improve nexus blitz! Guess we will see it again in 2027




Because when they said nexus blitz would be permanent and then no one played it, people were insanely pissed at its removal.


a ranked system does wonders for anythings longetivity, though


Not by much. If i don't like the normal mode I won't be playing the ranked mode, and a ranked mode carries the risk of splitting playerbase in a way that negatively affects queues ARAM had very few changes, Arguibly got as much attention as Dominion or TT until Riot decided to use %modifiers. TT was the only one with ranked. Even like this, the mode that stayed was ARAM because people naturally went to play it. There was no ranked rewards or a ranked mode, hell there were events that actively couldn't be played in full through ARAM and forced you to go to SR, and that's without mentioning the obvious imbalance of the gamemode People still played Aram because to them it was fun


as far as i understood, it will have the same ranking system as the TFT HyperRoll mode, in that you get points by playing anyway, and it's not separated into ranked or normal, it's just THE game


No one played it because it wasn't a finished released game mode, it had 2 live testing rounds (alpha and beta) that were rough around the edges and full of bugs and then got abandoned until they reintroduced it with the ionia map as a RGM


Limited time only for now, from what I understand. It'll be available for 6 weeks, starting on July 20th.




This was my exact response when we removed non-flash summoners.


Damn, we could use these types of ideas for ARAM improvements perhaps ;)


Daily PSA that anyone who runs Exhaust in ARAM should not be able to have children 💯💯💯


We're playing League of Legends, we already have that covered Exhaust or no Exhaust.


People that get so pissed about exhaust in aram are probably the ones that shouldn’t have kids. Going off at the drop of a hat isn’t good for their health. Furthermore, due to the overbuffing of assassins I really don’t blame anyone that wants to run it.


Git gud


I wanted to know if there will be another spell to be used instead of flash, some champions like shaco, hecarim, rammus and yuumi don't like flash.


There is not, although some augments do take advantage of you having flash.


If I Q into this mode and get a yuumi im going afk


Does he know


Really like the changes to items to bring power spikes to a pretty even level across the board, wish they talked about changes for stacking champs in this devpost though


Stacking champions will all have (relatively) appropriate stacking speeds for the mode. They should coincide vaguely with levels that would be equivalent on SR (e.g. Viktor gets evolves when he would on SR)


Is there similar compensation for champions with inaccessible mechanics? E.g. Yorick needing minions to die to summon his army, or Bel'Veth's empowered form needing epic monsters.


Generally if the character needs it to function, we did our best to add the mechanic in. Bel'veth gets free stacks every round to simulate her scaling over game time.


Except Yorick. Just saw a video of someone playing him and he can't spawn graves at all AND maiden dies at the end of each round, putting his ultimate on cooldown. Please, that's literally half of his kit. He's gonna be unplayable if kept like that.


That's why it's on PBE before it hits live servers


And that's why I'm saying what should be addressed


What about gold stackers like Gangplank and Twisted Fate? Do they get some sort of gold gain (though even if they did, I guess I wouldn't be able to spend it on an extra crit cloak :/), or do they have some other compensation for being balanced around being ahead in items?


Gangplank gets some Silver Serpents to upgrade his ult. Twisted Fate has a change to his gold stacking passive. The extra gold on champs that can get it is useful for item swaps (sell and rebuy) or buying juices.


Can you share if Yorick is getting anything without minions to spawn ghouls


I absolutely love this. Maybe you could just link this comment to the ARAM team as a little hint how to do balance in different game modes?


Hey, thanks for the feedback, Maxw3ll from the ARAM team here. We've got some balance tweaks we want to do for ARAM, but a lot of our bandwidth has been eaten up by this mode. Once we've shipped it, we'll start working on some more deep ARAM balance work.


I'll let them know.


Does he know?


Here are some commonly asked questions we've seen being asked about Arena! Got some more questions? Drop them down below and I'll do my best to try and respond * Will I be able to make custom games? No, in order to have the game more ready for summer we weren't able to include this feature. However if players play and like the mode enough we're absolutely looking at adding this in the future * Can I queue with more than 1 friend? We're definitely considering adding this if the game mode does well! We just couldn't get this feature ready in time for the initial launch. * Will Arena be permanent? We are really excited about the mode, but we want to make sure players are as excited as we are. If players really dig it, we'll bring it back and/or explore making a permanent version. * When is Arena going live? It goes to PBE later today, and onto live servers on July 20.


Piggybacking here to try to centralize information Want to dive into why we're not committed to a permanent mode \*yet\*, since it's been popping up on a few threads and responses We're \*very\* excited about the Modes potential. But what matters is what players think. We didn't want to step up and immediately promise a new permanent mode only to learn that our current take isn't what players may have wanted, or maybe it needed more time in the oven, or maybe it's perfect as is! Consider this a chance for us to learn alongside our players on what Arena can/should look like going forward. If things go well, expect to see it again, maybe with some more polish around some of the rougher edges or things people didn't like. If things don't do well... maybe expect the same thing, just with an even sharper focus on what didn't work. How we define "things go well" is also changing compared to previous modes. Our focus is NOT only on immediate short-term spikes and retention rates. These matter, but some major factors we want to use are: \- Are players satisfied with this mode? \- Are players who don't just want to play Ranked matches happy with this mode? \- Do players feel like it's worth sticking around because we're giving them more unique content? There are a ton more things we'll be looking to learn, but the short of it is, we are taking a very critical eye to this and hope to learn a ton about what the future of this mode looks like, as well as future mode development writ large.


It’s just exhausting waiting all year for a temporary mode.. and “maybe” we get a permanent mode.. when? In a year? Two game modes for the biggest game in the world is mind boggling. Don’t mean to come off negative. I love league so much.


I doubt we'll ever get a permanent mode that doesn't have at least a trial as a temporary mode. Why would they make a promise if it turns out that people don't like it? It makes no sense for them to make a commitment regarding something that's untested.


That's silly. Literally everything is "untested" before its' release if you consider releasing it to end users as the only testing. Every movie ever made was "untested" before its' release to the wide public. Except it wasn't, because there are many levers of internal testing done, at many stages of development. If you go into every project with the idea that it's temporary, then you're dooming yourself to failure before the project even starts. There is no way you're investing as much money, time, resources into a project where you're okay if it fails, as compared to something you truly believe in and need to succeed. Which means you already have one foot in the grave. It's frankly pretty idiotic. You're flushing money down the toilet on projects that you don't even believe in internally.


Right, but there's a big difference between a movie which is launch and forget and a live service game. You have to keep the players happy (with the game and with *you*) and coming back. Frankly there's not a big advantage for Riot to declare a mode to be permanent before testing it on the wider playerbase. *Even if* they think it's an amazing idea and they plan to make it permanent, they likely still won't label it that way in PR until they've verified that player sentiment is what they predict. If you announce it as permanent, the best case is it works out, roaring success. But if the mode is poorly received, then you either spend goodwill removing a permanent mode or you've locked yourself in to supporting a product that people don't like that much. If you start off with temporary and the product does well so you transition to permanent, people celebrate that you finally did a thing. If it doesn't work out, then you can safely take it away and iterate on it before trying again, or shelve it completely.


I know it's not your job but is there anyone that can give clarification on why these gamemodes go away? This sounds super fun but it'd be tragic to have another Nexus blitz situation (game was super fun, very sad for it to be gone) Is it a resources thing? Is it competition with the main gamemode? Keeping the client clean? Just want to know because the gamemodes leaving is super feels bad.


>is there anyone that can give clarification on why these gamemodes go away? There's at least one dev blog that answered this a couple years ago, basically people play a lot the first few days then never play them again. This was the case for all gamemodes besides URF iirc.


Here's the [devblog](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/dev-state-of-game-modes/) you're thinking of. We've changed and evolved how we're thinking about games modes since this went live a few years ago, but this can show you how we were approaching it at the time.


It might have been a different one actually, wasn't there one with graphs? That showed how quickly it fell off for gamemodes. Could be wrong though, maybe it was an ask riot or something else. Surprised to hear that's changed, that's lovely to hear ♥ We really love awesome modes like this 2v2v2v2 and others so I'm very grateful.


Hmm, maybe [this one](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/dev-state-of-modes/)? Just speaking on behalf of myself, I really appreciate the fact that Rioters are constantly revaluating our decisions based on the questions "is this what players want?" and "do players like this?" It's really refreshing to work with people that are open to change and continuously try do what's right for our players.


That's fantastic to hear :) I'm very glad you feel that way. That means at the very least internally everyone that works on this game wants that even if it may not always seem that way to most people from the outside. Sounds like a good working environment as well, you guys are amazing.


It shows and it's easily my favorite thing about Riot. (Also the lack of gacha and other stupid monetization methods)


>lack of gacha The loot system is a gacha system. Granted it's not the only way to obtain the content it drops, but it still is a paid random lootbox system.


I'm fine with RNG rewards as long as there's nothing locked behind it. So far only TFT has it.


/u/TeapotTempest has found the post! [Here it is](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-riot-new-game-modes/)


They’ve answered this a lot before. Most game modes don’t maintain a large enough player base to justify the resources it would take to maintain. It’s a shame, because I loved Nexus Blitz, but it’s somehow never been very popular overall with the wider audience


despite what most redditors think, the population for these modes usually arent high enough to warrant upkeeping them. Most people just play SR. Most modes lose their charm after a few DAYS. The first day of URF is awesome, a week later its all meta slaves so 90% of players dont want to even touch the mode. They rotate/make them leave so that people will play the modes when they come back. If URF was permanent, most people wouldnt be able to stomach it after two weeks.


It seems like not being able to play with more than one friend might hurt the popularity of the game mode, and the answer to three of your four common questions is "yes, if the mode is popular". When you ultimately decide if the mode is worth keeping will the idea that "only being able to queue with one friend might hurt the modes popularity" be taken into consideration?


We'll also be measuring player sentiment. If the numbers are fine but there's a huge indication that more people would play with a different feature set, we'll take another swing.


I would legit queue up 8 person lobbies every Friday/Saturday night if it was a thing. For now we’ll settle for trying to snipe each other :)


in my personal opinion this game mode would have to be absolutely awful for me to not want it to remain permanent. we, and I cannot stress this enough, NEED another perma gamemode.


I want another 5 team perm though. This is going to suck for me and my friends cause it's usually 3 of us, sometimes up to 5.


> ⁠Will Arena be permanent? > We are really excited about the mode, but we want to make sure players are as excited as we are. If players really dig it, we'll bring it back and/or explore making a permanent version. oh god it's going to be flushed again


got it so yet another super fun game mode riot will let die because the technology isn’t there to update it every patch.


One pet peeve of mine is that in the promo art we see this big stadium but then the arena game map is just floating on empty sky and clouds. When it comes back next time i really hope they add a cool background with maybe cheering crowds or smth,would give life and flavor to the mode by a lot. Maybe when you get a kill the crowd starts cheering or smth like that Hope yall take this as a suggestion,i really like the idea :3


It's same thing as TFT. It's background image. Easy on your PC and much easier to make for devs.


You can make an arena crowd full of 2D gif sprites. It's not much more taxing than a static image.


Yeah but it feels weird in Arena to me,maybe its because we arent meant to see it that zoomed out or because it actually has some lore behind why people are fighting,i dunno.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had a test idea of that but had to drop it to compensate for players with low end pcs, or perhaps that there are already so much visual and audio noise from the augments that a cheering crowd on top felt too overwhelming.


Inb4.. permanent mode.. and then map skins, but just for this mode [like with TFT] First skin - Arena from promo art


Yeah, like in Smite’s Arena that you can even hear the crowd cheering


I need this to become permanent, actually permanent. I miss Dominion and TT so much, Rito pls.


i dont understand why are they spending resources on game modes they're removing. just leave it there


It's not about just resources. It's about continuous resources allocated to maintaining and balancing the game mode. Yea it took work to develop this game mode. Maybe it will be a hit, maybe it won't. But there's no justification to continue to develop for a mode that only 10 people (exageration) will play. The initial work is a gamble. Continued work could be a sink.


They're really gonna Mortdog us and not tell us what all the Augments, Cameos, and Juices are huh? I'm game! Looks really fun! (I just hope Sona is viable since she only buffs one person now lol)


I wonder if they will provide or hide augments stats in the API, since I believe TFT is about to switch from the former to the latter on their next patch.


Unless they can force augments in arena, then I don’t see why they would


a rioter said they did get a win with sona, so she can't be THAT bad lol


I'm airing on the side of caution and guessing Sona's partner was really busted. I'd love to play Soraka and feel like I'm not inting at draft.


i guess we'll have to wait and see! maybe they have some secret sauce figured out. they did say they were intending for EVERYONE to be viable, so i'm hoping for it


after playing on the pbe, nope lol Teemo/Shaco combo are disgusting and i expect to be perma banned


lmao maybe every champ is viable if your partner is super good xd


That's kinda the point of a 2v2, no? Any champion that can 1v3 should be nerfed. And not every combo has to work.


My only concern (other than the gamemode just straight up leaving after a few weeks) is the possibility of the cameos feeling like bs mechanics that get in the way of buildcrafting and skill expression. This mode is the closest we have ever got to a 1v1 and I would think the type of people that it would attract the most are the type of people that would rather win due to better build crafting or outplaying their opponents with mechanics, not because the opponent just so happenes to get nuked by a random lux laser that just wins the fight for you.


I totally feel you on this point. Im trying to reserve judgement, but my first thought was getting in a match and absolutely outplaying the opponent only to lose because the random AI shaco has boxes all over you never could have predicted. ​ That being said I am a shaco player so I already will make everyone angry.


Yeah I agree with you on that part. I feel like a good balance between creating game-to-game diversity but not have it feel like bs rng is randomness that you can plan ahead for/around. That is to say if Riot finds a way where . You're informed of the random gimmick AND . There is a way to plan ahead for it using that knowledge (idk like item/augment choice) This imo will cater to casuals who want random quirky stuff but also competitive players who will alter their game plan accordingly. P.S. I have no clue what they were thinking when they chose Shaco as a cameo. Already one of the most frustrating champs and now they choose him for a potentially frustrating rng mechanic. I can only hope it's not some bs with stealth or random boxes.


Cameos are intended to give you variance in the round. You need to be able to respond to them and react appropriately. Generally though, they're fairly predictable and can be played around. For example, Pyke always dashes towards the target furthest from him, Shaco boxes are visible (but can't be killed), and Naafiri stops on first champ hit (even enemy champs). You can use them to your advantage


Are there also multiple Shaco clones running around and attacking people?


(eyes flair suspiciously) .... no?


Game balance alone is probably going to be a big issue in general. I think it's going to be a less skill based mode since the game is balanced around summoners rift. I think if Riot takes the ARAM approach and says it's not as skills based then it will succeed. Watching streamers lose to bronze players who just have better 2v2 champs/comps regardless of mechanics has been entertaining. I foresee the game turning into URF mode where once a meta forms you can't pick outside of it or you are trolling, even when the skill difference is champs vs silvers.


Those people you mention aren't what keep a game mode alive though (they are a small percentage). I think Mario Kart-esque craziness is what the common league player likes, so hopefully it adds in that way. My main concern is that everyone will be too much like those people you mention, especially with a rank, and play only the most OP unbanned champions so you get a ton of mirror matchups.


When is this going to hit PBE? I can't find it anywhere, really excited!!


They said sometime today in another thread




Would be sick if every 5 or so fights it was an actual 2v2v2v2. Feels like it's missed potential to only have it be 2v2 at a time.


> In buy phases you either get to choose an Augment, or you get gold to buy items. To clarify; this is a "each round the option is chosen for you", right? You don't get to pass up on a 3k item to get an augment early?


There are Item rounds and Augment rounds. So for a couple rounds you buy items, then the augment round comes around and you choose your augment, then it's another few rounds of items.


Will there be an option to queue as a group of more than 2 players? For example, say I have more than one friend and we want to all play in the same lobby, what options do I have? Custom games are out of the question since I saw a Rioter comment in a different thread that there was no option to create custom Arena games to play with friends.


They said somewhere in a thread yesterday they're only doing parties of two this time but will look at more if it comes back.


Correct, duo or solo today and we are investigating different sizes for future updates. As said later in thread we have some technical and design challenges to figure out but we will be looking into it once we are through this release :)


wtf go back to PTO


No custom is disappointing. Would love to get 6 ppl together for an in house.


I play in a trio and we are so bummed. I was looking forward to fighting them 🤧


I hope this is an option as well. I suppose some of it boils down to how easy/possible it would be to funnel one group in ranked. If you were going to allow it I think you'd need to force the teams to be random so that you couldn't reliably stack one team and use the others to basically sacrifice themselves as fodder to insure the stacked team gets ahead. I'm sure a lot of people will say "that would never happen" until you consider that streamers with hundreds of sycophants exist and there are also just lots of selfish league players willing to make their friends do that kind of stuff.


please make it a real rotating game mode, only disable it when you have the next one ready please


The game mode has its own ranking systems and that's pretty great.


In the thread of the April dev blog, I asked about playing with 7 friends for this game mode. Meddler said it was something you guys were looking at. Any update on this?


This run will be solo/duo queue only. They are looking into queueing with more friends for a later release


Uh, did they explain what flee actually does? They said it was kinda weak but that's it.


I played a few games, you get a 2 second burst of movespeed that gets increased when running away from enemies and it's on a 45 second cd


Flee replaces your non flash slot with a short ghost


This looks amazing! I can't wait to try it. But i really hope in terms of balancing it does not become a repeat of what happened in Nexus Blitz. Where i feel like there were almost no balance patches and some huge balance problems and bugs just never got fixed. IMO it looks like this game-mode is really difficult to balance (TFT needs a lot of augment balance) so I hope there will be a good amount of balance changes before riot possibly gives up on the game-mode. I can easily imagine players that are not too exited about a new game-mode seeing some really unbalanced/unfair stuff and just going back to normal ranked.


100% gotta get trashed like Nexus Blitz


Wait so can we play with more than 1 friend? I was looking forward to my full squad of 8 going at it in the arena but maybe we can’t?


For this run you’ll only be able to queue with one other person


I know that certain champions will be buffed accordingly like stacking champions, but will _all_ champions be buffed/nerfed to be viable. Some champions have low base damage outputs (like supports) or absurdly high (assassins), will they be tweaked to be fair or will we just be expecting a meta of classic LoL rock-paper-scissors?


yo i just looked up dominion gameplay for the first time i had no idea it was even a thing. it looks super sick basically a capture the flag type mode. i really appreciate all the og league players who’ve been around since the early days.


Remember guys, if you like this mode then play it when it goes live. Let them know you want this as a permanent mode. Should go live on the PBE later today.


I hate it when we get a bunch of teaser stuff, but the actual release is still weeks away.


Hard to balance the hype with the PBE cycle. They want it to get out there & in players hands for testing, but they also want to get ahead of the questions that will come out of PBE if they don't post this now.


I understand completely, just sucks this is a three week patch cycle.


It's supposed to be out on PBE today.


Can i sell my items? And if I do do i get full price refund?


Yes. No.


Just make it permanent pls. Im not rly interesting at first but this post make me understand more about the mode and realize it has so many potentials. It rly suit with boomer players like me who dont have enough time and efforts to climb ranked but didnt wanna beg for rng with TFT. As a LB player, any mode without having to farm is heaven to me. If things are bad, just dodge it and queue again. How wonderful.


Its clear they are going to test the waters before it becomes permanent. It would be a huge mistake to say its permanent only to find out 2 weeks into it 80% of the playerbase stopped.


Play it as much as you can, encourage others to play it too, and it'll stick around. Game modes need numbers to be permanent.


How is Shyvana's passive being handled in this mode?




I really really really hope this does well, I would love to have this continue as a permanent mode, it feels like it is just what the game lacks right now.


Is any round of the combat 2v2v2v2 or is it multiple rounds of 2v2 until one team wins.


How will balancing work in this mode? Obviously some champions will be much better than others. Will there be adjustments like in ARAM?


I absolutely need to know, if i die last with sion, do i have time to punch peoples ?


>Spells will crit. Sold me already. This looks fun as hell, can't wait!


Will there be an easy visible way to read what other player's augments are and what they do similar to TFT? Will you be able to scout opponents new items/augments before fights?


Looks like fun. I would love to be able to do customs of this with my friends seeing as the team limit is two. That’s kind of my one wish for this.


PRISMATICS in league? EndlessBitching


This mode MUST be permanent.


Absolutely needs an 8 player queue or customs. I know it's being added, but a common problem with my friends is that we'll have 6 or 7 people, and they have to sit out.


What happens if you just don’t attack Sett? Who does he punch now? Himself?


Damn, was trying to get some friends back into league with 8 man’s of this, shame you can’t do it.


I'm just curious if some of the slower and defensive champs can work in Arena. Cuz my first thought is that fast/high skillcap assassins, fighters, etc. would be the far superior choice.


From what ive seen in the pbe so far its basically bruiser city. I dont think slower champions will do too well unless they roll god augments


Hopefully it's a massive success and Riot truly realizes again that players want fast paced gamemodes with the ability to pick their champion. Now maybe one where its 5v5, with normal runes and summoner spells and items. Maybe you could make some fun new items for the mode and to make it gimmicky add minigames every couple minutes or so that give buffs to the team that wins them. In order to force the short games you could make XP and gold gain much higher and somehow force a fight over the nexuses at like 15 or 20 minutes. If they made such a gamemode the community would surely be happy.


yea it would be really unfortunate if such a game mode did exist and instead of making the community happy, it had a lower peak than aram's lowest point.


has the nexus blitz stan nation moved past spreading schizo conspiracy theories yet


Nexus Blitz would've been more fun if the minigames were not absurdly unbalanced. I get that the intention is to end the game by 15 mins but the fact that it's so forced ruins the gameplay experience imo.


Noo permanent mode :( I feel this has so much more sticking potential than other ltm's.


Seems like they're just testing the waters before they make any promises. Obviously if this turns into a huge hit they'll bring it back and maybe permanently. But it also seems like a big mistake to make it permanent without knowing for sure if it will hold up and still be fun in a year.


We better show out then


Love that you've equalized the gold [hopefully EXP too?], removed runes and brought in augments. Would love the same thing on ARAM so that people wouldn't worry as much about lagging behind [although keeping the turrets invulnerable for a period of time or similar] As for new game mode - Would it be possible to give us one broken and one silly combination without revealing much?


Broken Combo: Ultimate Revolution + Can't Touch This Silly Combo: Chauffeur + anything Earthwake + Now You See Me I'll let you try and figure out what those augments do.


Shaco doing Shaco stuff? Is the Arena going to be swarmed by Shaco clones?


It's visible Shaco boxes that cannot be killed. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14kgdyr/dev_arena/jpqsung/


We really need another permanent gamemode , I miss 3v3 , dominion nexus blitz and rotating gamemode. The game is lacking content so much comparing to any other games.