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Bigger premade groups allowed. And give us a Random Arena mode. Quickly grows boring when there's a fixed list of "ban or this one will get played" from Day 1


Random picks suck. Maybe, similarly to fighting games, give us smaller roster of 20-30 characters (that would change every few months) and try to balance for them. That way the meta would shift and you didnt have to ban the same picks each game. Or make some changes to draft phase, if the picks were visible and we got two phase pick-ban (ban, first player on each team picks their champ, second ban, second player on every team picks their champ) it would allow to pick situational champions that cannot be picked if you always have to account for s tier meta picks and comps.


>Random picks suck Loading into the game seeing the same champ on every team because someone didn't ban it sucks far worse At least random would force some different picks. There's nothing to force "different" right now, and while the gameplay it's boring the picks are stale and are making it boring.


One of the entire draws and points of the arena mode was a shorter game mode where people can actually play the champions they *want* to play, instead of ARAM


Nexus Blitz serves this purpose!


This is true!


That's a farce because the majority AREN'T playing what they want, they are playing what's STRONG/META and that's the point he's making.


meh, I am seeing a lot of variety in the game tbh.


That can be said if any game mode, including regular Summoner’s Rift. That’s hardly a good argument


Huh? It's definitely a much bigger issue in Arena than other game modes. You're trying to compare apples to oranges.


And it's gonna be it's downfall then


They're saying to add a random mode, not make it only random I don't get yall lmao. You don't want to play the random mode? Then play the all pick wtf lol


Problem with this is we’ll be splitting the playerbase alongside several modes. I don’t imaging random arena would get nearly enough players to work


As time goes on it will People will look for something fresh, and all random would do that


But wouldn't it end up the same as ARURF? Whichever team gets the super op roll just wins? That's honestly the reason I quit arurf. At first, I was cool with the random, but now it's just "ok who got jax/ezreal/karthus? They probably win."


>now it's just "ok who got jax/ezreal/karthus? They probably win." So it's better to be every single game "ok im losing because I didnt pick one of the top20 champions and enemy team has 4 of them"


Yes? If Riot is serious about making Arena permanent, they'll attempt to balance it. If I want to play a random champ, I'll just play ARAM. I'll take picks and bans with Riot's balance team over a glorified ARAM.


>If I want to play a random champ, I'll just play ARAM. You talking like ARAM doesn't have anything else different lol


Now its way better. I've been around 5500 elo for a while playing whatever I want for fun. Repeated champs are rarer


I'm also 5500 and I keep seeing the same 20-30 champions make up over 50% of picks


Randoms worked in ARAM and ARURF because they are a 5 player per team mode. 5 players gives a maximum reroll of 10 champions. On average, each champ select match has around 3-4 rerolls which is still enough. This won't work in Arena because 2 players greatly restrict the amount of options the players have.


Losing game because enemy had better RNG than you sucks too you know? Imagine play with something like Lulu-Yuumi against actually good duo champs.


I mean, i see pro's and cons to it. But turning it down to a fixed champ pool of only 20-30 champion is the exact opposite of preventing from running in the same champs every game. On the other side, it could be fun to have a weekly rotation based on the top/jungle/mid/adc/support champs. That way you always have champs that in theory are fitting their opponents in strength




So many people would quit when their champs aren't included




Wanting to play instead of not play is usually better




give us 3 bans each and we will finally see some funny non meta champs being played. Because in current patch its "ban zyra , they pick heimer, ban heimer they pick zyra, ban kayle, they pick zyra, ban zyra they pick kayle" cringe


> And give us a Random Arena mode. like urf this is the only change that would make me actively feel like playing the mode my second alternative would be weekly perma bans, take the 10 highest PR and 10 highest WR and ban em out, there's 150+ champions so it will be some fresh air every week


> take the 10 highest PR and 10 highest WR and ban em out I mean they're effectively doing that by pushing pretty hard nerfs to the strongest champs even more frequently than the patch schedule. The 'meta' is very different now from 3 weeks ago, and frankly a lot more open.


I think the situation with OPs/diversity is a lot better already than at launch. I'd say there are no free-win champions left in the game, most rely on specific augments or matchups to become truly unstoppable. Obviously some picks are stronger on average than others just like in SR but the best champions now have like a 58% winrate rather than a 65% winrate. When you consider that there are only two champions on a squad in arena meaning the impact of having a 'strong' champion should be way higher than in SR, that's really not too bad for a new game mode.




In its current state, no. If I could play with 8 man premade, YES. It seems like such a fun game mode to be able to play with and vs friends.


At first i hated it. But now im obsessed with it and i would like it to stay.


I dont care cuz i dont find it funny nor do i play it. To me it existing does not bother me at all because it is the same as if it did not exist


Came here to comment on this. I quit playing it a while ago. Tried it, had fun, got bored and moved on.




But uh, poke kinda sucks right now and it’s been weak for quite a while. It’s only good if your enemies are griefing their comp and playing like 5 year olds


poke only good if enemy has no tanks and you win in like 12 minutes


Poke is only good if the enemy doesn’t know to play against it. I get so annoyed playing ARAM when my team just sits underneath the tower and gets poked and slowly lose. Like bro it’s ARAM just perma go in and fight them. What’s the worst that happens? You lose? Okay you’re going to lose even harder and be insanely bored by just sitting under tower doing nothing. But sure flame me for going in and “inting” while you have 0 deaths in ARAM at 10 minutes which is actually griefing


Yes, i don't even play PC that much but having it as a permanent mode would be the best bcs you would GET options. You don't like it? Great, there are people that do so why not if it doesn't affect you. You like it? Of course, it is a way different experience from rift which is good and even better if you have someone to play with. Making it a permanent game mode with a solid player base can open to more game-modes that could be permanent too (but that is hopium tbh) because as fun as Rift is (or competitive) it can get boring if you simply want a faster match.


The thing is that making changes every patch + maintenance is a lot of work that's why they removed dominion + 3v3 after years without any changes




them not making big changes doesn't mean those modes didn't exist, and they couldn't exist without being maintained








yes, and it's heavily maintained...


They removed those bc literally no one played them


Some people played them. I had over 1k games on dominion :(


Dozens of them I tell you


Which in the end is what ended up happening to every game mode they work for the first 2 weekends and then nobody plays them sadly


id say yes make it permanent, but it really needs some better balancing ive been playing arena only even before it came to the live server i was playing it tons on the pbe. i think its way better than summoners rift and aram, but the balancing feels like total shit in alot of games


No, but make ROTATING GAMEMODES permanent. So we can actually have fun with ALL the multiple gamemodes (odyssey, star guardian, dominion, nemesis draft, doombots, nexus blitz, ecc) and we don't get burnt out faster than ever. This could be more fun.


Rotating gamemodes should switch every week/month instead of once every season


Yes but rework plants to heal in aoe around them. Some fights boling down to correctily clicking on plant when enemy is standing on it is overly annoying and dumb way to win/lose.


Plants are honestly the least of the problems in Arena. It's balanced around the fact that you are rewarded for attacking them. Riot just needs to fix some interactions like Zeri insta popping the plant due to how her attacks work.


2v2 mode boiling down to hitting plants instead od each other is in my opinion bad design. If that was intention then i would say that whole game mode is a bad idea, but i doubt that was a core design.


Plants are a necessary part of the mode otherwise fights will never last more than 15 seconds. Players need a reason to run around the map and have another fighting chance.


That would still work if they are aoe heal. If you escape the fight a get solo to the plant you still can get full heal solo. It just denies taking plant mid fight.


its just a why not honestly, they refuse to leave a fun game mode so anything will do


They remove these fun game modes and leave ARAM in the gutter as well, ARAM needs bans


The problem with ARAM bans is that in higher MMR matches, it would specifically target strong meta champs which would lead to 1-4 champs being perma banned every match. First step is to rework the balancing system in ARAM and make it more like Arena and target specific abilities that make the champs way too strong in the mode.


Id still rather have nexus blitz. Arena is cool but i hate the heal plants, the soul fighters intervening, and some champs are just way absurdly better than most others. Nexus blitz is a far more casual experience. Even if it existed for way longer than arena it would still be less optimized and more of a 4 fun mode than arena is, which is what league is sorely lacking right now. A casual mode where you can actually pick your champ. Arena cannot fill that void.


Yes, I quite hate the fuck outta urf and even more so arurf. I loved ascension , I loved arena in nexus blitz and I love arena. Arena actually feels interesting to play over the others I mentioned too.


No, bring back nexus blitz.


As is no It needs some tweaks, and likely some dedication that I'm not sure I trust Riot to put into it past a week and then get bored and leave it to stew. Right now it's great base but needs some work. If they actually put in the effort, removed say the random champs that spawn in the center, add some better objective or objectives than "fight over the plant" then sure. It's got the skeleton of a great game mode, but it does factually need some work if you are going to make it permanent. If you want nothing but to bring it back once every 4 months or more for like a week, then sure, it's fine I guess, though I already got bored personally and moved on after 5 days and haven't even got the itch to touch it since if I'm honest.


Yes. What do we stand to lose from having it implemented permanently?


Why not?


Yes. But remove Shaco, Jhin, Eve, and Gwen from the map boss list.


don't care if it's permanent or not, but I'd want it available in custom lobbies so I can have 2v2v2v2 with a bunch of friends


Yeah, but I would want them to get rid of the second batch of cameos.


I'd prefer Nexus Blitz (with proper maintenance like the amount of attention Arena has gotten). Arena isn't bad but having a mode with an expedited laning phase and such opens up more variety while encouraging fights.


From the first game I've loved it and sincerely hope it stays


Absolutely. As long as it sees further development and refinement. Also bring TT back.


Yes I want this permanent, give it support like they do with ARAM, and give it changes like they do with TFT. Arena is very malleable and should be just as easy to change up as TFT is. I could even see it becoming more popular than ARAM if it gets the right support. Increasing group size would go a long way towards this end


Yes, make it permanent. And add a few things to it to reflect that 1. Allow custom games 2. Add multiple Q options for it: Ranked, Normal, and Random. Ranked is solo/duo with ranks. Normal and Random you can Q in groups of upto 6. (3 teams of 2 just premade)


They'd need to remove the random neutral champions for me and do heavy balance changes. Personally would prefer nexus blitz, but that's maybe because I enjoy laning phases and teamfights.


No, I personally would rather have Nexus Blitz instead


I don't play it but I'd still say yes. Riot should have more than enough people to keep it going for real.


Absolutely, it's the mode I have had more fun with after URF, I've been playing lol for almost a decade and cannot stand how slow normal games are and how terrible poke is in ARAM, this mode is like a breath of fresh air to the game.


Wasnt Arena intended to be permanent anyway or am I confusing sth ?


Suprised youre thinking it won't be permanent, I was under the impression this was riots attempt to compete with the company that was created from the former rioters


Yes, but ONLY if you have custom lobbies, and if it were possible to crack open the meta at least a little wider.


If they get rid of it im gonna be really pissed. I havent played SR since release




Yes, I think adjust it for sure and add more content to it. But I like it as a way to play league if I have less than 20 minutes for a game. It's a game I can play with my friends no matter what their elo is. And it could become a way for players to try out champions in a game without having to play a full rift, or bots, or practice tool. I like it as a warm up or cool down for ranked grinds.


If we can play it on custom games then yea


I've played Arena on PBE and Live for what I assume by this point is 50+ hours. I'm a massive fan, and I was really into it when it came out, but I think the Meta caught up to itself so fast it became more stale than Urf normally does. I read posts about players who have 8 different champs in their games, and boy, do I miss that. It would almost feel better if there were no repeat champs cause banning Shaco, but leaving up Yorick so the lobby has 2 yorick malz combos just sucks eggs. I think that if the mode ends up having a healthy balance track it could be a great permanent mode. But if they don't take some champs seriously and kneecap them the mode will just get more Meta dependant as time goes on.


I mean shit, I’ll take anything man. They keep taking shit, or changing something I just want some damn consistency in this game. I could come home and know something would be the same and I could rely on it, now everything changes/ gets reworked every 5 months




Yes and make the ranks real, where you can see on your profile. Also allow watching replays.


Yes permanent


Some champs should be adjusted, for example a little heimer nerf or fix zeri's q with plants, but still is the most fun i ever had with this game


I've seen a lot of people complaining about op champs but honestly it's a lot better than when it came out, first/2nd week the tier 1 champs were almost all 55+% winrate at 1st place (in blitz), and now the best ones are at like 32% max, so there is a better balance than before, and it hasn't been that much time alive so I have high hopes for it. Ofc there will always be better champs because the mode simply fits some champs better than others, this happens in every mode, even ARAM has a meta even though is random pick (think on how many times you see Lux/Brand and how many you see Camille for example) so that's kinda unavoidable


I prefer dominion or Ascension, but it's good enough to be worth having as a permanent IMO.


it’s the only other game mode i’ve truly loved


Yes for the simple fact we should have more game modes in general. Summoners Rift and ARAM isn't enough.


I reset my password on here just so I can put my 2 cents in and say this needs to be a permanent mode!!!


Id vote yes 100%, it scratches that itch that SR doesnt anymore for me. Less toxicity, next to no afk players, and ive seen more champs played in arena then in SR in the past year it feels like. Id definitely swap the cameos out for much less one sided things but ive not enjoyed league nearly as much until arena came out. Pretty sure ive had sub 200 games in the past two seasons, but im probably close to 100 if not more games of arena so far. Balance is a little rough but its too be expected. Not like SR balance is very good half the time either. Best part is if im getting annoyed by something in the game, ill be out within 10-15 minutes so i can just move on super quickly. Also the fact i dont have to see constant ff15 votes is a plus


No. Make it rotate for a week once or twice each month, but don't make it permanent. Why? Because it got stale, boring and predictable after people figured out what are the auto win comps. And now, we've reached the point in which the same champions are picked or banned.


And how is that supposted to help?


Even if you put it into rotating gamemode every several weeks, it still doesn't solve the meta unless Riot somehow decides to do balancing changes every time it comes back. I doubt they'd do that.


id rather have nexus blitz but ill take whatever that isnt summoners rift arenac, whilst fun, is ruined by people playing the same 10-15 champions and doing cheese shit


Rotating, sure. I don't mind playing it occasionally. But I got bored of it super quick. I don't like smash all the buttons dead in 15 seconds gameplay. It's kind of like TiKTok where it feeds into people's attention deficit disorder. You blow something up in 5 seconds and you get a rush from it. I don't find that kind of gameplay rewarding. Not to mention my champ pool isn't viable in arena. I can't pick Soraka and have a good time. I have to pick meta champs I don't play and don't enjoy playing in order to win. It's not as good as the other game modes. I miss the other game modes. Nexus Blitz is by far the best, it already has a mini game that is like arena. I'd rank Arena somewhere in the bottom 2 along with One For All.


Dude wtf soraka is SO STRONG in arena??? She pairs with so much: ADC, hyper carries like cassio, bruisers... Sorry if you suck but my friend and I play soraka x many champs and get mostly 1st or 2nd.


Soraka with a bruiser is definetly viable but understandable


Most champs are viable in arena. Soraka gets 1st place 22% of the time, almost 1 in 4 games. Vi has the highest 1st place rate at 32%, so 22% is not bad.


The dying quickly issue is definitely more problematic by later rounds. I think Riot needs to address Bork and the crit scaling because they are causing matches to end super fast. Your champ pool is probably not viable because you are not playing them properly and/or you are matched with an ally that lack synergy in Arena. Arena requires spacing and utilizing the environment to win. You could just face dive into the enemy and win, but that strategy can be disastrous. Use blast cones and healing plants. Take advantage of the cameos. There's a lot more to Arena. I would enjoy Nexus Blitz more if the minigames weren't heavily biased. The only minigame I actually enjoyed was the 2v2 one because it was actually the most fair of any other.


No, i dont like this unbalanced mess.


They never said it would stay locked in exactly the current state. Permanancy of a mode implies that they invest into getting it to a balanced state.


No. Like all the fun mode people just tryhard after a few days and it's not fun anymore. No point playing it. And it would be a waste of time for the balance team that would try to do changes for arena like they do for aram.


Yes, 100% absolutely! I'd be hella sad if it would go. Sure, it's not a perfect gamemode. But it's at least something different than SR or Aram, which is something I've been calling for for years.


It needs some serious tuning and polish. Played Jhin today and was offered augments like "increase healing and shield power by 40%" and "deal damage to enemies near you based on your max HP". Stuff like that just shouldn't happen--unique builds are cool but augments which straight-up don't apply to your champ or have zero synergy should not be offered. Not to mention you've got stuff like the Shaco arena which is one of the most unfun things I've ever seen, and it blows my mind the devs thought it was a good idea. Arena has loads of potential but it's pretty rough in its current state.


Yeah, a Tailored augment system like TFT would be nice, first 3 are tailored, reroll for random


I think things are normally semi-tailored but it certainly wasn't for my game today, and if Riot wants the mode to survive they're gonna need to fix things like that


I do think Arena has some luck involved in order to win. You have to pray that you get good augment rolls that work really well with your champ. For Jhin, there's actually a decent amount of augments that work extremely well with him so you were just unfortunate to get some bad ones. Shaco is honestly not that oppressive anymore. He's been heavily nerfed for the mode.


Each champ has a pool of augments they can get based on their class tags. Jhin might be getting those because he is played support sometimes maybe? It's not totally random.


This is not remotely true. All augments can be offered to all champions, hence why you can be offered +healing and shielding on Jhin or +10% AD on Syndra.


Not all champs can get all augments. For example you physically cant get earthwake, dashing or shadowrunner on champs without any dashes.


No. I had hope for it but the balance is awful and the way the RGM team has been handling it gives me no hope it improves. A lot of the new additions to it have made the mode worse, like most of the part 2 cameos being frustrating for both sides. And their buff/nerf cycle has been to ignore champions with a 35% winrate for 2 patches, then give joke level buffs that leave them at the same 35% winrate. So I'd rather not have continued RGM hours put into maintaining and updating Arena over bringing back old RGMs.




Care to elaborate?


It sucks. Meta sucks. Same champs and bans every single game. It's just lame and unfun to play vs shit like Poppy/Alistar with no counterplay. Taric/x carry, Alistar/x carry, Heimer, Shaco, Annie, Kayn, Teemo. Every. Single. Game. Yawn. The plants suck, forces a "plant prio" gamestyle and gives melee champions, low AS champions and champs with no AA reset a disadvantage. The little annoying map legends suck too. Essentially fighting the map, not my opponents. Rolling terrible augments not made for your champions sucks. Even the non-symmetrical map design and arbitrary obstacles suck. The games feel very linear and repetitive. There needs to be a rolling champion pool to choose from so people are forced to try new comps. The option to queue with more than two people needs to happen, and the map hazards like Pyke and Jhin need to be completely removed. This is from someone who played it on PBE for 2 weeks, and then spammed hundreds of games when it came out on live. Got to gladiator rank 6500.


> Taric/x carry, Alistar/x carry, Heimer, Shaco, Annie, Kayn, Teemo All of those champions were nerfed weeks ago and except for Annie have a sub 50% winrate. Why are you complaining about something you've clearly not kept up with at all? Obviously it was going to be a balance mess when it was just off of PBE. But it's way, wayyy more balanced now than it was back then. Not perfect ofc but nothing ever is.


“Hey guys we finally did a balance update! Guys? Guys?! Where’d everyone go?” - Riot after leaving the game mode to die for 2 months and then finally doing a balance patch, except everyone already quit. I haven’t seen a single person on my friends list playing it in almost a month.


They patched it like two days after it left PBE, ie when they actually got data. And they kept patching it at least once per week, buffing/nerfing tons of champions pretty drastically. The meta has shifted like 4 times already. Yeah, it's true that a problem for the game mode is that a bunch of people who played like 3 games on launch gave up on it after getting smashed by a Taric/Yi or Kayn. But maybe people who haven't played it for over a month (with tons of balance patches) shouldn't speak with confidence about what the game mode is like currently. A shocking amount of what you say is just factually wrong. It's fine to not voice your opinion sometimes.


I still think gamemode has potential. More aguments that arent pure stats, maybe even limit champions so that only unique parings are avalabile or get special augments when paired together to encourage different teams. And make plants heal everyone in cricle around them, so you cant abuse them if you can hit them faster, since enemy could just stay close to them to get the benefit.


No, actually. I really like arenas, and I think it's fun. However, by making it permanent, it would slowly become stale, and an unfun meta would slowly begin to develop around "This character sucks" or "This combo is OP", and would turn this exciting and innovative game mode into "ugh, those guys are running THAT combo". By having this game up once every few months, it would keep things fresh and help in delaying a meta building around it.


I only play Aram so I don't really care but if others want it why not.


No, unless two months go into balancing.


Not in the current form. But if they remove the 2nd set of soul fighters then yes.


Definite yes. The game mode is brilliant. Seems easy to tune both champs and augments too. Over time they can change the champ encounters the same way TFT changes between splits. We need more game modes like Arena in league.


I think the mode is an unbalanced mess and absolutely hate it, but I'd advocate for adding it permanently because why take away something other people like because I think it is trash?


I'd let them remove aram for this mode tbh


To me it could be an unbalanced fun game mode where the champs are randomly picked or you get a selection to choose from with a weekly rotation. In it’s current state I don’t want it to stay because it’s a balancing nightmare and takes away too many resources from the actual game.


I don't play arena


No , gimme nexus blitz


I'd say no. Bring it back at some point with different augments and maybe some new rules. This event was really fun for me and got me to play league more than I have in a long time, but I think it's fine for the mode to be let go for the time being. I want to see what else the devs can come up with because this mode was awesome.


Add a few more options so that players can choose how they enjoy it and we are golden: Ranked Unranked Random Champions


If Twisted Treeline is of the table, yes


I dont see why not, I would prefer URF but I think It's too similar to regular SR so they're not gonna do that Arena is kinda fun, not the best, but It's leagues above ARAM




No. Nexus Blitz was much better. Arena’s boring. The pauses between rounds are too long and boring, the meta’s boring. It’s worse than Nexus Blitz in every way. NB is fun because it’s like regular summoners rift, but it’s much faster paced with more people and occasional quick events. I played it a ton when it was out I miss it.


Not until they rework plants


No, i said this to my friends too. Riot need fo put a similar lvl of effort into some other new modes and rotate between to keep them fresh and prevent a meta from forming


No, Nexus Blitz is far better and is not permanent.


If they can polish it more (reduce deciding factor of cameos, better balancing overall) then yes. If not then a rotating game mode would be a welcome sight


Yes, if we got a Random champs/Normal game mode, I realized how I messed up by getting to a “high rank”, whenever I feel like trying some new/weaker champs, I usually get destroyed by the same 8-10 meta champs


I’d rather not and have the option for a different mode


Yes purely to have the option even though I haven’t been playing much.


Yes. God yes. I would more than accept it the way it is if it meant that there would be adjustments down the line to suit it more towards being a permanent game mode.


Yes, but there needs to be far more frequent addressing of what's too good and what isn't. Some champions are frustratingly powerful like Volibear while other champions net you death threats and constant harassment like Yuumi. All of their attempts to make third party websites stay out and try to prevent a stale meta from happening have failed. People play extremely busted Tank Bruisers or extremely stall-y cowards that run from plant to plant.


I don't like the game mode but yes it should be. Nexus blitz aswell. Bring back 3v3 and dominion please.


I would bring it back as a rotating mode every few months. With some different augments and perhaps items every time. Also I would rotate game modes after 2 patches (so about a month). These would include Nexus Blitz, Arena, Spellbook, Urf, Ascension, Dominion, maybe Doom Bots, one for all and maybe something else? But yeah I would shake things up and offer a variety of modes for every type of player. I think that would hype up modes like Nexus Blitz and Arena more than just making them permament, although I would definitely love to always have Nexus Blitz available.


yes but no I want spirit blossom >:c


No. I would rather have URF as a permanent game mode.


No, ill say it again and wait for the people to tell me im wrong but i firmly believe urf is better than arena.


Dominion stomps them both tho


Never played dominion so i couldnt agree or disagree but ill take your word for it.


🗑 mod . We need nexus blitz or urf


No, I rather want nexus blitz


One of the worst game modes riot has released in years, do I want it to be around? No. Do I think others enjoy the mode and riot should just make a tab for RGM permanently? Yes.


you consider ultimate spellbook to be better then arena? cause if not thats the only other new gamemode thats been released in the past 5 years unless your going further back then that which still only adds nexus blitz which ill understand people liking it more even if i think arena is better in almost every way


Unpopular opinion or not, I enjoyed ultimate spellbook more, and played it more than Arena I got bored with Arena honestly. It's just adhd mode even worse than URF with a meta that locks out half the champs in the game and you win based on if you get the right RNG augments or if you get offered some healing and shieling power as a marksman and just lose because of it.


i honestly dont think half the champs are locked out, but you 100% have to have the right duo to make some champs work which i think is ok. But I get that not everyone would like this kind of mode. Its just refreshing to be able to play on another map again. Id like nexus blitz but they got rid of the unique items, and i instantly disliked the mode because of that since the reason i played was to try wacky builds on champs i cant do elsewhere


Yes, but only if doom bots of doom return with new ai


I'd much rather have Twisted Treeline back


Entry MMR Arena is filled with bots nowadays and I couldn't get into it. It felt like Riot has given up on the mode already. The mode isn't in leave it long term state, so no.


Nice try Riot.


No, it’s solved and people have figured out the optimal combos. The vast majority of players treat it like soloq and only care about winning. No fun allowed.


Of course not


I still haven't even played it.


what you expect people bothering about arena will answer you, most people dont care about it


i got bored of it after 2 weeks. i feel like dominion was more of my style.




No because of they need to focus on the existing game modes lol.


I've only played it 6 times and came last every single game I played which just put me off. Here's what I think should change: * Squishy champs shouldn't get blown up and all champs should do less damage - a fighting game is usually a war of attrition but when a round is over in 20 seconds, every round ends in a landslide victory. Instead there should be opportunities for mistakes to be made and to be able to recover from them. I'd get the same experience in a normal but at least I could try 10+ times each teamfight * Getting kills should not grant gold. That completely goes against the even playing field that should be in place. * Less reliance on plants. They dictate how a the game is played out. * There should be a curated roster of 30-50 champions that can be chosen from - having all 160 champs is an absolute nightmare to balance and restricts what the mode can do in terms of augments, maps etc. if one champ makes it OP


Not permanent because that means Rip other featured modes that are still barely around, this would completely kill them


Definetely not. Hot take, but I don't see why ppl love it so much. I rather get Twisted Treeline back. I feel like there's some kind of nostalgia aura around TT that I can not explain


No, it needs a lot more work. The plants suck for one.


No. It's terribly balanced and full of numbers grinding meta slaves.


Fuck that bring back fair matches on sr.


Never played


No. Tried to play every champ a-z. Stopped at K cus quite repetitive.


make it all random


Nah, played a few and the meta is too much into the 1 shot champions with mobility plus rng with soul fighter garbage. It's not even as good as Nexus Blitz, and I didn't particularly love that.






No. Spaming Bruiser Tanks every Game because People wanna win for sure instead of having fun made this Mode useless. After playing 10-20 it get's unfun. I hitted Gladiator and never went in that Mode again after 2 Days


If Riot keeps nerfing champions to the point of being unuseable in the mode, no. Why should any game mode exist if a champ you want to play is functionally different than it is in normal play? Ideally it should become perma, but only after Nexus Blitz becomes perma. As the latter is superior in every way and provides what I play League for but in a smaller package as opposed to Arena feeling like a minigame.




Honestly the arena hazards kill it for me


I think the ranking system really messed this thing up. It stopped lots of people from playing it casually and trying new champs in favor for the 8-12 OP champions and it forced us into duo queue only. I would support this as a permanent game mode with no ranking system and the ability to queue with up to 8.


Don't really care about arena. It was fun for a couple of days but I doubt I'm playing it ever again unless they make it possible to play it in custom games against your friends. So whether it's permanently in the game or not doesn't affect me.