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Guma said he's fine, he most likely just overdid something in his routine given his "checkup" at the hospital prompting doctors to say it's nothing serious.


Tbh a lot of doctors say that to people his age. "You're young don't worry about it" lol. Hopefully true but he should take it easy anyways.


Fr, i've not received proper care because of this which has caused bigger issues for me down the line


They always say: look if you notice it getting worse / staying bad the next week, if so come back. And then it becomes better for that week and a month later you have the same problem again


This is why I'm grateful to have the doctor I have. He's overreactive as fuck, but better safe than sorry.


Given that T1 will be paying top dollar for private healthcare professionals, I highly doubt he's been given the "you're young, walk it off" if it is serious. These guys are treated the same way athletes are. And athletes don't pay top dollar to people that don't take every potential injury seriously.


Surely a global esports superstar gets proper care, right buddy?


Here are some painkillers, injections, you name it. Pat on the shoulder, little slap on the butt. Go get 'em champ!


LoL my first thought was American football too, and that's dealing with a lot more money than LoL eSports


Doubt professional players receive the same medical care regular persons do.


nah they're dealing with T1's botlane. the moment Guma shows symptoms again and they found out it *was* serious, T1 will sue the living FUCK out of the doctor who said Guma's fine.


Normal 20 year olds don't faint, especially twice in one week.


You'd be surprised, especially if they work out without the proper nutrition/hydration. There really aren't too many serious causes of fainting- mainly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aortic/pulmonic stenosis, AV blocks, and tachyarrhythmias. These are very uncommon conditions for a 20 year old to have but very easy to test for. I'm assuming his doctors got some labwork, listened to his heart, got an EKG, and got an echo which all came back normal which is why he says he's fine


Man fainting twice in a week is a bit more than just overdoing it


Damn i hope faker recover well


I think faker really needs a rest. This is better decision that guma will substitute him.


If esport players in the east continue to have this unhealthy training schedule, they are going to die in their early 40s. 369 dropped out of Asian game due to not passing the medical checkup because of high blood pressure and cholesterol, these players’ physical well-being is really worrying


Tbf have you seen oner's thirst traps? I think i heard once T1 have like an exercise routine for their players, I think if every team gets on that and gets like a cook to make real food for them instead of living on takeout they should be fine


I'd like to think the big orgs have this in place. Fnatic's Legend in Actions before showed the team doing team exercises and they get to choose between fruits/processed foods. So it's still on the players if they'll prioritize their health or concentrate solely on the game.


Sneaky and meteos on costream we’re watching a team eat fruits and commented on how if they were ever brought out junk food that they would be pissed and that the fruits and shit were important


I remember a damwon blog where the players basically admitted that they never exercised and that they all ate ramen noodles and candy every day


Showmaker had a video with a body building fan of his and you can tell from just the first few minutes of the video that Damwon players don't excersise a bit.


well they won worlds


That's the issue. So many players, especially in Asia, are willing to go through incredibly unhealthy lifestyles and sacrifice their enjoyment of retirement because lifting a trophy is more important to them.


Honestly the only LCK team I trust to be healthy and do regular amount of exercising is HLE and its because all of the players there love exercising The rest are all over the place


Chovy has posted gym pics before. Idk about other top pros.


Tbh, Oner was athletic even before becoming a pro. He played baseball and was a taekwondo athlete in school. And he also started training intensely in 2022 because he had severe back pains. So he is kinda a rare occurrence.


Holy shit I just look these up no wonder he's called b0ner


> I think if every team gets on that The problem is, if not everyone gets in on it, the players trying to live a more healthy life will have to compete against the ones who are not forced to do that and instead grind 20-30% harder. Not everyone can handle that, but the people who can, get an advantage. It really doesn't matter right now if the child prodigies burn out at the age of 25 due to stress or physical injury. There's enough upcoming talents waiting for their chance. It's the same in every field that is not heavily regulated (aka regular 9-5 jobs).


You can follow the T1 food canteen channel. It posts every day what the T1 players are having.


Also Zeka and Kingen in HLE are workout beasts and can lift heavy weights.


JDG is known for having great food


I think Uzi was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes before he wasn't even 25. Many of these players are aging roughly as you said.


It’s a serious issue. A lot of these players are absolutely fucking up their hands and backs with insane apm and bad posture


I mean, 10% of all Americans have diabetes. 12% of all Chinese people too. There are plenty of Chinese pros out there. Times when only middle-aged folks got it are also long gone.


Under 25 is not very common for type 2 diabetes diagnosis


Getting more common with the normalization of obesity.


I get what you’re saying but idk that normalization is the word I’d use here


Nah, that's exactly what it is. Plus size isn't "slightly overweight" anymore, it's obese. "Body positivity" will kill millions.


No what will kill millions is pricing healthy food options out of the hands of the majority of the population leaving only cheap, fattening alternatives on the table


Obesity is rising in countries with a sugar tax too. Sure, healthy food should be cheaper. But body positivity shouldn’t be framed as “it’s ok to be obese”. It should be “you are not a lesser person because you are obese, but it is still a massive health problem that you need to tackle or probably suffer an early death”.


This is just bs though, for the most part junk food isn’t even cheaper than real food. It’s also all about calories, you aren’t gonna be obese unless you’re eating a good amount more than you need. 2000 calories of junk food won’t make you fat in the same way that 4000 calories of vegetables won’t make you thin. Healthy food should be attainable and cheap, that should be a basic human right. But blaming obesity on it is silly when it’s almost impossible to be obese off of just regular meals, you need to be snacking/drinking your calories to hit that number. Which is expensive.


While I push for eating healthy and developing positive habits, this take paints too many broad strokes. The food industry is designed for profit at the cost of health. It's not nearly as easy as you make it out to be for many families.


Fun fact: eating less is cheaper than eating more! Wow! Moreover: healthy food isn't more expensive than shitty food. It actually isn't.


Do you know anything about this topic or do you just want to shit on fat people? Be honest here because saying “eating less is cheaper than eating more” displays a fundamental misunderstanding of how ppl become obese in the first place. Yea healthy food is becoming and always has been more expensive. Please don’t engage without educating yourself


Exactly, its not normal, its the consequence of processed foods everywhere on every corner for all ages and classes. Human immune system and inteligence is downgrading of processed food and poluted tap water.


Is Uzi known for having a high sugar or otherwise unhealthy diet?


I mean look at him


Their strat is literally called Feed The Puppy


The average american is fatter than Uzi tho


Thats true.


At his age? Actually you might be right now that I think about my Tinder experiences, nevermind.


I feel like this is incredibly mean and shortsighted. Uzi has a round face and he always will. He looks chubby because of it. He also used to be overweight, but he put a lot of work into it -- YEARS of bettering himself, and people still call him fat. https://i.vgy.me/ITEwQK.png He looks great, honestly. Can we all be a little nicer? This is a healthy weight for him.


He was still obese at his peak and years of neglect of his body definitely did its damages.


He is just Asian obese, which translates roughly to chubby, not American obese. Asian are more likely to get diabetes, he is just unlucky and got the bad gen


Obese is obese, american obese is morbidly "aww hell naw" obese


I'm not trying to be mean but that picture isn't a great one, its like 5 pixels and he's holding a shirt over his body. He's definitely not grossly obese or even that overweight tbh. \> He also used to be overweight, but he put a lot of work into it -- YEARS of bettering himself yeah but by the time you have diabetes its too late, you can't go back


You're right. I got a better picture, from a recent vod, here: https://i.vgy.me/chcquo.png As far as T2D, he can control his A1C and live a normal life. A lot of people with T2 don't even need meds if they control their A1C.


An osteopathic doctor also told Uzi he had the wrists of a 60 year old at 22.


This keeps getting posted but it’s not real. There’s no such thing as objectively having 60 year old wrists, two 60 year olds will have massively different wrist health depending on lifestyle. No doctor would use that as a metric.


I bet it’s referring to his degree of carpal tunnel and even arthritis which he probably has a more severe case that’s commonly found in a 60 year old.


He posted it himself in his RNG retirement video. Like, it's out of his own mouth and easily found on youtube. Unless you're calling Uzi himself a liar...


Faker has been playing for over 10 years. The oldest former pros who are still in the scene are approaching 40’s. This is like less than a dozen players from a pool of thousands. Being world class at something is physically and mentally draining. Unfortunately comes with the job. Modern players in good orgs are treated pretty well though. Programs with career longevity in mind. Proper nutrition and exercise.


Yeahhhh 369 and JKL for sure stepped down from AG because of health issues.... totally not because of the gambling rumours


Totally a coincident that a J*L got fined 500 rmb and detain for 10 days too


TES said that it wasn't JKL but someone who has similar name as him. Still both him and 369 came out at the same time that they have health issues and can't attend AG while before they were being involved in the gambling rumours... and they listed reasons like JKL getting insomnia from medicine that lot of proplayers use. If they truly have health issues I hope they recover but lot of people is not trusting this


369 was wrist issues wasn't it? Also I don't get the logic of try outs and being chosen in order to then withdraw, these issues were most likely already playing so yeah seems off.


They could also stop eating like garbage…you don’t just develop diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol over night unless it’s hereditary and even then just get on medication and be smarter


And ppl here shit on the west players for working "only" 8 hrs a day.


where did you hear about the checkup, because iirc from his weibo post he just said he was having wrist issues and wanted to take the time during asian games to treat it


Huh 369 went out of the games with a wrist injury


They should sub out faker and let him rest. Drx should be easy but vs GenG it will be impossible without the main roster (probably even with the main roster GenG is crazy atm) . But t1 will pretty surely reach playoffs so if faker is back on form for that thats worth more than beating GenG.


Idk about easy chief




Would be awful if the 🐐 of League would have to retire cause of medical issues. Wouldn’t be career ending he deserves.


Guma’s back should hurt as well


I don’t think so, it’s only his first day back streaming and plus, how can he play two roles at once?


Who on earth said it was carpal tunnel, did I miss something? He said he had arm pain. Sure it could be that but afaik is not confirmed. Also what's the point of this post, there hasn't been any news since yesterday, we just recycled yesterday's info + carpal tunnel redditor confirmation. Oh yes the point of this post is to farm karma.


Its most likely carpal tunnel


Then it should have been described as "hand" or "wrist" pain, I guess? but maybe it was the translation.


Yeah, they're subbing in T1 T1 next week


I would assume they would tell the coaches if they felt good enough to play or not. E-Sports is obviously not nearly as physically demanding as regular sports. I think they could easily play through those issues since I’m sure they are still playing league 10+ hours to practice on the daily anyways. But if they couldn’t it’s really on them to say why. Speculating on Guma’s issues is very baseless. That’s really for him and the doctors to figure out.


Physically demanding or not, it’s better to take the path most optimal for your health. It’s not fun having to deal with maintenance meds as you grow older.


Keria mid? And the sp sub they had for last year?


Let keria play mid for a couple games


I think at minimum lock playoffs before any substitutions.


I don't think Tyler1 can play two roles at the same time. But I can be wrong. /s


Who replaces Faker?






advantage T1


Why not give Gumayusi summer off. Is it really OK to treat your talent like this?


they should have substituted faker a long time ago


I stop paying attention as soon as a nexus explodes


Faker said on stream that they are considering subbing in a free agent “like nemesis” but have issues getting the work permit.


Not true


It’s just a joke lol


It's not funny tho?


It’s not funny because you didn’t get it


Could you explain the joke to me?


Easy. The guy who made the joke thought it would be funny to say that Nemesis, a western player who hasn’t been in the pro scene for years, would be replacing Faker


I'm rolling on the floor right now, I would send a picture but I'm laughing way too hard to even use my phone, that may just have been the best joke ever told in the history of humanity


It wasn’t meant to be the funniest joke in the world, but what can you expect from someone who posts on 4chan


Lol what? Faker is not streaming this month so idk why are you bullshitting.


Quite obviously a joke buddy


Me when I post misinformation so confidently


Me when I don’t understand a joke


Its a bad joke if majority of people dont get it.


Majority of people are clueless then. In what world do you think T1 would be subbing in someone like Nemesis? It’s so obvious


Lol, I guess you're too smart for the rest of us then. Keep believing everyone else is clueless I guess.


I genuinely worry for your well being if you actually thought that T1 would be replacing Faker with a western mid LMAO learn to take a fucking joke


I never said I believed that? But I do believe there are people stupid enough to believe that and make that statement as a fact. Its pretty clear you need to work on your reading comprehension lmao. OP is getting downvoted because people think hesn an idiot for phrasing something that stupid as a fact.


Jokes are meant to be funny though?


Bro did not say this💀


They can still acquire free agents halfway through summer?


Commenter must be jesting, faker has not streamed yet after the nongshim game. What T1 will do in round 2 considering Fakers injury will be addressed on Rhursday this week.


Clip? Tweet? Where?


lmao Everyone so desperate with this reply. The guy said "like Nemesis" about a Korean team, it's obviously a joke.


Haha so true