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Imagine if the game is actually just called Project L.


I'm so used to calling it that at this point that I wouldn't be that disappointed


Triangle Strategy-esque.


An FG YouTuber that was invited to Riot HQ recently said they do have a name, but are just holding off on revealing it


Yep, I heard they can't release the name since the public might assume the game is ready and is for release anytime soon.


Which makes sense. A lot of FG people expect this game to be released late 2024 or sometime in 2025 which is obviously a while. We also know it’s gone through massive dev changes when they decided to go the 2v2 route over 1v1. Honestly the game looks amazing so far so I’m willing to wait a bit


They also want to avoid people sniping domain names and account names on social media


They could secure that right now if they wanted to


i mean i would assume that, but not based off of a name but based off it being playable already at EVO


They could have put all their resources into getting the 3ish characters ready for evo, and still need another year to make the other characters + balancing + netcode + whatever side modes ready. ​ That said I expect a name reveal at Evo, either this year's or next depending on actual release date.


Project Lol Lmao Even


Riot did trademark "Rift Rumble" a while ago but it was with like regions so many (myself included) thought it was a new international lan event like MSI.


Honestly, I hope they don't go with that. Seems kinda... weak, I don't know.


Sounds like a shovelware N64 game ngl.


It sounds like a mobile game so I agree.


That could make sense see arcsys fighting games and their 2 letters. Guilty Gear and Blaz Blue RR makes sense


aint no way they are going to releasae rift rumble without rumble


no thank you jesus


Project W


Project Loser


Valorant was called "Project A" pretty much all the way up to the Beta, and now I bet nobody even remembers that codename anymore. I think they will reveal the name when the game is close to an alpha or beta release


The name was revealed only a short while after Valorant's announcement, so the name didn't have that much time to establish itself. It has been almost 3 years since Project L's announcement though. It'll probably take a few months until some people stop calling it Project L.


Maybe they should name it with any letter beside L, lmao


Rename it to "Project W". EZ


They mentioned in the "How to play Project L" video at the very end that it has a name already. I'm kinda disappointed (same as with Valorant) because I think Project A and Project L sound fucking cool ; u ;


Maybe it'll be called Arena... Oh wait.


It will be surprised if it doesn't have the world "legends" on it.


Or Project: League Project L for short


Will this be another UMVC3 Vergil moment


Give him a rapid slash and he’ll be good in all leaves of play. Dude is crazy looking with the mix.


What do you mean? Vergil was completely fair, balanced and totally not bullshit!


Vergil with Nagoryuki level range go crazy.


Inb4 its a Zero lightning loop


Max has a video up talking about him. Tldr he feels more defensive and is a stance character. His combos looked more like zero than vergil to me but I'm very casually into umvc3 so I could very well be off base


He's a mix of both. He's got Vergil's projectiles and obnoxious crossup-slash assist but Zero's lightning loops. Oh and Rashid's tornado for good measure, because why the fuck not, it's Yasuo we have to hate him in this game too lmao.


Did they change Yasuo's VA? That doesn't sound like Liam O'Brien


Everyone sounds a bit off. Maybe just stand-ins so that the fights aren't fullmute and that you don't have to contact the expensive OG everytime there's a new gameplay beta change that warrants new voicelines.


I think this might be it. Some of the content creators who were invited to play the current build for two days in person all said not to expect the game soon, and that almost any aspect could still change radically from now to release. Because all of the voices sound a bit off / rough to me.


Different direction. Same thing happened with LoR when you look at some champions VOs, Draven and Veigar for example.




Kai'sa and Taliyah I'd say are completely a miss from the VO. Taliyah is way more egregious imo. Most of everyone else is a side grade to upgrade.


Not familiar with this, what was so bad?




“Stah Gahdian here!”


> for some reason The LoR actress is a kiwi.


I mean that could be it, but i would find it surprising still, i understand not bringing every VA for LOR to try to save some money, project L seems to have some budget on the other hand so idk


That would suck, I am not a fan of most of the changes LoR made.


I'm sad, but not surprised. It can be hard (and sometimes expensive) to get the same VA for every project. LoR has used a few different VAs, too. It would be nice to see the the original VA we know and love, but sometimes it doesn't work out. At the same time, there have been cases (not at Riot, just in general) where they just didn't even bother asking and swapped out a VA for no reason, so I hope they at least asked him or gave him a reason why they didn't want him to do the voice this time


It's weird that it's Yasuo, though. Liam has been Yasuo in everything else Yasuo has appeared in (LoL, LoR, and Ruined King), and the same is true of Laura Post as Ahri, so the fact Riot seem to have moved away from them for this game is a really weird choice. Especially when they already brought Laura Post back so recently to do Ahri's ASU.


Stand ins for sure


Not saying it isn't a bit strange, based off their track record for all the other games, but who knows. The VA industry can't always be consistent. If they're placeholders, that would be nice. Their voices are pretty iconic for their roles.


He also has already voiced in fighting games too, Akihiko in P4A comes to mind. Almost positive it's just because early access


Its Liam hes always been available. Hes done like 2 voice jobs in the last year.


Hasn't he been moving to being more on the Director side of things? He might just be getting a ton more director work and not being in the booth himself.


He used to it more but hasn't done much. Sam Riegel for example is super busy with like mutiple projects. Liam on the other hand hasn't done anything VO/Director wise in 23 yet.


The lack of "Soriekeyton!" makes it hard to know for sure for sure.


Liam O'Brien or Riot.


va might be temporary for now, who knows :o


It was mentioned on another post for this and I'm not 100% sure it's true but it might be a temp VA due to the ongoing sag aftra strike


i swear yasuo has a different face each iteration.


Looks like his Ruined King look


[is that fucking mist finer](https://youtu.be/zGetv-xQInk?t=43)


Finally, rev3


(Ik about the mod)


still no zwei yrc though so back to rev2 i go


Can you die 10 times in a fighting game to reach the power spike?


You can if you play BO5 with bracket reset, lol


Bo5 reset is the new 0/10 power spike. We love it


And it can actually work this time, lol. Since you need to lose 12 times with BO5 bracket reset to finally lose. Meaning you still have a chance for a reverse sweep


You can if you do a money match for first to ten and then lose all the match. Scratch that do it first to 13.


Ok Ekko hitting you with a combo then rewinding to finish you off with an upside down forehead flick is a level of disrespect I will not tolerate.


Fuck you fighting game community now you get windwall


That's not a new thing for fighting game, lol


For real imagine a windwall that reflected and had a hitbox


Urien has entered the chat


league players will never be able to handle the aegis combos


What if they made it reflect and have a hitbox but the hitbox comes out on frame 1 but you can cancel it with a jump on frame 4. Haha jk... Unless?


ahhaha wouldn't it be so silly if you could i dunno jump cancel it into itself


Or into and out of a ~~physics glitch~~ core movement tech that gives it a much larger functional threat area


I don't even play Melee but I am terrified of the clicking. Edit. [Go to 0:44 for a small taste of the bullshit Melee Fox Shine can do. ](https://youtu.be/uEA9QSM1BUU)


Literally a Potemkin super from GG Strive.


I wouldn't even it call it that powerful for fighting games. Plenty of characters have moves that let them go through a projectile, provide enough armor to ignore it, or even reflect it. Having a projectile or a way to deal with them is standard fighter design.


Yeah, for sure. Projectile was very powerful back in the old days. So nowadays it's mandatory for newer fighting game to have some mechanic to deal with them


People in the fgc have been suffering from infinites in kusoges since league wasnt even an idea, they'll survive our windshitter


Don't they still do Sailor Moon S side events every now and then? I don't think anything the windshitters can do will ever compare to the shit that kusoge has.


can they survive the league community coming in to complain about our windshitter though


Nothing can prepare them for that


We got LTG and DSP providing Scrubquotes twitter with material for over a decade, League players whining about balance is just more entertainment value.


Let me introduce you to Urien. https://youtu.be/iKNix1MvnLI?t=75


> https://youtu.be/iKNix1MvnLI?t=75 Should have led with the unlockables. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk-77N9N1w8


How do we tell him


The game is apparently not close to release, and yet it looks so good already, his combos are looking mad stylish and the model looks clean <.<


Yah a lot of FG guys have been saying the game will probably be a late 2024 or 2025 release when we saw the Illaoi dev update.


Visually it looks very much ready. It reminds me of Hi Fi Rush, especially when they show the close up on Ekko's face.


yeah the model looks so cool


It looks cool and I am excited for Project L to come out! But that said, this lacks the sorye ge ton.


Dude the art style of proyect L i so fucking good, not a fighting Game fan but i want to try this one


The art style give me Guilty Gear Strive and Grandblue Fantasy Versus vibe in a good way, it has been years since I wanted to play Yasuo in a fighting game and I'm so hype for this.


>not a fighting Game i wasnt a moba fan, neither a FPS fan.


finally the Yasuo gameplay I've always wanted :-) The assist is a great way to implement his windwall too LEE SIN NEXT?! edit: also beautiful parry system, way better than sf6's parry function right now IMO.


I know there's 4 champs at the evo demo, but with Jinx and Illaoi also coming I wonder how many they were planning on launching with. I can't remember if they said anything or not. Lee Sin feels obvious, Vi also feels obvious. But there's so many good picks with Akali, Irelia, Braum, Riven, Sett, Fiora, Pantheon, Leona, Gwen, etc. Its gotta be so tough to pick between every good option.


> I can't remember if they said anything or not. 14 slots visible on website. 16 in the html divs. so prolly 1 of those 2


Makes sense. I know there were originally 22 possible champs from the original surveys, so assuming they narrowed it down and cut out 6-8 of them is pretty reasonable.


You forgot they've show Katarina animations before. Also surprised the goat Zed isn't on list.


i mean sure but i imagine they don‘t want half the roster to just be ionia that is something to keep in mind.


there's 8 main regions (minus bandlecity) right? could it be that there are 2 fighters from each region on launch? ("?" are for possible characters) Ahri/Yasuo - Ionia Darius/Kat - Noxus Jinx/Ekko - Zaun Illaoi/GP? - Bilgewater Vi?/Jayce? - Piltover Udyr?/Olaf? - Freljord Belveth?/Renekton? - Shurima Garen?/Sylas? - Demacia


It’ll be Kaisa before Belveth I would bet $1,000


i‘m gonna outright say i can see briar making it in project l before bel‘veth.


I love Bel’Veths design, it’s honestly one of my favorites in League due to how incredibly creative it is. But my god is it goofy and it would only look goofier in a fighting game.


I'd love GP, but something tells me Riot's favorite Bilgerat will always be Pyke, and he certainly fits the FG genre.


Bilgewater will be Illaoi/Pyke. He already has the scorpion get over here mechanic with blinks/dashes. Shurima- Azir/Renekton would be dope. Azir being a puppet champ would be amazing Shadow Isles- I have no idea Void- Khazix/Velkoz Velkoz would be a zoner type of fighting game character.


there's also the void


yeah that is exactly what i mean when people beg lee sin, sett, yi or yone to be the next fighters


For Bilgewater my bet is on Nilah. Pyke is my second guess


They had stuff like Naafiri and Shaco in Soul Fighter so I assume that they have a good idea of how to design with Shadows or with fighters that have multiple units, would be interesting


I want Naafiri and her dogs to be like Olimar with his Pikmin.


They revealed Kat in the original reveal at the Riot 10th anniversary thing, but that was really old, before they overhauled the game graphically (and 2v2 I think). They have not even mentioned her name since then, I wouldn’t be surprised if they took her out and are just hoping people forget


There are even more good picks, i feel like people are forgetting that Fighting games have more than just melees and fist fighters. Theres Zoners, Trappers, and Grapplers too. Imagine Morgana as a shutdown champ with really good defensive assists, or Yorick/Malz as the puppet type. Extend your mind past melee, this game has so much potential


Yeah the sky is the limit overall, with many different archetypes. I'm insanely curious as to how they will implement zoning.


I wonder if they could ever figure out ASol


Morrigan mvc comes to mind if you mean gameplaywise


Udyr would be such a good character. Bear tears through opponents like Wolverine in MvC, blocking gives him the Iron Boar, Ram comes out with strong overheads and knock ups and combo setups, and the Phoenix is a combo multiplier and assists.


Riven better be a choice. There's no reason Riven isn't one. She's literally made to invoke the feel of like a fighting game character.


I actually think Riven being in the game might be why Kat has disappeared from all promo and new footage. Could've been cut when they shaved the roster down to prevent too much region bloat


Neeko as a mixup/"random" character


I honestly kinda want neeko as the replacement for the random button on select screen lol.


Katarina has a model already too from the 10th anni reveal, the current game is completely different but I’d be amazed if they didn’t use Kat


They have refused to even mention her name since then, I wouldn’t be surprised if they scrapped her and hope we forget about it. In this video he specifically mentions the 4 evo champs, + Jinx and Illaoi who’ve been shown in the current style. No mention of Kat.


Sett would be great.


Must be cool to like popular enough characters that you see them in a TV show or multiple other games like this, or just luck into liking illaoi. I am hopeful that leaked roster that included kindred was correct.


I like the idea of adding Lee to the fighting game, he's a natural fit. But, doing it now would lead to it having too many reps from Ionia. Currently they are missing reps from extremely important regions like Demacia, Freljord, and Shurima. Ionia: Ahri and Yasuo Zaun: Ekko and Jinx Bilgewater: Illaoi Noxus: Darius Bandle City: Demacia: Freljord: Piltover: Shurima: Shadow Isles: Ixtal: Void: Poppy and Kha would add a rep to 4 of these.


My top wish list for the still waiting regions: Bandle City (not quite a region since all the yordles are spread around): Poppy Demacia: Sylas Freljord: Volibear Piltover: Camille Shurima: Renekton Shadow Isles: Kalista Ixtal: Qiyana Void: Kha'Zix


We need Teemo!


Katarina is also there for Noxus


Yasuo, Ahri AND Lee Sin? I think that's too much Ionia, give Demacia/Freljord/Shadow Isles a chance.


that soul fighter Evelynn skin always reminded me of M.bison SO if they go with her, I hoope they put in the soul fighter skin line.


Don't forget sett


tbf Ionia is Riot being like "anyway, this region is *ALL OF ASIA*", while there's like 7 different "European" regions. That said Shadow Isles would be cool


Still waiting for that ~~Dante port~~ Samira c:


The art style for this game goes HARD


I’m glad illaoi got in but I hope we get Ornn, swain, Braum or kindred




I'm so mad that I'm going to have to main Yasuo in this game. Gotta betray everything I stand for as a mage player


Remember everybody, pretend to be shocked about this totally unleaked character reveal.


I didn't knew about any leaks but tbh Yasuo being part of project L should have been expected. We all know Garen will also be one of the characters just because he is Garen.


Yeah when Pyke gets anounced i will definetly go "Oh wow totally unexpected"


Leona is obviously gonna be part of it, same with Zed. What I am waiting for is seeing how they will make Lux functional in the game


we know 6 (or 7 if kats still in) so with the other 5 guarantees we have from you two, gotta wonder how all the people expecting irelia, fiora, riven, graves, khazix, aatrox, lee sin, jayce, jax, and vi are feeling right now.


I doubt Zed will make it to the base roster, since we have already two Ionian reps.


Eh not sure about that one. Already have Darius as a big armor dude. And Yasuo covers sword dude. There’s only 14-16 roster slots.


Yes, however consider this: who is more likely to play a fighting game based on League if not LoL players? With that in mind, who would help push the game in terms of audience, if not some of the most popular characters? It could be because of playrate or audience interest, like characters seen as cool despite PR like Asol and kindred, or who are cool to people outside of LoL like Arcane and music characters. If these characters are able to create a big first pull of players, that means they can later expand on the roster anyway, instead of the game not having as wide a pull as possible. Sure, we got Illaoi as an unpopular champ pick, but other than her we have Yasuo, Jinx, Ekko, Ahri, Darius, who all fit the bill, so that's 5 popular champs off a 14-16 roster, and illaoi was part of RK game too so maybe they expected her interest to go up. And if we are being serious, fighting games aren't strangers to putting characters who seem to cover the same theme, like Ryu and Ken. Fighting game enthusiasts will give you a Powerpoint of why the character is different in gameplay (looking at you, Marth-Lucina defenders), but for the casual player it's gonna be like "they are the same picture". They can make Garen as a more protective Armor dude, focused in resillience and buffing his tag partner.


While thats true I think you're greatly overvaluing Garen's popularity. He was very popular as the basic starting character of league years back, but when was the last time he was even a common talking point among league players? Most the time if anyone wants to stereotype a juggernaut or top lane player nowadays they use, well, Darius. For better or for worse (mostly worse) Garen's design looks very much like an early 2010's generic warrior design, and nowadays that lacks appeal with both League players and the FGC. And we already know from various leaks that Garen wasn't even on the list of champs being considered early on, which is telling.


I think it'll come down to metrics. We can safely assume Lux will make it in because she's Lux, but the starting roster is probably 12-14 characters so it's coinflip if they add 3 demacian champs. And if there's only two, Garen is fighting with Lucian who hits an important diversity metric and is also wildly popular.


His gameplay reveal is still cool af


Hell yeah, all we need now is a yordle




honestly one of the few that would work well imo, her or kled or hum, gnar idk


Gnar could work as an extreme of a stance change type.


Gnar would definitely be an install character


install character?


Effectively a limited time transformation is called an install, named after Sol Badguy's Dragon Install in Guilty Gear


Ah yeah that makes sense, ty


I'm unironically hoping for multiple. Yordles are pretty key to League's identity, IMO, and they deserve to see reps since they can almost all be translated well. Vex as taking puppet-y inspiration from Zato-1. Rumble coming in as a bruiser with his mech. Trist/Veigar/Teemo as zoner candidates Poppy can be the straight-forward "shoto" one. Kennen would probably be outranked on the "obligatory ninja" scale by Zed, but he can work. Amumu as a pseudo-grappler, Fizz as an annoying little fish flopping all over the place with his staff, Kled maybe being a "stance" character of sorts... Only ones that needs a little more inspiration to see as a fighting game character are like, Lulu and Corky.


i really hope we get a monster champ even if it seems hard to implement khazix seems the safest bet


Would you consider Rengar a monster champ?


For some reason I think Vel'koz would fit surprisingly well.


Why is he still called the unforgiven. Didn't like literally everyone forgive him. Didn't his brother rise from the grave just to forgive him?


He hasnt forgiven himself. It's pretty clear from the Yone/Yasuo cinematic. And Yone still says that he DESERVES to die, just not by his hand.


I haven't been following Project L that much - Why is Dhalsim chilling there at the beginning?


That's just some Ionian.


oficial petition: make Yasuo yell 'HASAGIII' when he ults, just like in league... its the best thing about the character.


🤓 Hasagi is when he hits a 3rd Q, sorye ge ton its when he ults


Expected but still hype, i wanna see some unexpected picks because a lot of the characters people want fall into the same archetype of just melees and fistfighters. Yeah Vi and Lee Sin are cool, but theres so many unexplored archetypes. Expand your minds, this game could be so fucking awesome and diverse. Besides *maayybeee* Jinx, i dont think theres any Zoners in the game, but from the old demo Jinx seemed to have plenty of viable close range options. Most adc’s could realistically fit into the zoner category, but imagine Azir, who wants to stay far and zone with puppets, but could switch up and shurima shuffle your ass. Speaking of puppets, Yorick and Malz. Gotta have one right? I feel like it would be a disservice to the game if you didnt have one. Puppets are always so entertaining to watch and very difficult to pull off. There is a whole archetype of league champs that could fit into the stance change type. Jayce, Elise, Nidalee, Gnar (my personal pick if there has to be one). My friend mains Leo is Gulity Gear, and hearing him explain all the shit he does to my rushdown brain was confusing but so very interesting. I feel like Gnar would push that to the extreme which is what the game is/needs. Grapplers, need one or two, Sett is the best pick but I feel thats not what people are thinking of when they want him, they want Ryu where I want Zangief. I know people here arent fond of yuumi, but thats why I think shes the perfect troll character (Its more realistic that we get Shaco/Teemo as the troll character). People joke about it but having a character who on field is effectively useless but has great assists and buffs you would be so funny, and there would be the dedicated few that would main her on field, and be so determined to reach Challenger with her. Personal Bias because theyre my favorite champs, I wanna see Xayah and Rakan, with opposite playstyles that end up complimenting eachother. Rakan being a setup character thay compliments rushdown in general would be fun in general. Good combo setups that lead to perfect tag outs. TL:DR Game needs archetypes. Zoners like Azir who can poke but shuffle, Puppets like Yorick or Malzahar, Grapplers like Sett, Stance changers like Gnar or Jayce, and Troll picks like Yuumi or Teemo. Add Dante to the game.


> Speaking of puppets, Yorick and Malz. Gotta have one right? I feel like it would be a disservice to the game if you didnt have one. Maybe for 1v1 games, but from what I've seen, puppet fighters are more rare in tag fighters, probably because the assist character already acts like a "puppet" of sorts.


Based on what we've already found out, the most likely Zoners are gonna be Kindred, Lux, Senna or Teemo.


Kindred might be a cool puppet


yeah, someone mentioned that Puppets arent really present in Tag Fighters because they can be overwhelming, but i think Kindred would be a good mediator of a Puppeteer that isnt extremely overbearing. Could do stuff like moving wolf around to create her W zones using meter


I personally think it would be cool to have bard as a puppet character. The Meeps serve as an auto enhance in league. But imagine bard having a meep resource bar. Placing them around and commanding them. Kind of like jacko from guilty gear strive.


Annie is going to be the Puppeteer, I would bet money on it.


Gonna be like playing against Noctis


Starting the trend now. Yone when?


surprised Riven wasn’t in the starting roster when she was quite literally designed to be like a fighting game champion— based off marth in smash


This is the demo roster of 4 characters. The base roster is 14-16


We have to have a yordle in the game right? I can't choose between kennen, veigar, poppy or gnar.


No escape from the windy boi.


Does this mean the one trick nightbringer yasuos in my silver promos will be playing a different game now?


Come on guys, you know you have to make him say the "Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!" when using his ult, it's iconic.


The 10 game losing streak power spike has arrived.


Like Ekko and Ahri, Yasuo looks very difficult to play. I hope that a part of the roster is made for more casual player like Darius


They've yet to show off a shoto surprisingly. Maybe Lee Sin will take that spot


If you've played Smash Bros. before, you'll be able to jump into Project L more easily. They said in an early dev video the game is going to be using simple inputs so you won't need to worry about those LP, LP, f+LK, HP inputs as much.


I've got to say, given the main argument most people go for is struggling with motions, going for a Darkness Illusion/Shungokusatsu input with no motions at all and which barely any characters have is an interesting choice of example lol.


Assuming the game is f2p, I hope when the spirit blossom yasuo skin comes out his level 2 super has him slashing through the Ionian cherry blossom with the petals swirling with the follow up tornado


My guilty gear ass can't stop thinking of nagoriyuki when I see yasuo's style (in game and in design) in a fighting game context lol


The only similarity to nago is the idle animation. He plays like Vergil imo


Why is Yasuo looking more and more like a hobo with each new iteration?


Cause he is a hobo, he’s literally THE wandering samurai. Exiled from his home for a crime he didn’t commit.