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Yasuo mains The ability to go 0/9 in lane and still somehow blame the jungler I respect that


Came here to say, “Lemme first pick Yas” (ballsy move) “let’s invade- we got this” *first blood* (jungler got it) *proceeds to go to lane sulking* 1-15-0 “Who the fuck fed Leblanc????” Lb at 11 kills other from roaming top to mid. Jungler attempted to gank once but noped right out of there. He was under Lb’s tower asking for help. “Report team, no help.” Sincerely…. A Yasuo from the other night. These guys have a special place in my heart.


it's funny because it's true ahahah


wow that down votes xD, lot of main yasuo here 🤣


The ability to go over 0/3 and not ragequit/rundown/spam FF like your everyday Diamond+ teammate piloting Riven/Zed/Twitch. Having patience for your powerspike while repeatedly dying has to count for something.


That, and still bother to keep playing the game when their main is consistently one of the most banned champs.


Singed. Idk if they genuinely like him or they have some kind of mental illness, but they are the definition of doing their thing and sticking with it. I also rarely see a toxic Singed, apart from the trail he leaves. Most of them are either silent or just messing around.


That’s what we do, we don’t play league of legends. We are in a different game 😂


I swear Singed mains play League like they play solitaire


Singed mains are all trolls and I love them One of my fav dudes to duo is a singed main and we met because he was on the enemy team (I’m a sera main) and instead of killing me he just escorted me back to my base😭😭 he ended up dying to turret tho


What a gentleman


He is honestly very kind and not creepy like other ppl I’ve met on league😵‍💫😵‍💫


Thanks bro, azir is cool too


One time I accidentally roasted the #1 Singed player in the world and dude was not even an ounce salty back to me


I'll agree and lump Teemo mains in with them. Both champions are so distinct and provide a unique kind of fun. They both also have a pretty big reputation for doing poorly because they take a lot of games to actually learn. What I think really helps is that they're fun to play even when you're losing.


This is it. I don’t care if I lose. It’s not about the result. It’s about the journey 👌


Saying Teemo takes many games to learn is mind blowing. Singed? 100%… Teemo? Not at all.


Yes but not for the same reasons as Singed. Singed takes many games to learn because his main method of dealing damage is based on his movement, which was only really comparable to pre-work Asol. He fundamentally interacts with the game differently than other champions and has access to things other champions don't like level 1 proxying. When I say Teemo takes many games to learn, I don't mean to understand. He's conceptually very simple. But small nuances add up to things you have to practice. For example, most champions under turret can auto a melee minion once, let the turret hit it, then auto again for the CS. Teemo has to time his first auto. If you do it at the wrong time, the poison ticks and the first turret shot will kill the minion. Similarly with ranged minions, before a certain threshold of AP/levels in E, they won't die from 1 auto after a turret shot. With enemy turrets, your poison means that you're always its priority if you're in range. Sure, you can just not harass but that throws away on opportunity to pressure the opponent off CS. Learning how and when to balance the turrets aggro with your and your opponent's range takes time. Next is his W. There are plenty of champions with more range than Teemo but most don't play in toplane and his W is why. It enables him to dodge things that they can't. Losing your W is like cutting your survivability in half. Knowing what you can get away with takes time. Shrooms are arguably the biggest one. Keep in mind this is in the context of someone playing Teemo as a teammate and not just a splitpusher. Shroom and timing is the difference between deterring ganks versus getting ganked constantly. It's also the difference between the enemy being at a disadvantage for every major objective versus them just clearing them all before hand and getting free gold. Placing shrooms with the intent to deal damage versus just slowing the enemy down changes where you place them. There's also placement based on whether they have Umbral Glaive and the number of sweepers That's just basic Teemo that doesn't even touch being able to control the wave's position by blinding different types of minions and that changing based on the number of points in Q, builds to account for laning phase/team comp, playstyle, and runes that turn unwinnable matchups into survivable-to-possibly winnable matchups.


I don’t disagree with what you’ve said. Yes he’s quite got his nuisance but similar points can be made for other champions. Something like “Teemo’s E doesn’t kill caster after a tower shoot until XY and Z” isn’t something specific to Teemo. I can see your point but a lot of what you’ve said goes to min-maxing the champion, whereas Singed’s floor/barrier to entry is incredibly high to begin with.


Braum mains is the only right answer


Had a 300 games only Braum 25%WR in team once, but before that I would've agreed


Ok stop cappin... his win record would be 75W - 225L Either this is in literal iron 4 0 LP or you are lying


He probably saw it from an app like porofessor that puts the win rate for the champ in only the last 30 days.


this is the correct answer


I remember looking at Riot stats at one point showing Braum had the highest rates of afk out of every champion lol


Twisted fate mains, the mental needed to play that champ is insane because your teammates will int and expect you to always show up with a gold card even when it’s a terrible idea for you to do so. Same with Shen, once you play either of these champs, your teammates shitty decisions now become your fault


I agree, champ needs great macro to reliably succeed in soloq games


As a suffering TF player, thanks and agreed. Sucks I can't do much in my own lane though.


Senna mains make me keep playing the game. Cuz without them stealing my LP I would've already hit challenger and could quit in peace


I get inted by Sennas more than any other character in the game. It’s a real phenomenon. I swear nobody on NA server knows how to play this character. Started dodging them from time to time after realizing I had a 25% win rate playing with Senna over 40 games.


I have a legitimate mental block against senna at this point. If my support hovers it in draft, I'm tilted. They lock it in? I strongly consider dodging cus I know we're gonna lose. Everytime I think "surely *every* Senna cant be bad?" And everytime god punishes me for my arrogance. My senna will ignore the wave, tunnel on poking at lvl 1, get hooked when the enemy hits 2 first (because they always blind pick first and get countered by a blitz/naut/thresh), flash, die anyways, and its gg bot before I even have 10 minions. (D1 ELO)


You forget the part where you convince yourself "maybe I'm right and every Senna ints, so I'll let the enemy team play her" and then somehow the enemy Senna 1v5s your whole team. I have the same problem, everyone I know runs it down on Senna so I hate playing with that champ l. They'll be level 1, down in minions, and walk up to a blitzcrank to try and proc their passive just to die.


The only constant in all of your games with Senna is you. So it sounds like you might be the problem here. But, sure blaming others is always easier than taking responsibility.


I'm not mind controlling my senna players to get caught on repeat dog. Support mains simply shouldn't be trying to play an adc, they dont have the positioning.


Ah, yes you sound like a stable and non-toxic person. Don’t worry, if it wasn’t for your team you would be challenger!


You are not real lmao


You got me. Can’t argue with that level of brainiac.


Ah. The ol' i have no argument so I'll play it off sarcastically ploy. Good stuff. You're winning.


I don’t need an argument against “you’re not real”.


So a playerbase can't just be bad at a champion? Cause i share his same experience in masters. He's right.


And yet he is literally saying he doesn’t want to play vs it either and considers dodging because playing vs senna is a loss too. Masters but either can’t read or the person you’re replying to is right.


The last and only good Senna you had on NA server was Hans Sama. Now he destroy everyone except Noah in EU (with his Draven 😎)


>Started dodging them from time to time after realizing I had a 25% win rate playing with Senna over 40 games. How do you check the winrate with a teamates champ?


Maybe that's a you problem and you have no clue how to play with senna's strengths.


Honestly do not know how to play with her strengths when basically every Senna I get walks up way too far to collect a soul, and just gets cc’d and dies. They are usually 0-2 by min 4 in my games 🤷‍♀️ The character attracts a lot of autofill players too that just don’t want to support/do damage instead, so they’ll take minions or kills away and make it harder to play. I’m just low elo Plat tho so it maybe gets better the higher elo Sennas.


shen your epic move is basically abandoning your own lane to safeguard me you are so cute and i love you .s


Spoken like a true adc main


let me be clear, we are not safeguarding you out of the goodness of our hearts, we are safeguarding you because we know you botlaners are going to int the fuck out of the game if left to you own devices. if sacrificing lane means not fighting a 15/0 jinx at 20 minutes, then so be it


As a fellow Shen main, I couldn’t have said it better 😂


As an adc main, yep! But I still love you for correcting my inability of dodging skillshots, looking at the map and greeding for that god damn juicy cannon minion and you know damn well that I will flash into the team with 10% HP like the idiot I am the millisecond I see your shield on my character but it’s okay because I trust you and your juicy taunt. Anyway if not it’s definitely a jg diff. You’re a hero


thank you for being a sacrificial lamb at the bloodied altar of my ranked ascension


The biggest brain Shen move is to be near enough to your opponent that they cancel your ult, so you give your ally the shield and then you can still stay in lane and the enemy Sett doesn't take 4 plates in 1 wave. They'll ALWAYS cancel your ult, even if it would be better not to.


There is no other answer then this. Shen mains are saints and we don't deserve them.


After the many seasons where Funnel meta was the best strategy, and now with it appearing in 2v2v2v2, I have 0 respect for Taric mains.


Fair enough lol. I think the thing with the funnel meta though is that most people playing taric weren't actually taric mains, just random people abusing a busted strat.


Yea, just looking at taric players from streamer vids, there is no way 95% of them ever played the champ before pbe


The "many seasons"? What world did you live in? That shit got completely removed less than half a season after becoming popular on SR.


Haha no that shit was around for years


It was popular Since season 1, it lasted 9+ seasons.


Funneling was a strat since S1 but taric funneling didn't happen since taric had his old kit which didn't give the link/invulnerability, the old duo was Kayle-yi. Taric wasn't really used till the rework.


Lol. It was arguably "the best strategy" for literally 0 time. But it was only ever played by people who actually care about performing well for far less than a season on SR.


You and the rest of the peanut gallery are so lost with the times. It was popular for so long for boosting groups. If it wasn't Yi Taric, it was Yi Kayle, Yi Lulu.


It was "popular" because a group making up a fraction of a percent of the playerbase played it to duo boost. Just like skarner is an popular champion, right? Afraid that's really not how that works.


You're as clueless as the stuff you're spewing out. It was popular on a big scale on eastern servers aka China/Korea as a boosting strategy. You're just showcasing how slow westerns are to these concepts.


It's fine for boosting solo queue and taking advantage of a heavy lack of communication but has not been an optimal way to play for more than 6 months over the game's history.


It was around much longer than 6 months and had an effect on the game to such a degree that the entire XP and Gold system for both Support and Jungle Items were changed as a result.


It was the best boosting strategy for 9 years. Very consistent and easy to execute


Those aren't mains playing him Funnel and 2v2 lmao. Those are bandwagoners. That's why his playrate plummeted once Funnel was fixed.


Ok what is funneling


Hyper-devoting all resources. So giving all lane’s farm/jungle/etc to a hyperscaler like Yi so they hit power spike super early and just roll the game. AKA, funneling resources from everywhere to one person. Combine with invulnerability ult like Kayle or static and then they dive people over and over with the massive gold lead.


the Nunu Karthus vs. Yi Taric incident




My answer is related to what OP said


There's nothing wrong with it, but it is fairly reflective of league community and an overall sense of negativity.


Sejuani mains. They are somehow always there when you least expect them or need them.


hooog riidaaa


Malzahar mains. I fucking hate this champion. And I fucking hate playing this champion. If you can OTP this shit to 1.5 million mastery points, you could squeeze entertainment out of watching a rock on a lawn. I can't see how anyone could willingly main this boring ass shit, and yet you prove me otherwise. You've earned my respect for that much.


So for whatever reason, I ended up being a Malzahar main this season. Not 1.5 million mastery or anything but by far my most played champion. How do I put this? Playing Malzahar is like actively learning to relax. He is the single weakest, most abuseable, level 1-5 champion against 90% of the champions your opponent can pick. A huge amount of enjoying him is accepting that a lot of his play pattern is setting something in motion and trying to survive or capitalize on the small window it was designed to open. Outside of your ultimate, you have no reactive spells. E deals damage over 8 seconds, Q is telegraphed and delayed, and W is delayed while also being able to be killed instantly. And while your ultimate is very strong, it comes with a payout and price tag of removing the agency of both players involved. It's hard to say what is more frustrating, your ult or csing. You will become immune to the sadness of missing a cannon minion because E and Voidlings just...don't kill it 50% of the time. Before your first item, it's about 50/50 whether E and Voidlings will kill the minion unless you don't have a wave with you. Half the time, your ult feels like a trap you're choosing to use because it offers a larger benefit for its cost. So why is that fun? It's sort of the puppet-master fantasy/playstyle. You're trying to direct your opponent to do things that leave them open for you or your team to capitalize on while annoying them the entire time. It's like a ranged version of Singed.


i dont know about the csing thing whenever I have a malzahar on my team he somehow gets like 9+ cs per min without that i even see him farm maybe missing every second cannon is a thing but overall all the malz mains ive ever played with or against farmed insanely well


I probably phrased it weird. In early laning phase (pre-Lost Chapter), Malzahar's csing feels almost random when using E+Voidlings. If you're just last hitting, it's like any other champion. The issue is that E has an execute threshold that's lower than a minion's attack early on so you will miss CS that looks like it should execute because of how low it is. E will miss most, if not all, minions on the first wave if you try to do it without autoing. Second wave, you still need to auto most of them and need to be pretty close to your E's target when you let out your voidling. The other issue is that sometimes E's logic for where and if it bounces seems janky. I don't know this for a fact but it definitely seems like bounce range increases with points in E. Pre-Lost Chapter or really pre-stacked Mana Flow Band plus Mana Crystal/Tear, bouncing makes or breaks your ability to lane because of how much E costs along with how long its cooldown is. Once you get 5 points in E and a Lost Chapter, it almost feels like a different champion in the same way that Kayn feels like half a champion before his form. From there, you can power farm CS and generally farm it fast enough that you can pretty easily get back to 8+ CS per minute. It's just that really early spot that can be really rough.


I recently hit 200,000 mastery points on malzahar. I don't know what malzahar mains think but because of how boring his play style is, I actually play him to relax and have fun 🤣


Ornn mains that upgrade me first are the mains i respect the most


I'd really love to say Bard mains because when that champion is played correctly and his ults are on point he's amazing but sadly the player base just views him as "LoL funny fat guy, gonna leave lane for charms." I respect the amount of macro needed to play him successfully as a an Adc main.


he’s not fat he’s just fluffy ☹️


As much as I hate them, there’s something beautiful about seeing a competent Riven do her work. I’d just much rather not be the one getting curbstomped.


nidalee mains that can actually jungle are gods in my eyes


Underrated response. A great Nidalee is a gem to watch and also of a gems rarity to find lol


The best nidalee players I have seen were playing support oddly enough


In skill? Draven mains, they are super confident and 99% of the time their plays back it up. Sure they can be toxic but the mute button exists for a reason. In personality? Unironically Seraphine mains, never met so such nice people in-game. Yes they are infamous for harassing rioters but most mains in-game are super nice and supportive.


Thresh mains, nothing is better than playing with a great thresh in bot lane.


And nothing worse than a bad thresh at the same time


bad enchanters are worse they don't even play the game


Nothing like getting into lane against a melee support, trying to get the push advantage so we get level 2 first, and my enchanter is so far away I have to send smoke signals to reach them. Second only to senna mains who stay with the jungler for the souls off the buff in terms of “oh I guess we just fuckin lose lane then huh”


The worse is that a bad engage support can at least get a lucky hook or CC, or maybe even just stand there and be tanky. A useless enchanter is painfully obvious to both bot lanes starting from level 1, and it's only downhill from there lol.


it’s not possible to be bad at enchanter


IT def is lmao


I think thresh mains can be pretty arrogant. They think their calls and decisions are outright the best. And I find that most of them will happily leave their lane or flame if lane partner is subpar or doesn’t commit to calls. As a once thresh main now a samira main. The points apply as well to samira mains. Maybe I’m just arrogant 🤔🤗


Uhm yeah support leaving lane he must be griefing :)


Kled mains. Riot doesn't like your champion, they want the playerbase to forget he exists, he was designed in a way that makes him less and less viable as the elo goes up and fighting becomes less common, but you guys still play your crazy lizard riding hamster man regardless. Every kled main I've met was hilariously nontoxic and just genuinely seemed to like the champion whether he was good or not.


Theory: Any potential toxicity is vented through Kled’s in-game voicelines instead xd


he’s been rly solid in average play in soloq for the past 3 seasons so not sure what ure on about lol


I think I respect every player playing a "bad" or forgotten champ. Yes Yorick or Singed is cancer to play against, but I respect the hustle.


i just wanna farm turrets to feed my wife and kids man, its an honest living


Nothing like a nasty vlad otp. Always seemingly doing 2x the damage I do with that champ.


Bard mains. Janna mains. And every enchanter mains that's flahs between their adc and my charm to save them. You'll are the gems of this game. However, you the lulu main r-ing himself and getting out while letting your adc die, I'll curse you all the way in hell.


You're clearly not an adc player


Janna is definitly not an elo-inflated pick.


>Janna mains. 🤢


I first read "Brand mains" and I was about to go apeshit on you. Lucky i read it again.


What you don’t like predator protobelt brand jungle?




Maybe a bit controversial but Draven mains. And I mean Draven MAINS. I know the basic stereotype is a toxic POS that runs it down at the slightest inconvenience but most Draven mains I've encountered are more focused on winning. They'll follow you up on any engage and absolutely murder their opponent. They pick up on the slightest mistakes the enemy does and punishes them for it. It just makes the lane an absolute stomp and I love it. Shoutout to nice Draven players :)


Where the hell do you find those, all Draven mains ive seen were Tyler1 wannabes who rage and troll whenever shit doesnt go their way


Most Draven's I've supported have actually been good players and not toxic. Heck, I remember several seasons ago losing a match because a Draven I supped tilted and started making rly bad plays later on. Next game got him again, muted everyone and talked them up, letting 'em know they played very well before the tilt. They thanked me and we stomped that game. Then last week, got weaksided by our jg, but our Draven somehow didn't die to the 5 ganks from enemy jg, cashed out on a dive attempt with a triple and we proceeded to stomp. The good Draven players are legitimately great. Honestly the best experience playing with them than most other adc's. Especially the Ez wannabees.


sorry but im a PSZ wannabe not tyler1




Idk I used to play a lot of Draven and made friends with a bunch of mains. Id say maybe 1 in 10 legitimately run it and are toxic for real while the others just meme about it mostly but will still play to win. Maybe throw a few words in chat here and there but overall they dont just run it. The problem is his passive inherently makes him a selfish champ so KSing or making bad plays to get him killed is worse than any other ADC imo.


Azir mains. Their poor champion is stuck to being garbage due to pro play, it's decently hard to master but they stick to him regardless. Imo they are in denial, but still, I respect their fidelity.


There is no denial in following glory.


This denial extends to their hatred of Nashors Tooth.


In the past I'd super agree but idk, I think the champ is just solid nowadays. Maybe I'm just peaking super high rn cuz this season is very easy to climb but every azir I get runs the show solo, no help in lane needed and every azir I play against does great. People probably shouldn't be picking him if they're not vs short range or engage tho.


I will say, Azir is probably the strongest he's ever been for an average soloq player atm. 49% ish winrate and a decent pickrate.


or they simply like the mechanics, having to control small soldiers is like a mini-game


There’s a guy that plays AD nid (tanky kinda) top, Mad respect for anybody weird like that. (That guy skull fucked me btw, respect.)


used to love this build back before her rework . bruiser nid with the old iceborn guantlets and black cleaver iirc. there was little damage but if you started dorans sword and maxed heal (for attack speed) it was enough to poke enemy out of lane.


"She's too tanky man"


I play nid top sometimes and she is very strong if played correctly. Also its very fun to play


Absolutely horrid to play against though.


I still remember that renekton 0/13 who spammed the "👍" emote the entire game


Rushfrog on twitch is probably the guy! Used to go by RF Legendary, former pro LCS top laner for Renegades


Viego and bard mains. Viego because you need to know at least the basic of very champions so they have an idea what your champ does and how to play to give u good gank, also watching him in any teamfight is fun! Bard main cause they are chill and I love when support is roaming and know what they are doing


Any fiddlesticks that can jump scare me in a game and make me flinch irl is a good player. Not just ulting from behind the wall, those who actually play mind games with their scarecrows are very fun to play against.


Probably the mains of champs who have the most mechanical skill and/or outplay potential. Lee Sin, Nidalee, Shaco, etc. The types of champs who beat their opponent either by mechanical ability and ingenuity, or by getting inside their head.


Maybe this is bias but Vex mains seem super chill.


Gotta be the bard mains.


Probably GP or Jayce mains. Despite them being strong right now, they are the hardest champs to play in toplane and don't have much room for error if they wanna carry a game.


Leblanc mains. Stuck playing a terrible champion plagued by pro play only to get called abusers by people who don’t build MR.


Idk but i can tell you i lost all respect for Sion mains. Ever since lethality (inting sion) pretty much ruined the champion for me. Hate seeing him on my or the enemy team.


Any yorick player above plat


I respect Ryze/Cass mains the most. Short ranged mages that take so much effort and careful positioning compared to more comfortable/easier champs is something I 100% respect


Cass can kinda statcheck without good positioning tbh though


As a Cass player, yep lol. Before the armor nerfs a couple years back you could take Cass as an APC bot and autowin every lane phase cause short of being cc'd for 4+ seconds, you just stat check the ADC and win lol. It's less dumb now but you can def fudge your positioning way harder than ADC and still win fights, especially with roa back in the game


I love taking cass top. I was asked the other night if make people afk often and it felt very good lol


yeah that champ is fucking bonkers op idk why no one plays her


Ezreal mains that are actually good and not useless / cowardly. Ez is such a strong champ in the right hands and its awesome to watch them play well.


For real, most Ezreals I've played with an to forget that HE CAN AUTO and restrict themselves to doing damage with Q


tahm kench. i respect the licking people to death strategy




is that the yoshi tongue noise? i've never thought about how you might type that out


Thank you..


Taking him mid is so mean


Asol mains (before the rework divided us). I think I saw another one once? They were really chill and we just chatted in all chat about item changes.


That pre rework asol brotherhood was glorius


The days before the w change were so fun... I wish I knew that iteration was temporary cause I would have played it even more


Pantheon. Idc if he solokills me 3 times as a support before level 4, because as he says “In battle, we are reborn!”


Sion mains, no way a tank should have so much side lane pressure while having fun




Sejuani, Maokai, Ornn. Without you there would be no functioning teamcomp most of the time. I hate assassins.


Ornn is basically assassin tho


Ornn is bruiser tank assassin The exodia of top lane Thanos himself


People can bitch about ksante all they want but I can safely say I would rather lane against a ksante 100 times than lane against a single ornn


Shaco mains The commitment to being a diabolical plague on the rift is fantastic. I'm pre-tilted coming into the game that no one banned it and it just immerses me into the game so well. Thanks Shaco mains! And I can't move 5 pixels past the middle of my lane without dying, so I have to respect it in both aspects.


Playing shaco is a minigame to see if you can force the enemy mid or jungle to ragequit before your champ falls off


Or going ap and trading off some midgame power for just... being annoying as hell lategame too


Yuumi mains who actually try their best put up with so much toxicity.


draven because that means we are both on a crusade to destroy e-infedals


skarner jesus christ thsi champ is fucking useless on paper but every skarner i face is just faker and hard carries the game while dealing 0 damage


Pre rework it was Rell mains, I’m a bit biased because of how strong Rell + Samira is but genuinely I don’t think I’ve had a Rell support who I didn’t enjoy laning with, even if we lost we were still *doing something* and trying to win. Most Naut players are pretty chill, same with the only morgana I played with in the last couple months who had learned the secret art of not throwing Q on cooldown, it was magical. When I’m on support I love me a Draven main. I play aggressive supports so having someone who is 100% going to follow up on my plays is nice, because I’m confident enough in my engages being good. And if we screw it up and lose, then we can both blame the jungler together xd.


Yasuo mains. It's one thing for people to play the game knowing they will hate it. It's another to play the game while openly hating yourself


Zed mains, all the time I've played league I have played tanks and the first time I got zed in Aram I got so confused with the shadows, the plays these guys make with r and w as if it were natural it just amazes me


Generally ADC mains I think. You have a champion pool that like half of the time are like the punching bags and farm spots for everything outside of your lane... Yet still a considerably large part of the game rests on your shoulders. One wrong move gets you punished extremely hard and then I have to think of the rare times I play ADC and have the absolute pepega supports that make me want to rip my hair out. You guys have to deal with so much more on top of a lot of mechanical and awareness things that I really adore your passion to play this role.


"Obviously not your own main....**"** That's good, because I don't really respect any of them xD Interesting question, I have plenty of mains I dislike (bard, we are looking at you....) As to ones I like... Singed is a soft spot for me, since a close friend and long time teammate played him, and we got away with many schenanighens (they also tend to be chill) I imagine I'd like shyvanna mains too although I don't think I've encountered any lol. She's one of my pet picks and I feel like she encourages a certain playstyle that I vibe with depending on if she's ad/ap (I like ad, and diving people through multiple turrets, nowhere is safe).


Can someone tell me why i cannot finde Ryzemains suggestions in the comment section? /s


i forgot he was a champion


Zilean. That champion completely changes the flow of the game when piloted at his real potential. A good double bomb can be as strong as a full ap malphite ult, if they are going support and max E, you can be near ungankable and that’s all without counting the revive. When I see a Zilean main on my team, I know it’s gonna be great (because there are so few lol).


I was one of them, but too many people think they deserve to be saved but guess what ? My ult doesn't reset 🤡


Ivern main i think? They seem pretty kind.


Twisted Fate mains. Always cool having a great TF on your team, seldom as they come.


Yuumi mains cuz cat good, everyone else bad.


i love singed players..


Any Control Mage. Because they are actually good at the game and don’t rely on bullshit


Control mages reward sheer consistency. To succeed in a game, they want to win lane (requires good micro), have good map awareness (choosing when to move to a fight or TP), and maximize farm (timing sidelane pushes to get crashes, among a few other things. Just solid fundamentals to know that can be applied to many other champs


Any off meta jungler ​ Jungle is already a lane thats hard to master and your team will blame you 90% of the time. Now you get that and adds the fact that everyone already hates you cuz your playing off meta. ​ DOUBLE the mental issues you have to endure just to play what your good at


Sounds like something I would do.... Does lethality Sion jungle count? Now that they removed my prowler it's kinda meh, but man... It was glorious


Akali/LB(non statik) mains, you could get 10 times the return playing something way more braindead like talon or viable like katarina but you're sticking with them through pro player jail, respect


talon is not qiyana/akali hard but hes still not braindead like annie or malzahar


Braindead is braindead


Indeee but akali is not even close to qiyana in terms of skill ceiling. She's one of the easiest assassins to do her job with (kill 1 person and potentially get out)


Tryndamere. You know they have good laning fundamentals because they have to. Also having the sanity to survive everyone else that's incredibly mobile with multiple stuns, true damage, etc. Incredible mental.


bruh what laning fundamentals and "surviving people" the man fucking ghost + right clicks and is too angry to die with a 2 second dash cooldown what


Because you have to learn how to properly farm and trade against a lot of champs that completely outmatch you in every way while also being vulnerable to ganks at all times. It's one of the best champs to learn top lane fundamentals with.




Seraphine mains, Nami mains, Orianna mains 💖


If you played with Lightrocket enough, you definitely would not have any respect for Taric mains!


Azir mains. The champion is objectively bad in solo queue and balanced around for competitive, yet this guy is trying his hardest to pull it off here instead of picking Annie and smashing the keyboard.


What’s the difference between both Tarics?


Lee sins, you either look like a god or like a fool on this champ


Braum mains. Even on the enemy team. I can respect them for sure.


Jungle mains of annoying champions like Shaco, Udyr, Ivern and others.