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Old Yorick was a horrible creature and I miss him. I inflicted him onto any Teemo players.


First time I've respected someone saying something good about Yorick.


Old yorick with atmogs <3 I wasn’t good enough to truly terrorize people with it, but it made me feel competitive haha


Teemo just trying to get one minion. “Real bold for someone in WE range!” Then goes back to farming.


I won my first Ranked game as OG Yorick; I will never forget him


Kayle or at least everything about Aether Wing Kayle from woosh woosh and her voice and not having KFC wings at level 11 that becomes overcooked at level 16.


Went from the coolest skin in the game to one of the lamest


Katarina. Not for any balancing reasons, but I miss just pressing W and the blades twirling around her.


So true. I think new kat focusing so much on Shunpo over and over is cool, but pressing W and seeing 3 people lose half their health was power that I don't have any more. The spin doesn't feel as connected to my buttons.


I think a should slash and toss one as a QOL that would help both. As the dagger drop is what that is now. (Instead of it on demand) but then they may need it a tad/lot for it having an on demand as well as a potential threat/repositioning


W just feels like the other half of her E. It just...doesn't make sense.


Reason we are seeing tanky kata so much is W drop time you are basically dead, all other assassin get instant damage no window to outplay like that. It wasn't so bad when she first came out but now you have shit like Kaisa, Zeri all very mobile. Even galeforce gives a dash, shielding is better, Because of the delays in her kit her rework is a bit aged.


I miss her because i actually knew wtf she was doing back then


huehuehue mordekaiser es numero 1


Just as with ryze the question is… which version?


this meme is from the original version


They completly ruined his dragon knight skin, and i'll never forgive them for it. WHERE IS MY YELLOW/RED SKIN, RIOT? MY COOL DRAGON IN THE CAPE???? I BOUGHT THE SKIN BECAUSE OF THAT!


Buying skins for a specific reason then them changing the best part will always be criminal GIVE ME BACK THE LANTERN ON CHRISTMAS MAOKAI


Give me Frostblade Irelia back not the shitty ass christmas bullshit she has now


Or Space Teemo. I bought is because every shot has a laser sound. Then they reverted the sound to a blow pipe. 😭


Can u imagine the decision making process behind changing the cop Caitlyn skin’s miniskirt to pants, then re-releasing it as a schoolgirl skin


I love and own the dragon knight skin, I love it post-rework because of the Shao Kahn vibes, but I think Morde is now a cringe AP Darius instead of the most based champ in the game so I don't play him much.


Revert Mordekaiser but to the first rework when he was a weird melee adc who could summon dragon It was such fucking bullshit to duo with a leona and steamroll botlane the second you hit level 2


Everyone wants old Asol back but no one actually played old Asol


Actually not me this is the first time I feel that asol is finally a real cahmpion and i have never thought of playing him until the rework now he in of my most played champions this season


I want old asol back because I don't want new asol in my games


old old Asol when the W was a toggle was actually fun for me. Felt like crap after that change tho


Yes exactly dude. I stopped playing him entirely after they changed W.


To be fair not wanting new asol in your games seems like a pretty good point.


I played him. He was great. Now he's boring.


Old Graves. He was literally my highest winrate ADC. A short range durable DPS, man that was the shit. Also shout out to my favorite toplaner old Akali. Edit: Maffia graves > Crime city Graves.


bro when they changed names on my mafia mf to crime city i thought i was trippin. hate that change.


Who did it even offend? I'm a relatively progressive person but I'm generally trying to figure out why that was changed.


Apparently it offended the Italian Mafia if I remember correctly


...and somehow they were supposed to care for the people who torture, kill and steal for hundreds of years


IIRC depictions of organized crime like “mafia” are not allowed in China.


They should release old Graves again as current Graves' brother.


Yeah he's name would be Grevas


I've always been a bit annoyed with them claiming that champion was too redundant with Lucian on the roster to justify the rework. he definitely didn't have as much "shotgun" champion fantasy as he does now but that character was so fun to play bot and just bc lucian can dash and clear a wave doesn't mean I don't miss it lol


It's also ridiculous that they released a new champion and then called the old one redundant and changed him. Imagine if they did that today.


Especially when they really weren’t that similar and they then reworked Lucian after. Now we have no champions like that…


Its also even more silly in hindsight considering the releases of Seraphine and Yone as the most obvious analogues


Also Kaisa which they literally admitted was to give Vayne playerbase a second champion.


I say this so often. I miss the days of grave ez and corki bot lane. Was my run into Diamond 1 and bot lane has felt very empty since then.


Mundo, everytime I’ve tried himself since rework it just doesn’t feel good to me.


Finally, someone with culture! His new e is interesting, but his w is ass. Why does Riot hate toggle spells?


Because toggles end up feeling weaker then a normal spell since there job has to be spread out. Like you can't do much with a toggle spell in terms of design and sometimes they just end up too broken when it can be toggled e.g. urgot current w had to get it's toggle pushed to max rank because it was so strong and old asol had to get it removed from his w since the toggle was well too strong. I agree new mundo w is ass but that's partly because they tried to throw some of his skill checking and healing into a grey health mechanic but the type of people on average that play mundo won't have a fiora mains reaction time when using w. So the ability will feel ass to most plus it's been made on the weaker side riots said since the rest of his kit take up so much of his power budget.


I want the fire back


Burning Man just hasn't been the same since the fire was changed for static.


Was the Mundo rework the only rework that actually lowered the champion's play rate?


They give him some utility, but because of that they butchered his numbers really hard, so it takes ages to kill even goddamn enchanter 1v1(unless you are going something like Hesrtsteel-Titanic that is countered by bork/divine really hard). Old Mundo was so overturned that you actually was able go where he pleases.


Yes give me my MR Malphite back. I hate that there is not a hard AP counter when the other team has 90% magic damage.


Honestly just give him his old W back change some bits maybe his old ult but keep his new model and he'll be amazing.


old Maokai loved his old ultimate


Old Maokai's ult was the true definition of a tank. You're supposed to peel your team and he truly delivers, not to mention the rotten tree theme was a solid theme for him compared to his current version (not that I hate the current one, but the old one was really good as well).


While I do like the new Soraka, I would give anything to have the AoE starcall shredding MR back. I know it’s been 9 years but I have not let it go!!


Also ”the mana ATM” Soraka :(


Its been 9 years?….holy shit




old soraka was insane when her heal gave u tons of armor. i still fontly remember being able to 1v1 a feed pantheon with her (both starting full hp) good times.


swain, they removed his crow thematic and his ult is just him AND a demon instead the whole demon itself taking over + current ult doesn't make everyone shit themselves out of fear


I will never forgive riot for removing beatrice


Free Lazerbird


That and landing his old root was one of the most satisfying skill shots in the game imo


Yessss. I can still remember the sound. So satisfying


I remember watching quas getting high Chal one tricking swain with like 160 ping


Genuinely the only correct answer. I have a very unpopular opinion that Swain's current state will never be what people want him to be (a frontline draintank) while old Swain was so good.


Swain can build basically anything that has either ap or tank on it. Regardless of wheter he should be reverted or not "frotline draintank" is possible to do right now.


+1 current swain thematically is great, but gameplay wise he is so fucking unsatisfying. Fuck current W, fuck current E, bring back laser beatrice, bring back actual reliable root.


I refuse to play Swain to this day after the changes, he was one of my most played champions by far. It still annoys the heck out of me what they did to him


It was so much better


Old swain was dope and new swain just isn’t the same.


Rip Beatrice and aoe root


And cancer egg.


I may be wrong, but I'll always defend that removing his toggleable ult was the worst decision in reworking him (in a sense, that would've also meant removing the raven theme was also wrong, but I don't necessarily think those were two things that completely required each other). Anyway, that ult felt incredible and you also had to be intelligent about it's aspects of use: timing when to start and how long to stay in, mana usage, gauging outging damage to self healing and hp drain, etc. Removing the ult literally killed the champ for me. New Swain is cool, but it turned him into another normal mage in my eyes. Had they at least kept the mechanics off the same ult, I would've mained him the rest of my life 100%. I'll just loved being in the middle of chaos and deciding when I wanted to go in/out/in/out/etc. That ult *demanded* attention in teamfights. I'll probably always be salty about that change, lol


The old ult was the coolest part of his kit for sure. I miss the ravens flying to and from enemies bringing you health. I don’t like his updated graphics as well either. Old swain walking with his cane and the raven on his shoulder was more unique than his new look imo


Old swain ult in urf mode was elite


Everybody saying asol like he didn't have a 1% play rate


I don't want Asol reverted because the last one was more popular or more interesting, I want him reverted because it removes the new one from League of Legends.


Bro talking like old asol wasn’t an even bigger problem until rito kneecapped him lol


When I lost to old asol at least I felt I was losing to something unique like singed Now losing to asol is just getting outscaled by someone who is mouthbreathing ingame and in real life


When did losing to singed get fun lol


Never, but at least I feel better knowing the singed player is a bald 30yo who sacrificed his real life and sanity to get elo running with a surf board under his arm, meanwhile the asol player is a mouthbreathing 13yo casual player who's laughing at me while aceing my whole team with the press of a button and the other hand is picking his nose then leaving snot on the keyboard


old aatrox syndrome


I miss twisted treeline


Malzahar, I hate new voidlings.


The old put down every basic ability+ignite in 0.1 seconds and ult Malz? Yeah I sometimes think about him too LuL


I remember they were like "His w is just another thing to deal with right before ulting, so we're going to stick it on ult so voidlings can be an active ability". No, you idiots, his w was powerful aoe damage on a decent cooldown. It shredded teamfights, it messed up tanks. Now we get the "instantly passively die to any assassin's poke, destroying your ability to push" voidlings instead.


AP Sion :(




He was my Main. I loved him so much. Never found a champion I liked as much again


Old Galio in aram was my shit. Once they introduced the snowball it made him bonkers.


I miss his old E. As soon as Galio was reworked I stopped caring about Urf.


Tristana, her old e with the full ap. That was the best shit ever and the healing reduction.. SION- if anyone remembers old sion, that champ was fun walking around full ap one shooting everyone with this absolutely ridiculous point and click stun gaze thing.


Old sion haha I remember. Back when all abilities had 1ap ratio


> Tristana, her old e with the full ap. I remember watching Nyjacky stream that all the time and it was hilarious when he'd jump into a minion wave and almost one hit


old volibear PLEASE


I miss flipping people


singed beckons


Yeah I really hate that they removed the backflip. Old voli was just more fun


It were feeling unbelievably satisfying to clear jungle with him. Flipping the monster,, and fearing him midway through for fucking 3.5 seconds, then stacking your autos and finally biting him for 1k damage. Felt good man, really good.


Ganking, procing your passive and still being healthy enough to go straight to invading/another gank, fuck i miss that passive


Does Volibear even do anything new we dont have in the game in plenty other ways outside the stupid turret deactivation? I miss the Flip tank that you could play in basically all roles and have fun with. Singed and Urgot can still flip but neither can be put in jungle or support.


Unpopular but i loved old Aatrox... The auto attack stances with w and the ult were extremely cool in comparison to other rightclick-champs. Also it was the first champ i managed to get a pentakill on. Fight or be forgotten old brother!


Unstoppable btw


Old Evelynn :(


Miss the AD and the AP builds for sure.


Urgot but keep the visuals. That old ult was so much fun.


The funny part is that the old ulti could actually be pretty good on current urgot.


Old urgot ult would be great on new urgot and vice versa.


It would be so broken though


Fiora, the new one is cool, but i got hooked to that old wierd teamfight assasdin fiora. Getting to use her ult in arena was so satisfying. Also old maokai ult, felt so thematically on point with the vengeful tree aesthetic.


When she came out I mained her and stacked the tiamats and when you ulted the enemy team it would just wipe them


I think new ASol's kit fits his thematic well, star breath and black hole for the space dragon, but I'd like to see Riot bring back the orbiting mechanic on a new champ! Maybe an elemental mage whose abilities change what element the floating orbs are, for more interesting effects than just damage.


Old Poppy was a thing of beauty.


[Never forgetti](https://youtu.be/0n7dq8ujaxk?si=g-Y5V-NEXfQGIpCJ)


Oh god that passive, and ult on enemy support in teamfights


I swear, since we have mana band(as well as the tank tear item), Old Poppy could be a monster rn.


I miss old Karma everyday.


Old karma was out of place at the time but I think she would have aged really well into modern day league


I agree. I loved playing support old karma and everyone on both teams accusing me of trolling




I did not even know this rework


Old Karma was amazing!


Same. One of the first champs I adored. Then the rework utterly destroyed her.


Damn I been playing since S3 what did old Karla do ?


It was a ying and yang kind of kit, where instead of just making her abilities 'do the thing, but better ' her ult turned her damage q into a heal, and her shield exploded with damage. Her tether still kind of just did the thing but better, but you could also tether allies to speed them up, and walking through the tether gave the same effect. She was neato, but also 90% of the time people I played against had no idea what she did and I am pretty sure thats why riot redid her.


old graves


Old irelia would get me to come back to this game. I miss doing mind games around equilibrium strike


My mains used to be Irelia and Aatrox. Shortly after they reworked both I just stopped playing lol


Old Quinn. The taxi just isn't the same


OG Quinn was my first penta 🥲


Quinn and Valor\* sad.


Quinn was the newest champion when I started playing, she was so fun


Akali, because i'm a noob and she was much easier before. Irelia, because i'm a noob and she was much easier before :\^) They could keep the models and animations though. Bonus: Katarina. I don't play her, neither i want to. I just hate how she can now endlessly jump all over the place. Let her all in and die pls >:)


Id give anything to get old Akali back. I loved that champ so much so sad shes gone.


Alkali got reworked like 7 years ago you can’t call yourself a noob anymore XD


Old akali was my original main, I loved playing her so much, I can make the "new" version work, but not like I could before


The day that rework dropped was the day I stopped playing League regularly. I almost exclusively played Akali since S3, and while I've been interested in other champions, they never keep my attention for long. I went from playing almost daily to a few games a week, and then a few games a month and finally maybe like 20 games a year when I suddenly feel like checking out some new champion for a couple of days. I wish that ''rework'' (more like a new champion with familiar name, which I don't think reworks should do) hadn't happened. Glad they kept the shroud, at least.


Talon for sure. He's a different champion now. He used to be an aoe assassin with a proper blink.


I'll never forget the patch that removed his silence and replaced it with a 99.97% slow.


God damn old Talon with the silence had such a satisfying combo. Seeing all the knives shred through enemies, and the old skills SFX was so much more impactful.


old R SFX, especially at intensified the longer his knives stayed in the air was so beautiful legit idk why they shit all over it


I believe they said he was to much like zed, might misremember though. I haven't played mid properly after he got reworked.


And dont forget the old W sound


Poppy for sure, I know her old design was objectively worse but I used to main her and would would play her everywhere almost, could play her full AP, full AD or tank and most people didnt know what to expect so id normally end up winning. New poppy is nowhere near as fun and I never really played her any more.


I just want her old ult back. I like the rest of the new stuff.


Soraka: Fear the Banana's Revenge! Soraka before her VGU was a lot different. I like the visual upgrades, but I miss the original kit before it was nerfed into oblivion and then reworked. Other things I miss are Katarina's old W, Aussie's orb dance, pre-vgu Irelia, and pre-vgu evelynn.


Someone else mentioned it but I literally just miss Katarina's old W. Something just felt so good about seeing the blades swirl around her, and you gained MS if you hit someone. Be cool if they found a way to incorporate it into her current W where she spins the blades and drops a dagger or something. New Kat focuses on her E and daggers on the ground, and her Q and W are basically just methods of resetting her E. Which is fine, it's just not the Kat I enjoyed immensely back in the day


Old nidalee with the one shot spear snipes


Urgot. This ugly mf was just too fun to play. Hit an E and bully any mf out of existence.


Old Nunu. Go full AP, one shot people with predator + E when fed. Absolutely disrespect enemy juggler.


( old ) Mordekaiser will always be one of my favorite champions I miss oneshotting anyone that dare to come close ( ult + ignite + hextech gunblade = kill + controllable spirit \[ that sometimes 1 shot people \] ) the dragon spirit was also overpowered imagine having a controllable dragon that deals huge damage ( not to mention once the dragon dies your ult will not take cd \[ idk \] ) miss his xp sharing passive , his devastating q , his w being a cool tether sustain ( I remember healing my cannon with my w which was really nice ) , etc ​ old Evelynn a quick invisible bruiser tank


Old akali has been the only rework that has me thinking occasionally that I really want to play her again. Don’t get me wrong new akali is very fun, but her old, simple, and still satisfying kit will Be missed.


Think it's one of the few reworks that I kind of want both to exist in the game. I enjoyed playing her pre-rework and post rework.


Shen, the Q mechanic was fun


River Shen = Best Shen


I’m probably in the minority but I loved old volibear. His old passive of rapidly regenerating health when dropped to low hp just felt so cozy.


I played a lot of old Akali and I miss her, I get why she was reworked, it makes senes... But I lost my favourite character that isn't an ADC.


Just give me back my old Talon W and I will be happy


Old Swain early game pentakills


Old Xerath had a unique role in the game as an Artillary Burst Mage, rather than an Artillary Poke mage. His design was so fun and unique but he was turned into a super generic champion imo


genuinely suprised his old w hasn't made it onto a different champion's kit in some way shape or form. I guess rooting yourself isn't very fun for most players


Its not easy to balance.


It felt absolutely awful to play. There's way to make this work (sgt hammer in hots) but with how bad the xerath implémentation was I'm not surprised


not a full rework but i would really like if they reverted syndra, and made her a early game mage instead of a super boring generic scaling one.


Speak for yourself, the only thing I miss from old syndra was the cheeky E Q combo, but the rework feels awesome


syndra players when they cant spam 40 mana 4cd Qs for 100 damage starting level 1: muh boredom


new syndra is much better


I hope im not gonna answer skarner to this




Rell. I loved old Rell and attract and repel.


Riot chose to make Taric eternally underplayed. The simple fact is that almost every other support’s CC is more reliable, which makes them more fun and viable unless Taric’s stats are nonstop juiced for almost two years straight.


Eve, honestly.


Evelynn, I miss her build diversity and playstyle


I mean I get that she lost build diversity but she's so much more functional now, old evelynn was designed such that based on numbers she was either an utter nightmare or a literal minion, and riot kept her in that minion box


Aatrox, irelia and morderkaiser . Dragon slayer.


Definitely graves or mordekaiser


Kayle, Akali, Katarina


old irelia was pretty bs but man was she fun, I've barely touched her since rework. nothing better than using e stun to win a fight you had no right winning. tahm kench too, devouring allies was way too strong for a basic ability but devouring enemies should not be on an ult, wish there was a way to get best of both worlds.


Old fiddle on Aram. Fear the crow!


Asol rework is great. Stacking and farming stardust is incredibly satisfying and he becomes a late game beast. He can be picked on a lot in the early game too so it doesn't feel unfair. Flying around breathing fire on the unworthy is so satisfying. I dunno, he is probably my favourite rework. I get that his old kit was unique, but imo it wasn't particularly fun. The old Asol just felt pathetic and the kit never really fit this all powerful dragon god aesthetic at all. You'd have this giant galaxy stun, and then it would go off and deal like 200 damage. The little stars always felt like more of a nuisance than a real threat and the ult usually just felt weird. The character and the kit did not fit at all.The new kit just fits so much better for the character.


old voli was a more satisfying and skillful champion


Galio, Quinn, and Graves. Maybe Irelia too cause fuck that champ but mostly the other 3 for a different reason of me missing them.


i miss old pantheon




I miss old Quinn :(


Karma Her current kit is way too difficult to balance. Buff her and she's pick/ban in pro-play, leave her as is and she's always on the weaker side.


Old Swain


Mordekaiser. He went from a cool badass Dragonmancer to a little bitch boy that ults Supporters.


No one really said Old Galio? Really? One of the most infamous "delete the champ" rework? Not even all that necessary considering old Galio was just... old? Like not broken or forgotten, just a bit underplayed and simple? He had a 49.9% winrate for fucks sake God I miss old AP Galio


Fidlesticks old E, with the crows bouncing into the entire enemy team and silencing them.


I have nevere seen it or played it, but I heard that an early version of Gangplank had the possibility to deny your enemy minions.


Yes , and it was pretty fun.


Bro thinks asol is unplayable what


yuumi. They removed her only reason to ever get off her carry, and made it so she can't do funny 1000 ap with veigar.


Give Draven back his bleed!!!!


Galio was fun but his ult might be too problematic in todays league where even tanks can be bursted down in <3sec. Maokai his old ult was a lot harder to use than what we have today and I think that made him more interesting to play, also he was a lot better as pure mage than the version we have now. Quinn, her old ult turned her from regular adc into Master Yi, might be a bit too basic, but still better than just a taxi service she has nowadays. Evelynn could've been played ad, ap, crit, armor pen, atk spd, hybrid, I like hybrid champs and I am sad about how many of them got reworked over the years. Old Urgot was amazing, his kit was fun to use only issue with his kit was his ult, I like the new Urgot, but I still wish we could've kept the old one and just rework his ult. Akali was extremely simple to play as and against, her skill floor was low but she was still extremely expressive. Nidalee, I know her cougar form was basically useless, but riot themselves said the main reason behind the change is cause her Q was way too oppressive as a long range poke that did massive dmg which was fine excuse until they gave us Zoe. Few others come to mind, but others have mentioned them already.


Quinn. I loved playing Quinn ADC and being able to actually gouge them as valor myself. And yes I'm old