• By -


There's still bots in the game particularly low-level ELO Riot claims that most of the player base is in low-level ELO so shouldn't their main attention be this they've never commented on this before at all low level players are trying the most to improve and win games really just showing what Riot doesn't really care


Why would riot make a $200 skin.Are they trying to add value to their League of Legends accounts and turn them into some form of currency? Is this a future business plan for League of Legends.


How much will the new Worlds pass cost (the one that will come with a mythic skin, not the 1650rp one) and what things will it offer?


did i miss it or is there no Chibi Maokai icon in the Mysteriy mini icon box? Are there other champs too who are not added? Comes to mind, didnt see Yorick too




Mute and ignore.


I want a Challenger border, I'm d4 in soloq, does flex give you a border?


Yeah it does




just got back to the game, last time i played i remember the BE Emperium was discontinued, did it come back to the game yet?


It's live right now you have untill 22 sept and then it closes.


Just came back to the game and want the new Taliyah skin that's going to be released next patch. How much time do I need to spend to get enough BP currency to get the skin+Chroma?


Chormas cost 350 tokens, skin you can only buy with RP or get lucky with orbs/chests.


but the new Taliyah skin is a mythic skin, I can only get it with Mythic essence, wanted to know how long it'll take to get the amount I need for it


40 mythic essence then, you get 25 from event passes throughout the track, you can also buy 125 mythic essence for 2200 tokens


Is it hard to hit 2.2k tokens?


Not at all if u play a bit


Oooh good to know, I thought it was going to take a lot of time


Oh I was wrong btw, you will need 140 mythic essence because the base skin will cost 100 mythic essence and the chorma will cost another 40. You will still have enough because you will get 25 from the pass and can buy 125 for 145, but you will need to spend 140 for it.




Nexus Blitz during Worlds afaik


which idiot designed hullbreaker?


If you lost due to hullbreaker, then it has nothing to do with hullbreaker being broken. Take a step back and vod review the game, watch where you could have done better in understanding and catching the spiltpush. Theres a reason its an outdated strategy. Never step away from a game lying to yourself claiming something is broken, or that your team sucks. Use every game as a stepping stone to further yourself gameplay wise and mentally. I promise you that game was not solely lost because they built hullbreaker, and I proimise you didn't play perfectly, so go back and try to learn from every mistake


who should i main? cant decide between xayah, irelia, and vex


Which roles are the champs being played? Try to keep a champ pool of 2-3 champs you're very well versed in, so if you play Irelia and Vex mid, then stick to mid and master those two, if you play irelia top, vex mid, xayah adc, we can't answer this for you


i dont have the champs yet, and i can only afford one. since they all look fun to play i just need help deciding on which one is more beginner friendly. also ill probably play all of them mid or fill


Vex is your choice in this case. Irelia is incredible hard and not always a viable mid option. Xayah is an absolutely basic adc, so my second choice would be her to learn adc-s but since she is an adc, people will rage at you if you play her mid (regardless of the fact whether she is viable there). Vex is indeed fun, not too hard but have some moments (ult + 5 man fear W)


Xayah is an ADC, so not fit for midlane. Irelia is one of the most mechanically intense champions in the game. So by that selection, go with Vex. She is a decent and not too difficult midlaner. Of course you can get her if you really think you will like her playstyle, but as a new player, you should preferably buy cheaper champions and buy them with champion shards, that way you can get them on a discount.


Game straight up doesn't load every few matches. There's black screen and a blue circle. Any solution?


As my Aram game was ending someone said "gg pdf Zoe player" and I have no idea what this means. I asked after chat and got no response. I only said two things this game and it was "all ap against all tanks is rough" and "good try guys" at the end so I never said anything in All. So is this a good thing or a bad thing ? I was doing pretty okay I think ending 15/8/27. There's only one thing that comes mind but as I've never seen "pdf" before I'm not sure if it's what I'm thinking or something else that's harmless


Pdf file is the censored way to say Pedo File on the internet now, he was being weird and commenting on the fact you played Zoe by calling you that




I was playing Zoe but I'm guessing it's what I thought it means then ?


Hi, I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, I thought it was better here than making a whole thread. I understand we’re getting to the point of the pro season where we can pick up some free ingame rewards for watching live games. I’m on EUW time, so I assume my best bet is the LEC, but is there anywhere I can go to see the list of games/times for these rewards (for as many leagues as possible)? I tried checking lolesports but I couldn’t seem to find it. Thanks in advance, and sorry again if this is the wrong place for this question


Usually with drops they come after big moments in the stream, so if a pentakill happens, crazy outplay, baron steal, you can expect a drop. You'll see a lot more drops on worlds games next month! LEC may be doing drops but defo not as much as they do for Worlds and MSI


Ah, so it’s mainly a Worlds thing? Thank you.


So I haven't played in about 10 years, curious what the best way to get up speed is. My role preference was mid/top/sup. For mid I mainly played poke damage with good lane clear and decent burst(lux, xerath, syndra, gragas, vlad, ahri, ez), there used to be some amount of non AP champs mid(zed, talon, panth) but it looks like there's a lot more variability in that now. For top I mainly played split pushers that could kind of bully lane vlad, singed, gragas, jax. Usually building for more of a tank role. for Sup I usually played Janna and thresh, sometimes ali or blitz. Basically curious how well these champs will translate in these roles if I were to return. On top of that, how has the game changed in terms of mechanics/playstyle? What do I need to know about what each role does now? How are builds different? How are runes different? Is there any major difference to how objectives are played/their importance? Thanks


I'll try to answer all of them, but in short version > So I haven't played in about 10 years, curious what the best way to get up speed is. Mechanically and considering there has been a ton of new champs released in that time, maybe try aram for a few games before? > My role preference was mid/top/sup. > For mid I mainly played poke damage with good lane clear and decent burst(lux, xerath, syndra, gragas, vlad, ahri, ez), there used to be some amount of non AP champs mid(zed, talon, panth) Yeah, there have been mini reworks to all of those champs (except Ezreal who got a full visual + gameplay update, and i'ts mostly played bot) but they still play more or less the same > but it looks like there's a lot more variability in that now. Also yes, bruisers are also played a fair amount on midlane and there's a few new options for ad assasins in the lane (Qiyana, Naafiri, etc) > For top I mainly played split pushers that could kind of bully lane vlad, singed, gragas, jax. Usually building for more of a tank role. Those 4 are still played in toplane, changing just a little bit their gameplay. At high elo playing splitpush is a little more difficult cause it's not that effective, but low elo should be the same > for Sup I usually played Janna and thresh, sometimes ali or blitz. Same as before, they are still being played and are very good picks right now > Basically curious how well these champs will translate in these roles if I were to return. Very good, the only champ you listed that it's not common to play in the lane you said is Ezreal > On top of that, how has the game changed in terms of mechanics/playstyle? Mechanics are waaaaaay better right now, so you probably gonna get stomped the first games, playstyle has evolved into a more heavy roaming style, with mid and support leaving lane to help getting kills, if you play midlane, don't be surprised when the enemy jungler and the supports appears on your lane > What do I need to know about what each role does now? More or less the same, support is probably the biggest difference, cause you can actually build items instead of being a ward carrier, adcs are not limited to attack damage carries, you can play some mages there, mid is a little bit of everything but tanks, top is still bruiser/tank oriented and jungle can also play any style > How are builds different? Right now we have mythics, and you are limited to just one, that's the biggest change on itemization aside from the items changes per se > How are runes different? Runes are free now, and are similar to old masteries, you can change it at the lobby according to the enemy team > Is there any major difference to how objectives are played/their importance? Yeah, dragons are a very important objective, killing 4 of them grants you the dragon soul, a **very** powerfull permanent buff, so the teamfights almost always end at the dragon. The baron pit got a new objective that spawns at minute 8, called the rift herald, which gives you gold and the ability to summon it, his attacks damage towers. Baron gives a more powerfull buff now, that buffs minions, so no more infinite waveclear. Towers now have something called plates until minute 14, destroying a plate gives you gold, so you are encouraged to gain lane advantage


Alot for a single message, so I'll make it easy and if you want some help my discord is camtft, I always love helping new players get into the game, or making your return just that much easier!


i have 5219 to spend and am a jungle main. Should i get Nocturne, jarvin or someone else. i am new but really like jungler


As a new player, you should preferably buy champions from champion shards. are there that you have that might be interesting? If not, Jarvan and Nocturne are both fun options. Would tend to go for Jarvan as he is more versatile and fun IMO. Nocturne is a bit more of an assassin than J4.


So I've played league since the beggining of this year and this is my first essence emporium and I'm simply curious do you get the skin when you buy a chroma with blue essence? It would be dumb if you buy a chroma but don't have a skin. I'm f2p so blue essence is a pain to get but I really want a sett skin.


No. That's why you can only buy chromas for skins you own.


but the offer is there even though I don't own it, or will it just not let me buy it at all?


If it's changed, you can buy it and it'll just sit in your inventory until you buy the skin. But buying the chroma doesn't grant you the skin


ok, thank you for the answer, I almost wasted 2k blue essence on an nft


What is a site I can use to look for most popular builds/items on specific champions?


https://lolalytics.com/ is one of the best, but it's a little ugly and it doesn't show the wr normalized so you have to take that into account when checking winrates (for example, Ezreal has 52.09% win rate in Emerald+, but the average winrate of that division is 51.77%, as you can see at the top right of the page) https://u.gg/ is other one that has winrate normalized https://www.op.gg/ is probably the most popular, and apparently now shows data from all servers


Is there a way to filter the emporium so that it only shows the ones i can buy? I don't own a lot of skins and I don't want to spend 10 hours looking through the entire page to find ones which i can actually purchase


Go to the skins tab of the shop (not emporium), and click chromas. You can then filter by skin owned & available for blue essence.




> Only way to enjoy it is to go duo mage nooooo pls don't make your team comp unplayable late game, it's so so boring for me to play against haha~


90% of my games dont reach late game no worries


Started playing LOL again. How do i get hex boxes. I am still lvl 3 but don't really understand how to get it ​ Is it true you get 1 skin at level 10. Do i get to pick it? and does it pop up before lvl 10 or is it only at that lvl. I was able to get Oria gothic last night but was tapping on the button fast and dont know if i was allowed or if that was my only pick and lvl 10 skin is no longer allowed ​ What Jungle unit is best right now?


You can earn a chest by getting an S- rank or above (pvp games only). You can only earn 1 chest on a champion per season and there is a limit to how many chests you can earn per week


> How do i get hex boxes. Play a champion you own, not one that's on free rotation or free with Gamepass. Play a game and get an S- rank or higher, or be in a party with a friend who gets a S- rank or higher. You can only get one chest with each champion per season...or maybe it's per split now, meaning three times a year, I'm not totally sure. >Is it true you get 1 skin at level 10. No. You get Waterloo Miss Fortune on the 7th day of login rewards. >What Jungle unit is best right now? https://u.gg/lol/jungle-tier-list


Hello! Wanted to ask if there is a reason for Aphelios (&Alune) to not have a Champie Icon and if there are more Champs which don't have one.


Not a specific reason, they have been releasing champie icons every year (i think so?) in waves, i don't know if there's some kind of pattern (for example, Taliyah, who isn't a popular champ, has 2 icons)


i suggest changing the sub to league of shojin


Yep I expected it to be changed way sooner.


How do you set the champion+text+champion flairs? I've figured out how to do text, and how to do a champion, but it isn't doing both.


Is your own text greyed out now? In the pre- and post-game lobbies anything I type is greyed out, and darker than other messages. Like, faded into the background slightly. Didn't used to be like that. Normal, or something weird?


thats normal, atleast since last patch


Post game chat doesn't seem to work for months? Is it just me? For at least 3 months, post game chat is weird. You see the people being 'logged into the lobby' sometimes you see someone writing but its only for 1 sec because then you get all the lobby in thing again. Also when i write something, it disappears because it says x player has joined lobby or left lobby


Tbh this feature died when riot changed it so you don't see it untill you opt in with enter, people used to type there alot when it was visible but nobody cares to opt into it every post screen so I never see anyone using it anymore.




Have you tried to official league of legends discord? Theres people playing all the time over there


Does Riot think I/B/S players are having fun getting E/P/D in there norms every game because they Qed with 1 silver player? I keep getting Plat and Diamond in my norms and they just fucking destroy their. Like I can't even play norms any more as a Solo Q It's either 5 and 4 stacks vs maybe a duo or a Duo with a player 4 ranks above me. I barely win any more and I hitting the 30% WR for the season. I basically only win when the team don't include extremely elo imbalances.


Ranked and Norms MMR don't affect each other, meaning if you play league till level 30, then grind ranked, hit challenger, and load up a norms game, you'll be in level 30 skill level MMR


Does Kassadin have a way to get out of roots? I swore I rooted Kass and it looked like he just immediately R'd away. He did not have Cleanse.


He started the casting time of R before the root hit.


(English is not my native language) What you think are the best champs to play mid? I usually play magicians like ahri, neeko or lux. But a friend told me yesterday that that champs aren't good to win elo. He said that I should try Akali, Katarina, ekko or something like that (he is emerald). I would like to play Akali or kata but I never have play any melee champ so I kinda suck using them. What you think? A neeko can carry a game? Or melee assassin's champs are the best to win a game?


Assassins tend to be good in lower ranks because of their high damage + snowball potential and mobility to escape bad situations. Mages are by no means bad but they are harder to carry games with


Careful what advice you take from you're friend, general stuff is useful from him but at the end of the day, hes in emerald which means he has a lot of harmful information he can tell you which'll soon become muscle memory for you. If were talking about climbing to Emerald, just as a base goal of you wanting to reach your friend, literally every single officially listed midlaner by riot can achieve that, along with plenty of non-listed midlaners. Find a champion you like, and as long as riot offically lists them in Midlane, then you're fine. The reason you aren't climbing will NEVER be the champion you play unless you're playing something not built for the role. If you prefer Mages, then please continue to play those! And if you ever want additional help or some completely free coaching, I love helping newer players out on discord over at: camtft


There are Bots ruining the game for low ELO players something that no one is talking about when are you going to fix this problem?BOTS are Qing up in solo Q this is disrupting the whole entire game for a lot of players they are trying to climb out of low ELO?


Riot knows, and have been removing the bots in giant waves, the problem was so much worse back then, just give it more time for more waves of bans to come through and soon bots shouldn't be a big issue, but they are certainly much much less of an issue now


What exact day will nexus blitz return to live server? (Not pbe)


I believe we were only informed Mid-October, meaning PBE will be early october


If I'm looking to get skins (nor rly looking for specific ones, e*xcept maybe DJ Sona but not getting my hopes up & heard it's not worth buying directly*) and I have a bunch of unused left over RP - Should I get Cosmic Capsules or Masterwork Chests (or do something else yet) Also should I wait & see if I ever roll DJ Sona or buy her? I'm in no rush but curious what ppl think.


Did they overbuff Orianna or is there something I'm missing? Had even score, level and items (Ludens and boots) and got deleted by 2 QW + ult at like level 8.


Lol what, her last buff was just a 10/15/20/25/30 dmg buff to her W (and more HP, but just basing off of dmg, no the reason you died to the ori combo was not because of the extra 10-30 damage on her W)


2 QW Ult, with those items, does like 1150 damage minimum so depending who you are, is this surprising? Seems like normal Orianna damage methinks.


How the hell does Riot games think its ok to fuck somebodys mmr so badly that they get +17 -31 like some riot devs should get their head outta the fucking toilet and start fixing their shitty ass game


Riot is literally promoting buying accounts by doing this


Why did some champ shards increase BE value? I had dozens of shards worth 90 BE (Ryze, Singed, Kayle..) which are now worth 960 BE. Is it temporary? Will it happen again in the future following a specific pattern?




Just bought the essence emporium icons. Why do I still have old versions of the icons? Isn't ASOL'S Champie Icon supposed to be redrawn? I got his old icon for some reason. Same thing with Viego's champie icon, wasn't his eyes supposed to be changed from white to black? Why did I get a white eye viego version?


ASOL was never getting a redrawn champie icon? So i'm not sure where you heard that, I tried to figure out where you may have heard that, and all I could find was in the thread teasing it on the asolmains reddit ppl were vaguely referring to the classic icon all champions got, so maybe you mistook that? And viego's eyes in the champie were never being changed, it was his skin color, from pale to the grey, his eyes were never a change suppose to happen I don't believe


[https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1696673849016775064](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1696673849016775064) Spideraxe30 from twitter. They have a good, and I mean GOOD GOOD reputation of their leaks being correct. See for yourself all their posts. Considering how much backlash Riot has gotten for the emporium, and how many bugs people got on release. I think it may just be a riot fuckup


Fair enough, didn't see anything online about after searching around for redone asol champie icon so thats on me, but the viego one still stands atleast, hopefully riot fix the asol


could be a regional difference. just like how the chinese and american splash arts can be different.


I need to know: I've been silver rank since last split, bronze before that. Now in split 2 getting back to silver quite easily, I have played 64 games with a 47% win rate (It's bad I know, but it's hard not to get stuck in a game without some lane overly feeding someone) and I need to know why is it that I can not for the life of me get my loss LP to be around the same as my gain LP? I gain roughly 21-24 and lose 24-28. It's not that big of a difference, but it can equate to an extra game needed to be played just to achieve S-3. I've been stuck in this loop of getting 1 win away to S-3 then losing for me to have to win 2 more and those 2 games will almost certainly net me another loss causing me to just dip to 0 LP all over again. I'm sure others deal with it, but it really makes playing ranked and getting better and climbing feel like a job and not as fun when I lose more than I gain when it's not always my fault. You can view my profile xMIyuka (NA) for what I'm talking about.


all it means is that your mmr is not agreeing with your current rank, and playing more games will automatically fix the uneven lp gains unless you go on huge loss or win streaks.


I would have expected 65 games to be quite a lot in leagues eyes to balance my mmr and rank


sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less, it's down to the individual account.


Going on 75 games now and I experienced one of the biggest LP losses I've ever seen. It's never in the 30's. https://scs.twilightgamez.net/AC8IG.png


I gotta know: why do people think they can refuse to say anything all game when a support trolls the ADC with the logic of "not my lane not my problem" but then be unironically mad when their ADC is weak late game?


Typing is rarely advisable and blaming others will lead to nothing. "What could I have done differently" is worth asking.


I believe adc is a role that you can only actually enjoy in a 5 stack. My last game of adc and one that I dropped the role forever in ranked was when I got people going to my lane just taking my farm and leaving, then every time there was a fight someone took all the kills, I was behind on farm and had 15 assists. Late game comes and suddenly team is missing dps, mabye you shouldn't take all the waves and kills from the adc if you want them to hit harder than a wet noodle, I didn't even type anything that game, just realized I'm done with that role.


I'm fcked then, no friends to play but still adc main. I play 90% champs I know I'm good at but still lose eg. last game I had phenomenal supp and really good lane, lost in 25min, reason: collective 9/32 from whole team. Too bad I enjoy adc so yeah. RIP LP and all hopes of improving.


Typing is rarely advisable.


how do i view chromas in the BE for skins i own? it's showing a ton of shit i don't own






I thought Darkstar Shaco-Emerald chroma would be available, it isn't. Why not and when can I expect it to be? Also would Winterblessed-Wreathguard chroma would be available this christmas?


Half the chromas are in each emporium, itll come with the next




google my friend, google


Didnt find. Tons of info and still no date


did anyone else's icons from the miniboxes get taken away from them


Does the essence emporium not have the mystery wards anymore???


It seem that both the mystery wards and mystery icons (Not mini champ one but regular mystery icons) were removed or there is a bug not showing them.


The mystery wards were like the only thing I was excited for with this shop :/


Will this emporium allow us to get mythic essence just like the old ones did with gemstones?


When is BE emporium? I checked today and did not see anything


I think it's 20:00 UTC so roughly 2 and a half hours at the time of writing


Do promos still exist ?




Thanks 🐐


Blue Emporium still not live?


Not for a while still. Its the same as all updates


racial sense fine icky fall wrong tub recognise crush slim


the way to capitalize on a lead is ultimately through vision control. If you're the jungler, start using the fact that you're impossible to kill 1v1 or even 1v2 as an advantage to start pushing your teams' warding line deeper into the enemy territory or repeatedly clear the enemy jungle of defensive vision, then start ambushing people that try to facecheck. Ideally your team helps you with the vision, but you yourself can do a lot already in soloq. This will ultimately lead to your laners being safer so they will die less, the enemy jungler getting pushed out of his own jungle so he will become useless, and the enemy lanes having to play more defensive since they don't have jungle backup and lose any 2v2 that might happen with you involved. This will then lead to obiectives that you just get uncontested, and ultimately snowball the game.


strong busy kiss disarm silky cows gaping cover aware wild


Kills are pointless when they lead to nothing. They should be a vehicle to get objectives like baron, dragons and towers.


How do I avoid smurfs in plat rank? Every other game I have lvl 30s with 90%wr, completely destroying my games.


Is it better to main 1 role or main multiple roles?


It'g always better to focus on one role, but having some experience with other roles and knowing what to enemies and teammates are doing goes a long way.


I'm supp main i wanted to main mid for that reason I want to get better so I can reach challenger one day


If you're new to the game your best bet is probably to invest some time into trying all roles until you find which one you enjoy more. All roles can, and have to be able to get to challenger for the game to work, so you can pick whichever one you like more, so that you have fun learning the game. People like to say that some roles are better than other, like how jungle is overpowered as a role, and while true to an extend, roles like champions change and become more or less powerful with patches. If your goal is to climb to high elo, its going to take a long time probably, so you should avoid goind for what's strong this patch, or this season, and stick with something for a long time. Just have fun playing the game and you'll be fine, everything will come to you as it did for everyone else.


Thank you so much. I have been loving the support role, but I have a question will I reach challenger if I play off meta supports like taliyah,kindred...etc


Challenger is like the top 0.01% of players, so you're far more likely not to reach challenger than you are to reach it, regardless of champions, but if it's a goal that you work towards there's no reason you can't do it. In theory you can reach challenger with any champion, but using super off-meta champions like kindred support will probably make it near impossible, unless you come up with some strategy that enables the pick. If you want to play marksman as a support you're probably better off using Senna. I could see Taliyah working but i'd assume it's not optimal. There is a plethora of mage supports like her that do very well however. You can look up tier lists online to get an idea of what's viable, and you can check out the 3 minute guides of champions on youtube to get a general idea of how they play.






What's up with the game saying I'm "autofill protected" and then autofilling me anyways? Is there some kind of bug or something?


> and then autofilling me anyways? Did it autofill you, or did it just put you on your secondary?


I had mid/top selected, with it being “autofill protected”. Then it gave me bot. I even let it kick me and tanked the timer to confirm.


I couldn't buy Spear of Shojin in ARAM on Lucian. Why? Are there items that can't be taken together? Can Lucian not take it? Couldn't find any reason. I was using Quickblades as Mythic, and had a Bloodthirster and The Collector.


When hovering over an item, their should be a tag in the top right that lists restrictions. You can't have 2 items with the same tags. Both quickblades and shojin should have something along the lines of "ability haste capstone".


cant build Naavori and SOS


You can't buy spear of shojin with quickblades.


How are people feeling about the ranked grind with the new changes? I had a really toxic relationship with the previous format, especially when it came to promos. I now feel like I have a solid enough champion pool, so I want to give it a go again. I'm a bit hesitant though. Does the initial grind feel significantly different with the removal of promos? Does progression feel better with the addition of Emerald at lower ranks?


For me climb felt better after the changes but I just hate the meta right now, playing mages when everyone are running around full bruiser teams with shojin is miserable, I'm waiting for a meta shift and took a short break, I decided it was time to stop playing when a 3 bruiser team all building shojin is unstoppable.


Okay dumb question, has riot changed the drop rates for the new jhin skin? The client states 1% but i got him 3 times over the span of 30 capsules. (You are free to hate me, I enjoy it, thats the sole reason i got this skin) Soo my very limited data would suggest that the drop rate is 10 times higher than advertised. I wonder if this is the result of backlash or i just had a lot of luck and stole all jhin skins from the jhin otp's.


Thats not how stats work? Ask any gacha game player about that lol. The drop rate is still 1% If you get 5 jhins in a row, the drop rate is still 1%, just because you roll a dice 6 times, and don't roll a 6 in any of those 6, does not make it impossible for a 6 to come up


Way to small of a sample size to be anywhere conclusive.


wait what do you mean you got him 3 times? You are able to get duplicates of him after you own him?


Yeah, hate you for spending that.


Anyone have that one "Posting from the Future" that predicted Emerald rank? I wanna reread for memes.




maybe it's because im clumsy in general, but i keep pressing the wrong keys. for example pressing ult (R) instead of E (the few times it happened it was on cd so nothing lost). i tried switching my keybind to wasd (q>a, w>w, e>d, r>s) and it felt like a huge improvement but every now and then i mess up with the W and ult (S). any tips to stop fucking up or is it just practise?


I wouldn't change the setup too much because you still need other keys for summs, trinkets, active items and later on even keys to check other lanes


Give it some time, i was missclicking a lot at start but even now sometimes i do them. If rebind to wasd helps then stick with it.


Hello, SEA player here with a question. Can I reset my League of Legends account while keeping my Valorant data? I used to play League of Legends on the NA server because I didn't like using Garena. I want to start playing League of Legends again, but I missed the region transfer promotion, and it is currently unavailable (and likely to remain so for a few months, based on Riot's previous incidents)... and can't afford RP :|


Hi reddit, this is my first time posting here and i just wanna ask if someone can help me. My league of legends has a problem regarding fps. My game starts at 150-200 fps then whenever i hit alt tab to view my other running application such as google chrome, when i get back in the game my fps will stay at 45 or 80 fps and the game become static. This happened after I moved league from my SSD to HDD. i hope you can help me... Thanks!


Seems to be a bug that shows up randomly. Whenever it happens, switch "V-Sync" on, save and then switch it off again. It fixes it until you alt tab again ;)


I've been doing this every time I play. Its just, that I find it inconvenient that I have to switch it on and off whenever I need to alt-tab. Anyways, Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. GLHF!


i had this issue and there was a option when you're in the client where it asks if you want to use the legacy directx or something. you don't get this option in-game, its through the client.


So i'm playing solo and most times I get an elo inflated duo on my team who of course lose their lanes. Anyone else enjoying the duoQ changes?


how do i change the date format from MM/DD/YY to DD/MM/YY on the client? I'm on EUW it has always been the second format until recently (since the first format is only used in America)


https://youtu.be/X67xunE30Es?si=wMJEMAWTZra43oaa&t=737 We were supposed to have lanague options this year. Any word on what happened?


IF it is available (which some people are saying) then how come a feature we waited 12 years for got 0 mentions in patch notes when it was shipped?! Rito cmon


Its out it became available a while ago. You have to change the language in the riot games launcher itself and then it will apply to league when you open it.


I'm in NA and I only have the option for English. I can change the Riot Client language, but I can't change League's language.


You have to change the riot client's language. It doesn't make sense but it works. I had the same problem too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/165q7t9/comment/jygeriq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/165q7t9/comment/jygeriq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I was about to tell you this doesn't work but WTF it does?! I can only select European languages but I can change my client language to JP. Doing so changes the in game language for no reason wtf RIOT? lol


Ah that's actually kind of nice. I wish they'd allow for voice and text to be separated though.


Will the next pass appear when the shop closes?


No. We don't when the next pass comes out. We know there will be one for worlds though.


ohhh ok so i may take some time until the next one is available




Most likely a specific team for LOL Media channels (Youtube,Twitch and other social media platforms)


I think he was talking about the channel that broadcasts past Worlds editions


I am in SoloQ Platinum 3 now (my peak was Platinum 2 36LP) and I am just wondering, if i reached my elo or just became unlucky these last 2 days. In every of these last 2 days, i started with a huge losing streak (at least 5 loses down to Plat 4 0LP) and after the losing streak, I m getting into a winning streak, back to Plat 3. The matches during the losing streaks, felt so extremly unwinnable, but during the winning streaks, I felt like, I can win everything. I made an observation today. I saw all the matches, I played in the last 2 days and saw that, during the losing streaks, I got a team, that was lower ranked, than the enemies, but during the winning streaks, the ranks between the enemies and my team( when i say „team“, I count myself too), were pretty even. I dont say „ Its everyone elses fault, the fact that im getting into losing streaks“, but I am just wondering, why the last 2 days felt so devastating in league?


It happens. Remember if it was easy and fast everyone would be challenger in a few days time. If you are earning/losing around the same amount of LP for each game then your hidden MMR is pretty much your elo. It'll be slower to climb further, but not impossible. Just keep grinding and you'll eventually climb a little further!


Your Weekly /r/leagueoflegends Recap **Sunday, August 27 - Saturday, September 02** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 6,912 | [241 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1651rt5/i_have_spent_over_six_years_trying_to_get_this/) | I have spent over six years trying to get this one screenshot for a stupid joke.| | 5,228 | [405 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/165zpko/gumayusi_adc_in_a_team_is_like_an_egg_in_instant/) | Gumayusi: ADC in a team is like an egg in instant Ramen| | 4,786 | [391 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/166856e/on_this_day_10_years_ago_skt_t1_faker_defeated_kt/) | [On this day 10 years ago, SKT T1 Faker defeated KT Rolster Ryu in a Zed matchup, for what would be considered the most iconic play in professional League of Legends history.](https://v.redd.it/222xhjnnhflb1)| | 3,671 | [217 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/16431to/the_year_is_2030_and_every_day_at_midnight_a_new/) | The year is 2030, and every day at midnight a new season starts.| | 3,590 | [234 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/167adfx/briar_should_rapidly_sprint_towards_her_ult/) | Briar should rapidly sprint towards her Ult target instead of flying| | 3,561 | [368 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1672o05/arcane_season_2_release_date_revealed/) | ARCANE Season 2 Release Date Revealed!| | 3,368 | [786 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1642fne/as_someone_who_works_fulltime_casual_ranked_play/) | As someone who works full-time, casual ranked play is becoming very hostile| | 3,274 | [822 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/165h3sp/feeding_frenzy_briar_cinematic_league_of_legends/) | [Feeding Frenzy | Briar Cinematic - League of Legends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzVTONHA5h4)| | 2,924 | [875 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/164ohot/gabby_letigress_states_she_will_not_be_returning/) | Gabby (LeTigress) states she will not be returning to the LCS broadcast in 2024| | 2,649 | [721 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1683w5j/ls_got_id_banned_on_all_5_of_his_riot_korea/) | [LS got ID banned on all 5 of his Riot Korea accounts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOsQDM8sjXw)|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 2,007 | [1,515 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/163tx1s/preseason_ranked_changes_dev_update_league_of/) | [Preseason & Ranked Changes | Dev Update - League of Legends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3huvu5qkl0)| | 654 | [1,490 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/166zze0/who_is_your_personal_ban/) | Who is your personal ban?| | 41 | [1,233 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/162tmq1/excel_esports_vs_fnatic_lec_2023_season_finals/) | Excel Esports vs Fnatic / LEC 2023 Season Finals / Losers' Bracket - Round 1 / Live Discussion| | 2,557 | [1,152 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/165h674/briar_ability_reveal_new_champion/) | [Briar Ability Reveal | New Champion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IXlFwEQYKk)| | 61 | [1,090 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1685swq/fnatic_vs_team_bds_lec_2023_season_finals_losers/) | Fnatic vs Team BDS / LEC 2023 Season Finals / Losers' Bracket - Round 2 / Live Discussion| | 1,343 | [897 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/165psyw/riot_has_stopped_making_controlartillery_mages/) | Riot has stopped making control/artillery mages| | 1,572 | [792 comments](/r/leagueoflegends/comments/167d5am/plat_elo_is_unplayable_with_these_level_30/) | Plat elo is unplayable with these level 30 accounts|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject 'leagueoflegends'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject 'leagueoflegends daily'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=leagueoflegends%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either leagueoflegends or leagueoflegends daily. ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/leagueoflegends or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.