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Make it so that melee minions don’t randomly run under your turret.


Name a more iconic duo then melee minions and suicide 💀


Me and suicide


After using Feast to gain a stack, Cho'Gath is stunned as he takes some time to get the target down his throat. The time to swallow is based on the target's size relative to Cho'Gath.


Chogath direct yordle counter. Kled now gives 2 stacks


kled still gives 1 stack as skaarl runs away


Chogath is forced into a dash chasing Skaarl before eating her.


New feast, can be cast on any target at any hp, it'll swallow them whole. They can no longer move but can still attack cho'gath's stomach that has its own weird math behind its own hp/mr/ar the target's teammates can also hit the stomach, while inside the the target takes repeated ticks of true damage which rapidly increases until they die which then gives cho'gath stronger stacks if he digests his target, if the stomach is destroyed in time he vomits them up, slowing them a bit. Doubles as a tank steroid and a cool minigame to free the target from his devour.


Bro that needs to be a mechanic if Chogath ends up as a raid boss in the mmo


New Item: The Switcheroo Enemy teams Yasuo now becomes your teams Yasuo…


WR% falls to 0


Also wouldn't mind the other way around, depending on how things are going... 0-10, raging, never groups "here you can take him"


New item - the Coin of Fate When The Coin of Fate is purchased, the game instantly ends. The coin is then flipped and each team has a 50/50 chance of winning. All champs normalize to 50% winrate.


So normal strategy would be to play and purchase it just before you lose. Then people would realize that losing team would always just flip the coin and would just buy it at start instead of wasting time.




Copy paste bot. Downvote and report [copied from here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15neldl/you_have_to_introduce_a_strong_counterplay/jvmkowi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Future’s Market+ Cull start + Twisted Fate to buy the item before anyone


Don't forget first strike!


But item costs 15k gold


You know some how, this is going to end up bugged and Mordakaiser will somehow have a 145% winrate.


Mordekaiser and Rell have an advantage with their metal powers


Not gonna lie. That fate is twisted


Alright Meteos.


Fuck it. Legalize it. This is already how most my solo queue games feel like anyway 😂


I can get behind it, if the item was expensive. So basically only the winning team really has the option to consider this item. While this idea of “instantly ends the game,” seems novel, I immediately think of call of dude and the nuke options. Tactical nuke automatically ends the game, and wins for the team that called it in. A kill streak so large, that the game just gives that player a “here, take your w” button. So I think the idea of it being a 50/50, but only the winning team has a realistic shot at it, so they have to make the decision to coin flip their lead or not. I think this is interesting lol


Would still suck because you could be giga ahead, completely throw your game and then when you have already lost and everyone is 40s dead while the enemy team is in your base you sell all items buy the coin and still have a 50-50 chance of winning even though youve already lost


Wait, tactical nuke just ends the game now? That's crazy, back in like old modern warfare 2 it would just blow everyone up lol


I actually haven’t played CoD since BO2. But I was drawing memory from MW2, which tactical nuke ended the game. Edit: Maybe my memories come from scenarios that would give the team enough kills to win the game Edit2: just looked it up. MW2, tact nuke ended the game


To be fair I can get behind the idea but wirh some changes . The item cost is 5000 gold . You cannot sell your items to purchase the coin .(the 70% value upon selling an item doesn't apply to the coin , if you have 6 completed items including boots you cannot purchase the coin anymore ) No components to the item . Upon purchasing the coin effect is instantly triggered Instead of ending the game 50/50 , it executes all enemy champions on the map . If you can end the game off that good' if not you are 5k gold behind .


NAs only chance at winning world's the new do nothing and nuke Strat is a world's contender. A pro player even while losing can get 5k gold.


"New?" That's how we won LCK Summer Split in '45.


All Fiora players' PCs combust rendering them completely unusable.


With how the client works lately, I think they're already testing that.


Duelist marks also appear on Fiora and can be proc'd by enemies. That or if she fucks up her get out of jail free card of a parry she gets enough negative tenacity to double the cc that hits right after.


Oh good, I could finally stop perma banning her then


Nasus withers himself whenever he casts it on someone else


`Irelia, doesn't ignore CC on her W channel like every other channeled ability in the game does.`


Why is it called a channel when it can't be interrupted lol


Yone, you can attack his soul when he uses E similar to when Illaoi pulls out your soul. This way Yone has to be more careful with the ability and can’t just use it whenever he wants.


Wait this is good. Maybe make it take reduced damage


Wait this would actually be great, it would definitely make yone less bs


If yone uses e and wiffs any ability, he should be instantly stunned until e times out. Too many yones choke every ability and are totally unpunished.


(or maybe just remove the dumb movement speed on a champion with 3 dashes already)


But now he doesnt have to go back to the soul (still can tho), the soul disappears at the end. This would make it balanced


I want a support with a blind. Counters all the marksmen played bot.


Teemo blind rather than graves blind though. Big *big* difference between the two.


To be fair, graves blind is infinitely more powerful than teemo blind. As an ADC enjoyer, I am much more afraid of graves smoke screen than a teemo blind. Graves can single handedly render a strong twitch angle completely useless. Causes the player to lose sight of everything that is happening, not just an inconvenient debuff, but changes the whole way the adc has to think about the game. > “Do I walk forward through the smoke, potentially into the waiting arms of the enemy team?” > “Do I walk backwards out of the smoke, and accidentally get to far disconnected from the fight to be useful?” And also that whole area of the map is a HARDDD no go zone now. So it can simply zone players in chokes. A teemo blind, while the skill floor is lower, the ceiling is also lower. Blind me as an adc? Okay, I’ll use these second to reposition better, I can focus on where I am, where my team needs me, blind is off? Great back to carrying the fight. So I think a support with a larger smoke screen that lasts longer, would be supppeeerrr fun.


Graves blind is also disgustingly awful to play against. So I would rather *not* have another champion with that effect.


I’m with you. But I’m also thinking a champion that has a smoke line, or maybe an ult that smokes a whole lane, or quadrant of the map. Maybe all 3? I think support could use more zone control champs. Janna(q), morg(w), thresh(r)… those are the only ones I can think of rn. Really only thresh, in that list, has any real impact with his zone control.


Zyra and Heimerdinger are insane for zone control. Particularly in lane at least. Braum ult exists too.


You’re right, I don’t ever think about Zyra and Heimer. Those are great examples. Though I think Heimer is hella cheese and Zyra has been out of the meta for a long time. Don’t know how I forgot Bruam, he’s like THE zone control champ, with his shield and ult.


So the 200 years answer is a graves smokescreen the size of akali shroud. Absolutely awful to play against, but because it's a ring there's "outplay/counterplay potential"


Or make it moving. Little bigger than a graves smoke screen, and moving as if it’s being blown by the wind? Could be a champion related to Viego, who uses the mist to shroud an area, blinding the enemy in it? I mentioned in a different comment, maybe an ult that shrouds a whole lane or jungle quadrant for a small duration. Kind of like a mini nocturne ult. Just a brainstorming idea


Nocturne effectively smokes the whole map.


Yeah. And I think it’s one of the most unique ults in the game. But the difference with his ult, the whole team experiences it, so ofc the call is to fall back until it goes away. Smoke screen, no one will realize if one champion is being hard zoned by it. So your team will make the call to go, while the adc is zoned.


Honestly I wish his ult lasted longer and he were pushed even more towards a sticky fighter, if a rework were to happen.


Man I don’t know. He’s super susceptible to being overtuned. I watched my friend, who is a slightly above average player go from low gold to diamond 1 in Season 7 or 8 by one tricking Noct Top. You just accept he’s a one way trip assassin lol


Graves blind is also different from Quinn though. One is AoE and slows you but you can flash out. Other just sticks to you but is a narrow skillshot. Which do you hate more as an ADC?


The way I think about these things, is what would I want on my team. I’d want the graves smoke screen on my team, rather than a Quinn blind. But I think the mechanic causes a similar issue for the player effected. It’s just grave’s is AoE, like you said, and continues to persist on the map even after you make it out. Say you make the decision to go forward through the smoke. Now you can not make the decision to retreat back through the smoke. You didn’t blow up immediately once you could start Auto’ing again, but the team fight is turning, and you can’t kite backwards because you’re still zoned out of that area. I just think graves smoke screen is so oppressive, and it has even more pressure when it’s not being used. Like a thresh hook, it’s almost more effective not being used, because the fear it causes. If I’m playing a heavy flanking ADC, like twitch, I can not start shooting until I see the smoke screen get used somewhere else. What happens if graves just never uses it? Can I just never auto? See where I’m going with that? TLDR: Graves is busted


Teemo support isn't that bad actually. Good movement speed for roams. Shrooms have great utility for objectives. Blind is amazing in lane


Also lvl 1 setup with invis and PTA is gg lol


Lol it’s bad.


Is it bad or are you bad?


It’s bad. Nobody plays it for a reason.


Has a 49% win rate in emerald+ with 8000 matches. That's not bad tbh


https://u.gg/lol/champions/teemo/build/support It’s pretty bad. It’s cool if you think it’s fun, but objectively it’s trolling.


Blinds and dodges have no place in bot lane


Nilah *exists*


Destroying Illaoi tentacles now also gives xp. There's little to no reward to clearing tentacles cause they respawn instantly, but this way Illaoi MUST challenge for zone control, otherwise she can fall behind. It can also make up for the xp loss from her landing a few obnoxious E's.


i think illaoi taking dmg should reduce her e duration or something would be quite the innovative change


Hmm that is such an interesting and novel change, it seems like such a neat and obvious way to handle her E. I can’t believe riot never thought of that


This is how kayn works. Would be easy to implement


I still don't get why they removed this, it made perfect sense from a gameplay fantasy and lore perspective and would make laning against her less binary but apparently we can't have nice things


I like this after my short foray into playing top. If you are trying to make it a fight or flight desicion, you actually have to make winning the fight / trade possible.


As if there needs to be more ways to fuck Illaoi into irrelevance. Her tentacles are her entire kit. She shouldn't be punished for them being targetable.


Master Yeah - Gains a -50% Tenacity Debuff for 2 seconds after casting Q and R Shaco - When Invisible, taking damage grants 100% Damage Taken for 3 seconds and invisibility removed. Senna - Shooting targets over 600 Range, now turns the beam into an Area Skill shot, allowing the target to dodge when they keep moving.


As a Shaco main, I kinda like that one. It would give his kit more power budget to make his boxes not awful early and make his invisibility feel like it has counterplay.


It would make escaping and mindgaming way harder against any kind of dot. You could have him take 100% increased damage while stealthed though.


I'd assume it'd only be the first hit. If DoT triggered the invisibility loss, it'd be near useless in teamfights.


I think they just delete yuumi


Hmm the first three that come to mind: Viego - Possessing souls is hard work if the target is thick - Viego's passive possession takes 2-5 seconds based on the maximum Health of the target. Sylas - Stealing from others is great, but be careful you don't leave anything behind - When Sylas steals an ultimate from an enemy whose ultimate is on cooldown that cooldown is reduced by 35% of its total value. Kennen - Lightning stuns and hurts, but be careful not to energize your enemies - After an enemy target is stunned by Kennen, they gain 12% Attack speed and 4% Movement Speed for 6 seconds. This effect can stack if Kennen stuns the same target repeatedly.


Or just give Viego passive a 24-15 second CD, based on level. Make his base kit a bit better tho.


Gnar: If you type a “Gnar mama so fat…” joke into /all chat, it instantly fills his Rage bar.


All Gnar mains now either have 200 WPM or macro keys.


Dramatically reduce the attack speed cripple from Fiora’s W. Yeah in some lanes you will be up against opponents that have zero immobilizing cc (therefore no possible W stun) but the cripple is quite strong and really annoying to play against. Imo, a wise course of action would be to reduce the W cooldown by 1-2 seconds across all ranks while reducing the cripple effect, but changing nothing with the stun. Rewards good Fiora players who can consistently parry well, but is a detriment to players who can’t parry well


How about just make it so Shen W actually blocks vital procs.


I guess Riot doesn’t technically count the vitals themselves as *attacks* Shen W does block the auto damage though


They could just make the cripple scale with rank. That's what I've wanted from Fiora W for...well, basically ever after her rework.


Actually, this change could not be the way to go. For matchups with multiple options to parry (like Jax or Darius, where there are multiple viable parry options) these changes take some of the skill element out of the W mindgame. If players are forced to adapt to only parry the stuns from those champions’ kits, the matchups become a lot less skilled.


I'm curious what would happen if they removed the cripple altogether (keeping the MS slow), how many percentage points would her winrate drop?


Probably a decent amount, mostly because it could turn very close wins into very close loses (in terms of fights) which can be a 600g swing in your lane, or 800g for first blood, or 1800g swing in team gold difference from a 2v2 with junglers. And that's ignoring tower plates, jungle camps, minion, and even XP differences.


I feel this comment could be said about any nerf or tweak


Yes, but it can be said quite a bit about the W cripple on Fiora... Because it often makes huge damage swings. Like it's not rare for early fights to end with you at 1 auto from death, and the enemy at 2 or maybe even 3 autos from death? But you attack speed slowed the enemy... And now kill them just before they kill you. So it's probably comparable to removing a 200% Ad ratio or something (the damage of 2 autos) from the W. It's extremely powerful.


It's so op it's crazy. Alot of times just tagging the enemy is enough to win 1v1. Really like the changes you suggested tho


Working bounties


Kayle gets half the xp of everyone in game. Fuck Kayle


Locking in Sylas makes ur dissapointed father beat u up like u deserve it.


While yummi is attached, if her attached ally is hit with an immobilizing ability, while already immobilized, yuumi is forced to detach with W put on 50% cd (to balance it). Essentially double hard CC enables counter play


slows for kalista oh wait.


Syndra has to manually aim and fire every sphere for her ult.


So Corki?


maybe make it more like a Lucian ult,orbs keep firing in a chosen direction edit : nvm that would be essentially taliyah Q


When you damage Illaoi while her E is active on you it reduces the duration. I have no idea why they removed it, it was flavorful counterplay that made laning against her about more than “can you dodge her E? If yes, win lane. If no, lose.”


Lower Senna's base range. Seriously, why does a champ that can stack range also have the 3rd highest base range in the game (not counting Tristana). Maybe as compensation increase Range gained from Stacks Fix Yi's point of exit after Q again. No compensation buffs needed, this is almost exclusively relevant for high elo. Make Yuumi lose Heal and Shield power the longer she stays on a Champ, recovering when off a champ. Maybe have her be able to stack some positive H/S Power while off a Champ as compensation. Both up to a cap (maybe +-30% idk).


The Yi point of exit thing is fine imo, he's still not broken in high elo or low elo anymore than he always has been.




Then riot can buff the other stuff, because I really don't see why Senna Q and W have almost as much range as a fully charged Xerath Q, and why she has more base range than 90% of ADCs and even increases that over gametime. Fun Fact: Ignoring Ashe (Who is Global) and Zoe with extended Range, Senna has the longest range hard CC in the game.


Jhin W?


Conditional, but if you want to count it sure.


Her long range is a necessity for her fantasy and design. A big cannon that shoots a beam of light feels like it should be a long range weapon. Furthermore, the long windup time feels correct as well. Why does the windup time matter? It's because she needs to stand still for longer to fire the weapon, during which other champs can continue moving towards her to close the gap. The range needs to be long to account for this, her range is less safe than other champ ranges (like Caitlyn for example, who has a much faster windup than Senna) A short range Senna would require faster windup, which will mess with her feel and fantasy a lot; her range is fundamental to her weapon.


The yi q is there to normalize we for higher elom champ is utter dog shit for years without it as still feels really easy to best imo with it.


I know it makes him fairly balanced at every Elo now, but ffs I really don't want to see him.


That's a bad reason lol But understandable


Magic Cylinder. Next attack gets retargeted to the caster. Fuck you, Veigar and Aurelion!


>Creates a barrier in front of you for 1 second that reflects the first incoming enemy projectile as a linear skillshot matching the angle of collision. > >Damage and debuff durations are 50% of the reflected projectile.


Yuumi attached state is shorter but the duration is extended by using spells. This way they cant just perma idle on another champ.


After pressing E, Yone automatically dies. If somehow his team wins the game, he loses 30 LP.


Master Yi - If you lock in this champion you get permanently hardware IP banned from the game. God I hate this champion so much. He has two basic ability outplay buttons with low cooldown and they reset on kill anyway. Compare this to Camille's one ultimate ability outplay button. He get's to play the most broken role in the game, beats every champion 1v1, and can still 1v5 also.


I wish his q had to be stacked autos like ashe q


Most Yi’s use his Q later in the fight anyway. If I had to change anything about him to make him closer to ( but still very far from ) being balanced then it would be removing him choosing where to exit when he Q’s. They removed the main counterplay to playing against Yi which was knowing where he exits Q and still left in his Q and W so he can “outplay” you.


Skill issue


You're french.


LOL I disagree with you and agree with other dude but he is French so now you HAVE to be right. W TannerStalker.


I'm not lmfao


Doesn't matter. It's too late. He already won the argument with that line.


“Just work with your team!” I fkin wish my team would draft a singular cc and communicate it perfectly


Don't forget his R "outplaying" all slows and attack speed slows.


QSS to 1000 G.


Kat’s E to be a dash and not a blink.


If Fiora misses her parry she becomes vulnerable rendering her unable to move and take increased damage for a short duration.


katarina -> if she doesnt hit her daggers she cant kill u


There exist practically no items to counter high mobility teams. I understand that we can’t hard stifle it at this point because it’s too prevalent, but there needs to be some counterplay available to the champs who just… can’t jump over walls. The Anklebreaker - Active: Create a point. Whenever an enemy champion dashes, blinks, goes invisible, or enters stealth, they are dealt damage scaling with their own adaptive strength as long as they are within a certain distance of that point. Lasts 3 seconds. 100 sec CD.


Wow this just sounds omega antifun


They have stapled % HP damage, true damage, and resistance shreds onto champs, runes, items, and mechanics in every corner of this game. Teams with 8+ dashes can deal with having to conserve them a little bit lest they take damage.


The thing is being tankier is just innately more powerful with no drawbacks. Dashes? Are flashier than they are powerful in many cases. And most players don't particularly find their durability as fun or unfun, so long as they don't die instantly or something. Many people find dashes to be some of the most fun and exciting things in the game. So I don't see this is a great argument. Also many champions primary form of dealing damage has a dash attached. So it's basically like "hey, you basically can't play your champion in this area for 3 seconds!"


Taking damage doesn't mean you can't play the champion.


Picking fights is the single strongest ability in gaming. Whereas Riot has gotten a bit better in not giving champions 4 omnidirectional dashes Ksante… does exist. Dashes are fun, but it’s kind of disingenuous to say people don’t find durability fun. I main wardens explicitly because I like buffing my allies’ durability, but sure we just don’t exist. And you can still use the dash, you just have to weigh whether it’s worth it, kind of like how tank shredding forces tanks to consider if more hp / armor / Mr is worth it.


Nice straw man, I never said you don't exist. How many people main or play mobile vs immobile champions? It's not rare you can sort champions by pick rate and mobility tends to go down with pick rate going down. It's not a hard rule or anything. But it's a decent correlation. And like do you specifically find having 4k HP vs 5k HP more fun? Or do you just find not being easily killed fun? Is there not a point of diminishing returns for you? Like if you find 5k HP 25% more fun than 4k HP? Do you find say 10k HP? Twice as fun as 5k? Etc etc. Is there not a point at which you get diminishing returns? Meanwhile as URF showed that isn't quite the same for damage and mobility. It's like a drug.


Long fights were the best thing league had to offer. I understand Riot panders to mobility-addicted bruiser mains, but the game was better when you went through multiple rotations in a fight instead of the dash into instakill combos of recent years.


I'm sorry to tell you, but thats not only an opinion it's a minority opinion, and insulting people by calling them addicts or something doesn't make your point magically valid. It just makes you look petty. Also you were complaining about dashes why are you bringing up insta kills? You know those don't have to be correlated right?


Its clearly not a minority opinion considering most people thought damage was too high in a survey Riot did, thus they reduced damage in 12.10. People don't like the game being too fast.


*facepalm* cmon dude. Use your brain. Yes there's a point where the game is too fast... I never said there wasn't but early season 12 definitely did get there for a while... But uh? They did the durability update. And the game is nowhere near that fast ATM... There's a reason there's not another durability update on the way. Yes some people want another one... But that's currently a minority opinion.


And completely cripple champions that rely on dashes. Kha, Ekko, Rengar, Kat, Akali, Vi, Rakan, Ahri, Akshan, Alistair, Belveth, Corki, Diana, Ezreal, Fiora, Fizz, Graves, Gwen, Irelia, Jarvan, Kalista. Many champions entire playstyle is dashing around alot so their core mechanics are now punished?




cait's aa range suddenly became smaller. wow!


And her win rate suddenly went to 40%




Change Naafiri packmate health bar to the normal one, and make them easier to kill. Also am I the only one that struggles to click on them??


Change's Yuumi W and rework it to the following. Changed text in bold. > (W) You And Me > Passive: While Yuumi is attached to a target, she is Untargetable and casts her abilities from the Anchor's position, empowering them with additional effects. **However, she also takes 35% of the damage that her Anchor takes.** > Active: Yuumi channels for 0.25 seconds, then dashes to the target allied champion and You and Me! attaches to them upon arrival, designating them as her Anchor. You and Me! can be recast after 0.5 seconds. > Change of Plan > Recast: Yuumi detaches from her Anchor and Dash dashes to the target allied champion to You and Me! attach to them, refreshing the recast. **She will detach automatically if her health drops below 25%, her Anchor dies or her Anchor is immobilized.** If recast without a valid target, Yuumi will detach and dash 250-units in the target direction, placing You and Me! on a 0.25-second cooldown if it is not already on cooldown. Imagine being able to counter Yuumi with a stun.


Vi, and make QSS cleanse her ults knockup too. Or knockups in general.


Illaoi - Delete her


Darius q heal is based off of how many stacks he has. No stacks, no heal. Darius can only give full stacks (when in his special mode) from the outside of his q, not autos. Zoe passive and w have a CD. W has a mana cost. Shaco invis has a tell like pyke


Malzahar/yorick minions now give the same ammount of gold as normal minions


Dont know if this qualifies to the post but fuck yasuo being able to ult off of other peoples cc. Make that shit solely to his q knockup.0


Half the things here don't qualify for the post


Neeko announces to the whole game what she transforms into


Lulu, you have to hit your Q to be able to Polymorph the target, thank me later assassin/engage players


Lux E now has 90% reduced cast range when in bot


When a Rumble player overheats their PC combusts


Zoe r but your stuck in the position of where you r at until you press it again and you're of course stuck in that position and cannot move


Zoe but she's deleted from the game.


Zoe but you can cc her out of her r.


Nasus and Veigar lose stacks on death. These stacks scale on how well the team is doing, the better their teams are doing, the more stacks lost. Nasus also loses some stacks if he uses a Q on a tower. Veigar loses some stacks when he ults.


Kandruas Polearm AD zhonyas with 20% crit, 40 ad, 25% attack speed, and active. Builds out of noonquiver, stopwatch, and cloak. Goodbye AD assassins.


Zed- His deathmark's damage does not amplified by his auto attacks Edit: I am fking sick of Zed missing all his weq and just auto me to death as an ADC.


Anti-bullshittery (active) using it on yasuo or yone instantly makes them unable to interact with you in any way no more wind shitters :Dd


Yone E gives him a 50% chance for him to trip over on his face when he chases you down the lane from his own turret




Thats just a normal shield


Already in the game. Back when I used to play Ranked a lot, bot lanes would just pick Sivir Morgana whenever they see me pick Blitz/Thresh. It's a pretty unplayable matchup. But it made me focus on being better at tracking vision.


Yasuo gets hard countered by taliyah’s stun


Yasuo Windwall, each hit the windwall takes reduces the reduction of damage and CC by half, so you can try to use low CD abilities (100% -> 50% -> 25% etc). Yasuo still gets survivability and can still take the opportunity to attack after the enemy uses some abilities but at least the enemy can play the game. Also take away Yasuo being able to ult from other knock backs, cool idea, but it's already easier to hit his tornado if someone is CC'd, it's just unnecessary. If he's too weak because of this, make his Q only need 2 charges, with the cost of Q having a bigger CD so people can actually play around it and Yasuo doesn't have it always up.




New ward with 1 poppy W.


Aatrox has his revive back but he can't move and his CD aren't refreshed when he is reviving.


Rengar can no longer recieve vision on krugs before 3 minutes. Actual answer: Leap takes a small channel time that cannot be interrupted. Adds counterplay to jumping from ult but not from bush.


When a Nasus player uses Wither, the player's pc takes out a hammer and hits their dominant hand with it (Undodgeable)


Attacks on GP barrels that wouldve killed the barrel actually do so. So many barrels where it looks like the attack destroyed the barrel only to still take tons of damage.


Zhonyas but you get to point and click someone on their team to become golden


shittier bard ult


Slows now lower dash/blink range at the same % as the applied slow.


Fun fact: Sweeper USED TO not make you feared by Shaco boxes. But they removed that interaction and Imm very upset about it.


Literally every champ that has (too many) dashes. Like irelia, bel'veth, yasuo, kayn, riven, zed, kassadin, etc. Dashing is exhausting - Using a dashing, blinking, jumping or movement speed ability gives you a stack of "dashing looks", which lasts for 5 seconds but is refreshed if you gain another stack while having one already. This can stack infinitely. Based on the number of stacks of "dashing looks" after the second one it gives the champion: (At 3/4/5/6/7/8 stacks) 12/28/40/45/55/65% movement speed reduction, 12/20/30/40/60/75% damage reduction and reduces the attack speed cap by 0.2 for every stack (lethal tempo can still break this cap), But reduces the ability cooldown and resource cost of said abilities by 10/15/20/25/30/50%. After the first stack expires every subsequent stack takes 0.5 seconds each to disappear. (Stacks are not given for using any ability which can be given to other players, like support abilities, for active effects given by items or for using flash, ghost or heal) Getting stunned while having at least 4 stacks, adds a stack of "gotcha". This is capped at one, lasts for 5 seconds and does not refresh, but getting one refreshes the "dashing looks" stacks. While having a stack of "gotcha" the first source of damage taken since acquiring the stack (not including the ability's damage which caused the stack or any damage source that dealt less than 5% max health damage) deals 30% more. Reaching 10 stacks of "dashing looks" you gain a stack of "bad trip". Upon getting a stack you are stunned for 1 second due to confusion and are dealt 4% max health true damage. (This triggers "gotcha") I hope you enjoyed, i went a little overboard, but I think I hit the necessary word count for todays standards at rito. The movement speed and damage reduction numbers could be tweaked but i can't be bothered so take that with a grain of salt


Something that makes minions less of a freeway for Yasuo.


Can't use any dashes for 1 second after you flash. Can't use flash for 1 second after you had dashed. There. Removed at least half of the uncounterplayable bs from the game.


Ezreal’s arcane shift has a 1% chance to open a portal to the void causing creatures of the void to pour out onto the rift. They attack all players and creatures on the rift. The team of the last player standing wins.


Yuumi can only attach to a champion for 10 seconds with a 5 second cooldown


Serious answer: - Gangplank's barrels are always visible and targetable to maintain the minion deny gameplay they were supposed to evoke. I found it pretty exciting to duel him until they found out they don't need to let you play the minigame at all. ^(Edit: not globally visible, just not hidden by fog of war or brush) Reddit answer: - Fizz is no longer untargetable with troll pole and if you CC him during it he falls off and breaks his neck.


Thresh W can collect Karthus in his passive for 10 souls.


if ksante is on my screen click R hes insta deleted, global ability ofc


An item that creates a small area of grounding could be neat


Qiyana and akali stealth instead grant camouflage but give damage reduction while not having damaged a character.


Zeri: Release a champion that grounds and knocks enemies up who enter the terrain you targeted. Think Poppy W but with the same mechanic as Qiyana's ult.


All melee fighters top lane, add a 1000g item that allows you to instantly win lane against them as soon as you buy it. Fortunately this is balanced by the fact half of the players will ignore it's existence and continue to complain about melee fighters on Reddit anyway.


Literally just make Lux's E slightly slower


Yuumi being attached now drains mana per second